Form + instituional

Form Conventions

Transcript of Form + instituional

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Form Conventions

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Todorov’s Equilibrium Theory• We believe we have followed this

convention in the following way;• Equilibrium- Everybody

understands what bullying is at the start when our Voice of God explains it.

• Disequilibrium- Hannah has dies from cyber bullying and we interview her father and mediate the footage.

• New Equilibrium- HAB will solve the problem and we have shown them how to get help. However something is different and that is that Hannah is missing.

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Length Of The Documentary

• It is conventional for a short documentary to be short, normally it is typically no longer than 20 minutes to keep the audience focused.

• We believe we have followed this by obtaining a whole narrative which last a duration of 6 minutes.

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Inclusion of Few Subjects

• We have met this convention as we have included 4 main subjects and 3 mini subjects.

• We have included Subject X, Dave, HAB and Mr. Lloyd

• We have then included three talking heads from the street of Leicester who help to create our equilibrium.

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Niche Audience

• We have challenged this convention as our product is for a mass market of primary audience being teens and secondary audience of opinion leaders.

• We are pleased that we have challenged this convention as we want raise awareness of the topic and targeting a mass audience is the best way to do this as more people will be accessing our product.

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Institutional Conventions

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Target Opinion Leaders

• It is conventional for a channel 4 documentary to target opinion leaders and I guess you could say we have slightly met this convention as our secondary audience for the documentary is opinion leaders.

• However our primary audience is a mass market teen audience so we have slightly challenged this convention too.

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We Support Right Wing

• It is conventional for channel 4 documentaries to support left wing establishments.

• We have not met this convention as we point out the obvious problems with technology, and young people having too much freedom.

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Involve a resolution

• We have met the convention of Channel 4 documentaries often resulting in a resolution as in our documentary we have given help lines for those who have been cyber bullied and offered them support in the way of HAB.

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Tend To Use Presenters

• We have challenged this convention as we haven't used a presenter in our documentary as we didn’t believe it was suitable. Instead we used a large amount of interview and montage footage supported by a voice of god voiceover to act as the presenter. We didn’t believe it was suitable to have a presenter as we thought it would detract from the importance of what Marie, Dave and Mr Lloyd was saying.

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Like To Shock Audience

• We believe we have met this convention by including facts and figures presented by the voice of god whilst supported by an animation montage footage, which reveal the amount of people which are cyber bullied.

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Talking Heads

• Finally it is conventional to include talking heads in the documentary and we have met this convention as we have included a series of talking heads as I have previously discussed. However from our audience feedback it is clear that the favorite was in fact the talking heads from Leicester.