Food, Health, Profits and Dr...

p. 1 Latest version: 18-1-2018 [email protected] Food, Health, Profits and Deception. It is a pleasure to present the results of the Diet-Health research that is still continuing, which began after open heart surgery in 2013 and that mainly started after the threat of being on medication because of raised cholesterol levels. That we all get those strange illnesses did not appear right to me. If we want to encounter the truth we first need to forget all we think we know so we can look at things from a new viewpoint. We need to assume as little as possible so prejudices do not get in the way of discovering. After that I asked myself: "How should I start this Diet-Health research?" Next I encountered Joe Cross stating that there are actually only three types of food: 1. plant based 2. animal based 3. processed foods "Well that looks right to me" I thought and if processed foods are less healthy that would mean that the search for the optimum human nutrition actually is the search for the best ratio of animal to plant food. So what is best for us: 50% plants and 50% animals, 10-90 or 90-10? Which ratio makes us thrive, healthy and live long? Another thing that helps searching for the truth is to concentrate on a picture that is as big as possible. I used World Health Organization data wherever possible and tried to look at all aspects of why we eat like we do, what is optimum and later on what actually stops us from consuming the optimum types of food. We humans we believe that we are omnivorous. All that means really is that we can get ENERGY from both plants and animals. Our specialists believe that we are omnivorous. Our industries are based on our omnivorous belief. Our culture believes that we are omnivorous. Indeed we've been eating meat for more than 500,000 years. Yes most people on the planet eat animal products but what are we actually from a health perspective? Which plant/animal ratio is ideal for us? What should we base our behaviour and food on, what tastes best, what is commonly accepted or what is the healthiest? Everyone needs to answer that for themselves. For me health is a very important factor. The answer I found was that from a health perspective we are simply plant eaters and in the past received vitamin B12 from bacteria. With our current hygiene we are best off taking a B12 tablet since we eat far less bacteria nowadays. Energy best comes from complex carbohydrates (starches), not from fats nor proteins nor sugars. What is the problem with eating animals? Animal based food contains: 1. Proteins (Osteoporosis, Autoimmune diseases) 2. Fats (Diabetes-2, Atherosclerosis e.g. Heart Disease) 3. Hormones (Cancer) 4. Very few or no Vitamins, no Antioxidants and no Fibres. Let's have a closer look at this list… 1. PROTEINES 1.1 OSTEOPOROSIS - That so called complete protein coming from animals with the same amino acid ratios as our own, is actually not all that healthy for us. We simply have not been made to consume these ratios of amino acids nor have we been made to consume proteins in high quantities. Those amino acids that are relatively higher in animals than in plants give us OSTEOPOROSIS. They make our bodies more acidic (amino ACIDs – Dr John McDougall) and that leaches calcium out of our bones. Hence if we want to fight osteoporosis, we do not need more calcium (like the dairy industry tells us) but we need to eat less or no animal based food. Countries consuming lots of dairy still have high levels of osteoporosis. Cow's milk indeed has calcium but that doesn't help us very much as it comes with the animal proteins! Dairy derivatives like cheese are actually very acidic to the body and eating those will cost our bones calcium. Those countries on the planet with very little osteoporosis actually consume the least animal based

Transcript of Food, Health, Profits and Dr...

p. 1 Latest version: 18-1-2018 [email protected]

Food, Health, Profits and Deception. It is a pleasure to present the results of the Diet-Health research that is still continuing, which began after open heart surgery in 2013 and that mainly started after the threat of being on medication because of raised cholesterol levels. That we all get those strange illnesses did not appear right to me. If we want to encounter the truth we first need to forget all we think we know so we can look at things from a new viewpoint. We need to assume as little as possible so prejudices do not get in the way of discovering. After that I asked myself: "How should I start this Diet-Health research?" Next I encountered Joe Cross stating that there are actually only three types of food:

1. plant based 2. animal based 3. processed foods

"Well that looks right to me" I thought and if processed foods are less healthy that would mean that the search for the optimum human nutrition actually is the search for the best ratio of animal to plant food. So what is best for us: 50% plants and 50% animals, 10-90 or 90-10? Which ratio makes us thrive, healthy and live long? Another thing that helps searching for the truth is to concentrate on a picture that is as big as possible. I used World Health Organization data wherever possible and tried to look at all aspects of why we eat like we do, what is optimum and later on what actually stops us from consuming the optimum types of food. We humans we believe that we are omnivorous. All that means really is that we can get ENERGY from both plants and animals. Our specialists believe that we are omnivorous. Our industries are based on our omnivorous belief. Our culture believes that we are omnivorous. Indeed we've been eating meat for more than 500,000 years. Yes most people on the planet eat animal products but what are we actually from a health perspective? Which plant/animal ratio is ideal for us? What should we base our behaviour and food on, what tastes best, what is commonly accepted or what is the healthiest? Everyone needs to answer that for themselves. For me health is a very important factor. The answer I found was that from a health perspective we are simply plant eaters and in the past received vitamin B12 from bacteria. With our current hygiene we are best off taking a B12 tablet since we eat far less bacteria nowadays. Energy best comes from complex carbohydrates (starches), not from fats nor proteins nor sugars. What is the problem with eating animals? Animal based food contains: 1. Proteins (Osteoporosis, Autoimmune diseases) 2. Fats (Diabetes-2, Atherosclerosis e.g. Heart Disease) 3. Hormones (Cancer) 4. Very few or no Vitamins, no Antioxidants and no Fibres. Let's have a closer look at this list… 1. PROTEINES 1.1 OSTEOPOROSIS - That so called complete protein coming from animals with the same amino acid ratios as our own, is actually not all that healthy for us. We simply have not been made to consume these ratios of amino acids nor have we been made to consume proteins in high quantities. Those amino acids that are relatively higher in animals than in plants give us OSTEOPOROSIS. They make our bodies more acidic (amino ACIDs – Dr John McDougall) and that leaches calcium out of our bones. Hence if we want to fight osteoporosis, we do not need more calcium (like the dairy industry tells us) but we need to eat less or no animal based food. Countries consuming lots of dairy still have high levels of osteoporosis. Cow's milk indeed has calcium but that doesn't help us very much as it comes with the animal proteins! Dairy derivatives like cheese are actually very acidic to the body and eating those will cost our bones calcium. Those countries on the planet with very little osteoporosis actually consume the least animal based

