Foot Raker

Foot Raker (And Another Free Story 'Sunlight' With No Budget) By Martin Brady Copyright (c) Martin Brady I've always enjoyed Summer Blockbusters. This is my spoof Summer Blockbuster Foot Raker which does its best to follow the formula. I've also added an additional story at the ending called Sunlight which covers my thoughts on Budget Horror Movies with a budget of Bagels and Coffee and actors who are not paid or who could care less. The final story is ridiculous and that is the point of it. It you find it terrible then that is the point of it. Enjoy. Or maybe don't enjoy it. If you really hate the story I will be very happy. Table of Contents Foot Raker............................................................................................................................................ 1 Agent Methane.................................................................................................................................2 Agent Fred....................................................................................................................................... 3 The 33rd Team................................................................................................................................. 4 High Altitude....................................................................................................................................6 The Interview................................................................................................................................... 7 Lift Off!............................................................................................................................................8 The Music Video............................................................................................................................10 Moon Trouble................................................................................................................................ 12 The Party........................................................................................................................................13 One Small Game............................................................................................................................ 14 Crazy Golf......................................................................................................................................15 Balls............................................................................................................................................... 16 Body Guards.................................................................................................................................. 17 Finally The Fiendish Plan Revealed.............................................................................................. 18 The Exciting Ending...................................................................................................................... 20 **Crap Bonus Story** Sunlight.................................................................................................... 22 Sunlight - 0 - The Message From The Invaders........................................................................22 Sunlight - 1 - Darkness is coming............................................................................................ 22 Sunlight - 2 - Attack of the Space Ships................................................................................... 22 Sunlight - 3 - Fear on the Streets..............................................................................................22 Sunlight - 4 - Total Darkness....................................................................................................23 Sunlight - 5 - Chased................................................................................................................23 Sunlight - 6 - They Have Robots..............................................................................................23 Sunlight - 7 - Terrifying Creatures........................................................................................... 24 Sunlight - 8 - The Earth Is Saved............................................................................................. 24


