Flying Vehicle

I remember one of the first cartoons I ever watched with my dad, and this was because there was flying vehicles.

Transcript of Flying Vehicle

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I remember one of the first cartoons I ever watched with my dad, and this was because there was flying vehicles.

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This show was called the Jetsons.

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The Jetsons would come on about an hour after my dad got off work, and so when he arrived home we could watch it together.

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This activity was one of the few bonding experiences I have with my dad.

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As a treat for those of you who don’t know the show “The Jetsons” I would like to discuss how this is impacting drivers today.

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Of course, the most futuristic element of the show was how George Jetson got to work.

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George got to work each day by driving his own personal flying vehicle.

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A contraption with a large glass windshield and roof that allowed viewers to see George and the whole family as they flew from one

location to another.

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Well now it is 2015, and the idea of a flying personal vehicle is still not a reality, but perhaps that reality is closer than most of us


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A company called Terrafuga believes that it can have a flying car model available to the public for sale perhaps as early as 2021.

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They are calling it the TF-X and it will be a four seat flying car that can take off and land vertically, with the ability to reach speeds of

over 200 MPH.

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It is powered by two 600 horsepower engines, which are connected to folding propellers that extend off of each side of the vehicle.

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The Terrafuga company also has some competition.

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A competitors model called the GF7 uses an electric motor to propel the vehicle when it is on the ground and a 3,500-pound

thrust jet engine to allow it to reach speeds of up to 550 mph and a maximum height of 38,000 feet.

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There is also the PAL-V, which has a three wheel design combined with a more conventional helicopter function and is able to reach

speeds in excess of 100 mph when airborne.

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And finally, there is the Slovakian Aeromobile 2. 5, a flying vehicle that has already made successful test flights and which can also

reach speeds above 100 mph in flight.

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As depicted in the Jetsons, a flying car was not able to become a reality by the year 2000, but we may soon be looking up in the sky

and seeing our neighbors winging their way to work just like George did.