For Most People, The Bony Pelvis is Very Difficult To

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  • 8/14/2019 For Most People, The Bony Pelvis is Very Difficult To



    For most people, the bony pelvis is very difficult to visualize three-dimensionally. Even artists have a difficult time getting it right. For thisreason, it becomes important for anatomy students to spend some timeidentifying and memorizing the various parts of the pelvis before learningabout the contents. In knowing the bony pelvis well, you will be moreconfident in visualizing how structures enter and leave the pelvis and howmuscles of the pelvic floor are attached. You should look at the pelvisfrom all possible aspects.

    The hip bone is originally made up of three bones that have fused:

    1)ilium, 2)ischium and 3)pubis. These come together at the acetabulum.

    Bony Pelvis

    From the superior view ofthe pelvis, you should beable to identify thefollowing:

    1. iliac crest

    2. anterior superior iliac

    spine3. anterior inferior iliac


    4. acetabulum

    5. obturator foramen

    6. ischiopubic ramus

    7. pubic tubercle

    8. pectineal line of the

    pubis9. pubic crest

    10.pubic symphysis

    11.pelvic brim(separates the truefrom the false pelvis)

    12.iliac fossa

    13.sacral promontory


    anterior sacral

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    ala of sacrum


    16.ischial spine

    The pelvic brim extends from promontory of the sacrum, arcuate line ofthe ilium, pectineal line (pectin of pubis) and pubic crest. Some peopledivide the pelvis into a greater (or false) pelvis and lesser (or true) pelvis.They are separated by using the pelvic brim as the limiting line. Thegreater pelvis is located above the pelvic brim and the lesser pelvis belowthe brim.

    No muscle crosses the pelvic brim. If they did, they would be in the way

    during childbirth.

    Turn the pelvis over andidentify the structures onthe back:

    1. sacrum


    sacral foramen

    2. coccyx

    3. posterior superioriliac spine

    4. iliac crest

    5. anterior superioriliac spine

    6. tubercle of the crest

    7. ischial tuberosity

    8. acetabulum

    9. ischiopubic ramus

    10.pubic symphysis

    11.obturator foramen

    12.ischial spine

    13.greater sciatic notch

    14.lesser sciatic notch

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    From the lateral view,identify the:

    1. sacrum

    2. posterior superior

    iliac spine

    3. iliac crest

    4. tubercle of the crest

    5. anterior superior

    iliac spine

    6. anterior inferior iliacspine

    7. pubic tubercle

    8. inferior pubic ramus9. superior pubic


    10.ischial tuberosity

    11.greater sciatic notch

    12.ischial spine

    13.lesser sciatic notch

    14.obturator foramen

    (not labeled)In this image, the pelvis isshown as it would be inthe erect posture. Theanterior superior iliacspine and pubic tubercleare in the same verticalplane.Looking at the pelvis fromthe inside, you should be

    able to identify thefollowing items:

    1. anterior superioriliac spine

    2. anterior inferior iliacspine

    3. pectineal line ofpubis

    4. pubic tubercle

    5. pubic symphysis

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    6. obturator foramen

    7. ischial tuberosity

    8. lesser sciatic notch

    9. ischial spine10.greater sciatic notch

    11.articulation ofsacrum

    12.posterior superioriliac spine

    13.iliac fossa

    14.pelvic brim - not


    Ligaments of the Pelvis

    Strong ligaments arenecessary to hold thehip bone to thesacrum. These arefound anteriorly andposteriorly. Anteriorly,you can identify theanterior sacroiliacligaments.

    Posteriorly, there areeven strongerligaments:




    The fifth lumbarvertebra also has astrong tie-in with theilium through theiliolumbar ligament.

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    The sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligamentscomplete the greater and lesser sciatic foraminae.

    View of Pelvic Structures on Sagittal Section

    The best way to get a good idea of how the structures of the male andfemale pelvis are arranged is to view them on a sagittal section. That wayyou can see the way the different midline structures relate to oneanother.

    Male Pelvis

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  • 8/14/2019 For Most People, The Bony Pelvis is Very Difficult To


    symphysis andrepresents the pelvicoutlet. Below this line isthe region called theperineum. Between thetwo lines is the true (orlesser) pelvis. This is thearea we are interested infor now.

    Female Pelvis

    In the sagittal sectionof the female pelvis,identify the followingitems, staring again

    from the front:

    pubic symphysis

    retropubic space

    urinary bladder




    rectouterinepouch of Douglas


    presacral space

    Again the pelvic inletand outlet isrepresented as twolines. You can see

    exactly what structuresare within the lesserpelvis. Again, they aremidline structures.Since, in both male andfemale, the organs arecentrally located, thatmeans that their bloodand/or nerve supplymust come in from

    laterally or posteriorlyand we will find this to

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    be true when weexamine thevasculature of thepelvis. We will alsonote that most of themuscles found in thepelvis lie laterally.