Summer Blockbuster Spoof Story and Bonus Story

Transcript of Foot Raker

Foot Raker(And Another Free Story 'Sunlight' With No Budget)By Martin BradyCopyright (c) Martin BradyI've always enoyed Su!!er Bloc"#usters$%his is !y spoo& Su!!er Bloc"#uster Foot 'a"er which does its #est to &ollow the &or!ula$I've also added an additional story at the ending called Sunlight which covers !y thoughts on Budget (orror Movies with a #udget o& Bagels and Co&&ee and actors who are not paid or who could care less$%he &inal story is ridiculous and that is the point o& it$It you &ind it terri#le then that is the point o& it$)noy$*r !ay#e don't enoy it$I& you really hate the story I will #e very happy$Table of ContentsFoot 'a"er$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+Agent Methane$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,Agent Fred$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-%he --rd %ea!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.(igh Altitude$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/%he Interview$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$01i&t *&&2$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$3%he Music 4ideo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+5Moon %rou#le$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+,%he 6arty$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+-*ne S!all 7a!e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+.Cra8y 7ol&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+9Balls$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+/Body 7uards$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+0Finally %he Fiendish 6lan 'evealed$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+3%he ):citing )nding$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,5;;Crap Bonus Story;; Sunlight$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,,Sunlight < 5 < %he Message Fro! %he Invaders$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,, Sunlight < + < =ar"ness is co!ing$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,,Sunlight < , < Attac" o& the Space Ships$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,, Sunlight < - < Fear on the Streets$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,, Sunlight < . < %otal =ar"ness$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,- Sunlight < 9 < Chased$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,- Sunlight < / < %hey (ave 'o#ots$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,- Sunlight < 0 < %erri&ying Creatures$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,. Sunlight < 3 < %he )arth Is Saved$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,.Agent MethaneAgent Methane sat on #oard a transatlantic &light to an e:otic destination when the Stewardess gave hi! his secret !ission card which was the !at &or his sha"en and stirred le!on soda with a twist o& rasp#erry$(e put on his special glasses and the recording played$>?our !ission should you choose to accept it Agent Methane is to in&iltrate and #rea" up Soctre which is secretly planning world do!ination during their dar" side o& the !oon Soctre tourna!ent$?ou !ust in&iltrate a Soctre tea! and &ind out where all the !oney is going$I& you do not accept this !ission then you're &ired$%his !essage will #urst into &la!es in one second$>%he #eer !at suddenly caught &ire and Agent Methane threw it into a ru##ish collection #ag an Air Stewardess was using$%he ru##ish #ag then #urst into &la!es$%he Stewardess screa!ed out and everyone &ought to put out the &la!es$>(ow did this happen@> as"ed a nun$>(e did it22> pointed a "id in a cow#oy hat at Agent Methane$Methane !ade a &ace at the "id$I!!ediately hal& a do8en air !arshals leapt out o& their seats$A granny$A chu##y "id$%he nun$A !an dressed in a white pana!a suit$And one o& the! dropped out o& the ceiling &or good !easure$>AI' MA'S(A1S22> they all screa!ed$>It's o"$It's o"A> said Agent Methane$>I'! a secret agent$*n a top secret !ission$7o a#out your #usiness$>%he Stewardess !ade a &ace at Agent Methane$>AW C*M) *N22Not