FR. TROY PRZYBILLA NEW PARISH VISION W · way home to the Father’s house. There are so many...

2019 PASTOR FR. TROY PRZYBILLA DEACON DCN. STEPHEN M. NAJARIAN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR TOM POMEROY DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION JACOB NELSON DIRECTOR OF YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS ANDREW WAGENBACH PARISH SECRETARY GAYLE PROLA COMMUNICATIONS SECRETARY SAMANTHA BERTRAND CENSUS & FINANCIAL SECRETARY MARY PERRIN PARISH NURSE MARYANNE FRANK MUSIC DIRECTOR PETER VANDERWAAL SCHOOL PRINCIPAL DANNY KIEFFER SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 5:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM DAILY MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 AM Monday - Saturday EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Open from 12:00 Noon on Sunday to 3:00 PM on Saturday REGISTRATION At the Parish Office by appointment PARISH OFFICE 612-781-6529 SCHOOL OFFICE612-781-2643 PARISH FAX 612-787-1170 N EW P ARISH V ISION W hen I first came to St. Charles someone asked me, “Father, what is your vision?” I had been here only a couple of weeks and my vision at that time was unpacking and hanging pictures on my wall. As I reflected on their question, however, I came to the conclusion that my vision should be the same as Jesus’ vision, which He shared when He told His disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19). My vision for the parish: to make and nurture disciples of Jesus Christ in union with the Roman Catholic Church. The big question is, then, how do I do this? I read, thought, observed, listened and, most importantly, prayed about how to do this. Jesus chose a small group of men to be close companions. In light of this, I knew that whatever we did, it needed to involve small groups. Jesus also spent three years with this small group of 12 men. There must be something about a three-year formation period if God did it. Therefore, I thought that we would do what our Lord did and offer a three-year period of formation for small groups. But what is the focus of these small groups? Discipleship is very broad and can be defined in many ways. The answer came in a conversation with a fellow priest. I shared with him what I had been thinking about and, to my surprise, he said, “I have been thinking about the same thing. I am planning on calling it, “The Way, the Truth and the Life.” As soon as he said this I knew which direction to go. In the Gospel Jesus tells His disciples, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Jn. 14:5-6). The three-year small group formation plan will have Jesus’ words and, in fact, Jesus Himself, as its guide. Continued on page 2... Fr. Troy Przybilla, Pastor

Transcript of FR. TROY PRZYBILLA NEW PARISH VISION W · way home to the Father’s house. There are so many...

Page 1: FR. TROY PRZYBILLA NEW PARISH VISION W · way home to the Father’s house. There are so many graces we can receive through small groups it’s no wonder why Jesus did it. When Jesus
























SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 5:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM

DAILY MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 AM Monday - Saturday

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Open from 12:00 Noon on Sunday to 3:00 PM on Saturday

REGISTRATION At the Parish Office by appointment

PARISH OFFICE 612-781-6529 SCHOOL OFFICE 612-781-2643 PARISH FAX 612-787-1170


W hen I first came to St. Charles someone asked me, “Father, what is your vision?”

I had been here only a couple of weeks and my vision at that time was unpacking and hanging pictures on my wall. As I reflected on their question, however, I came to the conclusion that my vision should be the same as Jesus’ vision, which He shared when He told His disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19). My vision for the parish: to make and nurture disciples of Jesus Christ in union with the Roman Catholic Church. The big question is, then, how do I do this? I read, thought, observed, listened and, most importantly, prayed about how to do this. Jesus chose a small group of men to be close companions. In light of this, I knew that whatever we did, it needed to involve small groups. Jesus also spent three years with this small group of 12 men. There must be something about a three-year formation period if God did it. Therefore, I thought that we would do what our Lord did and offer a three-year period of formation for small groups. But what is the focus of these small groups? Discipleship is very broad and can be defined in many ways. The answer came in a conversation with a fellow priest. I shared with him what I had been thinking about and, to my surprise, he said, “I have been thinking about the same thing. I am planning on calling it, “The Way, the Truth and the Life.” As soon as he said this I knew which direction to go. In the Gospel Jesus tells His disciples, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (Jn. 14:5-6). The three-year small group formation plan will have Jesus’ words and, in fact, Jesus Himself, as its guide.

Continued on page 2...

