FOUGERE— › lccn › sn85066387 › ... · SOCIETY c;=; INKERS, theater parties and...

SOCIETY c;=; INKERS, theater parties and Vk!uncJi«-ons followed In rapid suc- ij.HWion during the past week and jl —^:he outlook for the week to come is equally brilliant- The present Indica- tions are that the old yrar will go out in a blaze of social glory and that the opening of the new centurjl will be marked by a F.»rloS of elaborate affairs. On Fril»y evening the Friday Fort- night lys c>ve thfir Christmas cotillon ami the aflair was markedly succcfslul In a week crammed full of elegant af- fair*. Mlr-s Sarah Collier led. with Mr. King as her partner. The ngurcs were pntty an-1 the whole entertainment a re- markably merry and pretty one. They're Engaged The engagement Is announced of Miss Amelia Bloom of San Jose to E. H. Levy of San Francisco. Cards are out for the wedding of Miss Lottie l^anret to Emar Goldberg, which will take place at Golden Gate Hall on New Year's day. „.,,. The engagement reception of Miss Millie Friedmaii ar.d Nathan Kerry will take r!ac<- to-day at the residence of the pros- pective brl<U\ 121 Kuss street, between the Lours of 2 and 3 p. m. The engagement is announced or Miss Bt< !!a Kobln. daughter of Mr. and Mr*. A llobln. to Achllle Bonn. They will receive DeoemlH-r 21 ut <510 A Fourth stic-et from - to i> o'clock. . Announcement has been made of the rasaccraent of Miss <Vrtrude Itosenthal and Joseph iWooda. They will receive Monday. January l.X*". from 2 to 4 p. m.. ut their residence, 6lu Franklin Mre«t. Itosenthal will l>e assisted in receiv- ing her guest» by her sister. Mis« Blruie H Tlje nt enga+r«ment of J. W. Pettce and Miss Emily Plsiolesl is announced. The vngaK»>m<nt ls annnunred of Miss Etella Itomn. daughter of Mr. ;uid Mr^. A. Kobln. to A.-hlll" H-nn. They will receive December 31. at CIOA Fourth street, from t to I o'clock. Wedding Bells La*t Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mr>. A. Kaiser cf Wc*t Oakland occurred tho wedding of their youngest daughter. Augusta, to William Bramstedt of San KiatKiMO. The bride w:.s attired in a white t-atin dress trimmed with mousse- line de ?olt>. end carried mill to orange blossoms. Her bridesmaid was Miss Til- lie Luhmenson of San Francisco, while t"*rl Luhm*nson of San Francisco acted as best man. Promptly at >>:.>o p- m. l>ewey'M Javorlte march. "I nuer the l»oubi'«<- Eagle." broiihln lli« young couple tonor.B the assemble.l K u.-sis In the parlor. wh,i.- Rev. Mr. Thless ot the ueiman Lutheran Church performed on impres- sive ceremony. Many beautiful preaenu wtrc iic.iv,-,). Atrad showers of rice the TVw ly nwrri.-d couple took their departure Cor the south and ceutrul part of the SMS M t |*s Minnie H. Danly and H. 6pencer McCurdv w»re married Thursday evening. December U; at the home of tha brio*. 252 Union street. Alarueda. Rev. J. .N. Heard of San Francisco officiating. The wedding wan v quiet one. only the imme- diate rtlativ. s and friends of the couple Nine present. Mr. and Mr*. McCurdv will be at home aft< r January U at their residence. 1477 Mls-sion street, iaji I ran- cisco. A very pr~tty wedding took place en Saturday < v.nlng. Decrmtier S. at Notre Dame <le"s Vlctolres (French church). *hi>n MJks Agnes M. Chapdelaine. .laughter <>f Mr and Mrs. Jus. ph Chapdelain«\ vus married to John G. Drtnnan. The Rev. Superior Father R. F. Hnm<-t performed the ««n-m<>iiy. He addressed the happy couple a r:d bes-towed on them hi* bless- ing for thrir future llv.s. The sanctuary van lit up with numberless candles, while the main altar wan adorned with roses*. The t ride was Mttlnd in an exquisite. *own of white duchess satin. r veil vac caught i:n with oranue blossoms an<i her ornaments wt-ic pearls. She carried a bnuqu.-t of brides* rot-cs. She was at- tended by her t«isUr. Miss Hose Alma Chapd« latm , A \<ry pretty wedding ffit« sol^mnlted i,t Pi. "Rose's Church on the 19th ult.. wh.n Ifv. Father Dennis Nugent the parish 3-rricFt. united Miss Eliiabeth Rush r<t San FrandSCO and Matthew Hughes (,f !Jakrrfctl«ld. The liride. a well-known and v. ry popular Native Daughter, was bnrn In San Francis* o. and is th<- daugh- ter of an nM-tlme Californian. She is a mcm»«r of Minerva I'arlor Nn. 2. N. D. <i. \V.. the Mrm parlor orßanizod In San FranoJsTo. and has always taken an ac- tive i-Mrt In the order; ul*o an active worker in the Native Daughters Red CroKb Aid of California. The bride tn- tei.-d th«- church with her cousin. M. I. ltu«h. who was the groom's best man. Mt-s Mary lV»mp.*e\\ one of the orKan- izer.s of the Native Daußhter order In San 1 "ratu l*o«! and ilnanotal Ferrrtary of Mi- tierva I'arlxr. was the ma!d'of honor. licautlful snow-white clirys'anthemums und fverprooi lookid v»ry pretty on the HltarK of the church. The beautiful w< <J- «ling march wax played by Miss M. Nu- pent. the orranist of the church. The wedding gown of the bride was a beautiful irore white satin. The trimmings t.f the tMidlce were lace and pearl \u25a0'\u25a0! the tklrt l;ad orange blossoms and pearl trim- ming. The veil fell In long, graceful .fold.-* to the hem of the long train of the gown. Khc- carried a large shower bouquet of beautiful Hrldc roses on her left arm. Mis* I»cmpvry wore a beautiful tcown of white :41k, trimmed with rare old lace and while fcllk chiffon. Her bouquet was of pink roses. Many hundreds of friends were- at the church to witness the cere- mony and extend their sincere good wishes to the popular couple. Many frleml!" came from the * unrounding towns. Ban Jose. Oakland. Vallejo. San Anselmo hnd Sonoma. Many members of the- Na- tive Daughters order were present to wish happiness and long life and say good-by to the bride. The groom I*a popular and well-known rnun in San Bernardino. Hlverrlde nnd Ke.rn counties, where he has bu^inetts interest*. The happy couple Mil reside In UakerMleld. Home Gatrjcrirgs. A delightful party was tendered Miss Mac Gilfcther J.t her r«'>ldenre on Satur- C.»y evening. The house wns brautifully Becorated with ferns and holly berries. The evening was spent In games and Sanclng, after which an elaborate supper V.-&C served. Among the Invited gue«ts were the Mlst-es Gilf<;ther. Anna Sherl- !an. Mollle Downer. Emma Maher. Fanny md Minnie Judson. Zoe Keane. Emma ll.d Nvllle Clarke, Anita Kane, Macsic McQueeny. Fiank Byrno. Arthur Nelson. J hornas Mahoney. l>aniel (Illfether, Al- fred lmh:iWs. Avit La Faille. Jam. » Gil. Ji-ther. Hj-ron McDonald and Frank Lane. Mrs. \V. T. Hooper of the Hotel Lonn- r orth gave a dinn< r in honor of Captain L. E. McNoble uf the Alaska Exploration Tompany and Ml«s A. M. Colby, who wer«j married Wednesday, the 20th lust. Covers nero laid for eight. Mrs. F. \V. Oroudace and Miss Croud ace rave a pink tea at their residence. 2203 hllmore street, last Thursday afternoon. Tho*n who ussiflted In receiving were: Mrs. Cle.nwrit Mllwand. Mrs. H. J. Ladd, Ulss Florence Holmes and Miss Nina tlau? on. •; % r ' A »...ii!-*warm!ii|t party was given by Henry and George Uapselbach in honor \i the completion. of their new home. 2329 Bryant avenue, on Saturday evening. De- lember 2. The house was beautifully dec- Iruted and the festivities w«>re prolonged intll the smalt hours of the morning. Imong the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Setjrce Jlnp«lhach. Mr and Mrs. Duck- r*. Mrs. Dace.'. Mr. ana Mrs.. T. LaJ»>j hard. Mr. and Mrs. George Decker, Mr. and Mrs. H. 1-abhard, Mr. and Mrß. Fri- ole. Mrs. Nissor. Mrs. Blnke, Mrs. Scharr, Mrs. Hunkman, Mrs. Meyers. Miss Annie Hir.k. Miss Lizzie Sengstackcr. Miss Tll- lk* Kostering, Miss Marina Labhard. Miss Margaret uttvn. Miss Alice Smith. Miss Mamie Hlnk. Miss Joflo Bovsen. Ml.-s Annlo Leebrock, Miss Jennie MossbacKer, Annie, lleitman, Misa A. Gudhuso, Miss Lillian Heitman, Miss Lillian Scharr, Ml «• Bucking. Miss Grace Labhard. Miss Hattie Boyse. Miss Hattie Bucking, Miss Tena Dunselman. Misa Tlllie 'LJebachle, Mitss Dale Bucking. Miss Minnie Bucking. A surprise party was given to Miss Elu- abeth 0. (juast on Saturday evening, !'•\u25a0- comber 16, at the home of her parents, Vt> Dehon street. Those present were: Miss Mary O'Keeffe. Herman (juast. Miss An- nie Hickuy. Eugene OKecffe. Miss Ger- trude Cleveland, George Banner, Mi-a Marguerite O'Keeffe. Edward Hubt»er, Miss Juliette Driocoll. Emery La Vallee, Miss Alice Banner. James Welsh. Miss l.^uie Stewart, Dun llickey, Mi -a Mary i:cM,er, Lloyd Dlbert and Misa Kittle . A isumbtr of young friends wero enter- tained at the residence of Charles 11. Jen- kins Jr.. 21(5 Sanchez street. December 16. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Robin- | * r. Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Cortage. Mrs. C. , P. Stout; Miss May Stout, Walter Frost, ; Miss Mamie McMuhon. It. Brlghtsman, Mis.s Lulu Lane, Tom Daley, Miss Katie ' Edmonds. Ed Hogan. Miss Selma Lit- tlchln. Milton Bradley. On Tuesday. December 12. a party was tendered to Eugene Reeves by a number '\u25a0 of his young friends at his mother's beau- tiful r«-sid«-iice. northeast corner of Second and Bryant streets. In the handsome par- lors autumn ttow«-r8 were used for decora- ti\ purposes; bright red berries and clus- ters of yellow chrysanthemums wire ar- rayed tastefully, with a delicate network of greenery. Palms were arrayed thioushuut the reception hall, where a string orchestra discoursed many popular and catchy airs. Amid such inviting and pleasant surroundings the hours passed very pleasantly in dancing, garms, vocal nnd instrumental music, etc. About 11:30 o'clock the grand march was formed and all repaired to the dining room, where re- freshments were served. The decorations of this room were particularly baeutiful. A cluster of La France roses was frozen int. i a block of ice In the punch bowl. Punch was served by Ben Walters and William Gregory. Among those present were: Mrs. 3. A. Reeves, Miss Jessie Banker. Miss Mac Kins. Mr?. C. M. Wadsworth, Maggie O'Learyj Marguerite Gilibonp. Mrs. Gwin. Alice Williams, May Harden, Ida Brown. Miss Smith. Fred Sullivan. Benjamin Waters. Joe Harrison. Eugtne Reeves, Clarence Johnson. A I ; Ajdolph, Harry Walker, Howard Kwing, William Gregory. Harry Wadsworth and Lloyd Gwin. A double birthday surprise }>arty was Riven to Ml«s Mattle 1,. Perry and Paul P. .it the residence of Mrs. S. K. Beard; BSS Geary street; Saturday even- ins. I 'ecember 16. Those present were Miss M , •,. 1.. Perry. Ml>s TJHio Broy«-r. Miss Hello Kidd. Miss Clara Greenlln, Miss Gladys Delzelle. Mrs. R. Dowse, Mrs. S. E. Beard, Miss Evelyn Grecnlln. Miss Jessie A. Waerhier. Mm. S. Joell. Mlks IVlle Mol^iren, Miss Dora Archibald. Miss Laura M. Morgan. Miss Florence C. Morgan, Miss Madeleine K. Waechter. Miss Dorlnda Whitton. >!iss Mac Mason; Paul P. Bcrnhardt. Robert I». molly. M«Tle A. Lowry. Walter Clark. Henry Eberspacher. Otto S. Hrlebuch. Charles JohnVon. Ed Beard. Alfred Joell, Dock Kbner. M D.. Richard Hunt and George Ounn. Madame i^eoline Daccua celebrated her «ir.hty-.*ixth birthday <>n last Sunday; De- cember 17. surrounded by thirty-nine ne-mbers of her family. 'I'he aged lady w;.s born in the State of Louisiana. With lur hus'iand and their eight children— ;ih and two daughters— she arrived in San Francisco forty years ago. Since the death of her husband she lid- lived on jTarrell street with her son. Itichard T. I'iiccus. In compliance wit! a request made some few years ago by her that she would .i.arly like to have a family gath- «ring of all her blood relations at her HKhty-slxth birthday, her suns and daughter! made t-laborate prfjuiratlons for the event which has Just tak>n place. The miinhtrs of the lady's family came from all i>arts of the State. After a fam- ily dinner the party took possession of the parlors and enjoyed the balance of the owning in Kins. Those present were: Richard T. Baccus. John 15. Hacoup Mrs. C. M. Peak. Baby Peak. Mr. and Mrs. '\u25a0 E. Gilbert John P.acru.x, Gtorge Uaccua. Klla S. Uaecu* Charles 8 Rosen. H. D. Rogers, J. B. liaccua. Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Haccus Mr and Mr.«. It. T. Raccus. LI, Baccus. Mr and Mrs. Charles J. Baccus. Josephine Haccus. Alfred Baccus. Stella Baccus <;• rtie I'.accus. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Baccus; Mr. and Mr*. William J. Baccus. Clinton Baccus. Aggie Baccus; Cejia Bac- cus. Solomon Baccus. Prankli Baccus Beecia Baccus. Robert Baccus. Mrs. Mar-. Jiorman. Kddle Goriian. Johnnie Gorman. \\ ih Gorman. Mary Gorman. Mr. and Mrs J. J. O'Brien. George O'Brien. Mary O'liri^n and Mr. and Mrs. i: Courtier. < »n Tuehday evening. December 5, a sur- prise; party was c lv«.n to Henry Bishop :ti his daughter's r«'.<=!d«Mic<\ 1657'™ Mission street, it being his sev«ntieth birthday. During the evening there were several vocal solos and dancing and at 12 o'clock the guests retired to the dining-room where covers were laid for tifty. After an hinir ?p<-nt at the table the guests re- turned to the parlor*, where dancing con- tinued until the small hours if the morning. Those present were: Mr and Mr«. H. Bishop, Mr and Mrs. Zeislng. Mr. ond Mrs. Fowlle. Mr. and Mrs Mouhr. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Rattray. Mr and Mrs. Steward, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Miss J. Connelly. Mrs Jacquot. Mrs. Bev- cpen, Mrs. Lemmc, Miss N«»conie. Miss Myer. Mrs. Tully, Mr- Remei Miss A. Remers. Miss B. Remer?. Mlas A. Cand- less. Ed Clark, George Cheney. Mr. Oil- ohrlKt J. Remers. H. N. Bishop. Masters JFr&iß' lounr - A. Remeni, M. Gilbert and D. Hind. On Sunday evening last a birthday party was given to Miss Minnie Hoffmann by her parents In honor of her eighteenth anniversary. The reception began at 9 o'clock and the guests were entertained with music, dancing and games, which were interrupted at 11 o'clock by a call to supper. Covers were laid for forty. and an hour was spent at the testal board. Miss Minnie Hoffmann wore a white sown trimmed with blue Th..-*» present were: Miss Minnie Hoffmann. Mr and Mrs. Hoffmann. Fred Hoffmann. Wll- l!nm Hoffmann. Mr. ami Mrs. 11. Thau- wald. Miss Hattlc Moors, Miss Agnes Schumann. Mtsa B. yon Bremen. Her- mann yon Bremen. Ernest Ploeger, Oscar Brunwlck. Miss Sophlo Luttmann Miss Meta tmann. Miss Gretchen Beck- mann. Miss Sophie Beckmann, Miss Amanda Klt, 11. Elmer. L. Wltt- h'irf. J. Brunkhorst. Miss Dora Rlx Misa B. Hngcmann. H. Hagemann, Mr and Mm. Kelly. Miss EnglehnrL Mr Koch. Miss Emma Koch. Emll Koch. Mrs F. Prless. Mr. and Mrs. Schllemann, Max Schllemann. Walter Schlicmann. Charles Voss, Miss H sis Bahla, Mrs. Meta Ecks W. <\u25a0 Meier. William Seller, Harry K. Thauwald. Club Parties. The re<ulnr monthly meeting of the Michigan Club of California was held on Tuesday evening, the 12th Inst.. at the usual place. IC2I California street, the Sorosls club building. After being installed the president. Gen- era! W. R. Shafter. Installed the remain- Ing officers. Then followed vocal solos by Dr. George B. Little, accompanied by Miss Mabel Finch; piano solos by Miss Emille Jfhle; recitations by Miss Lillian Quinn. Refreshments and cards finished a muni enjoyable meeting. Among those were: General W. R. Shafter, Judge and Mrs. If. Cooney. Professor and Mrs. Ellsha Brooks. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Cummin Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Griswold Mr. and Mr*. E. B. Wlllcox, Mr. and Mrs. John Qujnn. Mr. and Mr.-. 1.. D. Lufken. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sullivan, Mrs. L. M. Hartwell, Mrs. M. Ellsworth. Mrs. S. C. Potts. Mrs K. L. Byrne. Mrs. Dugan. —a Lillian Qtiinn. Miss Emll!.- Jehle. Miss Mabel Pinch, Miss Susie Morse. Mi Gflr- l»V"Williams, Mil Cleone Cummings. t^! SB Camille Byrne, Miss Edna W'lllcox. Miss Mabel Willcox. L. A. Spencer. Dr. George B. Little. Dr. George Compton. J. P. Sharpsteln. N. B. Engle. C. D. Sum- re Norna Cummings. The Colonials gave the second of their rorles of dances Friday evening in Arca- i la .. Ha!l - Th? thieateninc weather and holiday business deterred many members rrom befog present and sharing the en- joyment >f those In attendance. Among those present were: Miss Mayme Cnan- gJfJi M£? Gr^ cc B - Fay - Mlris Emma 11. Hicks, Miss Edith Hunsaker, Miss Gertie Mops Mi s3 Carrie Morris. Miss Grace Markham, Mis Luella M. Purdle. Miss May Page. Miss Helen Robertson Miss akm V.f^ 1 ? 1 Miss Lulu Barton. S. c Asbill. Allen Berry. Olln L. Berry Clay- ton Bovyer. M. W. Brower. Robert Hen- derson C. F. Klmball. James Movies, F. $*£% , ts lonI on atrous. Jr- R. P. Walte iind Fred L. Watrous. nTih c ™"lem1 em 5 e ff , of , the F °rtnlghtly Whist Club were dclipht full;' entertained at the home of Mrs Theresa Meyer last- Mon- 2l y . cie i" enlns The first prises were awarded tO A, Mrs - Broderson and Mr. Klumpp After refreshments were porved the remainder of the evening was tpent In music and dancing. Selections were rendered by the following: Vocal r^?;JV l i l , r « : plan., solo, Miss Q. Prnii; recitation. Miss Eleanor Meyer; song Angel Serenade." with violin obllgato. P r^f Derb J nnd Miss Meyer: vocal duet by Miss Lst^lle and Theresa Meyer. Miss Lillian Lubben and Mr. Mulr delighted tne company with a cakewalk. ThOß< present were: Miss larowsky, Miss Eleanor Meyer. Miss Cora Kelsey, Miss Lubben.' Miss Proll. Mrs. Broderson. Miss Estelle Meyer, Miss Theresa Meyer. Mr Hofmann, Dr. Derby, Mr. Meussdorffer. Mr Kelsey. Mr. Mulr, Mr. Healev. Mr' Broderson. Mr. Klumpp and George Meyer. In the Future The Children's Progressive Lyceum will \u25a0 •\u25a0 ty-eighth annual Christmas entertainment and dance al m Market ty evening, Deceml 1 hristmas operetta In LCt. "CaiiKht NappltiK." uaJ Christmas festival piv»n by the laH'-s of the An.;, Vereln to tlu-!r llt- ks win take j : . mi.. - -\u25a0 ; ' foflowed by s dance for "•tlks. w yon Mererlnck has sent out \u25a0 \u25a0 me at her r. 1 i 27 Tl •: «Uil Kay. P. r^orals. Mr and Mr George I<>Tnan I will I the flrst and Thursdays after December at '\u25a0>-\u25a0 MIS K. BehW< ft - ( r.-T rl] if I<!4 \u25a0 moved to "a. 1 , Bdd: a: Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Aronson 'and Miss Mahel Glenn Aronsen will be pleased to see their friends Sunday. Decemb.T 24. Mrs. and Mlsh Mabel Aronsen will also receive Tuesday. December 26. Mrs. and Mrs. I. Flatow ha» - e mo*-erl from 927 Slitter street to IMS Eddy street mar l>evlKadero, wru>re they will be pleased to see their friends. Following are Paraiso arrivals regis- tered at the springs for the past f.vo w^eks: Mr. and Mrs. J. McNamep Seat- ••• Wash.: F. P. Lynch. P. S. Casey P a. Harrington. J. Rels, W. Lyons. F. P. Lynch. Dr. (Jedge. San Frnncisco; C. T. Uomie. Salinas; W. E. McGregor Port- land. Or.; J. G. Jensen. Gllroy; Hon. S. II Whlto and »\u25a0'• Los Angeles. Mrs. M. V. Lawrence and daughter Miss Constance v Lawrence, have been, spend Ins a few weeks with Mrs. Timothy Guv Ph*-l;>s at San Carlos. Mrs. William V. Bryan and her chil- dren will leave enrly next month for Tu- rope. whore the: will remain \u25a0 year. They will he Joined during the summer by Captain md Mrs. W. J. Bryan. Mi-- Flora Muller. daughter of Mrs r>r. William S. Hereford of 1115 Sutler street, Is vieltlng her uncle and aunt General and Mrs. M. W. Muller, of Frts- no during the holidays. Mrs. Flora Ellon and her daughter Vera have returned from a visit to the Orient. Los flnge\ps. Mmo. Oer.ovra Johnstono-Bishop w:i< •\u25a0f !i.