    These midlinestructures aresupported by amusculature pelvicdiaphragm which wewill discuss in amoment.

    Muscles of the Pelvis

    Muscles of the female pelvis arethe:

    pelvic diaphragm







    psoas major

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    The male pelvic muscles are thesame as the female except thatthere is no vagina to support in themale.Identify the following:

    pelvic diaphragm







    psoas major

    The puborectalis is actually a partof the pubococcygeus muscle thatwraps around the posterior aspectof the rectum forming a sling thatholds the rectum forward in thepelvis.

    The pubococcygeus and

    iliococcygeus muscles make up thelevator ani. The muscles of thelevator ani are importantsupportive muscles for the midlineorgans of the pelvis. Any weaknessin these muscles can cause clinicalproblems of urinary or fecalincontinence.

    Arteries of the Pelvis

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    With one exception,the arteries of thepelvis are branches ofthe internal iliacartery. The exceptionis the superior rectalartery which is abranch of the inferiormesenteric artery.

    Starting posteriorly,the branches of theinternal iliac artery areas follows:

    iliolumbar superior gluteal



    inferior gluteal


    middle rectal

    inferior vescical(the uterine inthe female)


    superior vesical

    terminal part ofthe internal iliacis occluded andbecomes thelateral umbilical

    ligament of thelower anteriorabdominal wall.

    Nerves of the Pelvis

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    The nerves of the pelvisare derived from the:

    1. lumbosacralplexus

    2. inferiormesenteric plexus

    3. sympathetic chain

    The lumbosacral plexusis made up of:



    L4 and L5merge toform thelumbosacraltrunk




    L4, L5, S1,

    S2, S3forms thesciatic nerveand othercombinations form thesuperior andinferiorgluteal


    S2, S3, S4

    join to formthepudendalnerve thatsuppliesstructures intheperineum.

    The inferior mesentericplexus starts out in the

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    abdomen at the point oforigin of the inferiormesenteric artery andpasses along the aortato the presacral region.As the plexus drops intothe pelvis, it usuallysplits up into a right andleft hypogastric plexusthat lies behind therectum.

    The sacral sympatheticchain is the continuationof the lumbar chain.

    The sacral part of theparasympatheticnervous system arisesfrom S2, S3, S4 andsupplies the pelvicstructures as well as theleft colic flexure,descending colon andsigmoid colon.

    Urinary bladder

    Compare the male andfemale bladders.

    Male bladder

    This image displays themale urinary bladderopened from the top andfront and defining the:

    trigone of thebladder

    interureteric fold

    opening of the ureter

    uvula of the vesical(beginning of theurethra)

    urethral crest



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    opening of

    prostatic utricle

    prostatic sinus(opening of

    ejaculatory ductsenter here)

    membranous urethra


    vas deferens

    Female bladder

    In the female bladder,identify:


    interureteric fold

    opening of theureters


    internal opening ofurethra

    vesical sphincter

    Prostate Gland

    The prostate gland is acone-shaped gland aboutthe size of a chestnut and ismade up of connectivetissue and smooth muscle.Parts of relations of thegland are:

    the base is cephaladagainst the neck ofthe bladder

    the apex is directedcaudad against theurogenital diaphragm

    the posterior surfaceis separated from therectum by the

    rectovesical septum

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    the anterior surface isseparated from thepubic symphysis bythe the retropubic

    space, that is filledwith a venous plexus

    the lateral surfacesface the levator aniand a venous plexus

    it is made up of 5lobes

    two lateral


    anterior lobe -in front of theprostaticurethra

    middle lobe -

    behind theprostaticurethra andbetween thetwo ejaculatory


    posterior lobe

    If the prostate is opened upfrom the front, you canidentify the following:

    urethral crest

    seminal colliculus - aslightly enlarged partof the urehtral crestwhich open theejaculatory ducts andan embryonicremnant, theprostatic utricle.

    prostatic sinus - smallvalleys along side the

    crest into which theprostatic ducts open

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    Clinical Considerations

    1. middle lobe: important clinically because enlargement of themucous glands in this lobe leads to obstruction. Adenomas arefrequent in this lobe and they encroach into the urethra, blockingthe internal urethral orifice.

