Foszto Laszlo

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  • 8/12/2019 Foszto Laszlo



    Nr. 3

    Foszt Lszl


    ROMII DIN ROMNIACu accentul pe perioada 19902007


    Cluj-Napoca, 2008

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    nNr. 3:Autor: Foszt LszlTitlu: Bibliografie cu studiile i reprezentrile despre romii din Romnia cu accentul pe perioada 19902007

    nCoordonator serie: Bokor Zsuzsa


    nConcepie grafic, copert: Knczey ElemrnTechnoredactare: Fazakas BotondnTipar: IDEA i Gloria, Cluj-Napoca

  • 8/12/2019 Foszto Laszlo



    Introduceren4Structuran4Despre modul de cutare (proiectul de baz de date) n4Despre stadiul actual al cercetriin4

    Bibliografii specializate, publicaii de referin, seciuni de enciclopedie n5Resurse on-line n5Dicionare, manuale n6Lucrri clasice n6

    Volume generale i monografiin7Colecii de documente n8Volume editate n8Studii n10

    Istorie n10Lingvisticn11Folclor n11Antropologie-etnologien12Sociologie-demografien15Analize politice, analize de reprezentri media n17

    Autobiografii, interviuri, oral history n19Filme documentare n20

    Reprezentri artistice n20Literatur n20Filme n21

    Rapoarte, propuneri i alte documenten21Council of Europe n21European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) n21Human Rights Watch n21Minority Rights Group n21Open Society Institute (OSI) n21The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) n22Project on Ethnic Relations (PER) n22United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) n22

    The World Bank n22

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    Bibliografia de mai jos este primul produs al unei cercetri documentare n domeniul studiilor comunitilorde romi, fiind o culegere de date a documentelor i analizelor asupra politicilor publice, sociale, educaionaleetc. din spaiul european, cu atenie sporit pe zona Europei Centrale i de Est, Sud-Est. Cercetarea are ca obiect

    producerea unei bibliografii adnotate i ct se poate de complet n domeniu. Culegerea de date bibliograficese adreseaz cercettorilor n tiinele sociale interesate de problemele romilor i de relaiile interetnice, dar vaputea servi i ca un instrument de orientare persoanelor i instituiilor active n dezvoltarea comunitar sau celorangajate n mbuntirea situaiei romilor din Romnia i din regiunea est-european.


    Structura paper-ului de fa urmrete o logica mixt: publicaiile au fost ordonate tematic, i pe tipuri depublicaii (volume monografice, studii de specialitate, rapoarte i alte documente) iar listele apar in ordine alfabeticdup numele autorului i data publicaiei. n unele seciuni (ex. studii tiinifice) exist subseciuni pe discipline

    academice, n altele (ex. rapoarte i alte documente subseciune care trebuie completat) subdiviziunile suntformate dup instituiile care au publicat documentele. Cred c utilitatea acestui paper ca document de referinnu sufer din cauza acestor diferene categorizatorii. Unul dintre scopurile cercetrii este dezvoltarea sistemuluicuvintelor-cheie care se ascund n spatele acestor diviziuni. n aceast prima ediie titlurile publicaiilor apar inlb l f , ll ( l/) l ll v l

    n ediiile urmtoare.

    Despre modul de cutare (proiectul de baz de date)

    n forma actual, se pot efectua cutri simple dup numele autorului i data publicaiei. O mbuntire majora acestui proiect bibliografic se va realiza prin introducerea datelor ntr-o baz de date electronic cu un motor decutare prin filtrarea avansat a cuvintelor cheie etc. Acest paper trebuie vzut ca un prim pas n aceast direcie.

    Despre stadiul actual al cercetrii

    Aceast cercetare documentar se afl n proces de dezvoltare. Lipsurile sau greelile care apar n acest papervor fi corectate n ediiile urmtoare. Orice sugestie sau adugire este binevenit i n acest sens. n faza prezentsunt nregistrate n jur de 1000 titluri care acoper toate rile din regiune, dintre care prezenta bibliografiecuprinde cca. 300 titluri cu referine directe la Romnia. Referinele la articolele de pres au fost excluse.