AN*%()' secret agent22> screa!ed one o& the Air Marshalls$>I WAN% A%'ANSF)'22> said the Chu##y Air Marshal$Agent Methane li&ted his hal&Another oneA> he said to the stewardess and poc"eted his secret agent identity card #elonging to the SMA'FASS *rgani8ation$No#ody "new what SMA'FASS !eant #ut the card loo"ed authentic and so the &light continued on its way$Methane pressed the &light attendant #utton$>What@2> as"ed the e:asperated Stewardess$>Can we redirect the &light to )urope@> he as"ed$>It would save !e a lot o& ti!e &or !y !ission$>Agent Fred An Undisclosed Pub Location Somewhere Near Bracknell in the UK Agent Methane sat in a #ar #eside a !an$>%he weather is not good &or this ti!e o& yearA> said Methane$>No it isn'tA> said the !an$Methane loo"ed at the !an$>*h sorryA> said Fred$(e too" out his reply card$>I guess it is not for this time of the year considering the news report last night.!ethane smiled.Agent !ethane" my friends call me !ethane.Soctre Agent #red" said #red.So you want to play Soctre in the $orld Soctre %ompetition.&ou any good'( A! A$)S*!)" said !ethane. *n a nearby Soctre pitch" #red ga+e !ethane a Soctre ball.Show me the Soctre" said #red.,e kicked the ball to !ethane.&ou want me to show you the Soctre' replied !ethane.#red nodded.Show me" replied #red.,e folded his arms.!ethane then picked up the ball and ran at #red and knocked him o+er and -umped into the goals.,e landed against the netting and the temporary goals fell o+er and he ended up tied up in the goal nets.S%*.)// screamed !ethane.#red raised his eyes.*k we ha+e some work to do" replied #red.The 33rd Team Fred #rought Methane to the Soctre world cup draws$)ach tea! was #rought out and the crowd clapped and cheered$%here were thirtyI'! part IcelandicA> replied Methane$>Close enoughA> said FredA getting con&ir!ation that Methane could oin the 'epu#lic o& Ireland tea! as the thirty?ou and !e are going to the Soctre World Cup2 W)'') IN22>High Altitude In the #ase ca!p in the !ountains all the Soctre tea!s o& the world gathered and =r$ Blowthu!# arrived on stage$(e threw !oney out into the area where the players were and they all gra##ed hand&uls$It had #een decided that the 'epu#lic o& Ireland would go to the Soctre World cup #ut that they would not play any !atches$>But we still have to train and put the! under pressureA> said Methane$>6ut who under pressure@> as"ed Fred$>Not sure e:actlyA> said Methane loo"ing !ysteriousA loo"ing at the stage as Miss Fonny#alls arrived on stage to do a !usical nu!#er$She hopped onto a !oving goal post and sang and #egan to twer"$Methane loo"ed at Fred$>What does *lDA *lDA *lD !ean@>Fred shrugged his shoulders$>So have you &igured out Soctre yet@> as"ed Fred$>?eahA it's easyA when you get the #allA "ic" it long and wait &or so!eone to head it at the other end o& the &ield$>The Interview %he Foreign 6ress Association interviewed =r$ Blowthu!#$>=r$ Blowthu!# what were you thin"ing #y having the world Soctre co!petition on the !oon@>>Why not@> as"ed Blowthu!# and he s!iled$%he Interviewer leaned &orward$>Because there is al!ost no gravityA it's &ree8ing coldA plus there isno o:ygen and there is only one outdoor Soctre pitch$>%he Interviewer raised his eyes$>Need I goon@2>Blowthu!# was undeterred #y the criticis!$>Well we have #uilt the new Soctre pitches and who cares what the te!perature is2%hey will have space suits22=on S!ith discovered the giant o#elis"on the !oon when he was doing his !oon ra"ing twenty years ago and he reali8ed the real reason why it was there$It was an ancient Soctre goal post2(e put another #eside it and !ade a Soctre pitch$When I saw hi! playing Soctre on the !oonA he inspired !e to host the world Soctre co!petition there$6lus &or the &ans the view will #e 7')A%2>%he interviewer nodded$>%here are those that say you really want to rule planet )arth and you're going to !a"e so !uch !oney &ro! this tourna!ent that you will #e a#le to #uy the )arth$>Blowthu!