Four Square

What Is Foursquare And How Can It Help My Local Business?


Why Foursquare? If you are looking for a quick, simple, and cost effective advertising solution, then Foursquare might be a strategy to consider. Did you that foursquare focuses on promoting local businesses through its 20 million strong network of customers. Your business can generate more sales, create stronger customer relationship and have detailed statistics. Contact us for more information about foursquare and how it can help your local busuness. [email protected]

Transcript of Four Square

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What Is Foursquare And How Can It Help My Local Business?

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Why Foursquare?

• For many years, print and television

advertising has been the leading method of

marketing to a large audience.

• Unfortunately, its expensive and time

consuming nature gives large companies a

competitive advantage over smaller local


• If you are looking for a quick, simple, and

cost effective advertising solution, then

Foursquare might be a strategy to consider.

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What Foursquare Has To Offer

• If you want to take advantage of the

location-based social networking trend,

Foursquare is a good place to start.

• Its focus is promoting local businesses

through its 20 million strong network of


• If you are interested in increasing your

sales by using this network, follow this

presentation to find out more.

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What Is Foursquare?

• The foursquare social media website is predominantly accessed via smart phones and other mobile devices.

• Consumers and travelers can 'check-in' to a venue through the foursquare website or app to share and save information about the place they are visiting.

• A viral effect occurs when your visitors inspire other targeted customers.

• Foursquare gives them recommendations based on what their friends and people with similar tastes have been up to.

• These map and list based recommendations include informative tips that previous visitors have left.

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What Is Foursquare?

• It’s all about inspiring others.

• Foursquare is an advertising tool that

should not be underestimated.

• By using the check-in process, customers

promote your business to their friends

across Foursquare, with the additional

option of broadcasting the same message

on Facebook and Twitter.

• The site has had 2 billion separate check-

ins, and millions more are added each day.

Try to imagine where this can go.

• The social network also provides valuable

free tools through its specialized merchant


• These tools make it very easy for business

owners to start attracting customers.

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How To Take Advantage Of Foursquare

• Your first step is to develop a well-defined


• To begin the process you will need to

claim your business on the site and verify

that you are the manager (via phone or


• There are several key aspects that your

action plan should include next: – Advertising your use of Foursquare.

– Attracting Customers with Specials.

– Leaving helpful tips.

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Advertising Your Use Of Foursquare

• Many of Foursquare's benefits come as

your publicity on the site increases.

• The main aim of any successful strategy

should be to maximize the number of

customers that check-in to your business.

• It is a good idea to display the foursquare

logo somewhere prominent on your

premises to make users aware that you

are part of the network.

• You can also alert users through

Facebook, Twitter, or any other

awareness campaign.

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Attract Customers With Specials

• Specials are deals and offers exclusively

for users who check-in to your venue.

• Specials are visible on your business

listing as bright orange symbols which

can help you to stand out from the local


• When you set up a special it becomes

active immediately so if you are having a

slow day, you can use them to draw

people in.

• You can choose the specific details of

each special to suit your business. It is a

good idea to display a combination of

specials so that you appeal to the widest

possible audience.

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Some Specials Examples

• Check-in Special - A deal for anyone who

checks-in on Foursquare

• Newbie Special - An offer that rewards a

first time customer

• Loyalty Special - A deal that rewards

repeat visits

• Friend Special - An offer which is

unlocked by a person who comes with

one or more friends

• Flash Special - A deal awarded to a set

number of people that are first to check-in

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Leave Helpful Tips

• Tips (comments) can be left on your

business listing, and they are usually

written by customers.

• However, if you have some interesting

information that you wish to share, such

as a key item on the menu or a current

sale, then customers will appreciate this


• Make sure that you do not leave spammy

comments as it could put people off.

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The Results That You Can Expect

• Benefits that you can expect to achieve

through an effective Foursquare strategy:

• Stronger customer relationship

• More sales

• Detailed statistics

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Stronger Customer Relationship

• Foursquare not only promotes your

business, it also gives people a reason to

stick with you.

• By advertising through recommendations

from friends and relatives you can build

up a deep relationship.

• Specials which reward long-term

customers can help to seal that bond.

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More Sales

• By being clever with the specials you

offer, you can adapt them to incentivize

off-peak hours, promote to large groups,

encourage new customers, or drive

repeat business.

• Regular check-ins help to keep your

business fresh in people's minds, and

good customer comments can attract

consumers in the future.

• In the long run, all these elements of a

good Foursquare strategy convert to

more sales.

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Detailed Statistics

• The 'merchant dashboard' is your

interface with Foursquare. It displays

graphs and statistics about key

information to do with your Foursquare

use. The following are just a few of things

you can find out:

1. Your total daily check-ins

2. The proportion of you visitors that are new

3. Your customers’ age and gender


4. Your busiest time of day

5. How often people are posting your business

on Facebook and Twitter

6. Your most recent comments and tips

• By taking advantage of these statistics

you can develop your strategy further and

even learn valuable information about

your company's target demographic.

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How To Get Started

• Foursquare is a powerful advertising tool

because potential customers are being

encouraged to use your business by people

they already know and trust.

• However, without prior knowledge of the

system, you are unlikely to benefit from it


• In addition, ill-chosen and badly managed

specials could result in you missing out on

important customer groups or even losing


• Hiring an online marketing specialist could

be the perfect solution.

• The service will develop and manage your

foursquare strategy for you while guiding

your business through the entire process.

• They offer not only expertise but also peace

of mind.

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To Get Started Contact Us Now!