FLOW work contributed to a recently published code of practice document (ISO TR 10064-1:2017) for...

FLOW PROGRAMME Quarter 3 Report 2017 | Oct 2017 – Dec 2017 Report No. 2018/32 January 2018

Transcript of FLOW work contributed to a recently published code of practice document (ISO TR 10064-1:2017) for...


PROGRAMMEQuarter 3 Report 2017 | Oct 2017 – Dec 2017

Report No. 2018/32January 2018

For further information on the work contained in this report, please contact:

Brian MillingtonNEL East KilbrideGLASGOWG75 0QF

Email: [email protected]: +44 (0) +44 1355 593812


© TUV SUD Limited 2017

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 4

Programme Status Traffic Light Form .......................................................................................................................................5

Programme Highlights ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Lessons Learned .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Project ReportsLNG III – Metrological Support for LNG and LBG as Transport Fuel .........................................................................11

MultiFlowMet II – Multiphase Flow Reference Metrology ...........................................................................................13

Standards and Best Practice for Wet-Gas Metrology .....................................................................................................15

Maintenance of the National Flow Measurement Standards ...................................................................................... 17

Traceability of the National Flow Measurement Standards ....................................................................................... 19

Data Management System Design Testing ...........................................................................................................................21

Replacement of the heating systems used for thermal conditioning of fluids ..................................................23

Improvement of the Drainage and Transfer Systems used by the Existing Flow Facilities .........................25

Re-instatement of the Primary Standard for Density .................................................................................................... 27

Accelerating the safe and responsible development of UK shale gas & oil .........................................................29

Flow Metrology Knowledge Transfer ........................................................................................................................................31

Dissemination of Flow Metrology projects into documentary standards ...........................................................34

National Gear Metrology Laboratory – Core Funding ....................................................................................................36




The following pages detail the current progress of the portfolio of projects and documents the key highlights and achievements within the reporting period. It describes the key lessons learned within each project and finally documents in detail the progress of each project within the reporting period. The period has seen some excellent technical progress.

Construction commenced on the building to house the High Pressure Multiphase Flow (HPMF) facility in August 2017. Excellent progress is currently being made and the steel work for the new building has now been erected. This will deliver an operational HPMF facility and a new dedicated laboratory building in Q1 of 2019. The following link shows a time-lapse video of the construction within Quarter 3 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqyYV2kmOXY

Condition based assessment of key assets has been implemented at NEL to allow prioritisation of maintenance activities. A weekly assessment and review process determines the maintenance programme priorities while also feeding the continuous improvement process.

Following an audit of NEL’s ISO 17025 calibration and testing accreditation, UKAS confirmed their confidence in the capabilities of NEL’s people and equipment.

NEL research contributing to standards development and knowledge transfer activities continued strongly within the reporting period. NEL’s latest press cutting report showed engagement with an audience of 3.5 million readers, up 1 million compared to like-for-like figures from 2016.

Another key activity within the period has been the Flow Programme Formulation process, led by NEL, which has been on-going throughout 2017. The Programme Expert Group, are currently undertaking Stage 2 in the Prioritisation process, ensuring that the proposed Programme for 2018/21 is strongly aligned with the productivity and competitive pillars of the Industrial Strategy.

The National Gears Metrology Laboratory (NGML) at Newcastle University continued to support varying industry sectors through its underpinning metrology research and standards support. NGML research work contributed to a recently published code of practice document (ISO TR 10064-1:2017) for gear form measurement. This industry support and engagement resulted in high levels of commercial work which included supporting automotive drive train, automotive electric steering, aerospace drive trains and large sugar processing machinery.


This report provides a summary of Flow Programme activities carried out by NEL and the National Gear Metrology Laboratory (NGML) from October 2017 to December 2017.


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Programme Status

Project Number Description Status Comments

EMPIR Projects (New Projects launched under EMPIR 2016 Energy Call)

EMR004 LNG III – Metrological Support for LNG and LBG as Transport Fuel Green

EMR005 MultiFlowMet II - Multiphase Flow Reference Metrology Green

Flow Programme Contract X0103/0027/1

FLRE13 Standards and Best Practice for Wet-Gas Metrology Amber Test programme delayed due

to facility upgrades.

FMMT01-07 Maintenance of the National Flow Measurement Standards Green

FMTR01-09 Traceability of the National Flow Measurement Standards Green

FMDE01 Data Management System Design Testing Green

FMDE02 Replacement of the heating systems used for thermal conditioning of fluids


FMDE03 Improvement of the Drainage and Transfer Systems used by the Existing Flow Facilities Green

FMDE04 Re-instatement of the Primary Standard for Density Green

FMRE01 Accelerating the safe and responsible development of UK shale gas & oil – review of flow issues


FMKT51 Flow Metrology Knowledge Transfer Green

FMKT57 Dissemination of Flow Metrology projects into documentary standards Green

FKMN51 National Gear Metrology Laboratory – Core Funding Green

Programme Status Traffic Light Form

5Quarter 3 Report 2017 | Oct 2017 – Dec 2017

Programme Highlights

1. Traceability of the National Flow Measurement Standards – UKAS carried out an audit of NEL’s ISO 17025 accreditation, confirming their confidence in NEL’s people and equipment to deliver the correct results. The performance of the EPAT facility was worthy of note. UKAS commented on the excellent controllability and stability of the facility at extreme conditions. This feedback was very well received and there was an increasing demand from operators and meter manufacturers from the UK and further afield.

2. Dissemination of Flow Metrology projects into documentary standards – ISO’s final Proof of ISO/TR 15377 (orifice plates with drain holes etc.) was ratified by the Working Group Convenor – this will be published very soon. This brings the results of NEL Flow Programme work on orifice plates with drain holes into standards, a major success in the period.

3. Standards and Best Practice for Wet-Gas Metrology – As a result of this research project, it was discovered that the equations for using the Pressure Loss Ratio (PLR) method to determine the wetness of the gas, published in ISO/TR 11583, are not suitable for vertical Venturis. Errors are up to three times the quoted uncertainty limits (of 2.5 – 3 %) giving a potential mis-measurement of up to 9%.

4. Data Management System Design Testing – The new system will leverage significant speed and performance improvements and has been expanded beyond the calculation capabilities of the existing software, with features such as comparisons to ISO standards being added. This will make it simpler for scientists to assess data.

5. LNG III – Metrological Support for LNG and LBG as Transport Fuel – NEL and VSL managed to secure six flow meters for the project – an excellent result. Research will be used to reduce flow measurement uncertainty below 0.5% and develop and validate economic calibration concepts. NEL gave two presentations, one at the Kuwaiti 3rd Flow Measurement Technology Conference and one at the Abu Dhabi Petroleum Exhibition and Conference highlighting our involvement in the development of a new international standard for LNG dynamic flow measurements under ISO TC28/WG20.

6. Maintenance of the National Flow Measurement Standards – A revised mode of prioritising maintenance activities through condition based assessment has been implemented. It is designed to continuously drive higher value from the Flow Programme maintenance. Recent initiatives included: an upgrade of process heating elements in the oil facility (resulting in reduced energy consumption and faster test set-up times), electronic tagging (RFID) of NEL and Customer assets, revised fluids and waste management procedures (reducing environmental risks).

