Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming...

Composition Louis Fidge ....

Transcript of Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming...

Page 1: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter


Louis Fidge

-- ~....~

Page 2: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter



Louis Fidge


Page 3: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter


Unit 1 Handwrit ing pattern (1) Skills en. I i contro l; r ul'ncy ( 'He InP t le t t t o right directi or .

Uni t 2 Ha ndw ri t ing pattern ( l

Skills pe nc il contro l; tl i l l rl 111 tc r rq ht Clir r t« II

Uni t 3 Handwriting pntte n Skills penni t.o n t rcl , I I I' l mo vement, I tt ( 11 11 I rj ~ II

Unit 4 The letters J and I Skills identification Ii It, t,l/ I i ot ion. initiot ler ter (' Ir" [c

Uni t 5 The letters t or d 1I

Skills Identi fication , lett N I r'! mot ion, in it ia l le t

Uni t 6 The letters j ond y

Skills id ent ificat ion, Itttl ' r tllr rl1 rtion, in it ial I

Unit 7 The letters r ond n Skills ident ificati on, letter format ion, init ia l le t I 1 .11

Unit 8 The letters h and b Skills ident if icat io n, letter format ion, in it ial I,

Unit 9 The letters m and p Skill s ident if icat ion, letter formatio n, initi al 1('1tI ' .ou: :[j '

Unit 10 The letters ( and 0 Skills ident ificat ion, letter formation, in itia l lett e r ounds

Unit 11 The letters a and 9 5 ill s ident ificat ion, letter fo rmatio n, In i t ial i ft t E'1 ~() Imd

Un it 12 The letters d and q Skills ident ificat ion. let t er format ion, rn it inl it' P IHJr d

Uni t 13 The letters e and s !Is ide ntification, let t er f or mat io n, in itial 10tt<>r sound,

U,I 14 Tk~ IMtM~ t ~l\ll ~ ills ident if icat ion, letter fo rmat ion, in it ial letter sounds

---­ - - - - ­Unit 15 The letters v and W

Ilh ident if icat ion, letter f o rmat ion, initial letter sounds

Thl'! le tter!: z and x rcre rru trccr u on . te t re r j or rr tcn ro rr , I fl i li a l unLl 111 ' 0 1 l e l l "" >o U'''J

'lfllt 17 )k liis

Al ph ab et pract ice (1) r ( VI,lnn " Ie,' 'r 'II 1 r II H j, r

Unit 18 Skills I I I

Page 4: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 19 Handw rit ing patterns (5) Skills pencil control; fluency of movement; left to right direction

Unit 20 Making words Skills word-building eve words

Unit 21 Skills

Colours and numbers learning how to write common colour and number words (1-10)

Unit 22 Parts of the body Skills labelling; learning how to write the names of parts of the body

Unit 23 Fruit and vegetables Skills labelling; learning to write the names of common fruit and


Unit 24 Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming eve words

Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter formation (using child ren's names)

Unit 26 Capital letters G - K Skills identification, capital letter formation (using chi ldren's names)

Unit 27 Capital letters L - P Skills identification, capital letter formation (using children's names)

Unit 28 Capital letters Q - U Skills identification, capital letter formation (using children 's names)

Unit 29 Capital letters V - Z Skills identification, capital letter format ion (using children's names)

Unit 30 Alphabet practice (2) Skills revision of letter formation, lower caselcapital letter matching

Unit 31 Days and months Skills sequenc ing and writing names of days and months cor rect ly

Unit 32 Signs Skills copying signs in capital letters, finding and writing environmental


Unit 33 Things I can do Skills simple sentence structure "I can ... "

Unit 34 Transport Skills transport words; composing and writing simple "Here is a ... "


Unit 35 Animals Skills animal words; composing and writing simple "This is a ... "


Page 5: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

eoc r s .rod en

Int roducti 1

Each boo k In I il II( o tters stru t.. tUI t?LJ ~ IJPP U 1 in hel'Jln9 child ren w r it e for rnony different purposes Throu qnout th e series chil Jren -ncoun te- fln lVI I, poe tr y and non-It t ion text s. The books are coretull y qIOlh··cJ UIlII ' II ' Il l' "' l ll f 'Qlu! In du IIl. lIlly. I tie uu oks provide a valuable complement to any other resou rces or serif s rurrent ly b - I I I' I U~~U .

