Flying for Life December 2011 - February 2012

8 December 2011 Te quarterly magazine of Mission Aviation Fellowship 8 4 Meeting many needs  You buy...we fy... Go shopping online and help keep us fying! Literacy and learning 10 Help reaches the Turkana

Transcript of Flying for Life December 2011 - February 2012

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December 2011

Te quarterly magazine of Mission Aviation Fellowship

8 4Meetingmany needs

 You buy...we fy...Go shopping online and help keep us fying!

Literacy and learning 10

Help reachesthe Turkana

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In 2009, AFD Sotware rom the Isle o Man gave a precious git to MAF andthe people o East Kalimantan – a Kodiak 100. Pilot Dave Forney reports on aday’s ying in this revolutionary aircratPhotos Dave Forney, Jonathan Binnie

December 2011 Flying or Lie 32 Flying or Lie  December 2011

Te Kodiak heraldsa new era

 I’s impossible o describe an average day

in he Kodiak 100. I usually involvesransporing los o people and haulingloads o resources – he only hing you

can expec is he unexpeced!Take Friday 24 June. I spen a busy day

ying a pasor and his amily o a remoe areaor minisry. Then, having erried a wholebunch o olk o and rom various villages, Igo an urgen call o pick up a lady who wasabou o give birh o wins. Unorunaely,complicaions had developed.

Seriously injuredThe ollowing day is equally busy. I have myschedule bu, beore I ake o rom our homebase in Tarakan, everyhing changes. A man in

KALIMANAN: brand new plane

Main:Flying supplies toMahak Baru

Far let: Pilot Dave Forney

Above let: Medical ight orinjured patient rom Malinau

Top: Airliting two ladies tohospital

Above: Unloading supplies atBinuang

Dave Forney’s experiences

are not unusual. Pilot Paul

College responded to a call

rom Mahak Baru. A heavily

pregnant woman was in

labour and bleeding.

While waiting to load her

on to the Kodiak, another

lady, suering rom chest

pains and clearly in a badway, was carried in on a

stretcher. The two patients

were placed side by side in

the plane and arrived in

 Tarakan an hour later.

 Time was o the essence

– it was Friday, the Muslim

day o prayer. The rst lady

was carried to an MAF truck 

and rushed to hospital. A

little while later, the ocial

ambulance arrived or the

second patient – yet another

successul conclusion to a

not untypical day in the lie

o an MAF pilot.

Paul shares his thoughts

about the work: ‘The people

are great, and are grateul orwhat we do. Nearly every

day, we hear stories o the

impact MAF has on their

lives. Without MAF in

north-eastern Kalimantan,

I’d say around 25,000 people

would be stuck in the jungle.

 The need is clear – meeting

that need gives you a good

eeling at the end o the day.’

You can see a short lm

o Paul’s ight by visiting

Medical emergency

Malinau has allen rom a roo and susainedserious injuries.

Forunaely, he passengers are alreadyloaded up o go here and, wihin an hour o receiving he call, we’re puting he man inoa waiing ambulance a he MAF hangar inTarakan.

Having recongured he aircra, we henranspored hree drums o je uel o Malinauor use in he uure. (Malinau is a hub orpassengers, loading and uel.) The drumsunloaded, we reinsall he seas and ransporeigh people plusbarang (su) o MahakBaru, a one-hour igh.

 A short fight to Long SuleOnce he passengers ge o, we pull ou heseas and ll he plane wih 760kg o ood –more han wice wha a Cessna 206 couldake. We’re aking he supplies o Long Sule.

Alhough Mahak Baru is accessible by land,

geting here involves several days o arduousboa and dangerous 4x4 ravel. Long Sule,however, can only be reached on oo or by air.No surprisingly, he people rely heavily on us.

The new Kodiak makes shor work o heigh. Wha akes less han en minues by airwould ake our days o walk. Once we havelanded a Long Sule, we unload he 760kg o barang – hankully wih he help o hevillage ‘agens’, many o whom serve as localpasors.

Forunaely, a number o oher helpersshow up, shove an unbelievable amoun o ood ino heir woven backpacks and he hesupplies down he seep slope o heir village,all he while wearing big, happy smiles!