Fr. Troy Przybilla, Pastor

Page 2: FR. TROY PRZYBILLA NEW PARISH VISION W · way home to the Father’s house. There are so many graces we can receive through small groups it’s no wonder why Jesus did it. When Jesus


In the first year, we will focus on the Way and growing in our relationship with Jesus. In the second year, we will focus on the Truth and growing in our understanding of the faith. In the third year, we will focus on the Life and on the ways in which we are called to put our faith into action. There are countless topics that we can cover in each of these areas, so we are going to leave it up to the Holy Spirit to guide us along the way. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to lead us to all truth. Through prayer, I have discerned that this first year of The Way, we are being called to focus on healing. I’m not talking about merely physical healing, I’m thinking more about emotional, psychological, and spiritual healing. Many of us have been hurt, to one degree or another, by someone in our lives and these wounds can fester in us for many years, sometimes our entire life. These wounds affect our relationships. When we are wounded, we can make vows to never get close to someone again. We put up walls that prevent people from entering our lives. The problem with this is that we never really experience the love and intimacy for which our hearts long. Jesus came that we may have life and have it to the full. He also commanded us to love one another as he has loved us. We are incapable of doing this if we have not experienced the healing power of Jesus Christ in our lives. He sees the wounds in our hearts and wants to heal them so that we can learn how to love and experience love in our relationships with Him and others. As I said, healing will be the topic for this year. We are going to have a parish mission this November called Healing the Whole Parish given by Fr. Joe Bambenek. I will also give a series of homilies on healing and each small group will read a book that addresses healing. Why so much focus on healing? Because this is what Jesus did. When you read the Gospels, Jesus healed many people. A major part of His ministry was healing. It wasn’t just so that people could witness His power, it was more so that people could experience the power of his love. While this year’s focus is on healing, we don’t yet know what topics we will focus on in the following years. But we do know, that it will be in the context of the Truth and the Life. As I said, there are countless ways that we can grow in each of these areas, so every 3 years we will focus on

another area and go deeper and deeper in experiencing, understanding and living the Way, the Truth and the Life. That’s right, it’s not just a 3-year program. In fact, it’s not a program at all. It’s a way of life. Someone once said, “What the Church needs are not more programs, it needs more disciples.” A disciple of Jesus is not made in 3 years, nor is it a certificate of accomplishment. It’s a lifelong commitment! I’m very excited to kick off this new formation plan in our parish. We already have people who are willing to lead small groups and people who have expressed interest but it is not too late to sign up. You can get more information and sign up by calling or emailing Jacob Nelson. We will be sure to try and match you in a group that fits you and where you feel comfortable. As many of you know, small groups are nothing new to this parish. They were started many years ago and, although many have waned over the years, some are still going. I believe that these groups are the reason that we have such a solid and vibrant parish. In these groups, you are able to not only meet parishioners but also build friendships. These friendships are with Catholics who share your values. This is so important in our current world. We may have friends from work and other places, but we usually don’t feel comfortable sharing our faith with them. Small groups, however, help build friendships where our Catholic faith is the foundation. These are the friends that will walk with us through difficult times. They will pray with us and for us. These are the friends that journey with us through life’s ups and downs on our way home to the Father’s house. There are so many graces we can receive through small groups it’s no wonder why Jesus did it. When Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to the father except through Him, He first said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be. Where I am going you know the way.” Thomas said to him, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” I hope that you will join a group and together we will learn, like St. Thomas, “the Way” to the Father’s house where Jesus has prepared a place for us.

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Tom Pomeroy, Business Administrator

Tom Pomeroy, Business Administrator

H ave you ever taken the opportunity to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in LaCrosse, Wisconsin? If you have not, or not done so in the

last few years, you need to go! Make a pilgrimage there soon, because a) it is so very beautiful, b) it is one of the holiest places I have been privileged to visit, and c) it is only three hours away by car or bus. Besides being a glorious tribute to the Patroness of the Americas, one of the things which most attracts me to the Shrine is just how much it reminds me of our church! Yes, the similarity of the characteristics of these two great churches is startling; both were built in the classical style, with architecture clearly calling out to all that this is a sacred place. Both are of extraordinary quality, with an emphasis on the finest quality stone, wood and craftsmanship bound together with the uniting of the arts, including painting and sculpture – a compliment to the architects and designers involved in creating buildings worthy of being called “Houses of God”. Let us give thanks for those who came before us and provided this great church, school and surrounding campus, and for those who have sustained it for more than 80 years.

This year, many steps have been taken to protect and enhance the sacred beauty of St. Charles Borromeo: Remodeled Bellarmine Chapel – shared by our youth and the Knights of Columbus for many years, it was time to give our youth a place they could call their own! And now the Knights are excited to begin the remodeling of their new space.

