Formal Methods of Systems Specification Logical Specification of Hard- and Software

15.7.2008 Formal Methods of Systems Specification Logical Specification of Hard- and Software Prof. Dr. Holger Schlingloff Institut für Informatik der Humboldt Universität and Fraunhofer Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik


Formal Methods of Systems Specification Logical Specification of Hard- and Software. Prof. Dr. Holger Schlingloff Institut für Informatik der Humboldt Universität and Fraunhofer Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik. Temporal logic. Description of the dynamics of systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Formal Methods of Systems Specification Logical Specification of Hard- and Software

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Formal Methods of Systems SpecificationLogical Specification of Hard- and Software

Prof. Dr. Holger SchlingloffInstitut für Informatik der Humboldt Universität


Fraunhofer Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik

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Temporal logic

•Description of the dynamics of systems Model checking of hardware “Software model checking”: research

•Linear and branching time logic

•Temporal assertions languages SPL, ForSpec, PSL (IEEE Standard)

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Example: Coffee Machine

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SDL Description

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SPL Properties

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Towards Temporal Logic

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• F+ can define F*

• X and F* can define F+

• F* without X can not define F+

• Similarly, interval properties can not be expressed

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Temporal logic

•“Modal logic with ‘until’”

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Other connectives

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•U+ can define U*

similar as above, U* can not define U+

•Unless- or Weak-until- operator

• In natural models it holds that

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The Glory of the Past

• First order logic can use inverse relations:R-1(x,y) iff R(y,x)

• In temporal logic, use past-operators

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Declarative Past and Imperative Future

•Gabbay argues for the following normal form


where φ is a pure past or present declarative formula, and ψ is a pure future imperative formula

•Executable temporal logic

•Tempura programming language (Mostowsky) TLA Temporal logic of actions (Lamport)

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Temporal Logic and First Order Logic

Standard Translation

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Two- and Three Variable Fragment

• FOL gives for each temporal formula a first order formula with exactly one free variable

• For modal logic, FOL can be refined such that the resulting formula uses only two bound variables (reuse variables inside). For the until-operator, three variables are needed and sufficient.

• Certain first-order theories (e.g. the theory of complete linear orders) are also in the three-variable fragment.

• Translation from first order formulas of these theories into temporal logic?

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Expressive completeness

•TL is called expressively complete for a certain class of models, if for every first order formula there is an equivalent temporal one Natural model: isomorphic to the integers Linear model: all points linearly ordered Complete linear order: limits exist

•Kamp’s theorem: TL is expressively complete for complete linear orders

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• What has been achieved logics: propositional logic, first-order logic, Z, B, OCL, Spec# methods: normalization, model checking, theorem proving,

assertional reasoning, test generation tools: COQ, NuSMV, CZT, Octopus, SpecExplorer

• What remains to be done other logics: ZFC (set theory), HOL (higher-order logic), VDM,

OZ (object-Z), LTL/CTL, TLA+, ForSpec, Sugar/PSL other methods: static analysis, handling of pointers, worst

case execution time (WCET) estimation, run-time monitoring, …

more tools: integrated proof assistants (e.g. proof general, ACE assertion checking environment, Frama-C, …)

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•sample dialog?