Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler...

FILMMEDIET SOM IDENTIFIKATION Når vi bruger film i interkulturel undervisning, åbner vi den enkelte elevs sanser, nedbryder stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana, konsekvensen af naturkatastrofer og kærlighed mellem barn og forældre. FILMCREDIT: Land USA, 2012 Sprog Engelsk tale med danske undertekster Censur Frarådes børn under 11 år Original titel Hushpuppy Instruktion Benh Zeitlin Varighed 93 min. I alt: 2 t. og 5 min. Niveau 6. - 10. kl. Fag Engelsk, Dansk, Historie, Geografi, Samfundsfag Temaer Fattigdom, Identitet, Pigeliv, På kanten af samfundet Foto: Miracle Film

Transcript of Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler...

Page 1: Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler Land Censur Instruktion Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana,

FILMMEDIET SOM IDENTIFIKATION Når vi bruger film i interkulturel undervisning, åbner vi den enkelte elevs sanser, nedbryder stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger.

8. -10. klasse

+ ungdomsskoler

Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana, konsekvensen af naturkatastrofer og kærlighed

mellem barn og forældre.


Land USA, 2012

Sprog Engelsk tale med danske undertekster

Censur Frarådes børn under 11 år

Original titel Hushpuppy

Instruktion Benh Zeitlin

Varighed 93 min. I alt: 2 t. og 5 min.

Niveau 6. - 10. kl.

Fag Engelsk, Dansk, Historie, Geografi, Samfundsfag

Temaer Fattigdom, Identitet, Pigeliv, På kanten af samfundet

Foto: Miracle Film

Page 2: Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler Land Censur Instruktion Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana,



8. – 10. klasse


Salaam Film & Dialogs landsdækkende filmfestival og skoleaktiviteter koncentrerer sig om to vigtige omdrejningspunkter, som vi ønsker at gøre tilgængelige og anvendelige i en skoles hverdag og undervisning.

DEN INTERNATIONALE DIMENSION I UNDERVISNINGEN Med film fra alverdens lande og levende, personlige oplæg skaber Salaam øget indsigt i verdens kulturer til fordel for et åbent og globalt udsyn. Vores aktiviteter med film og dialog kan bruges i alle fag og bidrager til udviklingen af det vigtige internationaliseringsarbejde i skolen, som også bør omfatte 3. Verdenslande. Den internationale dimension er en tværfaglig dimension i folkeskolen. Det betyder, at den skal indgå i alle fag og inddrages i undervisningen, når det er relevant. Fælles Mål II, Undervisningsministeriet INTERKULTUREL KOMPETENCE Vores erfaring og oplevelse er at film er en magisk nøgle til kulturel nysgerrighed, bevidsthed og forståelse. Især på grund af mediets formidable evne til at skabe identifikation hos den enkelte. For slet ikke at tale om alle de muligheder,

som filmens æstetik og musik byder på.

På baggrund af filmoplevelserne skaber vi personlige møder, som udfordrer stereotyper og nuancerer forestillinger og holdninger til fællesmenneskelige eksistenstemaer. Kulturel bevidsthed og forståelse er nødvendigt for alle børn og unge i den danske folkeskole uanset etnisk baggrund (…) for at kunne begå sig i globaliseringens tidsalder. Interkulturel undervisning kræver en grundlæggende erkendelse af, at kulturer bliver skabt af bestemte samfundsmæssige og sociale sammenhænge. Skolestyrelsen SALAAM BETYDER FRED OG BRUGES SOM HEJ I STORE DELE AF VERDEN Siden 2004 har Salaams flerkulturelle filmfestivaller turneret i landets biografer og vi har siden 2006 samarbejdet direkte med skoler og uddannelser Danmark rundt.

God fornøjelse og arbejdslyst!

