Flat Roof Frame Inst - alpha-innovation.co.uk Roof... · 1 Installation Instructions Alpha...

1 Installation Instructions Alpha SolarSmart 100 Flat roof frame for solar collectors. General recommendations The installation of the following kit must be carried out in compliance with the relevant building regulations and in according to manufacturer’s instruction. This kit is designed for use with Alpha Landscape collectors only. These instructions must be read in conjunction with the instructions supplied with the SolarSmart 100 Cylinder and Drain Back system. The kit described below allows the installation of up to two solar collectors on a flat roof only. Important Notes: - a) To obtain the highest efficiency from the collector, place the collector as near to south facing as possible, it must be between South East and South West. b) The flat roof must be strong enough to withstand the total weight that will be placed on the frame to secure it against the maximum wind gusts for the location in which the collector is being installed. c) If the wind speed for the location of the installation is higher than 25 metre per second or falls into the 'grey' area of the table in Section 1, then the frame must be secured to the roof structure using suitable fixings to withstand the high forces. d) Avoid positions where objects may cast shadows on the collector. e) Place the collector as close as possible to the drain back unit (DBU). The maximum height from the bottom of the DBU to the top of the collector is 4 metres. Do not use more than 12 metres for one collector or 8 metres for two collectors for each of the flow and return pipe between the DBU and collector/s. The DBU must always be positioned lower than the collector. f) Both the flow and return pipes from the collector to the DBU must be mounted with a minimum slope of 40 mm per metre. Ensure that the flexible pipework is also mounted with a slope to the DBU. g) The flow and return pipes must be insulated with high temperature insulation, i.e. 150°C plus. h) The collector must always be level. The frame offers some adjustment by the slotted holes in the vertical supports, i) We recommend some extra roofing material is used on the location where the Flat Roof frame will be placed to protect the surface of the roof and maintain a water tight seal. k) A suitable flashing or similar will need to used, to allow the collector flow and return pipes and the sensor cable to enter the inside of the building. j) If using ballast to fix the frame; ensure that the slabs/weights are positioned on each corner of the frame. If using weight to secure the frame ensure that the correct amount of weight is placed on the frame to prevent movement in strong wind conditions refer to the table below to determine the correct amount of ballast required. IMPORTANT: Ensure that the weight is evenly distributed and attached suitably to the frame using the four brackets in each corner supplied. 1. MOUNTING THE FRAMES Mounting must only be performed on flat roof surfaces that are suitable for installation of such kits. The suitability of the flat roof must be checked by a suitably qualified designer or architect before mounting the kit. If the sub-structure is in metal, consult an expert regarding any requirement for lightening protection

Transcript of Flat Roof Frame Inst - alpha-innovation.co.uk Roof... · 1 Installation Instructions Alpha...

Page 1: Flat Roof Frame Inst - alpha-innovation.co.uk Roof... · 1 Installation Instructions Alpha SolarSmart 100 Flat roof frame for solar collectors. General recommendations The installation


Installation Instructions Alpha SolarSmart 100 

Flat roof frame for solar collectors. General recommendations

The installation of the following kit must be carried out in compliance with the relevant building regulations and in according to manufacturer’s instruction. This kit is designed for use with Alpha Landscape collectors only. These instructions must be read in conjunction with the instructions supplied with the SolarSmart 100 Cylinder and Drain Back system.

The kit described below allows the installation of up to two solar collectors on a flat roof only.

Important Notes: - a) To obtain the highest efficiency from the collector, place the collector as near to south facing as possible, it must be between South East and South West. b) The flat roof must be strong enough to withstand the total weight that will be placed on the frame to secure it against the maximum wind gusts for the location in which the collector is being installed. c) If the wind speed for the location of the installation is higher than 25 metre per second or falls into the 'grey' area of the table in Section 1, then the frame must be secured to the roof structure using suitable fixings to withstand the high forces. d) Avoid positions where objects may cast shadows on the collector. e) Place the collector as close as possible to the drain back unit (DBU). The maximum height from the bottom of the DBU to the top of the collector is 4 metres. Do not use more than 12 metres for one collector or 8 metres for two collectors for each of the flow and return pipe between the DBU and collector/s. The DBU must always be positioned lower than the collector. f) Both the flow and return pipes from the collector to the DBU must be mounted with a minimum slope of 40 mm per metre. Ensure that the flexible pipework is also mounted with a slope to the DBU. g) The flow and return pipes must be insulated with high temperature insulation, i.e. 150°C plus. h) The collector must always be level. The frame offers some adjustment by the slotted holes in the vertical supports, i) We recommend some extra roofing material is used on the location where the Flat Roof frame will be placed to protect the surface of the roof and maintain a water tight seal. k) A suitable flashing or similar will need to used, to allow the collector flow and return pipes and the sensor cable to enter the inside of the building.

j) If using ballast to fix the frame; ensure that the slabs/weights are positioned on each corner of the frame. If using weight to secure the frame ensure that the correct amount of weight is placed on the frame to prevent movement in strong wind conditions refer to the table below to determine the correct amount of ballast required. IMPORTANT: Ensure that the weight is evenly distributed and attached suitably to the frame using the four brackets in each corner supplied.

1. MOUNTING THE FRAMES Mounting must only be performed on flat roof surfaces that are suitable for installation of such kits. The suitability of the flat roof must be checked by a suitably qualified designer or architect before mounting the kit. If the sub-structure is in metal, consult an expert regarding any requirement for lightening protection

Page 2: Flat Roof Frame Inst - alpha-innovation.co.uk Roof... · 1 Installation Instructions Alpha SolarSmart 100 Flat roof frame for solar collectors. General recommendations The installation


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Page 3: Flat Roof Frame Inst - alpha-innovation.co.uk Roof... · 1 Installation Instructions Alpha SolarSmart 100 Flat roof frame for solar collectors. General recommendations The installation


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Page 4: Flat Roof Frame Inst - alpha-innovation.co.uk Roof... · 1 Installation Instructions Alpha SolarSmart 100 Flat roof frame for solar collectors. General recommendations The installation


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Page 5: Flat Roof Frame Inst - alpha-innovation.co.uk Roof... · 1 Installation Instructions Alpha SolarSmart 100 Flat roof frame for solar collectors. General recommendations The installation


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Page 6: Flat Roof Frame Inst - alpha-innovation.co.uk Roof... · 1 Installation Instructions Alpha SolarSmart 100 Flat roof frame for solar collectors. General recommendations The installation


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Page 7: Flat Roof Frame Inst - alpha-innovation.co.uk Roof... · 1 Installation Instructions Alpha SolarSmart 100 Flat roof frame for solar collectors. General recommendations The installation


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Page 8: Flat Roof Frame Inst - alpha-innovation.co.uk Roof... · 1 Installation Instructions Alpha SolarSmart 100 Flat roof frame for solar collectors. General recommendations The installation


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