# laughed$>I can already #uy the )arth !any ti!es over #ut I a! a hu!anitarian$Isn't that right )rnesto@>(is pet &erret !ade a happy noise and then disappeared into his poc"et$Lift Off >Footra"er li&t o&&2> said Soctre space co!!ander$All across the planetA the Soctre Space Shuttles #lasted o&& &or the World Soctre Cup$Footra"er 7er!anyFootra"er FranceFootra"er Bra8ilFootra"er Me:icoFootra"er ESAFootra"er Fa!aica Mon%he list went on and on$Soon the &ans would #e gathering on the !oon arriving in their Footra"er Soctre Ships and start practising drin"ing ga!es on the !oon$Fred and Methane watched as their Footra"er #rought the! to a giant Soctre space station$ >My 7od what is it@> as"ed Methane sounding dra!atic$>It's Big Footra"erA> said Fred$>We're going to practise playing Soctre in 8ero gravity to prepare us &or the !oon$>When they doc"ed with Big Footra"er they were !et #y uni&or!ed sta&& who led the! go to the ga!es roo! where they would &loat in 8ero gravity and play Soctre$%he co!!ander o& the station wal"ed over to the! and loo"ed very stern$>?ou are the last hope o& )arth to survive$No#ody thin"s li"e you$$$>%he Soctre sBuad all loo"ed at each other$Fred s!iled in an i!pressed way$Methane nodded$It was clearly so true$(owever a lady #ehind the co!!ander cleared her throat and gave the #ase co!!ander his card$>Sorry$ there's #een a !ista"e$%hat's the speech &or the ne:t arrivals$All right2> he said$>?ou've #een assigned to play Soctre against the Soctre droids$And it will #e televised across all o& planet )arth$>>Sounds easyA> s!iled Methane$(e loo"ed out in the 8ero gravity Soctre ga!ing area and could have sworn that one o& the Soctre droids gave hi! the &inger and laughed at hi!$%hey &loated out into the 8ero gravity Soctre area$Fred started to spin uncontrolla#ly and Methane threw up as he could not tell up &ro! down$A&ter the ga!e was over they sat in the changing area$>Seventy nilA> co!!ented Fred$>Could have #een worse$>%hen Miss Fonny#alls wal"ed #y the! and laughed loudly and uncontrolla#ly$Methane &rowned and wiped the pu"e which he had spiralled through in 8ero gravity o&& his uni&or!$(e !issed his relia#le cli!#ing ropes and gravity$>%his is !y !ost dangerous !ission so &ar2> snapped Methane$The Musi! "ideo Methane and Fred had #een chosen to help !a"e the Soctre World Cup !usic video$%hey wal"ed down a slope with si: other Soctre players into a dig where the &irst *#elis" goal post had #een &ound$1ights lit up the Soctre pitch$%he wal"ed and danced to the poppy !usic video sha"ing their astronaut hips$*n the &irst Soctre pitch there was a &lag at the #otto! with the Soctre !oon where there were do8ens o& other dancers in space suits$%hey "ic"ed a giant #all around and raised their hands in the air as the song played into their hel!ets$%4 i!ages were proected onto the o#elis"s &or the !usic video$%hen the !usic stopped and the First =irector stepped &orward$Behind hi! was the !usic director who only spo"e through the &irst director$>=o it againA> said the First =irector$>F*' %() 1*4) *F 7*=22> screa!ed Fred$>W)'4) =*N) I% )I7(%? %IM)S A1')A=?222(*W MAN? M*') %IM)S@@@>%he &irst director got his instructions$>Entil we get it rightA> said the &irst director$Fred &ell on his "nees and threatened to so#$>I$$$ I$$$ can't ta"e it any !oreA> said Fred$(e threatened to ta"e o&& his space hel!et$>%a"e a #rea"A> said the First =irector$Fred and Methane sat under the original o#elis" that had #een &ound and &ed on liBuid ha! sandwiches #uilt into their suits$%hey ru##ed their hel!ets o&& the *#elis" goal post which was used to show i!ages o& dancing people on )arth li"e a %4 screen and goals #eing scored #y &a!ous players$>=o you ever wonder i& we should have done so!ething else Methane@> Fred pic"ed up a stone andtapped it o&& Methane's hel!et$>?ou "now I thin" you're rightA> replied Methane who also pic"ed up a stone and tapped it o&& Fred's hel!et and they !ade up a si!ple dru! #eat$>May#e we should #eco!e hyper co!!ented Fred$>Ma"es per&ect senseA> said MethaneA thin"ing a#out it so!e !ore$>1et's do it A7AIN2> said the &irst director$>F*' %() 1*4) *F 7*=22> co!plained Fred$%hey stood up and started again$>Why couldn't we ust &a"e #eing on the !oon@>Moon Trouble %here was trou#le on !oon ca!p one$Methane and Fred sat down as the tea! captain 'ay stood up to co!plain a#out the situation again$>(e's "ic"ing o&& againA> whispered Fred$%hey