First year secondary 2015 1st term

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Transcript of First year secondary 2015 1st term

Page 1: First year secondary 2015   1st term

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Page 2: First year secondary 2015   1st term




بالوفائيةمركز الندى لخدمات الكمبيوتر)تصوير مستندات* كتابة الرسائل العلمية * طباعة (

)ICDLدورات * صيانة * مبيعات ( ٠١١١٣٤١٣٠٢٨تليفون

Page 3: First year secondary 2015   1st term


Quiz Statue Magazine Education Educate A kind of Bring back Mention Later The Rosetta stone Meaning Partner Space Rocks Collect Science Scientist Scientific Project Score Race Quotation Note down Satellite Land on Chess Fact Squash player Success Success in Successful Sports stars

The western desert Fall Quantity Remote sensing Director Expert Polite Exciting Hard working Friendly Ordinary Popular Leader Contain Shape Pharaohs Grow up Wear Neck Historical Metal Tools University Point Goal Article Include

Influence Society Brave Alive


Unit 1

Hello ! 6 famous Egyptian

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Give back Funny Helpful International Internationally Ancient Check Archaeologist Interested in Museum Discuss Jewellery Headmistress Guess Geologist Plants Huge Qualities Astronaut Soil Railway

Calm Cheerful Enjoyable Fit Professor Prize Technology The femto second Millionth Billionth Medicines Chemistry Studies Institute Win Second Ceremony Nobel prize Prepare Speech Below

thanks to take a (photo/picture) the same as succeed in at the age of receive a prize one millionth of the billionth of a second land men on the moon professional footballers men's world squash championship junior squash championship what is your brother like? was born

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do a quiz what kind of how often win a prize from all over the world the nobel brize for the chemistry give advice on about make medicines work on a project last to

expert in / on thanks to thank… for give up good at famous for on the( radio TV) in a television programme (know, hear) about answer to talk about

1 - made of

The door is made of wood made from -

Glass is made from sand 2

- biography - autobiography

This writer wrote a biography of Dr zewail

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Taha Hussein wrote his autobiography in El-Ayam 3

– discover -invent

-explore Dr Zewail discovered the femto Second Gorham bell invented the telephone I' d like to explore this forest


- at the age -in the age of

He married at the age of 30 We live in the age of modern Technology

5 - win (acup , a prize , , a match , a medal , race ) He won the race \ the competition - beat AlAhly will beat zamalek

- gain Experience fame knowledge information

- earn This honest merchant earns a lot of money He works hard to earn his living 6 First

to the Second Last Best

None stepped on the moon before Armstrong. (the first) Armstrong was the first Person to step on the moon.

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7 another

) other )) others

- I will buy another book - Where are the other boys? - Some students are lazy but others are clever

8 Soil Floor

Ground plants grow better in this soil - He fell to the ground -

- Who is living on the third floor? 9

advice give Points

medicine prize

chess play the piano


take medicine a picture a photograph

points score goal


1- What is Dr El Baz?

Questions with model answers

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- He is a space scientist and geologist

2- What Is Dr El Baz's job at Boston university ?

- He is the director of remote sensing

3- Which project did Dr El Baz work on from 1967 to 1973 ?

- The American Apollo space project Easier and more comfortable

4- Do you think scientists , like Dr. ElBaz can change our lives now and

in the future?

- yes , because their discoveries make our life easier and more


5- How was Dr El Baz of great help to astronauts ?

- He gave them advice on where they should Land and how to collect

rocks and soil on the moon

6- Whatis remote sensing ?

- The use of satellites to find water,oil and metal under deserts .

7- Why do you think we owe much to Dr. El –Baz?

- Because he helped us to find underground water in the western


8- To what extent Can we Make use of the underground water in the

desert ?

- We can use it for agriculture and industry

9- What qualities that make sports Stars like Ramy Ashour successful?

-They should work hard, practice hardand never give up

10- What were Nabawiya musa's contributions to women at her

time ?

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- She helped them to succeed in education and work

11- What does Dr Hwass want to bring back to Egypt ?

- The Rosetta stone .

12- Why do you think remote sensing is important in Egypt and the

world ?

- Because it helps us to discover water , oil and metals .

13- What do you know about Ramy Ashour ?

- He is a world famous squash player .

14- Why did Ramy Ashour become internationally famous at the age of

16 ?

- Because he won the men's world junior squash championship .

15- How could Dr El Baz find underground water in Sinai and the

western desert ?

- By taking space photographs from satellites .

1 Finish the following dialogue :

Mona: Do you know Dr Zewail ?

Hoda: ……………………………………………………

Mona: ……………………………………………………?

Hoda: He was born in 1946 .

Mona: Where was he educated ?

Hoda: ……………………………………………………

Mona: What is his greatest discovery ?

Hoda : ……………………………………………………

2 Fill in the gaps with one word :

Exercises on unit 1

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. From 1973 Dr El Baz worked ………………… the American Apollo space

project which …… men on the moon . He ………………… advice on ………….the

astronauts should land , and showed them how to …………….rocks and soil

on the moon . Dr El Baz was ………………… in Zagazig in 1937 and was

educated at Ain shams university .

. Dr Zahi Hawass is an ……..…………. He writes in the …………….….…"Egypt

Today" . He wants to bring ……………….…. important things from

……………………countries . these things include statues , jewellery and the

……………..….stone . These things are in ………………….... in these countries .

. Dr El Baz is a ………………scientist and ……………….. . He is the director

of remote ……………..…at Boston university . He is an ……..………in this field.

By using satellites he could find ………….…….. water in the western

…………………..and Sinai .

. Dr Zewail grew up in Egypt . He became a ………….…at the California

institute of technology . Zewail ……………..…the femto second,

…………….…….is one millionth of one billionth of a second . In 1999 Dr

Zewail …………………… the Nobel prize for chemistry . Dr Zewail's

discovery helps scientists to ……………….…… new medicines . He wants to

help his country to achieve …………..……….. .

3 Choose the correct answer :

1) Nabawiya Musa was the first Egyptian woman (go –going -to go – went ) to high school . 2) Dr Zahi Hawass wants to bring the Rosetta stone (back – up – down – of ) to Egypt . 3) Dr El Baz is the world's greatest expert ( of – for – in – up ) remote sensing .

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4) Thanks ( at – to – for – by ) Dr El Baz we discovered the underground water . 5) Dr Zahi Hawass is a famous ( geologist – astronaut – archaeologist –

engineer ) . 6) Neil Armstrong was the first ( astronaut – geologist – archaeologist

– engineer ) to land on the moon . 7) I listened to the news ( in – at – on – by )the radio . 8) He grew (down – up - over - out ) in this town . 9) He writes (at – up – in- into ) this magazine . 10) Dr El Baz told astronauts how to (do – allow – control – collect )

rocks on the moon . 11) He lives in a (remote – big – large – nice) village . it is hard to go

there. 12) Scientists ( harm – allow – influence – let ) people's lives greatly . 13) We did a (race – quiz – prize – port)at our school yesterday . 14) Scientists do (parts – experts – experiments – shows ) in the

laboratory . 15) He (gained – won – earned – did ) this prize last year . 16) This player (put – did – scored – gained )3 goals . 17) We should ( take – come – play –run )a lot of exercises to be fit . 18) He (did – took – gave – made)me permission to leave . 19) Ramy Ashour is an ( inner –international – interesting –

internationally ) famous squash player . 20) He ( did – put – took – let ) some photographs . 21) Plants grew better in rich ( oil – soil – ground –roof ). 22) He is ( life – live – alive – lively ) not dead . 23) Junior means (old – young – big – short) . 24) We should communicate with people from ( other – another –

others – else ) countries . 25) This list ( puts – includes - contains – consists ) your name . 26) The pan Arab games is a (small – short – major – far )sport

championship . 27) (who– whom– whose– which )person do you mean ? 28) (astronauts – astronomers – geologists – actors ) study rocks and

their history . 29) Let's ( go – come – play – do ) chess , shall we ?

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30) Dr El Baz is one of Egypt's ( the most – more – most – much) famous men .

31) He thanked me ( for – to – at – by ) helping him with this work . 32) Very heavy rain ( failed – fell – falls –felt ) on the western desert

2 million years ago . 33) He is working ( in – at – on – by ) this project . 34) He is famous ( for – at – up – in )his country . 35) My friend is good at ( photograph – picture – photographer –

photography ). 36) This player lost ( by – for- on- to ) another player . 37) When he was 16 Ramy Ashour won the (major-junior-small-short)

squash championship . 38) He gave up his job and became a ( junior – kind – professional – low)

footballer . 39) Football world cup is a ( small – junior – new – major) sports

championship . 40) What would you give ( back – up – down – back to ) your country if

you were a famous scientist ? 4 Rewrite these sentences :

1) She always comes early . (used to )

2) It is his habit to get up late . (always)

3) She doesn’t work hard.(never)

4) He is always punctual . (comes)

5) I go to the club from time to time. ( occasionally)

6) She is used to going to the zoo on Friday . (usually)

7) It was his habit to phone me everyday but he doesn’t now ( used to )

8) He has just come back . (ago)

9) When did he arrive ? (How long )

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10) When I was on holiday, I swam in the sea everyday (used to)

11) It wasn’t his habit to disobey his parents ( use to )

12) I used to go to bed early (always )

13) She used to play tennis every Monday ( in the habit of)

14) He didn’t speak to me like that ( never)

15) He managed to solve the problem (succeed )

16) I like tennis very much ( interested )

17) He won a prize when he was 16 (age )

18) The Nobel prize for chemistry went to Dr Zewail ( won )

19) She usually comes late ( usual )

20) Mona never does the shopping ( not )

21) Is it true that he usually comes on time ? (Does )

22) We use money to buy our needs (used )

23) She comes early at all times (never)

24) I never go to school late ( always )

25) She sometimes arrives late ( is )

26) She invited me and I thanked her ( for )

27) Do you have an interest in football? ( interested )

28) He married at the age of 30 (when )

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29) He always advises me (advice )

30) Zagazig is the birthplace of Dr El Baz (born )

31) A geologist studies soil and rocks (who )

32) The rain was heavy yesterday ( It )

33) Electricity is made from water (used for )

34) None arrived before Ali ( the first )

35) He is a good tennis player (plays )

5 Correct the underlined words :

1) Alfred Nobel was born in 1833 . He study chemistry in Paris and

then go on to work on explosives . He invent dynamite before he

dead , he created the Nobel prize .

2) I go to school every day . I usually gets up early. I didn’t go by bus

or taxi . I go always on foot . A friend of me walks with me everyday.

6 Answer these questions :

1) what is Dr El Baz S job ?

2) where does he work ?

3) How did Dr Elbaz help agriculture in Egypt ?

4) What is the importance of satellites ?

5) What are the qualities of a good scientist ?

6) What is remote sensing ?

7) What do you know about Dr El Baz?

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8) How was Dr El Baz loyal to his country ?

9) How can scientists help humanity ?

10) Someone thinks that underground water isn’t important , Do you

agree ?

7 What would you say in each of the following situations:

1) You suggest going to the club .

2) You tell your friend what you think of Dr El Baz .

3) You want to know someone's nationality.

4) You ask someone about the weather today .

5) You ask someone about his age .

6) Someone asks you about your hobby .

7) Your friend asks you what your father is like .

8) You tell your father about the person you like most .

9) You describe your friend's character to your father .

10) You tell someone the qualities of a good championship / a friend .

11) You meet a friend who has won a major championship .

12) Your friend suggests going to the cinema. You agree / you don't

like the idea .

13) Someone gives you a present for your birthday .

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14) You want to know your friend's address .

15) You ask someone the way to the station.

9 write a paragraph on "your favourite sport "

10 Translate into Arabic

. Travelling abroad enables us to gain more experience and knowledge

in life .

