For Confirmation 2020

St. Anthony Confirmation Packet For Confirmation 2022 “In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth … with darkness over the abyss and a mighty wind sweeping over the waters …” Genesis 1:1-2

Transcript of For Confirmation 2020

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St. Anthony Confirmation Packet

For Confirmation 2022

“In the beginning, when God created the heavens and

the earth … with darkness over the abyss and a mighty

wind sweeping over the waters …” Genesis 1:1-2

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Notes about the Icons:

The Triskele – Symbolizes earth, water, and air – seen in “both pre-

Columbian America and Bronze Age Europe” with Celtic tribes.1

The Spirit of God – Symbolizes the Triune God – Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit – giver of life-giving water, source of all goodness, and

Creator of the universe. The fire within the drop of water reminds us the

connection between Baptism and Confirmation: during Baptism, the Holy Spirit

fills the faithful with new life and in Confirmation, strengthens the disciple as they

follow Jesus. In Baptism, water and perfumed oil (chrism) are both used; in

Confirmation, only chrism is used. The oil marks disciples but also reminds us of

the fire of the Holy Spirit, which inspires us to follow Christ, act virtuously, and

spread the Gospel.

Community – Trinitarian; Three people surrounding a cross representing

their unity in faith.

Faithful – An elevated host, as seen at Mass right after the Consecration to

remind us of the source and summit of our faith: Christ’s real presence –

Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity – in the Eucharist.

Learning – A lit lightbulb stylized with a cross to represent the inspiring

truth we learn through Christ and His Church that enlightens our minds.

Loving – The Sacred Heart of Jesus reminds us of the love which He has

for us, especially through the sacrifice of himself for our sins. The Good

News of this love and compassion prompts us to spread it to all people.

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Welcome to Year 2 for Confirmation!

The adventure continues as you prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation! Preparation

involves community, learning, serving, spiritual growth, and fun! All of which are represented

on the cover of this packet. This year is primarily about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus

Christ, especially in the Catholic tradition.

Confirmation is the sacrament through which you are enriched by the gift of the Holy Spirit

(once more) and bound more closely to the Church. The promise of Christ (John 16) is a person

who strengthens, invites, and empowers you to be witnesses to Christ by word and deed,

spreading and defending the faith (CCC 1285). It is the sacrament through which you enter full

membership of the Catholic Church. A Christian does not live as a child of God through his or

her own efforts alone, but through the grace of God, especially found in the sacraments. Never

forget the Holy Spirit will guide you should you ever falter or go the wrong way.

Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace: it is the sacrament which gives you the Holy Spirit to be

strengthened, incorporates you more firmly into Christ’s Kingdom, strengthens your bond with

the Church, and associates you more closely with her mission. Confirmation, like Baptism,

imprints a spiritual mark, or indelible character, on the Christian soul; for this reason, you can

only receive this sacrament once.

To prepare you for the demands, responsibilities, and adventure of discipleship, we are

providing you with many growth opportunities. You will engage in consistent formation either

at home or through Sunday sessions. Additionally, you will be invited to participate in service

projects organized by St. Anthony Youth Ministry and use your creativity to find other ways to

serve. Retreats are offered as weekends to encounter Jesus and escape from the world.

Information on retreats and service projects will be provided to you throughout the year.

We are on this holy journey together! Please feel free to contact me with any questions,

concerns, or challenges you are having with the requirements or if you just need to talk. My

door is always open!


Matthew DePaula

Youth Ministry Coordinator

[email protected]

972-442-2765 ext. 1006

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Contents and Checklist Confirmation Information Form ................................................................................................................. 5

Sponsor Worksheet ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Selecting Your Confirmation Saint Name .................................................................................................. 9

Guidelines for your Letter to the Bishop .................................................................................................. 10

Formation through Service ....................................................................................................................... 11

Confirmation Formation Service Hours Log .......................................................................... 11

Confirmation Service Reflection Worksheets ........................................................................ 13

You can submit this packet online: It is not

necessary to turn in multiple submissions, simply update your submission

when prompted. It is encouraged, however, that you print and handwrite for

the Sponsor Worksheet and Service Reflection Worksheets instead of typing.

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Confirmation Information Form

Confirmation Candidate Information:

Note: We will try to honor and follow naming conventions, but some names may have to be abbreviated on the

certificate. Also, because the certificate will only show one sponsor, you may only choose one.