started their stop watches$>%he !oon's sur&ace is roc" hard$It's li"e playing on a runway$%he 7ravity is pure shite$And the acco!!odation is a &ec"ing disgrace$I !ean who pic"ed this #leeding place@We're !illions o& !iles &ro! )arth$And we don't even have enough Space Suits@2>%he !anager sat &orward$>But 'ay we're not going to #e playing a !atch here$All we have are so!e &riendlies$>(e s!iled in a &atherly way$>=on't you #leeding start21oo" at thisA they gave Bill scu#a gear$(e's supposed to play Soctre in Scu#a gear on the !oon2Fesus &ec"ing Christ22>Bill loo"ed upA wearing his scu#a out&it$>AwA I don't !ind 'ay$I'! ust happy to #e here$>>IS %(A% A11 ?) F)CG)'S WAN%@@%* %E'N E6A (E(@>Mostly they ust nodded$%hen 'ay #egan to swear$>And loo" at this 7o#shite here@2> shouted 'ay$>I've never heard o& this guy Methane and when I as"ed hi! where he played #e&ore he told !e 'It was Fec"ing Classi&ied@2'I've never heard o& Classi&ied Enited$Sure you're all all a pac" o&$$$>'ay #egan to swear$>Ah now 'ayA c'!on let's have a cup o& tea and a pac"et o& crisps and cal! downA> said the coach$>CA1M =*WN2CA1M =*WN22>(e pointed at the coach$>?*E GN*W W()') ?*E CANF)CGIN' S%ICG ?*E' C'IS6 SAN=WIC()S2I'M *E%%A ()')222>'ay changed into his Space Suit and e:ited the air loc" and too" a run and a u!p and &loated #ac" to )arth$>)ight !inutesA &i&ty seven secondA> whispered Fred$>New 'ay recordA> s!iled Methane$>'eallyA> said Bill$>I don't !ind the Scu#a gear$Sure I'll #e &ineAI don't !ind the &rost #iteA> he said$>%hat's the spirit ladsA> said the coach$>%here's a party on tonight and you're all invited$%here's a &ree #ar and &ood paid &or #y =r$ Blowthu!#$>%he tea! all cheered$The #art$ >A&ter we eatA we &igure out what Blowthu!# is really up toA> said Fred$>AgreedA> said MethaneA eating avocado stu&&ed nachosA one in each hand$Fred stu&&ed &lavoured popcorn into his !outh which tasted o& #ee& and onions$>What do you thin" Blowthu!# is really doing@> Fred dran" one o& the speciality #eers$>I'! thin"ing he's digging a hole to the centre o& the !oon and storing all the world's gold there to a&&ect its price and #eco!e even richerA> !used Methane$(e ate so!e o& the oysters and put so!e %a#asco sauce on the!$>What a#out you@>Fred sprin"led additional !o88arella cheese on his nachosA >I'! thin"ing he's #uilding a Soctre ro#ot ar!y$>%hey #oth gra##ed a glass o& Cha!pagne each and dran" it down then then got so!e whis"ey chasers$>So how do you want to proceed@> as"ed Methane$Fred #elched and too" two Chori8o Cheese 6otato Wraps$(e ate the! thought&ully$>May#e we snea" away during the party when no%oo o#viousA> said Methane$(e crunched down so!e chocolate dri88led peanut #rittle$>But I do "now one thing$>>What's that@> as"ed FredA ni##ling on so!e Crispy %o!atoes 6rovenHal$>I get a really #ad &eeling in !y gut a#out Blowthu!#$>Fred #elched a little$>?eah !e tooA> he said thought&ullyA loo"ing &or so!ething else to eatA swallowing a alapeIo pepper whole$One %mall &ame Methane and Fred sat in the stands with their tea! &or the &irst ga!e o& the Soctre World Cup$A reproduction o& the Apollo 1unar Module descended into the !iddle o& the stadiu! and touched down$Slowly an astronaut cli!#ed out and down a set o& stairs carrying a Soctre #all$When he go to the sur&aceA his voice could #e heard everywhere$>%hat's one s!all ga!e &or !eA one giant "ic" &or all o& Soctre "ind2>(e "ic"ed the &oot#all high and everyone cheered$)veryone cheered even the guy in the scu#a suit$Methane leaned into Fred$>I have a planA> he said as the Soctre world !oon cup #egan$>A#out &lipping ti!eA> said Fred$Cra'$ &olf >7ol&@2> said Fred$>?ou want to have a ga!e o& gol& with Blowthu!# on the !oon@%hat's your #ig plan@2>Methane nodded$>And I own an island now$>>Where did you get an island@>>SMA'FASS got it &or !e$It's in the 6aci&ic ocean and it's radio active #ut we'll #e a#le to play Soctre there which is all that !atters #ut that's not allA> said Methane$>I have radio controlled gol& #alls which you will control with this controller$>(e gave Fred the radio controller$>Blowthu!# plays gol& on the !oon every a&ternoon$Now here is the plan$>Methane e:plained the plan$Fred &olded his ar!s and thought a#out it$>?ou're #on"ersA> replied Fred$(alls Methane and Fred !et Blowthu!