Follow Up Formula Focus on the big 3. The most recent Top Producer Interview session we discussed...

download Follow Up Formula Focus on the big 3. The most recent Top Producer Interview session we discussed having a Follow up Formula To create your Formula you.

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Weekly s Goes to your entire list Think about doing 2 s per week 1. Referral Partners 2. Clients Can be the same message with different call’s to action

Transcript of Follow Up Formula Focus on the big 3. The most recent Top Producer Interview session we discussed...

Follow Up Formula Focus on the big 3 The most recent Top Producer Interview session we discussed having a Follow up Formula To create your Formula you need 3 Key elements 1. Weeklys (with or without video) 2. Dialing for Dollars (number depends on your goal) 3. Greeting Cards/Send Out Cards (number depends on your goal) Weeklys Goes to your entire list Think about doing 2s per week 1. Referral Partners 2. Clients Can be the same message with different calls to action Hello Friends, Its time again for your weekly whats up. This Friday is the big One Direction concert at Raymond James Stadium. If you plan to take the kids or maybe just drop them off, remember the HCC campus across the street will have extra security for the kids being dropped off. Great idea to ensure the 10s of thousands of teenagers are safe. This week in the real estate market, USDA officials have postponed the zone changes once again. They waited till the last minute this time. But it still means they could set the new zones in place soon. Then different calls to action For referral partners .So if you have any buyers on the fence, or slowed down because they were unsure if the home would still qualify, have them give me a call, or call yourself for all the current info or buy while we still can. Make sure to look for next weeks addition to your weekly whats up. For clients (past and prospect) ..So if you have been on the fence, or slowed down because you were unsure if the home would still qualify, or just have questions about how buying a rural home works, please give me a call. Feel free to pass this along to any friends who could use some honest help buying a home. Make sure to look for next weeks addition to your weekly whats up. Whats going on in the area Life hacks (save gas buy making sure your tires are inflated) Personal stories about cool things in the area (the birds of prey rescue center) Always bring it back to real estate or mortgages Always have an action step Video Gives the viewer a chance to see you Brands you as different Remind people how you made them feel Introduce you to people who havent met you Dialing for Dollars Only call the right targets No average agents Focus on The number of calls you make depends on what you HONESTLY want to get out of it I want 5 loans a month Thats 5 referral partners doing 1 deal every month with me To get 5 realtor relationships I need to meet with 25 prospects To meet with 25 prospects I need to call divided by 4 is 31.2 I need to make 32 calls every week Hey there Freddy McRealty this Paul Baxter with Legacy Financial Group. Im calling today because Ive heard that you are serious about building your Real Estate business. I would love to treat you to coffee and explore how I may be able to help you build your business. Im only asking for minutes of your time. Is Thursday at 3 or Friday at 2 better for you? Voice Mail script Hey there Freddy McRealty this Paul Baxter with Legacy Financial Group. Im calling today because Ive heard that you are serious about building your Real Estate business. I would love speak with you about how I may be able to help you build your business. Give me a call back at Calling past clients is not a weekly thing like it is for referral partners More like a few times a year Holidays are a great reason to call Birthdays are a great reason to call Anniversary's Seasonal changes Back to school time If I were calling today. Hey there Freddy McClient, this is Paul Baxter with Legacy Financial, I helped you with buying your home. I just wanted to give you a quick call and say thank you again for that opportunity and wish you a happy fall and safe Halloween. Do you get many tricker treaters at your home? Cool, I love them.Oh so it stays quiet for you. Well I dont want to keep you just wanted to wish you and the family a happy Halloween and say thanks again for letting me help with buying your home. Oh and if you know anyone who could use my help or has home buying questions, I would certainly appreciate the introduction. Heres my direct line in case you do Talk to you soon. Greeting cards/Send Out Cards Short message Try to include something personal (congratulations on becoming the president of your BNI group) Holidays Birthdays Anniversaries Just for no reason Hey Freddy, I have not heard from you in a while and I just wanted to drop you a quick hello. Hope all is well. Your friend Paul Baxter Legacy Financial Hey Freddy, Just wanted to drop you a quick note to say hi and hope you and the family are doing well. Hows Bobby doing in the new Pop Warner league. No doubt he is having a blast. Dont hesitate to call if you have any mortgage or real estate needs or know someone who does. Talk to you soon. Your friend, Paul Baxter Legacy Financial Staying connected on the social media services to your prospects and clients allows you to see when cool things happen These are perfect reasons for sending Greeting cards Business accomplishments Homes sold Vacations Children's accomplishments Can anyone here tell me if you did this these things Sent a weekly whats upto your referral partners clients and prospects Made a call every week to YOUR number of agents with the earlier script Sent a Greeting card to those you have met face to face once every month What would your business look like in 90 days???