>nnr .it a hrec reception Kiven by Mrs. a. n. Naftsger at h^r \u25a0 •:i Portland av< nue "ti !'••\u25a0 afternoon. MnuiNaftager was assisted in Moms. I. N. Van Nuys. Fera K. Rule. Ji'hn T. Jones and John H Nor- ton The f illowlng tn: Mmea Granvlllc MacGowan. J. c Scarborough J. I{. Newberry, fharl^s Bilent i B n, •'. ModJnl-Wood W <; Nevln O. T. Johi Ben Ooodrlch N B* H. M Snlf. L. I> B Lie P C, n. K. w Burn- - Salisbury. John E. PUter | C. .1 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 l. !• Jol m \u25a0) Jr.. Fred I > Johnson, John <". Miller. Clifford A. A. Hubbard, J. S. Chapman W Q : rle B Mll- ler. Richard Mercer. B. •'. Htibb^M J H Davißson, O. H CnurchlU, A. j. Wat- ers, W. <" Patterson, Charles McFarland Ira (t. Bmtth, J. A. Henderson n H. A. Caswell. Frank \V. K\::k. 3. M. M.-rlll. H. M. Weed (;.•,,:•-.. 11. Stewart, J. U. 0.11. (j.ori;.- MuntKom- . ry, J. M. Elliott, !\u25a0:. R. Kellam RowU y. \v. H. Bradley. <'ha: E H. Moore, F. W. Flint Jr.. <;. W M--- Clnr<\ A. Vi< k.ry. J. p. Filb. rt Charles Plllsbury. B. Salazer. L. C \u25a0 v in. T. H Brown, w. \\ . Lorett P s V 11. Busch, .1. B. Alexander M. w Stewart, I. K. H..rnbrfnk. George I.I '. Caldwa •\u25a0• rv Owyer of Alta- dena. W. <i. Kl^enmayer and the Misses Lila Falrchlld. Helen Fairchild. ivy bchodtr, Edna Blcknell. Mary Hunsaker. Carrie Waddllove, Florence Silent, Helen Howe*. Ida Llndley, Clara Howes. Chap- man Georgia* Knight, Hattie Strong. Eva fife i lure. Idella L. Weed, Adelaide Brown, I'•""*">,1 '•""*">, Bassett and Whltt.' ,' "-\u25a0 Miss Helen Howes entertained with pro- pressrve hearts on Friday afternoon at her home on West Twenty-eighth street. liteen tables were arranged for playing and the scorecarda were heart-shaped. decorated with pen and Ink sketches of Gibson heads, the work of the hostess. Miss lone liiKKina captured tirst prize. Miss Belle Whi taker MOOIId and MIM Jennie Campbell consolation. Miss Howes was assisted In receiving by her mother, Mrs. F. C. Howes, and Mines. I. S. Van Nuys. c. J. Ellis. J. H. Norton. TelfaJr Creighton. J. H. Jones. Alexander Levy and the Misses Eliza Bonsall and Grace Mellus. The Misses Elsie and Henrietta entertained with a progressive hearts party on Friday evening at their horn-- <n nest Washington Btre< i. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sale. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Horton and Mr. and Mis. J. w. Krause assisted in receiving. Dancing followed the games. Mies Chris- tine Kurtz and Joe Easton won tlrstpiiz.'S and Miss Maude Newel] and Dr. T. Code) second. '1 he following were guests: Miss Dorothy Wellborn, Miss Lll.Un Wellborn. Miss Maude Newell. Miss Mary Hunsacker, Mißg Mary Darling, Miss Helen Baton, Miss Mabel Garnsey, Mtss Daisy Cross. Miss Julia Mereereau. Miss ranny Layiig, Miss Carrie Lonsstroet. Miss Louise Schwartz, Miss Mavhelle Kendall. Miss Christine Kurtz, Miss Etta Hlcknell. Miss Any Baa ton. Miss Ger- trude Gooding, Miss Wenont Huntley. Miss Carrie Waddilove, Miss Olive Belle Clark. Ml.«s Frldu Hellman, Miss Grace Lauborsh-uner. Miss Martha Scott, Karl Klokke, Philip Lyon. Sam Haakina, John Layng. .Not man Sterry. R. L. Sullivan. Don FUhar, [talph Day, Alexander Moc- Keigan. Joseph Baa ton. Warren Brazel- ton Frank Rule, K. L. Dlckenson, Will Wright, A. Langenbergor. H. Romer of San Francisco; Mr. Lawrence, Irwln Her- ron, Mr. Hartmann, Dr. John McGarry, Dr. R. V Day and Dr. T. Coffer. Messrs. Bruce Hatch. Don McCartney, Harold ham, John Bloeser. Joe Ber- nard, Pa Crippen, George Graham, Clalr Morris. Richard Helman, David \\ bite. Howe Sanderson. Webster Wilton and Vance Helm, members of the Sig- ma Tan Epsllon, gave a large dancing party on Friday evening at Kramer's Hall In South Grand avenue. About 100 guests wore present. Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Wild entertained the Sans Soucl Whist Club Thursday evening at their home in West Ninth street. Mrs. Kllllan and Mr. Huntington captured first prizes and Mrs. MerrJck and Mr. -nut: i consolations. Those pres- ent were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry \\ holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Killian. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Huntlngton, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Merrick and Mr and Mrs. J. N. Cohe- nour. Miss Edna Bicknell entertained with a card party on Thursday afternoon at her lioim* In North Broadway. Mrs. Charles William Haker. formerly of Dcs Moiucs, lowa, was the guest of honor. Mlsa Bick- nell was assisted in receiving by her mother, Mrs. E. T. Bicknell. Mrs. H. O. gates and the Misses Qerta Hatch. Edith Kurrc-y and Christine Kurtz. The follow- ing were guests: j \u0084.. , It. L. Morton. George Steckel. F. O. Johnson. A. J. Wa- ter*, W. J. Doran, J. W. 1,, ndricka. Wil- liam (J. Hutchlnson, B. Vawter, John Harrison. g< org \u25a0 Drake Ruddy. James Kiit-.vistle. \u25a0 Thomas Carhart, K." Johnson, <;.-.irKe Coehrane, Joseph Banning. Ku- K«;ie Haskell. E. W. Fleming, Harry rhaxter. XV. w. Never, Frank Gordon, J. B. Blcknell, Jesse Meyers; Bert Williams and the Missel Maude Newell. Fannie •Layng.- Clara Howes, Julia Mercereau. ;«'lara . Mercercau. Lou Winder. Anna t hapman. Maty Chapman, Sabina Burks. Carrie I/ongstroct. I;• i trude Gooding. Alice Strong. Hattlo Strong. Mad.-: Chan- nel. Mary Doran, Fannie narb«>r. Bessie Hlnton. Estelle Heart t, Mabel Tanner Belle Baker. Edith Kirk;.. .trick. Blanche Brown. Elsie Milner, Fannie Wills. Grace Perry, Maj Newton, Fannie Lockhart Mollle Dillon, Llla Jordon, May Smith and katherine Kurtz. The marriage of Miss Lyels Edelman. a granddaughter of llabbl Bdelman. to If. Hugo Brandera will take place on Jan- uary 17, and promises to be a brilliant af- fair. Miss Edelman is well known in so- ciety circles lute and Mr. Branders Is a prominent young business man of Omaha Neb. S. W. Llntwieler and family have re- moved to 6'J~ Westlake avenue, where Mrs. Lintwleler and daughter will be at home on the first Friday. Miss Edith Preston has jjone to Hono- lulu, where she will be married to <;»-.. A Howard, formerly of this eltv The marriage of Miss Helen Fafrchlld to N. \\ . Myrick will take place on Decem- ber 28. Miss Mary Therps has sronr to Stanford t.. vlm, her sister. Mis? Margaret Therm The Misses Nancy and Maude Fofcter have returned from a visit to Great Brit- ain. Most of their time was spent in England and Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Anthony and \u25a0On, Earl Anthony of Berkeley, formerly of this city, are at the Van Nuys for the holidays. The weddlnc: of Miss Ora Mlllard daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ml Hard, to Louis de Tateron la Beaume is in- nounced to take place at Immanuel Pres- byterian Church on the afternoon of Jan- uary 1. Mr and Mrs. Warren J. Richardson of Pasndr-na have returned from an extend- ed European trip. 22 TIIE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1899. G. LEDERER Has the Largest Hair Store on the Coast. Simple cf 25 Expert Assistants. QUINTONICA, tne Great Hair 123 Stockton Street, Upon Application. cc P p. City of Paris. 0 . ,7 i S. STROZYNSKI CO., I 1 .. E .«.bii*ed 1872, 24 Geary St.', nearKearny, i » IS THE LEADING ESTABLISHMENT £ £*£&& ©it T«E COAST : f tt g r^x We make the most artistic Wigs and » r /•"-A. Toupees, dress the hair most fashionable, at X S Iff «v. w reasonable prices, besides employing ex- & £ i^J^S perts only. Our imported Broux Mixtures * $ v f^';y J , for restoring gray and bleached hair is the * g >4il*T- \u25a0'k t^ standard preparation and harmless. £ <> /vJH3 yikz> Our imported novelties for face and hair * * Vv^^N ]/? are lhe best in the mar and U P t0 date. i !r ; l\ >^V^-Vc You alvva V 5 set your moneys worth in our J X xVV ' / !** place, and you know we hay; a good reputation. # \u25a0» \ -< / We superintend every thing, psrsonally. g g B. J. RYBICKI. \u25a0L. E. McCLOSKEY. . $ SUPERFLUOUS HAIR And all other facial blemishes are removed by DR. and MRS. A W. TRAVERSE. Donohoe I'Ulliilr.K. 1170 Market st.. cor. Taylor, rooms •S-S». \u25a0'Th the electric needle without pain or scar. Permanency guaranteed: hours 1 to 4 p.m. What the World's (greatest Serpentine Dancer. LOIE FULLER, Says about the »kin food and tissue builder. BRAHMAN . TOILET CREAM, j &£&%*: "I certainly can rec- <KYfr'iv "*V-'^ : ommend your delightful TSBf^,. fjtt&f ' Brahman Toilet Cream 'SfOmL "5^ rCsfi - as one of the beat things VmM _> JjKr' for Its purpose I have V&A r%^bVt~ ever used." 'ifcSlk. *§i&2i^. Autograph letter can ;Yfn^!i??f7!T 5~ I be seen at office of Wsr^ssr>Jr - ? A. W. TRAVERSE. M.D. ' uv- * '*--»-s ! KODAKS! KODAKS! ! c No Shopworn Goods, bat New Stock. 