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food and consume much less calcium (and dairy). Eskimos, with their high animal based diet, have osteoporosis at a very young age, much younger than any other population on the planet. References: 1. Osteoporosis by Dr Jane Plant, 2. Building Bone Vitality by Lanou and Castleman. 3. Dr McDougall website, books & youtube, 4. The China Study by Dr Colin Campbell 1.2 AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES - Because the animal proteins are very similar to our own this can also lead to some AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES when these proteins end up in our bloodstream without having been broken down completely. This can happen because of our intestines not working properly on a diet that is far from our natural diet. Our immune system comes into action against these foreign proteins but because they are similar to some of our own proteins, this can go wrong and the immune system sometimes continuous attacking these similar proteins in our own bodies afterwards. People with those particular autoimmune diseases often benefit from eating plants only. Arthritis, MS, Crohn's, Lupus and relapsing Polychondritis are some of those autoimmune diseases that have been reported to benefit from this way of eating. Coeliac disease and possibly some other autoimmune diseases have to do with plant proteins like gluten. A better functioning gut (through a healthier diet) will also here be a positive move because it will contribute to keep gluten (or other triggers) out of the bloodstream. References: Dr McDougall website, books & youtube, The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book by Dr Roy Schwank, Recovering from Multiple Sclerosis by Dr Jelinek and Law, Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis by George Jelinek, Dr Terry Wahls "minding your mitochondria" presentations on youtube. Clint Paddison has achieved great results with Rheumatoid Arthritis in many people including himself (See: "Clint Paddison Rheumatoid Arthritis: 2010 vs 2017" on youtube). See also: Summary: animal food has too many proteins and in the wrong ratio of amino acids for optimum human health. Too many of some types of amino acids make our bodies acidic and that leaches calcium from our bones. The animal proteins also significantly contribute to many types of autoimmune diseases. That this is true we can see through the halting of the disease and often improvements coming from moving towards a plant based diet. This means that an incorrect diet was part of the cause of the disease in the first place. Also osteoporosis can improve on a plant based diet (and also exercise). 2. FATS: (lipids - oils) Animal food is much higher in fats than the ideal food for us which is plant based and low in fats. 2.1 DIABETES-2 90% of diabetes is type 2. Consuming too much fat leads to too much fat in the cells of our bodies. That fat makes the cells insulin resistant through clogging up the insulin receptors of the cells. Because of that the cells will stop taking on sugar and the sugars will remain in the blood. This results in increased blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels are very unhealthy and the disease is called diabetes type 2. Patients with diabetes-2 on a diet of only starches (e.g. potatoes, rice), vegetables, some fruit and avoiding ALL fats and oils get better. We do not need medication to regulate our blood sugar levels, we just need to eat properly and then our bodies will regulate the blood sugar down to the right levels. The reduction of sugars is less important than the total avoidance of all fats in order to get better. Sugar of course is empty calories and comes with other disadvantages. Diabetes-1 is an autoimmune disease and might improve through a healthy diet but will never get fully better as there is permanent damage. There is significant confusion around diets and diabetes-2 as there are two very different types of diets that can normalize the blood sugar levels: 1. Very low in fat & high carb, 2. Very low in carb & high fat. The latter reduces the food intake that is easily converted into blood sugars and only addresses the diabetes-2 symptoms. The former actually gets the body to process starches normally again and is also the best diet for many other diseases too. The low fat is the real cure. Logically high carb low fat is the way to eat as this addresses the cause of diabetes, the clogging up of the cell's insulin receptors. References: Dr Neal Barnard's program for reversing diabetes, by Dr Neal Barnard. His website:, his youtube presentations,, Dr McDougall books and youtube presentations: "Simply Raw Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" documentary on youtube, The China Study by Dr Colin Campbell, Thin Diabetes, Fat Diabetes by Laurie Endicott Thomas A study by Bernard et al demonstrated that a low fat vegan diet improves lipid and glycemic control more than the diet recommended by the American Diabetic Association. (A low-fat vegan diet improves glycemic