Back to BaruThen we y back o Mahak Baru, where wereinsall he seas and load seven aduls anda child or he igh back o Malinau. Oncehere, we pump one o he drums o je uelha I’d brough in earlier ino my wing anksand rearrange he seas o carry our men and283kg o supplies.

This ime, we go o Binuang – anohervillage ha’s oherwise unreachable unlessyou walk or y. The children rush ou indroves o carry he supplies rom he plane,laughing and giggling as hey wresle he

heavy boxes o heir houses.

Starry nightI’s 4pm and I’d normally be on my way homeby now. Bu oday, I head or Pa’Upan, lesshan ve minues by air bu a day-and-a-hal’swalk rom Binuang. My wie and childrenwen o Pa’Upan on Wednesday or a ve-dayvacaion Bible school wih he village kids. I’llspend he nigh in Binuang and y hem oTarakan omorrow.

So aer a very long, ull day o ying andserving he people o Eas Kalimanan, Isecure he Kodiak 100 on he grassy parkingarea a he side o he airsrip, and awaianoher clear and sarry nigh.

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Nelson-Houdan and Gerry, two o our national sta in

Kalimantan, share about their work. Nelson-Houdan beginsPhotos Layton Thompson, Tripp Flythe

Serving theircountrymen

 I help he mechanics, load planes, and help

ollow ighs on he radio.MAF’s minisry is grea because i

helps people in Kalimanan’s inerior,especially in medical emergencies involvingpeople who’ve had a moorcycle acciden orwomen who are experiencing difculy inchildbirh. Because i’s no possible or hemo ge help in he inerior, we y hem o hehospial here i n Tarakan.

The pilos no only bring he paiens, buvisi hem in hospial and pray wih hem.

Once hey are beter, we y hem back o heirvillage.

Anoher really big par o our minisry isransporing essenial ood supplies ino heinerior – supplies can’ be carried overland. I MAF wasn’ in Kalimanan, i would be verydifcul or people in he inerior becausehey rely on our planes o mee many o heirneeds. We’re so hankul ha he Kodiak hascome because now we’re able o carry a lomore cargo. Beore ha, we were lim ied byhow much he Cessna 206 could ake.

Beore I joined MAF, I was in high school,and was given a job by one o he pilos. Ihelped ou by cuting he grass and cleaningup around he sa houses. I evenually

 joined MAF, worked here or 11 years, busopped o nish my degree.

StrugglingI really waned o reurn o MAF, bu hen Iheard abou a projec o build a new publichospial in Tarakan. ‘Wow, how many soulswill be aeced by ha?’ I wondered, so Ispen our years working on he projec asHead o Securiy.

Bu hen he man who ran he MAF ofcein Kalimanan died, and David Holsen (henCounry Direcor) asked i I could reurn. Theeam was sruggling because hey didn’ have

he help hey needed in he hangar now hahey had hree dieren ypes o aircra. Iwas happy o go back.

When I’ve helped load he plane and i’sready o depar rom he hangar, I lead hepassengers in prayer. I doesn’ mater a allwheher hey’re Muslim or Chrisian, hey cansee ha we care and ha we wan o minisero hem.

Because we help everyone, here’s greaineres in wha we do. People rom he PosOfce are really impressed ha we prioriisemail going ino he inerior. The people hererely on he leters hey receive o ge he laesnews rom kids who are going o school andliving away rom heir homes. I’m so blessedwhenever I hear wha a posiive impac MAF’sminisry has on Pos Ofce workers. Bu I alsowan o help hem o undersandWho we’re

doing his or.

Feel the prayerThe churches in Tarakan are very diligenwhen i comes o praying or our minisry. Weeel hose prayers and are aware o hem. Buwe also need o provide he churches wihevidence ha heir prayer is working. Nolong ago, David did a church presenaion andshowed a lm o wha MAF d oes. Everyonewho was here was really enhusiasic abouour work.

Gerry’s story

I’ve been wih MAF or our years and am nowa igh operaor. I like he guys who work

here and ge on well wih hem. My work ismy mission, so working wih MAF makes mevery happy.

Because I sudied a Bible school, I helpohers o know abou God and mission. I’svery ineresing helping people in he villagesand working wih planes.

I hink i’s really grea ha Chrisians comerom counries like America and Canada oserve God in Kalimanan, even hough i canbe difcul adaping o di eren siuaionsand weaher. The people here know ha MAF

will help hem whaever hey believe, b u i’simporan o ell hem whywe do his.