9 JUST FROM THE FACTORY AT 5 ONt-iiilKDOFF LIST PRICK. r —also X LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CAMERAS Jf AND SUPPLIES. THE LATEST AND BEST IX THE A MARKET. Z | FULLER~& KLEIN. £ © DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF A DEALERS IN ALL KINDB OF # SPORTINO GOODB. «k 39 SECOND STREET, S. F. { The Weekly CaH. Enlarged to 16 Pages 61 per Year* ' ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 B^B^B^B^WajBBjaBBaaBJJBBBBBBBJJJJBJ^^BW*aillBBBBB»BBBBiaSBaBBBaBaBBS*aBalBaBB»BBBM VI H^B fjmL W .^L^^BBB^BnrQsK^B^B^BfJBtIB^B^BBIBS all Vsb ' f I sH \u25a0 i.vjdnß^awfHsSllßiZ'^ mJeM : I rKr\ 1 t^iawr<WsilH<iai \u25a0 WjOB IkWi JSHbBBBBBH B^SBB^BbWBsT A \u25a0 t* I BW r WWk iflKwr^HPn^gw Iff llHs^Bk >T #SJV Jt7 9 JEPm Bußv^u^^^aHSßßJ Itt^Sal^ ijStSm %fi^JM^fpyHpf^^f f^smßH^flQWl Hi gf f Jt \j -y \u25a0zttUrjn&HTM (ok. vlmr /tnHBM : 1230-1232-1234 Market St, ; Substantial ; Reductions! I The balance of our fine TAILOR- I MADE SUITS. JACKETS, CAPES. \ SKIRTS, Etc., have been marked - down. : Stylish Tailor-Made Suits, , $60 TAILOR-MADE SUITS are now $4000 $50 TAILOR-MADE SUITS an now. 35.00 j $40 TAILOR-MADE SUITS are now 25.00 i $30 TAILOR-MADE SUITS are now. 20,00 ! Perfect Fitting High-Grade Jackets. 1 $40 FINE JACKETS are now $25.00 1 $30 FINE JACKETS are now 20.00 $25 FINE JACKETS are now 15.00 , $20 FINE JACKETS are now 12.50 Novelties in ; . Fur Collarette! and Capes. : $75 FU I CAPES are now $50-00 . $60 FUR CAPES are now 40-00 ;| $50 FUR CAPES are now 32.50 ! $40 FUR CAPES are now 25.00 $35 FUR CAPES are now 20.00 Golf Gapes at Wholesale Prices, j AMUSEMENTS. TIYOLI OPERA-HOUSE "Wishes You All a Kerry Xinas!" TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! EVERY EVENING ANDSATURDAY MATINEE. SPECIAL MATINEES XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S DAY. gorgeous, I a Delight for BRILLIANT. L. y* '„! n ,., dazzling - Young and Old! HOLIDAY 1 SPECTACULAR _ Three Hours of production ! T Three Hours of 8. » __ Fun and Jollity! NT - II I Comic Songs and \u25a0 \u25a0 *-» Jokes : you must £ Please the Ear! SEE THE BEAUTIFUL At , _„ , i I? Charming Balhts i Transformation, « Enthrall the Eyj | I "Butterflies" m^\n 111 p of Santa Claus! 1 1 E FERRIS ONE HUNDRED ' E HARTMAN PEOPLE ON r\ the stage! " and a Superb Cast! POPULAR PRICES 25 and 50 Cents. Seats on Sale One Week Ahead. Telephone Bush O. COLUMBIA^ TO-NIGHT Last Performance TO-NIGHT » FREDERICK WARDE PRESENTING THE LION'S MOUTH. BEGINNINO TO-MORROW NIGHT... LIEBLER & CO. PRESENT For a Limited Number of Performances, HALL -:- CAINE'S -:- POWERFUL -:- PLAY. THE CHRISTIAN. A* Seen for 175 Nights In New York 110 Nights In Boston. SPECIAL MATINEE NEW YEAR'S DAY. (THE PEOPLE'S PLAYHOUSE.) Edlj ms Jones Bt«. FHONfi BOOTH 770. MATINEE ~— - .-BEGINNING TO-DAY TO-NIGHT. AT 2. LAST WEEK XMAS MATINEE TO-MORROW (MONDAY) BLACK PATH TROUBADOURS THE ONLY 810 RAGTIME SHOW. POPULAR I Evening. .lsc. »c 35c ttt and 75c PRICES i Matinee He. He, 3T.c and 50c Next.Sunday Night— "FINNIOAN'SBALL." ALCAZAR THEATER. ' MATINEE TO-DAY. SUNDAY. TO-NIGHT "DR. BILL TO-NIGHT XMAS MATINEE TO-MORROW. Come and See Our Bowery Boy. CHIMMIE FADDEN. WITH A GREAT CAST! gSET* 15c 25c 35c 50c 1 MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY aoi SUNDAY AMUSEMENTS. .-.-.. -,_,-^ l , _. j SAN FRANGSCO OMAHA Week Commencing ysp A HUGE CHRISTMAS BILL. SUNDAY, Dec. 24th. .- Nine of the Work's Greatest Holiday Attraction' ' " ——— —^ "^" KNOAOEMENT EXTRAORDINART! ' ! FOUGERE— THE GREAT ONLY. ORIGINAL AND INIMITABLE PARISIAN CHANTEUSE; THt SENSATION OF TWO CONTINENTS. ohm. THORNE AND CARLETON CR «' in Their Original Petite Comedy "TTIIT ItrBBTTT In T^plr Origlnnl Petite rnmi-'ly. \u25a0 '. CLJLTJID THAUDO EccentHe Story Teller and Slnnlns; Comedian. I A SYI PHE \....HARRIGAN.. L- /V «—/ I 1-*1 \u25a0 *-• Th« Original Tramp Juicxler. ir. Th» Terp»i.-horean Poem. I the r . .-xte-t Hit of th» h>a«r.. _^^ GERTRUDE RUTLEDGE I i THE AVERYS Donrrirtlve Vocallnt. II Chocolate -Color*! rom^lans. | AMERICAN BIOGRAPH £ r £W^ | ~ FINAL -:- WEEK a, EDWIN MILTON ROYLE cC, In Mr Rovle's New and Original C, m Sketch "TRIP'S THOff): MATINEE TODAY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 34. Parquet . 2V> any Beat: Balcony. 10c; Children 10c. any part. A few front Orchestra Raws reserved. He. Front rows of Balcony, reserve «l. 2^;. ....SPECIAL MATINEE CMIISTMAS DAY.... CALIFORNIA THEATER. lhe H : v r r THIS AFTERNOON L " ST PER o? RMPNCg "THE HOTTEST COON IN DIXIE!" TO-NIGHT! THEN CHRISTMAS AFTERNOON! TO-NIGHT! fit RESUMPTION OF THE SEASON OF THE V> % Frawley Company I * And Big Scenlo Production of th» Great Eastern eucc«ss and Most fi/ Powerful Play by Franklin Fyles. ||l "CUMBERLAND '61!" ENTIRE NEW AND REMARKABLE SCENIC EFFECTS. SEE THE MARVELOUS BURNING BRIDGE! NEXT WEEK\"W\TH FLYING COLORS!" inn;iiK NEW YEAR'S EVE. I From the Adel[,hl Theater. London. GRAND OPERA-HOUSE. TELEPHONE-MAM 933. LMST NIGHT Of* "piE PLEDBRmAUSI" COMMENCING CHRISTMAS MATINEE, COLOSSAL PRODUCTION OF THE UP-TO-DATE AND FAMOUS EXTRA VAOANTJA. "SINBAD!" OR THE MAID OF BALSORA. By Special Arrangement With DAVIDHENDERSON. MAONIFICENT BCENERT. COSTUMES AND EFFECTS. A SUPERB CAST, ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS. THE MARCH OR" THE SILVER KNICHTSI Ballet of Bewitching Coryphees, Introducing th« Famous Spanish Premier*. MATILDITa FRANK KINO'S MARVELOUS TRANSFORMATION. "THE EVOLUTION OP NATUREI" Exhibiting the Birth of the Seasons In Eight Dtnttnct Changes. NEW SPECIALTIES. SONGS AND JOKES. In consequence of th« enormous tzpens« attending tfcli mammoth production the f -!:- »'-c prices will prevail: a ORCHESTRA (FIRST EIOHT ROWS) 0 7*.<- BALANCE OF HOUSE AS USUAL 23e a-; &<>• OALLERIE3 10 and 13e CALIFORNIA THEATER-Special. TUESDAY.THURSDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS, Dec. 26, 28 and 29, At 3:15 o'clock. Only Appearances ci the Renowned Pianist, TLADIMIR De Pachmann HENRY WOLFSOHN, Manner. Reserved Seats ». II SO ay 4 II STEINWAT PIANO USED. Bale will be resumed at Sherman. Clay St Co.'s Tuep.lay morning. Dec. 26. at 9 o'clock. STEEPLECHASE rtNTifil P4l/lf ltn * Market ste.—Open VLiUnAL I Aim dally from Ito 11: SO p. m. THE MA6NIFICENT BILL OF \u25a0 Holiday Attractions * INCLUDES ; FRomsoK hill. < The Eccentric Comedian of the High Wire. THE RAIXLE-DAIILE Takes Yon to Bea In an Open Boat. THE BICTCLE CIRCUS. ' An Up-to-date Merry-co-round. | THE ROMAN CARROUSEL. ! A Novel Hippodrome of Wild Beasts. ; THE BARREL 01" LOTS. You Stand on Your Head With Ease. i AND ALL CONST ISLANDIN FULL BLAST j* An Elaborate and Costly List of Xmas Presents S Will Be Awarded to the Winners of the Races. ' ADMISSION 10 cent* Includes a Ride on the Horses. CHUTES AND ZOO. EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Major mite, The Smallest Actor on Earth. In NEW SPECIALTIES. ADGIE AND HER LIONS. In Her SPECTACULAR MIRROR DANCE. ELLA BURT, Coasting the Chutes." AND A GREAT VAUDEVILLE SHOW. Visit th- PARISIAN SCREEN-DOOR MAZE.. CHRISTMAS TREE FOR THE CHILDREN TO-MORROW. I .Phone for Scats, Park 21. 1 UNION COURSING PARK. TODAY. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 SAPLING .\u25a0 . AND . , . Open Stakes. $1000 IN PRIZES! 112 NOMINATIONS! HOLIDAY CONCERT BY THE BAND. TRAIN SERVICE: Leaves Third and Townsend struts M:t3 a. m.. 11 a. m., 12 m. and 1 p. m. . Twenty-firth and Valencia streets n»e minutes Uter. Re- turning after last course ar.d at 4:43 p. m. San Mateo electric cars every tea sunuU*. ADMISSION, IS CENTS. LADIES fUEB. OLYMFIA SteU&L The only free nafclllH show ta the city. A REAL CHRISTMAS DILI* LAST WEEK MOIII'.IN \u25a0 BROTHERS. America's Moat Secsatlonal Acrobat*. CAD WILSON. The Queen of the Klondike. The Soubrette With the Big Bank Account. fUSTINGS AND HALL And Host of First-Class Vaudeville Attractions. •"a ilO.ncO b*it and chatelaine, built"J entirely '\u25a0\u25a0 Klondike nuggets, be- : :lor.glrK to Ca<! Wilson, can teen : ; tn the window of the UaMwtn Jew- : : tin Store. M 4 and 846 Market st. : ADMISSION FREE. AMATEUR mom EVKRY FRIDAY. MATINEE EVERY SUNDAY. RACING! RAONG! RACING! 1899-CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB-1900 Winter Meetlns. December IS to Dec. 11. la* cluUve. OAKLAND RACE TRACK. Racing Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thurs- day. Friday and Saturday. Rain or shlae. Five oi more races each day. lUres »t»rt at 1.13 p. m. sharp. Ferry-boats leave Ran Francisco at 12 m. ami 12 30. 1. l::o. 2. 2%i and 1 p. m. connecting with trains stopping- at the entrance to th* track. Last two cars on train reserved for la- dles and their escorts: no smoking. Buy your ferry tickets ii Shell Mound. All trains via Oakland rao!e connect with Han Pablo avenu* electric cars at Seventh and Broadway, Oak- land. Also all trains via Alameda mole con- nect with San Pablo avenue cars at Fourteenth and Broadway. Oakland. These electric can go direct to the track In fifteen minutes. Returning— Tralm leave the track at 4.13 and 4:46 p. m and Immediately after th« last race. THOMAS If. WILLIAMS .'lt President. R. }\u25a0 MO HOY. s<*eretarr. NEW WEGTERN HOTEL. Ki:.\... I AND WASHINGTON bTS.-KE- modeled and renovated. KIXO. WARD it CO. European plan. Rooms. Coc «o i I i. day ; 15 to li week: 13 to month. Free b*tl hot ; and cold water every room: lire gr»t«a us ivery i xoom; elevator runs aU n.gut.