Full Name as Appears on Baptismal Certificate:

Place of Birth (City & State):

Current Home Address:

Confirmation Saint Name:

Confirmation Sponsor First and Last Name:

(As it will appear on the Confirmation Certificate)

Sponsor Requirements

According to Diocesan regulations and Code of Canon Law, as a sponsor, I must meet the following:

• I am a practicing Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and


• I am in good standing with the Catholic Church and Holy See.

• If married, my marriage is in accordance with the law of the Church.

• If single, I am living as a single person and not cohabiting.

• I am at least 16 years of age unless the pastor has granted an exception for a just cause.

• I am neither the mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, nor guardian of the Candidate

• I have every intention of fulfilling my role as Sponsor by assisting the Candidate in growing as a

Catholic Christian during formation and after they receive Confirmation.

Candidates may have one female or one male sponsor.

Office Use Only

Entered into PDS Date: _________________________ Initials: ___________

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Suggestions for Sponsor-Candidate Activities

Spiritual Development

• Attend Mass together (go out for a meal afterwards)

• Eucharistic Adoration

• Go to Reconciliation together (and get big pizza or milkshake after)

• Read Scripture together

• Do some service work together

• Discuss questions of discipleship

a. When have you felt close to God?

b. Have you ever felt disconnected, or even abandoned by God?

c. What are some questions you have about God? About our faith?

d. What are some misconceptions you think people have about Jesus?

e. What makes the Catholic Church different and unique compared to other churches?

f. What are some good reasons to be Catholic?

g. Tell about a special event in your life (or family experience) in which you felt God’s presence

Intellectual Development

• Explore the Catechism

• Read about the saints

• Quiz each other about Catholic teachings

Personal Development • Have fun together! Go play ball or have

some ice cream

• Go to the movies

• Take a walk

• Play games

• Visit with the family

• Make something together – food or craft!

Discuss the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

These help us to be and act in a Christian way. Can you name someone who exhibits the gifts below?

Wisdom- the ability to see things as they truly are in an open-minded manner.

Understanding- a heart that accepts, cares, listens, understands, and forgives.

Knowledge- the ability to comprehend the truths of the universe.

Right Judgement- the ability to make good and wise decisions.

Courage- the strength to do what is right despite challenges.

Reverence- a deep respect for God, for others and for all creation.

Awe of the Lord- a sense of the greatness and majesty of God with a deep realization of God’s nearness.

Fruits of the Holy Spirit:

These help recognize that we are leading a Christian life. How have you experienced any of the fruits below?

Faithfulness, Kindness, Gentleness, Generosity, Chastity, Modesty, Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Self-Control

Sponsor Worksheet

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


(Candidate side)

Choosing a sponsor is important! They journey with you during and after Confirmation, providing you with a

witness of Christian life. The only persons you cannot choose for your sponsor are your

parents/guardians/stepparents, but you may choose a sibling, friend, cousin, or grandparent! Whomever is at

least 16 and already confirmed. Just remember, your sponsor will be at the Confirmation advocating for your

faith! Guys, you may choose a female and girls may choose a male. Also, you may choose one of your


The certificate will only show one sponsor so you may only choose one.

Use this worksheet (this side completed by you, the reverse by your sponsor) to further reflect on this special

person and friend in Christ.

Note to parents: Please consult with your candidate about their sponsor. It needs to be someone with a personal

relationship with them. Either let your candidate make the choice or at least let them be included in the decision


I chose _____________________________________________________________as my sponsor.

Please define their relationship with you (e.g., cousin, friend, grandparent, godmother):


Now, answer the following questions:

1. How does your sponsor model Christ for you?

2. How have you spent time with your sponsor in preparation for Confirmation?

3. How do you want to continue journeying with your sponsor after Confirmation?

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


(Sponsor side)

Being a sponsor carries a great responsibility and joy as disciples of Christ. You are advocating for the

candidate that they are truly prepared to be fully Catholic disciples. For this reason, you may find it greatly

beneficial to spend more time with them this year, both socially and in prayer. Also, you are to model the faith

of discipleship for your candidate. Perfection is not required but you ought to be attending Sunday Mass and

Holy Days, participating in the sacraments regularly, respecting/learning the teachings of the Church, and

providing for the material needs of the Church as you are able (CCC 2042-2043).

Use this worksheet to further reflect on your role as a special person and friend in Christ for your candidate.

Answer the following questions:

1. How would you describe the gifts your candidate exhibits?

2. How have you actively journeyed with your candidate to prepare for Confirmation?

3. What is one way you will maintain a special spiritual relationship with and participate in the life

of your candidate after Confirmation?

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Suggested web pages:

Selecting Your Confirmation Saint Name

Part of the Confirmation process is choosing a saint and composing a report

or project on that saint. The name of the saint you choose is the name that will be

announced at Confirmation. The report or project is a way to let us know that you

learned about a saint whose life is important to you.