. Thanks to the efforts of Dr El Baz we could reclaim vast areas of

the desert .

. We should do our best to achieve our country's welfare , prosperity

and progress .




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Instead of















Take place





Get into debt

Work as



Child workers



Ask for















Unit 2

Hello ! 6 Charles Dickens

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Ask for

Belong to

Half brother





Pay for



Run away =escape

Look for

Look after

Break into


List Main Death Go on






Take back

Work for

Get on board






By the river

Find out

In trouble





Sail Take turns Thousands Newspaper Expectation Glasses Wife

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In the end

Have a choice

Introduce someone to someone

Lose his job

What is he like

In debt

V .to be in trouble

For this reason

Live a happy life

He went to prison

He was sent to prison

What was life like in the past?

Reward someone with

Reward someone for

At the same time

Take place=happen

Look like

Was born

Paid and unpaid work

Grew up Workhouse

Earn money

Make a list

pay back his debts = repay his debts

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Punish someone for

Do the house jobs

Take back

Pay for

Wait for

Sorry for

Was born into A poor family

Instead of

Well known for

Ask for

Look at

1 ¯ Borrow something from someone or bank

- I borrowed some money from the bank

¯ Lend something to someone

- Ilend 5 pounds to Ali = I lent Aliu 5 pounds

¯ Owe + + to +

- I owe 2000 to the bank = I owe the bank 2000

2 ¯ Adopt

Adopt to

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They will adopt a child from an orphanage

He can’t adapt to life in the city

3 ¯ Steal – stole – stolen = rob someone of something

The thief stole my money = the thief robbed me of my money

He stole Ali's watch (robbed)

He robbed Ali of his watch

¯ Rob - robbed - robbed

The gang robbed the bank

4 Century



5 ¯ Share

I share a room with my friend

¯ Divide

The teacher divided the class into four groups

He divided the orange into 3 parts.

6 Like +


- He is like his father

- He is like me

such as

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- I prefer fruit like / such as oranges and bananas

¯ As + +

- He behave as I tell him

- He works as a teacher

7 learn

teach ( how ) + to +

- He learns to play the piano = He learns how to play the piano .

¯ Show

Know ( how ) + to +

- He knows how to play the piano



An +


- He studies English 3 hours a day = he studies English 3 hours per day

- The car runs at 80 km an hour


¯ Probable

¯ Probably

- He will probably come (probable)

- It is probable that he will come .

- He was probably absent (probable)

- It was probable that he was absent

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- This is the most (probable – probably) result .

- It will ( probable – probably ) rain tomorrow .


¯ Instead of

¯ Instead

- Instead of going to the club , he went to the cinema (instead)

- He didn’t go to the club , instead . he went to the cinema .


¯Stop ( ) from ing

- He stopped me from making a noise .


¯ Grow up

¯ Grow

- When I grow up , I will travel abroad

- Babies grow quickly

- Farmers grow their crops

1) Where did Oliver grow up ? why?

- He grew up in a workhouse because his mother died when he was born

2) Why did Oliver run away to London ?

- When he asked for more food because he was hungry , he was punished .

- (to escape from the hard and unhappy life at the workhouse )

Questions with model answers

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3) Do you thing Fagin is a good or bad person ? Give a reason .

- He is bad because he taught children to be thieves

4) How was Brown low kind to Oliver ?

- He stopped the police from arresting Oliver and took him to his

house and looked after him

5) What do you think of the character of Brow low ?

- He was kind hearted and helpful .

6) Who kidnapped Oliver , and took him back to Fagin ?

- Bill Sikes

7) What happed to the gang when they took Oliver to rob Mrs Maylie's

house ?

- They were discovered and arrested Oliver was shot but didn’t die .

8) What did Oliver discover about Monks ?

- Monks was his half brother . he wanted Oliver to be in trouble to

get all their father's money .

9) Did Oliver do the right thing when he became a thief ? Did he have

a choice ?

- No , he didn’t , but he had no choice

10) What happened to the gang at the end of the story ?

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- They were arrested .

11) Who adopted Oliver ? where did they live ?

- Mr Brown Low and they lived with Mrs Maylie and Rose .

12) What did Oliver find out about Rose ?

- She was his mother's sister .

13) How Brown Low and Oliver rewarded in the end ?

- They lived happily as a family with Mrs Maylie and Rose .

14) Why do you think Mr Brown Low stopped the police from

arresting Oliver ?

- Because he taught he was forced to be a thief so he felt sorry for him .

15) What do you think of the character of Monks ?

- He was selfish , greedy and dishonest .

16) What is the moral of Oliver Twist

- Good people are rewarded and bad people are punished in the end .

1) How was Oliver lucky ?

2) What was Monks' plan to get all their father's money ?

3) How did Oliver become a thief ?

4) What did Oliver do to get rid of life in the workhouse ?

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5) How do you think Oliver felt when he discovered that Rose was his

mother's sister ?

1 Finish the following dialogue : Maher: Welcome to Egypt , …………………………………………………..?

Tourist: I come from England

Maher: …………………………………………………………………………………………?

Tourist : No, it is the first time to visit Egypt .

Maher : ………………………………………………………………………….

Tourist : I'm going to visit the pyramids and the sphinx .

Maher : ……… stay here ?

Tourist : As long as I can because I like Egypt .

2 What would you say in each of the following situations:

1) Your friend has passed his driving test .

2) Someone apologize for breaking your camera , you accept his

apology .

3) You ask your friend about the time of the exam .

4) you meet a friend whom you haven’t seen for a long time

5) You want your sister to make you a cup of tea .

6) You tell your father about the main character of " Oliver Twist "

Exercises on unit 2

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7) You are asked " what does your father do ?

8) You don’t understand something in class .

9) You tell your teacher why you are late for school .

10) Your brother has an exam tomorrow , he wants to see a film on T.V

11) You work in a shop , a customer entered .

12) Someone asks you the way to the museum .

3 Choose the correct answer : 1) If you spent too much money , you will be ( at – on - by – in ) debt .

2) Oliver grew up in a ( workhouse – cinema – club – theatre ) .

3) they don’t have children so they are going to ( adapt – do - adopt –

act ) a child .

4) Mona is my ( cousin – niece – aunt – nephew ) . she is my brother's

daughter .

5) I always keep my money in the ( pocket - back – part – point ) of

my jacket .

6) The gang ( put – kidnapped – allowed – did ) the and asked for money to

let him go .

7) The thief managed to run ( on – away – out – over ) .

8) The film is ( done – put _ based – allowed ) on a red story .

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9) I (introduced – made – did – gave ) my new friend to my father .

10) We should ( reward – praise – welcome – punish) people who

break the law .

11) He lives a(happily – happy – happiness – unhappy )life .

12) He lives ( happy – happiness – happily – unhappy ) in this town .

13) A ( point – gang – point – show ) of thieves broke into the house .

14) The police could ( let – do – behave – arrest ) the criminal .

15) My two brothers ( do – divide – share – cut ) one bed .

16) He (introduced – invited – pulled – invented ) me to his wedding party

17) She is best ( to know – knowing – known – knew) for her funny stories .

18) The thief ( stole – kidnapped – robbed – yelled ) my wallet .

19) They live at the ( bottom – part – side – edge ) of the forest .

20) I can help you if you are (on – at – in – by ) trouble .

21) we wasted this ( film – play – match– story ) in the theatre .

22) You must do that . you have no ( say – side – action – choice ) .

23) He works ( as – such – like – such as ) a doctor .

24) Every story has a ( manner – mind – must – moral ) which the

readers can guess .

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25) My father works hard to ( win – do o- earn – gain ) enough

money to support our family

26) Oliver Twist is a ( play - novel – film – word )by Charles Dickens

27) I enjoy ( read – to read – reading – reads) short stories .

28) Dickens lived in the nineteenth ( century – year – time – month )

29) He ( got – reached – put – arrived ) in Cairo late .

30) They were on ( board – broad – abroad – a board ) the ship .

31) He wants to be engineer when he ( come – goes – runs – grows ) up .

32) The ( mind – moral – must – member ) of this story is that good

people will be rewarded .

33) The thief ( stole – did – robbed – took ) Ali's flat .

34) He ( stole – did – robbed - gave ) his friend's watch .

35) Thieves ( stole – did – robbed –o gave ) her of ring .

36) She got a ( job – work – task – profession ) as a secretary .

37) She ( got – came – did – made ) this list .

38) He left without ( see – to see – seeing – being seen ) .

39) He taught me how ( use – to use – using – used ) this machine .

40) He married ( in – on – at – of )2005 .

41) Having ( to do – doing – do - done ) his work , he went out .

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42) They will come ( in – on – at – up ) the weekend .

43) The police broke ( into – on – at –up ) the flat to arrest the thief

44) Compared ( for – with – of - on ) Ali , Ahmed is very tall .

45) The thief was ( went – gone – sent – put ) to prison .

46) He is ( probably – probable – may - might ) the best doctor in this

town .

47) We have no ( choice – choose – say – think ) in death .

48) He ( borrows – lens – owes – puts ) a lot of money to the bank .

49) He wrote for 8 hours ( a – at – on – by ) day .

50) My friend ( made – learned – taught – knew ) me how to use the

computer .

4 Rewrite these sentences :

1) This is my car ( belongs ) .

2) We can't choose whether to die or not .(choice )

3) He didn’t allow them to speak ( stopped)

4) Ali was playing football when I came ( while)

5) I saw him during my visit to Luxor ( while )

6) He did his work and left ( he didn’t )

7) He finished his work , then he phoned me ( after )

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8) He wrote the letter , then he gave me a ring ( by the time )

9) After he had done the homework , he went to bed ( having )

10) He returned home , and phoned me at once (as soon as )

11) He posted the letter and went home immediately ( no sooner )

12) She cooked the food but first she visited her aunt ( before )

13) He did the homework before that he phoned me ( after )

14) He was playing when I arrived ( as )

15) While I was having breakfast , the phone rang (during )

16) After he had typed the letter , he went out ( typing )

17) Just as I was studying ,the light went out ( suddenly )

18) She takes care of her mother ( looks )

19) The police entered the house by force ( broke )

20) He didn’t leave before doing his work ( after )

¯ Correct the underlined mistakes:

In the 19th century , when Dickens was writing , there was many poor

people cities like London grow up very quickly . poor people die

because they not have enough to eat .

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5 Read and write one word in each space : . Oliver Twist grew up in a …………………. Because his mother died when

he was born . Life for the young boy was …………………. When he asked

for more ……………………because he was ……….….………. , he was punished .

So , Oliver ran away to London where he met a man ………………..… Jack

Dawkins who was in a ………………… of thieves . Fagin had taught the gang

……………………….to be thieves .

. I read a very interesting story last week . It was …………….… Oliver

Twist . I liked it because the main ……………..…… it was a young boy .

this young boy didn’t have a happy …………………….because he had to live

with a gang of ……………..….. I couldn’t stop reading because every time I

wanted to know what would ………………... what I liked most was the

……………… of the story which was that good people were rewarded .

. Charles Dickens is the most famous English writer . when he was

young , his father went to …………….…….. because he had got into debt .

Charles went to London to ………………….… money for the family . He

worked in a London ………………….…… . After he had left the factory , he

went to work as an office …………………….. after that , he worked as a

……………………..…… for a newspaper . In his novel Oliver Twist Dickens

shows the ………………….…… side of life in nineteenth century London .

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6 Answer the following questions :

1) In your opinion , how should our society look after children like Oliver ?

2) Why did Oliver leave the workhouse and go to London ?

3) Who adopted Oliver and where did they live ?

4) What benefit would Monks get if Oliver got into trouble ?

5) Where did Oliver live ? What was his life like ?

6) Why do you think Mr Brown Low stopped the police from arresting

Oliver ?

7) In what way do you think Mr Brown Low was rewarded for helping

Oliver ?