Transcript of FOUGERE— › lccn › sn85066387 › ... · SOCIETY c;=; INKERS, theater parties and...


c;=; INKERS, theater parties andVk!uncJi«-ons followed In rapid suc-ij.HWion during the past week and

jl—^:he outlook for the week to comeis equally brilliant- The present Indica-tions are that the old yrar will go out

in a blaze of social glory and that the

opening of the new centurjl will be

marked by a F.»rloS of elaborate affairs.On Fril»y evening the Friday Fort-

nightlys c>ve thfir Christmas cotillonami the aflair was markedly succcfslulIn a week crammed full of elegant af-

fair*. Mlr-s Sarah Collier led. with Mr.King as her partner. The ngurcs were

pntty an-1 the whole entertainment a re-markably merry and pretty one.

They're Engaged

The engagement Is announced of MissAmelia Bloom of San Jose to E. H. Levy

of San Francisco.Cards are out for the wedding of Miss

Lottie l^anret to Emar Goldberg, whichwill take place at Golden Gate Hall onNew Year's day. „.,,.

The engagement reception of Miss Millie

Friedmaii ar.d Nathan Kerry will take

r!ac<- to-day at the residence of the pros-pective brl<U\ 121 Kuss street, between theLours of 2 and 3 p. m.

The engagement is announced or MissBt< !!a Kobln. daughter of Mr.and Mr*. Allobln. to Achllle Bonn. They willreceiveDeoemlH-r 21 ut <510 AFourth stic-et from

-to i> o'clock. .

Announcement has been made of therasaccraent of Miss <Vrtrude Itosenthaland Joseph iWooda. They will receiveMonday. January l.X*".from 2 to 4 p. m..ut their residence, 6lu Franklin Mre«t.

Itosenthal willl>e assisted in receiv-ing her guest» by her sister. Mis« BlruieH


enga+r«ment of J. W. Pettce andMiss Emily Plsiolesl is announced.

The vngaK»>m<nt ls annnunred of MissEtella Itomn. daughter of Mr. ;uid Mr^. A.

Kobln. to A.-hlll"H-nn. They willreceiveDecember 31. at CIOA Fourth street, fromt toIo'clock.

Wedding BellsLa*t Saturday at the home of Mr. and

Mr>. A. Kaiser cf Wc*t Oakland occurredtho wedding of their youngest daughter.

Augusta, to William Bramstedt of San

KiatKiMO. The bride w:.s attired in awhite t-atin dress trimmed with mousse-line de ?olt>. end carried millto orange

blossoms. Her bridesmaid was Miss Til-

lie Luhmenson of San Francisco, whilet"*rlLuhm*nson of San Francisco actedas best man. Promptly at >>:.>o p- m.l>ewey'M Javorlte march. "Inuer the

l»oubi'«<- Eagle." broiihln lli«young couple

tonor.B the assemble.l Ku.-sis In the parlor.wh,i.- Rev. Mr. Thless ot the ueiman

Lutheran Church performed on impres-sive ceremony. Many beautiful preaenuwtrc iic.iv,-,). Atrad showers of rice theTVw lynwrri.-d couple took their departure

Cor the south and ceutrul part of theSMS

Mt|*s Minnie H. Danly and H. 6pencer

McCurdv w»re married Thursday evening.

December U; at the home of tha brio*.252 Union street. Alarueda. Rev. J. .N.Heard of San Francisco officiating. Thewedding wan v quiet one. only the imme-diate rtlativ.s and friends of the couple

Nine present. Mr. and Mr*. McCurdvwill be at home aft< r January U at theirresidence. 1477 Mls-sion street, iajiIran-cisco.

A very pr~tty wedding took place enSaturday < v.nlng. Decrmtier S. at NotreDame <le"s Vlctolres (French church). *hi>nMJks Agnes M. Chapdelaine. .laughter <>fMr and Mrs. Jus. ph Chapdelain«\ vusmarried to John G. Drtnnan. The Rev.Superior Father R. F. Hnm<-t performedthe ««n-m<>iiy. He addressed the happycouple a r:d bes-towed on them hi* bless-ing for thrir future llv.s. The sanctuary

van lit up with numberless candles, whilethe main altar wan adorned with roses*.

The t ride was Mttlnd in an exquisite.

*own of white duchess satin. H« r veilvac caught i:n with oranue blossoms an<iher ornaments wt-ic pearls. She carrieda bnuqu.-t of brides* rot-cs. She was at-

tended by her t«isUr. Miss Hose AlmaChapd« latm • ,

A \<ry pretty wedding ffit« sol^mnltedi,t Pi. "Rose's Church on the 19th ult..wh.n Ifv.Father Dennis Nugent theparish 3-rricFt. united Miss Eliiabeth Rushr<t San FrandSCO and Matthew Hughes(,f !Jakrrfctl«ld. The liride. a well-knownand v.ry popular Native Daughter, wasbnrn In San Francis* o. and is th<- daugh-

ter of an nM-tlme Californian. She is amcm»«r of Minerva I'arlor Nn. 2. N. D.<i. \V.. the Mrm parlor orßanizod In SanFranoJsTo. and has always taken an ac-tive i-Mrt In the order; ul*o an activeworker in the Native Daughters RedCroKb Aid of California. The bride tn-tei.-d th«- church with her cousin. M. I.ltu«h. who was the groom's best man.Mt-s Mary lV»mp.*e\\ one of the orKan-izer.s of the Native Daußhter order InSan1"ratu l*o«! and ilnanotal Ferrrtary of Mi-tierva I'arlxr. was the ma!d'of honor.licautlful snow-white clirys'anthemumsund fverprooi lookid v»ry pretty on theHltarK of the church. The beautiful w<<J-«ling march wax played by Miss M. Nu-pent. the orranist of the church.

The wedding gown of the bride was abeautiful irore white satin. The trimmingst.f the tMidlce were lace and pearl \u25a0'\u25a0! thetklrt l;ad orange blossoms and pearl trim-ming. The veil fell In long, graceful .fold.-*to the hem of the long train of the gown.Khc- carried a large shower bouquet ofbeautiful Hrldc roses on her left arm.Mis* I»cmpvry wore a beautiful tcown ofwhite :41k, trimmed with rare old lace andwhile fcllk chiffon. Her bouquet was ofpink roses. Many hundreds of friendswere- at the church to witness the cere-mony and extend their sincere goodwishes to the popular couple. Manyfrleml!" came from the *unrounding towns.Ban Jose. Oakland. Vallejo. San Anselmohnd Sonoma. Many members of the- Na-tive Daughters order were present to wishhappiness and long life and say good-byto the bride. The groom I*a popular andwell-known rnun in San Bernardino.Hlverrlde nnd Ke.rn counties, where hehas bu^inetts interest*. The happy coupleMilreside InUakerMleld.

Home Gatrjcrirgs.A delightful party was tendered Miss

Mac Gilfcther J.t her r«'>ldenre on Satur-C.»y evening. The house wns brautifullyBecorated with ferns and holly berries.The evening was spent In games andSanclng, after which an elaborate supperV.-&C served. Among the Invited gue«tswere the Mlst-es Gilf<;ther. Anna Sherl-!an. Mollle Downer. Emma Maher. Fannymd Minnie Judson. Zoe Keane. Emmall.d Nvllle Clarke, Anita Kane, MacsicMcQueeny. Fiank Byrno. Arthur Nelson.J hornas Mahoney. l>aniel (Illfether, Al-fred lmh:iWs. Avit La Faille. Jam. » Gil.Ji-ther. Hj-ron McDonald and Frank Lane.