7. Densitometer Re-Instatement – Following a visit to NEL by H&D Fitzgerald Ltd, agreement was reached to develop an inter-comparison for density measurement at elevated pressure. This inter-comparison exercise will confirm that the reinstated NEL Primary Densitometer Facility can achieve its target uncertainty, providing additional traceable data in the process.

8. Flow Metrology Knowledge Transfer – NEL’s latest press cuttings report for 2017 (Jan to end of Sep) showed an audience of 3.5 million readers, an increase of 1 million from 2016 figures. Activities in the period include 9 technical articles published in Trade Journals, 3 webinars attracting 94 delegates, e-newsletters, an event with the Oil & Gas Technology Centre, guest lectures at 2 UK Universities and various technical papers at UK and overseas events.


Programme Highlights

9. Improvement of the Drainage and Transfer Systems used by the Existing Flow Facilities – To minimise cross contamination of fluids, the drainage system was re-configured and instrumentation specified to allow an inventory check of storage vessel volumes and viscosity which allows automated transfer of bulk fluids with live mass flow and viscosity monitoring. This project will minimise any effects that cross contamination of fluids will have on the measurement uncertainty of the facilities.

10. National Gear Metrology Laboratory – A code of practice document for gear form measurement, ISO TR 10064-1:2017, was published including material supplied by NGML. NGML published papers on 3D gear surface generation by form removal and interpolation and novel involute roughness measurement evaluation, delivered 2 poster presentations at CIM with supporting journal publications and delivered 2 measurement based presentations at British Gear Association GEARS 2017 event at the AFRC, Strathclyde University.

7Quarter 3 Report 2017 | Oct 2017 – Dec 2017

1. NEL’s reliance on the German NMI (PTB) for traceability of our gas flow meters has proved problematic. A reference package was provided whose coefficients have shifted by circa 0.6% from the previous set of coefficients without explanation. A major lesson learned is not to rely on external subcontractors for traceability. This will be taken in-house to ensure control over our own uncertainty budgets. Planning is underway to provide our own reference package that can be calibrated by the Danish DI (FORCE) for flow measurement.

2. Within the Data Management System Design Testing project, modern development platforms such as Windows Presentation Framework and coding patterns such as MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) have been used. This has been a steep learning curve and a greater challenge than anticipated, however this has resulted in a modular, flexible user interface. NEL has not kept up-to-date with current software tools and design practices, an area that will now be subject to an on-going review process. This project has seen a step change in the tools and environment used to develop our data acquisition system. It has brought NEL up to speed with current industry software development methodologies and has created a common development platform that can be used by the team.

3. In the Standards domain, many people both in the UK and abroad are unable or unwilling, in a time of austerity, to take an active part in standards work. Lack of participation increases the workload on the NEL Project Leader; nevertheless, a smaller number of comments from outside the UK enables the UK to have strong influence on a document. This lack of engagement by key stakeholders will jeopardise the production of new flow standards, increase timescales to publication and impact the workload of the UK. If NEL did not continue to provide effective leadership in the development of flow standards, standards development would not be prioritised, negatively impacting key stakeholders and stifling innovation in the UK.

4. Feedback from the EMPIR proposal on wet-gas flow measurement standards highlighted several deficiencies including the need for a more ambitious dissemination and impact plan and the need to communicate the wider impact on the increasing production of gas and the effect on EU revenue. Despite improvements in NEL’s proposal and greater industry support we received a more critical assessment – future EMPIR proposal development will address this feedback. A more rigorous review procedure will be implemented that allows review and feedback from a wider stakeholder group at key points before proposal submission.

5. Lack of access to a key internal resource (data acquisition system support staff) within the Re-instatement of the Primary Densitometer Facility project, has resulted in minimal progress so far on testing those items of the existing instrumentation which have been identified for re-use. Key learning has been our reliance on key individuals to deliver across multiple projects. This is being addressed through recruitment and cross-training.

6. Separation of fluids in the wet-gas facility has been an issue. Oil and water has been emulsifying causing instability in test points and increasing test duration. A chemical treatment solution was trialled that has minimised this issue. In addition, a new process for monitoring the fluid condition through sampling has been implemented to maintain fluid separation. This has had a major impact on client testing and Flow Programme research.

Lessons Learned


Lessons Learned

7. As the volume of commercial and research work NGML are requested to undertake increases, the need to streamline the quality management system to improve the effectiveness of its operation has been identified. This will run in parallel with the update of the Quality Management System to meet the revised requirements of the newly published ISO17025:2017. To ensure NGML have sufficient staff and resources to meet these requirements, an additional staff member is needed to deliver both the research and commercial measurement and consultancy work. Additional measurement and calibration facilities are also required.

9Quarter 3 Report 2017 | Oct 2017 – Dec 2017




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Project Title Metrological support for LNG and LBG as transport fuel (16ENG09 LNG III)

NEL Project EMR004

Project Manager Linda Rowan Start Date Jun - 17

BEIS Reference TBD (EMPIR) End Date May - 20

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

WP1 Reduced uncertainty for LNG flow measurements Jun-17 Apr-20

WP2 Traceable small-scale liquefier and density measurements

Jun-17 Apr-20

WP5 Creating impact Jun-17 May-20

WP6 Management and coordination Jun-17 May-20

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)


Significant Achievements in the Quarter

Over the last quarter, the design and specification document for the two separate, 2-inch and 4-inch, transfer metering packages has been finalised and circulated to JRP partners for comments and approval. The requirement is for the metering package to be used to validate the performance of Coriolis and Ultrasonic meters under “optimal” conditions and under several influencing parameters encountered in practical applications, such as, flow disturbances, the presence of a second phase, the meter insulation and the meter inclination using both water and LNG as the calibration fluids. The data will also be used to develop and validate calibration concepts for Coriolis and Ultrasonic meters to enable transfer of water calibrations at ambient conditions to cryogenic conditions with confidence. In designing the package consideration has been given to the calibration facility for LNG flow measurements currently being constructed at the Rotterdam Port area in the Netherlands. This facility provides an excellent platform for testing and validation of LNG flow metering technologies suitable for refuelling and bunkering applications. To publicise the work being undertaken as part of this project, NEL presented at the Kuwait 3rd Flow Measurement Technology Conference held between 19th and 21st Nov 2017, see next section for highlights. NEL has also attended the ADIPEC (The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference), 13-16 Nov 2017 as part of the Scottish Development International (SDI) pavilion. This is one of the largest and most influential oil and gas industry exhibition and conference and NEL had the opportunity to introduce the LNG project to many key participants through one to one discussions.

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Project Highlights

NEL’s presentation at the two events mentioned above has attracted many interesting questions and reinforced the NEL position as one of the foremost authorities on flow measurement worldwide. It has demonstrated NEL’s significant contribution to the development of measurement traceability for LNG and our long-term vision to achieve this traceability for LNG custody transfer applications. It also highlighted our involvement in the development of a new international standard for LNG dynamic flow measurements under ISO TC28/WG20.

Key Learning

Recent changes in management of the co-ordinating partner has resulted in a slowdown in co-ordination activities. In this project, there are many partners involved and therefore maintaining focus to ensure that the end goal is met within the timeframe and allocated budget is extremely important. NEL has played a key role to maintain this focus during this time, liaising closely with partners and driving for work package completion - the co-ordinating partner is now paying the required attention to the project.


