Flavours of Istria

okusi Istre ... flavours of Istria


Broschure Flavours of Istria

Transcript of Flavours of Istria

okusi Istre ... flavours of Istria

Dragi putnici!

Našom novom uslugom Okusi

Hrvatske... želimo vam pružiti

jedinstven enogastronomski

doživljaj na našim letovima.

Pridružite nam se na paralelnom

putovanju hrvatskim krajevima i

prepustite se okusima čarobne


Upoznajte Istru

Istra je poluotok sjevernog Ja-

drana, okružen kristalnoplavim

Jadranskim morem. Čudesno

je lijepa... Zbog blage klime od

proljeća do jeseni, prirodnoga

obalnog pojasa i izvrsne eno-

gastronomije, Istra postaje sve


Već desetljećima poznato je tu-

rističko odredište, najposjećenije

ljeti, s pitomom obalom, ugod-

nom klimom i bistrim morem.

Istru sve više turista otkriva i kao

Dear passengers!

With our new service Flavours

of Croatia we want to offer you

a unique enogastronomic expe-

rience during our flights. Join us

in our parallel journey through

the regions of Croatia and enjoy

the flavours of magical Istria...

Meet Istria

Istria is a peninsula in the nor-

thern Adriatic, surrounded by

the crystal-blue Adriatic Sea.

It is amazingly beautiful...

Due to the mild climate

from spring to autumn, the

natural coastline and the fine

enogastronomy, Istria has

increasingly become more

popular. Most visited during

the summer, it has been a

well known tourist destination

for decades, with its gentle

destinaciju s vrhunskim hoteli-

ma, restoranima, konobama i

agroturizmima u unutrašnjosti.

Vrijedi posjetiti gradove poput

Pule, koja je gospodarsko sre-

dište poznato po brodogradnji

i antičkim spomenicima poput

Arene i Augustova hrama.

Tu je i Poreč, koji je zbog izvan-

rednoga geografskog položaja

te prirodnih i kulturnih ljepota

jedno od najpoznatijih turističkih

odredišta u Hrvatskoj. Poznat je

i po bizantskom naslijeđu - Eu-

frazijevoj bazilici s biskupijom iz

6. stoljeća. Rovinj je biser

istarskog poluotoka, a leži na

zapadnoj obali Istre.

U rovinjskom arhipelagu nalaze

se otočići od kojih izdvajamo Sv.

Andriju i Sv. Katarinu kao najve-

će i najljepše. Posjetite i Hum u

središnjoj Istri jer to je najmanji

grad na svijetu…

Šarmantni spoj bogate baštine i

prirode jedinstven je, a

coastline, pleasant climate and

clear sea.

More and more tourists have

discovered Istria as a desti-

nation with top quality hotels,

restaurants, wine cellars, and

agro-tourism in the hinterland.

It is worth visiting towns like

Pula, the economic centre well

known for its shipyards and an-

tique monuments, such as the

Arena and Augustus Temple.

There is also the town of

Poreč, which, due to its excep-

tional geographic position and

natural and cultural beauties,

is one of the most renowned

tourist destinations in Croatia.

It is also known for its Byzan-

tine heritage - the Euphrasian

Basilica with a diocese from

the 6th century.

Rovinj is the pearl of the Istrian

peninsula, and is located on its

western coast. The Rovinj

archipelago comprises many

islets, of which we would like to

single out St. Andrija and St.

Katarina, as the largest and

most beautiful islands. When in

Istria, you should also visit the

town of Hum in the hinterland,

the smallest town in the world …

The charming combination

of rich heritage and nature is

unique, and the fascinating

historical heritage can be felt

fascinantno povijesno naslijeđe

osjeća se u mnogim mjestima.