Mrs. \V. T. Hooper of the Hotel Lonn-rorth gave a dinn< r in honor of CaptainL. E. McNoble uf the Alaska ExplorationTompany and Ml«s A.M. Colby, who wer«jmarried Wednesday, the 20th lust. Coversnero laid for eight.

Mrs. F. \V. Oroudace and Miss Croudacerave a pink tea at their residence. 2203hllmore street, last Thursday afternoon.Tho*n who ussiflted In receiving were:Mrs. Cle.nwrit Mllwand. Mrs. H. J. Ladd,Ulss Florence Holmes and Miss Ninatlau? on. •;% r '

A »...ii!-*warm!ii|t party was given byHenry and George Uapselbach in honor\i the completion. of their new home. 2329Bryant avenue, on Saturday evening. De-lember 2. The house was beautifully dec-Iruted and the festivities w«>re prolongedintll the smalt hours of the morning.Imong the guests were: Mr. and Mrs.Setjrce Jlnp«lhach. Mr and Mrs. Duck-r*. Mrs. Dace.'. Mr. ana Mrs.. T. LaJ»>j

hard. Mr. and Mrs. George Decker, Mr.and Mrs. H. 1-abhard, Mr. and Mrß. Fri-ole. Mrs. Nissor. Mrs. Blnke, Mrs. Scharr,Mrs. Hunkman, Mrs. Meyers. Miss AnnieHir.k. Miss Lizzie Sengstackcr. Miss Tll-lk* Kostering, Miss Marina Labhard. MissMargaret uttvn. Miss Alice Smith. MissMamie Hlnk. Miss Joflo Bovsen. Ml.-sAnnlo Leebrock, Miss Jennie MossbacKer, Annie, lleitman, Misa A. Gudhuso,Miss Lillian Heitman, Miss Lillian Scharr,Ml«• Bucking. Miss Grace Labhard. MissHattie Boyse. Miss Hattie Bucking, MissTena Dunselman. Misa Tlllie 'LJebachle,Mitss Dale Bucking. Miss Minnie Bucking.

A surprise party was given to Miss Elu-abeth 0. (juast on Saturday evening, !'•\u25a0-comber 16, at the home of her parents,Vt> Dehon street. Those present were: MissMary O'Keeffe. Herman (juast. Miss An-nie Hickuy. Eugene OKecffe. Miss Ger-trude Cleveland, George Banner, Mi-aMarguerite O'Keeffe. Edward Hubt»er,Miss Juliette Driocoll. Emery La Vallee,Miss Alice Banner. James Welsh. Missl.^uie Stewart, Dun llickey, Mi-a Maryi:cM,er, Lloyd Dlbert and Misa Kittle.

A isumbtr of young friends wero enter-tained at the residence of Charles 11. Jen-kins Jr.. 21(5 Sanchez street. December 16.Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. H.Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Robin- |*r. Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Cortage. Mrs. C. ,P. Stout; Miss May Stout, Walter Frost, ;Miss Mamie McMuhon. It. Brlghtsman,Mis.s Lulu Lane, Tom Daley, Miss Katie

'Edmonds. Ed Hogan. Miss Selma Lit-tlchln. Milton Bradley.

On Tuesday. December 12. a party wastendered to Eugene Reeves by a number '\u25a0

of his young friends at his mother's beau-tiful r«-sid«-iice. northeast corner of Secondand Bryant streets. In the handsome par-lors autumn ttow«-r8 were used for decora-ti\ • purposes; bright red berries and clus-ters of yellow chrysanthemums wire ar-rayed tastefully, with a delicate networkof greenery. Palms were arrayedthioushuut the reception hall, where astring orchestra discoursed many popularand catchy airs. Amid such invitingandpleasant surroundings the hours passedvery pleasantly in dancing, garms, vocalnnd instrumental music, etc. About 11:30o'clock the grand march was formed andall repaired to the dining room, where re-freshments were served. The decorationsof this room were particularly baeutiful.A cluster of La France roses was frozenint.ia block of ice In the punch bowl.Punch was served by Ben Walters andWilliam Gregory. Among those presentwere: Mrs. 3. A. Reeves, Miss JessieBanker. Miss Mac Kins. Mr?. C. M.Wadsworth, Maggie O'Learyj MargueriteGilibonp. Mrs. Gwin. Alice Williams, MayHarden, Ida Brown. Miss Smith. FredSullivan. Benjamin Waters. Joe Harrison.Eugtne Reeves, Clarence Johnson. AI;Ajdolph, Harry Walker, Howard Kwing,William Gregory. Harry Wadsworth andLloyd Gwin.

A double birthday surprise }>arty wasRiven to Ml«s Mattle 1,. Perry and PaulP. .it the residence of Mrs. S.K. Beard; BSS Geary street; Saturday even-ins. I'ecember 16. Those present wereMiss M , •,. 1.. Perry. Ml>s TJHio Broy«-r.Miss Hello Kidd. Miss Clara Greenlln,Miss Gladys Delzelle. Mrs. R. Dowse, Mrs.S. E. Beard, Miss Evelyn Grecnlln. MissJessie A. Waerhier. Mm. S. Joell. MlksIVlle Mol^iren, Miss Dora Archibald.Miss Laura M. Morgan. Miss Florence C.Morgan, Miss Madeleine K. Waechter.Miss Dorlnda Whitton. >!iss Mac Mason;Paul P. Bcrnhardt. Robert I». molly.M«Tle A. Lowry. Walter Clark. HenryEberspacher. Otto S. Hrlebuch. CharlesJohnVon. Ed Beard. Alfred Joell, DockKbner. M D.. Richard Hunt and GeorgeOunn.

Madame i^eoline Daccua celebrated her«ir.hty-.*ixthbirthday <>n last Sunday; De-cember 17. surrounded by thirty-ninene-mbers of her family. 'I'he aged ladyw;.s born in the State of Louisiana. Withlur hus'iand and their eight children—s« ;ih and two daughters— she arrived inSan Francisco forty years ago. Since thedeath of her husband she lid- lived on• jTarrell street with her son. Itichard T.I'iiccus. In compliance wit! a requestmade some few years ago by her that shewould .i.arly like to have a family gath-«ring of all her blood relations at herHKhty-slxth birthday, her suns anddaughter! made t-laborate prfjuiratlonsfor the event which has Just tak>n place.The miinhtrs of the lady's family camefrom all i>arts of the State. After a fam-ilydinner the party took possession of theparlors and enjoyed the balance of theowningin Kins.

Those present were: Richard T. Baccus.John 15. Hacoup Mrs. C. M. Peak. BabyPeak. Mr. and Mrs. '\u25a0 E. Gilbert JohnP.acru.x, Gtorge Uaccua. Klla S. Uaecu*Charles 8 Rosen. H. D. Rogers, J. B.liaccua. Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Haccus Mrand Mr.«. It. T. Raccus. LI,Baccus. Mrand Mrs. Charles J. Baccus. JosephineHaccus. Alfred Baccus. Stella Baccus<;• rtie I'.accus. Mr. and Mrs. BenjaminBaccus; Mr. and Mr*. William J. Baccus.Clinton Baccus. Aggie Baccus; Cejia Bac-cus. Solomon Baccus. Prankli BaccusBeecia Baccus. Robert Baccus. Mrs. Mar-.Jiorman. Kddle Goriian. Johnnie Gorman.\\ ih Gorman. Mary Gorman. Mr. and MrsJ. J. O'Brien. George O'Brien. MaryO'liri^n and Mr. and Mrs. i:Courtier.<»n Tuehday evening. December 5, a sur-prise; party was clv«.n to Henry Bishop:ti his daughter's r«'.<=!d«Mic<\ 1657'™ Missionstreet, it being his sev«ntieth birthday.During the evening there were severalvocal solos and dancing and at 12 o'clockthe guests retired to the dining-roomwhere covers were laid for tifty. Afteran hinir ?p<-nt at the table the guests re-turned to the parlor*, where dancing con-tinued until the small hours if themorning. Those present were: Mr andMr«. H. Bishop, Mr and Mrs. Zeislng.Mr. ond Mrs. Fowlle. Mr. and MrsMouhr. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. Mr. andMrs. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Rattray. Mrand Mrs. Steward, Mr. and Mrs. Miller,Miss J. Connelly. Mrs Jacquot. Mrs. Bev-cpen, Mrs. Lemmc, Miss N«»conie. MissMyer. Mrs. Tully, Mr- Remei Miss A.Remers. Miss B. Remer?. Mlas A. Cand-less. Ed Clark, George Cheney. Mr. Oil-ohrlKt J. Remers. H. N. Bishop. Masters

JFr&iß' lounr-

A. Remeni, M. Gilbertand D. Hind.On Sunday evening last a birthday

party was given to Miss Minnie Hoffmannby her parents In honor of her eighteenthanniversary. The reception began at 9o'clock and the guests were entertainedwith music, dancing and games, whichwere interrupted at 11 o'clock by a callto supper. Covers were laid for forty.and an hour was spent at the testalboard. Miss Minnie Hoffmann wore awhite sown trimmed with blue Th..-*»present were: Miss Minnie Hoffmann. Mrand Mrs. Hoffmann. Fred Hoffmann. Wll-l!nm Hoffmann. Mr. ami Mrs. 11. Thau-wald. Miss Hattlc Moors, Miss AgnesSchumann. Mtsa B. yon Bremen. Her-mann yon Bremen. Ernest Ploeger, OscarBrunwlck. Miss Sophlo Luttmann MissMeta tmann. Miss Gretchen Beck-mann. Miss Sophie Beckmann, MissAmanda Klt, 11. Elmer. L. Wltt-h'irf. J. Brunkhorst. Miss Dora RlxMisa B. Hngcmann. H. Hagemann, Mrand Mm. Kelly. Miss EnglehnrL MrKoch. Miss Emma Koch. Emll Koch. MrsF. Prless. Mr. and Mrs. Schllemann, MaxSchllemann. Walter Schlicmann. CharlesVoss, Miss H sis Bahla, Mrs. Meta EcksW. <\u25a0 Meier. William Seller, Harry K.Thauwald.

Club Parties.The re<ulnr monthly meeting of the

Michigan Club of California was held onTuesday evening, the 12th Inst.. at theusual place. IC2I California street, theSorosls club building.