# and Fonny#alls in the Footra"er 7ol& clu#$>?ou want a gol& !atch Blowthu!#@> as"ed Methane$>I a! a #usy !anA> replied Blowthu!#$>What are the sta"es@I a! also a very rich !anA> s!iled Blowthu!#$Methane showed Blowthu!# his deeds to his paci&ic island$>We'll play &or this islandA> said Methane$>I& I winA I get to oin Soctre with !y island and i& I lose you get the island and I'll go ho!e and have a #owl o& corn &la"es$>>=ealA> said Blowthu!#$>Who's this@> he as"ed pointing at Fred who would caddy &or Methane$>%his is !y !an servant FredA> said Methane$Fred !ade a &ace at Methane$>And this is Miss Fonny#allsA !y #ody guard$1et the ga!e #egin2>%hey played gol& on the !oon$Fred nudged Methane$>I've &orget !y glassesA> said Fred$*n the eleventh holeA they were all tied and Blowthu!#'s #all went out o& #ounds$For a s!all while they searched &or his lost #all$>I& you cannot &ind the #allA you'll have to &or&eit the ga!e Blowthu!#A> said Methane$(oweverA Fonny#alls stood #eside Blowthu!# and shoo" the leg o& her space suit$A s!all lever opened in the &oot o& her suit and a #all popped outA having &allen down her leg$Blowthu!# s!iled at Fonny#alls$>I've &ound it2> said Blowthu!# and the ga!e proceeded$*n the eighteenth and &inal hole to tie the ga!eA Methane was dripping sweat$(e glanced at Fred whose hand was in the 7ol& #ag$(e hit the #all towards the hole which was going to !iss #ut it started to weave le&t and right$Fred sBuinted his eyes as he placed his hand into the gol& #agA !oving a oystic"$%he #all stoppedA too" a le&t turnA !oved around a s!all !oon roc"A reversed and then went into thehole$>A tie22> said Blowthu!#$>?ou "now Mr$ MethaneA I li"e your ga!e$I've never seen a gol& #all change direction in the air li"e that or do a reverse li"e that on the green$?ou have Buite so!e talent$>>I've #een wor"ing on !y topspinA #ac" spin and gol&ing le&t turns$I had a good coachA> s!iled Methane$(e glanced at Fred$>7oodA so we !eet to!orrow in the Secret Soctre Moon Centre in Soctre Crater *ne where we will discuss the &uture o& Soctre World =o!ination$>Miss Fonny#alls gave Fred a dis!issive loo" and disappeared in the swirling !oon dust driving their !oon #uggy$(od$ &uards Fred sat in the #ar while Methane went to his super secret !eeting$Ene:pectedly Fonny#alls sat opposite hi!$>*h hiA Fonny#allsA> said Fred$>So you're a #ody guard as wellA> she said$Fred pausedA loo"ing at Fonny#all's !uscular ar!s with dragon tattoos$>?eahA sure I a!A> said Fred$(e leaned #ac" in his seat and nearly &ell over #ut straightened hi!sel& #ac" up$>?ou any good@> she as"ed$Fred "noc"ed #ac" his alcohol &ree #eer$>%he #estA> he said$>%ell !eA> she replied$She "noc"ed #ac" a dou#le teBuila$She was huge co!pared to Fred$>SorryA can't it's all classi&ied$>Fred !et her steely stare$>(ow a#out you@>>Mine is classi&ied as well #ut I a! a world athlete$>>?eahA I can og pretty &ast tooA> countered Fred$>?ou want a one on one !atch@> she as"ed$>SureA> said Fred$Fonny#alls s!iled supre!ely con&idently$>Gnives or guns@>Fred leaned &orward con&idently and dran" one o& Fonny#alls teBuila shots$>Nah too easyA how a#out a penalty shoot he replied$Finall$ The Fiendish #lan Revealed Methane arrived #ac" &ro! the !eeting$(e !et Fred and they &ound a roo! on %ea! Base --$>So what's Blowthu!#s &iendish plan@> as"ed Fred$>It's worse that I thoughtA> said Methane$(e placed a #ig #ag o& cash on the ta#le$>%hey're planning to ta"e over all the sports o& the world and give everyone #ags o& cash and &ree e:pensive watches2%hey also gave !e thisA> said Methane$Fred too" a loo" at the #oo"let which was &ree entry into all o& the the!e par"s o& the world$>My 7od they are so evil2> said Fred and poc"eted the &ree the!e par" entries and tried on a watch$ >So what are we going to do@2>%hen Fred appeared con&used$>But &irst I have a Buestion$=oes that include #oard ga!es@>>?)S F')= )4)'? 7AM) IN %() W*'1=2I have to in&or! SMA'FASS B)F*') I%'S %**1A%)$>(owever the lights in the roo! di!!ed and Blowthu!#'s &ace appeared on the over head !onitors$>Ah Agent Methane we &inally !eet> said Blowthu!