Forklift extensions and their use


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Page 1: Forklift extensions and their use

Forklift Extensions and Their Use

Forklifts are looked on today as one of many industrial workhorses that, together with forklift extensions, underpin the continued growth and success of the construction and manufacturing industries around the world. Many, if not all, industries would be stymied without the natural progression that including extensions for your forklift allows for.

With advances being made in other areas of material handling and processing it no wonder that today's modern forklifts bear

little comparison to the originators of this "species"; yet like motor cars, they still embody the initial design utility of simply carrying big heavy stuff. Lots of different big heavy stuff too, with extensions coming into play!

Whether the makers of smart phones know it or not, the tag line "there's a forklift extension for that" could well be used here, as quite literally there probably is an extension available to do what you need to do. Lifting a drum? There's an extension for that. Moving coils? There's an extension for that, and so on it goes.

The precision use of Archimedes' first laid rule of force application, liberally misinterpreted as to mean "give me a lever long enough and I can move the world", is the inherent basis for all forklifts. Refinements in design and use of CAD systems allows for more than simple guesswork in its application these days, giving us the precision handling equipment we have today.

Knowing these items are available, and knowing how to correctly use them, however, are two different animals all together. Unlike other disciplines, like

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Page 2: Forklift extensions and their use

painting perhaps, the tech now used within this industry is refined to the degree that a majority of jobs that 10, even 5 years ago, that would have been carried out using a utility system now have their own expert systems

using forklift extensions.

While this may not seem that much of a leap to all and sundry, if you're using machinery that cuts your job time down by a substantial amount and makes it easier, you're involved with an expert system that's been developed exclusively for that task. With that comes the fact that by utilizing these systems your time and cost requirements have been substantially defrayed; thereby saving your company and client considerable outlay. By doing so, you're proving exactly why forklift

extensions - when utilized properly - are in fact an astute and worthwhile corporate purchase.

As with everything, you get from it what you put into it, in a sense. So while adding forklift extensions to your plant lineup is a great thing, it is also tantamount to monetary suicide if your operators (and sales/customer service, don't forget) are unaware of all the things that your new additions can, or cannot, do.

If your people don't know that forklift extension X can only hold Y amount of weight and be lifted Z amount of height, then your workers, and your merchandise, can be in true danger. Make sure your staff is knowledgeable and prepared. There's a very simple way to ensure that all your people know exactly what can be done with these tools, and luckily you've found the correct place to garner further information and a resolution to that problem!

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