FMP - Approving Requests

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  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    How to approve for budget holders)

    Find "Budgets" from "FileMaker Server" in Sharing.

    0-1. Find the file

    0-2. Enter password

    !"#"$% '()*+ ,-../0+1 

    !"#"#% 2342 

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    5-6* .7+* 8) 8. !"# 

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    2$9:2 ;*-(.< )=8. 8. )=* >+.) ,-?*. 0@ )=* : A-)*?0+8*.%

    B07 -+* )=* C71?*) =0D1*+ 0@ : A-)*?0+8*.%

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    F7C A-)*?0+E  G0)-D C71?*) 

    'H,*(.*. -D+*-1E -,,+0I*1 

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    N=00.* )=* ;0()= 

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    Step 1. Find what to approve

    1-1. Find what it still unapproved

    $"$"$% N=*A6 )=* 2-,,+0I-D2 A0D7;( 

    '8)=*+ 2B*.2 0+ 2Q02 C7O0( 8. 8( CD7*< 8) 8.

    -D+*-1E -,,+0I*1 K 0+ +*R*A)*1M

    S*T7*.). )0 C* -,,+0I*1 

    U@ )=*+* 8. - 18.A+8,J0( .7A= -. 2S*-,,DE8(?2<

    ?0 -(1 A=*A6 -?-8(% V-)- .=07D1 C* -;*(1*1%

    W0+ )=8. A-.*< E07 A-( .68, 8)%

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    Step 2. Approve reimbursement

    2-1. Look into details

    #"$"$% ND8A6 )=* A-+) (7;C*+ 

    #"$"X% V0*. )=* A-)*?0+E -(1 )=* 1*.A+8,J0( ;-)A=Y 

    #"$"#% U@ E07 -+* .*A0(1 0+ )=8+1 .8?(-)0+E< /-8) @0+ E07+ )7+(%

    V0(Z) .68, 0)=*+.% 

    #"$":% V81 )=8. ,*+.0( (0JA*1 E07 -C07)

    )=8. ,7+A=-.* C*@0+*=-(1Y

    #"$"[% ND8A6 2\70)*2 K8@ )=* C7O0( 8. ?+**(M 

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    2-2. Check the receipt

    #"#"$% U. )=8. +*A*8,) 0+ .8;8D-+ 10A7;*() /=8A= 8. -(

    *I81*(A* 0@ ,-E;*()Y

    K\70)-J0(< ,-A68(? .D8,< 8(I08A* -+* (0) -AA*,)-CD*M 

    #"#"#% U. )=* (-;* ,+0,*+Y 

    #"#"]% ND8A6 2L-A62 )0 ?0 C-A6 )0 )=* ,+*I807. ,-?* 

    #"#":% U. 1-)* ,+0,*+Y

    L* *H)+- A-+*@7D -) )=* *(19C*?8(8(? 0@

    ^-,-(*.* >.A-D E*-+ K5-+A= _ `,+8DM% 

    #"#"X% U. )=* A7++*(AE<

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    #"#"[% U. )0)-D -;07() A0++*A)Y

    #"#"a% ND8A6 2F7C N-)% 3I*+I8*/2 )0 ?0 C-A6 )0 ,+*I807. ,-?*%

    U@ E07 A-((0) >(1 8)< AD8A6 2`,,+0I-D 3I*+I8*/2% B07 /8DD ?0 C-A6 )0 )=* 8(8J-D ,-?*

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    2-3. Check the budget balance

    This budget needs to cover the expenses from April to March.

    Check and make sure that expenses are under your controll.

    2-4. Approve

    If you didn't find any problem, press the "o" in front of "Yes".