  • 8/12/2019 Foszto Laszlo


    Foszt LszL BiBLiograFie cu studiiLe i reprezentriLe despre romii din romniaCU ACCENTUL PE PERIOADA 19902007

    Bibliografii specializate, publicaii de referin,seciuni de enciclopedie

    BEISSINGER, Margaret H.2006 Roma. In: CLEMENTS, William M. (ed.): The Greenwood encyclopedia of world folklore and folklife. Volume 3.

    Europe. Greenwood Press Westport CT, London, 395408.

    BENEDEK Katalin2001a Bibliography of the Repertoire of Gypsy Storytellers. In: BDI Zsuzsanna (szerk.): Cigny nprajzi kutatsok

    Kzp- s Kelet-Eurpban. Gypsy Ethnographical Research in Central and Eastern Europe . Cigny NprajziTanulmnyok 10. Magyar Nprajzi Trsasg, Budapest, 102109.

    2001b Cigny mesemondk repertorjnak bibliogrfija. In: BDI Zsuzsanna (szerk.): Cigny nprajzi kutatsokKzp- s Kelet-Eurpban. Gypsy Ethnographical Research in Central and Eastern Europe. Cigny NprajziTanulmnyok 10. Magyar Nprajzi Trsasg, Budapest, 94101.

    BDI Zsuzsanna2001 Vl yl l y ylv j lbl / sl f h ehhl

    Literature in Hungarian about the Gypsies. In: BDI Zsuzsanna (szerk.): Cigny nprajzi kutatsok Kzp-s Kelet-Eurpban. Gypsy Ethnographical Research in Central and Eastern Europe. Cigny NprajziTanulmnyok 10. Magyar Nprajzi Trsasg, Budapest, 161242.

    JAKAB Albert Zsolt POZSONY Ferenc2007 Az erdlyi cignysg kutatsa. Vlogatott bibliogrfia. In: ILYS Sndor POZSONY Ferenc (szerk.): Lokalitsok,

    hatrok, tallkozsok. Tanulmnyok erdlyi cigny kzssgekrl. Kriza Jnos Nprajzi Trsasg vknyve 15.Kriza Jnos Nprajzi Trsasg, Kolozsvr 203234.

    POZSONY Ferenc2001a The Achievements and Tasks of Gypsy Research in Transylvania. In: BDI Zsuzsanna (szerk.): Cigny nprajzi

    kutatsok Kzp- s Kelet-Eurpban. Gypsy Ethnographical Research in Central and Eastern Europe. Cigny

    Nprajzi Tanulmnyok 10. Magyar Nprajzi Trsasg, Budapest, 1632.2001b Az erdlyi cignykutatsok eredmnyei. In: BDI Zsuzsanna (szerk.): Cigny nprajzi kutatsok Kzp-

    s Kelet-Eurpban. Gypsy Ethnographical Research in Central and Eastern Europe. Cigny NprajziTanulmnyok 10. Magyar Nprajzi Trsasg, Budapest, 1215.

    STRECK, Bernard et alii (ed.)2003Zigeuner des Schwarzmeergebiets. Eine Bibliographie. Orientwissenschaftliches Zentrum, Halle-Wittenberg

    TONG, Diane (ed.)1995 Gypsies: A Multidisciplinary Annotated Bibliography. Garland, New York

    Resurse on-line

    Roma and Forced Migration. An Annotated Bibliography, Second Edition,h://..h//bbl/

    s l bl l ( 19902002), h://.l..//.hl

    sl Lby h ahv s r, s, h://

    eurorom, r s e Lh, eh m, emz Bl, h://.-bl./j/j06_52.h

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    F tlh Fh, uv L, h://.-l./~ff/