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control and cardiovascular risk factors in a randomized clinical trial in individuals with type 2 diabetes - Barnard, N et al. 2.2 ATHEROSCLEROSIS Too much fat in our diet also leads to atherosclerosis, the clogging up of our arteries. Cholesterol and calcium deposits in the walls of our arteries make them weaker and narrower. Small repairs that the body does over time makes the arteries more fibrous and less flexible. This weakening of the wall and deposits can lead to heart attacks, strokes, macular degeneration, aneurysms, hearing loss, kidney disease, lung problems etc. The arteries go through our whole body and there is a lot that can go wrong. The doctors Dr Dean Ornish, Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr John McDougall, Dr Joel Kahn, Dr Baxter Montgomery and others have reversed atherosclerosis through putting their patients on a low fat starch based diet with vegetables and fruit. The cholesterol and blood pressure levels come down to normal healthy levels and Diabetes-2 disappears. That means that most of the risk factors for a heart attack disappear. Also life expectancy is greatly extended. Improvements happen fairly quickly within days of changing diet through an improvement of blood flow although it can take a long time before a significant part of the arterial deposits (that took decades to build up) will reduce. Blood flow improves quickly on a low fat diet as we can see from Robert Vogel's brachial artery tourniquet test. The older plaque deposits are much more stable and normally do not lead to serious problems. Hence often we do not need by-pass heart surgery or stents if we attack the problem by its roots: our nutrition. Nathan Pritikin was the first person that cured himself from heart disease in the early 1960s through a very low nearly plant based diet. He was not a doctor but an engineer thinking more logically, observing better and coming to better conclusions than the about 12 heart specialists he had asked for advice. Already in 1907 Alexander I. Ignatowski (1875-1955) knew that atherosclerosis would start in rabbits on a diet of milk, eggs and meat. Hence it is a disease of herbivores on the wrong diet. It looks like mankind is not much different really. Perhaps that it takes much longer in mankind to develop atherosclerosis is a sign of some adaptation to being on the wrong diet for a very long time. The facts around atherosclerosis have been known for a long time and we have not acted on them. It would appear that while individually perhaps we can be clever, our herd intelligence does not look very big thanks to a lack of the right leadership and distortion through financial interests. References: Dr Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart disease, The McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart by Dr John McDougall, Prevent and Revert Heart Disease by Dr Caldwell Esselstyn,, and Nathan Pritikins books, The China Study by Dr Colin Campbell. "A way to reverse CAD?" Esselstyn C et al. (Fig 2 really demonstrates the reversibility of this disease!). "Intensive Lifestyle Changes for Reversal of Coronary Heart Disease" - Ornish, D et al 2.3 FISH Fish too contains cholesterol, fats and hormones. The omega 3s in fish thin the blood which at first sight appears to have advantages for those of us that have exposed their arteries to atherosclerosis (by far most of us) because the blood will flow better through the partially blocked arteries. However, compensating one problem with opposite side effects still doesn't make fish healthy. Rat poison (warfarin) also thins the blood and is definitely not healthy! The Japanese and Eskimos always ate a lot of fish. Both also had very high levels of strokes. Till 1981 strokes were even the leading cause of death in Japan. Since then the Japanese have increased their dairy and meat intake and nowadays their stroke mortality has been surpassed by heart attacks and cancer. As they adopted a lifestyle closer to ours, they ended up with more similar disease patterns to ours. They still eat less meat and dairy and have less heart disease and cancers and live longer. 2.4 Healthy Fats? Yes some fats are essential but we only need very little of these. One walnut per day and a cup of green leafy vegetables is probably already enough! All the other non-essential fats our body can make from starches and proteins when needed. Our problem is that we eat far too much fat for optimum health. A high fat intake can also be a major factor behind acne.

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2.5 CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is not essential in the diet as our bodies can make sufficiently themselves. Extra cholesterol we only get from eating animals. In our digestive system cholesterol consumed is broken down into proteins and fats. Most of the cholesterol is actually fats. Not only saturated fats but all fats, oils and cholesterol in our food raise our serum cholesterol levels as we produce more serum cholesterol in order to transport these energy sources around the body to the places where they can be used or stored. If you don't want to store these fats or don't want the increased risks coming from high cholesterol levels, don't eat the fats in the first place! References: "cholesterol and fats in your blood Home Medical Editor" a lecture on youtube by Dr Tracy Fulton, - UCSF School of Medicine, Biochemistry and Biophysics, San Francisco. 2.6 A Healthy Cholesterol Level Your doctor might have told you that your cholesterol level is healthy. That means that compared to the average population your value is fine. One problem with this is that it will not give you an absolute assurance of your health status. This is because healthy cholesterol levels can vary enormously between individuals. You can only find a definite indication of your personal healthy cholesterol level through a diet low in fats, no animal food, starch based and whole plants and then taking a cholesterol measurement. To illustrate this point: Dr Dean Ornish had one patient with heart problems and a cholesterol level of 9.3 who could not lower his level to below 6.5 through diet. Dr Caldwell Esselstyn had a patient with a cholesterol level of 4.0 which normally is seen as a fairly healthy level. This person in his mid-40s with a normal weight, exercising and no heart problems in the family, still ended up with a heart attack. He started a nearly fat free diet from whole plants and managed to lower his cholesterol to 2.3. The person with a cholesterol level of 6.5 got another angiogram done about 2 years later and this showed that his coronary arteries were opening up. Hence one person gets better with a level of 6.5 and another gets a heart attack with a much lower level of 4.0. What you eat gives you more protection against a heart attack than a particular cholesterol level. You are much better off concentrating on a healthy diet than on your cholesterol figure from your doctor. References: Dr Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart disease, Prevent and Revert Heart Disease by Dr Caldwell Esselstyn 2.7 Obesity The fat we eat is immediately ready to be stored in our fat deposits for future use. Fat can be used as fuel for our muscles. Other food for our muscles is glucose which comes mainly from digesting starches (complex carbohydrates) and also some can come from sugars. Glucose is also the ONLY food for our brains which consumes 20% of our energy. If we do not eat carbohydrates, our body will have to convert fats and proteins into glucose. This is not an efficient process also indicating that starches are likely a much better food source for us than fats. Summary: people in the western world not only eat the wrong type of fats, we also eat far too much fat for our health. Humans have been made for a diet that is much lower in fat and the high fat content of our food causes us Diabetes-2 and Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can express itself in many different ways. A truly low fat diet can lead to reversing raised cholesterol levels, reversing diabetes-2 and reversing atherosclerosis which strongly suggests that the fats are a major causational factor in the first place. 3. HORMONES The animals we eat are mostly warm blooded like ourselves. These animals also have about 60 different types of hormones regulating their processes just like our own processes are regulated though our hormones. These animal hormones are often the same or similar to our own and the animal hormones are absorbed in our intestines just like hormonal medication is absorbed (e.g. the contraceptive pill). These extra hormones entering our bodies upset our hormonal balance. Some of these hormones promote growth and that stimulates cancer. After all cancer is growth too, not? Estrogen is one of the animal hormones stimulating growth and Estrogen has been labelled by the World Health Organization as "definitely carcinogenic to humans". Other hormones that promote growth and that have been linked to increased cancer rates are Progesterone, Prolactin, Testosterone, IGF-1,

