Flat plan ppoint

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The heartThe most common and popular symbol of love. The heart has traditionally been associated with strong emotion and affection. The heart is considered the organ which brings about love and people often use the heart to show their love for one another for example you may often hear people talking about how someone has stolen their hear or even of someone having a broken heart. If we do use a heart for our CD cover we would like to have something such as a light coming from the heart with the light depicting the power of love. This would as a result relate to our music video as it could represent the strength of the love the artist within our video has for her boyfriend. We could also use the broken heart which is again common, this could be used to depict the adversity and tribulation the artist is feeling which is as a result causing her heart to break.

In this flat plan we have utilised the idea of a heart with a light coming through for the cover of our CD, the heart in this flat plan represents as I have mentioned before represents love and the light beaming from it signifies power, combining these two elements depicts the power of love.

Blood and waterThis combination could symbolise the artists relationship with her mother as well as the relation ship with her and her boyfriend. Everybody has heard of the phase "Blood is thicker than water", however in the case of our video this phase is challenged as the relationship with the artists mother is portrayed as weak in contrast to the relationship between her and her lover so we could in some way on our cover have an image of water overpowering blood.

This flat plan utilises this idea for the front cover...

A red rose with thornsA rose is often used to represent love. Red roses signify love, passion and courage all elements which are endemic within our video. The the rose could be used to represent the artist love for her boyfriend and the thorn could depict her mother as thorns are sharp and can cause pain, this could therefore show the pain and anguish her mother is causing her due to the way she is behaving towards her and her mothers lack of willingness to accept the man the artist loves.

The following flat plan utilises this idea...

We wanted to try and portray both cultures and in some way depict the narrative of our video which is fundamentally about a girl torn between two cultures who are represented through her lover and mother. Initially we thought of having the girl in the middle with objects that represent both the Pakistani and English culture behind her, we then developed this concept and decided to split the female in half and have her dressed in clothing from both the Pakistani culture as well as clothes from the English culture. Behind each half of the clothing we created a collage, for the side where the she is wearing clothes from the Pakistani culture we used images of her relationship with herself and her mother in the collage to portray this part of her life and for the side where she is wearing the English clothing we used images of her and her boyfriend within the collage in order to portray this part of her life also.

The following flat plan has on it a burning candle. We constructed this flat plan because we felt it could effectively portray the artists relationship with her boyfriend as well as her mother. The melting candle could depict the break down of her relationship with her mother and the flame could represent the burning love and passion she has for her boyfriend.

In this flat plan we decided to have a photo album, this is because we used photo's in our video to show the relationship the artist had with her mother and her boyfriend, the photo's within our video were used to illustrate cherished memories we therefore felt that it would be a good idea for our front cover.


The following flat plan has a picture of the artist crying, this simple idea could portray the anguish the artist is feeling and her tribulation.

This flat plan has on it a teddy bear which was given to the artist within the video, we felt this teddy bear signified the most predominant theme within our music video which is the power of love.