Brežuljkasta unutrašnjost sa

srednjovjekovnim mjestašcima,

vinskim cestama, nasadima

maslina i šumama koje su

staništa dragocjenih tartufa,

postaje sve poznatija i upravo je

stoga Istra prozvana Toskanom


Enogastronomsko putovanje

Istra je zemlja bijelog tartufa i

malvazije, najcjenjenijih namir-

nica suvremene gastronomije i

jedna od najuzbudljivijih vinskih

regija nove Europe.

Povijest nije uvijek bila naklona

Istri kao što je danas. Ali, baš

zbog te burne i teške povijesti,

rodila se današnja jedinstvena

i enogastronomski specifična

Istra. Gastronomija današnje

Istre temelji se na tri osnovna

in many places. The hilly hin-

terland with medieval villages,

wine roads, olive trees and

forests, which are the habitat

of the precious truffles, has

become increasingly more

popular and the reason why

Istria is called the Tuscany of

the Future.

Enogastronomy journeys

Istria is the land of white truffles

and Malvasia. It is the land of

the most valued food in ga-

stronomy and the land of new

Europe’s most exciting wine


History was not always as kind

to Istria as it is today. However,

it is thanks to this turbulent and

difficult history that the Istria of

today, unique and specific in

oenological and gastronomic




stupa koji ne vuku korijene iz ga-

stronomije, nego iz povijesti. To

su multikulturalnost, siromaštvo

puka i jedinstveni geoklimatski


Istra je multikulturalna i multinaci-

onalna regija čija je sadašnjost

sazdana od mnogih komadića

što su ga sa sobom donosili

doseljenici ili ostavljali osvajači

stoljećima unatrag kroz burnu

povijest. Uz dvije glavne etničke

skupine, Hrvate i Talijane, čija

tradicija formira okosnicu današ-

nje gastronomije, svaka je od

spomenutih kultura donijela sa

sobom ili ostavila iza sebe svoj

doprinos današnjemu gastro-

nomskom bogatstvu Istre.

Bilo da je riječ o plavoj (pri-

morskoj) Istri, u čijoj kuhinji

prevladavaju jela od riba,

školjaka i mekušaca, ili o zelenoj

(unutrašnjosti), gdje prevlada-

vaju maneštre, šparoge, fažol,

kupus, fuži i njoki, suvremena se

terms, was born. Today’s Istrian

gastronomy is based on three

fundamental pillars which are

not rooted in gastronomy but in

history: multiculturalism, poverty

of the local population, and a

unique geo-climatic location.

Istria is a multicultural and multi-

national region, whose current

essence has been built out of

the many pieces brought by

immigrants or left by invaders

throughout its turbulent, centu-

ries-long history.

Along with the two principal

ethnic groups, Croats and

Italians, whose traditions form

the axis of today’s gastronomy,

each of the above cultures bro-

ught or left behind contributions

to Istria’s current gastronomic


Whether we are talking about

Blue Istria (the maritime part),

whose cuisine is dominated by

dishes made of fish, shellfish

Povrh Limskog kanala u Istri, u mjestu Krunčići, neposred-no uz istarski Ipsilon, nalazi se vinski podrum Matošević, privlačno mjesto za uživanje u dobrom vinu. Posjeta po-

drumu jedinstven je doživljaj - vedri i stručni domaćini uvest će Vas u zanimljiv svijet najznačajnijeg istarskog brenda

- istarske malvazije. Dobrodošli!

On top of the Lim channel in Istria, in a little place called Krunčići, close to the Istrian Y, you can find a wine cellar

Matošević, an attractive place to enjoy good wine. Visit to the cellar is a unique experience - a cheerful and professi-onal hosts will introduce you the interesting world of Istrian

most important brand - Istrian Malvasia.Welcome!

Contact: Krunčići 2, 52448 Sv. Lovreč, Tel.: +385 (0)52 | 44 85 58, [email protected]

istarska kuhinja temelji na nekoć

svakodnevnim sirotinjskim jelima

koja su se spravljala od jeftinih

namirnica koje su se mogle

nabaviti u najbližem okolišu.

