Folder 5 Lane, Charles J - · concerning the rei\J.geea recently brought to...


Transcript of Folder 5 Lane, Charles J - · concerning the rei\J.geea recently brought to...

SEP 22 19U

Dear Jlr. Wyers

For your information, I am sending

you herewith copies of a letter received .frOlll

Mr. Charles Jhane and the Board's reply thereto.

Mr. Dlllon ·l(rer, Dlreotor,

Very trul.y youra,

IB!ane«J 3; 1; Pem J. w. Pehle

Exe011tive Director

War Relooation Authority, Barr BuUd1ng, Wuhington, D. O.


FH1hd 9/20/44

--···-----~ ! /._



Dear Mr. Jhane1

?our letter of Auguet 241 1944, to the Preaident, concerning the rei\J.geea recently brought to this country ~ae been referred to this office tor reply.

I should like to point out that, Bl'llong the men who 1191'9 brought to the Em&rgenoy Refugee $1.elter at fort Chtar1o, ooly a very emall number are 0£ the ages now being tal(en ~or duty in the United States military forces. It should. also bll bome in mind that these aurv1vor1 of Nazi brutalities were brought tothie country a~ years 0£ privati,i;>n and suffering under oondi tione whioh have render~ many of tfrem unfit for llliUtary service.

Nevert.heleH, I am sure that, upon rehabilitation, those of military age would be happy to share in th~ fishting ot the Allted Amiee just as thouaands of.their fellow refµgeet h'om the Hitler terror are already doing. Selective Service authorities are being requested to indicatewbtther the refug~tts in the Shelter are eligibltt f0r military 1ernoe. You·~ al.10 be interested to know that •oos and other ()lOle relati vea ot some of the rei\J.geH at Oswego .iire now· ttttrving :m the military foroee of the Unit"d $tates.-

Mr. Oharlea Jhane, 38 Diok Stt'iflt, Be1gtmtiel4,, N. .1.


f· ·1·~ ,;~ I

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!'Ith'" D~flne-llY n:lll nnswer le_Ue.r.8 on brn11t7 probJems. IncloHC Htnm11ei1, •rlr-:uldrr••rd e1n·ll'lu1ie to_ IUJHJIJ A1i-!· foin~Ue DonrieUy, TJ1e:Ne,,-,., 220 E .. · 42rl St., Ne\V l."ork,_17, ~· Y.· ·

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·. ·c~ T:'" p·:··· ;::;new·~{n.: ... ~a.·. 11··>\ ··z '·'•'["

:~~ :.~t~1~~~~i~J~~:~;fY" ' A 'With tile first'.ci>oLbreezes;>ambi-' .·. :('tiin aitd il'i'.i~e;' of appearance P.ii"

· -~ ~~-~·_:· )i·;~~· :·~o~~-·~~is.~· ~~•·:ii---~-~:~,~'"~~;~·~~~~~~· .-_.,n. h:rnl1t:f. p~Qb~e1iul. I.~~Jmce.~tn~uJ•e.i_,.-;

-9~1r-0:i1ldin•iod .en_-.\:etope <to Jtl~.11K ·All.;.; _'f1)h~~-H_e. Dri~ri~~J,·; The -N"~_~fN,-220-E~·: 4~11 ~~·• 'N~'"~-~Or~~-. ~'.1• .. ~·-~.:~~': _ - -

-</TB,~U.~o-~~1Y,·: ~~e~_~fi!~: ~~Ji~:~~ygu:-~e;Jlz~: you rtced a n'ew: p~rmane.itt aitd il

'Jiair,st.Yle:that' is·up:to'-ilateo :Y'otir .'own .. hairdresser :will olie. alite· tO .' 'giv:e your 'hair. thi( atte~tioi{it

.needs. ·But in cas~'.yoti:ir1'dntei-;'

· :ili~i:~z~J~~e~1t~~~·:!!JH;: • · · :'A hair stjriitit :With' shops in New •·.York and 'Bio()liJin ·.predicts .Jliiit

eombs ':Will be an ·important':Att• tumn::_e_oitrure ·glamor ·--n_ote;-. also,i tbat because hats are ·1arger,· hair.