UNDERVISNINGSMATERIALE: Dette materiale er udarbejdet af studerende fra international linje, Blaagaard/KDAS

Foto: Nicolai Perjesi

Page 3: Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler Land Censur Instruktion Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana,



8. – 10. klasse

Contents Short Plot Summary ................................................................................................................................ 4

Background .............................................................................................................................................. 4

The Gulf Coast of USA ........................................................................................................................... 4

Mardi Gras ......................................................................................................................................... 5

The people of Louisiana……..……………………………………………………………………………………….………..5

Activity 1 ….………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………6

Activity 2.................................................................................................................................................9

Activity 3………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9

Foto: Miracle Film

Hushpuppy and her father floating in The Boathtub

Page 4: Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler Land Censur Instruktion Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana,



8. – 10. klasse

Short Plot Summary

Hushpuppy, a six-year-old girl lives with her

father Wink. They live in an area in a southern

Delta community near Louisiana called the

Bathtub. Wink's tough way of showing his love

for his daughter prepares her for the hard

times that are to come when he's no longer

there to protect her. When Wink gets a

mysterious illness nature begins to change,

temperatures rise and the ice caps melt

unleashing an army of threatening prehistoric

creatures called aurochs. The waters are rising

the aurochs are coming and Wink's health is

fading. Trying to save herself and the Bathtub,

Hushpuppy goes in search of her lost mother.


The Gulf coast of USA

The southern part of USA has a long stretch of

land that is connected to the Gulf of Mexico.

This coast line stretches from the southern tip

of Florida to the border between Texas and

Mexico. This includes the state of Louisiana,

which is the state in where the movie takes


The Gulf of Mexico is known for its rich animal

life and has a very special nature and wildlife.

The Gulf coast also has wide areas which are

low-lying and sometimes flooded: these areas

are called bayou. The bayou is home to people

and different creatures, such as snapping

turtles, alligators, wild boars and dangerous

snakes. People that live in the bayou usually

lever af the water, which means that they are

The Gulf coast also has wide areas which are low-

lying and sometimes flooded - these areas are called

bayou. The bayou is home to people and different

creatures, such as snapping turtles, alligators, wild

boars and dangerous snakes. People that live in the

bayou are usually depended on the water nearby,

which means that they are fishermen. The trouble is

that overfishing often results in lack of fish, which

means there is a lot of fighting over the fish that are

left in the water and that leads to a high crime rate, as

the bayou population tries to find other ways of

making a living. The ‘Bathtub’ community in the

movie is located in a bayou area.

These areas are often under attack from nature. This

can be everything from the tide water that rises

depending on the moon movement, to hurricanes like

hurricane Katrina.

The hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf coast on the 29th of

August 2005 and was a strength 3 on the hurricane

scale. The hurricane scale, also known as Saffir-

Simpson hurricane scale, goes from 1 to 5, where 5 is

dangerous. It had wind speeds of almost 208 km/h. It

brought along 30 cm of water, which fell as rain.

Almost 900,000 people lost power as a result of

Katrina. 81% of all the houses in the city of New

Orleans were destroyed or damaged and let the

water rush in.

Page 5: Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler Land Censur Instruktion Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana,



8. – 10. klasse

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday and is a carnival

celebrated in New Orleans, the largest city of

Louisiana. Originally it is a French tradition but

since Louisiana was French colony from 1682-1762

and 1802-1804 they adopted the tradition. Today

this tradition is the highlight of the year in the

whole state.

In Hushpuppy we see the locals of The Bathtub

celebrating Mardi Gras with alcohol and fireworks.

The people of Louisiana

Many people in Louisiana are descendants from

slave families and the result of this is that the

people living in Louisiana are mostly poor or

middle class. The poorest people of Louisiana are

forced to live in alternative homes like trailers or

sheds they have built themselves. In the movie we

see how Hushpuppy lives in a shed made from a

deck of a car with her father.

Facts about poverty in Louisiana:

· More than 26% of children from Louisiana

live in poverty – the second highest rate in the

nation and the highest in the South.

· Louisiana has the highest percentage % in

the nation of families with children headed by a

single parent – 35%. The Southern average is


· Louisiana’s poverty rate is 19.2% – the

second highest rate in the nation, and the

highest in the South.

· 35% of children in Louisiana live with

parents who do not have full-time, year-round


· In Louisiana, 13% of teens age 16-19 do not

attend school or work.