� MAF has been working

here since 1969

� We have 7 planes, 14

international sta and 18

national workers.

MAF in Kalimantan

‘My work is mymission’

KALIMANAN: meeting many needs

Above: Nelson-Houdan atwork in the hangar

Right: Reuelling

Above right: Gerry

Far right: Loading rice

Main:Rice supplies at LongPadi

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 We have o y on Saurday!’ Sixsimple words send chills down

my spine. There are only womain reasons we y on Saurdays.

One, he governor needs a special charer. Two,he LRA.

The LRA. The Lord’s Resisance Army. Onesimple acronym whispered in norh-easernDRC and an enire village will ee in error.Menioning he LRA makes somachs churn,blood run cold and silences conversaion.

Some ime ago, his rebel group originallyrom norhern Uganda had a poliical agenda.Bu since hey came o he DRC, heir sole

reason or exisence seems o be error.They descend on a village and rape, burn,

kidnap and kill. Vicims o he LRA are maimedand muilaed, heir lips and ears cu o.

I’m no really sure wha he signicance o Saurday is, bu a blood-chilling phone callcomes hrough nearly every weekend: ‘Pleasecome o Dingila, Ngilima and Doruma, he LRAwas here las nigh.’ Or: ‘The LRA is coming,please evacuae us rom Aba and Faradje!’

December 2011 Flying or Lie 76 Flying or Lie  December 2011

DRC: conict past and present

Te phone ringsOne o he NGOs ha we work wih provideshealh proessionals, logisics expers andadminisraive sa o mobile bush clinics andhospials in some o he mos difcul cornerso he earh. Here, hey spend much o heirime repairing LRA vicims. Bu hen he LRAmarches in and hey have o evacuae. As soonas he rebels leave, he NGO calls and we yhem back in.

I’s Saurday! The phone rings. Our game o volleyball will have o wai a while. I’s ime o

ge he plane ready; o ge my hear and myhead ready.

These ighs are always hard. Charredvillages. Eerie silence. The greeing a heairsrip is ineviably mued. Those who helpunload relie supplies, or pu vicims on board,are probably wondering i hey or heir amilieswill be nex. I can’ even imagine he error hahese precious people live wih every day.

Someimes he silence is broken by a simple‘God bless you’. I have given up my Saurday odo his, bu I don’ really eel ha I deserveheir hanks. I jus hope ha, in some smallway, MAF is bringing God’s blessing and ha,even in he senseless error, His Name migh begloried.

Rescuing victimso violence

Hal a century o 

challenging service

Joey Lincoln, pilot in eastern Democratic Republic o Congo

(DRC), explains why Saturday phone calls make him shudderPhotos Jon Cadd, Geo Craword

MAF has been providing access to medical care in the DRCor 50 yearsStory Gary Clayton Photos Dan Carlson, Sandy Jo Thompson

 We began serving in he DRC in1961 when Proesan Relie 

Agency (PRA) requesed help.Revol and ribal warare had

enguled he counry in 1960 and he medicalsiuaion was really dire. There were only 200docors in he enire counry, wih millions o people o care or.

Wih MAF’s help, PRA iniiaed ‘OperaionDocor’ o bring healhcare o remoe villages.

Iniially using wo planes, we ew ve eamso docors beween remoe clinics wherehundreds o people were waiing or hephysicians.

Through he years, our presence in heDRC has been marked by unique challenges.Poliical unres and hreaening bush wararecaused several evacuaions o MAF personnel.In 2002, our base a Nyankunde in easernDRC was desroyed during ghing beweenwo ribal acions. Thankully, none o oursa were killed, and MAF sill serves easernDRC rom is Bunia base.

During Ebola epidemics in 1995 and 2007,MAF was he o nly aviaion organisaion o yinernaional medical personnel and a mobile

laboraory ino he epidemics’ ho zones, ando y workers ou o he area. In more recenoubreaks o measles and cholera his springand summer, we were able o ranspor vialvaccines o areas ha had been badly aecedbu were difcul o reach.

Today, operaing rom bases a Kinshasa,Bunia and Lubumbashi, we carry ou medicalemergency ighs and provide suppor omissions, churches, reugee camp workers andhose helping vicims o violence. Fiy yearson, our work coninues and is as imporan asever.