8) Who did Oliver work within London ?

9) Do you think Fagin is a good or bad person ? Give a reason .

10) How do you think Oliver felt when he discovered that Monks was

his half brother ?

11) What do you think of Charles dickens ?

12) What sort of person was Mr Brown Low ?

8 Translate into Arabic :

. We should be grateful to scientists for the services they render

to humanity.

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. Our children need love, sympathy and guidance .

. Practicing sport plays a vital role in building up our bodies and

teaching us great values .

. We should bring up our children on good manners to be good

citizens .

¶ Translate into English :






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Pick up























Unit 3

Hello ! 6 The power of the mind

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Pen friend






Make sure


Keep fit

Read out

Photographic memory




Take out




For example

Go round

Compare with

Past memories


Hold out his hands


Draw a picture

Act as










Sound modest


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Say back= repeat

Free time










Brain damage



Make a suggestion

Photographic memory

At the same time

Tell the difference

Make a phone call

Store past memories

Get a present for

this is what I guess

Have a good memory for

Find it difficult to

Get something right

Do badly in the exam

By the end of

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At the end of

On the end

What is your eyesight like ?

Make notes

To be + ( able to + / capable of + ing )

Compare ………. with

Do well

Reply to a letter

Take…… out of

Good at

Used for

Concentrate on

Move from

Key to

Help someone with some thing

Work together

Terrible at

Different from

Listen to

Bad at

Fantastic at

Fall over

Useless at

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1 Make + + to

to ¯

- He made me go ( I )

- I was made to go

2 Brain


- the human brain weighs about a kilo .

- Her mind is filled with dreams of becoming an actress .

3 take + + to +

- The train takes an hour to reach Alex

4 Remember

Remind + + to +

Of + ing

That +

- Ali always remember his childhood .

- He reminded me to attend the meeting .

- He remind me of the meeting .

- He remind me that I should attend the meeting .

5 Help + + to +


Someone with something

- He helped me to do the homework .

- He helped me do the home work .

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- He helped me with the homework .

6 Teenage +


We should guide teenage children .

Teenagers need our guidance .

7 Successful = a success

- His plan was successful

- His plan was a success

8 Quite



- He is quite good at English .

- Students should be quiet in class .

- Ali quit his job to travel abroad .

9 Memory


- I have a good memory fore names .

- I bought some souvenir from Paris .

10 Enable + to +

- With the tongue , we can taste things ( enables )

- The tongue enables us to taste things .

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¯ Close a door

your ayes

a window

¯ Guess someone 's age

The answer to a question


¯ receive an email

a letter

a massage

The answer to a question

a phone

¯ send an email

a letter

a message

The answer to a question

12¯ do The homework

The shopping

work /job /task



a favour

housework favour

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¯ make food


a promise

a suggestion

a dress

a phone call

the beds



look at

- she watches TV a lot .

- please , look at the black board .

1) How many senses do we have ? what are they ?

- we have five senses , they are taste , smell , sight , hearing , and

touch .

2) mention some function of the brain .

- it controls breathing , the heart , body temperature and digestion .

- it stores past memories .

- it receives information from your senses and analyses it .

3) how heavy is the human brain ?

- a kilo of cells .

4) how can the brain make learning and remembering possible ?

Questions with model answers

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- by storing past memories

5) what are cells ?

- they are the smallest parts of animals and plants .

6) how can the brain control our bodies ?

- it receives information from senses , analyses it and sends messages .

7) what does the brain enable us to do ?

- it enables us to see , hear , taste , smell , feel and think .

8) what is the brain made of ?

- a hundred billion cells .

9) can you taste different fruits if you close your eyes and your nose?

- no , because our senses work together .

10) what happens when you put your hand in hot water ?

- your brain receives the message " that hurts ! very hot " then sends

a message back "take your hand out of the water " .

11) why do our brains first think the telephone is ringing ?

- because our eyes can see the telephone and our ears can hear the

ringing .

12) why do our brains think that light comes downwards /

- because the light of the sun comes down .

13) do all people like the same things ? why ?

- no , because of individual differences .

14) the brain is a heavenly blessing . (discuss )

- it helps us to remember , learn and think .

- without it we will be like animals .

15) where does your brain get its information from ?

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- from the senses .

16) How does the brain analyze this information ?

- with an amazing speed .

1 Finish the following dialogue :

Heba is at the police station reporting the theft of her handbag .

Heba: a thief has stolen my bag while I was on the bus

officer : ……………………………………………………….

Heba : short and slim with a moustache .

Officer : ………………………………………………….?

Heba : …………………………………………………………

Officer : oh ! most people wear jeans and white shirts , what about his

hair .

Heba : black long hair .

Officer :………………………………………………………?

Heba : yes , sunglasses .

2 What would you say in each of the following situations:

1) A passerby wants to go to Cairo museum . you give him direction .

2) You wants to buy a new shirt , you ask the salesman about the price

3) You advise your friend to give up smoking

4) You are going to have an exam tomorrow , ask your teacher for


5) Your brother did badly in the English exam , you blame him .

6) Your friend asks your advice about how to improve his English .

Exercises on unit 3

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7) You accept your teachers advice about using a dictionary .

8) You give your friend advice about how to keep fit

9) You warn your friend who spends too much money and will get into

debt .

10) Yoy politlely refuse your friend's advice about learning new


3 Choose the correct answer :

1) You need a ( word – password – passport – crossword ) to use this

computer .

2) He lost his ( touch – smell – taste – eyesight ) and became blind

3) ( photograph – photo – photographic – phoning) memory means the

ability to remember something by looking at it .

4) We should (make – do – put – give ) sure of that .

5) ( cells – calls – centres – coins ) are the smallest parts of animals

and plants .

6) Doctors need to ( analyze –analysis – anger – allow) the results of

test on their patients .

7) Our ( leg – tongue – brain – stomach ) controls every thing we do .

8) Normal human body ( heat – hot – temperature – warmth) is 37 .

9) It is difficult to ( put – predict – product – prepare - ) what will

happen in the future

10) If you relax , it helps you to ( act – talk – move – breathe) slowly .

11) He is good ( at – in – on for )English .

12) I have a good memory ( for – by to – at ) faces .

13) I felt some ( point – pain- pen – part ) in my leg .

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14) The human brain ( puts – weigh – runs – does ) about a kilo .

15) It is easy to taste the (differ – different – difference – differs )

between oranges and bananas .

16) He has (done – believed – acted – received ) 3 calls .

17) Our brain stores past ( minds – memories – points – souvenirs )

and this makes learning and remembering (possible – impossible) .

18) The weather is ( quit – quiet – quiet –quietly ) good .

19) He works ( like – such – as – alike ) an accountant .

20) Can I ( borrow - lend – give – do )your camera ,please ?

21) I have just (sent – put – done – received ) an e-mail from my

friend .

22) He helped me ( at – for – with – by ) my work .

23) He is bad ( at – on – in – of ) Maths .

24) Can you borrow – lend – take – do ) me your dictionary ,please ?

25) He was glad – happy – disappointed – nice ) when he failed the

exam .

26) You should concentrate ( in – at – on – by ) your work .

27) Can I ( do – put – make – take ) a suggestion .

28) How ( fast – much – long – far ) does it take to reach Cairo .

29) We can ( touch – guess – feel – feed ) someone's age .

30) ( how – who – why – what ) is your memory like , Emad ?

31) Practicing sport is useful ( at – for - by – on ) us .

32) Your brain has about a hundred billion ( calls – sits – seats – cells )

33) She can't hear , she lost her ( sight – hearing – touch – smell )

when she was young .

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34) ( compare – comparing – compared – to compare ) with Ali , Emad

is very rich .

35) This child suffer from brain ( damage – manage – courage –

arrange )

36) I phoned him ( last -immediately – late – least ) after I knew

what happened .

37) With the ( ears - nose – eyes – brain ) we can see and smell

flowers .

38) I 'm good at tennis but I 'm ( useless- used – using -uses) at

football .

39) You can leave now , and I will visit you 3 days (later – late – last–


40) The human brain is more easy – wide – complex – complete ) than

the most powerful computer .

41) Eat a piece of this cake , and you will ( taste – test – put – cut )

the difference .

42) She ( pulled – held – closed – shut ) her nose when she smelt this

bad smell .

43) We will have finished this work ( in – on – by – for) The end of

march .

44) Food digestion takes place in the ( head – stomach – brain – lungs )

45) He lost his sight , he can't ( see – hear – feel - touch )

46) I ( received - sent - did – took ) him 2 photos by e-mail

47) We have five ( senses – signs – shows – sides ) they are hearing ,

sight , smell , touch and taste .

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48) He was ( surprise - surprises - surprising –surprised ) when he

heared this news .

49) The human brain is really ( easy – ting – incredible – simple)

50) This singer 's ( voice – sound – word – thinking ) is very good .

51) Your brain receives information from your ( signal – senses – signs

– shows )

52) ( will – did – would – shall ) he understand the lesson id he read it

again ?

53) It would be ( powerful – pain – grateful – painful ) if you put your

hand in hot water .

54) I have got a present for you , close your eyes and hold ( at – up –

out – over ) your hand .

55) She is ( fantastic – nice – glad – happy ) at cooking .

4 Rewrite these sentences :

1) I can't understand him because I don’t speak English (if)

2) If I were rich , I would buy a car (if)

3) He will not attend the meeting unless you invite him (if)

4) You ought to study hard (if )

5) Perhaps he will came tomorrow , so I will visit him (if )

6) Run fast or you will miss the train (if)

7) I'm busy so I can't visit my uncle (if)

8) I don’t have a computer so I can't use the internet . (if)

9) I have difficulty in speaking French (find it difficult )

10) Without working hard you will fail (if)

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11) It is necessary to follow the rules otherwise you will be punished


12) Unless you worked hard , you wouldn't pass the exam (without)

13) Without water , a lot of creation would die out . (if)

14) Without her apology , I wouldn't forgive her (if)

15) If you don't make a study plan , you will waste your time (without)

5 Read and write one word in each space :

. we have got something which is more complex than the most

powerful computer . it is the ……….……... . It ………………messages from

your senses and analyzes them . it sends …………..……….that control our

body . we can …………….…….voices and see things easily with the brain .

it ……………..……about a kilo . the human brain is really ……….……… .

. The human brain is very incredible . it is more ……………..…… than the

most powerful computer . it is about a hundred billion ……………………and

…………………………every thing you do . it ……………………….information from

your senses , …………….……it , then sends messages . it also stores

…………………..memories to use them in time of need .

. With your brain you can see and ………..………flowers , remember

holidays , feel ……..………….and hear your favourite …………………….your

brain stores memories and this makes …………....…….and remembering

possible . at the same time your brain ………….……….……your breathing ,

your heart , your body ……………………..….and your digestion .

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¯ Correct the underlined mistakes:

Ahmed is very ill . he have a meeting tomorrow . if he aren’t ill , he

would attend it . unless he saw a doctor , he won't got better.

6 Answer the following questions :

1) What does your brain control ?

2) The brain plays a vital role in the process of learning (explain)

3) Why is it difficult to taste different fruits if your nose and close

your eyes ?

4) What happens when you put your hand in hot water ?

5) What do you think of the human brain ?

6) Mention two functions of the brain ?

7) Which sense do you think is most important ?why ?

8) How do your senses work ?

9) What does your brain enable you to do ?

10) The brain is a heavenly present (discuss)

11) What does your brain send and receive ?

12) How are the human brain and the computer similar ?

8 Translate into Arabic :

. We ought to upgrade education to develop students thiunking and

understand skills .

. Learning foreign languages has become amust nowadays .

. A sound brain is in a sound body

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. Abilities and skills differ and vary from person to another

. The brain controls your breathing , your heart , your body

temperature and your digestion .