After being installed the president. Gen-

era! W. R. Shafter. Installed the remain-Ing officers. Then followed vocal solos byDr. George B. Little, accompanied byMiss Mabel Finch; piano solos by MissEmille Jfhle; recitations by Miss LillianQuinn. Refreshments and cards finisheda muni enjoyable meeting. Among thosewere: General W. R. Shafter,Judge and Mrs. If.Cooney. Professor andMrs. Ellsha Brooks. Dr. and Mrs. J. E.Cummin Mr. and Mrs. C. P. GriswoldMr. and Mr*. E. B. Wlllcox, Mr. and Mrs.John Qujnn. Mr. and Mr.-. 1.. D. Lufken.Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sullivan, Mrs. L. M.Hartwell, Mrs. M. Ellsworth. Mrs. S. C.Potts. Mrs K.L.Byrne. Mrs. Dugan. —aLillian Qtiinn. Miss Emll!.- Jehle. MissMabel Pinch, Miss Susie Morse. Mi Gflr-l»V"Williams, Mil Cleone Cummings.t^!SB Camille Byrne, Miss Edna W'lllcox.Miss Mabel Willcox. L. A. Spencer. Dr.George B. Little. Dr. George Compton. J.P. Sharpsteln. N. B. Engle. C. D. Sum-re Norna Cummings.

The Colonials gave the second of theirrorles of dances Friday evening in Arca-ila..Ha!l- Th? thieateninc weather andholiday business deterred many membersrrom befog present and sharing the en-joyment >f those In attendance. Amongthose present were: Miss Mayme Cnan-gJfJi M£? Gr^cc B

- Fay -Mlris Emma 11.Hicks, Miss Edith Hunsaker, Miss GertieMops Mis3 Carrie Morris. Miss GraceMarkham, Mis Luella M. Purdle. MissMay Page. Miss Helen Robertson Miss

akm V.f^1? 1 Miss Lulu Barton. S. cAsbill. Allen Berry. Olln L. Berry Clay-ton Bovyer. M. W. Brower. Robert Hen-derson C. F. Klmball. James Movies, F.$*£% ,tslonIon

atrous.Jr- R. P. Walteiind Fred L. Watrous.

nTihc™" lem1 em 5eff,of,the F°rtnlghtly WhistClub were dcliphtfull;' entertained at thehome of Mrs Theresa Meyer last- Mon-2ly . ciei"enlns '« The first prises wereawarded tO


-Broderson and Mr.Klumpp After refreshments wereporved the remainder of the evening wastpent In music and dancing. Selectionswere rendered by the following: Vocalr^?;JV lil,r«:plan., solo, Miss Q. Prnii;

recitation. Miss Eleanor Meyer; songAngel Serenade." with violin obllgato.Pr^fDerbJ nnd Miss Meyer: vocal duetby Miss Lst^lle and Theresa Meyer. MissLillian Lubben and Mr. Mulr delightedtne company with a cakewalk. ThOß<present were: Miss larowsky, MissEleanor Meyer. Miss Cora Kelsey, MissLubben.' Miss Proll. Mrs. Broderson. MissEstelle Meyer, Miss Theresa Meyer. MrHofmann, Dr. Derby, Mr. Meussdorffer.Mr Kelsey. Mr. Mulr, Mr. Healev. Mr'Broderson. Mr. Klumpp and GeorgeMeyer.

In the FutureThe Children's Progressive Lyceum will


•\u25a0 ty-eighth annual Christmasentertainment and dance al m Market

ty evening, Deceml1 hristmas operetta In

LCt. "CaiiKht NappltiK."uaJ Christmas festival piv»n by

the laH'-s of the An.;, Vereln to tlu-!r llt-ks win take j : . mi..

--\u25a0 ; ' foflowed by s dance for"•tlks.

w yon Mererlnck has sent out\u25a0

\u25a0 me at her r.1

i 27 Tl ••: «Uil Kay.

P. r^orals.Mr and Mr George I<>Tnan I

will I the flrst andThursdays after December at '\u25a0>-\u25a0

MIS K. BehW< ft-

( r.-T rl] if I<!4\u25a0

moved to "a.1, Bdd: a:

Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Aronson 'andMiss Mahel Glenn Aronsen will be pleasedto see their friends Sunday. Decemb.T24. Mrs. and Mlsh Mabel Aronsen willalso receive Tuesday. December 26.

Mrs. and Mrs. I. Flatow ha»-e mo*-erl

from 927 Slitter street to IMS Eddy streetmar l>evlKadero, wru>re they will bepleased to see their friends.Following are Paraiso arrivals regis-

tered at the springs for the past f.vow^eks: Mr. and Mrs. J. McNamep Seat-•••

Wash.: F. P. Lynch. P. S. Casey Pa. Harrington. J. Rels, W. Lyons. F. P.Lynch. Dr. (Jedge. San Frnncisco; C. T.Uomie. Salinas; W. E. McGregor Port-land. Or.; J. G. Jensen. Gllroy; Hon. S.IIWhlto and »\u25a0'• Los Angeles.

Mrs. M. V. Lawrence and daughterMiss Constance v Lawrence, have been,spend Ins a few weeks with Mrs. TimothyGuv Ph*-l;>s at San Carlos.

Mrs. William V. Bryan and her chil-dren will leave enrly next month for Tu-rope. whore the: will remain \u25a0 year.They willhe Joined during the summer byCaptain md Mrs. W. J. Bryan.

Mi-- Flora Muller. daughter of Mrsr>r. William S. Hereford of 1115 Sutlerstreet, Is vieltlng her uncle and auntGeneral and Mrs. M. W. Muller, of Frts-no during the holidays.

Mrs. Flora Ellon and her daughterVera have returned from a visit to theOrient.

Los flnge\ps.Mmo. Oer.ovra Johnstono-Bishop w:i<

•\u25a0f !i.>nnr .it a hrec receptionKiven by Mrs. a. n. Naftsger at h^r

\u25a0 •:i Portland av< nue "ti !'••\u25a0afternoon. MnuiNaftager was assisted in

Moms. I. N. Van Nuys. FeraK. Rule. Ji'hn T. Jones and John H Nor-ton The f illowlng tn: MmeaGranvlllc MacGowan. J. c ScarboroughJ. I{. Newberry, fharl^s Bilent i Bn, •'. ModJnl-Wood W <; NevlnO. T. Johi • Ben Ooodrlch N B*H. M Snlf. L. I> B Lie P C,

n. K. w Burn-- Salisbury. John E. PUter |C. .1 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 l. !• Jol m \u25a0) Jr.. Fred I>Johnson, John <". Miller. CliffordA. A. Hubbard, J. S. Chapman W Q: rle B Mll-ler. Richard Mercer. B. •'. Htibb^M J HDavißson, O. H CnurchlU, A. j. Wat-ers, W. <" Patterson, Charles McFarlandIra (t. Bmtth, J. A. Henderson n H.

A. Caswell. Frank \V.K\::k. 3. M. M.-rlll. H. M. Weed (;.•,,:•-..11. Stewart, J. U. 0.11. (j.ori;.- MuntKom-. ry, J. M. Elliott, !\u25a0:. R. KellamRowU y. \v. H. Bradley. <'ha:E H. Moore, F. W. Flint Jr.. <;. W M---Clnr<\ <» A. Vi<k.ry. J. p. Filb. rtCharles Plllsbury. B. Salazer. L. C \u25a0

v in. T. H Brown, w. \\ . Lorett P sV 11. Busch, .1. B. Alexander

M. w Stewart, I. K. H..rnbrfnk. GeorgeI.I '. Caldwa •\u25a0• rv Owyer of Alta-dena. W. <i. Kl^enmayer and the Misses

Lila Falrchlld. Helen Fairchild. ivybchodtr, Edna Blcknell. Mary Hunsaker.Carrie Waddllove, Florence Silent, HelenHowe*. Ida Llndley, Clara Howes. Chap-man Georgia* Knight, Hattie Strong. Evafife ilure. Idella L. Weed, Adelaide Brown,

I'•""*">,1 '•""*">, Bassett and Whltt.' ,' "-\u25a0

Miss Helen Howes entertained with pro-pressrve hearts on Friday afternoon ather home on West Twenty-eighth street.

liteen tables were arranged for playingand the scorecarda were heart-shaped.decorated with pen and Ink sketches ofGibson heads, the work of the hostess.Miss lone liiKKina captured tirst

• prize.Miss Belle Whi taker MOOIId and MIMJennie Campbell consolation. Miss Howeswas assisted In receiving by her mother,Mrs. F. C. Howes, and Mines. I. S. VanNuys. c. J. Ellis. J. H. Norton. TelfaJrCreighton. J. H. Jones. Alexander Levyand the Misses Eliza Bonsall and GraceMellus.

The Misses Elsie and Henrietta Mllr.erentertained with a progressive heartsparty on Friday evening at their horn-- <nnest Washington Btre< i. Dr. and Mrs.Carl Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sale. Mr.and Mrs. H. L. Horton and Mr. and Mis.J. w. Krause assisted in receiving.Dancing followed the games. Mies Chris-tine Kurtz and Joe Easton won tlrstpiiz.'Sand Miss Maude Newel] and Dr. T. Code)second. '1he following were guests:Miss Dorothy Wellborn, Miss Lll.UnWellborn. Miss Maude Newell. Miss MaryHunsacker, Mißg Mary Darling, MissHelen Baton, Miss Mabel Garnsey, MtssDaisy Cross. Miss Julia Mereereau. Missranny Layiig, Miss Carrie Lonsstroet.Miss Louise Schwartz, Miss MavhelleKendall. Miss Christine Kurtz, Miss EttaHlcknell. Miss Any Baa ton. Miss Ger-trude Gooding, Miss Wenont Huntley.Miss Carrie Waddilove, Miss Olive BelleClark. Ml.«s Frldu Hellman, Miss GraceLauborsh-uner. Miss Martha Scott, KarlKlokke, Philip Lyon. Sam Haakina, JohnLayng. .Not man Sterry. R. L. Sullivan.Don FUhar, [talph Day, Alexander Moc-Keigan. Joseph Baaton. Warren Brazel-ton Frank Rule, K. L. Dlckenson, WillWright, A. Langenbergor. H. Romer ofSan Francisco; Mr. Lawrence, Irwln Her-ron, Mr. Hartmann, Dr. John McGarry,Dr. R. V Day and Dr. T. Coffer.

Messrs. Bruce Hatch. Don McCartney,Harold ham, John Bloeser. Joe Ber-nard, Pa Crippen, George Graham,Clalr Morris. Richard Helman, David\\ bite. Howe Sanderson. Webster Wiltonand Vance Helm, members of the Sig-ma Tan Epsllon, gave a large dancingparty on Friday evening at Kramer'sHall In South Grand avenue. About 100guests wore present.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Wild entertainedthe Sans Soucl Whist Club Thursdayevening at their home in West Ninthstreet. Mrs. Kllllan and Mr. Huntingtoncaptured first prizes and Mrs. MerrJckand Mr. -nut:iconsolations. Those pres-ent were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry\\ holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith.Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Killian. Mr. and Mrs.E. L. Huntlngton, Mr. and Mrs. L. L.Merrick and Mr and Mrs. J. N. Cohe-nour.