�  As you go about your

Saturday, pray or courage

and or God’s love to shine

through our pilots serving

in eastern DRC: Dave

Jacobsson, Joey Lincoln,

Joey Martin, Jon Cadd,

Lary Strietzel and Rodney


�  That members o the LRA

will be convicted by the

Holy Spirit and stop the


�  For salvation, peace and

healing or those aected

by the ongoing crisis

�  For the MAF team as it

looks or more ways to

help bring the Good News

to this area o the DRC,

particularly through the


Please pray

Main:Loading Red Crosssupplies to treat Ebola patients

Above: Reviewing patientrecords

‘I can’t evenimagine theterror thesepreciouspeople livewith every day’

With MAF’shelp, PRAinitiated


Below: LRA victim on boardMAF plane

Right: Medical sta at work 

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‘I’s one hing o hear abou saisics in he

news, bu o go here and acually see i wasquie shocking. I el depressed abou hesiuaion, and helpless. I’s a peculiar eelingbecause hings are only going o ge worseand worse.

‘We go a chance o speak wih one ladywho arrived wih her six kids. Her eldesdaugher, aged eigh and paralysed, was in awheelbarrow. She walked or 20 days o ge ohe camp, pushing her daugher.

‘I was hearbreaking o see children o 6 -12monhs old severely malnourished a hehospial, especially since I have a young childo my own. Bu he care here is quie good. Assoon as he people arrive, hey go hroughmedical screening and are checked.’

We are ruly graeul or he immensegenerosiy o our Supporers, which is sillenabling requen ighs o he drough-

aeced area, along wih suppor desperaelyneeded in newly-independen Souh Sudan.Thank you or all your prayers and gis asuch a criical ime.

December 2011 Flying or Lie 98 Flying or Lie  December

Help reaches theorgotten urkana‘Whatever you did or one o the least o these brothers o mine, you

did or me’Story Shaun Oliver Photos Ryan Cuthel, Judith Dupuis

EAS AFRICA: drought and amine

 These words rom Mathew’s Gospel

inspired our soware specialisAnhony Chege o ake acion as hisellow Kenyans urher norh aced

sarvaion.More han 12 million people are aeced by

he Eas Arica ood crisis, which has beencaused by prolonged drough and, in somepars, conic. Bu Anhony knew he couldmake a small dierence.

Wih he help o his amily and riends,Anhony raised more han hree ons o ooddonaions in jus wo days. Gis rom MAFSupporers made i possible o y he ood o

Lodwar and Korr.Lodwar has developed a repuaion as an

isolaed oupos removed rom he res o Kenya. Travelling here rom Nairobi akes a

leas wo days – i he roadsare passable. And o reachoulying Turkana villagers– labelled as he ‘orgotenvicims’ o he ood crisis – iseven more challenging.

The Grand Caravan’sarrival was greeed by

pasors o Lodwar Pasors’ Fellowship, whohelped disribue he ood – large sacks o Unimix (enriched maize and bean ourdesigned and used o gh malnuriion) andmaize our, along wih green grams and beans– among people in he wo nearby villages o 

Nabulon and Dodos.Pasor Charles repors ha he people

experienced grea joy when hey heard haMAF was on i s way. Their prayers had been

answered. I had been our monhs since oodaid las reached he Turkana area.

Many villages do no have road access anduel is expensive and scarce, so he challengeso geting supplies are clear.

Love in actionMAF Inormaion Co-ordinaor Judih Dupuisrepors rom Turkana:

‘Our arrival is me wih smiling aces. Yelooking beyond he smiles, I canno help bunoice he ellale signs o malnourishmen.

Skinny arms and sagging skin hanging romrail bodies are hidden under he radiionalTurkana clohing.

‘I is wih mixed emoions ha I ake somephoos. Somehow, i doesn’ seem righ o akepicures o people who are suering. However,I nally decide i will help o send a messageo more people who can help.

‘I wach as people carry heir ood porion,ading away ino he disance as hey walk ormiles o heir hus and shelers. My mindurns o Scripure: “I was hungry and you gaveme somehing o ea.”

‘God-willing, more ood will arrive beoresupplies run ou. The headlines may inspireacion. People do care, here in Kenya andaround he world. I hank God or placing mehere o see His love in acion.’