Foto: Miracle Film

Foto: Miracle Film

Mardi Gras in Louisiana

Page 6: Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler Land Censur Instruktion Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana,



8. – 10. klasse

Activity 1

Write down characterization of the main characters in the film. When describing characters, the 'STEAL'

model can help you involve more facts. [STEAL = Speech, Thoughts, Effect on others, Actions, Looks]


The words that a person speaks say a lot about

them. If they talk a lot, they may be social or

nervous. What they do not say also says something

about them. If they say little they may be introvert

or timid. The accent, voice tone, speed, and other

attributes of speaking also tell much about a



In plays monologues can be used and in movies

thoughts can be betrayed from self-talk to

conversation and action. Thinking is based on such

as beliefs about how the world works. Decisions

also show the rationality (or not) of thought, as

does the way a person argues.

Feelings are particularly given away by body

language and voice tone. It is particularly in

emotions that the underlying character is exposed.

Emotions often appear in response to external

effects and their effects on personal goals and

whether they align with expectations. They also

say much about the internal structure of how the

person things.


The way a person interacts with other people says

a great deal about their character. This shows

factors such as empathy and social understanding.

The way others react to a character also says a lot

about them. Are they popular or alone? Are they

leaders or followers? Do others help them or

ignore them?

Foto: Miracle Film

Foto: Miracle Film

Hushpuppy´s father preparing her for the hard life

Page 7: Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler Land Censur Instruktion Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana,



8. – 10. klasse


The way a person acts is driven by how they

think and how they interact with others.

Above all, it’s in the actions of people that the

true character emerges.

A particular test of a character is how they

interact with other people, for example how

selfish or sympathetic they are and whether

they will help others without expecting

something back in return. When we are

stressed our behavior often changes to

something less thoughtful. Stress is thus a

further test of personality and reveals more of

the person's character.


The appearance of a person can give much away

about them, although appearances can be deceptive.

Looks thus should not be the only way a character is


Facial expressions and other body languages tell

much about a person. If they are scarred or otherwise

bothered by life or the weather, this also says much.

A person's dress says something about what they can

afford and also something about their sense of

fashion (and concern for it).

Foto: Miracle Film

Page 8: Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler Land Censur Instruktion Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana,



8. – 10. klasse


STEAL - model

Type of Indirect


Examples from the film Explanation: what have you




Effects on others



Page 9: Foto: Miracle Film Hushpuppy · stereotyper og nuancerer holdninger. 8. -10. klasse + ungdomsskoler Land Censur Instruktion Hushpuppy En sanselig film om en lille piges liv i Louisiana,



8. – 10. klasse

Activity 2

Alternative Ending – Role Play


Discuss and rehearse role plays that describe

what happens in the story after the film ends.

Inspiration questions: You can use the following

questions as an inspiration.

- What happens to Hushpuppy?

- What happens to the Bathtub?

- How can you interpret the title? (the

original title: ‘The beasts of Southern


- What does Hushpuppy mean?

- Why is she called Hushpuppy?

- Are the beasts going to return? Are they

real or do they only exist in Hushpuppy’s


- Does she find her mother?

Activity 3

Interdisciplinary workshop English-Geography (or social studies) Pre-activity: discuss in class and brainstorm some of the following concepts: Poverty, USA (south), water, map, rivers, levees, swamps, global positioning, climate changes, storms, hurricanes, housing,...etc.

Powerpoint presentation

Divide the class into groups of four (or less). Each group will choose to make a Powerpoint presentation about the American South. The Powerpoint should consist of 5 slides with the following titles:

1- The front page: Should include the name and a map of the country, and a brief explanation of why you choose this country.

2- Fact sheet: Should include facts about: Nature, economy, population, government, natural resources, and geography (where is it in the globe and what does it mean)

3- Challenges: Should include some of the major challenges that are relevant to some groups of the population. At least 2 major challenges must be mentioned.

4- Solution: Should include the groups own proposals to some solutions that can be used to face the mentioned challenges, and what is actually being done to help this country, and who is doing it?

5- Reflection: Should include what you have learned from producing this Powerpoint, and how have this inspired you.