Food in General

Food in general Ala & Haliz

Transcript of Food in General

Page 1: Food in General

Food in generalAla&


Page 2: Food in General

Contents : • Hunger is more than just a

lack of food

• Sometimes we eat for fun

• People choose to eat as vegetarians

• Chocolate lovers

• "Being thin"

• Having a late night meal may cause nightmares

Page 3: Food in General

What happens if you don’t get all the active vitamins that your body needs to function well ?

This leads to illness and temporary or permanent damage to your health.

Being hungry means you don’t have the strength or energy to do even the simplest tasks. Hunger makes you weak, tired and unable to focus. Work or study of any kind is exhausting. All you can think about is when you are going to eat.

Page 4: Food in General

What do you think is suitable to compare with the human body ? You could think of the human body as being like a car. Look after it and it will serve you well. To run smoothly a car needs to be maintained and when things go wrong you need to fix it. But even if parts of the car stop working, it will continue to run, for a time and appear to be working normally.The human body is like this. A person who is hungry can continue to function at a basic level but eventually hunger takes its toll, leading to critical illness and premature death.

Page 5: Food in General

Sometimes we eat for fun

Sometimes we want to eat but we are not hungry, have you passed through this situation?

Why do we do that?

Everyone has gone through this situation, especially at midnight walking back to the fridge to find something to eat.

Preventing the stress of what distracting us so badly, therefore we’re trying to comfort ourselves by putting something in our mouths, because eating is like a disease which we are born with. We think that something new magically added inside the fridge since our last visit.

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Vegetarian people

Why do an increasing number of people choose to eat as vegetarians? How easy is it to be a vegetarian on your campus?

Research does show that vegetarians tend to be healthier overall, and even live longer. Do you agree ?Here are some other reasons vegetarians may live longer that meat-lovers.1. Low blood pressure2. Lower risk of death3. Better moods4. Less chance of heart disease5. Lower risk of cancer6. Less likely to be overweight

Want more proof of longevity? Residents of Okinawa, Japan, have the longest life expectancy of any Japanese and likely the longest life expectancy of anyone in the worldaccording to a 30-year study of more than 600 Okinawan centenarians. Their secret: fruits and vegetables.(centenarians) person who is one hundred year old or older

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Chocolate lovers

"Anything is good if it's made of chocolate". Jo Brand

Both men and women desire chocolate, but far more women than men experience chocolate. do you agree ?.


Who do think desire chocolate more than other, men or women?

what chocolate is your favorite?

Page 8: Food in General

Being thick

Do you think there is too much emphasis in today's society on "being thin ?

Learn why some people gain more body fat  than others, and what you can do to be leaner.However, as many people have mentioned, there are many factors that influence how much someone eats and how many calories they burn.Too much eating — not enough movement.When people eat too many calories relative to their energy they gain weight.When they eat fewer calories than they burn they lose weight.

They eat more calories than they expend.

Poor food choices.

Poor food choices.People often assume they can eat less and lose weight while eating But when you eat less in order to satisfy yourself, you will eat more later, why ?

because you have to make great food choices.Few people actually eat like that, but they still don’t make great food choices in other ways. People often don’t eat enough protein, vegetables, fruit, or fiber — and they stay hungry.

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Being thick

Low levels of self control.

Low levels of self control.Some people don’t have as much self control and aren’t as good at controlling their desires.The desire to eat is considered the most common one you experienceWhen they eat, they often lose track of their food intake and eat far more than they know they should.

They eat when they see a fast food restaurant, even if they aren’t hungry.They eat because food is available, not because they need it.

have you ever thought about what influences you to eat more ?

Here are some common food cues that influence how much you eat:How fast you eat.How fast the people around you eat.How many people you’re eating with.

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Are your nightmares causing you distress? Are they interrupting your sleep ? If so, it's important to determine what's causing you nightmares. Then you can make changes to reduce their occurrence.

The explanation is that having late-night meal can elevate body temperatures and disrupt sleep. This may also be the reason why some people report bad dreams when they eat too close to bedtime. Eating close to bedtime increases metabolism and brain activity and may cause bad dreams or nightmares.

If so, it's important to determine what's causing you nightmares. Then you can make changes to reduce their occurrence.