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Project Title MultiFlowMetII – Multiphase Flow Reference Metrology NEL Project EMR005

Project Manager David Learmonth Start Date Jun-17

BEIS Reference TBD EMPIR End Date May-20

Milestone / Deliverables Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

WP 1 Intercomparison, specification, design & build

1.1 Specify and build transfer package Test matrix and protocol

Jun-17 Nov-17

WP 2 Intercomparison testing programme

Jan-18 July-19

WP 3 Supporting research and modelling 3.1 Small scale experimental modelling

Jun-17 Dec-19

WP 4 Analysis and conclusions

Jun-19 May-20

WP 5 Creating impact 5.1 Knowledge transfer 5.3 Uptake and exploitation

Jun-17 May-20

WP 6 Management and coordination

Jun-17 May-20

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)

Completion of WP1 is ongoing. Test preparation is largely dependent on significant technical input from the project partners, key information was not available before the project started and has taken longer than expected to obtain. This has led to a slight delay in the completion of WP1. A test programme has been developed such that this delay will not impact on the completion date for the testing stage (WP2) and will not impact on the project completion.

Significant Achievements in the Quarter

Following the confirmation of the multiphase meters, tomography devices and labs that will be participating in the programme several important tasks have been completed. The inter-comparison package for two of the multiphase meters have been designed and the necessary pipework ordered for the first trials at NEL. The design of the custom optical viewing section has been finalised and submitted for a full design review and certification for conformance with the Pressure Systems Directive. The design of the tomography equipment has been agreed and the suppliers are preparing to manufacture the devices. In addition, a detailed drawing of the NEL facility layout has been supplied to the modelling WP leader (Cranfield University). Several meetings have been held to discuss the best approach to help understand how accurate multiphase flow models can be developed, and how these modelling tools can be used to understand flow behaviour and its influence on meter performance. A full review of the operating envelopes of the participating meters and the labs, has been carried out. A comprehensive test matrix has been proposed and will be finalised following further discussion and agreement with the labs.

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The set-up and operating parameters for the various meters has been reviewed and a draft test protocol has been developed incorporating this information and the proposed test matrix. This will ensure the tests are carried consistently under rigorous conditions and the test data is comparable between labs. NEL has supplied details of its uncertainty budget to the independent arbiter (VTT). This will be compared with the budgets for the other participating labs to ensure that all the contributing factors have been fully assessed the uncertainty is correctly attributed when carrying out the analysis of data from different labs. Consignment details have been obtained from meter manufactures in preparation for developing a logistics and shipping plan.

Project Highlights

The End User Advisory Group has now been set up. The group has a good spread of members, it currently consists of two industry regulators, four oil and gas operators and one ISO committee representative. It is expected that membership will grow as the project progresses. An initial briefing meeting to bring members up to speed was held on the 16 Nov. Some of the members also attended the third project plenary meeting held on 28 Nov. A meeting of the Multiphase Project Group within ISO TC28/SC2/WG4 was held in October in Oslo. Comments on the latest draft of ISO/TR 21354 Measurement of Multiphase Fluid Flow were resolved and a revised draft submitted to the WG for consideration. A final version of the Technical Report will be available in 2018.

Key Learning

This project is still at the early stages but learning points from the proceeding multiphase project ENG58, will feed directly into this project. Key learning points are; The need to manage experimental data from both the test facility and the meter transfer package to help informed decision-making on quality of data collected as the testing takes place. It is also essential for an intercomparison project that the meter transfer package should be installed exactly the same way in all test facilities. In some instances, this was not case. To address both of these learning points an expert will be nominated in advance to control and oversee the meter installation and data collection during the whole duration of the project. It is extremely important to ensure that only valid and correct results are disseminated to stakeholders. This will be addressed by ensuring data management and dissemination agreement is in place before the testing commences. Achieving meaningful benefits from modelling simulations requires a good understanding of the experimental set-up and main parameters at an early stage in the project. A detailed dialog has already begun with the partners responsible for the modelling and they will be engaged at all stages of the experimental programme. Another important lesson is to have a well-defined logistics plan on the movement of test equipment between EU and non-EU countries in place well in advance. Early engagement with shipping parties now underway to mitigate this risk.


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Project Title Standards and Best Practice for Wet Gas Metrology NEL Project FLRE13

Project Manager David Learmonth Start Date Oct - 16

BEIS Reference F/2015/RE07/13 End Date Dec - 17

Milestone / Deliverables Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Detailed proposal for an investigative research programme based on a review of historical data relating to the use of USM for wet gas measurement

Oct-16 Mar-17

2 Wet gas testing and analysis of a vertical Venturi meter

Nov-16 Mar- 7

3 Wet gas testing of vertical Venturi meters for a range of beta ratios

Jul-17 Sep-17

4 Wet gas testing of a vertical Venturi meters for a range of pipe sizes

Jul-17 Oct-17

5 Data analysis and development of correlations for vertical installations

Jul-17 Nov-17

6 Reporting with recommendations for best practice, and guidance for standards

Sep-17 Dec-17

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)

Due to wet gas facility improvements, such as upgrades to the blower (F/2014/09) and the oil and water separation system, this project has been rescheduled to gain maximum benefit of the improved facility operation and ensure the widest possible set of operating conditions can be achieved. The final testing phase has been rescheduled to January 2018 with analysis and final reporting completed by the end of Q1 2018.

Significant Achievements in the Quarter

New pipework has been fabricated to enable the meters to be installed in the vertical orientation and remove any potential minor discrepancies in pipe alignment. A number of NEL’s research venturi’s have been modified to improve the reliability of the pressure sensors and improve the quality of the data.

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Project Highlights

A paper, entitled “Installation effects on Venturi tubes in wet-gas flow conditions” was presented at the North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop 2017 (Norway). Operators, regulators and representatives from the flow standards community all gave positive feedback on the work, indicating the potential impact this work could have on existing measurement practices. In addition, a presentation was given by NEL on their experience on using Venturi tubes for gas flows at the Calibration Workshop 2017. This event, hosted by the Danish DI for flow measurement, FORCE Technology, was a high-profile event with over 80 participants made up of meter manufacturers, gas supply and distribution companies, and metrology experts from 20 different countries.

Key Learning

The correction factors in ISO/TR 11583 are not suitable for Venturis installed in a vertical orientation; errors are up to three times the quoted uncertainty limits (of 2.5 – 3 %) giving a potential mis-measurement of up to 9%. The equations for using the Pressure Loss Ratio (PLR) method to determine the wetness of the gas, published in ISO/TR 11583, are not suitable for vertical Venturis. A modified version of the PLR method can be used over a greater range of conditions for Venturis in a vertical orientation and can extend the diagnostic capability of the meter. The 3rd tapping required for using the PLR method can be located much closer to the Venturi rather than using the conventional location from ISO 5167-4. Current practices on the design of pressure tappings on Venturis, although satisfactory for horizontal installation, can introduce measurement bias of greater than 9% when used for vertical installations. In field conditions, this bias is likely to be significantly higher. When testing “standard” Venturi tubes in a vertical position, approximately one third to half of the data had to be rejected due to issues with liquid in the pressure tappings; this caused measurement bias and over-reading. Modified pressure tapping design for vertical installation resulted in no data being rejected and hence no over-readings or bias in measurements. The use of a wet-gas discharge coefficient is required to correct meter over-reading and reduce the uncertainty.