    F sl-cll l i cb, h://.f./L c hh , h://..h.h///h&/h_


    th r L p, th uvy f mh, h://.ll.h../rh/pj//

    th r pj, kl-F-uvy g, h://.-.//x..hl

    rh h f r / gy r, h://.h./

    Dicionare, manuale

    romLeX h r lx, h://.f../lx/

    CRJAN, Lazr BIU, Nicolae SPERIATU, Marian2001 Ghid de conversaie romnrrom (ignesc) n grai spoitoresc. Curtea Veche, Bucureti

    MIHAI CIOAB, Luminia2001a Curs intensiv de limba rromani. Editura Neo Drom, Sibiu2001b Ghid de conversaie Romnignesc. Editura Teora, Bucureti

    SARU, Gheorghe1992 Mic dicionar romromn. Editura Kriterion, Bucureti1998 Dicionar rrom (spoitoresc) romn. Editura Kriterion, Bucureti

    2000a Curs de limba rromani. Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca2000b Dicionar rromromn. Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca2000c Ghid de conversaie romnrrom. Editura Kriterion, Bucureti

    SARU, Gheorghe COLCERIU, Corneliu1998 Dicionar romnrrom (cldrresc) rrom (cldrresc) romn. Editura Kriterion, Bucureti

    SZAB Gza2000 Magyarcigny sztr. Cignymagyar sztr. Komp-Press, Korunk Barti Trsasg, Cluj-Napoca

    Lucrri clasice

    FRASER, Angus1995 [1992] The Gypsies. Blackwell, Oxford1999 iganii. Editura Humanitas, Bucureti2002 A cignyok. Osiris, Budapest

    KOGLNICEANU, Mihail1837 Esquisse sur lhistoire, les moeurs et la langue des Cigains connus en France sous le nom de Bohmiens. Berlin1975 [1891] A cignyok felszabadtsa. (trad. Nagy Gza). In: KEREKES Gyrgy (ed.):A parasztsg sorsnak knnytse.

    Kriterion, Bukarest, 153219.

  • 8/12/2019 Foszto Laszlo


    Foszt LszL BiBLiograFie cu studiiLe i reprezentriLe despre romii din romniaCU ACCENTUL PE PERIOADA 19902007

    SERBOIANU, Popp C. J.1930 Les Tsiganes. Payot, Paris

    WLISLOCKI, Heinrich von1890 Von wandernden Zigeunervolke. Bilder aus dem Leben der Sibenbrger Zigeuner. Geschichtliches, Etnologisches,

    Sprache und Poesie. Hamburg

    2000 Despre poporul nomad al rromilor. Imagini din viata rromilor din Transilvania. Editura Atlas, Bucureti

    Volume generale i monografii

    ACHIM, Viorel1998 iganii n istoria Romniei. Editura Enciclopedic, Bucuresti2001 Cignyok a romn trtnelemben. Osiris, Budapest2004 Roma in the History of Romania. CEU Press, Budapest

    BARANY Zoltn2002 The East European Gypsies. Regime Change, Marginality and Ethnopolitics. Cambridge University Press,

    Cambridge2003 A kelet-eurpai cignysg. Rendszervlts, marginalits s nemzetisgi politika. Athenaeum 2000 Kiad,


    BEISSINGER, Margaret H.1991 The Art of the Lutar: The Epic Tradition of Romania. Garland Publishing, New YorkLondon

    BOBU, Nicolae2000 Cutuma justiiar. Judecata de pace la romi. Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitile de Romi, Cluj-Napoca2002 Book about Rroms: Common law A legal peace process. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca

    CHELCEA, Ion1944a Rudarii. Contribuie la o enigm etnografic. c ll, B1944b Tiganii din Romnia. Monografie etnografic. Editura Institutului Central de Statistic, Bucureti

    CROWE, David1994 A History of the Gypsies in Eastern Europe and Russia. St. Martins Press, New York