·will have fo styling· to. strike. a beeoiniiti balance.·: So"he now. fashiOns . chignons jnto'. "tWO:· J!'oniec b\i'ns" at;. the nape .()f the neck, and his · upped hairdos ar" softly rolled ·i.n jiompad9ul'. lashloµ to frame, the. ·face in. soft fullness' ~-To~w-ear. ~hese'- _styles ·_Succ~sSfuI..:·

Jy, it is imporlant::th:it :Vim: have your hair, shaped·:•,properly/ ·an.d A )' ed' that you have a 'gooil: pennaitent . sty "!t, pr IC~S that .combs . . wave to give it body:·.~'Fhis •n!l have import.ant parts in Jt'•~· .wavmg, expert .at .. shaking: and:ip~rmanent C1!1f{ure: ,A)>ove:1s the. fr.o'\t'v.•e!!·: waving,' and you: ate ,assured of , •'\'1..lif;l?W tlt~.f;>iic.k 9~-~ne of~

r.leasing. resu]tfi !'nde.r;J)iS'li.kilfod .... ,c.,,h~1r:etyl"" ll'Jth Ci)Jl1bs~: 1,.· '·

ands.' Qne. of• h1s:.features 1s the .. · rnacl1ine permanent whielt does not receptiv~·to perm~nenting:.if w~und permit:the hair to be .<lried follow- .with the hair moist.' It'stiine-sav:· ing the shampoo, prior fo'.w•ving; irtg too ·'·"· · · · ·· The hair .is :far m?re Porous.and. A'.taii,~th'~~sai~n,J;f~.G~o~~~h~~

A "Dutch· Boy;' B'1ier'! .. $1!it).\" ' Angled for C9~~g#;Q.ii;~

By BETTINA BEDWELL "' - . . . . . -

Claire JllcCardell introduces a boys hav.e .;..o1·n f<)f ~ge~_; Tb~lfr new kind. of :suit · for September, ar~ _wesk1ts. and shirts; but •thls_ is· a suit angled to the tastes· of col- ~ Jacket, Mth the body of brown

. ,Jersey and the sleeves of jer-

en this jacket up tlie front; . :·' • · . ·, A black jersey skirf is tJ1e.)QWer

half of the suit,. and there.'. is a· beige and 'brown jersey' sweater. blouse to complete the.costnme; n. ha:s. a bow tie. at th.e neckliite• and it. has push-up. sleeves :thai-cai\' he

. worn: long or short;" .. ,· ' :

· AT YOUR SERVIC~: :Sriiari look. ing ·gloves: to· add· ihat-final fouch to all Your costumes. A' doe:finished· washable mocha·. glove., in·· black, comes ··a four~buttoiClerigth;:rs h,and saddle-stitched : thriiu11hout and, has attractive: scalloped ~..Sh~ '-'--'.;.,.."""-'--....;."-,;.;;;.;;;.;;.;;..~;.;;·:;"-.. --'= i!lning .down.:the back,·.$5.69'., ·• , ..... :A stunning glove is' an eiglit-biltton musketeer: fashioned of jet black

· i;apes!pri at $5.95 • , ;:A tieautiful doubI.e-woven· ···cotton . gfove : comes in"black or wh.ite •• It is six-button length, with hand ~~d~le:$tit~hin,1f and sells•·for $3:49· •• •; ·For·acti'l'.e sportili there .. are pul'e: wool. cro~ cheted- mittens Jn. two color: C:oril-: ·!Jinat.ions 9f . na:V.Y blue and . r'ed; ·.costs $3.95 . : • ;.'.Y·.·ellow .all woi>J. crocheted : ·gloves .·.with ., fringed cuffs, $3.95 • '. Cotton siring 'gloves

8 ~ •, ··: , i1\lu~~i~uif shades at $2~9~• . . c

)~ · -~,.,,,: ·---·····-·-·-:;-~._·, --. .- _·; ..--.·-':'"'t"1te.-,_~ett1~~-n_ea~ei1_regardj~u 1 f::l+.:cl"'!~o+=:+~ eg~ g~r-~_s: -.·1t:1s. _t~~·.""Qu~ch _Boy'! .tfem~ :_ nientlom:d'_.-~ nb_oy., ·or~ rm·y ~f:'iliiiiof+~B .·, :bolero ,,suit,. 11.nd ·;v.ou ciln• seecit'-in dot.h~~ ..... pro.!>J•n1!;;.o,;S.•1!•L•i~mp·ed:. ,,,rrl:+:-ii-::;.li•':':-J,=+~-"'l•~Rµ:;i

;_o_µr~ Ske.~flf-;~The·- j~CKCt~:"c{Q"l~S:-~:tOOJi: ~qcir~a" ,~~n:t.~J~.Pe:-"'~t~:·;~Ht~11a:)rea;;· e.'lor Iii<!! ,t!ie ~l<in<! qf '.thing Duteh , }.!J!~;~~J :.~r.~·:22~ J<J. -12d .. Ii~·• ·1.'!e•v

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