BEIS Quarterly Report – Q3 Page 16 of 36 January 2018

Project Title Maintenance Programme for the UK National Flow Facilities NEL Project FMMT01-07

Project Manager Muir Porter Start Date Oct 17

BEIS Reference F/2017/2020 End Date Dec 17

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Planned Maintenance Activities Oct-17 Mar-18

2 Continuous Improvement Projects Oct-17 Mar-18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)


Significant Achievements in the Quarter

A revised mode of prioritising maintenance activities has been implemented, designed to continuously drive higher value benefit from the Flow Programme Maintenance contract. This is achieved by condition based assessment, and emphasises high impact continuous improvement, with the traditional, routine maintenance funded by NEL. Two streams of activity are now scheduled. One is driven by the facility ‘Condition Report’ to determine the Planned Maintenance programme, and the other by the weekly review of ‘Continuous Improvement’ tasks to prioritise a forward-looking development of the facility. Not only will this approach accommodate the new elevated pressure single-phase facility, the density facility and the new high-pressure multiphase, but underpins the NEL Transformation Project to implement a step-change in company culture, professionalism and management of assets. A range of KPIs has been developed based upon the key requirements of maximising capability and progressive improvement.

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Project Highlights

Condition Based Reports have been completed for the multiphase facility. This now forms the planned maintenance element of the work schedule for the next six months. Following the failure of the obsolete thermal conditioning valves, a re-design using isolation valves with modulating positioners was implemented. This will not only assist process control, but will prevent the unnecessary draw of coolant flow in times of no demand. Other work identified as priority within the report includes an improved digital communications link to capture more customer data on the fieldbus link, allowing direct digital linkage to Customer meters giving us greater flexibility in the data capture / capabilities. The first of a set of process heating elements has been installed in the oil flow facility to supplement the current hot water circulation system to reach test temperature. Previously, the full charge of 44,000 litres was raised to test temperature by a combination of external circulation through plate heat exchanger, and the heat input of the flow circulation pumps. This is inefficient and at times took up to two days to achieve. The new unit provides 65kW over three phases as an in-line unit in series with the thermal loop heat exchanger. Trials are underway to quantify the improvement. A pilot project is underway to trial an electronic tagging system that uses both a bar code reader and radio frequency identification (RFID) for the management of assets. The system is currently being introduced for the control of customers’ flowmeters and the movable assets related to the elevated pressure facility (EPAT), but may be extended to include pipe spools, tools, reference flowmeters, metrology instrumentation etc. As part of a revised fluids and waste management procedure, a clean-down station has been established to both de-contaminate in-coming meters, and to clean those being returned after testing. The contamination within some meters in the past has been significant enough to alter fluid property readings. All incoming meters will be stored in a ‘quarantine’ area prior to identification and cleaning. Work is underway to establish procedures and a calibrated volume to provide in-house calibration of the elevated pressure (EPAT) facility prover. This will enable a straight-forward fluid draw rather than a lengthy drain down and calibration with water.

Key Learning

One key piece of learning over the period has been the importance of developing, monitoring and benchmarking of key skills. In particular, the pipe-fitting capability of the technician team. Dismantling and rebuilding of piping systems is a daily activity which must be primarily carried out safely, but also efficiently, to minimise changeovers and eliminate re-work. The capability to construct an assembly of spools without setting up stresses within the material (springing) is a critical aspect of both safety and metrology, and needs particular attention with longer runs at pressure. A health and safety audit of existing procedures and competence was completed in the period, led by an external assessor. The draft report has identified no significant issues with the content of procedure, but does recommend a range of H&S competence training across the business, with emphasis on understanding personal responsibility. This training will be progressed in Q1 2018 along with an externally chaired HAZID to review the operation and safety of existing James Young operations.


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Project Title Traceability of the National Flow Measurement Standards NEL Project FMTR01-09

Project Manager Phil Mark Start Date Oct-17

BEIS Reference F/2014/05 End Date Mar-18

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Instrument calibrations and management Oct-17 Mar-18 2 Facility Quality Assurance Oct-17 Mar-18 3 Inter-comparisons Oct-17 Mar-18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)

The amber status for Ref 1 above relates to performance issues with the 6-inch ultrasonic gas reference meter used in the gas meter calibration facility. An extended exercise was undertaken during the period to investigate an apparent shift in the performance of this meter. It is calibrated annually using a reference meter package rented from Pigsar in Germany who have traceability to PTB. The same package is used annually, but this year the calibration coefficients exhibited a 0.6% shift from the previous year. Using the latest coefficients, our reference meter shows a shift greater than 1% from the previous calibration. Using last year’s calibration coefficients, the shift is circa 0.6%. Our uncertainty budget permits an annual drift of 0.1% to maintain an overall system measurement uncertainty of 0.3%. Further details are provided in the “Key Learning” section of this report.

Significant Achievements in the Quarter

UKAS carried out a re-assessment audit of our ISO 17025 calibration and testing accreditation at the end of October, which was successfully completed. The audit, undertaken by five auditors over a three-day period, covered all elements of our Schedule of Accreditation, but with particular emphasis on several key areas including all of our uncertainty budgets, the performance of the Elevated Pressure and Temperature (EPAT) rig at the extremes of its capability and our gravimetric calibration process since this represents our primary flow measurement reference. During the close-out meeting, UKAS confirmed their confidence in the capabilities of our people and equipment to deliver the correct results. During the period, the re-calibration of the compact piston prover which provides the volumetric reference for the EPAT rig was successfully performed by SGS Aberdeen. The calibration is performed using the water-draw method; SGS are an accredited provider of these services and have been used previously to undertake this work. The prover exhibited a 0.016% shift from the previous calibration which is within the acceptance limits of 0.02% required to maintain the overall system measurement uncertainty of 0.08%.

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Project Highlights

The performance of the EPAT rig during the UKAS audit is worthy of note. Whilst the rig can operate at pressures up to circa 90 barg and 80°C, it’s typical operating range is up to 50 barg and 65°C. UKAS specifically requested that they witness the rig’s performance at the extremes of its capability for them to confirm the range as set out in our Schedule of Accreditation. Calibrations were demonstrated at a pressure of 93 barg and a temperature of 80°C, as stated in our Schedule. The UKAS auditor commented on the excellent controllability and stability of the rig at these extreme conditions. Given the technical and operational challenges experienced since its initial commissioning this feedback was very well received. The rig continues to operate correctly and is seeing an increasing demand from operators and meter manufacturers from the UK and further afield.

Key Learning

The problems encountered during the period regarding the re-calibration of our reference gas meter have provided several key learning points. Our reliance on a particular third-party reference package for traceability has proved problematic, and not just on this occasion. For the previous calibration it took several weeks for Pigsar to provide valid calibration coefficients. On this occasion, we have been provided with the same reference package whose coefficients have shifted by circa 0.6% from the previous set of coefficients without explanation. The fact that we have had problems on two successive occasions with the same service provider suggests an issue with this provider. Alternative solutions are currently being sought. The most important key learning is to question any findings made during the re-calibration process and not accept results when larger than anticipated differences occur. Because the historical performance of all measurement devices used in the calibration process are monitored, we can identify when changes out with the norm occur. In this specific example, if we take the reference package as “correct” then there is a shift of more than 1% in the performance of our 6-inch gas reference meter over a twelve-month period. This is an order of magnitude greater than our acceptance limits. The net result of this apparent shift is the initiation of a series of internal validation checks using flow meters of different technologies, but known performance. At the time of writing, the findings strongly suggest an issue with the third-party reference package. Had the validation process not been initiated the result would have been the introduction of a 1% bias error in all subsequent gas meter calibrations.


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Project Title Data Management System Design Testing NEL Project FMDE01

Project Manager Graeme Ryan Start Date Oct-17

BEIS Reference TBC End Date Mar-18

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Review legacy code Oct-17 Nov-17 2 Calculation verification Oct-17 Dec -17 3 Acquisition Manager – object modelling Oct-17 Dec -17 4 Implementation and testing I/O communications Oct-17 Dec-17

5 Desktop use interface beta testing & facility based trials

Oct-17 Mar-18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)


Significant Achievements in the Quarter

The review of all legacy code from the current data acquisition and data management system is now complete. This includes instrument communication and logging, through to test control and reporting. In addition to ensuring that all existing functional requirements have been captured, the exercise has provided an opportunity to review code performance and explore alternative techniques to improve efficiency/flexibility while still retaining consistency with existing systems where required. Most calculations required across all the test and calibration facilities have now been implemented and gone through a stage of validation against a range of previous test data, with a large set of facility set-ups and test meter types being checked. Outstanding facility calculations to be verified are those for the water facility, however this work is ongoing and expected to be completed on schedule. Work on the data acquisition object model is on schedule with 3 of the 4 main instrument communication technologies now implemented. The area of the object model relating to acquisition from National Instruments based hardware is outstanding however is expected to be completed on time. The implementation and testing of the I/O code has progressed in parallel with the data acquisition object model design. The next stage will be facility based testing. Significant progress has been made on the design and implementation of all areas of the desktop user interface, including test creation, measurement setup, test point collection, charting and reporting. All key elements of the user interface are now being amalgamated and finalised in preparation for facility based trials.

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Project Highlights

Significant effort has been applied to the data acquisition management object model, and this has proven to be worthwhile. By implementing new synchronous and asynchronous scheduling, querying of the instrumentation will leverage significant speed and performance improvements, even from some of our legacy multiplexed hardware. At the core of the calculations engine is a new ‘consultant’ designed to perform the calculations required for a calibration. The consultant looks at a number of test parameters including facility type, instrument type and set-up and then performs a range of possible calculations. The consultant has been expanded beyond the calculation capabilities of the existing software, with features such as comparisons to ISO standards being added. This will make it simpler for test engineers to assess data.

Key Learning

Modern development platforms such as Windows Presentation Framework and coding patterns such as MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) have been used to produce the desktop user interface. This has been a steep learning curve and a greater challenge than originally anticipated, however this has resulted in the delivery of modular, flexible and easily expandable user interface which can be reused and supported by a multi member project team. The review of the legacy code, particularly the data acquisition core, has resulted in more efficient and higher speed logging software by taking advantage of object orientation and multi-threading techniques.


BEIS Quarterly Report – Q3 Page 22 of 36 January 2018

Project Title Replacement of the heating systems used for thermal conditioning of fluids

NEL Project FMDE02

Project Manager Muir Porter Start Date Oct-17

BEIS Reference F/2017/2020 End Date Mar-18

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Production of a specification document describing the design of the upgraded thermal heating and control system.

Oct-17 Nov-17

2 Completion of the system procurement activities. Oct-17 Mar -18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)


Significant Achievements in the Quarter

Over the last quarter, the design and specification document for all the heating systems has been completed, and the procurement commitment made to three of the five units. The first stage in this work was to determine the operating ranges and process conditions, and create the process data sheet for tender. Once a range of suitable technologies was received, and the proposed plant layout and pipework modifications drafted, a process design review was held to make selection. This was followed by a structured hazard and operability review (HAZOP). The requirement is to upgrade the existing system to provide two distinct improvements: (a) the ability to heat fluids more rapidly in each facility, measured in hours rather than days; and (b) to eliminate the demand-led variability in heat input to any given facility. The intention is to move away from reliance on a single bulk heating system, and to introduce tailored electrical heating systems into the facilities most in need of improvement. The existing ring-main system will be retained as a back-up option.

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Project Highlights

As the water storage is a total capacity in excess of 60,000 litres split over two connected buffer tanks, the energy required to raise the test temperature by 20°C is significant and lengthy using only external water-heated loops and indirect heating from process pumps. An electrical heating unit has been installed in the water flow loop thermal conditioning circuit to trial the operation. This is a 65 kW rated element within a pipe spool, with on/off control, and installed in series with, and to supplement, the current heat exchanger. A number of trials will be carried out to quantify the improvement. The design exercise has resulted in the specification of five separate heating duties across the facilities, ranging from 65 kW to 285 kW. A separate project has been identified to accommodate the increased electrical distribution, although the actual electrical consumption is likely to be less due to improved efficiencies. Four of the planned heating units (including the pilot) are targeted to raise the bulk capacity quickly to test temperature, and are therefore designed to be installed within the existing conditioning circuits. The remaining two units are proposed to be installed directly within the test loop to aid with quickly heating the fluid and pipe system steelwork to stable temperature. This design is currently under review.

Key Learning

Across the James Young facility, there are seven flow measurement loops alone, all which share a common heating and cooling supply. Without process information, the performance, re-design and fault-finding of any facility and sub-systems is difficult to understand. The recently completed project to upgrade the cooling facilities included the installation of isolation and control valves plus instrumentation and PLC coding which enables the overall system analysis, as well as sub-components to be understood. The installation stage of this project will take into account the scope requirement for temperature and flow measurements at heat exchangers as well as current draw and power usage.


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Project Title Improvement of the Drainage and Transfer Systems used by the Existing Flow Facilities

NEL Project FMDE03

Project Manager Bob Belshaw Start Date Oct-17

BEIS Reference TBC End Date Mar-18

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Completion of the design of the fluid handling system. Oct-17 Nov-17 2 Completion of the system procurement activities. Oct-17 Dec-17

3 Implementation of the design within the facilities and completion of associated work instructions, documentation and P&IDs

Jan-18 Feb-18

4 Commissioning of the system Feb-18 Mar-18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)

Not all procurement is complete under Work Package 2. The final pipework modification contract will be placed in January 2018, with project completion to plan. Work packages 3 and 4 progressing to plan.

Significant Achievements in the Quarter

The definition stage is complete, and involved a pre-design stage to create isometric drawings of the oil piping system, and a review of operating procedures. The work over the last quarter has provided a detailed specification of pipework and plant modifications to enable a complete drain down of test fluid, and a safe and efficient transfer for bulk movements of oil. Instrumentation has also been specified to assist with inventory management. The system also makes provision for dynamic checks of test fluid viscosity and provides a blending procedure should any residual contamination alter values beyond a set threshold. A revised management procedure of test fluid transfer and liquid waste disposal has now been implemented alongside an electronic inventory record providing storage volumes and fluid properties. The purchase of longer delivery process plant and instrumentation is complete. In addition to instrumentation and pipework modification this includes a pump and measurement skid to automate the bi-directional transfer of fluids between the existing storage tank manifold, basement storage tanks and external storage and disposal.

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Project Highlights

The main contribution to contamination of test fluid within the oil flow facilities is the volumes trapped within pipework ‘dead-legs’ and plant that cannot be removed by gravity drain alone. Over time this volume creates a significant shift in fluid properties. These traps were identified and pipework modifications specified to re-route or to provide branches and bosses for scavenge. The operating procedure was reviewed and several transfers observed. From this, the design was developed to minimise the use of temporary connections, flexible hoses and to improve the storage volume measurements. A skid- mounted gear pump combined with a Coriolis meter and control panel has been designed and specified for manufacture. This will allow a bi-directional transfer of fluids between selected storage vessels using fixed pipe systems. Instrumentation has been specified to allow a complete inventory check of all storage vessel volumes and viscosity, also providing automated transfer of bulk fluids with live mass flow and viscosity monitoring.

Key Learning

Once the process of oil changeover was reviewed it was evident how easily contamination can occur, and how slight changes in fluid properties may not be noticed as they happen, but represents significant drift over time. The installation of accurate tank level gauges, flow, temperature and viscosity measurement is not costly but will provide much better inventory control. A further piece of learning from the observation stage is the impact of schedule pressures to minimise fluid changeover times at the expense of care. This will be addressed with the combination of work instruction review, plant and pipework improvements and measurement. Where possible, order schedule management will aim to batch tests using the same fluids to minimise the number of fluid transfers.


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Project Title Reinstatement of the Primary Densitometer Facility including upgraded data acquisition and control

NEL Project FMDE04

Project Manager John Morgan Start Date Nov-17

BEIS Reference TBC End Date May-18

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Review the existing instrumentation and control systems

Nov-17 Dec-17

2 Procure and implement the pressure control and measurement system

Dec-17 Mar-18

3 Procure and implement the temperature control and measurement system

Dec-17 Mar-18

4 Refurbish the weighing system Dec-17 Mar-18 5 Implement the data acquisition system Jan-18 Mar-18

6 Re-commission the complete Primary Standard system

Apr-18 May-18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)


Significant Achievements in the Quarter

The review of the existing instrumentation and control systems has been completed. The specifications for the new pressure control and measurement system have been reviewed and agreed. Four suppliers have been contacted; one quote has been received so far. The specifications for the new temperature control and measurement system have been reviewed and agreed. For compatibility with the existing Densitometer Calibration Facility, it has been decided to use the same temperature pressure controller and an order has been placed for this unit.

The weighing system, the heart of the Primary Densitometer Facility, has been successfully powered up and its basic functionality confirmed. As this unit had not been powered up for a number of years, there had been a concern about possible performance degradation or even complete failure. As the unit has now completed its basic checks, complete refurbishment will now proceed, in Q1 of 2018.

A significant amount of redundant instrumentation and associated cabling has been removed, to make space for the new temperature and pressure control and measurement systems.

The existing fluid handling system has been reviewed and a number of alternative designs developed. Two have been selected for further review, with a view to implementing a system that simplifies operation and provides increased flexibility.

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Project Highlights

Following a visit to NEL by H&D Fitzgerald Ltd, agreement was reached to develop an inter-comparison exercise for density measurement at elevated pressure. They are developing a system capable of operating at up to 100 bar (the NEL system can operate up to 300 bar), based on a different measurement technique (pressure pyknometry, rather than NEL’s hydrostatic weighing system), thus eliminating common mode errors. Although the H&D Fitzgerald system will only cover part of the range of the NEL system, the inter-comparison exercise will form a key part of confirming that the reinstated NEL Primary Densitometer Facility can achieve its target uncertainty, providing additional traceable data and confidence in NEL’s density measurement capability. This will ensure that the facility is fully capable of supporting the requirements of the other facilities at NEL that will depend on it.

Key Learning

Although four suppliers have been contacted for the pressure control and measurement system, further investigation revealed that three are part of the same group, supplying differently-badged versions of the same equipment. This highlights the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient number of independent quotes for high-value items.

Lack of access to a key internal resource (data acquisition system support staff), no progress has been made so far on testing those items of the existing instrumentation which have been identified for re-use. Providing this issue can be resolved at the start of Q1 2018, progress will not be affected.


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Project Title Accelerating the safe and responsible development of UK shale gas & oil – review of flow issues

NEL Project FMRE01

Project Manager David Crawford Start Date Oct-17

BEIS Reference TBC End Date Mar-18

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Review & summarise NEL knowledge & previous work

Oct-17 Nov-17 completed

2 Public domain web search & literature review Nov-17 Nov-17 3 External consultation plan (targets, methods) Dec-17 Dec-17 4 Consultation phase Jan-18 Jan-18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)

1. WP1 : Completed ~ 3 weeks behind schedule. 2. WP2 : On-schedule 3. WP3 : Started ~ 1 month ahead of schedule 4. WP4 : Started ~ 2 months ahead of schedule (1-off opportunity at NSFMW, Oct 2017)

Significant Achievements in the Quarter

From public domain review - pen picture is emerging of the shape of shale gas E&P both in UK & world-wide. No commercial production in UK yet but licences have been issued for field exploration & feasibility studies. As expected, the U.S. experience is providing various examples of what can potentially go wrong. Less expected, it transpires that Canada is well ahead of the U.S. curve as regards regulation of shale gas production, though production levels are somewhat lower. Production is essentially multiphase in all or most cases with test separators being deployed extensively in the absence of a clear lower-cost alternative. Multiphase metering performance is not so well established for shale characteristics as for subsea production. Ten targets have been identified for follow-up discussions, 50/50 UK/Overseas, which have just been initiated.

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Project Highlights

Various contacts made and discussions held at NSFMW, most significant of which was with UK Oil & Gas regulator (OGA) – which has a responsibility for shale gas measurement regulation but has not started to develop this area yet as no wells are in production. OGA was very interested to hear of NEL review and awaits completion of the work and its recommendations with great interest.

Key Learning

Organisational learning is progressing well – technical team of two people, one of whom has previous experience in shale gas (produced water perspective), the other of whom is new to shale gas but brings key experience in meter selection and networking from other sectors. This combination of different measurement expertise has positioned NEL well to deliver the requirements of the Project.


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Project Title Flow Metrology Knowledge Transfer NEL Project FMKT51

Project Manager John Morgan Start Date Oct-16

BEIS Reference F/2014/01 End Date Mar-18

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Dissemination of research through existing web & e-zine channels

Oct–16 Mar–18

2 Dissemination of research through existing channels such as the Oil & Gas Focus Group, plus the development of new locations

Oct–16 Mar–18

3 Deliver ‘lunch and learn’ dissemination activities to industry

Oct–16 Mar–18

4 Disseminate the importance of good measurement to academia via guest lectures

Oct–16 Mar–18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)

Deliver ‘lunch and learn’ dissemination activities to industry - this element has suffered from the recent downturn in the Oil & Gas sector, resulting in a lower engagement with industry through the lunch and learn mechanism. However, this has been offset by the increase in the number of webinars delivered as it is more economical for staff to dial in to a short desk-based webinar than have time to attend a lunch and learn.

Significant Achievements in the Quarter

9 articles and press releases have been published throughout the quarter, including news releases on the Wet Gas test facility upgrade - these have been featured in publications such as World Pipelines, Scandinavian Oil & Gas Journal, Process & Control, Offshore Engineer, Hydrocarbon Engineering, and Flow Control. Another 3 webinars have been delivered during the quarter to 94 participants, with topics relating to density measurement, flow meter selection and measurement uncertainty. These events continue to be well received by both national and international audiences with delegates attending from as far afield as Canada, Brazil, Qatar, Nigeria, Angola, and UK. The programme of “-e-newsletters” continues with weekly newsletters. Many enquiries have been received about our multiphase research projects and test work in the multiphase facility as a direct result of these ezines. NEL participated in trade missions to both LAGCOE Oil & Gas Exposition in Louisiana in October, and Adipec in Abu Dhabi in November. This provided networking opportunities to reach a diverse range of international oil and gas professionals and resulted in the identification of several research projects and joint ventures. For example, we are now following up a function-testing project for new valve technology.

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Another success in the Quarter was a technology demonstration event organised by NEL, supported by the Oil and Gas Technology Centre (OGTC), and attracting 35 participants. The event gave potential business partners the chance to see an innovative new calibration system, developed by NEL, to help support the measurement of heavy oil. NEL undertook 2 Guest Lectures in the period: Glasgow University who visited NEL in October with 8 delegates – The Importance of Measurement; Liverpool University in November with 78 delegates - The Importance of Measurement; NEL presented 3 papers at the North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop in Norway. The main focus of this event was the practical application of flow measurement technology. The event attracted over 230 delegates from all around the world. NEL participants included leading experts Bruno Pinguet, who gave a lecture on the use of multiphase flow meters, Emmelyn Graham, who discussed installation effects on venturi tubes in wet-gas flow conditions and Asaad Kenbar who presented on behalf of Craig Marshall, a paper on "A differential pressure meter for low Reynolds number applications”, which presented research into a new calibration system to support measurement accuracy. NEL also presented at the recent Kuwait Flow Measurement Technology Conference. Dr Bruno Pinguet delivered a paper on "The Importance of Calibrating at Service Conditions - Temperature, Pressure, Viscosity and Reynolds Number Effect". The paper showed the influence of temperature and pressure on Coriolis meter performance and highlighted the importance of calibration at field conditions which is now possible with our new EPAT facility. Bruno used oil production in Kuwait as an example to show the financial impact of not calibrating at field conditions. The work will address the minimum requirement of OGA regulations and ISO10790. Dr Asaad Kenbar presented on Metrology for LNG and our contribution to the development of measurement traceability for LNG and long -term vision to achieve this traceability for LNG custody transfer applications. The project will also develop new international standard for LNG dynamic flow measurements under ISO TC28/WG20. A paper was also delivered on Improving Flow Measurement in Heavy Oils with a Multi-Parameter System, relating to a system developed by NEL for heavy oil applications and currently under consideration for a patent and will result in important updates to ISO 5167 and ISO15377. NEL exhibited at Offshore Europe, in Aberdeen. Our participation at the exhibition provided an effective opportunity to meet customers, make new contacts, and discuss new opportunities. NEL made 88 brand new contacts and received almost two dozen leads which have been followed up. NEL’s news about the new Multiphase Centre of Excellence was featured in Offshore Europe’s daily exhibition newsletter, issued to all delegates. One of the most respected journalists in Aberdeen (from Energy Voice publication) identified our announcement on multiphase centre as one of 3 subsea initiatives which he highlighted as being positive news coming from the Offshore Europe exhibition.

Project Highlights

NEL’s latest press cuttings report for 2017 (Jan to end of Sep) shows that we have potentially reached out to an audience of 3.5 million readers. Compared to the figures from this time last year, this figure has increased by 1 million. A new collaboration for next year’s annual South East Asia Flow Measurement Conference has been initiated with CEESI and DNV GL. This new partnership will bring a more rounded business perspective to the event, help deliver the strongest possible technical programme and provide access to a global network of flow measurement expertise and research knowledge.


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Key Learning

Given the current lack of organisations wiling to undertake lunch and learns, webinars continue to provide an excellent mechanism to engage with a myriad of interested parties across the globe, allowing content refresh and delegate follow-up very easily. NEL will build in follow on activities into the delivery plan of each webinar to allow delegates to continue to be supported in key technical areas. The Guest Lecture series of events has had limited success with varying levels of engagement from students at Universities – some audiences were genuinely interested while others were completely dis-interested. This is an area where we might look to capture some of the lecture content in digital format to give to students/ lecturers, allowing those who are genuinely interested to listen and follow-up with any supplementary requests for information / questions. The Oil and Gas Focus Group meetings continue to be a great success and we should look to replicate the model in other industry sectors.

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Project Title Dissemination of Flow Metrology Projects into Documentary Standards

NEL Project FMKT57

Project Manager Michael Reader-Harris Start Date Oct-16

BEIS Reference F/2014/02 End Date Mar-18

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Leadership in flow standards. Oct-16 Mar-18

2 Production of new standards and revision of current standards.

Oct-16 Mar-18

3 Leadership in European and world metrology. Oct-16 Mar-18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)


Significant Achievements in the Quarter

The (NEL) Chairman of BSI CPI 30/2 (differential pressure meters) attended BSI CPI 30 (flow measurement) and presented his annual report on progress:

• ISO/CD 5167-6 (wedge meters) was balloted, and British comments were sent following a meeting of CPI 30/2. There was a meeting of ISO/TC 30/SC 2/WG 17 in June in Shanghai (this is a British-led project: the UK provides the Convenor and 3 other WG members). ISO 5167-6 is now out for DIS ballot (see below).

• ISO/DTR 15377 (orifice plates with drain holes, etc.) was balloted, and British comments were sent following CPI 30/2. There was a meeting of ISO/TC 30/SC 2/WG 11 in Shanghai (the UK provides the (NEL) Convenor and 2 other WG members). ISO/TR 15377 is now at proof stage (see below).

• ISO/DTR 3313 (pulsating flow) was balloted, and British comments were sent following CPI 30/2. Comments were considered at ISO/TC 30/SC 2 and a final text sent to ISO by the (NEL) Chairman (this TR was withdrawn by ISO, but the NEL revisions will prevent valuable technical work of 25 years ago being lost). The (NEL) Chairman of CPI 30/2 also reported that CPI 30/2 has, following ISO/TC 30/SC 2 in Shanghai, a clear agreed plan for new activities:

• ISO 5167-3 will be revised under Japanese leadership to include throat-tapped nozzles; • Japan will submit a proposal to revise ISO 9300 (sonic nozzles); • ISO 5167 should be revised: this will probably start in 2019.

The (NEL) Chairman of BSI CPI 30/5 chaired a meeting of CPI 30/5: he sought input from industry on the needs for standards, especially on diagnostics/condition-based monitoring. The (NEL) Chairman of the EURAMET TC Flow Strategy Group had a brainstorming session on how to structure the TC Flow Meeting: an improved structure will increase collaboration and lead to more and stronger future EMPIR proposals.