We replaced leaky plumbing (pipes, valves and wrapping) in places that you mostly cannot see – yes, 80-year-old plumbing will fail at some point! We also provided natural light and never-before-seen views to the outside in the school cafeteria and the front entrance – amazing what windows can do to lift our spirits! We enhanced the entrance to the South Atrium and the Memorial to the Unborn with a landscape facelift, one befitting of this special place where people come to draw inspiration and strength for daily living. We planted several new trees, including three outside the Wittman Library, a gift from many parishioners in remembrance of Gen Lane who worked to establish such a beautiful library. We painted and repaired the doors to the church, extending the life and delaying the cost of replacing doors which would cost tens of thousands apiece. We restored the landscape to slope away from the base of most of the buildings, preventing water infiltration – all done by volunteers including crews led by Nathan Ernster (Eagle Scout project), Hannah Meidl (teacher) who introduced us to the Catholic Heart Workcamp, and Craig Vana who organized several grounds-keeping opportunities for the Knights of Columbus. A special “Thank you” for the keen eye to detail provided by Tom Shamp and Paul Archambault, who have given generously to provide much of the skilled labor needed. Tom, Matt and the many craftsmen of Carlson-LaVine and their subcontractors revitalized both the exterior (fresh paint, cleaning of awnings, building statues and cement work, school windows) and the interior (youth room remodel) of our campus. And if you enter a room and it seems brighter, it probably is because of Paul and the highly skilled electricians of Stinson Electric bringing new LED light into nearly every section of our campus!

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Parish Formation Plan, Year One: Christ the Way Jacob Nelson, Director of Faith Formation

W e are constantly going through periods of formation; forming ourselves to work expectations and processes, family needs, culture, etc…The question is not whether or not we are formed, but rather

what are we formed by?

With that said, we are embarking on a three-year formation plan parish-wide focusing on Jesus Christ as the Way the Truth and the Life. Another way of looking at it is this, we experience healing, and with that our hearts expand which is filled with the Truth of God and the Truth of our existence so that we can live it out and share the goodness of Jesus Christ! This first year we, as a whole parish, will seek Christ as the Way, our Way, to union with God. The Way to healing. The Way to redemption. This includes a renewed pursuit within our parish for forming small groups. The hope is that every single one of you finds a home in a small group because, like on the road to Emmaus, the disciples were in a small group, they were partners on a journey in faith. They held each other up and encouraged each other to walk with Jesus Christ on the Way. It wasn’t the entire Church at the time, but a small group which is part of the larger whole. We are looking forward to a great year in faith and in formation! We have a great new curriculum for our family formation program, more comfortable meeting spaces for our baptism preparation program, another great group in RCIA and a strong focus on Jesus Christ as the Way that the entire culture of St. Charles can explore and pursue together through every program, every small group, every event and for every family and every individual.

Farewell and Welcome! This summer, the youth

director torch was passed from Rachel Houglum to Andrew Wagenbach. Andrew is a graduate of Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio with degrees in Theology and Catechetics with a concentration in Youth Ministry. Parish ministry is his dream job with its beautiful blessings and challenges. It was because of summer youth programs that he found his own relationship with Christ and has allowed that relationship, for the past 15 years, to lead him on the Lord's path. He and his wife have 4 sons, Pierre (9), Fulton (7), Augustine (5), and Sebastian (3).

As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus continued on as if he were going farther. But they urged him strongly,

“Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.”

So he went in to stay with them.

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OPEN HOUSE October 25—27 in the NEW Youth Room

The Way, Truth, and Life…

Come and See the newly remodeled youth room. New paint, kitchenette, appliances, couches, tables and chairs, ping pong, air hockey, foosball, and more. It is a new school year and a new space that welcomes us to journey on The Way (John 14:6).

Free Refreshments Free A la Mode with Apple Pie Purchase

( after weekend Masses) A Chance to Donate Meet Youth who already love the space

When: October 25—27 Where: Under the Church (Bellarmine Chapel) Time: After Mass– Friday 8 am, Saturday 5 pm and Sunday 8 am and 10 am Other: Contact Andrew if you would like to donate towards the Youth Room but aren’t able to make it to the Open House. Andrew Wagenbach– Youth Director [email protected] or 715.495.7715

Page 6: FR. TROY PRZYBILLA NEW PARISH VISION W · way home to the Father’s house. There are so many graces we can receive through small groups it’s no wonder why Jesus did it. When Jesus