Feeling helplessFrequen ighs suppor he agencies workinga he swollen Dadaab reugee camp in henorh-eas. Pilo Ryan Cuhel repors:

From August, we ew a

twice-weekly shuttle service

rom Nairobi to Dadaab to

serve several missions,

churches, NGOs and

agencies involved in relie 

and development projects.

Relie pilot Derek Moores

ew a team o sta o Kenya

Assemblies o God and their

relie arm, Convoy o Hope,

to Wajir. They then travelled

another 2½ hours by road to

visit a borehole project to

see whether it could be

expanded. While in the area,

they also distributed some


We took the opportunity

to ll an empty ight to Korr,

to collect a Korean team

rom Health and Education,

with 900kg o ood or

distribution among the local


Flights or Save the

Children delivered ve tons

o ood and supplies to

remote villages in the

north-east o South Sudan.

 The charity estimates that

45% o children in that

country are suering rom


 To nd out more about

MAF’s involvement, visit

Famine ying

More than 12million peopleare afected bythe East Aricaood crisis

Main:Smiling aces greet theteam at Lodwar

Inset let: Anthony Chege

Far let: Distributing Unimixmaize

Let: Family arrives at Dadaabater 20-day walk 

Top: Pilot Ryan Cuthel atDadaab

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10 Flying or Lie  December 2011 December 2011 Flying or Lie 11

‘You can stayorever’‘For over 30 wonderul but dicult years’ Nick andLynne Swanepoel have been in Korr, Kenya, frst withWyclie Bible Translators, then Arica Inland MissionStory Gary Clayton Photos LuAnne Cadd

 When hey arrived in 1980, Nickand Lynne were warned ha he

Rendille waned nohing o dowih ousiders. ‘Leave hem alone,’

hey were advised, ‘jus work wih he oherpeople.’ Ye hey persevered, even houghheir rs atemp a geting o know peoplewas me wih women hrowing rocks a hemand yelling: ‘Go away!’

Bu in 1984, here was a errible drough.Lynne says o ha ime, ‘Forunaely, God

helped us o access ood, and we were ableo save many lives. Aer ha, hese lively,warm-heared people opened heir hears ous. “You are Rendille,” hey said. “You can sayorever.” I urned ou ha, alhough he landwas arid, grey and inhospiable, he heary,brighly-clohed, ougoing Rendille were no.’

Explosive church growthNick, who does oureach and assiss he localchurch leadership, akes up he sory: ‘Whenwe rs came o Korr, Rendille was spoken nowriten. So here were no grammar books ordicionaries. We had o learn he languagerom he people, wrie i down phoneicallyand hen develop an alphabe and wriingsysem. I ook a while b u was grea un.’

Alhough a predominanly oral sociey, heRendille who did learn o read and wrie did

so wih guso. As Nick provided hem wih

he bis o he Bible he’d ranslaed – ‘We’renow 88% hrough he New Tesamen,’ hesays – he enhusiasic Rendille greedilydevoured i.

This proved o be he caalys or explosivechurch growh. By 2000, because many o heRendille could now read he Gospels, hemessage was having an incredible eec.

‘The believers jus love i,’ says Lynne, ‘andread everyhing ha’s been ranslaed illhey know i by hear. Then hose involved inhe lieracy programme asked us o give heirchildren a good educaion and each hemabou Jesus. The pleading grew and grew. Soin 2004, we nally ook he plunge and saredhe rs nursery school in Korr. I was atached

o he church here. Once again, he growhwas explosive.’

Locating leadersFurher nursery schools ollowed, wih a hugenumber o children now coming o church asa resul o he school programme, SundaySchool and vacaion Bible school.

Alhough Lynne’s primary responsibiliywas originally lieracy raining, his is now inhe hands o he Rendille people hemselves.‘I’s so exciing seeing he growh,’ says Nick,‘ideniying leaders and handing he workover so hey can run i in ways we’d neverhough o.’ Lynne’s new role includes lookingaer he nances and doing medical work.

KENYA: literacy and learning

Severe droughtBecause he small easern par o Kenya is adifcul area or people o reach, he Rendillewere he las group in Kenya o ge a secondaryschool. The church here was desperae orhelp bu, hanks o Nick’s and Lynne’s hardwork and sick-abiliy, he people can now readand wrie, sudy he Bible and go o school.