¶ Translate into English :






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Graduate from


Do architecture


Swimming pool








National hero

Retire from












A sporty family








Table tennis




Break a record





Unit 4

Hello ! 6 People and their lives

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Swim across

The English channel




As a boy

Give up


Save ---from





Go for a walk




Name ---after



Express his


Sump up

Begin with

End with

A sports story

A new story







Proud of



Without a break

Prize money

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A weak heart




Loyal to

Loyalty to



Make achievements

Go into hospital

Well-known for


Score against

Win against

Lose against


National Pride

Break a promise

Do architecture

Long distance race

Work on a news program

win a championship

break the record for

make a good display

the crocodile of the nile

world cup final

children with disabilities

beat the record = break the record

set up a new record

take someone on a trip

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a world famous swimmer

gave his name to a beach in Alex

= named a beach in alex after him

work in TV

a piece of information

Different from

Pleased with

Married to

Proud of

Train at

Lose against

Name after

Admire ….for

Swim across

At the weekend

Relate to

Move to

At university

At secondary school

Work for

Graduate from

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1 drown sink

the boy drowned in the ses

the ship sank yesterday

2 athlete


Abu Heif is a famous athlete

running and swimming are kinds of athletics

3 cross


I can't cross the river

He swam across the English channel

4 decide + to +

on +

He decided to buy a car

you have to decide on your goal in life

5 retire


Government employees retire at the age of 60 .

He resigned from this job to look for another job

6 Married to

Married with

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Mona is married to Ahmed

Ahmed is married with four children .

7 Beach

The children ran and played on the beach.


We walked along the banks of the Nile


The ship was moved towards the share of the sea.


Eygpt lies on the north coast of Africa.

8 Hero ––



Saad zaghloul was anational hero

Ramy Ashour is a famous champion

Abu Hief is afamous athlete

9 Disabled



We shold help disabled children

Mentally retarded children don't learn fast

The developed countries should help the backward ones

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Spend + + ing

He spend most of his time reading


So + + that

He is very clever. He answers evry question (so ………….. that )

He is so clever that he answer every question


Such +( a / an )+ + that

He is very clever . he is answers every question (such )

He is such a clever boy / student that he answer every question .


It + v. to be + such +(a/an) + + + that

The film was very boring . I fell asleep. (such)

It was such a boring film that I fell asleep.

13 Interpreter


14 Exhausted


The swimmer was exhausted

The race was exhausting

15 Break the record for


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Abu Heif broke the record for swimming across the English channel.

Abu Heif broke the record by crossing in 30 hours and

45minutes .

16 Expertise



We were amazed at the expertise of this engineer .

He has long experience in teaching

Scientists carry out their experiments at laboratories .

17 Give in = surrender

Give up

Give out

We never give in in front of our enemies .

The athlete gave up because he was exhausted .

The teacher gave out 5 prizes .

18 Quality

Modesty and generosity are good personal qualities .

This cloth is of a high quality .


Ali has the characteristics of a good teacher .

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1) What do you know about Abu Heif ?

- He was one of the best Egyptian athletes ever and a world famous


2) What was his first achievement and when he was a boy ?

- He won the Egyptian primary school swimming championship .

3) When did he become internationally famous ?

- When he swam across the English channel .

4) How was Abu Heif honoured world wide ?

- He was given a prize as the best swimmer of the 20th century .

5) How did Egypt honour Abu Heif ?

- They gave his name to a beach at Al Anfoushi in Alex.

6) What does the nickname of Abu Heif ?

- The crocodile of the Nile .

7) Show that Abu Heif was generous !

- He gave his prize money for swimming the English channel to the

family of a British swimmer who had drowned .

8) What big achievement did Abu Heif make when he crossed the

English channel the second time ?

Questions with model answers

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- He broke the record by crossing it in 13 hours and 45 minutes .

9) How did people receive Abu Heif when he returned to Egypt ?why?

- They welcomed him as a national hero because of his great

achievements .

10) What qualities did Abu Heif have that made a great sports man?

- Generosity , loyalty to his country and determination .

11) What made him go back on his decision of retirement ?

- President Nasser asked him to think again and continue to swim .

12) In your opinion , what can we do to honour famous people like

Abu Heif ?

- We can name public places after them .

- We can present TV programmes about their lives .

13) What were Abu Heif's greatest achievements in 1963 , in

Toronto and in Montreal race?

- In Toronto , he beat Harry William

- He won the Montreal race after swimming for 30 hour without a

break .

14) What did Abu Heif do after he won the primary school

championship .

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- He moved to cairo and trained at Al- Ahli club .

15) In your opinion , what makes Abu Heif a man for all ages ?

- His great personal qualities and achievements .

1 Finish the following dialogue : Ali : ………………………………………………?

Tourist : I'm from Japan .

Ali : ……………………………………………………..?

Tourist : Tokyo .

Ali : ………………………………………………………?

Tourist : TV sets computers and other electronic sets .

Ali : enjoy your stay in Egypt .

Tourist : ………………………………………………….

2 What would you say in each of the following situations:

1) You tell your father about some of the qualities your friend .

2) You offer to help an old man cross the street .

3) Your friend thanks you for lending him a sum of money .

4) Your friend apologizes for breaking your camera and you accept his

apology .

5) Your teacher asks you what makes someone a national hero l

Exercises on unit 4

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6) You invite your friend to have dinner with you .

7) Your friend suggests doing homework together , you refuse.

8) You are asked what you do in your free time ?

9) Suggest to your family something to do at the weekend .

10) You are asked what we should do so as not to forget heroes

from the past .

11) Your friend invite you to dinner . refuse politely

12) You are asked " what is the best quality of Abu Heif

3 Choose the correct answer : 1) Ali is (making – doing – having – getting ) architecture .

2) Have you ( never – ago – yet – ever ) been to Luxor ?

3) A panda is a kind of ( animal – fish – car – watch )

4) He ( succeeded – graduated – got – came ) from Alex university in


5) Our family is a ( sport – sports – sporty – sporting ) one .

6) He will go ( in – at – by – on ) a school trip .

7) This summer managed to ( break – cut – kill- point )The record .

8) The crocodile of the Nile was the ( surname – nickname – title –

name ) of Abu Heif

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9) All the Egyptians are ( afraid – pleased – proud – kind ) of Abu Heif

10) He spends most of his time ( study- to study – studying – studies )

11) Mandarin is the first ( word – type – style- language ) in china .

12) He is (exhausted – model- happy – kind ) this means he is

extremely tired .

13) He took part in long ( distant – way – distance – distances )races

14) The swimmer swam for 30 hours without a (word – work – break

– record)

15) National ( proud – pride – hero – heroic ) was one Abu Heif 's

best qualities .

16) Mustafa Kamel was a great national ( champion – athlete - hero –

reader )

17) Many swimmers gave ( up – in – out – down ) the race because

they were exhausted .

18) My care broke ( over – into – out – down) on my way to Alex

19) The Paralympic games are for athletes with ( minds – abilities -

disabilities – talents)

20) My sister ( marry – marries – is marrying – is married ) to a doctor .

21) He enjoys sunbathing on the ( bank – beach – cost – shore)

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22) Our team could ( win – defeat – earn – beat ) the other team

yesterday .

23) To keep fit , professional athletes have to ( cut – push – train –

swim ) everyday .

24) Ali has all the ( points – qualities – characteristics – cards ) of

being a good doctor .

25) Abu Heif was one of the best Egyptians ( athletes – players –

athletics – trainers ) ever .

26) This architect managed to ( put – act – design – allow ) new

styles of building

27) It is 5 years ( for – ago – when – since ) I visited Luxor .

28) ( biology – geology – astronomy – physics ) is the study of living

things .

29) Abu Heif was known for his ( mind – generosity- generous –

height )

30) They( took – put – gave – made ) Abu Heif 's name to a beach at

Al-Anfoushi .

31) They named a beach at Al-Anfoushi ( after – on – before – for)

Abu Heif .

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32) In 1966 , Abu Heif decided to ( resign – design – retire – move )

from swimming .

33) Ali did a ( hero – heroic – heroine – bad ) thing yesterday . He

saved a boy from drowning

34) Abu Heif ( gained – won – beat - earned ) a prize as the best

swimmer of the 20th century

35) Abu Heif became internationally famous when he crossed the

English ( channel – sea - river – beach ).

36) It was ( unkind – bad – generous – lazy ) of him to offer to pay

the bill for me

37) We should pay more attention to children with learning (abilities

– inabilities – unabilities – disabilities ) .

38) He lives in this ( part – apartment – conduct – connection )

39) A ( side – club – charity – shop )is an organization which rises

money to help poor people .

40) Mandarin is the most (cool – common – slow – big ) language in

the world .

41) Newspapers make us aware of the current ( events – ways –

shows – acts )

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42) He works as the ( man – main – manager – mine _) of company .

43) He should give (up – in – out - to ) smoking .

44) He is at university ( study – studies – to be studying – studying )

medicine .

45) He is at the club ( play – playing – plays –played )tennis .

46) We face a lot of hardships in our ( day – days – day's – daily) life

47) Of all subjects , I find English most ( enjoy – enjoyable –

enjoyed – enjoying )

48) Ali is ( brave – coward – generous – lazy ) . He always entertains

us to meals .

49) I only play the piano for ( sorrow – relation- relaxation – anger )

50) He saved the girl from (running – moving – sitting – drowning )

51) The swimmer trains 3 times ( at – a – on – by ) week .

52) Abu Heif was Egypt 's greatest (sport – sportsman – sporting –

athlete ) hero .

53) Egypt is famous ( for – to – at – by ) its monuments .

54) He was given a prize ( by –to – for – on ) swimming the channel .

55) I'd like to work ( in – on – at – up ) TV .

56) Don’t ( go – come – turn – get ) excited quickly .

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57) ( athletes – athletics – moving – showing ) part of Olympic games

58) There is a lot of ( exciting – excites – excite – excitement ) in

science fiction stories .

59) You are absolutely right . I agree ( to – at – on – with ) you .

60) His car is similar ( at – by – to – for ) mine .

61) A/An ( interpreter – translator – reader – writer ) translates

spoken words .

4 Rewrite these sentences :

1) He phoned me a moment ago (just )

2) The last time I saw him was a week ago ( for )

3) He went to Paris and he is still there ( he has )

4) I haven’t phoned him for a month ( since)

5) He is still painting the flat ( yet )

6) I haven’t eaten fish since I was in Alex .( I last / the last )

7) This is the first time I have ever visited this town (never )

8) He started to study English 3 years ago and he is still studying it (for)

9) I haven’t seen him since his childhood (since he )

10) I haven’t seen him for a long time ( it's )

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11) I started working on this project 3 days ago .we are on Monday

now . ( since )

12) He has been playing tennis for 3 hours . ( ago )

13) it's 3 weeks since I met him ( for )

14) Mona never visited Alex ( been )

15) I was born in Cairo and still live there (been )

16) It began to rain in the morning and it is still raining . (all day )

¯ Correct the underlined mistakes:

We live in Alex now. We had moved in since 2003. We have been here

since years. I have arrved. I haven't made any friends already.

5 Read and write one word in each space :

. Abu Heif was a world famous swimmer. When he wanted to

……………..…. From swimming president Nasser asked him ………..………

think again . he continued to …………………and ………….……. Prizes . he

retired ………………..…he was 46 . He ……………….……in 2008 .

. Abu Heif was one of the best Egyptian athletes ever . in 2001 , he

…………………..…..a prize as the best swimmer of the 20th century . He

……………….…born in Alex . he became …………….…....famous when he swam

across the English ……………….… . He ………..………the world record by

crocking it in 13 hours and 45 minutes . when he returned to Egypt ,

he was welcomed as a national …………….……… .