Sacred Music with a new Director! Peter Vanderwaal

Be filled with the Spirit...singing and making melody in hearts to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:19)

T he Church has always valued music and singing at Holy Mass and the Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours). St. Paul makes the connection in Ephesians that to be filled with the Spirit includes singing. It has been misunderstood in certain circles that to be filled with the Spirit is equivalent to having an

emotional experience. Although music has an element of emotion to it, St. Paul is pointing to a deeper participation in the song of the Church. Singing physically lifts our voice from our stomachs into the head and the eyes. It can also lift our countenance. It unifies us together much in the way St. Paul refers to the body and its members. We are many voices united to one voice. In the case of the liturgy (especially the Mass), we are not only unified with each other at the local level but also the heavenly realm with the angels and saints. This is most notably realized at Mass with the Preface [Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord…] and the Sanctus which draws from the heavenly liturgy described in Revelation 4:

And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within; and day and night


WHO IS TO COME.” Although sometimes difficult to realize and acknowledge this reality, as many things can get in the way, let us ask our blessed Lord for eyes to see from this world into the next and sing.

Peter Vanderwaal oversees the musical life of the parish. He directs the choir, plays the organ for Masses, and teaches music at St. Charles Borromeo School. He holds a Bachelor's of Sacred Music from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and Master's of Liturgical Music from St. John's University. He says:

I am excited to serve St. Charle's Borromeo as Director of Music and am looking forward to what God is going to do in the next year and in the years to come. I've been playing organ for 16 years and have a Bachelor's in Sacred Music from a school in Chicago and Master's in Liturgical Music from St. John's University in Collegeville. I've been involved with various traditions before I became Catholic which I think will be supportive in the development of our parish's voice.

Welcome, Peter!

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St. Charles Outreach Deacon Stephen Najarian

O ur extensive program of charitable outreach at St. Charles is overseen by our outreach committee, which has been functioning with variations in membership over the last fifteen years. Many times our parishioners may not be aware of all the ways we are reaching out to help those in need, so from time

to time, it is helpful to review. Each week, food is collected and brought on a rotational basis to one of three sites: the local Salvation Army food shelf, the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, and Sharing and Caring Hands. Two evenings a month, a group of fathers and their families serve dinner at the Catholic Charities family shelter in St. Paul off White Bear Avenue. Several times throughout the year, parish organizations or groups go to pack meals at Feed My Starving Children. Every January, we hold a diaper and formula drive to benefit mothers in unexpected or unwanted pregnancies. On or about the third Saturday of January, we hold the Evening to Affirm Life, where there is an opportunity for the families of the parish to gather for a homemade meatballs and pasta dinner at no charge and be inspired by a life-affirming speaker, for whom a free will offering is taken. During Lent, funds and groceries are collected to feed some 300-400 people for Easter in collaboration with the local Salvation Army. In May, a household goods and furniture drive is conducted to benefit Bridging, a non-profit organization that provides basic home necessities to families coming out of homelessness. In October, a collection is taken of baby clothes and essential items to benefit North Side Life Care Center. In November, our parish wide clothing drive is held and the items donated to Caring and Sharing Hands. In December, presents are donated to benefit families in need in collaboration with Cabrini Partnership. Over the past three years, we have been partnering with NPH (Nuestro Pequenos Hermanos- “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”), an international organization which supports family centered homes for abandoned children throughout Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. These homes provide a full education through college or trade school, education in the Catholic Faith, and lots of love. Our parish school has been involved with NPH the past year through each classroom sponsoring a child. Also, for the last three years (though not this year), we have hosted NPH students in October on their fund-raising tour. Finally, through the generosity of so many parishioners, funds are available in Sister Stephen’s Purse throughout the year to assist those in our parish and those who come to our door in need of basic necessities. Through these and other future programs, we can, as a Faith community, manifest the Lord’s love to those in need, the “least of our brothers and sisters.”

Keep up with all the great things going on at St. Charles! (OR text “stchb” to 84576) Women’s Council | Knights of Columbus | Youth Group | Funeral Brunch Volunteers | VIP Club Catholic Watchmen | Mats for Homeless | RCIA | Playgroup | Faith Formation | Serra Club

Outreach | Choir | Liturgical Service | Communion Visits | Adoration

Page 8: FR. TROY PRZYBILLA NEW PARISH VISION W · way home to the Father’s house. There are so many graces we can receive through small groups it’s no wonder why Jesus did it. When Jesus


News Of Our School


T he St. Charles Marathon was held Saturday, October 5, 2019, from 9 am to 12:00 pm. We began Marathon Day

with 9 am Mass at St. Charles Church. After Mass we said a rosary on the front lawn and then began our walking/jogging for an hour. We concluded the morning with snacks and refreshments, and a closing ceremony with prizes and prayer!