‘We couldn’ do any o his wihou MAF,’says Lynne, ‘I’s our lieline. We have 10 schoolsand a populaion o 20,000 Rendille currenlygoing hrough severe drough. And becauseeveryone’s so malnourished, hey ge hi by

every disease under he sun. Wihou MAFaking people o hospial, we’d be making a14-hour roundrip in he blazing hea.’

Nick agrees: ‘MAF planes deliver medicinesand supplies. You know ha, i you’re carryingsalaries or su or he school in he car, youare opening yoursel up o huge danger. Thelas ime we drove o Nairobi, we came acrossa ruck ha had been sho a. So o ge hemoney in hrough MAF, along wih essenialmedicines or people and catle, pars or o urerrain-batered car and eaching supplies is ahuge help.’

Bottom let: Lynne teachesliteracy class

Let: Nick and LynneSwanepoel

Above let: Rendille literature

Main/above:Women’s literacyclass

‘The believers

 just love it

and readeverything

that’s been

translated tillthey know it

by heart’

� The Rendille are a Cushitic

speaking ethnic group – a

branch o the Aro-asiatic

language amily named

ater Cush, who was

identied as an ancestor

o the speakers around

AD 947

� The 60,000 Rendille live

in the south-eastern

and southern regions o 

Mount Marsabit in north-

eastern Kenya

� The men are mainly

nomadic camel herders

� The terrain is tough, so

they can’t plant crops,

but are totally dependent

on their camels, sheep

and goats. It is said that

a Rendille man’s camel

comes rst, ollowed by

his wie and children

� They are the only non-

Muslim group in the area,

and believe the desertis their ‘promised land’.

Many are now Christian

� The Rendille now have

most o the Bible in their

own language, with only

2 Corinthians, 1 and 2

 Thessalonians, 1 and 2

 Timothy, 2 Peter and Titus

still to be completed

� The  Jesus lm script has

now been translated and

will soon be dubbed into


Sons o Cush

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Souh Sudan is a desperaely underdevelopedcounry, and remoe areas like Moo suerhe mos. Wih no elecriciy or runningwaer, lie is exremely basic.

Relying on MAFBecause o is very remoe lo caion, nearlyeveryhing has o be own in. The rs ighI saw aer a six-monh period when planeswere unable o land was an MAF igh romNairobi. Because our supplies had dwindleddown o jus rice and goa, se eing MAF arrivewih a load o good ood was a real boos omorale.

Tearund’s programmes couldn’ exiswihou MAF’s help. A on o drugs or ourhealh clinic was delivered beore breakas

one morning. Hundreds o people helped

unload bandages, anibioics, mosquio nes,syringes, medicines and wo birhing ables.

They also delivered seeds and essenialequipmen, along wih samples o waer romnewly dug boreholes. The samples were henown o Nairobi o es he waer qualiy.

 Amazing placeMoo is an inense place o work, and ye anincredible one, wih sories o hope, successand aih coming hrough every day rompeople who had beneed rom Tearund’sprogramme. Living here was an amazingexperience.

Because MAF ew me here in June 2010, iwas ting ha hey picked me up a year laer.I love MAF. Is pilos are riendly and reliable,

and hey always go he exra mile.

December 2011 Flying or Lie 1312 Flying or Lie  December 2011

Main:MAF aircrat at Motot

Inset: Lucy Young

Right: A child being weighedthrough Tearund’s nutritionprogramme

Far right: Mothers waiting tosee the health worker at theclinic

Below right: Crowds greet theplane

SOUH SUDAN: Tearund in Motot

 There’s somehing abou he low drone

o an aeroplane ha can galvaniseeven he quiees village ino acion.Quick glances a he sky, rying o

ascerain where he plane’s coming rom.Then excied shous when someone nallyspos i. Drivers are summoned, cars revved,bags grabbed and meals le hal-eaen aschildren rush o see i.

The arrival o he monhly MAF igh is a

real cause or celebraion, no only or heTearund sa in our compound bu also orhe communiy.

Moo is a small village in Jonglei sae,Souh Sudan. For ve monhs o he year,during and aer he rains, he roads andairsrips are washed ou. The only way o gein or ou is o walk six miles o he nearesserviceable airsrip, while praying ha i alsodoesn’ ge ooded beore you ge here.