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Somatropin… On top of the growth stimulating hormones there are nearly 40 Growth Factors. One of them is VEGF which promotes the formation of new blood vessels. Without new blood vessels cancer would be hampered in its growth because also cancer needs nutrients and oxygen. Increased VEGF has also been linked to increased cancer rates. We can observe that: * Affluent cancers are associated with countries with taller people * Affluent cancers are associated with taller people within one country * Endometriosis, growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, is associated with ovarian cancer (one of the 18 affluent cancer types) * Bigger breasts are associated with increased breast cancer rates (another affluent cancer) * Heavier people not only carry more fat, but also more cells and this growth too is associated with more affluent cancers. Growth is strongly associated with increased chances of cancer. Extra growth hormones and growth factors coming from consuming animals are like fuel on the cancer fire. While the hormones will not cause the cancers, they make it hard for our immune system to fight the cancers as they stimulate growth. This in turn causes our high affluent cancer rates. We are making it hard for our immune system. The AFFLUENT CANCERS that are associated with eating animal based food are: Breast, Prostate, Bowel, Uterine, Ovarian, Testicular, Pancreatic, Melanoma, Lung, Kidney, Bladder, Thyroid, Hodgkin Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Blood and Multiple Myeloma. All these cancers we find in increased levels in those countries eating more animal based food. Yes, the food also appears to have an influence on lung cancer and melanoma. There is more to it than smoking and sunshine. This explains why countries with little sunshine like Canada, Norway, Sweden and Finland have relatively high melanoma rates. This explains too why countries in their past while eating less animal food despite smoking more had lower lung cancer rates. The same differences one can see as well between different countries with different animal consumption rates and similar smoking rates. We get taller nowadays not because we eat better than the previous generation but because we eat worse! We eat much more animal based food as it became cheaper and more available through the industrial revolution. References: The China Study – Dr Colin Campbell ("most cancers are caused by all animal food" p.78 links cancers to raised cholesterol levels, p. 80 links raised cholesterol levels to animal based food) Dr Colin Campbell has stated: "most cancers are caused by all the animal food we consume". When asked to put a figure on "most" he responded with ">80%". This fits in well with my own research. Affluent Cancers and Diet – unravelling the confusion (youtube) Cancer Prevention and Cure, what you yourself can do (short - youtube) Cancer Prevention and Cure, what you yourself can do (long - youtube) (on 3 types of carcinogens: 1) causing DNA damage, 2) undermining the immune system & 3) stimulating cancer growth) Dairy I just mentioned that the World Health Organization sees Estrogen as a class one human carcinogen. Estrogen and some other hormones are very high in modern dairy. This is because: 1. we select animals for high milk production. Milk production is regulated through hormones, hence we are selecting for animals for high hormone levels too. 2. We want to be efficient and not feed cows without getting milk in return. Because of this we keep them pregnant as without pregnancy the milk supply will dry up. During pregnancy the hormone levels in the cows (and also in the milk) go up.

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3. Cow's milk is for calves. Calves need to grow fast in order to keep up with the herd. Our babies do not have a need to grow that fast and our milk is vastly different to cow's milk. E.g. our milk only has 1/3rd of the proteins per calorie of cow's milk. Humans actually do not need much protein. All vegetables and grains have more protein per calorie than human milk. There is more than sufficient protein and sufficient of all the essential amino acids if we eat a variety of whole plants. References: IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organisation) lists estrogen as a Group 1 carcinogen. (Group 1 = the agent (mixture) is definitely carcinogenic to humans) Industrially produced cow’s milk estrogen levels can be up to 33 times and progesterone levels can be up by 8-10 times the natural levels. This while taking milk from another animal can hardly be argued as natural… and The China Study by Colin Campbell *** Our industrially produced dairy could well be the most carcinogenic food commonly consumed*** Apart from the hormonal cancer dairy links just explained, we can also see the possible influence of modern dairy on cancer when comparing countries:

Age standardised affluent cancer rates per year per 100,000 ASR*)

Meat consumption pppy*)

Dairy consumption pppy*)