The Marathon is our all-school fundraising event and has been an important part of our culture for more than 40 years. It’s a unique opportunity for our students to support our school through the sponsorship of family, friends and community members. St. Charles students have a great deal of pride in our school, and this community celebration is just one of the ways we show it. The Marathon is also a school community building event and helps raise awareness of non-public education.

All St. Charles community members are welcome to support the Marathon through mailed contribution envelopes, or by finding a lucky student to sponsor. Donations raised through the marathon go directly to our school to support many programs and are a part of our operating budget. We hope you will help us reach our Marathon goal of $43,000 this year!

St. Charles School honored with bullying prevention award

S t. Charles School was honored to receive an award from Peacemaker Minnesota on Sunday, September 8, at the Minnesota Twins game. The school received Peacemaker Minnesota’s “Achieving Excellence Award” for student responses that were better

than the national average in 10 out of 10 indicators. We were the only school among the 28 schools administering the survey to achieve that feat! This bullying survey is taken by all our students at the end of the year. We are proud this is our second year being recognized by Peacemaker Minnesota for our efforts.

St. Charles Chargers walked in two parades this summer: the Celebrate Northeast Parade on June 18, 2019 and the St. Anthony VillageFest parade on August 2. Both were great nights to hand out candy and give-aways, and also to share with our community the great school we have at St. Charles!

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News Of Our School

Exciting Building Updates made this summer (no, really, it’s exciting!)

W e want to thank all those community members and families who contributed to the Annual Fund and the Borromeo BASH this past year.

Contributions to the fund-a-need projects made the following projects possible:

Let there be light! We added new windows to our cafeteria so students can enjoy natural light and fresh air while enjoying their lunch. Fountains of Youth! New bathroom sinks and drinking fountains provided a much-needed improvement to our building. We were also able to upgrade our classrooms with 13 new Promethean boards. A generous family donated work to add new windows to our main front door entrance. More information including before and after photos are on our Facebook page at

Alumni Corner: Mr. Wilmer receives honor!

O ur former Principal, Mr. Gary Wilmer, was inducted into the DeLaSalle High School Hall of Fame! Congratulations to Mr.

Wilmer for this great achievement. He was inducted into their Hall of Fame as a Lasallian Award recipient on August 8. The award recognizes Mr. Wilmer as someone who uniquely reflects St. John Baptist de La Salle’s vision of Catholic leadership with his more than 50 years of service in Catholic education as a teacher and administrator. Mr. Wilmer, who served our school as principal for 37 years, was twice recognized as National Principal of the Year. He currently serves on the DeLaSalle Board of Trustees and has been an administrator in our Archdiocese, sharing his vast expertise and experience with principals and colleagues. Generations of students and teachers thank you, Mr. Wilmer, for your lifetime of service. Video and photos on our Facebook page at


January 16, 2020 Preschool Parent Night

6:30-7:30 pm

January 23, 2020 Kindergarten Round Up

6:30-7:30 pm

January 26, 2020 All-School Learning Festival

11 am-1 pm

For more information, please see our website at

Page 10: FR. TROY PRZYBILLA NEW PARISH VISION W · way home to the Father’s house. There are so many graces we can receive through small groups it’s no wonder why Jesus did it. When Jesus


News Of Our School

St. Charles Borromeo School Partners with Reading Corps

B eginning this year St. Charles is working in partnership with the Reading Corps program to support our young readers! Reading Corps is a branch of the AmeriCorps program dedicated to helping students achieve grade level progress by 3rd grade. The focus is on the early grades because research demonstrates the importance of reading

proficiency by the end of grade 3. Up until 3rd grade much of the English Language Arts focus is on learning to read. Beyond third grade, students are expected to read to learn. The way curriculum is designed assumes students are reading proficiently and if they are not, they are at a great disadvantage. Reading Corps did a beautiful job placing a tutor who is also a St. Charles parishioner! Cindy Brown-Kasel spends 4 days per week at St. Charles working with up to 12 students at a time who qualify for the program. The Reading Corps program was designed through research, it has been tested and there is strong data affirming that it is a formula for success. Our resource teacher and on-site coach, Grace Osterbauer (also a parishioner), works with Cindy on identifying students and supporting their progress through the program. This program includes funding through Reading Corps which St. Charles qualified for. We are grateful for this opportunity and excited to see the results at our school!