    ENGEBRIGSTEN, Ada2007 Exploring Gypsiness: Power, Exchange and Interdependence in a Transylvanian Village. Berghahn Books, Oxford

    New York

    FONSECA, Isabel1995 Bury me standing: The Gypsies and their Journey. Chatto and Windus, London2001 ngropai-m n picioare. Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca

    HANCOCK, Ian2002 We are the Romani people. University of Hertfordshire Press, Hatfield2004 Mi vagyunk a romani np. Pont Kiad, Budapest

    IOANID, Radu2000 The Holocaust in Romania. The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies Under the Antonescu Regime, 19401944 . Ivan

    R. Dee, Chicago

    LIGEOIS, Jean-Pierre1986 Gypsies: An Illustrated History. Al Saqi Books, London

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    MATRAS, Yaron2002 Romani: A Linguistic Introduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

    MERFEA, Mihai1991 iganii: Integrarea social a romilor. Editura Brsa, Braov1998 Cultur i civilizaie romani. Editura Didactic i Pedagogic R.A., Bucureti

    POGNY Istvn2004 The Roma Caf. Pluto Press, London, Sterling

    PONS, Emanuelle1995 iganii din Romnia. O minoritate n tranziie. Editura Compania, Bucuresti

    REMMEL, Frantz1993 Die Roma Rumaniens: Volk ohne Hinterland. Picus Verlag, Vienna

    RIES, Johannes2007 Welten Wanderer. ber die kulturelle Sovernitt siebenbrgischer Zigeuner und den Einfluss des

    Pfingstchristentums. Ergon Verlang, Wrzburg

    Colecii de documente

    ACHIM, Viorel (ed.)2004 Documente privind deportarea iganilor n Transnistria. Editura Enciclopedic, Bucureti

    ALBERT Ern2000 Szabad madr. Hromszki cignyoktl gyjttt npkltszet s levltri okmnyok. Charta Kiad,


    IONESCU, Vasile (ed.)2000a Deportarea romilor n Transnistria. De la Auschwitz la Bug. Editura Centrului rromilor pentru politici publice

    Aven amentza, Bucureti2000b Robia iganilor n rile Romne. Moldova. Rromii din Romnia Studii i documente istorice. Editura Centrului

    rromilor pentru politici publice Aven Amentza, Bucureti2001 Robia rromilor n Trile Romne: ara Romneasc. Editura Centrului rromilor pentru politici publice Aven

    Amentza, Bucureti

    MATEI, Petre (ed.)2001 Deportarea rromilor n Transnistria. Documente de arhiv. Editura Centrului rromilor pentru politici publice

    Aven Amentza, Bucureti

    NASTAS, Lucian Varga Andrea (ed.)2001 Minoritti etnoculturale. Mrturii documentare. iganii din Romnia (19191944) . Ethnocultural Diversity

    Center, Cluj-Napoca

    Volume editate

    ABRAHAM, Dorel BDESCU, Ilie CHELCEA, Septimiu

    1995 Interethnic Relations in Romania: Sociological Diagnosis and Evaluation of Tendencies. Editura Carpatica, Cluj-Napoca

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    Foszt LszL BiBLiograFie cu studiiLe i reprezentriLe despre romii din romniaCU ACCENTUL PE PERIOADA 19902007

    ANSTSOAIE, Viorel-Marian TARNOVSCHI, Daniela (ed.)2001 Proiecte pentru romii din Romnia, 19902000. Fundaia CRDE, Cluj-Napoca

    BAK Boglrka (szerk.)2003 Loklis vilgok. Egyttls a Krpt-medencben. MTA Trsadalomkutat Kzpont, Budapest

    BARI Kroly (szerk.)1998 Tanulmnyok a cignysgrl s hagyomnyos kultrjrl. Petfi Sndor Mveldsi Kzpont, Gdll

