FPS-ABP matrimony_3rd pitch

Planning for the right marriage

Transcript of FPS-ABP matrimony_3rd pitch

Planning for the right marriage

Understanding the internal and external stakeholders:

The internal stakeholders , parents and the external stakeholders, people involved in the process of marriage , were asked about the changed landscape of marriage.

They all agreed in unison that most of a marriage has changed; most importantly, the decision-making pattern.

It is no more a passive factor where parents will pass on the major decisions guised as matter-of-fact information.

Our strategy, communication and marketing initiatives thus, evolve around this changed mindset and evolved audience.

Let’s get to know our TG in a better way

• Women have developed a strong voice over all these years.

• They have a strong sense of purpose regarding how they perceive and feel about marriage as an institution.

• They have ample case-studies around them to generate self-made views regarding marriage.

• Two important aspects have come out as a crux: The person has to be a friend first and then a husband / wife.

The potential partner has to be trustworthy and reliable.

• Marriage to them is a very important aspect and there is aspiration involved around the entire concept. All of them do not want a hurried step towards such an important decision in life.

Behaviour analysis: Conclusion

• Referral and WOM are still relevant factors.

• Today’s generation is an agile generation. They can handle imperfection. And they know how to voice their opinion.

• They have no halo around marriage as an institution. However, they do long for a partner in absence of one.

• The opinions coming from them are stronger and sharper now. In case of a partner, trustworthy and

friendliness are two primary components which scores above good looks and romance quotient.

• Digital sharing is a TOM element now. People look for those blue and red icons now at the bottom of the screen!

• Irrespective of their geographical locations, with increased exposure, the urban-quotient in an individual is on

the rise.

Brand Character:

The brand would first be a friend, (sometimes) a philosopher and of course a guide when it comes to selecting the right partner.

Brand Personification:

33 year old, male, friendly, understanding and practical

Brand Philosophy:

The brand strongly believes in the fact that good marriages happen only if there is complete transparency and trust in the selection process.

The brand understands the fact that people need love and that can be through an arranged marriage


Brand Positioning:

Nobody is perfect. Find the right person.

The mood-board

The mood-board defines how we arrived at an understanding of the brand identity, logos, colour palette, and the overall communications.

Brand Imagery:

Brand Imagery:

Brand Imagery:

Brand Imagery:

Presenting the logos:

Rationale behind the logo: Option 1

The name ABPmatrimony.com serves two purposes. ABP lends a credibility to the product while matrimony is direct, religion and language-neutral.

The typeface used is sleek and modern.

The flower bracket shape is derived from straight curves of neckpieces, garlands and kurtas, Mughal patterns and welcome boards at western weddings.

The colours are a reflection of the evolving palette of the neo-Bangalis.

Futuristic gradients and the lens flare represent the gloss and class the urban Bangalis aspire.

Store: Interior

Store: Exterior

Store: Look 2 – Waiting Area

Option 2

Central Thought:

A marriage is also an auspicious beginning of a new life. Thus the name Shubharambh.com - it’s language-neutral and can be pronounced as both

Shubharambha or Shubharambh.

The typeface strikes a fine balance between modern and traditional. The reddish pink colour reflects the gradual shift in taste of the upwardly mobile urban population.

Store: Interior

Store: Exterior

Roadmap: 3 phases


The idea is to talk to two set of audience: parents and TG.

The parents will be urged to come down to the matrimony centres and

check out the service. The TG would be asked to digitally

experience the platform.

The central theme is two pronged: To the parents and To the TG


The platform will be officially unveiled at this point. The launch

communication, unveiling of the brand, identity etc. will happen at this


The central theme is directed towards our TG.


Sustenance campaigns will roll-out at this point of time.

The central theme would be to talk about success stories and how the platform has helped couples fall in

love post-marriage.

Big Idea: Thik Khunje Pabe

Someone Right, Right Here!

Central Thought

Marriage, at its core, is a journey of two individuals.

The world is full of imperfections. Finding the right partner is thus of elemental importance.

Our route and all of its renditions will talk about how the right match will lead to a right partnership and ultimately a right marriage.

Phase 1: Route Map

Pre-launch: We will follow a functional approach during the build-up phase. The communication will talk about the marriage between functionality and human emotions through

our platform.