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. I'm Ahmed . I'm ……………..…….Cairo . my brother Hany is …………….…..

architecture . when he graduates , he wants to …………….………..a new

building in Cairo . As for me I 'd like to work as an ………………..…. In

television perhaps …………..………. a new programme .

6 Answer the following questions :

1) Abu Heif was generous and sympathetic ….. show that .

2) What qualities should we instill in our young athletes ?

3) What did Abu Heif do in 1963 ?

4) Do you think Egypt honoured Abu Hief ? how ?

5) What made Abu Heif delay / postpone retirement ?

6) What sort of person was Abu Heif ?

7) What prize did Abu Heif get seven years before his death ?

8) How did Egypt show her pride of Abu Heif ?

9) What can we do to make sure people don’t forget heroes from the past ?

10) What do you think Abu Heif did that was incredible ?

11) What were Abu Hief 's greatest achievements ?

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8 Translate into Arabic :

. Sports stars should give something back to their country

. Generosity and sympathy are among the most outstanding qualities

of Abu Heif .

. We should be armed with honesty , patience and good manners .

¶ Translate into English :



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The first world war

The second world war



His own life


Report on

Suffer from







V. to be + in pain












The red cross

A farewell to Arms

For whom the bells





Unit 5

Hello ! 6 Ernest Hemingway

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Keep + v-ing



Set off



Role model


Will power





At sea



reserves of

sail into a storm

on a life boat









sail home

at least


By then

The rest

Attached to

Fishing rod

Fishing line




Consist of








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Stay alive


In detail

Lose weight





According to

Die of hunger

Go camping








biographical facts

a full and exciting life

it doesn’t matter

make an attempt

an ordinary childhood

go fishing

outdoor life

sail out to sea

win the Nobel prize for literature

the highest points on earth

reserves of strength and will-power

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do dangerous jobs

extremely exhausted

bady wounded

get back home

catch fish

for the rest of his life

raise the Egyptian flag on

in great pain

the second of 6 children

laugh at

call on

suffer from

go back to

hear about

in the middle of

at the beginning of

capable of

get back

pull- along

look at


worried about

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continue for

set off

on earth

learn from

round his body

give up

1 Outdoor +


Football is an outdoor game .

He plays football outdoors .

Indoor +


Chess is an outdoor game .

He plays chess outdoors .

2 Raise , raised , arouse , arise

1- raise – raised - raised

Please, raise your hand / voice.

2- rise - rose – risen

Prices rise everyday

The sun rise in the east

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3- arouse – aroused – aroused

(fellings- interest – suspicion – sympathy)

This book aroused my interest

4- arise – arose – arisen

many diseases arise from pollution .

3 angry




He was angry with me .

My boss was annoyed with me

She was so upset that she couldn’t speak .

He was absolutely .

4 Reason…. for

Cause …… of

Reason with

Reason out

I don’t know the reason for his absence .

I don’t know the cause of the fire

I reasoned with his for a long time , but I couldn’t persuade him .

Reason it out for yourself .

5 + enough + to +

He is very clever . he answers every question . ( enough)

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He is clever enough to answer every question .

6 Manage to +

Succeed in + v-ing

v-to be ( able to+ inf / capable of + )

he managed to solve the problem .

he succeed in solving the problem .

he was able to solve the problem

he was capable of solving the problem .

7 would prefer to +

I would prefer to have tea

8 Prefer + v-ing /noun + to + v-ing / noun

= would rather + to + than + to

I prefer tea to coffee

I prefer reading to watching TV

I'd rather read than watch TV

9 Imaginary


This is an imaginary story

This is an imaginative writer

10 Too + + to +

He is very ill . He can't go to work (too…to)

He is too ill to go to work .


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I started with the paragraph , then I answered the dialogue .

I started by writing the paragraph , then I answered the

dialogue .

12 Stop + v-ing

Stop + to + v.inf

He stopped smoking . he no longer smokes .

He stopped to buy a sandwich because he was hungry

13 Go/ come + v-ing

He will go fishing / camping /sailing / cycling

Would you like to come sailing with us ?

14 Find + + v-ing

I found the boy playing tennis

15 Wounded



Many soldiers was wounded during then war.

She cut her finger while cooking .

He was injured in the accident .

16 Afterwards

With +

by + ing

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I did the homework , then I went to bed ( afterwards)

I did the homework and afterwards I went to bed

I did the homework and went to bed afterwards .

17 Although + +

Despite / in spite of + v-ing /noun

Although he is ill , he goes to work .

= despite / in spite of being ill / his illness , he goes to work

18 The ( first / last ) noun + to+ be + p.p

He was the first writer to be given the prize

He was the last one to be arrested .

1) Who was Ernest Hemingway ?

- He was a famous talented American writer .

2) What about Hemingway childhood ?

- He had an ordinary childhood . he loved the outdoor life and spent

most of his time walking camping and fishing .

3) Who was Manolin ?

- He was Santiago's apprentice .

4) Why did Manolin's parents ask him to leave Santiago and work with

another fisherman ?

- Because the hadn’t caught a fish for nearly 3 months .

5) Why do you think Santiago went fishing alone ?

- To prove that he was still skilled despite his old age .

6) What did Santiago catch ? why couldn’t escape ?

Questions with model answers

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- He caught a Marlin , it couldn’t escape because it had taken the bait .

7) Why did the Marlin pull the old man's boat along ?

- Because he wasn’t strong enough to pull it to his boat .

8) How did Santiago feel when the Marlin pulled the boat along ?why ?

- He was in great pain because the fishing line was round his body

9) Why didn't Santiago cut the fishing line ?

- He was determined that the fish wouldn’t escape

10) Why was Santiago extremely exhausted ?

- Because he hadn’t slept for nearly 3 days .

11) Why do you think Manolin liked Santiago .

- Because he regards him as a role model .

12) Give examples to show that Manolin liked Santiago ?

- He visited him every evening to talk to him .

- He was worried about him when he was at sea .

13) Santiago was hopeful , didn’t know despair and had a strong will


- He decided to sail alone to prove that he was still skilled .

- He didn’t give up in the fight against the Marlin .

14) Santiago had a dream which didn’t come true (discuss) - He dreamed of selling the Marlin and earning a lot of money but the

sharks ate it . 15) How did the sharks disappoint Santiago and spoilt his wish /

desire ?

- They ate the Marlin and left only its skeleton .

16) How do you see Santiago ? / what do you think of Santiago ?

- He did great stamina and strong will .

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17) What can we learn from Santiago ?

- Will power , stamina , determination and strength .

18) What qualities are needed by people who do dangerous jobs ?

- Bravery , confidence and self control .

19) How do you feel about the old man at the end of the story?

- I respect his stamina and determination .

- I feel pity for him because he couldn’t sell the Marlin .

20) What is the old man and the sea about ?

- Man's fight against nature .

1 Finish the following dialogue :

Mona : …………………………………………………?

Hoda : it's a novel called "the old man and the sea "

Mona : ……………………………………………….. ?

Hoda : Ernest Hemingway , a very talented American writer .

Mona : …………………………………………………….?

Hoda : it's about an old man 's fight with nature .

Mona : you seem ………………………………………….

Hoda : yes I know a lot about him . Hhis childhood was ordinary . he loved outdoor life . 2 What would you say in each of the following situations:

1) your friend wants to borrow your dictionary . you refuse politely .

2) a friend of yours tells you that he doesn’t feel well .

3) you ask your teacher 's advice about learning new words and

vocabulary .

Exercises on unit 5

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4) you invite your friend to have a cup of coffee with you .

5) you are asked about Ernest Hemingway .

6) you are asked about the importance of reading .

7) you tell some one the qualities of a good teacher .

8) your brother introduces his friend to you .

9) you wan to know the price of your friend's shirt .

10) you offer a present to your friend on his birthday .

3 Choose the correct answer :

1) my brother enjoys staying at home but I prefer the ( indoor-

indoors – outdoors – outdoor )

2) I want to go ( fish – fished – fishing – to be fishing ) .

3) This teacher is ( knowing – to know – acknowledgeable –

knowledgeable ) about his subject .

4) The summit of Everest is the highest ( point – break – poem – side )

on earth .

5) He told us what happened in (show – detail – part – duty )

6) A lot of people drowned because there were very few ( lifeboats –

life sides – life kinds – life acts )

7) The old man sailed a long way ( up – out – off – down ) to sea alone .

8) This food smells ( badly – bad – worst – well )

9) Fishermen use ( bait – water – food – string ) to catch fish .

10) It is not a true story . it is ( fact – real- fiction – novel )

11) Let's go ( camping – running – moving – showing ) to spend a lot of

time in tents .

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12) Hemingway had an ( illegal – informal – ordinary – inside )

childhood .

13) I read books ( by – to – at – of ) all kinds .

14) Hemigway lived a full and ( early – new – exciting - slow ) life .

15) He worried ( for – on – by – about ) his son .

16) We learn (of – at – from – to ) each other .

17) He is furious . this means he is ( very angry – happy – very glad –

excited )

18) The mechanic is trying to teach his ( doctor – apprentice – nurse –

engineer ) some new skills .

19) Novels and short stories are both kinds of ( biology – history –

fiction – fact )

20) He retired and lived in this town for the ( rest – comfort – part –

same ) of his life .

21) Hemingway ( born – was born – has born – borne ) in Chicago .

22) He suffers ( from – of – by – at ) an incurable disease .

23) Naguib Mahfouz was a famous (novelist – actor – musician –

doctor ) . His novels are still read everyday .

24) Italy (earned – gained - won- beat ) the last world cup

championship .

25) Football is ( famous – popular – nice – great ) with a lot of people .

26) He ( succeeded – managed – enabled – could ) to beat his rival .

27) When the light went out , the children were ( exhausted - happy –

terrified – nice )

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28) I and Ali ( went – remained – came – got ) good friends for a long

time .

29) A fishing ( rod -point – line – boat ) is a long string .

30) The person you work for Is called ( employee – employer – uncle –

master )

31) He was ( exhausted - glad – cheerful – furious ) when his wallet

was stolen .

32) 5 persons were killed in the car ( crash – cash – smash – rash )

33) The fish couldn’t escape because it took the fisherman 's ( fish –

part – bait – point )

34) The man was ( nicely – completely – such – friendly ) exhausted

35) He was exhausted . this mean he was very ( tired o- happy – glad

– low )

36) We set ( up – down – of – off )

37) Close the window , please . I'm (nice – freezing – exciting –

pleasing )

38) What happened was unusual and unbelievable . it was ( easy –

logical – incredible – comfortable )

39) The bones of a human or an animal are called a ( skeleton –

sickness – skill – skate)

40) the old man and the sea is a famous novel ( at – for – on – by )


41) I stared ( by – at – for – with )answering the first question .

42) He stopped ( to write – writing – write – written ) and put down

the pen .

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43) This journalist will report ( on – in – at – by) the conference .

44) Hemingway was a very ( lazy – late – huge – talented ) American

writer .

45) She did the shopping and ( after – afterwards – before – last )

she went to the club .

46) This man faced a lot of trouble at his ( early – nearly – middle –

first ) childhood .

47) A fishing (line – rod – bait – point ) is made of wood or metal .

48) A/an ( donor – reader – apprentice – expert ) is a young person

who tries to learn some skills to do a job .

49) Hemingway had quite an ( unusual – usual – ordinary – order )

childhood .

50) Shakespeare is the most famous playwright ion the English (

words – story – grammar – literature )

51) The old man and the sea is Hemingway 's most ( succeed –

successful – to succeed – succeeding ) noverl .

52) The sharks ate the old man's Marlin and left only its ( skill – body

– skeleton – scales)

53) The weather has been ( nicely – terrible – terrific – terror ) all

week .

54) He was in great ( pain – port – part – boil ) when the car hit him

55) Our scientists are a source of national ( pride – proud – bait – part

) for us .

56) The lion ( rushed – did – attached – ran ) its prey .