When selecting a Confirmation saint, you can either use your Baptismal name or

choose a saint, blessed, or holy person from the Bible whose life inspires you.

Confirmation candidates often take the name of significant people who influence their

life, people they admire, or a name of a patron saint based on their hobbies or interests.

It is okay for a guy to choose a female name or a girl to choose a male name. All Marian

name variations will be listed and announced as Mary.

Suggested steps for choosing a Confirmation Name: • Pray to the Holy Spirit and ask for help in finding a saint whose life you’d like to imitate. This

saint will provide a special bond between you and they will be praying for you.

• Browse & read saint stories by topic and look for saints that connect with you (saint books are

available at the church – just ask a small group leader or the Youth Ministry Coordinator!)

• After you have your saints narrowed down to two or three, think about the saint with whom you

feel a special connection – and sometimes you just need to choose!

Saint Report/Project Directions: Candidates are asked to create a report (standard: 12 pt. font, double spaced, one page) or project:

• Get creative – What would your saint’s Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok be like? What’s in their bio?

o If you really want, you can even create a website for your saint (through Google Sites)!

• Don’t forget to put your name on it!

• Projects will be displayed to share with the parish and can be picked up at the Confirmation Masses.

Here are reflection questions when composing your report or project:

• What made you choose your saint?

• What significance did your saint make to the world that relates to you?

• Why is your saint known and what extraordinary things occurred during their life or after their death?

• What symbols are associated with them?

• Most saints and holy people have specifically designated feast days, what is your saint’s feast day?

• Was your saint a martyr (died for their faith), and if so, why, and how did this Saint die?

• How old was your saint when they devoted their life to Christ?

• How do you relate to your saint? Are you similar? Different?

• Do you think it would be possible to live out the Christian life this Saint promoted?

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Guidelines for your Letter to the Bishop

A bishop of a diocese is the minster who confers the Sacrament of Confirmation. To create a more personal

connection, we invite you to write a short letter to him. This letter provides a statement of your faith journey

and readiness for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

On a separate page, type (preferably) or write a letter following the format outlined below.

Let the Youth Ministry Coordinator know if you need help writing and you can setup an appointment.

1. Start with “Dear Most Reverend Edward Burns,” in the top left-hand corner.

2. Then, write a statement like “I, (insert your name), a member of St. Anthony Catholic Parish in Wylie,

TX, ask you, Bishop Burns, to confirm me as a member of the Roman Catholic Church.”

3. Next write 1-2 sentences about why you would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation:

• Why is it important to you?

• Why do you want to be a disciple of Christ?

• What is important to you about Catholicism?

4. Next write 1-2 sentences about your preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation:

• Were you home schooled or did you attend sessions at the parish?

• Did you attend a retreat? If so, why was it an important experience for you?

• What were your favorite service opportunities?

5. Be sure to mention your sponsor with something like: “I have chosen (insert sponsor’s name) to

present me to you on the day of my Confirmation and to witness my commitment.”

6. Then, write 1-2 sentences about why you chose that sponsor:

• Check your answers on the Sponsor worksheet for help with these sentences

7. Copy and complete the following sentence (or change the wording to something similar):

You will seal my commitment to Jesus and his Church by anointing me with oil and calling me by name.

The name I wish to be called at my Confirmation is (insert Confirmation saint name –previous page).

8. Then, write 1-2 sentences about why you chose that saint.

9. Finally, complete with 1-2 sentences about how you will continue in the faith after Confirmation:

• What service will you continue?

• How will you continue learning about the faith?

10. Sincerely,

(Your signature)

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Formation through Service

Confirmation Formation Service Hours Log As Catholics, we believe that not only are we called to have faith and trust in God but to follow Christ and perform acts of service

in His name. In doing so, we help spread the Good News of the Gospel by being a true disciple of Christ and serving Him as our

king. As a candidate for Confirmation, St. Anthony Youth Ministry invites you to complete service this year. There is no maximum

or minimum number of hours to complete. There are 5 suggested categories of service: Community, Parish, Spiritual, Mercy, and

Family. Please see the reverse for definitions and examples of service in these categories.

This table is for your personal tracking. All you need to complete and send are the Service Reflection Worksheets.