Since the pre-launch phase is all about building up the expectation, the communication is all about teasing the audience, creating engaging hook points so that an expectation builds up around the


Also, as discussed, presenting an extension of the idea for the print format too. This is only to connect with the parents during this phase and bring them to the offline centres.

Route 1- option B: Pre-launch

Route 1- option B: Pre-launch

Marketing: Planning the vehicles

Online ads: facebook ads

Offline: Plex-onscreen ad / Stories in ABP / TT / Supplements / Magazines

Activation touch-points: Live hoardings / Ambient Palki / Almanac / Theatre space branding / Cinema space branding

Miscellaneous: Branded content / properties

Live hoardings

Ambient innovation: Palki

DM innovation: Almanac to be handed over to the Targeted audience

Facebook Ads: Targeted to the parents who are on facebook

Marketing: Planning the vehicles

Online ads: Google Display Network ads (Incl. YouTube), facebook ads, e-mailer(s), Landing page(s) Online PR: Stories in relevant online sites – scoopwhoop, storypick, Buzzfeed India, scroll.in, Saavn etc.

Offline: Plex-onscreen ad / Stories in ABP / TT / Supplements / Magazines

Personalized Marketing to play a key-role during this phase.

In today’s time, 80% of the consumers’ time is being spent inside apps. We shall target them right there through this method. This in-app ad will pop up and ask the audience to play a match-game

On completing a match, the ad will start interacting with the audience

The third screen delivers a message to the audience that marriage is the most imp decision of life and it is not a game

The last two screens asks the audience to take a tour of the platform and be sure how ABP Matrimony is all about the right match

Dongle branding

Facebook ad: Reference

The e-mailers will talk about 7 different stories of how individuals will come close to each other through this platform.

Landing page: Ver 1 This will reach out to people who have been targeted through the

ads and have not yet signed up

Landing page: Ver 2 This will reach out to people who have already signed up and are

now keen to explore the rest of the platform.

YouTube pre-roll ad

Landing page: Ver 3 People clicking on the YouTube pre-roll ads will be landed here !

Online PR through viral sites

Plex: on-screen ad

The rest of the 6 stories

1. Wavelength – Prospective bride and groom hit it off like old friends. They discuss the 90s, cartoons they grew up watching, etc.

2. Space – Perfect for each other, guy makes one thing clear, he hates taking personal calls, and

messages at work. Girl has no problems, says she does not want office at home.

3. Compatibility – Lady confesses that despite being a big time foodie, she can’t cook; come across a chef, who does not want to cook at home, because that’s what he does all day, but can happily

pamper his would-be partner.

4. Compliment – Woman, who has always dreamt of settling down in the mountains, meets a man, lonely and bored who’s a manager at a tea-estate in North Bengal.

5. Chemistry – Man and woman chatting. Man, extremely impressed with the lady, writes a smart

pickup line, woman writes a smarter reply and man wins her over with the smartest comeback!

6. Understanding – IT guy earning six-figure salary tells would-be partner about his dream of leaving everything and pursue photography. Bride, a self-sufficient lady, backs him to go for his it.

ABP: Offline + Online PR

Sourcing the crowd: Further methods

1. Guest blogs / articles Marriage season is all around the year. Apart from the ads, campaigns and other articles, guest

bloggers will be a part of the team throughout the year. We can have celebs from the film fraternity, fashion fraternity, psychologists, counsellors et al. writing on various issues related to

arranged marriage and finding the right partner.

2. Conferences / Webinars Conferences, events, seminars regarding marriage can be streamed live through the platform to the

relevant TG. Advocates of marriage can counsel and guide potential brides / grooms regarding ways and means of marriage.

3. Sponsored contents / AFC

End of Phase 1

The phase 1 will be of 45 days till the date of the launch.

The phase will have ads on all the relevant offline and online platforms inviting the audience to check out the new-age matrimony platform from the house of ABP.

The objective is to gain a quick takeoff towards the launch by successfully building up a strong curiosity around

the brand.

Phase 2: Route Map

Launch: This is where we talk about the emotional quotient involved around arranged marriages. Since it is an arranged marriage where compatibility would be of utmost importance, our route would harp

on the fact that you would definitely meet your better half, in the best way possible.

Marketing: Planning the vehicles

Online ads: Google Display Network ads (Incl. YouTube), facebook ads, e-mailer(s), Landing page(s) of the platform

Online PR: Stories in relevant online sites – We will add Saavn, Freecharge etc. to this list

Offline: Print / Outdoor / Innovations / Store Stories in ABP / TT / Supplements / Magazines

Personalized Marketing still to play a prominent role.