The activities Ttus book IS desrqneo to help 'fOU ~ LJ P/JUI ' your "I O~S III 1~l]rl ll I IY to vvruv I IU II I developing some essential w riting skills. Il II ILluUU l l ~ l , tI J,,,, "-J . l «. lUll" I ror mcuon uf !U\NC r lU~cC k: tc rs and cap ital letters. Thes or tou q It In rneorunq t ul come- I ' ' n \ " 1 I I ! " II W0f d p tl l rn" rind sent ences. The workbook also suppo t) t he devel opment of ph on I and ne lllno sklll<

The f irst two books in th e II' f0 <""l ~ " ~ppciollyon th t'l ,i 'J fl ilHl II" 11 11, h l ll y

Ind ividual letter forrnot ro r , It lci'-' J r n to e int roduction ot joinr ~rq r r)p" pic' jl ll 'l (l tl uent. leg ib le sty le of handwri ti ng i~ enco uruq d througho ut th It' t th ' ) " Il s i he ucuvrues, ejpeeiol!y trom Book 3 on, suuoon the devl lopment in t:'))t:I1UU! w l11 /Ju)JI IOIlOJ w flt ln f} sk jjJs. They olso focus on the technical Si de ul VIIllllI'0 Ulletll ' y I '~ li)ed vvI.Jlk (HI de elo pinq pu nctuation skills.

The Skills Scope and Sequence l1un

rile Skil ls Scope and Sequ ence Chart (on pog pc I t r1r.~ III) provides an rrnmedrote overview ot h workbook and the skills being deve loped. Trus cnort 15 " crv h Ipf I to r planninq pu rpos es

Using he books To gain maximum benef it f ro m the workbook, it is 'i\ '_'gE''i IC'd that it is l l 'ie r! svstemottrol lv, work ing th rough each un it on e at 0 time, in the g iVI 'I I '10W12V I , ti l l ' I)' "'f) 1I 1ay else be used f lexib ly, selecti ng units as desired t o complement other IN rk beino done in ( 10 s.

Tackling the units in this workbook It is suggested that prior to working on any unit ther . ts adequate d iscussion Wit h the pupi ls t o ensure they fully understand what is required of hern and con gain maximum benet rt from each act iv it y . The instructions on each page are kept to a min im urn. Read t hem to and wit h you r class, po int ing to the words and explaining unfamili ar vocabulary 05 you do so if necessary . When letter shapes are introduced they are marked with a start ing point and di recti onal crrows. Paying attent ion to these and fo l low ing them will help chi ldren develo p good w riting habi b and reinfo rce the correct formation of each letter. Dem onstrate t he f or mat ion of md ividuol lett ers to t he class on the board, using appropriate vocabulary to explain what you are doing. You may wis h to get children to practise forming letters in t he air w it h t he ir f ingers to get the "feel" of t hem, before at te mpti ng them in the book.

Individual letters are always show n li nked t o pi ctures of objects. Talk about til pi ctures and make the links between the letter shape and the initial letter soun d 01 eoch objec . HOVin g a go od grasp of individual letter sounds is vital in learn in to wr ite an d spell .

Each unit has on accompanying copymaster in t he Teacher ' Book. wh ich supports o r complements the w ork done in t he un it.

Page 6: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

orne teaching features of the book There are 35 double-pag e un its of work in this book. Thirteen units are devoted to the specif ic teaching of lower case letter shapes, grouped together according t o the way t hey are formed , and 5 units to t eaching capital letter shapes. The facsimile unit below shows a typical unit teaching lower case letter shapes.

large outline letter with startin g point and direct ional ar row s

un it number and title

r-: The letters t and u


!U. .',


/ a line of pract ice letters, with starting points

guidelines for showing relative position and size of each letter

further act ivity for reinforcement and ext ra practice

Find ond co lour the letters t ond u .

" - - ----\---_.- ­

identifying and di scri minoting letter shapes taught in context of whole alphabet

Record sheet

At the end of the book th ere is a simple record sheet . Encourage children to colou r in a ba llo on each time they successfully complete a unit of work .

Page 7: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Name: _

Page 8: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter


Scope and sequence Introduction Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Unit 21 Unit 22 Unit 23 · Unit 24 Unit 25 Unit 26 Unit 27 Unit 28 Unit 29 Unit 30 Unit 31 Unit 32 Unit 33 Uni 34 Unit 35 Record sheet

Handwriting patterns (1) Handwriting patterns (2) Handwriting patterns (3) The letters i and I The letters t and u The letters j and y The letters rand n The letters hand b The letters m and p The letters c and 0

The letters a and 9 The letters d and q The letters e and 5

The letters fond k The letters v and w The letters z and x Alphabet practice (1) Handwriting patterns (4) Handwriting patterns (5) Making words Colours and numbers Parts of the body Fruit and vegetables Rhymes Capital letters A-F Capital letters G-K Capital letters L-P Capital letters Q-U Capital letters V-Z Alphabet practice (2) Days and months Signs Things I can do Transport Animals

Page ii


2 4 6 8

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72

Page 9: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

nit 1

Handwriting patterns 1) Make the patterns.

~" ,) 'N( ·

i( .1)::.)0-6-"



r - -- I




Page 10: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter



Page 11: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 2

ondwriti 9 patterns (2) Make the patterns.






