Fort Snelling Squadron - Dec 2005

 Fort Snelling Cadet Squadron December 2005 Vol. 3 No. 10 Monthly Newsletter of Fort Snelling Cadet Squadron- Minnesota Wing Civil Air Patrol Auxiliary United Sates Air Force Commander’s Comments LTC Kilian Ft Snelling has done an excellent job at recruiting and training new members into the squadron. In the past twelve months y ou have recruited five new cadets, and we have had several cadets complete milestone achievements. There is a fact that does have me concerned however, as of now we currently have as many senior members as cadets. For a cadet squadron, this is not good, and means we must do a better job at both recruiting, and retaining our cadet membership? How will we accomplish this? By having a maniacal focus on recruiting and retention. So how will this work? Easy - we take the skills from all of our members, cadet and senior, and focus them to make Fort Snelling the best squadron in CAP. We will take our weekly meetings to a new level, and be sure to keep out attendance up at the weekend activities. Having fun and exciting activities is also the key, and the dining out is a superb example of this. Building quality into the program will bring in new members, and keep the existing membership interested. So please, sign up for the activities, attend the meetings, and contribute whatever you can to make Ft Snelling a success! Commander Wins AFA Award LTC Tarpy On Friday, November 5 th 2005 The General EF Rawlings chapter of the Air Force Association presented awards to outstanding Minnesota Wing members at their annual banquet. The banquet recognizes outstanding Air Force Personnel, ROTC Cadets, and CAP Members. Congressman Jim Kline, R- MN presented the award for Command Excellence to CAP Lt.Col. Doug Kilian of Fort Snelling Squadron. Lt. Col. Kilian was recognized for leading a newer Cadet squadron with minimal resources. He make up for lack of funds with innovative programs and his enthusiasm for the CAP mission and vision. Since accepting the command of the squadron the program has consistently grown in standing among the other squadrons. His example has also grown as a “career” CAP Member.

Transcript of Fort Snelling Squadron - Dec 2005

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