#$>I "now we !et earlier #ut I did not have the proo& you wor"ed &or SMA'FASS and now I do so now I can say we &inally !eet$6repare to !eet your doo!$Soctre Security will dispose o& you$%hey are dressed in u!psuits with a special logo I designed !ysel& and !etal hel!et and will do !y evil #idding$>Fred opened the door to the roo! and saw Soctre Security gathering at the end o& the corridor$So!e o& Soctre Security were sitting on what loo"ed li"e tricycles with laser !ounted guns$Fred sla!!ed the door shut as they prepared to stor! their roo!$>We're surrounded2> shouted Fred$>I need to thin"2> replied Methane$(e put on his thin"ing &ace$But then an a:e #egan to #rea" down their door$Fred wanted to screa! #ut covered his !outh$A hole was "noc"ed in the door and then Fred's worst night!are was reali8ed$Fonny#alls loo"ed in through the hole in the door and s!iled in an evil way$>()')'S F*NN?BA11S2> she said in a really creepy way$Fred didn't "now whether to s!ile or screa! #ut "ept his hand over his !outh$>%his way22> shouted Methane reali8ing there was another door out o& the roo! leading down another corridor$>6ower run *N2> said Methane and he sprinted down the corridor$Fred tried his #est to &ollow Methane and then they were shortly &ollowed #y Soctre Security so!e o& who! were on their tricycles &iring #adly ai!ed laser #ea!s which !ostly #urned holes in the walls o& Base --$Blowthu!# played %he!e 6ar" !usic over the spea"ers and so!e o& Soctre Security sang along as they &ired their laser weapons$Fred and Methane ran past a %ea! -- player who was in a closed #ar all on his own$(e was tal"ing to hi!sel& and stealing so!e o& the 'u!$(e continued to tal" to hi!sel& as Soctre Secuity also ran and rolled #y hi!$By the ti!e he turned around they were all gone$FinallyA Fred and Methane escaped out onto the sur&ace o& the !oon shortly a&terwards chased #y Soctre Security$Fred "ept up with Methane who continued to power run while Fred drove along side hi! in a !oon #uggy$(is power run loo"ed strangely di&&erent in the low gravity on the !oon$The )*!iting )nding Fred and Methane sat in the centre o& a crater$%hey had u!ped &ro! the edge o& the crater to avoid #eing caught$Fred caught his #reath in the pressure controlled #uilding$>What do we do now@> he as"ed$>We can #last our way outA> said Methane &inding so!e laser guns in the storage roo! which had at!osphere$>%hen we head &or Australia$>>Why Australia@>>When we drop out o& or#it it'll #e easy to see where we need to splash downA> said Methane$>Splash down@> said Fred sounding nervous$>=on't they have shar"s there@>>Sure #ut ust "ic" the! in the &aceA> said Methane$>=o you thin" Blowthu!# "nows we're here@> as"ed Fred$>No I don't thin" soA> replied Methane$>So we go on the count o& three$>>So you are really sure they're not waiting &or us@>Methane nodded$;;;*n the top o& the craterA Blowthu!# stood with Fonny#alls loo"ing down on Methane and Fred's hiding place$>So they are hiding in the s!all #uilding at the center o& the crater@>>?esA> replied Fonny#alls$>All one hundred thousand Soctre Security are waiting &or the! to #last their way out and then we will &ire #ac"$>Blowthu!# laughed in an evil Soctre way$A #attalion o& Soctre tan"s !oved into place$)ventually Methane and Fred #lasted their way out and one hundred Soctre Security agents &ired #ac"$;;;Blowthu!# wal"ed over to the re!ains o& Methane and Fred$(e leaned down to e:a!ine the corpses$Fred's ru##er &ace dropped o&& to reveal a Soctre 'o#ot under the !as"$Methane also had a prosthetic !as" and was really a ro#ot$Fonny#all's &ace also peeled o&& and she was also really a ro#ot$In his space suitA )rnesto the &erret u!ped up and down angrily and so did Blowthu!#$%hen the one hundred thousand Soctre %roops also u!ped up and down angrily$%hey had #een &ooled again$Blowthu!