    BAUMANN, Max Peter (ed.)2000 Music, Language and Literature of the Roma and Sinti. Verlag fr Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin

    BDI Zsuzsanna (szerk.)2001 Cigny nprajzi kutatsok Kzp- s Kelet-Eurpban. Gypsy Ethnographical Research in Central and Eastern

    Europe. Cigny Nprajzi Tanulmnyok 10. Magyar Nprajzi Trsasg, Budapest

    BOD Julianna (szerk.)2002 Helykeresk? Roma lakossg a Szkelyfldn. Pro-Print Knyvkiad KAM, Cskszereda

    CACE, Sorin et alii.2001 Cercetri cu privire la minoritatea rrom. Editura Expert, Bucureti

    CROWE, David KOLSTI, John (ed.)1991 The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. M. E. Sharpe, New York

    GAGYI Jzsef (szerk.)1996 Egy ms mellett ls. A magyarromn, magyarcigny kapcsolatokrl.Pro-Print Knyvkiad KAM, Cskszereda

    GUY, Will (ed.)2001 Between past and future: the Roma of Central and Eastern Europe. University of Hertfordshire Press, Hatfield

    ICCV2002 Indicatori privind comunitile de romi din Romnia. Editura Expert, Bucureti

    ILYS Sndor POZSONY Ferenc (szerk.)2007 Lokalitsok, hatrok, tallkozsok. Tanulmnyok erdlyi cigny kzssgekrl. A Kriza Jnos Nprajzi Trsasg

    vknyve 15. Kriza Jnos Nprajzi Trsasg, Kolozsvr

    KENRICK, Donald (ed.)1999 In the shadow of the Swastika. The Gypsies during the Second World War - 2 . Interface Collection vol. 13.

    University of Hertfordshire Press, Hatfield

    KOVCS Nra OSVT Anna SZARKA Lszl (szerk.)2004 Tr s terep. Tanulmnyok az etnicits s az identits krdskrbl III. Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest

    MATRAS, Yaron1995 Romani in contact: the history, structure, and sociology of a language. 1st International conference on Romani

    linguistics: Selected papers. Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, Amsterdam

    MIHOK, Brigitte1999 Vergleichende Studie zur Situation der Minderheiten in Ungarn und Rumanien (19891996) unter besonderer

    Bercksichtigung der Roma. Lang, Frankfurt am Main

    NECULAU, Adrian FERREOL, Gilles (ed.)1996 Minoritari, marginali, exclui. Polirom, Iai

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    POLENDA, Rudolf REGG, Franois RUS, Clin (ed.)2002 Interculturalitate: Cercetri i perspective romneti. Presa Universitara, Clujeana Cluj-Napoca

    POZSONY Ferenc ANGHEL, Remus Gabriel (ed.)1999 Modele de convieuire n Ardeal. Zbala. Asociaia Etnografic Kriza Jnos, Cluj-Napoca

    ZAMFIR, Ctlin PREDA, Marian (ed.)2002 Romii in Romnia. Editura Expert, Bucureti

    ZAMFIR, Elena ZAMFIR, Ctlin1993 iganii ntre ignorare si ngrijorare. Editura Alternative, Bucureti


    IstorieACHIM, Viorel1997 Rolul iganilor n economia rilor romne n Evul Mediu. Rromathan1. 99104.

    ALBERT Ern2000 A cignyok Hromszken. In: Szabad madr. Hromszki cignyoktl gyjttt npkltszet s levltri okmnyok.

    Charta Kiad, Sepsiszentgyrgy, 518.

    ANSTSOAIE, Viorel-Marian2003 r/gy h hy f r: l hll f r hhy. Romanian Journal of

    Society and Politics3. (1) 262274.

    BECK, Sam1989 The Origins of Gypsy Slavery in Romania. Dialectical Anthropology14. 5361.

    CROWE, David1999 The Gypsies of Romania since 1990. Nationalities Papers27. (1) 5767.2003 The International and Historical Dimensions of Romani Migration in Central and Eastern Europe. Nationalities

    Papers31. (1) 8194.