Jelovnici kojima su se hranili

plemići i patriciji, temeljeni na

velikim količinama mesa i divljači,

očito nisu bili dovoljno uvjerljivi

novim naraštajima. Tu pobjedu

gladnih nad sitima i siromašnih

nad bogatima najbolje pokazuje

divlja šparoga. Nekad hrana

očajnika, divlja hrana u prirodi,

danas je ultimativna delicija

istarske kuhinje. U proljeće kad

počne sezona divljih šparoga,

gotovo da nema restorana u

Istri koji tu jedinstvenu biljku ne

preporučuje s ponosom.

Geografski položaj omogućio

je Istri još jednu specifičnost.

Tu se sreće topla mediteranska

s prohladnom kontinentalnom

klimom. Upravo je takva klima

s idealnim omjerom svježine i

and molluscs, or Green Istria

(inland), which favours mane-

štra (stew), asparagus, beans,

cabbage, fuži and gnocchi

pasta, modern Istrian cuisine is

based on food that at one time

was eaten every day by the

poor and was made of cheap

ingredients available in the

immediate environment. Menus

enjoyed by the aristocracy and

patricians, which were based

on large quantities of meat

and game, were obviously

not compelling enough for

the newer generations. This

victory of the hungry over the

full, and the poor over the rich,

is best interpreted by the wild

asparagus. Once the food of

the desperate, picked wild in

nature, today it is the ultimate

delicacy of Istrian cuisine. In

spring, when the wild aspa-

ragus season begins, there is

almost no restaurant in Istria

topline, vlage i sunca, omogućila

život i reprodukciju najvažnijoj

gomoljastoj izraslini na svijetu

- bijelom tartufu (Tuber magna-


Plava i zelena Istra

Stanovnici Istre, ali i oni drugi

koji je vole i posjećuju, dijele je

na plavu i zelenu. To je u prvom

redu geografska podjela između

primorskih naselja što su kroz

povijest uglavnom bila okrenuta

ribarstvu, brodogradnji i trgovini

pod imenom plava Istra i unu-

trašnjosti, uglavnom zemljorad-

ničke i šumarske tradicije, pod

imenom zelena Istra.

Omiljene su ribe plave Istre

brancin, škarpina i list. Prava

je poslastica istarski brodet od

različitih vrsta riba, poput pala-

mide i grdobine. Jedini fjord u

Istri, Limski kanal, važno je uz-

gajalište izvrsnih školjaka poput

dagnji i kamenica, koje možete

which does not proudly recom-

mend this unique plant.

Another of Istria’s specifics

is defined by its geographi-

cal position. Here the warm

Mediterranean meets the cool

continental climate.

It was this climate, with its

ideal balance of coolness and

warmth, humidity and sun,

which enabled the existen-

ce and renewal of the most

important tuberous plant in the

world - the white truffle (Tuber


Blue and Green Istria

Istria’s inhabitants, but also

other people who love and visit

the region, classify it into Blue

and Green. This is primarily

a geographical classification

of the maritime villages which

pursued fishing, ship building

and trade throughout history

under the name of Blue Istria,

Sv. Antona 452 466 Novigrad

CROATIA - ISTRIAPhone: + 385 52 75 85 42


One of the best seafood restaurant in Istria with famous Croatian Chef-


u restoranima tik do uzgajali-

šta pojesti praktično izvađene

izravno iz mora. Buzara od

grancigula ili škampa najcjenje-

nija je, zatim škampi u bijelom

vinu ili s nekom od pasta.

Najbolja jela plave Istre poslu-

žuju se uglavnom u obalnim

mjestima s turističkim sadržaji-

ma, poput Novigrada, Umaga,

Rovinja ili Pule.

Zelenu Istru najbolje reprezenti-

ra agroturizam u unutrašnjosti.

Ondje nalazimo kuhinju koja

traži domaće i svježe namirni-

ce, srdačnoga i jednostavnog

domaćina, pristupačnu cijenu,

te recepte iz kuharica predaka.

Maneštra je istarski izraz za

pomalo uobičajeno varivo

koje ovdje poprima sasvim

drugu dimenziju. Po pravilu

u svaku se maneštru dodaje

takozvani pešt, sitno isjeckani

i pomiješani panceta, češnjak

i peršin, što joj, uz dodatak

and Green Istria, the inland

region with mostly agricultural

and forestry traditions.

Blue Istria’s favourite fishes are

sea bass, grouper and sole,

which are served in almost all

fish restaurants.

A true delicacy is Istrian

brodetto (fish stew), made

of different kinds of fish,

like bonito and frogfish. The

only fjord in Istria, called the

Limski Channel, is an important

breeding ground for excellent

shellfish like mussels and

oysters, which are practically

lifted directly from the sea and

can be enjoyed in the restau-

rants next to the fish farm. The

crustaceans and molluscs are

perhaps the most important

part of Blue Istrian cuisine. Bu-

zara made of European spider

crab or prawns are the most

prized, followed by prawns in a

white wine sauce or with a type

of pasta.

Blue Istria’s best dishes are

served mainly in maritime

tourist-oriented towns like No-

vigrad, Umag, Rovinj and Pula.

Green Istria is best represented

by extensive agro-tourism in

the inland. This cuisine requires

local and fresh ingredients,

a friendly and simple host,

accessible prices and recipes

from ancestors’ cookbooks.

Maneštra is an Istrian name

for a rather common stew

which takes on a whole other

Ipša d.o.o.Ipši 10, 52427 Livade, Croatia

T/F 00 385 (0)52 66 40 10 M 00 385 (0)98 21 95 38E [email protected]

Ipša ekstra djevičanska maslinova ulja

Ipsa extra virgin olive oils

maslinova ulja na kraju, daje

osobit okus. U sezoni tražite

fritaju sa šparogama, neprocje-

njiva je. Fuži su specifična vrsta

rukom rađene tjestenine, što je,

zbog neutralna okusa, izvrsna

podloga za začinjenije umake

i neizbježne tartufe. Tartuf se

služi gotovo sa svakim jelom

u Istri. Tijekom ljeta dostupan

je samo nešto manje cijenjen

ljetni tartuf (Tuber aestivum),

visoko vrijedni crni tartuf (Tuber

melanosporum) poslužuje se

uglavnom zimi, a najvažniji

bijeli tartuf (Tuber magnatum)

dostupan je tijekom cijele jeseni

i u početku zime.

Vinska Istra jednako je uzbud-

ljiva i originalna kao i gastro-


Od vina tražite bijelu malvaziju,

crni teran ili slatkasti i mirisni

muškat momjanski. Trio je to

među kojim ćete naći odgovor

dimension here. As a rule, the

so-called pešt, finely chopped

and mixed bacon, garlic and

parsley, is added to every

maneštra, which along with

olive oil eventually gives it its

particular flavour. Another

important Green Istrian dish is

fritaja with asparagus. It is a

very simple and yet impressive

dish, irreplaceable during the

asparagus season. Fuži is a

specific type of hand-made

pasta, whose neutral taste

serves as an excellent basis for

spicier sauces and obligatory

truffles. The truffle is served

with almost any dish in Istria.

In the summer, only the slightly

less valued summer truffle

(Tuber aestivum) is available.

The highly prized black truffle

(Tuber melanosporum) is con-

sumed mostly in winter, while

the most important white truffle

(Tuber magnatum) is available

throughout the autumn and in

early winter.

The oenological aspect of

Istria is just as exciting and

important as the gastronomic


When you are looking for a

white wine choose Malvasia,

Teran Crni, or the sweet and

fragrant Momjan Muscat.

Amongst this trio you will find

an answer to every meal, and

they will satisfy three comple-

tely different tastes. Malvasia is

za svako jelo, ali i koji zadovo-

ljava tri sasvim različita ukusa.

Malvazija je svježa, mineralna i

voćna. Teran je živahan, pikan-

tan, intenzivan i blago kiselkast.

Muškat slatkast i mirisan, a opet

zavodljive svježine. Sve su tri

sorte istarske autohtone i, uza

zanemarive iznimke, nigdje se

drugdje na svijetu ne uzgajaju.

Nudimo vam na letu u poslovnom razredu

Boškarin u korici od sezama

s palentom

Flam boškarina marinira se 12 sati u vodi, soli i korjenastom povrću. Posuši se i stavi u peć-nicu na 140°C, četiri sata. Ostavi se hladiti. Hladno se nareže na željene oblike te panira u jajima i sezamu. Prilog - istarska palenta.

fresh, mineral and fruity. Teran

is lively, spicy, intense and

slightly acidic. Muscat is sweet

and fragrant, and yet has a

seductive freshness. All three

varieties are autochthonous to

Istria, and despite insignificant

exceptions, they are not grown

anywhere else in the world.

Offered on our flightsin business class

Boskarin in sesame breading

with polenta

Marinate Boskarin ox flank steak for 12 hours in water, salt and vegetable roots. Dry and put in oven at 140° C for 4 hours. Allow to cool. When cold, cut into desired shapes and bread them with eggs and sesame. Serve with Istrian polenta.

Restaurant BADI s vama već 25 godina! Provjerite zašto smo u odabranom društvu 100 najboljih restorana u Hrvatskoj.Posjetite nas i učinite svoj boravak u Umagu još ljepšim. www.restaurant-badi.com tel. 00 385 52 756 293mob. 00 385 98 903 55 35

Pljukanci - tradicionalna

istarska pasta s pršutom,

pinjolima i rukolom

Pršut izrezan na komadiće

lagano se pirja na maslacu ne-

koliko minuta. Dodaju se pinjoli.

U posudu za kuhanje stavi se

voda, a kad voda uzavri dodaju

se pljukanci. Kad su pljukanci

kuhani, umiješaju se u posudu s

pršutom i pinjolima, doda se sir

grana padano i rukola.

Pljukanci - traditional istrian

pasta with prosciutto, pine nuts

and arugula

Cut the prosciutto into small

pieces and saute in butter, let si-

mmer gently for several minutes.

Add the pine nuts. Fill a pot with

water and bring to a boil, then

add the pasta. When the pasta

is cooked put it in a bowl with

the prosciutto and pine nuts,

then add Grana Padano cheese

and the arugula.

Rossi wines & oils

traditional treasures of Istria

Wine Cellar Rossi

Bajkini 16 / Vižinada / Istria


tel/fax. + 385 (0)52 446 053

e-mail info@vinarossi. com


Rossi wines & oils / traditional treasures of Istria / Wine Cellar RossiBajkini 16 / Vižinada / Istria / Croatia

tel/fax. + 385 (0)52 446 053 / e-mail info@vinarossi. comwww.vinarossi.com

Istarska palenta

U posudu za kuhanje stavi se voda, sol i ulje. Kad voda uzavri, postupno se sipa brašno uza stalno miješanje. Kuha se tako dugo dok se palenta ne počne odljepljivati od lonca (oko 1/2 sata), poravna te vrhom nadolje stavi u posudu.

Istrian polenta

In a saucepan put water, salt and oil. When the water boils, add the cornmeal gradually, whisking constantly. Cook it until the polenta no longer sticks to the pot (about 1/2 hour), smooth the surface of the polenta, then quickly turn the pan upside down and gently shake it until the polenta comes out.

Croatia Airlines

Kontakt centar / Contact Center:

+ 385 1 6676 555, 062 500 505

Oglašavanje / Advertising:

+ 385 1 616 00 17

[email protected]

Fotografije / Photos: Damir Fabijanić