57) He ( last - finally – greatly – end ) returned .

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58) The ( yellow – red – green – small ) cross is an organization that

help the wounded in war .

59) None was ( done – pleased – let – hurt )in the accident .

60) ( camping – court – card – game ) teaches young people how to

depend on themselves .

4 Rewrite these sentences :

1) The plane is faster than the train ( as …… / not so...... )

2) She is the tallest girl in class . ( taller )

3) No girl in class is as polite as Mona . ( the most )

4) He is the most famous writer in Egypt ( no other writer )

5) Her song was beautiful ( She)

6) Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world ( high / higher )

7) England is colder than Egypt . (not so hot )

8) He is as old as his friend . ( the same )

9) I have never seen such an exciting film ( most )

10) He is the most intelligent student I have ever met . ( I have never )

11) I have never read a good story like that ( This is )

12) I t is the worst match I have ever watched ( bad /worse )

13) Ali is taller than Hany (tall)

14) Amr runs faster than all the boys (fastest )

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15) He is the best student in class . ( as )

16) Ahmed is taller than Emad .(less)

17) Adel isn’t a good driver ( drives )

18) Hany isn’t as good at swimming as omar . ( swim )

19) He is the shortest boy in class . ( the least )

20) Ali is tall but his brother is taller . ( not so )

5 Read and write one word in each space :

. The old man and the sea is a fight against nature . Santiago , and

his young …..........…….. hadn’t caught a fish for nearly three months .

Santiago decided to …….......……… alone to prove that he was …….......…. .

a big Marlin had taken Santiago's ….....…………. But he wasn’t strong

…….......….. to pull it to the boat . Santiago was in great ……....……

because he had the fishing line round his body .

. Nowadays more and more people ……......……… foreign travel and

………......…….their holidays in the distant countries . however , not

everyone has the same reason ….......……….. traveling . some people

travel so that they can .........……….. foreign languages or because they

want to visit the famous ………......…….. in the …….......……… countries .

. Hemingway was born …..........………. Chicago in 1899 and had quite

…........……… ordinary childhood ……………….. a boy , he loved the outdoor

life . he …………....... A lot of time walking , camping and fishing . at the

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……......….......... Of 18 ,he started to write poems and short stories . as

a novelist , he was ……….......…….. for writing fiction .

6 Answer the following questions :

1) Was the old man happy or un happy in the end ?

2) What does this story tell us about people like Santiago ?

3) Mention some of the good qualities of Santiago .

4) Which of them won the fight at last . the old man or nature ? why ?

5) What did Santiago think about as he was pulling the Marlin home ?

6) What did Manolin's parents think of Santiago ? why ?

7) What did the old man decide to do after 84 days with no fish ?

8) Santiago had strong determination and never gave up ( Give examples )

9) Santiago had dream which didn't come true ( discuss )

10) Show that Manolin liked Santiago ?

8 Translate into Arabic :

. The internet is used for several purpose .

. Friendship is the most precious thing in life .

. One advantage of sport is that it enables us to keep fit and resist

diseases .

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. Nowadays our schools are equipped with modern sets which help

to develop the educational process .

¶ Translate into English :





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Exhausted gases =






Get wet




As well as







Petrol car


Protect from

Forms of energy


Traffic jams




Solar power

Blame for

Take over





Fill with



Run on



Unit 6

Hello ! 6 Tomorrow's world

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Natural gas


Work on a problem

Work on


Geothermal power

Lead to

Natural energy

Get (better-worse)

The least



















Vegetable oil










Make energy of

Drive on some roads

The same as

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Result from

Have a baby

One day , we will be able to

Satellite navigation system

Burn petrol more Efficiently

Early electric cars

At some time in the future

Oil will run out

Who is to blame for

We must do something about this problem

A modern car With a computer

Injured In a crash

As soon as possible

On the way to

Take time

The best way to …….. is to

Exhaust (gases – fumes )

Report problems

recharge the battery

In the next ten years

In a few years time

Badly affected by

Set in a traffic jam

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Instead of

Protect( from /against )

Agree with

Bring in

Work on

Fill with

Worried about

Make for

Run on

Take over

Excited about

Blame for

A replacement for

1 * Affect

* Effect ( on , of )

: Effect ¯

V. to have +a/an + +effect + on

Smoking affects health badly . (effect)

Smoking has a bad effect on health .

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2 * In + 's + time

* In + 's + time

He will travel abroad in a year's time

He will finish this work in 3 years time

3 It is + + for + + to +

It is important for him to go

4 * Result in

* Result from

Success results from hard work . ( result in )

Hard work results in success .

5 The best way to + + is to+

You should practice sport to be in good health . ( the best way )

The best way to be in good health is to practice sport .

6 Stop + + ing

I stopped him making this mistake

7 The problem with + + is that + +

Cars cause pollution (the problem)

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The problem with cars is that they cause pollution.

8 The reason+ + is/was+

He arrived late because of the traffic jam . ( the reason )

The reason he arrived late was because there was traffic jam .


* The man who is wearing the yellow shirt is Ahmed .

= The man wearing the yellow shirt is Ahmed .

* The paragraph which was were written by Emad was good

= The paragraph written by Emad was good

10 * Electric

* Electrical

Electric will be used more the future .

He is an electrical engineer

He tries to mend the electrical fault


+ ing () + p,p

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* Electrician

He asked the electrician to fix the lights .

11 need to +

I need to buy a new car

+ need + (v-ing / to be + p.p )

The car needs mending .

The car needs to be mended .

12 * Special

* Private

Surgeons wear special uniforms during operations .

What is special about this town ?

This is my private car .

These are private papers .

13 Blame + + for

Blame + + on +

We blamed Ali for the noise .

We blamed the noise on Ali .

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14 As many + + as

As much + + as

I don’t have as many books as Ali .

I don’t have as much money as ALI

15 + expect ( that ) + will +

+ expected ( that ) + would +

We expect that he will come .

We expected that she would go.

16 Compound nouns

Air pollution

Vegetable oil

Seat belt

A girls school

Satellite navigation system

1) What causes air pollution in big cities ?

- Exhaust fumes from cars , buses lorries and factories .

Questions with model answers

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2) What will happen if you sit in a traffic jam in a big city ?

- Your lungs will fill with exhaust fumes .

3) In what ways air pollution harmful ?

- It can damage our health as well as the environment .

4) What do scientists try to do to solve the problem of exhaust

fumes ?

- They have developed a new type of cars which don’t cause pollution.

5) What do you think we should do to solve the problem of air

pollution ?

- We should limit the use of cars .

- We should develop cleaner farms of energy .

6) How are the engines in today's cars better than in the past ?

- They burn petrol more efficiently

7) What was the disadvantage of the early electric cars ?

- Their batteries couldn’t travel as far as fast as petrol cars .

8) How are cars that use engines and batteries better than early

electric cars

- When the battery is empty , the petrol engine takes over . early

electric cars ran out of fuel when the battery was empty .

9) How can farmers grow fuel in their fields ?

- Scientists have discovered that cars can run on vegetable oil .

10) Why is important to find a replacement for petrol soon?

- Because there will be no oil in the future

11) What may car batteries use in a few years time ?

- Hydrogen and oxygen .

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12) Mention some forms of natural energy ?

- The wind energy , solar energy and water energy .

13) How is an air bag useful in a car ?

- It inflates and stops you being injured in a car crash .

14) What does satellite navigation system do ?

- It helps you to find your location .

1 Finish the following dialogue :

Heba is at doctor's clinic

Doctor : …………………………………………………….?

Heba : I have a sore throat .

Doctor :…………………………………………………..?

Heba : for 3 days .

Doctor : I think you have a flu .

Heba : ……………………………………………………?

Doctor : you have to take the medicine and the tablets every 8 hours .

Heba : ……………………………………………………..stay in bed ?

Doctor : yes , I think so .

2 What would you say in each of the following situations:

1) Your friend thinks that air pollution is a big problem . you agree

with him .

2) You ask your friends opinion about his journey to luxor .

3) You see your friend off at the airport .

Exercises on unit 6

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4) Your brother wants you to know what you are going to do at the

weekend .

5) You offer to help an old man with his heavy bag .

6) Your friend asks your opinion about the new law of traffic .

7) Your friend asks you how we can solve the problem of traffic jam in

big cities .

8) Your friend is thirsty / hungry . make an offer

9) The porter offers to carry your suitcase .

10) You are for the suggestion of banning cars in city centre .

11) you are against women's work .

12) You are freezing . asks your friend to do something

13) Your friend doesn’t know the way to your house .

3 Choose the correct answer :

1) Are you ( to – for – by – at ) or against using electric cars ?

2) When we ( breathe – pass – breath- sleep ) our lungs fill with air .

3) Cars can run ( water – meat – vegetable – sand ) oil in the future

4) A car satellite ( port – navigation – negation – fridge ) system show

the driver the quickest route .

5) Scientists are working ( to – in – for – on ) the problem of exhaust

pollution .

6) we need to find a ( place – palace – replacement – part ) for petrol

as soon as possible .

7) we should solve the problem o f ( traffic – air – pollution – soil –

photographic ) jam in Cairo .

8) I have no ( intention – attention – action – mention ) of buying a car.

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ICDL ١٠٠

9) Scientists can make ( facts – show – prediction – suggestion ) about

the future .

10) The tank is filled ( of – with – by – at ) petrol .

11) A lot of cars run ( at – by – for – on )natural gas .

12) He blamed me ( of – for – by – at )coming late.

13) I ran ( out – away – for – down ) of money .

14) He took my bag ( place – act – instead – cause ) of his bag .

15) We can see a lot of things ( in – on – at – over ) the internet .

16) My car stopped because there is no petrol (leaving – leave – to

leave – left )

17) Industry leads ( for – to – by – of ) pollution .

18) I'm pleased ( of- for - at – with ) the result .

19) He was ( lived – injured – shown – allowed in a car accident .

20) We can make energy ( up – down – out – over ) of Hydrogen and

oxygen .

21) We must so something to ( pollute – put – pull- protect ) the

environment .

22) Man is to ( tell – do – blame – inform ) for damaging the environment .

23) Mr Adel takes ( on – over – in – by ) when the manager is absent .

24) A hybrid car uses electricity ( such- as well – as well as – but )

petrol .

25) Nothing can live without ( engine – energy – engineer – angle )

26) The air bag ( flats – inflates – indicates – stays ) during accidents .

27) I'm not ( to – by – at – for ) your opinion .

28) He is excited ( about – at – for – on ) this news .

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ICDL ١٠١

29) Life in big cities is getting (better – nicer – bigger – worse )

because of pollution .

30) We get ( hot – wet – dry – rainy ) in the rain .

31) I have a car ( by – for – to – with ) a computer .

32) I need to ( place – replace – boil –paint ) the battery of this mobile .

33) I need to ( chain – shell - recharge – reuse ) the battery of my

mobile .

34) The quickest route takes the (least – most much – little ) time .

35) Cars , buses and lorries are ass ( ways – methods – vehicles ) jams .

36) Natural gas is used to ( run on – run – make – drive ) buses .

37) Noise pollution may ( help – increase – damage – benefit - ) our

hearing .

38) Our ( arms – lungs – legs – brains ) fill with air when we breathe .

39) We admire him as he does his work ( efficiently – badly – carelessly

– lately )

40) We should protect ourselves ( of – for – by – from ) pollution .

41) We need an ( experience – expert – experiment – experienced ) to

solve this problem .

42) My car stopped suddenly because the petrol ( moved – finished –

walked – ran ) out .

43) We ( learn – expect – accept – agree ) him to pass the exam .

44) A car satellite navigation system ( says – puts – talks – tells ) the

speaker the quickest route .

45) This is my ( personal – person – persons – personality )

46) There is no ( show – say – evidence – way ) that he is guilty .