    GHEORGHE, Nicolae1983 Origins of Romas Slavery in the Rumanian Principalities. Roma7. (1) 1227.

    IOANID, Radu2000 Deportarea i exterminarea rromilor. In: IONESCU, Vasile (ed.): Deportarea rromilor n Transnistria. De la

    Auschwitz la Bug. Editura Centrului rromilor pentru politici publice Aven amentza, Bucureti, 4051.

    KELSO, Michele1999 Gypsy deportations from Romania to Transnistria 194244. In: KENRICK, Donald (ed.): In the shadow of the

    Swastika. The Gypsies during the Second World War. University of Hertfordshire Press, Hatfield, 95130.

    NASTAS, Lucian2001 Studiu introductiv. In: NASTAS, Lucian VARGA Andrea (ed.): Minoriti etnoculturale. Mrturii documentare.

    iganii din Romnia (19191944). Ethnocultural Diversity Center, Cluj-Napoca, 924.

    POTRA, George

    2001 [1939] Contribuiuni la istoricul iganilor din Romnia. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti

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    Foszt LszL BiBLiograFie cu studiiLe i reprezentriLe despre romii din romniaCU ACCENTUL PE PERIOADA 19902007

    andru, d2000 Deportarea iganilor n Transnistria 1942. In: IONESCU, Vasile (ed.): Deportarea rromilor n Transnistria. De la

    Auschwitz la Bug. Editura Centrului rromilor pentru politici publice Aven amentza, Bucureti, 5262.

    LingvisticLZRESCU, Ioan2006 Latinismen, Anglizismen und Romismen in der rumnischen Jugendsprache. Beitrage zur

    Fremdsprachenvermittlung44. 8999.

    LESCHBER, Corinna1995 Romani Lexical Items in Colloquial Romanian. In: MATRAS, Yaron (ed.): Romani in Contact. The History, Structure

    and Sociology of a Language. Jh Bj pblh cy, a/phllh, 151176.

    SARU, Gheorghe1998 Rromii, India i limba rromani. Editura Kriterion, Bucureti

    FolclorALBERT Ern2000 Szabad madr. Hromszki cignyoktl gyjttt npkltszet s levltri okmnyok. Charta Kiad,


    BARI Kroly1999 Cigny folklr. Magyarorszg, Romnia IX. (Colecie de CD-uri, Introducere i texte transcrise), publicaie privat,


    BEISSINGER, Margaret H.1988 Text and Music in Romanian Oral Epic. Oral Tradition3. (3) 294314.2000 Creativity in Performance: Words and Music in Balkan and Old French Epic. In: REICHL, Karl (ed.): The Oral Epic:

    Performance and Music. Verlag fr Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin, 95113.2001 Gender and Power in the Balkan Return Song. Slavic and East European Journal45. (3) 403430.2002 Rites of Passage and Oral Storytelling in Romanian Epic and the New Testament. Oral Tradition: A Special Issue

    The Bible in Ancient and Modern Media17. (2) 236248.2005 Romani (Gypsy) Music-Making at Weddings in Post-Communist Romania: Political Transitions and Cultural

    Adaptations. Folklorica10. (1) 3951.

    BEISSINGER, Margaret H. TYLUS, Jane WOFFORD, Susanne1999 Introduction. In: BEISSINGER, Margaret H. TYLUS, Jane WOFFORD, Susanne (ed.): Epic Traditions in the

    Contemporary World: The Poetics of Community. University of California Press, Berkeley, 117.

    BRLEA, Ovidiu1942 Conservatorul de lutari din Rociu. In: POP, Mihai GOLOPENIA, Anton (ed.): Dmbovnicul: O plas din sudul

    judeului Arge. Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romnia, Bucureti

    BUCKLEY, Ann1994 Professional Musicians, Dancing and Patronage: Continuity and Change in a Transylvanian Community. The

    World of Music36.2000 Gypsy Musicians in Transylvania: Changing Lifestyles, Changing Status. In: BAUMANN, Max Peter (ed.): Music,

    Language and Literature of the Roma and Sinti. Verlag fr Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin 309318.