Community Service

Date Name of the Service Project/Activity Number of Hours Signature of Service Leader

Parish Service

Date Name of the Service Project/Activity Number of Hours Signature of Service Leader

Spiritual Service

Date Name of the Service Project/Activity Number of Hours Signature of Service Leader

Mercy Service

Date Name of the Service Project/Activity Number of Hours Signature of Service Leader

Family Service

Date Name of the Service Project/Activity Number of Hours Signature of Service Leader

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Helpful Tips for Completing Your Service Hours

Category Definition Example Activities


Community service is rendered for the greater area of

Wylie or Collin County. This type of service connects our

Catholicism with our fellow brother and sisters who are in

need, regardless of their religious background. Christ calls

us to make disciples of all people and one way to bring

Christ to others is through service.

• School Service Projects

• North Texas Food Bank

• Soup Kitchen Service Projects

• Clothes Drives

• BSA Projects

• Attending a Friend's Recital


Parish service is rendered for the benefit of St. Anthony

Parishioners. By serving our Catholic community, we

grow closer to Christ together through acts of charity.

There are several ways to get involved with the St.

Anthony community for Parish Service hours.

• Knights of Columbus Brunch

• Service with the Squires Circle

• Service with the JCDA

• Teen Aide for Faith Formation

• Help with Mardi Gras, Mexican

Dinner, or Lenten Fish Fry’s


Spiritual service hours are the time we give to the Lord.

These hours engage us in prayer to help strengthen our

discipleship and reliance on the Lord. Spiritual Service

hours are of great benefit for the worldwide Catholic

Church and can bear incredible fruit that attests the power

of prayer.

• Altar Serving or Choir for Mass

• Eucharistic Adoration

• Lectio Divina

• Rosary

• Living Stations

• Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena

or Mass

• Posadas

• All Souls Liturgy

• Praying at the Cemetery


Services of mercy help aid those in dire need. More than

just community service, these projects allow for more

personal interaction with those whom you are serving.

These services help us to be merciful like Jesus by

sacrificing our time and talent for those with little means

or who need assistance.

• Visit the Sick or Nursing Home

• Mow the Lawn of an Elderly


• Helping with Special Olympics

• Service with the Missionaries of

Charity or other religious orders

Family Service to and with the family allows you to strengthen

the bonds among your relatives. Even the smallest acts of

service can be beneficial and help you grow in charity.

• Service Project with the Family

• Help around the Home

• Mow the Lawn

• Clean Your Bedroom

• Babysit Siblings

Need help finding service? Contact Matthew in the Youth Office

[email protected] / 972-442-2765 ext. 1006

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Confirmation Service Reflection Worksheets

Reflect on two service areas that appealed to you most and

complete these worksheets with your parent or guardian. Talk

out each question together as you complete each sheet – there

are two sheets to complete.

We serve others not just because it makes us feel good or helps someone feel better, but because

we are called as Christians to serve. As you have experienced, there are many ways to serve.

Following your Confirmation as a disciple of Christ in the Catholic Church, you can continue to

help build God’s Kingdom by serving others. This reflection packet will allow you to recognize

your how God has gifted and blessed you in your service.

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Candidate Name: ______________________________________________________________

Service Category (Circle/Highlight One):

Community Parish Mercy Spiritual Family

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are affirmations that we are following God’s will. Service can help

produce these fruits.

1. Name one of the projects you completed in the area you circled above:

a. Which fruits of the Holy Spirit did you experience with this project?

(Circle each that applies)

Charity Joy Peace Patience Kindness

Faithfulness Gentleness Goodness Generosity Modesty

Chastity Self-Control

2. How did it make you feel to serve others?

3. What was something surprising, exciting, or interesting that happened during the


4. How was God present in the service you performed?

5. What did you learn about yourself through this service project?

6. What did you learn about being a disciple of Christ through this service project?

For the Parent/Guardian only:

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


1. How did you support your child through the project?

2. What changes, if any, did you notice in your child after they completed this project?

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


Candidate Name: ______________________________________________________________

Service Category (Circle/Highlight One – different from the category circled on page 15):

Community Parish Mercy Spiritual Family

1. Name one of the projects you completed in the area you circled above:

a. Which fruits of the Holy Spirit did you experience with this project?

(Circle each that applies)

Charity Joy Peace Patience Kindness

Faithfulness Gentleness Goodness Generosity Modesty

Chastity Self-Control

2. How did it make you feel to serve others?

3. What was something surprising, exciting, or interesting that happened during the


4. How was God present in the service you performed?

5. What did you learn about yourself through this service project?

6. What did you learn about being a disciple of Christ through this service project?

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Confirmation Packet is due on or before Sunday, March 22, 2022.


For the Parent/Guardian only:

1. How did you support your child through the project?

2. What changes, if any, did you notice in your child after they completed this project?

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