# shoo" his &ist at the )arth and the escaping space ship$>7ive !e #ac" !y vouchers22> he screa!ed$;;;In the escaping Space Ship accelerating &ro! the !oonA Fonny#all piloted the ship heading &or Australia$Fred and Fonny#alls &loated in the 8ero gravity together sipping Cha!pagne$>Where's Methane@> as"ed Fonny#alls$>*h he's outside hanging onA I'll let hi! in laterA> said Fred$(e switched o&& his radio receiver and so!e !elodic !usic played indicating the !ission was over$;;%() )N=;;++Cra, (onus %tor$++ %unlight%unlight - . - The Message From The Invaders%his story is rated 'B' &or Bad0oice *+er1 People of )arth we will surround your world with a shield until there is no sunlight leftand then we will in+ade.*n )arth in =u#lin in the +J35s the people o& the city and )arth loo"ed up into the s"y which see!ed very close as a tin &oil shield #egan to surround planet )arth$)arth loo"ed li"e a painted #ouncy #all$%he power&ul shield had so!e s!all tin&oil tears #ut too s!all &or anything to escape$>%hey !ust co!e &ro! an advanced speciesA> said the two grave diggers in the 6u# %he 7ravediggers$>What will we do when the )arth is covered #y the shield@> as"ed a tourist$>*ur ar!y will &ight the!A> said a !an in a !ilitary uni&or! who was in the 6u#$%unlight - / - 0arkness is !omingIn the dar" roo!A a !an in a suit sat with another !an in a u!p suit$>Are the de&ences prepared &or the invasion@>>%he &ighter ets have #een prepared$>%he !an in the u!psuit put on a pair o& goggles$>I will lead the sBuadron o& &ighter ets$>*utside the roo! where it was really dar"A so!e #right sunlight could #e seen #ehind the curtains$ %unlight - 1 - Atta!k of the %,a!e %hi,s%he sBuadron o& &ighter ets which loo"ed li"e s!all toys attached to stic"s li&ted o&& to &ight the alien invaders$>I can't &ight the!2%here too !any22> shouted the !an with the goggles$Behind hi! a curtain !oved #ac" and &orward$(is ship hit a tin &oil EF* which wo##led and the &ighter plane went on &ire li"e it was #eing #urned #y a !atch$%unlight - 3 - Fear on the %treets*n 7ra&ton Street where there was a !i!e artistA the survivors stood together$Behind the! was a curtain where it loo"ed li"e people were going to wor"$>%his !ust #e one o& the aliensA> said a young !an who was #leeding to!ato "etchup$>%hey !ust not "now how to co!!unicate with usA> replied a girl who had !etal hel!et on and sunglasses$%he alien !i!e artist ignored the!$%unlight - 2 - Total 0arknessIn the graveyard the two !en loo"ed terri&ied as another !an cli!#ed out o& a hole in what loo"ed li"e a garden$Both grave diggers loo"ed terri&ied$*ne !an threw hi!sel& onto the ground$%he other !an clutched his throat and then curled up$%he !an who arose &ro! the grave wal"ed away slowly and then tripped over the #ranch o& a tree #ecause he has his eyes closed$%unlight - 3 - Chased%he girl with the !etal hel!et and the sunglasses screa!ed and ran into a roo!$%he !an &ro! the grave opened the door and stretched out his ar!s$%he girls screa!ed and ran around the !an &ro! the grave$%he !an &ro! the grave snee8ed and ru##ed his nose$%he phone in the house rang and so!e lady answered it downstairs$%he wal"ing corpse snee8ed again$%unlight - 4 - The$ Have RobotsWhat loo"ed li"e two s!all toy ro#ots #egan to wal" across the &loor o& a school corridor$

1ots o& teenagers screa!ed very dra!atically$*ne o& the! &ought o&& a s!ile as she tried to cry out$*ne o& the #oys leapt &orward with a #ow and arrow$(e &ired the #ow and arrow and #oth ro#ots &ell over li"e the ground under the! had #een !oved$All the teenagers shouted with oy$Behind the! so!eone told the! to get #ac" to their classes$%unlight - 5 - Terrif$ing CreaturesIn the car in the dar"nessA the re!aining survivors loo"ed #ac" at one o& the creatures &ro! the space ship$It loo"ed li"e a toy sBuirrel #eing dragged #ehind the car #y a piece o& string$>Faster2 Faster2> shouted one o& the survivors who loo"ed li"e one o& the !other's o& the teenagers$%hen une:pectedly a sBuirrel whose !outh was covered in #lood that was li"e to!ato "etchup dropped in &ront o& the!$%he !other screa!ed$A picture was then shown o& a toy car on &ire$%unlight - 6 - The )arth Is %aved%he !an in the uni&or! stood near an *#servatory$>Fire the !issiles2> he said$A !an dressed in a "ilt saluted and let o&& a roc"et$%he tin &oil shell around the )arth was torn apart$%he )arth #ounced around li"e it was on a piece o& string$0oice o+er1 An so it was that the )arth was sa+ed by people of incredible bra+ery with +ery little resources.