Enrollment Update

E nrollment has been on the hearts & minds of Catholic Schools increasingly over the past 20-30 years. The main reason for this concern has been a steady decline. Our mission is crucial, the world needs us to deliver on our mission. The decline in the number of students is concerning because if our enrollment

shrinks the delivery of our mission shrinks and the world cannot afford that right now.

In recent years we’ve expanded efforts in marketing and awareness to reach more parents, showing them the true value of a Catholic education. We’ve also expanded our preschool bringing in more young families who experience the difference at St. Charles and decide that this is what they want for their children through 8th grade.

St. Charles has remained a strong viable school through the years of decline but we have certainly not been immune to this trend. I’m happy to report that the decline has slowed, stopped and is beginning to move toward growth again. We are in the early stages of growth so there is still much work left to be done. However, we are seeing some positive indications that a new trend is beginning and more growth is on the horizon. Take a look:

Now, the projection of 334 students next year is a bold one, but the progress we have made has been based on bold predictions. During the 2014-15 school year we set the enrollment goal of 320 students by the year 2020. If you look at the enrollment data from 2014-15, that was a completely unreasonable goal. I credit the work of our students, staff & parents. I especially want to highlight the work of the staff in partnership with our parents. It has been a focus for us to work together as partners in the education and spiritual development of our children. We are also grateful for the tremendous support we receive from our parish, alumni and donors. Above all, we thank the Lord for his divine guidance and for giving us the strength to do the work necessary to bring his mission to the world through our children. Please continue the prayers and support, count on us to deliver our mission of, “Making disciples of Jesus Christ who strive for excellence in Faith, Virtue, Service and Academics.”

01-02 05-06 09-10 15-16 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21(proj.)

Preschool NA NA 14 12 53 69 63 64

K-8 369 322 284 230 226 244 259 270

Total 369 322 298 242 279 313 322 334

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St. Charles Borromeo

FRIDAY, NOV. 1 8 am Mass 9 am For the Pope, Bishops, priests, deacons 10 am For our President 11 am For all legislators 12 pm For all judges 1 pm For Christian unity 2 pm For our country 3 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet 4 pm In gratitude for Mary Our Mother 5 pm For the holiness of our parish families 6 pm For our youth and faith formation program 7 pm Mass 8 pm For the desire to know and follow Jesus 9 pm For the Church 10 pm For newlyweds and married couples 11 pm For military personnel SATURDAY, NOV. 2 12 midnight For the sick 1 am For those who are suffering 2 am For the dying 3 am For an end to abortion 4 am For those suffering addictions 5 am For the separated and divorced 6 am For expectant mothers 7 am Morning Prayer Office of the Dead 8 am Mass

9 am For the souls in Purgatory 10 am For victims of violence 11 am For those persecuted for Christ 12 noon For deceased veterans 1 pm For our guardian angels’ protection 2 pm For our benefactors, living and deceased 3 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet 4 pm Rosary 5 pm Mass 6 pm In gratitude for the sacraments 7 pm Healing in the Eucharist 8 pm For personal healing 9 pm For those who have left the Church 10 pm For the lonely and depressed 11 pm For those without work SUNDAY, NOV. 3 12 midnight For our parish 1 am For all seminarians 2 am For all religious 3 am For missions and missionaries 4 am For the success of our school 5 am For our First Communion and Confirmation students

6 am For the success of our parish formation plan 7 am For peace 8 am Mass 10 am Closing Mass with Bishop Cozzens

Eucharistic Adoration in the Church ~ Special Intentions

Behold, God’s love for you!



Kickoff with All Saints Mass at 8 am 40 hours Adoration in the Church

Youth and Family Events in the evening

All Saints Day vigil at 7pm

All Souls Day Mass, 8 am and 7 pm

Social and Speaker 6:30 pm


Mass honoring our Patron Saint, St. Charles,

with Bishop Andrew Cozzens presiding followed by a parish social with food and drink in Doran

Hall and a heated tent showing the Vikings game. There will be games for the kids in our new youth room, too!

Thanking God for His many blessings and St. Charles for his patronage and prayers!

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PERMIT NO. 2745 2739 Stinson Boulevard NE

St. Anthony, Minnesota 55418

If there are any changes

to your address, please

call the parish office at

612-781-6529 so that

we can update our

records. Thank you!

St. Charles Borromeo MISSION: