Flower spreads fragrance throughout its life called THE DAY.

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And LIVE THE DAY happily

Transcript of Flower spreads fragrance throughout its life called THE DAY.

Flower spreads fragrance throughout its life called THE DAY Be Like A Flower during each day of your life and spread fragrance of your love, affection, respect and regards for one and all And LIVE THE DAY happily PAST ? It is a cancelled cheque. Your name is written on it but is a cancelled cheque any use to you? FUTURE ? It is like an unsigned post-dated cheque. Your name is written on it but can you draw it NOW? Is it of any use NOW ? NO ! NEVER ! Even when the day comes, it may not be of any use because it is yet to be signed! PRESENT ? It is a bearer cheque. Encash NOW! NEVER worry about the PAST - it is dead. You cannot bring the PAST moments to the present for correcting your mistakes. NOR can you improve upon your past achievements NOW ! So, remove the past from your mind like a cancelled cheque Do you know what will happen the next moment? Do you have any control over what is going to happen ? Can you guarantee that next breath will be yours ? So, prepare for a bright future but never worry of what will happen next. You cannot mould future now but you can definitely do the groundwork Future is an unsigned cheque So, NEVER be anxious about the unborn future. You take care of yourself NOW Future will take good care of itself LIVE the present wonderful moments It is a bearer cheque in your hands! Love the work you are doing - it will definitely produce positive results..and. If you are appreciated in the process, consider it a bonus but never get dejected if no one appreciates your efforts - love expects nothing in return, it only GIVES It is said that the source of all bliss is the dedicated performance of duty Remember the quote : Do not imagine your sincerity in work but work sincerely with your imagination !! We can discover our joy in the precision and perfection of the work that we turn out. PLAN OUT YOUR WORK and WORK OUT YOUR PLANS !