Thankully, MAF’s pilos are dedicaed anddo heir umos o land. During he monhsha he sun dries up he waer and he airshimmers in he scorching hea, he planesland on he airsrip nex o he Tearundcompound.

Passing in a blurLooking back on my year in Moo, everyhingseems o have passed by in a soaking we oroppressively ho blur. Various episodes sickin my mind: wondering abou wheher oorganise an evacuaion during a poenialsecuriy inciden; walking hrough waer oge o an airsrip; working lae ino he nigho complee a repor deadline; enjoying he

 jubilan celebraions in he village during he

wedding season.Bu I can also recall he harsher realiies o 

lie here: seeing malnourished children wihdisended somachs being ed oried oodby mohers desperae or hem o ea; rushinga woman o he clinic who had complicaionsin childbirh; being saddened by he ac haone in eigh women dies during pregnancy orchildbirh in Souh Sudan.

Alhough i someimes eels as houghTearund’s work is jus scraching he surace,we need o have aih ha wha we’re doing ismaking a dierence.

Someone asked when I reurned homewha we did or un in Moo. The simpleanswer was ha we had o make i ou rselves.

�  Tearund’s work includes

immunisation against

measles, diphtheria, polio

and typhoid, drilling

boreholes to provide

clean water, promoting

hygiene and providing

basic healthcare

�  There are our eld sites,

each served by one MAF

ight a month which

brings ood and essential

medical supplies

�  The Motot site has 15

international sta and

70-80 local workers

�  Tearund’s primary

healthcare centre helps

800 women a year to give


Tearund in SouthSudan

Scratchingthe suraceLucy Young reports on a year working as TearundProgramme Support Co-ordinator in Motot, South SudanPhotos Lucy Young, LuAnne Cadd

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Barbara’s bearsBarbara and Mike Sculhorp me a aLondon church. Barbara had become aChrisian in her lae eens aer seeing aBilly Graham lm, and moved o Londono work or Church Army. Mike grew upin Walhamsow and wen o a goodSunday school. Alhough he driedduring his eens, he reurned o churchwhen he was working as a policeman aPaddingon Green.

The year aer hey married, Mikeand Barbara moved o Edenbridge, Ken,

where hey rained as counsellors andworked wih alcoholics a a Chrisianrehabiliaion cenre.

Coming across MAF a an Assemblieso God conerence, Barbara and Mikewere immediaely impressed by hepracical ouworking o aih and alsohe huge benes o he people wereach. So hey adoped MAF as heiravourie chariy.

Barbara has always been a collecorby naure, and buil up a huge colleciono eddy bears, some o which are over100 years old. She made plans o leavehe bears o MAF as a way o helpinghe work o coninue. However, hearingabou he impac on MAF because o increased uel coss, Barbara decided osell many o hem now, hus providing alegacy during her lieime. She can alsoconinue collecing eddies wih a clearconscience!

To learn more abou supporing MAFin his way, please conac our LegacyCo-ordinaor on 0845 850 9505 or email

 [email protected]

same ime?

We have joined wih Jus Cards ooer you handmade greeings cardsrom Arica as well as prined cardsrom around he world. Jus Cardssuppors chariies like us, oering 10%o sales back o he chariy.

When you choose your cards, yousimply go o he check ou and selecMAF as your chariy.

You’ll be helping MAF as well asmany o he communiies where wework. So why no go online and buy noonly your Chrismas cards bu alsooher ypes o handmade cards, or check ou he MAF websie or a link o Jus Cards–

Just cardsAre you hinking o buying yourChrismas cards and would love heopporuniy o giving o MAF a he

Tis is MAF

Joining our rusteesMAF UK is delighed o welcome wonew Trusees o he Board, who bringspecialis knowledge and skills whichwill help provide sraegic direcion andguidance or MAF.

Linda Trew has arange o experience inundraising andmarkeing. She is Heado Fundraising a aKen hospice and a

ceried member o The Insiue o 

Fundraising.As an acive member o S Luke’s

Church in Ramsgae, Linda is chair o is mission commitee and her husbandDavid is churchwarden. They have woeenage children.

