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Name: Syamsu Rijal EfendiStudent Number: 1506672685Faculty & Class: Faculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering

1. Title of the Article: Taking Responsibility

2. Author (s) : The Jakarta Post Weekender Magazine, July 2007

3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have choosen this article.I have chosen this article about Taking Responsibility because the title in this article. Then, after I read more the topic is the sustainbility of our resources that need attetion. Because, for now many peoples are less concerned about their own environment.

4. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about.This article tells us about condition the Earth as real that climate change due to global warming is the act of human activity, especially industrial. Industry resources in the oceans should prohibit the use of explosives and cyanide to catch fish and the people who live and work because of the sea also needs to ensure the sustainability of ocean going well. In the forest industry in cutting down the tree must make the selection of trees first and only tree that according to the rules that may be harvested and beside to cutting down trees also need to do reforestation that resources in the forest sustainbility. Then the resource industry that can not be renewed should be more responsible with this earth because they are the most have an obligation for taking something that is difficult to be refurbished and most have a major impact for the earth. Therefore they have to look for alternative energy sources are more friendly to the earth that we are always comfortable.

5. What is the writers message or purpose in writing this article?The message in the article is the writer wants to remind us that as future generations should be more attention to the Earth who occupied and take participate to save the Earth. Because, it is our responsibility as occupant the Earth and a must if we leave the Earth in a condition can be acceptable by future generations. Therefore, we do not damage the environment by doing the blasting of coral reefs and illegal logging and other malicious actions. Instead we reject the action and helped improve our world for the better.

6. Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review.My personal comment after reading this article, I was touched because the writer really wants to tell us about the reality fact Earth so that we are aware of how dangerous the earth and help the Earth to better. Because the Earth that we live in is not for our generations but also future generations. We wouldnt want to future generations come and know the Earth is fully devastated and then they would mock us because not thinking of the Earth. Therefore let us save the earth begins with small things like taking out the trash in its place and save paper.