Flash Cards 04

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Corrosive[ adj ]

[ consuming, wearing; bitter ] - नाशक ,1. having the quality of corroding  or eatingaway; erosive.2. harmful or destructive; deleterious: thecorrosive effect of poverty on their marriage.3. sharply sarcastic; caustic: corrosivecomments on the speaker's integrity.

Synonyms - caustic, erosive,

corrodent, acerb, acerbic, acrid,

biting, corroding, cutting, destructive,

erosive, incisive, sarcastic, trenchant,

venomous, virulent,

Impoverished[ adj ]

[ poor, exhausted ] - कम  उपजाऊ , आरि्थक  रू प  से नषट् , दिरदर् ,1. reduced to poverty.2. (of a country, area, etc.) having few trees,flowers, birds, wild animals, etc.3. deprived of strength, vitality, creativeness,etc.: an impoverished attempt at humor.3. Make (a person or area) poor Eg: they discourage investment and impoverishtheir peopleEg: impoverished peasant farmers

Synonyms - bankrupt, destitute,impecunious, penurious, insolvent,indigent,Antonyms - enriched, full, plentiful,Affluent,

4. Exhaust the strength, vitality, or natural fertility of Eg: the soil was impoverished byannual burningEg: an impoverished and debasedlanguage

Vitality[ noun ]

[ energy, spirit ] - उतस्ाह , जीवन  शकि्त  , चेतनतव् ,पर्ाणशकि्त  ,1. exuberant physical strength or mental vigor: aperson of great vitality.2. capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence: the vitalityof an institution.3. power to live or grow: the vitality of alanguage.

Synonyms - exuberance,vivaciousness, vigor , vivacity,Antonyms - apathy, lethargy,1. The state of being strong and active;energyEg: changes that will give renewedvitality to our democracy2. The power giving continuance of life, present in all living thingsEg: the vitality of seeds

Disabuse[ verb ]

[ clean out ] -भर्म 



,झू ठे




छुटकारा , धोखा  होने से बचाना ,1. to free (a person) from deception or error.2. Persuade (someone) that an idea or belief ismistakenEg: he quickly disabused me of my fancifulnotions

Synonyms - correct, debunk,disenchant, disillusion, enlighten,expose, free, liberate, rectify, rid,