Phil Bland has a background inengineering. Aer many years workingin he uiliy secor, he now runs a smallconsulancy rm. Phil is chairman o he UK-based chariy Hope ThroughAcion and is afliaed Souh Aricanaid delivery organisaion.

Phil’s experience o working in ownshipsin he Wesern Capehas enabled him o

develop a greaundersanding o hedifculies acingpeople in he world’s

poorer naions. He is married o Judy,and hey worship a KnusordMehodis Church in Cheshire.

60 years in Papua NewGuineaMAF’s minisry in Papua New Guinea(PNG) began in 1951. Wih he growh o a srong naional Church, our role hasdeveloped rom supporing expariaemissionaries o providing air ransporor people living in rugged or isolaedcommuniies. Wihou road access, heyare oally dependen on MAF o y inmedical workers, schooleachers andessenial supplies. They also need us ocarry vegeables and coee o marke ogenerae income or school ees and osuppor local pasors.

MAF also serves people like Ally who,in May 2011, needed urgen medicalreamen when she was biten by a

snake and almos compleely paralysed.As soon as he radio call wen ou,

pilo Mat Painer ook o. He loadedAlly on o he plane and ook her o ahospial in Rumginae, where sheevenually recovered.

An hour laer, Mat and Dr DanielPries picked up a young lady in Balimowho needed a Caesarean secion. Herbaby boy was delivered close o midnigh.‘Three lives,’ says Dr Pries, ‘saved wihone plane in one day, hanks o MAF.’

We operae rom 6 bases across PNG,our 16 aircra reaching deep ino heinerior o bring he Gospel andimprove lie or over 250 ehnic groups,65 agencies and hundreds o churchesminisering hroughou rainoress,mounains and swamps.

In addiion o our ying operaion,35 inernaional sa and 88 naionalworkers make a real dierence in heirlocal communiies by parening sreechildren, eaching child-rearing, runningmarriage relaionship and lieracy

courses, leading church worship andBible sudies, visiing paiens,counselling believers and providingmedical care.

Sixy years on, he need or MAF’shelp is as grea as ever.

FAIHFUL SERVICE: hope or the uture

14 Flying or Lie  December 2011

Nothing isimpossible

I once heard isaid ha i isgood o havean atiude o graiude.

Reecing onhe anniversaryo 60 years o 

MAF service in Papua New Guineaand 50 years in he DemocraicRepublic o Congo, I am graeul ohe Lord or all He has done overso many years.

While I look back and rejoice, Iam also amazed a God’s goodnessin wha He is doing oday, andlook o he uure wih hope inHim. Alhough siuaions andlocaions in some o he world’smos remoe places can oen lookmounainous – remembering ha,wih God, nohing is impossible isa grea encouragemen!

The Word o God ells u s haHis word shall no reurn void.This is boh a comor and anassurance as we coninue our

work in he new naion o SouhSudan. Alhough independencecan be linked wih peace andreedom, he changes in Sudanduring his pas year bring heheighened risk o insabiliy, andour suppor here remains vial.

As we celebrae he birh o Jesus his Chrismasime, I wano hank you or your suppor,which enables us o inroducehose living in isolaed places ohe One who came o bring grea

 joy o all people (Luke 2:10, NLT).I wish you a Happy Chrismas

and a blessed New Year.

Ruh WhiakerChie Execuive, MAF UK

Mission Aviation Fellowship is a worldwide Christian organisation operating over 135

light aircrat in more than 30 countries. Around 280 ights every day transport patients,

relie teams, medical supplies and Christian workers in the world’s remotest regions and

places o deepest human need. Places where ying is not a luxury but a lieline.

Normally, passengers contribute a highly-subsidised are towards the true cost. The

balance comes rom people concerned that others should have a better lie spiritually

and physically.

In the UK, MAF is a registered charity unded by voluntary gits which help nance

MAF’s operational work and support services.

Mission Aviation Fellowship

Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone CT20 2TN

29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD


Dept AA1818, PO Box 4214, FREEPOST Dublin 2

 Telephone: 0845 850 9505

Email: [email protected]


Registeredcharity in EnglandandWales (1064598)and in Scotland(SC039107)

Flying or Lie

Email: [email protected]

Printer: Headley Brothers Ltd

Ashord, Kent

Printed on sustainable paperproduced rom a managed orest

©MAFUK December2011 fg


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