Milk production per cow per year in litres

The Netherlands 364 85.5 320.2 7011

Greece 189 74.8 314.7 3598

*) ASR = Age Standardises Rate, a correction applied overcoming cancer differences caused by different age profiles. Data was taken from WHO in March and April 2015. pppy = per person per year I took data from 74 countries and 27 cancer types (from the WHO) and put them into a spreadsheet together with meat and dairy consumption and the amount of dairy produced per cow per year. These three factors influence the amount of extra hormones we consume in our lifetime (a smaller source are also some medicinal hormones). In general there is a strong dose related pattern between the normalized affluent cancer rates and the sum of those 3 factors. However, the Dutch-Greek affluent cancer rates stood out with a difference factor of 2 despite similar amounts of meat and dairy being consumed. This can be explained by the differences in dairy production in the two countries. 40% of the Greek dairy comes from goats, 20% comes from sheep. Also the amount of milk produced per cow is much less than in The Netherlands. The Dutch milk comes nearly 100% from cows. These differences result in lower Greek hormone levels. That this apparently halves their Age Standardised affluent cancer rates shows us the possible enormity of the influence of industrially produced dairy alone. This will also contribute to the reason why the Mediterranean diet appears healthier (but it is still not the healthiest possible, longevity records are set in Asia like Japan and South Korea). The more industrialized and commercial driven the dairy is, the higher the affluent cancer rates. Summary: The extra growth stimulating hormones and growth factors that we absorb through consuming other animals, stimulates cancer growth and that makes it more difficult for our own body to control this disease resulting in significant higher affluent cancer rates. Modern dairy is likely the biggest factor in our high cancer rates. 4. Animal food does not have many Vitamins, no Antioxidants and no Fibres. They are all needed for good health.

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LIFE EXPECTANCY Well if we decide to stop eating animals for health reasons, are we going to live longer? According to Dan Buettner from National Geographic this is indeed the case. Also the brothers Bradley and Craig Wilcox state that a more plant base diet is healthier. They researched the people in Okinawa Japan. Dan Buettner and his group found longevity in Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Ikaria (Greece), Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica) and Loma Linda California. Again people were eating much more plant based. The 7 days Adventists from Loma Linda read in the bible that we should be eating "from the garden of Eden" and because of this they concentrate on eating plants. Their lifespans are about 6 years above the average American lifespan. References: The Blue Zones - Dan Buettner, The Okinawa Program : How the World's Longest-Lived People Achieve Everlasting Health--And How You Can Too – Bradley and Craig Wilcox, Makoto Suzuki, Dr John McDougall's publications, The China Study by Dr Colin Campbell. OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS

Life Expectancy in years

Health costs per person per year

Childhood mortality under 5 per 1000 per year in 2015

Meat/Dairy consumption in kg pppy *)

Vietnam 75 About $300 22 50/12

USA 79 $8900 7 120/253

(* pppy = per person per year) We see the USA spend 30x the amount on health per person per year than Vietnam while the lifespans are very much comparable. This means that health systems can be a lot cheaper without that the life expectancy has to change very much (if at all really). It would appear that our life expectancy could even improve further with our health care costs coming down! The affluent countries have very inefficient ways of increasing life expectancies. There is a lot of money made in health, people are very busy in health but we actually do not gain very much. We have put the ladder against the wrong wall and we are climbing up to the wrong window! One could ask: Who is gaining while we have the ladder against the wrong wall? The BRAIN PERSPECTIVE Thanks to our brains we process food and we do know that processed food in general is not all that healthy. It is also thanks to our brains that we eat other animals because hunting, making weapons, set traps and also animal husbandry are products of our brains. Thanks to another brain child, the industrialization, we can now eat as much animal based food as we want. Our brains have put us on a less than favourable path! We live longer thanks to Immunisation, Antibiotics, Hygiene and Sanitation but we can do better still, significantly better!!! Why haven't you heard this earlier? Why don't our doctors and nutritionists know this? Why does the minister of health know all this? FINANCIAL INTERESTS The industries that have a lot to lose from a plant based diet are: 1. Processed food industry, 2. Dairy industry, 3. Meat industry, 4. Poultry industry, 5. Egg industry, 6. Health industry and 7. The Pharmaceutical industry. All these industries purposely influence our culture, the education of our doctors, scientific research and how it is presented, politics and politicians etc.. They simply do this because this increases their profits. This is just like the tobacco influenced our cultures since the 1950s when it became apparent that smoking and lung cancer are strongly associated. A healthy diet is in the way of profits of many an industry. THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY

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What the industry can do to our culture we can best see from what the tobacco industry has achieved over the last 125 years. They produce an addictive carcinogenic product that has no benefit to mankind at all. Dr Allen Brandt in his book The Cigarette Century states that between 1900 and 1999 100,000,000 people prematurely died from cigarettes. That is more victims than the first and second world wars together! In the meantime this industry produces more cigarettes than ever before exporting to the third world countries. What the tobacco industry has achieved is that despite these longstanding facts they get away with a bigger production than ever before and hence they will be killing even more people. Working behind the scenes they have influenced us to accept the slaughter that is happening, the enormous costs to societies and the individuals, just to feed the industry's profits and the shareholders financial wealth. In 1958 the Tobacco Institute was founded and a little later the Tobacco Industry Research Committee (TIRC) which was later renamed into Council for Tobacco Research. They were all funded by the tobacco industry and their sole purpose was to fight of any threats to the tobacco industry's profits. Not the official purpose of course, one of the roles stated was to get to the bottom of this smoking-lung cancer hypothesis! Well, the only money ever spend was on research doubting this hypothesis. Counter research to disprove or at least casting doubt was the aim or elsewise distraction from the smoking-lung-cancer issue. This "research" was heavily supported by a public relations machine in order to broadcast views supporting the tobacco industry as far as possible. Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway call them "Merchants of Doubt" (book title) In 1994 seven CEOs of cigarette companies confirmed in an American court that in their opinion cigarettes did not pose a threat to someone's health! Scientists already in the late 1950s and early 1960s established that there is a definite causative correlation between smoking and lung cancer. The tobacco industry shows us that only profits are important, not human health. Not even if 100,000,000 people's lives are at stake. The truth is being denied, distorted and concealed because profits are the aim. Don't think for a moment that misery and death get in the way of profits. We have accepted more tobacco victims than the first and second world war victims together. We accept that the tobacco industry produces more cigarettes than ever currently and the smoking saga is getting worse rather than better. We accept that others smoke and are a bigger burden on our taxes and health premiums. We are still waiting for the first CEO of a tobacco company to close his business and put public health as a higher priority. We are still waiting for the first shareholders of tobacco companies to close their businesses and put public health as a higher priority. Manufacturers are stepping over dead bodies while the wolves do their best to appear in sheep's clothing as this keeps profit coming in. It is not that they want massacres; it is just a "side effect" of doing business. The tobacco industry is not the only one with this behaviour. All big companies trying to make a profit and grow heavily invest in "research" and "public relations". The tobacco industry has not achieved this position of sending more people to a premature death than the first and second WW together without being subjected to any significant external controls or regulation through the honest promotion of their products en also not through their support of honest science but through the systematic manipulation of populations and their leader's resulting in very effectively undermining public health. They call this "public relations" others have called the public relation officers "spin doctors". We believe all the manufacturer's rosy stories….. The doctors we trust also believe in this fairy tale…… Our political leaders believe in this fairy tale…… We believe in omnivorism….. we believe in capitalism……. We believe in our technology………We believe in freedom of choice but at the same time we are kept in the dark about our choices. In the meantime people are getting sick, the earth is getting sick and nature is also getting sicker all the time. The tobacco industry is expected to increase their health toll 10 fold comparing 1900-1999 and 2000-2099. The problems are only getting bigger. The manufacturers have positioned us exactly where they want us to be and we are accepting smoking as normal just like we accept heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and autoimmune diseases as normal. But we are the only species with those problems at these high rates. We currently accept that more cancer causing cigarettes than ever are produced. We also seem to accept that our civilisations are

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damaging this planet beyond repair greatly affecting the future of flora and fauna and indeed as mankind as we know it. We seem to accept that our children and grandchildren will encounter very tough times. While we prioritise economy (money) above public health and the planet's future, this destructive process will continue. WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING…. I hope we can all see that the tobacco industry behaves like wolves in sheep's clothing pretending to be nice while in reality they are after are profits at any cost. Here a few comments on Australian "not for profit" organizations that might give us a similar impression. All these organizations state that they are here for the common good but when you look at their behaviour rather than listen to their words, they are actually there for the industries that sponsor them and for the pharmaceutical industries that turn the raised finances into more profits for themselves. They take on an air and position of expertise in their field looking after the population but in reality they appear to be looking after the industries themselves manipulating the populations and their leaders. 1. states: "there is currently no cure for diabetes" while doctors putting diabetes type 2 patients on a low fat whole plant based diet can remove their medication and their blood sugar levels return to normal. I.e. they get better and hence there is a cure. Diabetes Australia denies the crucial influence of diet on diabetes-2. Their interest in public health appears to be the same as the tobacco industry's interest: NONE! 2. states:

"People at risk of type 2 diabetes can delay and even prevent the condition by: Maintaining a healthy weight Regular physical activity Making healthy food choices Managing blood pressure Managing cholesterol levels Not smoking."

This is deceptive and confusing advice. Cholesterol, blood pressure, healthy food choices and a healthy weight are all functions of our diet and are not really separate risk factors resulting in health. That the diet is key is hidden in a very confusing message. So what has Diabetes Australia to say about a healthy diet that appears to be the key to it all? 3. states:

"To help manage your diabetes: Eat regular meals and spread them evenly throughout the day Eat a diet lower in fat, particularly saturated fat If you take insulin or diabetes tablets, you may need to have between meal snacks It is important to recognise that everyone’s needs are different. All people with diabetes should see an Accredited Practising Dietitian in conjunction with their diabetes team for individualised advice. Read our position statement 'One Diet Does Not Fit All'."

Comment: This advice COMPLETELY IGNORES THE FACT that one can cure a diabetes-2 patient by putting a person on a low (no) fat whole plant based diet as has been reported by many researchers and doctors. They are confusing the public and are confusing our doctors with grossly incomplete advice and hiding the truth. A little further: "Eating too much fat can make you put on weight, which may make it more difficult to manage blood glucose levels." This suggest that the blame of diabetes is being overweight which is not really correct as excessive weight is not a separate cause; it is another symptom of being on the wrong diet. I.e. the wrong diet also often causes being overweight. Too much fat mostly comes from processed foods and animal based foods. We do not buy fat, we buy these products and the labelling "too much fat" is not all that helpful as we do not buy "fat" in the shop. It is confusing information that we are given. For optimum health we simply need to avoid manufactured foods, avoid animal food and stick to a diet of grains, vegetables with some fruits and nuts. Comment on: " One Diet Does Not Fit All ". Indeed there are differences between humans but these are small in reality. Acknowledging that humans from a health perspective are plant eaters would be a good start. I.e. our natural diet is plants.