Finish the pattern.



Page 12: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Make the patterns.

• ~


,..~ r Ir:~

• t~) 'l1li

• ~

• 'l1li

. . h the pattern.mrs



Page 13: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 3

dwrit i 9 pc t rn ( ) Draw a coloured lin. eep in the snake.

Page 14: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter


'-­ J

( C -.



I .c:>

Page 15: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

--.--- - r


., , ,

•, ;

- - r - r -


Page 16: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter



~.r--:s- ..,s:




~:t Find and colour the letters i and I.

. .. . - - , - .


-~ ~~-gtt-~ t~QJ[ ~[~r ~ ~~ ~ ~-


Page 17: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 5

he I t ers and u

_·t ··­._­-

- - .- - - - - r - - - .- - - - - - • - - - - - - - - • - - - r - - ..

Page 18: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

.. ,

Find and colour the letters t and u. _ .. •• • • •••• • " • • ••• • ~ • I • • •• •• . •• • • , . • ~. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •

Page 19: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 6

he letters j and y

-- - - .- - - - - ~ - - - - - - .- - - -­

- , 7 .--:~~ :I~

. ::-_:;:;]

_ :::::J ......

- - - - ..... - - - .-- - - .-. - - - , - - - r - - - . - - - .... - - ­

Page 20: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

• • ••• ••• t •• •••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• • ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• • •••••••• •• • • •• • • • •• • ••• •• • •• •••••••••••••••• _ . . . . . . 4 •


Page 21: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 7

T let ers rand CUP-~~-\J~-----------:-:-----'

1.....- ----- - - - - - ­

• - - - - .- - - - - - ... - - - - - . - - - - - - y - - - .- - ­

I J .

- - r - - - - - -. - - - ... - - - - - - .- - - -. - - - r - - •

Page 22: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

vj v v

Find and colour the letters rand n. a' • 6 • •• • ~ •• , .. • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..... . 1' '' • • • .. , . • • • .. ... .. .. • • • ' '' ' • . .. • • • • I .. I •• '" • •• • •• •• ••• •• • • • • - • • • • .. • • •

Ja[ ib~ ]C~ ~ 0 ~ ~ . . _-(D1 :Ir :~ -..I~ - ~~ ~ t JJf . > { ~ .<


Page 23: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter


~~ Th letters h. and b ~~~ .


~ z. -.,.....~---- n l~"~ ., ..,

~ ~\~\~~ d!dJ


Page 24: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

, ~..r-: .

\. . .)\ ) ,,/f ·

Find and colour the letters hand b. ..~ .. .... . ....... . ,. .. .. - , ........ . ... . .. .... . .......... .. . ..... . .


Page 25: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter


The letters rn and p

'---­ -1 . - - - .. - ... - - -.- - - .. - - - ...- -. - ..- - - -.­

- - - -. - . - - - - - .- - - , • - - -- r - - - ­

Page 26: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter


i j II Lilli ~~~ ~ I~;~~;\

~.~ L;~ ._-_ ~ -, , 61~ ~--:?

~- .., - - - -... ~ - ­

Find and colour the letters m and p.


Page 27: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 10

The letters c and 0

- -. - - ... - - .. - - -.- - - -.- - - -. - - - ... - - -.­

-0 --­ -­- - ­ - -

- - - ;­ - ­ -.- - - ­ .- - ­ ~ - ­ - .­ - -- ­ .­ - - ... - - - .- -~ ....


Page 28: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

- -- -

- - - - - - - - - -

- - - - -

·_ - . - - . ­

JO ,.~ ~3 ~~j!;

- - - . - - - ­_ - ­


Find and colour the letters c and o . ...... .... ·········1··· ··············· " ")" , '..

-, ...................., , ~. ............. ............................................ ........ .. . . .... . . . . , ...


Page 29: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

- -- --- -- -- - --- - -- ----- - -



The letters a. and 9

. .....

- - - ------ -------- - --- --- - - - _ .. . . .. . . - - -- - - -----'---------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .9

Page 30: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

' • • . • • . , : , •• · ·f '. . • • • •• •• . •• . • •• • •••• • . . • • • • • . .,


Page 31: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Unit 2

The let ers d and q,

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .n-­--y­

Page 32: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

....................................... ........ ........... .., , .


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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-- -- -- --- ----- ---- - ----------------------

Unit 13

~~ The letters e and s1{l' ~, s\ §~~--------------l


-e -- -- . . . . . . . .~ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­

r--------------%\~4~ ,

(" 2 J-) (~A'-""~\~~ ~~) ~/ "-­ .-/

--s--~.-- --- ---- --.- ---.---.. ---.- - -.---... ---.---. ~.