Miss Edna Bicknell entertained with acard party on Thursday afternoon at herlioim* In North Broadway. Mrs. CharlesWilliam Haker. formerly of Dcs Moiucs,lowa, was the guest of honor. Mlsa Bick-nell was assisted in receiving by hermother, Mrs. E. T. Bicknell. Mrs. H. O.gates and the Misses Qerta Hatch. EdithKurrc-y and Christine Kurtz. The follow-ing were guests: j\u0084..

, It. L. Morton.George Steckel. F. O. Johnson. A. J. Wa-ter*, W. J. Doran, J. W. 1,, ndricka. Wil-liam (J. Hutchlnson, B. Vawter, JohnHarrison. g< org \u25a0 Drake Ruddy. JamesKiit-.vistle. \u25a0

Thomas Carhart, K."Johnson,<;.-.irKe Coehrane, Joseph Banning. Ku-K«;ie Haskell. E. W. Fleming, Harryrhaxter. XV. w. Never, Frank Gordon, J.B. Blcknell, Jesse Meyers; Bert Williamsand the Missel Maude Newell. Fannie•Layng.- Clara Howes, Julia Mercereau.;«'lara .Mercercau. Lou Winder. Annat hapman. Maty Chapman, Sabina Burks.Carrie I/ongstroct. I;• i trude Gooding.Alice Strong. Hattlo Strong. Mad.-: Chan-nel. Mary Doran, Fannie narb«>r. BessieHlnton. Estelle Heart t, Mabel TannerBelle Baker. Edith Kirk;...trick. BlancheBrown. Elsie Milner, Fannie Wills. GracePerry, Maj Newton, Fannie LockhartMollle Dillon, Llla Jordon, May Smith andkatherine Kurtz.

The marriage of Miss Lyels Edelman.a granddaughter of llabbl Bdelman. toIf.Hugo Brandera will take place on Jan-uary 17, and promises to be a brilliant af-fair. Miss Edelman is well known in so-ciety circles lute and Mr. Branders Is aprominent young business man of OmahaNeb.

S. W. Llntwieler and family have re-moved to 6'J~ Westlake avenue, whereMrs. Lintwleler and daughter will be athome on the first Friday.

Miss Edith Preston has jjone to Hono-lulu, where she will be married to <;»-..A Howard, formerly of this eltv

The marriage of Miss Helen Fafrchlld toN. \\.Myrick will take place on Decem-ber 28.

Miss Mary Therps has sronr to Stanfordt.. vlm, her sister. Mis? Margaret Therm

The Misses Nancy and Maude Fofcterhave returned from a visit to Great Brit-ain. Most of their time was spent inEngland and Scotland.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Anthony and\u25a0On, Earl Anthony of Berkeley, formerlyof this city, are at the Van Nuys for theholidays.

The weddlnc: of Miss Ora Mlllarddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. MlHard,to Louis de Tateron la Beaume is in-nounced to take place at Immanuel Pres-byterian Church on the afternoon of Jan-uary 1.

Mr and Mrs. Warren J. Richardson ofPasndr-na have returned from an extend-ed European trip.


G. LEDERERHas the Largest HairStore on the Coast.

Simple cf 25 Expert Assistants.QUINTONICA,tne Great Hair

123 Stockton Street,Upon Application. cc Pp. City of Paris.

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g r^x We make the most artistic Wigs and »r /•"-A. Toupees, dress the hair most fashionable, at XS Iff «v. w reasonable prices, besides employing ex- &£ i^J^S perts only. Our imported Broux Mixtures *$ vf^';y J , for restoring gray and bleached hair is the *g >4il*T-\u25a0'k t^ standard preparation and harmless. £<> /vJH3 yikz> Our imported novelties for face and hair

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SUPERFLUOUS HAIRAnd all other facial blemishes are removed byDR. and MRS. A W. TRAVERSE. DonohoeI'Ulliilr.K. 1170 Market st.. cor. Taylor, rooms•S-S». \u25a0'Th the electric needle without pain orscar. Permanency guaranteed: hours 1 to 4 p.m.What the World's (greatest Serpentine Dancer.

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BRAHMAN . —TOILET CREAM, j&£&%*:"Icertainly can rec- <KYfr'iv"*V-'^:

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TIYOLI OPERA-HOUSE"Wishes You Alla Kerry Xinas!"



gorgeous, I a Delight forBRILLIANT. L. y* '„!n,.,dazzling

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_Three Hours ofproduction ! T Three Hours of


__ Fun and Jollity!NT -

II IComic Songs and• \u25a0 \u25a0 *-» Jokes

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, _„,i I? Charming Balhtsi Transformation, « Enthrall the Eyj|

I "Butterflies" m^\n

111 p of Santa Claus!



the stage!"

and a Superb Cast!POPULAR PRICES

—25 and 50 Cents.Seats on Sale One Week Ahead.


Bush O.


—Last Performance TO-NIGHT




For a Limited Number of Performances,HALL-:- CAINE'S -:- POWERFUL -:- PLAY.


CHRISTIAN.A* Seen for 175 Nights In New York110 Nights In Boston.







THE ONLY 810 RAGTIME SHOW.POPULAR IEvening. .lsc. »c 35c ttt and 75cPRICES iMatinee He. He, 3T.c and 50c

Next.Sunday Night—"FINNIOAN'SBALL."


XMAS MATINEE TO-MORROW.Come and See Our Bowery Boy.


WITH A GREAT CAST!gSET* 15c 25c 35c 50c


AMUSEMENTS. .-.-.. -,_,- l̂, _.


Week Commencing ysp A HUGE CHRISTMAS BILL.SUNDAY, Dec. 24th. .- Nine of the Work's Greatest Holiday Attraction''"

——— ———^™"^"





inTheir Original Petite Comedy "TTIITItrBBTTTIn T^plr Origlnnl Petite rnmi-'ly. \u25a0 '.

CLJLTJID THAUDOEccentHe Story Teller and Slnnlns; Comedian.

IA SYI PHE \....HARRIGAN..L-/V «—/ I1-*1 \u25a0 *-• Th« Original Tramp Juicxler. ir.

Th» Terp»i.-horean Poem. I the r. .-xte-t Hit of th» h>a«r.._^^

GERTRUDE RUTLEDGE I i THE AVERYSDonrrirtlve Vocallnt. I I Chocolate -Color*! rom^lans.



a, EDWIN MILTONROYLEcC,In Mr Rovle's New and Original C,m Sketch "TRIP'S THOff):

MATINEE TODAY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 34.Parquet . 2V> any Beat: Balcony. 10c; Children 10c. any part. A few front Orchestra Raws

reserved. He. Front rows of Balcony, reserve «l. 2^;.






% Frawley Company I*

And Big Scenlo Production of th» Great Eastern eucc«ss and Most fi/Powerful Play by Franklin Fyles. ||l



inn;iiK NEW YEAR'S EVE.I From the Adel[,hl Theater. London.






THE MARCH OR" THE SILVER KNICHTSIBallet of Bewitching Coryphees, Introducing th« Famous Spanish Premier*. MATILDITa


Exhibiting the Birth of the Seasons In Eight Dtnttnct Changes.NEW SPECIALTIES. SONGS AND JOKES.

In consequence of th« enormous tzpens« attending tfcli mammoth production the f-!:-»'-cprices will prevail: aORCHESTRA (FIRST EIOHT ROWS) 0 7*.<-BALANCE OF HOUSE AS USUAL 23e a-; &<>•OALLERIE3 10 and 13e



Dec. 26, 28 and 29,At 3:15 o'clock.

Only Appearances ci the Renowned Pianist,


De PachmannHENRY WOLFSOHN, Manner.

Reserved Seats ». IISO ay 4 IISTEINWAT PIANO USED.

Bale will be resumed at Sherman. Clay StCo.'s Tuep.lay morning. Dec. 26. at 9 o'clock.

STEEPLECHASErtNTifil P4l/lf ltn * Market ste.—OpenVLiUnALIAim dally from Ito11:SO p. m.


—Holiday Attractions



; FRomsoK hill.< The Eccentric Comedian of the

High Wire.

THE RAIXLE-DAIILETakes Yon to Bea Inan Open Boat.

THE BICTCLE CIRCUS.'An Up-to-date Merry-co-round.

| THE ROMAN CARROUSEL.! A Novel Hippodrome of Wild Beasts.

; THE BARREL 01" LOTS.You Stand on Your Head With Ease.


j* An Elaborate and Costly List of

Xmas PresentsS Will Be Awarded to the Winners of

the Races.'ADMISSION 10 cent*

Includes a Ride on the Horses.


Major mite,The Smallest Actor on Earth.






I .Phone for Scats, Park 21. 1



SAPLING.\u25a0. AND.,.

Open Stakes.$1000 IN PRIZES!


TRAINSERVICE:Leaves Third and Townsend struts M:t3

a. m.. 11 a. m., 12 m. and 1 p. m.. Twenty-firth

and Valencia streets n»e minutes Uter. Re-turning after last course ar.d at 4:43 p. m.San Mateo electric cars every tea sunuU*.


OLYMFIASteU&LThe only free nafclllH show ta the city.



America's Moat Secsatlonal Acrobat*.CAD WILSON.

The Queen of the Klondike. The SoubretteWith the Big Bank Account.

fUSTINGS AND HALLAnd • Host of First-Class Vaudeville


•"a ilO.ncO b*it and chatelaine, built"J• entirely '\u25a0\u25a0 Klondike nuggets, be- ::lor.glrK to Ca<! Wilson, can b« teen :; tn the window of the UaMwtn Jew- ::tin Store. M4and 846 Market st. :



RACING! RAONG! RACING!1899-CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB-1900Winter Meetlns. December IS to Dec. 11. la*


Racing Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thurs-day. Friday and Saturday. Rain or shlae.

Five oi more races each day.lUres »t»rt at 1.13 p. m. sharp.Ferry-boats leave Ran Francisco at 12 m. ami

12 30. 1. l::o. 2. 2%i and 1 p. m. connectingwith trains stopping- at the entrance to th*track. Last two cars on train reserved for la-dles and their escorts: no smoking. Buy yourferry tickets ii Shell Mound. All trains viaOakland rao!e connect with Han Pablo avenu*electric cars at Seventh and Broadway, Oak-land. Also all trains via Alameda mole con-nect with San Pablo avenue cars at Fourteenthand Broadway. Oakland. These electric cango direct to the track In fifteen minutes.

Returning— Tralm leave the track at 4.13 and4:46 p. m and Immediately after th« last race.

THOMAS If.WILLIAMS .'lt President.R. }\u25a0 MO HOY. s<*eretarr.


modeled and renovated. KIXO. WARD itCO. European plan. Rooms. Coc «o;15 to liweek: 13 to |» month. Free b*tl hot;and cold water every room: lire gr»t«a us ivery

ixoom; elevator runs aU n.gut.