    2`2 K@0+ -,,+0I*1M /8DD -,,*-+ 7(1*+ E07+ (-;*%

    G=* (*H) .8?()0+E A-( -,,+0I* )=* +*T7*.)%

    U@ E07 -+* )=* 0(DE K 0+ )=* D-.)M .8?(-)0+E< 8) /8DD

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    U@ E07 -+* Q3G )=* 0(DE K 0+ )=* D-.)M .8?(-)0+E< 8)

    /8DD .)-E -. 2U( P+0A*..2

    G=* /=0D* C71?*) 0@ )=8. .7C A-)*?0+E

    G0)-D *H,*(.*. -D+*-1E -,,+0I*1

    S*;-8(8(? C71?*)

    G0)-D -;07() 0@ )=8. +*T7*.)'.J;-)*1 >(-D C-D-(A*

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    Step 3. Approve purchase requisition

    3-1. Look into details

    :"$"$% ND8A6 )=* A-+) (7;C*+ 

    :"$":% V0*. )=* A-)*?0+E -(1 )=* 1*.A+8,J0( ;-)A=Y 

    :"$"#% U@ E07 -+* .*A0(1 0+ )=8+1 .8?(-)0+E< /-8) @0+ E07+ )7+(%

    V0(Z) .68, 0)=*+.% 

    :"$"X% U. )=* +*-.0( 0@ )=8. ,7+A=-.* +*-.0(-CD*Y 

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    3-2. Check the quotation

    :"#"$% ND8A6 2\70)*2 K8@ )=* C7O0( 8. ?+**(M 

    :;! ?; ;>>$"@ >" /"@+#A:>$"@ >;=

    `D/-E. A=*A6 8@ )=* -;07) 8(AD71*. )=* )-H 0+ (0)%S*A*8,).< 8(I08A*. .=07D1 (0)* )=* ,+8A* 8(AD718(?

    )-H< =0/*I*+< T70)-80(. ;8?=) (0)%

    L* .7+* )=-) ,7+A=-.* +*T78.8J0( ,+8A* 8(AD71*.

    )-H .0 )=-) )=* )0)-D -;07() 8. )=* -A)7-D ,-E-CD*


    L*A-7.* #:

    )-H (**1. )0 C* -11*1

    :"#"#% U. )=* -;07()< A7++*(AE 34Y

    :"#":% ND8A6 2L-A62 )0 ?0 C-A6 )0 ,+*I807. ,-?* 

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    3-3. Check the budget balance

    This budget needs to cover the expenses from April to March.

    Check and make sure that expenses are under your controll.

    3-4. Approve

    If you didn't find any problem, press the "o" in front of "Yes".

    G=* /=0D* C71?*) 0@ )=8. .7C A-)*?0+E

    G0)-D *H,*(.*. -D+*-1E -,,+0I*1

    S*;-8(8(? C71?*)

    G0)-D -;07() 0@ )=8. +*T7*.)'.J;-)*1 >(-D C-D-(A*

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    Step 4. Reject reimbursement

    If you found something wrong, or need to ask to reconsider, reject the request

    You found this reimbusement request.

    It says, "Textbook". It should not be in the category of "Technology - Licenses and fees".

    Do NOT approve.

    If you approve, your budget will be covering the expenditure for textbooks.

    X"$"$% B07 @07(1 )=* +*T7*.) 0( - /+0(? A-)*?0+E 

    X"$"#% GE,* 8( )=* +*-.0( /=E E07 -+* +*R*AJ(? )=8. 

    X"$":% ND8A6 2`,,+0I-D N=*A62 )0 ?0 C-A6 )0 8(8J-D ,-?* 

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    X"$"X% P7.= )=* 202 8( @+0() 0@ 2Q02 

    N=-(?*. )0 2S*R*A)*12 

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    Step 5. Reject purchase requisition

    If you found something wrong, or need to ask to reconsider, reject the request

    You found this purchase requisition. It says, "buying 3 computers, unit price 150,000JPY".

    You think this is too expensive, and also the detail doesn't match with the quotation.

    Do NOT approve.

    b(8) ,+8A* $]#

    V*.6)0,Y f-,)0,Y 

  • 8/18/2019 FMP - Approving Requests



    ["$"$% GE,* 8( )=* +*-.0( /=E E07 -+* +*R*AJ(? )=8. 

    ["$"#% P7.= )=* 202 8( @+0() 0@ 2Q02 

    N=-(?*. )0 2S*R*A)*12