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A bit later on the same page there is a confusing story about carbohydrates. It mentions both the importance of them and the problems they appear to be causing in diabetes patients. However in the article it does not mention that the real cause of diabetes is not the carbohydrates but the fats. Real health is only in the individual's interest, not in any industry's interest. The industry is promoting confusing messages through these "authoritative organizations" distorting or hiding the facts we need to know for achieving and maintaining our health. To illustrate the influence of our food on diabetes-2: In the 1950s the Chinese were eating 5kg of meat per person per year and they got 85% of their calories from carbohydrates. In the 1970s they got 14.5% of their energy from fats (The China Study). But things have changed in China. In 2011 McDonnalds was opening one new store in China EVERY SINGLE DAY. Nowadays they eat >60kg of meat per person per year. Their fat intake has increased enormously and carbohydrate intake has gone down accordingly. Less than 1% of the Chinese had diabetes in 1980 (on a high carb diet). Nowadays this figure is 11.6% while the fat consumption has tripled between the late 70s and 2012 . A diabetes increase from <1 to 11.6% is a 12 fold increase in just over 30 years. The Chinese currently not only get more diabetes, they also get more affluent cancers and grow taller… In the past the Chinese had rice and vegetables for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. That is a lot of carbohydrates while not having the western diseases. The western societies can learn from this. Eat the western diet and you will get all those western diseases. 4. in "General practice management of type 2 diabetes 2014-15" it states: "Lifestyle modifications that focus on increased physical activity, dietary change and weight loss should be offered to all individuals at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes." However, it does not say: eat only low fat plants, grains, vegetables, fruit and only few nuts and seeds in order to prevent and cure diabetes-2 (and this will also lower your weight in a healthy way). The advice can be called useless at best and else dangerous or deceptive as it does not specify the exact diet we should aim for and blames weight again as a cause while it really is just another symptom. 5. states:

"Through leadership, prevention, management and research, Diabetes Australia is committed to reducing the impact of diabetes. We work in the spirit of collaboration and co-operation. We offer strong leadership, governance and finances for our programs and our member organisations. As leaders, we administer the NDSS and advocate on issues impacting diabetes in Australia. As a trusted source of information, we offer advice on prevention and management. As a strong supporter of research, we work to develop the field of diabetes research through providing funding towards the prevention, management and cure for diabetes."

That is all true as long as it concerns profits for the industry. Diet is in competition with industry profits hence the non-specific and confusing dietary statements which make Diabetes Australia appear as doing the right thing by the public while in reality they are not. The "leadership" we get is leading us to pay for industry profits! It is not leading us to health. 6. From: The MS society of Australia only lists medication as treatment, not diets. This is despite that there are numerous reports from quite different sources stating that moving towards a plant based diet has serious and at times dramatic benefits for MS patients. (Dr Roy Schwank, Dr John McDougall, Dr Terry Wahls, Dr George Jelinek, Macrobiotic diet + many individual stories). MS Australia does not look after its MS patients but appears to have a different agenda. 7. completely forgets to mention that there are diets that can CURE most heart patients from their blocked arteries. It does mention: "Fats are an important part of a healthy balanced diet and you should not exclude them." This completely ignores that Nathan Pritikin, Drs John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn, Dean Ornish, Baxter Montgomery and Kim Williams have been treating heart disease successfully through a (truly) low fat whole plant based diet for sometimes decades. This diet contains a minimum amount of essential fats only and no other fats. The dietary cure again appears to being ignored for financial reasons. The Heart Foundation does not want to know about diets curing people as they exist in reality to support the industries and not really public health. Diets are in competition with the industry's interests.

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Instead of a truly low fat diet that can CURE heart disease, they advocate to "eat less saturated and trans fats (the less healthy fats)" ( This in itself is an unclear way of telling the story. Our main source of saturated fats is by far animal based food and it would be much better calling the food type by the way we recognize and buy it rather than describing specific ingredients which actually hides the way the public recognizes the food. From the (radical?) point of view that we should aim to make people better, this is dangerous advice. 8. (Cancer Council of Australia) still recommends animal products as part of a healthy diet despite that both many of the extra animal hormones we get from consuming animals and also the consumption of animals itself have been linked to increased cancer rates. It still recommends dairy despite the labelling of Estrogen by the WHO as a class 1 human carcinogen and reports that dairy is very high in Estrogen. None of the above tells us that the healthiest we can eat is just plants. However, the official American dietary guidelines now (indirectly) tell us that we are plant eaters. In it states: “As recommended by the IOM,[24] individuals should eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible while consuming a healthy eating pattern.” (IOM = Institute Of Medicine) Consuming “as little dietary cholesterol as possible” means eating plant based as dietary cholesterol is found only in animal based food and is found in all animal based food including fish. While this is indeed the best possible advice, who understands it like that? Dietary advice should not be given by some obscure ingredients hidden in some enormous document but in an organized way by the way the food is bought so confusing messages are avoided. 9. Nutrition Australia -

"Our mission The mission of Nutrition Australia is to promote optimal health for all Australians by encouraging food variety and physical activity. Our objectives To act as a source of scientific information on key nutrition issues To produce and disseminate material on nutrition to policy makers, the media, educators, food industry and consumers To act as consultants to government departments, food industry and consumer groups as required on issues related to food and nutrition To encourage innovation in the dissemination of nutritional knowledge"