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ICDL ١٠٢

47) Good engines ( put – burn – do – act ) fuel efficiently .

48) Car causes ( many – a lot of – few – a lot ) pollution .

49) Farmers can grow vegetable ( petrol- oil – fuel – gas )

50) a/an ( engine – meter – battery – soil ) stores electricity for a car

, radio , watch ..etc .

51) car batteries may use hydrogen and oxygen in a few ( year –

year's – years – years' )time .

52) scientists have ( discovered – done – designed – allowed ) engines

which use natural gas .

53) pollution has a bad (affect – effect – affection – effective )on us .

54) air ( travel – show – traffic – pollution ) is really harmful .

55) to ( disgust – deny –I design – rule ) means to plan and draw

something like a house .

56) Solar – power cars use ( engines – batteries – air bags – toys )

charged by sun's rays .

57) Next month I ( buy – will be buying – am going to buy – bought ) a car .

58) I ( may be – will be – am going to be – might be ) 17 next year .

59) Mona doesn’t study well . she ( will fail – is failing – is going to fail

– fails ) this year .

60) Scientists can ( reason – do - cause – make ) energy from the sun .

4 Rewrite these sentences :

1) The sky is full of black clouds ( going )

2) I promise t buy you a camera ( will)

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3) I don’t intend to buy this car ( I'm)

4) He is expected to come soon .( I expected that)

5) I booked a ticket to travel to London next week (I'm)

6) I have arranged to visit Luxor . ( going to /visiting )

7) He threatened to punish me for making this mistake .( will)

8) He is going to spend the holiday in Alex .(plans )

9) Everything is arranged for my travel to Paris ( I )

10) Are you going to buy a new flat ( intend )

11) They decided to set up a new project (going to )

12) He isn’t going to visit Hurghada (intend )

¯ Correct the underlined mistakes:

Next month I am going have my birthday party . I'm being 16

years old . I and my friend will do a good time together . I

think it is being a great party .

5 Read and write one word in each space :

. There will be no oil in the world , so we need to find a ……………....

for petrol as soon as possible . scientists have discovered that cars

can ……….………… on vegetables oil . which means that ……………….. will be

able to "grow " fuel in their fields . and now engineers are working

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………………….. a new type of car battery which makes ………………….. out of

hydrogen and oxygen . …………….…… believe that we may be able to buy

cars using these batteries in the next ten years .

. The ……………..……gases from cars and other ……….………… have their

bad effect on us . they can cause …………..…………….to our health . so we

should find a ……………..…… to this problem . for example, people should

use ……………..……… transport ………………..…….of using their own cars .

. If you sit …………..……… a traffic jam in cairo , your …………….…… will

fill with the exhaust fumes from cars buses and lorries scientists are

working …………………. The problem of exhaust pollution . they have

designed ………………….…….. which use natural gas . engineers have

designed . ………………….. cars which use both ………………..… and ………………….

6 Answer the following questions :

1) What are the advantages of the cars that use electricity and petrol ?

2) How can scientists solve the problem of air pollution ?

3) What recharges the battery in the electric cars when it is empty ?

4) What are the two kinds of fuels do we have ?

5) How are modern car kinder to the environment ?

6) Who is to blame for air pollution ?

7) How can we help to reduce air pollution ?

8) How is natural gas used in some cities ?

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9) Do you think air pollution will get better or worse in the future? why?

10) How does industry affect the environment .

8 Translate into Arabic :

. Summer camps helps youth to depend on themselves and practice

a co-operative life .

. We go to the countryside to enjoy the fresh and pure air and the

beauty of nature.

. We exert our utmost to conserve the environment as much as

possible .

. All the world's countries depend on oil as a chief source of

energy .

. Everyday scientists present what is new to serve humanity .

¶ Translate into English :






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Bird flu Serious Wild Infected wound Outbreak Alert Caller Domestic Cycle Law Rules Motorway Recent The middle East Farm birds Towards Germs Digest Cleanliness Hygiene Sanitation Public Flies Insects Poisonous Dirty Cover with Infection Land on food Dirt Pass germs on to Boil

Avoid Bathe Make sure Pass from…to Pieces of food Lying around Smell bad Common Condition Die of Prevent ... from Humans Disease – illness Pick Pond Lake Unusual In fact Harmful Under control Chickens A good example Seriously get infected follow the following staff seat belt clearly safely in a hurry out – of – date


Unit 7

Hello ! 6 Health and safety

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Tap water Blood Bleed Disappear Damaged More than Gym Stay healthy Poison Cut On his finger Spread Inspect food Feed Tin careful about keep food throw multiply hygienic properly ward check equipment equip the public how often kettle wear

patient keep safe carelessness electrical items politeness loneliness medical recover from essential for immediate go wrong order of importance frequently on the skin advertisement even if at the side of the road headlines specially sink happiness simply careless imperative in contact with notice stomach upsets virus

Put on weight Get worse Under control Catch a disease

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Set an example A set of instructions A friendly neighbour Dangerous to V . to be /get infected with a disease In contact with As often as possible From an early age Climb a tree In pair A damaged tin of food Lying around Make things better Take something more seriously Live near to A child with dirty hand A serious medical condition

Stop / prevent from Fill Protect .(.from – against) Pass …on to Cover .. with Infected with Decide on Careful about Keep away from Pass from … to The disease is still with us Covered up Look after Die of Expert ( in/on) Related to On the road By 2007


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1 Let + + to Allow + + to +

He allowed me to go (let ) He let me go . 2 Promise + to +

That + + will/would + He promised to buy me a camera . He promised that he would buy me a camera . 3 Taste , smell , look , feel , sound The food smells bad . = the food has a good smell . The food tastes good = the food has a good taste . 4 without You shouldn’t drink tap water without boiling it . You shouldn’t drink tap water without it being boil . Without + v-ing

Being – p.p 5 Good + at

To For He is good at English . We shouldn’t be good to the poor . Practicing sport is good for us . 6 Infected

Infectious His cut has become infected . Cold is an infectious disease . 7 Wash

Wash up

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You should wash your hands before a meal . She washed up the plates . 8 Die of

Die out He die of cancer . This animal will die out soon . 9 Lie – lied – lied

Lie – lay - lain Lay – laid – laid

He lied to his father about what happened He lay on the beach . All birds lay eggs . He laid the book on the table 10 It + is/was + + for + + to + It is possible for humans to catch bird flu . 11 Disease He suffers from heart disease .

Illness He didn’t go to work because of his illness .

Sickness Travel sickness

Soldiers suffer from hunger and sickness . 12 Because of + ( v-ing/noun) He didn’t go to work because he was ill . ( because of ) He didn’t go to work because of being ill . He didn’t go to work because of hiss illness 13 Recommended

Advice He recommended this hotel to me He advised me to study hard . 14 Equip .. with

Provide …with All our schools are equipped with computer sets .

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The father provides his children with what they need .

1) Why is cleanliness important ? - Because it protects us from one person to another ?

2) What is meant by hygiene and sanitation ? - Hygiene is your own cleanliness . - It is public cleanliness .

3) Why do infections pass from one person to another ? - Because of bad sanitation and hygiene .

4) How do some stomach problems begin ? - A person with dirty hands pass germs to other persons or to food .

5) How often should wash or bathe ? - You should wash your hands before a meal . - You should bathe more often specially in hot weather .

6) Mention some of the rules of hygiene ? - You should always wash your hands before a meal . - You should bathe more often in hot weather - You should boil tap water before you drink it .

7) Why should we bathe more often in hot weather ? - Because germs multiply quickly in hot weather .

8) Why should you make sure that flies and insects don’t land on your food ? - Because they can pass their germs on to you .

9) How should you keep food ? - We should keep it clean and covered up .

10) Why mustn’t you eat food that smells bad ? - Because it may be poisonous .

11) What does a damaged tin of food tells you ? - The food inside it is bad .

12) How can we a void illness and stay healthy ? - We should follow the rules of hygiene .

13) What can go wrong if people don’t follow the rules of cleanliness ? - They may get infected and catch diseases

14) How can parents make sure their children learn the rules of cleanliness ?

Questions with model answers

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- They should teach them these rules from an early age and set an example to them .

15) Why mustn’t you leave pieces of food and dirty dishes lying around ? - Because they will attract flies .

1 Finish the following dialogue :

Interviewer : sir tell us what kinds of birds can catch bird flu . Minister : ……………………………………………………………………………..………….. Interviewer : all ! so, this means ………………………… ……………. ………………. Minister : of course not , we can eat chicken as long as we boil it well . Interviewer :…………………………………………………if we touch an infected bird ? Minister : we must …………………………………………………………….. .

2 What would you say in each of the following situations:

1) Your brother is going outside and the weather is very cold . 2) Someone tells you that your friend had an accident . 3) You invite your friend to your birthday party . 4) You advise your friend how to keep healthy . 5) You advise your friend how to keep healthy . 6) Your little brother asks you what he should do before meals ? 7) Your sister is going to eat food that smells bad . 8) Your friend is putting on weight .. Give him some advice . 9) Your friend wants to keep fit . 10) You advise your friend about to stay healthy and avoid diseases . 11) You want to speak English well . ask your teacher 's advice . 12) Someone is going to touch a bird infected with bird flu . 13) You advise your friend not to spend too much money .

3 Choose the correct answer :

1) The recent ( outbreak – breakout – outflow – flowing ) of bird flu started in 2003 .

2) Humans can ( hold – arrest – catch – cut ) bird flu . 3) If you have a disease , this means you are ( passed – caught –

covered- infected ) with it . 4) He died ( of – by – for - to ) bird flu .

Exercises on unit 2

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5) Bird flu is under ( way – earth – ground – control) 6) bird flu is dangerous ( at – on – to – of )people . 7) (hygiene – sanitation – infection – fact) is your own cleanliness . 8) (hygiene – sanitation – safety – safe ) means public cleanliness . 9) This child's hands are covered ( with – up – for – of ) germs . 10) We should try to ( sit – stand – stay – run ) healthy . 11) Cleanliness protects us from ( infected – infection – infecting –

infectious ) . 12) Some students don’t care about their ( private – person –

personal – persons ) cleanliness . 13) You mustn’t leave dishes ( lied – lain – laying – lying ) around . 14) If insects land on your food they may pass their germs ( out –

up - onto – over ) to us . 15) Don’t eat food in a tin if the tin is ( infectious – damaged –

damaging – damage ) . 16) Flies and insects shouldn’t land ( in – at – of – on ) your food . 17) It is ( impossible – possible – improbable – unlikely ) for humans

to protect themselves from bird flu . 18) Lions and tigers are ( easy – tame – domestic – wild ) animals. 19) Food is digested in the ( lungs – stomach – heart – head ) 20) Carbon dioxide is a ( clean – polluted – poisonous – clear ) gas . 21) You should bathe more often in hot weather or when you have

been running or ( be – been – being – is ) to the gym . 22) Doctors and nurses ( take – run – move – look ) after sick people . 23) Hospitals are now ( put – charge – allowed - equipped ) with

modern equipment . 24) Hospital ( staff – stove - stiff – stuff ) should wash their hands

frequently . 25) They ( said – told – promised – talked ) to us . 26) He ( enjoys – prefers – likes – admires ) tea to coffee . 27) He stopped his car at the ( side – bottom – top – part ) of the

road . 28) Drivers should wear a seat ( build – built – belt – port ) 29) Infection can ( run – pass – go – get ) quickly from one person to

another . 30) Cleanliness protects us ( from – of – off – out ) infections 31) We should follow the ( rails – reeds – rules – roles ) of hygiene .