    CIOBANU, Gheorghe1967 Folclorul orenesc. Studii de Muzicologie3. 4984.

    1974 Despre aa-numit gam igneasc. Studii de etnomusicologie i bizantinologie1. 83105.

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    GARFIAS, Robert1981 Survivals of Turkish characteristics in Romanian Muzica Lutareasc. Yearbook for Traditional Music13. 97

    107.1984 Dance Among the Urban Gypsies of Romania. Yearbook for Traditional Music16. 8496.


    2000 Gypsy Dance Style as Marker of Ethnic Identity. In: BAUMANN, Max Peter (ed.): Music, Language and Literatureof the Roma and Sinti. Verlag fr Wissenschaft und Bildung, Berlin, 321329.

    NAGY Olga1978A tltos trvnye. Npmese s eszttikum. Kriterion Kiad, Bukarest1988A havasi storos. Dvid Gyula mesi. MTA Nprajzi Kutat Csoport, Budapest1994 Barangolsaim varzslatos tjban. Cigny bartaim kztt. Erdlyi Gondolat Knyvkiad, Szkelyudvarhely2002A gmbcfi. Erdlyi cigny mesk. (Vekerdi Jzsef fordtsa). Terebess Kiad, Budapest

    POZSONY Ferenc1984lomvz martjn. Fekete-gy vidki magyar npballadk. Kriterion Knyvkiad, Bukarest

    RDULESCU, Sperana1985 Ucenicia lutarului. Revista de etnografie i folclor30. 111124.1996 Gypsy Music versus the Music of Others. Martor1. 134145.

    Antropologie-etnologieANGHEL, Remus Gabriel1999 Poveste cu igani maghiari. In: POZSONY Ferenc ANGHEL, Remus Gabriel (ed.): Modele de convieuire n

    Ardeal. Zbala. Asociaia Etnografic Kriza Jnos, Cluj, 88121.

    BECK, Sam1993 Racism and the Formation of a Romani Ethnic Leader. In: MARCUS, George (ed.): Perilous States: Conversations

    on Culture, Politics and Nation. Chicago and: The University of Chicago Press, London, 165186.

    BEISSINGER, Margaret H.2001a Occupation and Ethnicity. Constructing Identity among Professional Romani (Gypsy) Musicians in Romania.

    Slavic Review60. (1) 2449.2001b Gender and Power in the Balkan Return Song. Slavic and East European Journal45. (3) 403430.2005 Romani (Gypsy) Music-Making at Weddings in Post-Communist Romania: Political Transitions and Cultural

    Adaptations. Folklorica10. (1) 3951.

    BERTA Pter2004 Bolond vagy Jank? Lenyka kell neked?! In: BORSOS Balzs SZARVAS Zsuzsa VARGYAS Gbor (szerk.):

    Fehren, feketn Varsnytl Rititiig. Tanulmnyok Srkny Mihly tiszteletre. II. LHarmattan Kiad, Budapest,937.

    2005 Az rtk etnicizlsa az etnicits rtke. A presztzstrgy-gazdasg mint etnikai identitsgyakorlat az erdlyiGborok kztt. Tabula8. (2) 171200.

    2007 Ethnicisation of value the value of ethnicity: The prestige-item economy as a performance of ethnic identityamong the Gabors of Transylvania (Rumania). Romani Studies 5.17. (1) 3165.

    BIR A. Zoltn OLH Sndor2002 Helykeresk. Roma npessg a szkelyfldi teleplseken, In: BOD Julianna (szerk.): Helykeresk? Roma

    lakossg a Szkelyfldn. Pro-Print Knyvkiad KAM, Cskszereda, 1347.

