Focus: the Key to Reaching Your Goals

Focus: The Key to Reaching Your Goals You’ve made your goals list… now what? by Stacia Pierce


You probably know focus is vital to your success. You may not know what, exactly, you need to focus on though. Learn seven key areas for focus in this slideshow.

Transcript of Focus: the Key to Reaching Your Goals

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Focus: The Key to Reaching Your Goals

You’ve made your goals list… now what?

by  Stacia  Pierce  

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If you plan to win big this year, it will require laser-like focus, strong will and determination to accomplish the goals you have set. When you’re building your business, many opportunities and obstacles can pop in your path. However, when you keep your eyes on the prize, you will successfully reach your goal without being sidetracked. Here are a few things you should focus on to achieve your goals this year:

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1. Focus on your strengths. You must invest most of your time every week doing what you do best, and let others do what they do best. Sometimes we as business owners get used to wearing a lot of hats. However, at some point, you have to get help. Free yourself from mundane, frustrating tasks that steal your energy. Hire help. Get a virtual assistant or an intern that is proficient and flexible enough to help you get more done. This will allow you to focus on what you do best. Which, can ultimately lead to you making more money and growing your business. When you focus most of your time and energy doing what you are truly great at, you eventually reap great rewards.

2. Focus on progress. Avoid analysis paralysis by taking decisive action. Think about what your very next step should be. Minimize the overwhelm and perform a simple task consistently to reach your goals. At some point you have to draw the line. You have enough information, you’ve listened to enough audio books, and you’ve been to enough workshops and had enough meetings. Now it’s time to take action. Ask yourself, “What are the next 3 steps to take to bring me closer to my goal?” Write it down and take action. Little by little you’ll make big waves in your business and life, just from staying focused on making consistent progress.

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3. Focus on your big picture. Every action step, every goal, everything you do should in some way lead you closer to your vision. When you keep your vision in mind you can set your intention to achieve your desired results. One way to stay focused on your vision is to create a vision board of your ultimate goal. Every year, I create a vision board that encompasses my main objective for the year. Your vision board adds clarity to your desires and emotion to your vision, which in turns stirs your creativity and ingenuity to reach your goals. To learn more about creating your own vision board check out this post here (add vision board post link.) Another way to stay focused on your big picture is to use focus props: that’s where you create a story board or cut out a picture and put it on your mirror or fridge. On my mirror I have an affirmation that I read to myself everyday. I also have a photo pasted on my ceiling that I meditate on at night before sleep. And I put stickies on my computer to focus on while I work. These focus props keeps me focused on very specific goals.

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4. Focus through meditation. Insight comes early; if you sit quietly in the morning and meditate and then listen within, you will discover brilliant ideas are ready to burst out of you. Find your very own sweet spot where you can get quiet, relax and think big thoughts. Allow your mind to expand and see yourself productive, profitable and progressing toward your goals. To zero in and align your thoughts with your most pressing activities, ask yourself the following questions:

What are my desires, goals and dreams? What do I want to focus on accomplishing right now? After meditating for about 15 minutes, quiet your mind and just sit quietly. In my time of meditation I usually ask a question then sit and wait for the answer. Sometimes it’s just one word that comes to mind. I then write that word down and take action right away.

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5. Focus on optimum health. What good is it to work hard for success and not be well enough to enjoy the fruit of your labor? Incorporate good energy-producing foods into your diet. Eat lots of proteins and greens and drink water daily. When you feel healthy and alert, your confidence level goes up and makes you much your lively and productive.

6. Focus on positive affirmations. Surround yourself with positive people, have positive conversations and take a break from negative news. To protect your positive mind and atmosphere, refuse to say, hear or agree with any negative words, especially about your life, day or personal economy. Instead, flip the switch and replace all negative expressions with positive ones. Say statements that create positive energy and perpetuates a positive outlook and build expectation. You need expectation and hope to reach your goals. Speaking positive affirmations daily will keep you charged with excitement and remind you to keep pushing for your intended desires.

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7. Focus on your daily priorities. The best way to clearly evaluate your priorities is by creating lists. Write what you want to get done for the day and use it to determine how to prioritize your business or professional life and your personal life. Create lists daily so that you can track your progress, and make adjustments when necessary. Lists allow you to get all of the pending obligations out of your head and on to paper so that you can organize, prioritize and delegate tasks to be done.

The main reason many people struggle in their business and life is due to a lack of focus. Determine this year that you won’t allow yourself to be easily distracted and interrupted by life circumstances. Make a daily choice to progress towards your goals with energy and excitement. Staying focused will enable you to achieve so much more than you ever thought was possible.