BEIS Quarterly Report – Q3 Page 33 of 36 January 2018

Project Title Dissemination of Flow Metrology Projects into Documentary Standards

NEL Project FMKT57

Project Manager Michael Reader-Harris Start Date Oct-16

BEIS Reference F/2014/02 End Date Mar-18

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Leadership in flow standards. Oct-16 Mar-18

2 Production of new standards and revision of current standards.

Oct-16 Mar-18

3 Leadership in European and world metrology. Oct-16 Mar-18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)


Significant Achievements in the Quarter

The (NEL) Chairman of BSI CPI 30/2 (differential pressure meters) attended BSI CPI 30 (flow measurement) and presented his annual report on progress:

• ISO/CD 5167-6 (wedge meters) was balloted, and British comments were sent following a meeting of CPI 30/2. There was a meeting of ISO/TC 30/SC 2/WG 17 in June in Shanghai (this is a British-led project: the UK provides the Convenor and 3 other WG members). ISO 5167-6 is now out for DIS ballot (see below).

• ISO/DTR 15377 (orifice plates with drain holes, etc.) was balloted, and British comments were sent following CPI 30/2. There was a meeting of ISO/TC 30/SC 2/WG 11 in Shanghai (the UK provides the (NEL) Convenor and 2 other WG members). ISO/TR 15377 is now at proof stage (see below).

• ISO/DTR 3313 (pulsating flow) was balloted, and British comments were sent following CPI 30/2. Comments were considered at ISO/TC 30/SC 2 and a final text sent to ISO by the (NEL) Chairman (this TR was withdrawn by ISO, but the NEL revisions will prevent valuable technical work of 25 years ago being lost). The (NEL) Chairman of CPI 30/2 also reported that CPI 30/2 has, following ISO/TC 30/SC 2 in Shanghai, a clear agreed plan for new activities:

• ISO 5167-3 will be revised under Japanese leadership to include throat-tapped nozzles; • Japan will submit a proposal to revise ISO 9300 (sonic nozzles); • ISO 5167 should be revised: this will probably start in 2019.

The (NEL) Chairman of BSI CPI 30/5 chaired a meeting of CPI 30/5: he sought input from industry on the needs for standards, especially on diagnostics/condition-based monitoring. The (NEL) Chairman of the EURAMET TC Flow Strategy Group had a brainstorming session on how to structure the TC Flow Meeting: an improved structure will increase collaboration and lead to more and stronger future EMPIR proposals.

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Project Highlights

ISO sent the Proof of ISO/TR 15377 (orifice plates with drain holes etc.), incorporating final revisions agreed at ISO/TC 30/SC 2/WG 11 in Shanghai, to the (NEL) Working Group Convenor. He checked and returned it and it will be published very soon. This brings the results of NEL Flow Programme work on orifice plates with drain holes into standards. An NEL representative read ISO/DIS 5167-6 (wedge meters) and sent comments to BSI CPI 30/2 for transmission to ISO. The document is in excellent shape with very few more changes required. This is a project that the UK proposed and leads. The (NEL) Project Leader of the project group developing ISO/TR 21354 Multiphase Flow Measurement sent out all the comments on the second draft in one file, together, in most cases, with a draft response he had written. He convened a project meeting in Oslo and completed the responses to the comments. After the meeting, he sent out the responses and a third draft. The final project group meeting will be in April, with publication planned for December 2018. The Project Leader reported on the progress of the project at EI HMC (Energy Institute Hydrocarbon Management Committee) in London. An ISO Multiphase standard is an important British objective: data from the new NEL facilities will be very significant in later revisions. The (NEL) Chairman of the EURAMET TC Flow Strategy Group reviewed TC Flow’s strategy to encourage greater engagement of NMIs and DIs in forming European Metrology Networks, which should produce EMPIR proposals.

Key Learning

Many people both in the UK and abroad are unable or unwilling, in a time of austerity, to take an active part in standards work. Most of the members of the project group developing ISO/TR 21354 Multiphase Flow Measurement had not even read the recommendations that the (NEL) Project Leader had made regarding each comment. This slowed down the project meeting which he convened in October. Lack of participation increases the workload on the Project Leader; nevertheless, a small number of comments from outside the UK enables the UK to have strong influence on a document.

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Project Title National Gear Metrology Laboratory, Design Unit, Newcastle- core funding and gear research

NEL Project FMMN51

Project Manager Rob Frazer Start Date Oct-17

BEIS Reference EF/2013/14 End Date Mar-18

Milestone Summary

Ref Milestone Description Start Finish Status

1 Core funding project to maintain and develop services.

Oct-17 Mar-18

2 Support ISO TC60 WG2 and BSI for gear measurement.

Oct-17 Mar-18

3 Develop new KT material and deliver a UKAS U95 course

Oct-17 Mar-18

4 Investigation and improvement of large gear measurement capability at NGML.

Oct-17 Mar-18


Develop a Gear Measuring Machine (GMM) probe dynamic performance evaluation strategy and report on the P65 performance at NGML.

Oct-17 Mar-18

Explanatory Notes for RAG Status Report (by exception only)


Significant Achievements in the Quarter

A code of practice document for gear form measurement ISO TR 10064-1:2017 has been published. It includes material supplied by NGML. It will be used as a basis for the gear measurement course under revision by NGML for training UK gear makers and users. Gear measurement Special Interest Group (SIG) with the British Gear Association (BGA). A gear round robin benchmarking project continues with Nikon optical measurement system in Germany being assessed for a UK gear maker and user. This round robin will continue and additional artefacts will be proposed for 2018. This will contribute to knowledge of GMM operational measurement capability. High levels of commercial work which included supporting automotive drive train, automotive electric steering, aerospace drive trains, and large sugar processing machinery. UKAS ISO 17025 surveillance visit was successfully survived during November. NGML published papers on 3D gear surface generation by form removal and interpolation and novel involute roughness measurement evaluation, delivered 2 poster presentations at CIM with supporting journal publications and delivered 2 measurement based presentations at British Gear Association GEARS 2017 event at the AFRC, Strathclyde.


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Project Highlights

Material for the revised gear measurement course is being prepared in accordance with a project plan. Material on standards and measurement strategies was used on a course for a customer during November and only minor revisions are needed. The challenge is to try and make this more interactive and fun. UKAS plan to send 5 delegates on the measurement uncertainty course. 1 or 2 delegates from each UKAS lab will participate plus staff from NGML - approximately 15 delegates in total will participate. Material is currently being prepared for this and EMRP project ENG56 work will contribute to this project. A large 430mm face master gear has been sent from PTB for NGML to investigate the excessive differences with the helix errors measured on 2 of the 3 gear geometries. Profile deviations are acceptable. Initial repeat measurement tests have been started to initiate the investigation process. Two external gear artefacts have been selected for the probe system tests. One of these is a product gear with some form deviations which should be a good test of the probe dynamic performance. There are few internal gear artefacts available in the UK but a spur gear is available in the NGML.

Key Learning

NGML are changing the management system to improve the effectiveness of its operation following the UKAS ISO 17025 surveillance visit. NGML measurement and KT workload continues at unprecedented levels and better management is required. Stephen Wilson will become head of the technical operation of the laboratory and Rob Frazer will become head of the quality operation. The skills shortage within UK industry is becoming more obvious as more companies are requesting bespoke training courses to address this. The timely revision of the gear measurement training course will help to address this.

37Quarter 3 Report 2017 | Oct 2017 – Dec 2017

For further information on the work contained in this report, please contact:

Brian MillingtonNEL East KilbrideGLASGOWG75 0QF

Email: [email protected]: +44 (0) +44 1355 593812


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