Formal case Presentation (care plan for patient has duodenal ulcer caused by Nsaid usage )

Nsaid Induced Duodenal ulcer Done By : Aya kamel Ali #1

Transcript of Formal case Presentation (care plan for patient has duodenal ulcer caused by Nsaid usage )

Nsaid Induced Duodenal

ulcer Done By : Aya kamel Ali #1

Subjective :He complains of epigasteric abdominal

pain , vague abdominal discomfort and


He noticed darkening of stool one week


the pain come between 1-3 am and

relived by food He describes it of being

moderately to severe



Subjective , cont

Endoscopy shows multiple gastric ulcer

Manager of stressful job

His father died at age of 59 of shock due to

severe GI bleeding 2ry to untreated PUD


Objective :

Hgb 11.0 mg/dL

Hct 33

Abd : Mild tenderness , no masses

Rect : Non-tender ; melenic stool found in

rectal valut ; stool heme +ve

Endoscopy shows multiple gastric ulcer .

Risk factors : Nsaid use (ibuprofen)



Family history




Indication (Needs

additional drug therapy )Untreated condition

A.S 55 year-old African-American male who

suffers from epigastric abdominal pain 1 year

ago which not relieved by using OTC antacid

(Maalox & Bismuth subsalicylate ) needs

additional drug therapy

DRP ,,, cont

Safety (adverse drug

reaction )Undesirable effect

A.S 55 year-old African-American male who

takes OTC bisthmus subsalicylate for

epigasteric abdominal pain , but his condition

become worse and develops bleeding as a

side effect which increase risk of recuurance

. he needs to stop using it .

Therapeutic goal

Short term goal :

Prevent complication (perforation , penetration

, obstruction , malignancy

promote ulcer healing Stop the ulcer bleeding

Symptomatic relive .

Long term goals :

Preventing recurrence and avoiding potential


Reduce financial cost of treatment .

According to blatchford score

Patient has high risk of


Blatchford score

Pharmacological intervention :

Stop using ibuprofen to prevent further


Stop using bismuth subsalicylate to

minimize the risk of bleeding .

Cont …

Add omeprazole 2o mg Bid

Brand name : Gasec by mepha company

Price 27 SR


Ranitidine double dose 300 mg q.i.d

Endoscopy treatment

Non pharmacological


Omega -3 fatty acids has anti-inflamatory

effect help to protect the stomach from ulcers

Acupuncture treatments .

Endoscopy treatment .

Injection therapy .

Yoga practice to manage stress



Symptomatic improvement.


The appearance of adverse events like :

muscle cramps, muscle weakness or limp

feeling; seizures


Testing for H.pylori

Patients taking the test should stop taking

PPIs for at least 2 weeks (they interfere with

the test) and starve for 4 hours before.

Fecal Occult Blood Test

CBC & Hemoglobin

Follow up

• Assess the adherence.

• Assess the signs and symptoms of progression of ulcer

Follow up session should be scheduled 2-4 weeks after initiating the therapy.

repeat endoscopy to confirm healing at 6 to 8 weeks.

If ulcer healed decrease omeprazole dose gradually to maintenance dose to prevent recurrence.

Patient education :

Take omeprazole 1 hour before meals .

Avoid spicy food and xanthin containing

beverage and , drinks containing caffeine.

Avoid heavy meals before bed time

Smoking increases the amount of acid

produced by the stomach . need smoking

cessation plan .

Encourage small frequent low caloric meals

Avoid ulcerating drug e.g. NSAIDs
