Foster kid : Best Playschool franchise

FOSTER KIDS - A Rewarding Fun Business


Foster Kids Pre-school born with the desire to nurture the children and lay a healthy foundation for a learned society. It is a noble initiative of IHT Group. And now it has emerged as one of the best play school in India. IHT India is an ISO 9001:2008 certified, professionally managed, public limited company delivering education in different fields of Information Technology like hardware, networking, software, accounting, management education and spoken English training. We have a wealth of experience more than a decade for innovating new Teaching Techniques during managing IHT & expanding education systems. Foster kids is managed by professional team, comprising of people with rich experience and broad knowledge in domain of Early Childhood Education and Management. Foster Kids offers Business Association for Play School and Child care services to individuals, entrepreneurs and existing preschools across India and abroad. The success of the associate is ensured, through complete guidance to set-up, start and manage the Preschool.