Flowers from Hungary

Flowers from Hungary


Flowers from Hungary. 1.Where is Kalocsa in Hungary?. 2.Why are these villages rich ?. Costumes in Kalocsa. 3 .What colour are the costumes ?. 4 .Why is the costume special ?. 5.What materials did they use ?. 6.What shoes did they wear ?. 7 .What is the main motif ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Flowers from Hungary

Page 1: Flowers from  Hungary

Flowers from Hungary

Page 2: Flowers from  Hungary

Costumes in Kalocsa1.Where is Kalocsa in Hungary?

2.Why are these villages rich?

4.Why is the costume special?

8.Where else can be seen these flowery decorations?

7.What is the main motif?

3.What colour are the costumes?

5.What materials did they use?6.What shoes did they wear?

Page 3: Flowers from  Hungary


It is on the Alföld.

Page 4: Flowers from  Hungary

Gardening and growing vegetables and red pepper made these people rich.

Page 5: Flowers from  Hungary

The costumes are white with lots of embroidery and colourful. They use more than 40 kinds of flowers.

They are made of silk, velvet and linen.

Page 6: Flowers from  Hungary

Women wear nice red slippers in summer and high black leather

boots like man in winter.

Page 7: Flowers from  Hungary

And more flowers on the walls, gates, plates,

furniture and curtains.