Page 34: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

o ~ -

~ -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ­

-- - -. - - - - - --. - - - - ­

- - -. - - - - - - - - -.-- - - - - - ­

Find and colour the letters e and s.



Page 35: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 14

The letters f and Ie.

, ,

. . . . .. . - ------- -- --- - ~ ---­ --- -----_.

" . •,


Page 36: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

'- .

- .- - ­

- - - - , - ' - - - ­

Find and colour the letters f and k. • •• •. • • • • • • • , II " .

• • • . . .• • . . • • • • • • • • • 1 ,.il •• l' • .• •• • •••• •••• • •• • •• •••••••••• • • .• • : •• • •• • •• I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , .


Page 37: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

---- --

Uni 5

The letters v and w

-. - - - ... - - - .- - - -. -- - - . - - - - - -. - - - .

- - ..- r - - - ... - - - - - -.- - - , - - ­


Page 38: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

- -. - - - - - _. - - , - - - -. - - - .


- .-- - -­

- .- - - - - - - - -.- ~ _ . -- - - - - _.. ­

Find and colour the letters v and w .


Page 39: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 6

The letters z and x

- -. - - - ...- - . - . -.- - - -. - - - ... - - - - - -.- - ­z



- ... - -.- - -.- - - . - - - - - -.- - - - - .. - - - ..


Page 40: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

- - -- - - - - -

--. - - - .- - - -."""r ­

-.- - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - -- ­


Find and colour the letters z and x. .................................................. ......... " . ... . . , ... . . .~


Page 41: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

------- --

Unit 17

Alphabet practice (1)

- - - -.

- .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­. . . .


- ~ ----- -- ----. ­

. - - - - . . - - - r - - ,- - - .- - - . - - - ... - - ..­

.,--- - ..----,-- ----,----.­

-- ,---­


Page 42: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

-.- ._- - .- - - .... - .­.'

- - ..~ - - -. - - -.- - - ~- ­

~ .­ _ . ..­ - - - - - . ­ - - r -

.- ­ - -.­ - ,­ - - .­ - _ . r -

. ­ - - .... - - - , - - - - . - - - r - .­ ..-­ - -.­ - - ..,. - - - -. - - -

.--­ - - ... - - -. ­ - - - .­ - - r - ~ - T - . - - - - .- ­ - r -



Page 43: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 8

Handwriting patterns (4) Drive the cars along the roads.

c19-~~ ­ . .....


Page 44: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

--Sail the boats on the sea.





.... I

Finish the pattern. ....


Page 45: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 9

Handwriting patterns (5) Fly the aeroplanes.







Page 46: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Make some funny faces.

~. tJ ~. - ~.

~. ~.

~. ~. ~.

-.... ~. ~.


Page 47: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Making words W ri e the words yo make.

A~ ,,~:~[. ~ -~ ~. ~l~

-c- .: a-t _-~ ~a. -t- - -~ - -

Jl/-­~ c...:J,Q) --e--n­- ~ ~ E ~~rl t_ ~_ . _~J _ '-

. .-5-,;[ -.:v - -rY\- ;.. r ~ v J _I _~ _ _ _ ~ - - - -~-


Page 48: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

- - - -- - -


=:r=;: o-t .- .-o-tQ -- -- -­

{)" . I /-0­

/ 1 ~ ~r~~U~~IT


Page 49: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter


unl 2

Colours and numbers Fill in the colours. Copy the words.

r ~--

------- \..



- ( l _ in. -=== nc__- r l

- -- --- I J---------- U . . . - - - - - - l,---­

.......=_.... -- ­


- ue ., _­


Page 50: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

te n­ - ­ - ­ -__ L ~ ~ _

-n -[" n- n - - ­_1_'­ Ll-s::r ___

-51"v­ -- - - -_ .A­ _

Write the numbers.

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Unit 22

Parts of the body Write the words.

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Unit 2

Fruit and vegetables Label each thing.

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Page 55: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Unit 24

Rhymes Copy the rhymes.


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Unit 2

Capital letters A - F

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U it 26

Capital letters G - K

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Write your name. Draw your picture.

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Unit 27

Capital letters L - P

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Write the name Draw a picture of them. of a friend.


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Unit 2

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Write the name Draw a picture of them. of your teacher.

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Unit 9

Capital letters V - Z

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Writ e the name Draw a pi ct ure of them. of someone famous.


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Writ he mis ing letters

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Uni 31

Days and months Write the days of the week in order.


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Write th months of the year.

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Unit 33

Things I can do Copy the sentences.


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Unit 34

Transport Write a sentence about each picture.

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Unit 35

Animals Name the animals.


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Page 79: Foundation... · 2009. 11. 4. · 24 . Rhymes Skills reading and writing phrases containing rhyming . eve . words . Unit 25 Capital letters A - F Skills identification, capitol letter

Record sheet When you finish each unit, find and write the number, then colour the balloon.

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