    2. posterior lobe: adenomas are rare; this lobe can be felt on rectalexamination

    3. anterior lobe: adenomas are rare; there is not encroachment on theurethra when this lobe enlarges

    4. lateral lobe: enlargement of lateral lobes can cause obstruction tothe urethra

    Uterus and Broad Ligament

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    The uterus is a midlineorgan and is held to thelateral walls of the truepelvis by a double layer ofperitoneum, called the broadligament. The broadligament also encloses theuterine tube in its upper freeborder, the ovarian artery,the round ligament of theuterus, uterine artery,ovary, and the ovarianligament. A betterunderstanding of therelationships to the broad

    ligament can be gained ifyou also look at a sectionthrough the broad ligament.In the first image, you arelooking at the posterioraspect of the broad ligamentand the posterior wall of thevagina has been opened up.These items should be foundin relation to the broad



    uterine tube (oviduct,Fallopian tube)

    fimbriated end

    ovarian artery


    ovarian ligament



    opening of cervix



    opening of urethra


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    In the section through thebroad ligament payattention to the:

    broad ligament

    uterine tube - in theupper free margin ofthe broad ligamentand connected to theroot of themesovarium by themesosalpinx

    ovary - attached tothe posterior part ofthe broad ligament by

    the mesovarium

    ovarian ligament - infree margin of themesovarium

    anterior layer of thebroad ligament

    posterior layer of thebroad ligament

    round ligament of theuterus - beneath theanterior layer of thebroad ligament

    uterine artery - nearthe root of the broadligament

    The ovary is also describedas having a suspensoryligament but this is nothing

    more the a fold ofperitoneum near where theovarian artery and veinscross the pelvic brim toenter the true pelvis.

    Rectum and Anal Canal

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    The rectum andanal canal areclinicallyimportant parts ofthe intestinaltract because, byeither palpationor rectoscope orsigmoidoscope,they can be easilyexamined in aroutine physical.Tumors,hemorrhoids orabscesses are

    frequent in thispart of the GItract.

    The rectum is thecontinuation ofthe sigmoid colonand at the pointof their junction,the rectum

    becomes coveredby peritoneumonly on itsanterior surface,and thereforebecomesretroperitoneal.

    The rectumterminates

    approximately atthe attachment ofthe levator ani toits borders. Alsoat this point, isthe pectinate linewhich,anatomically, isthe anorectaljunction.

    The inside of the

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    rectum is throwninto folds calledrectal valves.These maintainthe fecal materialuntil water isremoved and abowel movementoccurs. At thatpoint the rectumelongates and thevalves becomeless prominent.

    At the lower end

    of the rectum, aseries ofrectalcolumns encirclethe rectum.Between thecolumn are rectalsinuses. Outsideof the columns isfound the internalrectal plexus of

    veins. It is herethat internalhemohhroids arefound.

    At the junction ofthe rectum andanal canal, thecolumns andsinuses form a

    dentate orpectinateappearance. Thisis called thepectinate line andis the startingpoint of the analcanal which isabout 2.5-4.0 cmlong.

    The lining of the

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    anal canal iscontinuous withthe skin at thewhite line ofHilton (orintersphinctericline). This line canbe felt with thefinger as a smallindentationbetween theinternal analsphincter (circularmuscle of therectal wall) and

    the subcutaneousexternal analsphincter. Theexternal analsphincter is muchstronger to thetouch than theinternal. Notethat the externalanal sphincter

    consists of threeparts, the deep,superficial andsubcutaneous.

    Arteries to the rectum

    There are three sources of arterial supply to the rectum and anus:

    1. superior rectal artery - from the inferior mesenteric artery


    middle rectal arteries - either directly from the internal iliac artery orfrom a common branch with the inferior vesical artery

    3. inferior rectal arteries - from the internal pudendal artery.

    Veins of the Rectum and Anus

    Surrounding the rectum and anus is a very dense rectal plexus of veins.The upper part of the plexus will send tributaries to form the superiorrectal vein which then goes into the inferior mesenteric vein.

    From the middle part of the plexus, along with tributaries from the

    bladder, prostate and seminal vesicle pass to the internal iliac vein

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    From the inferior part of the plexus, drainage is into the internal pudendalvein.

    Lymphatic Drainage

    From the rectum, lymphatics pass eventually into the inferior mesenteric

    group ofpreaortic lymph nodes.

    From the anal canal, lymphatics pass along the middle rectal artery to endin the internal iliac nodes and from these to the common iliac nodes andthen to the lateral aortic group of nodes.

    From the anus, below the white line of Hilton, the lymphatics join those ofthe perineum and scrotum and pass into the superficial inguinal nodes

    Clinical Considerations Internal hemorrhoids are found above the pectinate line and outside

    the rectal columns.

    external hemorrhoids are below the pectinate line and are the morecommon clinically and can be seen when enlarged.

    Both types of hemohhroids can be sources of bleeding whenabraded. This type of bleeding is bright red compared to bleedinghigher up in the GI tract where the blood is occult and must beidentified by chemical tests.