Café / food joint branding

Mall branding

Book branding through E-Commerce

Bookstore branding

Mobile / WiFi innovation

Mobile / Wi-Fi innovation

Restaurant tie-ups

Marriage venue branding


Online innovation(s)

Online innovation(s): Cascade Ads

The cascade ads are 3-fold ads which behave like a YouTube masthead. We would tell a story in this format on the GDN platforms.

The 1st half would talk about a geek boy and a message: “Phd scholar?” The audience would be asked to click on the “Click-To-Expand” button to

know more

Online innovation(s): Cascade Ads

On clicking, the picture would further reveal that the boy has a guitar in his hand.

The message: “Bassist at Hell’s Curse?” The audience would be asked to click to know the end.

Online innovation(s): Cascade Ads

The end would show a stylish pair of shoe worn by the boy, thus revealing the fact he is fashion-conscious too.

The message: “Knows a Jimmy Choo from a Fossil?” The message at the end: Don’t go by the face. Our platform ensures that

you know a person as closely possible. The CTA button would ask the audience to “Know-How”

An assumed timeline:


Paid Ads Database Acquisition

Video Marketing

Guest features

Online / Offline PR

Growth measures

Platform Launch

End of Phase 2

Phase 2 will be the crucial-most phase with the brand getting launched across multiple channels.

The main objective is to connect with the audience, make the brand known across the TG and interact with them.

The various media vehicles, innovations and storytelling intends to strike a chord with the TG during this phase.

We are looking at a 3-months phase before looking at the results.

Phase 3: Route Map

Post-Launch: Now that the platform has been launched, the approach would be more practical, pragmatic approach.

The communication would state the fact about how this platform would state success stories, real-life

cases and further encourage the rest to come aboard.

Marketing: Planning the vehicles

Online ads: Google Display Network ads (Incl. YouTube), facebook ads, e-mailer(s), Platform Online PR: blogs to start / Relevant online sites to stay

Offline: Print

Stories in ABP / TT / Supplements / Magazines

Personalized Marketing still to play a major role here.

Digital Ad ref: The first 3 slides will talk about the unfamiliar traits of the potential groom

Digital Ad ref: The next 3 slides will talk about the unfamiliar traits of the potential bride

Digital Ad ref: The last 3 slides will ask the audience to hover over the ad to know how they met and fell in love in spite of being poles opposite

Online behaviour: summing up

Our approach is simple: Deeper Technology Integration with the Product

Connected Consumer Integration with signup

Modus Connect

Establish authentic relationships with your users with technologies

such as Social Login and Registration-as-a-Service that allow

your users to leverage their real identities on your brand’s websites

and applications.


Collect and normalize permission-

based identity and behavioural data with products like Identity Storage to gain an unparalleled understanding

of users, while ensuring the process comply with social network and data

storage policies.


Turn visitors into loyal users by

offering them a completely social on-site experience with Social Plug-ins

and Gamification and by personalizing the marketing

campaigns .

End of Phase 3

Phase 3 is a 6-months’ phase where we measure and analyze the audience behaviour on the platform, design campaigns accordingly and talk to the TG regarding success stories that happened through this platform.

Key takeaways:

A platform-driven product always demands an approach which is a mix of tangible and intangible elements.

Our approach has thus been a judicious mix of both, marrying the functionality or features of a product with the human emotions around a marriage.

The marketing strategy too, revolves around the footprints of the probable TG so that we do not miss out on any


Creative that we have scrapped in the process:

Presenting a glimpse of a few routes and renditions that we let go in this whole journey.

Discarded Route: #1

The proposed positioning was 'Nobody is perfect, find the right person‘. We had played with the word 'thik' meaning two things - one, the right person and two, an assurance from ABP to

the prospective brides and grooms. We have built stories around little needs, wants, likes and desires, to communicate the differentiating factor that

an interest-based matrimonial site will provide to its users.

Discarded Route: #2

Quintessential Bengali expectations and emotions around marriage with the bottom-line being, no matter how much and how far Bengali marriages change, the importance of marriage will always stay the same.

Our thought was what Patro-Patri meant to the previous generation, the new matrimony website will take it to another level for the current generation.