Scientific information with the sponsorship of e.g. Dairy Australia? That is not independent and not in the interests of Australians! See Pure science questions everything and assumes nothing and looks at all the facts including the outliers before drawing conclusions or forming a hypothesis. Financial interests, history, habits etc. have not foundation in science. Unfortunately if we want truly independent advise, it looks like nutritionists are a waste of time! 10. The dietitians Association of Australia also has amongst others the dairy, the meat industry and the egg industry as sponsors. (Jalna and Meat and Livestock Australia and the Egg Nutrition Council). Pure science and public advice should be independent! It is not a good idea to have the fox looking after the chooks! By posing as "authorities looking after public interests" these organizations are actually hiding the truth from the public interests. In reality they are authorities supporting the industries and not the public. Your doctor sends you to a nutritionist because of his lack of knowledge on nutrition and ends up sending you into the lion's den! The industry has positioned us exactly where they want us to be: confused and without direction and led by their puppets. Ultimately we ourselves are milked too for increasing industrial profits! The industry hardly treats us any better than cattle really. We are cattle with titles like madam and sir. Us, the animals with wallets, only get superficial respect as this helps the financial extractions. These "non-profit organizations" are deceiving us. Indirectly they are still working to increase profits through their belief in medicinal solutions, their belief in us being omnivores and above all through their

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connections with the pharmaceutical and other industries. They have no interest in true science. From a health perspective the facts are vastly different. We can eat ourselves out of our diabetes-2 and atherosclerosis and at the same time our cholesterol and blood pressures will come down. We will get more energy and get healthier. The chance that we will be playing with our grandchildren become much bigger! Studies have shown that we can even slow cancer progression through diet and diet also appears to support spontaneous remissions to occur. Does this information get to the people? Unfortunately rarely. Doctors Our doctors learn very little or nothing at all about nutrition and health. They learn about tackling acute problems and they do that very well. They learn to tackle chronical problems with medicines. One could have the impression that their curriculum has been put together by and for the pharmaceutical industry! Doctors too seem to have fallen victim from the profit seeking industry. Their heads are filled with knowledge of medicines, not with the basis of health which is what we eat. We do say: "he/she studies medicine at the university" en the picture starts to take shape that all our problems will disappear through medicines. But that is incorrect. Most of our major problems nowadays come from what we eat and addressing the cause is a much more effective way of getting better. Our diet is that part of the environment that we put into our mouths all the time. And we can change that. All we need to know is which food to aim at for optimum health. May be the time is ripe that we find sources of health information that are not linked to financial interests. The Chinese philosopher Confucius already said a long time ago: "be your own teacher", well I have to tell you that that is truly the best but a lot of work….. May be it is time to hand in our omnivorous belief and look for something new. May be it is not in the interest of mankind, the animals on the planet and the planet itself when we concentrate on capital, which in the end is what we do in our capitalistic world. Yes, perhaps we need to focus our energy on health we want to be healthy. Perhaps we need to focus on the planet's health too if we really want to achieve to leave something behind for our children and for our planet's co-inhabitants. A diet off whole plants existing off grains, vegetables, fruit and nuts and seeds, cooked in water or raw plus a B12 tablet per week is all we need for our health. We get all the proteins, iron, calcium, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants we need from a plant based diet with some variety. All the other food that is available today and also fried foods make us less healthy. Of course highly processed foods like sugar, oils and white flour are also not very heathy. (Especially oils actually) We do not get fat or sick because we eat too much but because we eat THE WRONG FOOD but that is not what the industry wants us to see. That is also not what we want to see ourselves as we want to eat that food that has been created to highjack our senses and emotions and promote sales and profits. Many of us would like to remain in dream land. While many on the planet live in a democracy and have freedom of choice and rights to vote, our emotions and information sources are being manipulated by those with financial interests that often oppose the public interests. Public health and climate change are some of the victims. Deception, distraction from the main issues and concealing the truth are so deeply rooted in our societies that also our experts like doctors and politicians have been implicated. We are all manipulated through fear, desires and insecurity and kept ignorant of the information we really need to know in order to vote and make choices truly in our own interest. Truly independent science is nearly impossible to find because of our wide spread capital oriented focus. Capitalism can be compared to a big ship that can carry lots of cargo to faraway places, but all the crew members have got different visions, interests and agendas trying to aim for different destinations. The arguments supporting the common good get rated the same as individual and commercial interests. Thanks to our human brains and thanks to our inventions there is lots of choice in food. Thanks to our capitalistic system there is a lot of yummy food available. Yummy food sells better and looks after profits. We have become victims of our own inventions. If you look at the obesity epidemic one could get

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the impression that manufacturers concentrate on those foods that are somewhat addictive… Addictiveness also works well for the cigarette industry! The problem we have is that we are not fully aware of the consequences of all our choices. Health warnings only recently started to appear on cigarette packages. We all know that eating healthy is important but only few know what that actually means. Even our doctors and nutritionists often do not know what healthy nutrition is and the health benefits it can bring. We get a lot of contradictive and confusing information. The manufacturers are doing well while we are in the state of confusion… We eat what we like in the state of confusion…. But in the meantime there are many families with lots of suffering that could have been prevented. A plant based diet can be made more attractive through sauces and dips with herbs and spices. A great documentary on food and health implications is Forks Over Knives. Plant Pure Nation describes the difficulties in revealing the truth and getting it to the people. Yes we are omnivores and can eat everything but we cannot eat everything and expect to remain healthy in the long run. That type of omnivore only exists in a fantasy world. Feel invited to pass this on if you wish as only through sharing our collective intelligence can be raised. The idea that capitalism always leads to efficiencies is plainly wrong. Thieves also focus on capital! For a youtube presentation of this document: Food, Health, Profits and Deception Best of health! Peter Strous – For more: