FL Writes Scoring…Want a higher score? -You can score a 1 or 2 if you have no organization, yet...

FL Writes Scoring…Want a higher score? -You can score a 1 or 2 if you have no organization, yet write on the topic -You can jump from a 2 to 3, if you have organization (clear sense of a beginning, middle, and end) -You can jump from a 3 to 4 if you have only ONE ELABORATION. -Multiple elaborations and precise word choice score 5’s and 6’s

Transcript of FL Writes Scoring…Want a higher score? -You can score a 1 or 2 if you have no organization, yet...

FL Writes Scoring…Want a higher score?

FL Writes Scoring…Want a higher score?

-You can score a 1 or 2 if you have no organization, yet write on the topic

-You can jump from a 2 to 3, if you have organization (clear sense of a beginning,

middle, and end)-You can jump from a 3 to 4 if you have only

ONE ELABORATION.-Multiple elaborations and precise word choice

score 5’s and 6’s

What are we going to focus on to make your scores






Think of an ELABORATION as a personal experience.

You are going to expand or tell a story about a point you are making in your writing.

A good way to add an elaboration here and there is to use TRANSITIONAL FRAMES (see your handout).

These give your writing VOICE and put a reader inside the writing.

What happens if you get a topic you don’t know anything about or don’t have a lot of ideas for?

FAKE IT TO MAKE IT!!!!!!! Make up stories

– They should be relevant to the topic and plausible Make up statistics

– They should make sense Be creative Try to feed off of some prior knowledge you may


Elaboration Activity--Handout

-Notice the Score Point tips at the top!!

I would like to go to an Orlando Magic Basketball practice on

a field trip because it is fun, you can meet personal heroes,

and you see how hard professional athletes work. To begin

with, watching basketball is fun no matter what. It is

especially fun when you get to see your favorite athletes live.

You also see and learn about something interesting.

In The Bottom Box

It is especially fun when you get to see your favorite athletes live.

I remember last year I went to see the Tampa Bay Bucs play the Atlanta Falcons.

I got to watch Josh Freeman play and it was a lot of fun because he is one of my favorite athletes.

Elaboration Activity--Handout

-Notice the Score Point tips at the top!!

-You will complete the side on the “Orlando Magic practice.”

Bellwork for 1/11/13

• Learning Goal– Students will be able to elaborate on an idea.

• Vocabulary– Pithy – brief, forceful, and meaningful in

expression• Bellwork

– 4 Sentence Story– I remember when…

Capitalization Review

• In Green Language books:– Page 594, numbers 26-40– Write any words that need to be changed with

the correct capitalization.– Example:

25. In History class, we learned about queen Elizabeth I.

26.history, Queen

Thought Shots

-For the following pictures, come up with a one paragraph idea about what this picture is trying to say.

-Use a transitional frame to start you off and guide your writing.

-Make sure you elaborate (create a personal experience).