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    RINGOLD, Dena ORENSTEIN, Michell A. WILKENS, Erika2003 Roma in an expanding Europe: Breaking the poverty cycle. Conference Edition. The World Bank, Washington2005 Roma in an expanding Europe: Breaking the poverty cycle. The World Bank, Washington

    SANDU, Dumitru2005 Roma Social Mapping: Targeting by a Community Poverty Survey. The World Bank, Bucureti

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    public i ca personalitate juridic n subordinea Guvernului si n coordonarea Departamentului pentru RelaiiInteretnice. Sediul Institutului este n municipiul Cluj-Napoca.

    nScop si activiti de bazstudierea si cercetarea inter- si pluridisciplinar a pstrrii, dezvoltrii i exprimrii identitii etnice,studierea aspectelor sociologice, istorice, culturale, lingvistice, religioase sau de alt natur ale minoritilornaionale si ale altor comuniti etnice din Romnia.

    nDirecii principale de cercetareSchimbare de abordare n Romnia, n domeniul politicilor fa de minoritile naionale: analiza politicol ;d - l r;Revitalizare etnic sau asimilare? Identiti n tranziie, analiza transformrilor identitare la minoritile etnice dinr;al ll j l r;pl ll l l r;p l ;Blvl: l , l bl;n r: l ;

    The ROMANIAN INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON NATIONAL MINORITIES (RIRNM) is a legally constituted publicentity under the authority of the Romanian Government. It is based in Cluj-Napoca.

    nAimThe inter- and multidisciplinary study and research of the preservation, development and expression of ethnicidentity, as well as social, historic, cultural, linguistic, religious or other aspects of national minorities and of otherethnic communities in Romania.

    nMajor research areasch l l r: ll l ly f hy;eh-h y f r;Identities in transition ethnic enlivening or assimilation? (analysis of transformations in the identity of national f r);aly f h l f hy h l y r;th l ll h f r;eh ;Bll: y f bll, bl l;Recent immigrants to Romania: patterns of social and economic integration.

  • 8/12/2019 Foszto Laszlo


    I S P M N

    A kolozsvri szkhely, jogi szemlyknt mkd NEMZETI KISEBBSGKUTAT INTZET (NKI) a Romn Kormnyhatskrbe tartoz kzintzmny.

    nClokA romniai nemzeti kisebbsgek s ms etnikai kzssgek etnikai identitsmegrzsnek, -vltozsainak,

    -kifejezdsnek, valamint ezek szociolgiai, trtnelmi, kulturlis, nyelvszeti, vallsos s ms jellegaspektusainak kutatsa, tanulmnyozsa.

    nFbb kutatsi irnyvonalakA romniai kisebbsgpolitikban trtn vltozsok elemzse: jelenkortrtnetre vonatkoz intzmnypolitikail;a bb jll;tmeneti identitsok etnikai revitalizls vagy asszimilci? (a romniai kisebbsgek identitsban vgbemenvl l);a l b;a bb ll ;a llj;a ylv , hh l l;j bevndorlk Romniban: trsadalmi s gazdasgi beilleszkedsi modellek.


    nNr. 1.Kiss Tams Csata Istvn: Evoluia populaiei maghiare din Romnia. Rezultate i probleme metodologice.Evolution of the Hungarian Population from Romania. Results and Methodological Problems

    nNr. 2.Veres Valr: Analiza comparat a identitii minoritilor maghiare din bazinul Carpatic.

    A Krpt-medencei magyarok nemzeti identitsnak sszehasonlt elemzse.


    nNr. 4.Remus Gabriel Anghel: Migraia i problemele ei: perspectiva transnaional ca o nou modalitate de analiz aetnicitii i schimbrii sociale n Romnia.

    nNr. 5.Szkely Istvn Gerg: Soluii instituionale speciale pentru reprezentarea parlamentar a minoritilor naionale

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