Football coach phrasebook

Jose Mourinho’s phrase book

Transcript of Football coach phrasebook

Page 1: Football coach phrasebook

Jose Mourinho’s phrase book

Page 2: Football coach phrasebook


Players who speak it: Petr Cech (Goalkeeper)Phrases: Pass the ball= Přihrát Man on= Muž naShoot= StříletMark your man= Označit mužeWe’re better than this= Jsme lepší než tohleGreat Play= skvělá hra

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Players who speak it: Diego Costa, Cesar Azpelicueta, Felipe Luis, Thilbaut Courtois, Cesc Fabregas, Juan CuadradoPhrases:We’re better than this: Somos mejores que esteMark your man: Marca tu hombrePass the ball: Pasar la pelotaShoot: DispararGreat play: Gran obraMan on: Hombre en

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Players who speak it: Loic Remy, Thilbaut Courtois, Eden Hazard, Didier Drogba, Kurt Zouma.Phrases: Man on: Homme surShoot: ShootPass the ball: Passer le ballonMark your man: Marquer votre hommeWere better than this: Ont été mieux que celaGreat play: Grand jeu

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Players who speak it: Willian, Oscar, Ramires, Felipe LuizPhrases: Pass the ball= Passa a bolaMan on= Homem naShoot= AtirarMark your man= Marque o seu homemWe’re better than this= Nós somos melhores que issoGreat play= Grande jogo

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Players who Speak it: Nathan AkePhrases:Man on: Man opShoot: SchietenMark your man: Mark uw manWe’re better than this: We zijn beter dan ditGreat play: Grote spleenPass the ball: Passeren van de bal

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Players who speak it: Andreas ChristensenPhrases:Man on : Mand påShoot: SkydePass the ball: BoldenMark your man: Marker din mandWe can do better than this: Var bedre end detteGreat play: Stor spiller