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32) ( no – few – some – all ) kinds of birds catch bird flu . 33) I must have (done – caught – put – acted ) this cold from him . 34) Patients stay in ( wars – words – wards – wires ) at hospitals . 35) We go to the ( game – gym- goal – jean) to so physical exercise . 36) This food smells ( well – badly – bad – carefully ) 37) Cleanliness is ( extreme - great – nicely – extremely ) important . 38) We must keep (on – of – away – over ) from infected birds . 39) Flowers attract bees ( for – towards – over – up ) them . 40) We can ( smell – taste – touch- hear ) with our fingers 41) Many infections pass from one person to ( other – another – else

– also ) 42) dirt contains ( germs – games – sweet - mines ) . 43) when something isn’t clean , it is ( dirt – dirty – sandy – stormy ) 44) ( fly – germ- flu – blow ) is an illness that birds , people and

animals can catch . 45) If you have (felt – touched – let – smelt ) an infected bird , you

must wash very well . 46) It is difficult to ( cover – run – recover – reuse ) from cancer . 47) Chickens and cats are ( domestic – wild savage – hard ) animals . 48) I have always been ( infected –liked – moved – attracted ) by the

idea of traveling abroad . 49) Diseases means a/an ( exam – cure – thought – illness ) or serious

medical condition . 50) The teacher gave the students ( words – speeches – news –

instructions ) to respect the school rules . 51) You should wash more often ( in – on - at – of ) hot weather . 52) She doesn’t care about her personal ( infection – hygiene –

sanitation – hospital ) 53) he left without (take – to take – being take – taking ) his bag . 54) He was able to ( do – make – put – act ) things better . 55) You shouldn’t drive fast even ( as – so – unless – if ) you are ( in –

on ) a hurry . 56) We should provide our schools with (out – up – over – down ) to

date equipment . 57) We must be careful ( on – of – about – at ) the food we eat . 58) He mustn’t drive this car ( on – at – up – for ) more than 120


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59) What is the problem ( in – of o- from – for ) canned food ? 60) The word " public " is relating ( on – to – of – for ) the ordinary

people in any area . 4 Rewrite these sentences :

1) You should eat much chocolate (better ) 2) You are not allowed to park here (mustn’t ) 3) You should take exercise ( advice ) 4) I think it is better to arrive early (ought) 5) You mustn’t drive down this street .it is a one way street ( allowed) 6) I feel obliged to go now (must ) 7) It is against the law to smoke in public places . ( mustn’t) 8) Driving without a license is illegal .(it's ) 9) It was necessary for her to go ( she) 10) It was necessary for him to come ( have to ) 11) Was it necessary for her to do that ? ( have to ) 12) What would you advise me to do ? ( should ) 13) You mustn’t park here .( forbidden ) 14) It is inadvisable to waste your time ( should/ought ) 15) You should wash your hands before meals . ( good idea) 16) I advise you to make a study plan . ( had better ) ¯ Correct the underlined mistakes:

To avoid illnesses we should follow some healthy habits . we should to wash our hands before and while having meals . we should be careful when we deal with the infectious birds so as not to hold diseases . we shouldn’t leave food covered so as not to allow insects to land on it and pass them germs on to you . 5 Read and write one word in each space :

. You should be very careful about the food you eat . …………..sure that flies and other …………don’t land on your food . insects eat dirt and dirt ………..germs . if flies land on your food , they may ………their germs on to you . you mustn’t leave ………… of food or dirty dishes lying around because the will …………..the flies . . Most road accidents cause death . drivers are always …………a hurry . somev of them don’t follow the traffic ……… . they don’t even wear seat ……….. which can stop them being ………when an accident

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takes place . what is worse is using mobile phone …………… driving . the ……….is that more and more people are injured or killed . . Cleanliness is important in protecting us from infections …………. Is your own cleanliness and sanitation means public cleanliness many …………of the stomach pass from one person to another because of bad sanitation and hygiene . if a child has dirty hands , they will be covered with millions of ……….. . there are some of the ……….of hygiene . you should always wash your hands before a ……….. . you should …………… more often in hot wather .

6 Answer the following questions :

1) Why do you think you should boil tap water before you drink it ? 2) Why mustn’t you leave dirty dishes lying around ? 3) What would happen if you took and ate a sweet from a child with

dirty hands ? 4) Why should you always cover food ? 5) Why is it dangerous if a child has dirty hands ? 6) How can you make sure tap water is safe to drink ? 7) What are the public places which should always be clean and

hygienic ?why ? 8) What do you think you should you do if you have touched an

infected bird ? 9) Why do many infection of the stomach pass from one person to

another ? 10) Why shouldn’t we leave our food uncovered up ? 11) What happens if a hospital is not clean ? 12) Why do you think brushing teeth is important ?

8 Translate into Arabic :

. Everybody is responsible for protecting the environment .

. Because of the open skies , the virus of bird flu will transfer everywhere on the wings of migrating birds . . Prevention is better than cure . . Keep away from infected birds so as not catch bird flu . . Cleanliness is the most important weapon to fight germs . . It's healthier to walk after eating to help food digestion .

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¶ Translate into English :

. .

. .


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Actor Theatre Musician Patron Definitely Entertain part-owner Retire Financial problem Obvious put into prison Soldiers Realize truth playwright support artist in public owner well -known wander wonder find out successful make money from maker marry underline decision on the stage perform glove maker

poem play quiz theatre group injured risk foolish guilty capture the globe theatre live on poet poetry guide fight describe diary

turning point address include revision several Luckily Turning point Feelings Send away Road accidents The river Thames End Ending Beginning


Unit 8

Hello ! 6 William Shakespeare

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Past mistakes Ashamed of King Learn from Probably Safety

Sport Prepare Save Opposite Risky

At the beginning of in answer to try to move back to at the age of all over the world take power from risks his life for learn from a mistake lose to someone v. to be + appeared to make money take back have a child work in a theatre that's why = therefore make a mistake have no idea easy to understand do well in the test arrive an hour late tell a lie give his money and land to tell the truth was born have a problem go on holiday didn’t do enough revision

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retire to +

Take something back from someone Love for Send away Tell…about perform for perform in write for famous /well-known for wander around win a fight against lose a fight against learn from angry with clever at good at take to prison refer to leave for obvious to give his country to put someone into prison think of fall down hear from

1 Reach He reached Alex late .

Arrive in At

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He arrived in Cairo very late He arrived at the station at 11 o'clock . * Arrive He arrived very late 2 Wander

Wonder I wonder if she come . I wander in the streets for a long time . 3 So that + + can /may + Could/might +

To So as to + In order to

I took a taxi to arrive early ( so that ) I took a taxi so that I could /might arrive early . He works hard because he wants to succeed ( so that / so as to ) He works hard so that he can may succeed . He works hard so as to succeed . 4

1- By By car , by bus , by train , by plane , by ship , by sea , by air 2- In In a taxi , in his car 3- On On the train , on a big ship , on the bus .

on On his bike On a motorbike On horse back On the horse

On foot 5 ( Know / show ) how + to +

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I don’t know to deal with him . He showed me how to solve this problem . 6 * So + very She is so intelligent He is so lazy

* Such + a /an + + She is such an intelligent girl . It is such an exciting story

Such a/an It such difficult work l They are such lazy students . 7 Angry with

Angry about He is angry with his friend . He is angry about the result . 8 Capture He was captured during the war . The town was captured in 1970

* Captivate I was captivated by the beauty of the scene .

*Arrest He was arrested for robbing the bank . 9

do make


a job The homework a quiz a sport a duty Good Harm Wrong a favor The housework

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do Exercise His best The shopping One's hair



money a noise a decision a mistake a suggestion The beds Trouble a discovery a promise a profit a loss Progress a speech

1) What did king decide to do when he was old ? - He decided to give his country to his daughters .

2) What did king ask his daughters ? - He asked them how much they loved him .

3) Which of his daughters did he give his money and land to ? why? - Goneril and Regan because they said they loved him much more they

really did . 4) Why was king angry with Cordelia ?

- Because she couldn’t say how much she loved him . he thought she didn’t love him .

5) How did king punish Cordelia ? - He didn’t give her any of his money and land and sent her away to

france . 6) What happened to Cordelia when she was in france ?

Questions with model answers

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- She married the king of france . 7) What was the terrible mistake that king made ?

- He gave his money and land to his two daughters who didn’t love him . 8) What did Cordelia do when she knew what happened to her father ?

- She came to England with French soldiers to save her father and take his country back from her two sisters .

9) How do you think king felt when he discovered how much Cordelia loved him ? - He felt ashamed , sorry and foolish .

10) What is the sad of king and Cordelia ? - They were captured and taken to prison

11) Why do you think king wander around the country ? - Because he didn’t want to live with his dishonest daughters .

12) What do you Cordelia felt when she heard what happened to her father ?why ? - She felt sorry and sad because she loved him .

13) What is the moral of king ? - You should be careful when you make an important decision .

1 Finish the following dialogue :

Hany : what are you reading Ahmed ? Ahmed : ………………………………………………..? Hany : Shakespeare ! that must be a good play ……………………… Ahmed : it's called king . Hany : ……………………………….? Ahmed : its moral is that everyone should n from their mistakes . Hany :……………………………………………………? Ahmed : of course , when I have finished reading it .

2 What would you say in each of the following situations:

1) You advise your brother not to neglect his work . 2) Your sister spends her money unwisely . you advise her . 3) You have made a mistake . 4) You are asked about your birthplace .

Exercises on unit 2

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5) You visit your friend who is ill . 6) Suggest to your friend another activity which is more useful than

watching TV. 7) One of your friends is getting too fat . he is asking your advice . 8) You are asked "what is the weather like in Egypt ? 9) You are asked about the most famous sights or monuments in Egypt 10) Your friend advises you to organize your time . you accept .

3 Choose the correct answer :

1) King sent Cordelia ( up – down – away – over ) 2) He ( wondered – wandered – worry – warned) aimlessly around the

streets easy . 3) Don’t worry . all the questions are easy . the answers are very (

clean – sad – obvious – salty) 4) Cordelia tried to ( put – do – make – take ) her country back from

her sisters 5) King decided to ( do – act – give – allow ) his country to his

daughters . 6) Shakespeare is the son of a glove ( runner – doer – maker – actor ) 7) Do you remember the date ( in – at – of – on ) which she was born . 8) Do you ( do – make – let – go ) any kind of sport ? 9) He was born ( in – at – on – for ) march 17 , 1970 10) You shouldn’t ( make -- do – put – allow ) a noise . 11) He will ( give – do – make – put ) this quiz . 12) H felt ( worried – sorry – ashamed – sad ) of himself because he

made terrible mistake . 13) I feel ( happy – glad – kind – guilty ) because I accused this

innocent man . 14) Actors perform a play on ( club – cinema – theatre – stage ) 15) At last , king ( let – realized – achieved – did ) his grave mistake 16) He is angry ( of – to- with – by ) me . 17) He gave his book ( for – to – on- by) me 18) Government employees ( work – blame – enjoy – retire ) at the

age of 60 . 19) I ( wonder – wander - tell – told ) why she arrived late . 20) Cordelia and king were ( stolen – managed – allowed - captured )

and taken to prison .

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21) She spent the afternoon ( wondering – putting – wandered – wandering )around the city .

22) We played tennis together and I managed to ( win – beat – earn – gain ) him .

23) He lost ( for – by – to – on ) me while we were playing chess . 24) I'd like to ( make – do – give – let ) this job . 25) He ( does – puts – makes – acts) a lot of money . 26) TV is the only thing that ( enjoys – likes – entertains – loves ) a

lot of people . 27) We should ( make – do – put – n ) from our mistakes . 28) He couldn’t know ( to solve – solve – how to solve - solving ) this

problem . 29) Pollution ( makes – gives – lets – does ) a lot of environment . 30) He ( part – parts – part owns – owners ) a company with 3

persons . 31) He ( did – made – take – gave ) this suggestion . 32) He has ( done – made – acted – allowed )the homework . 33) I'm sure our soldiers will ( win – lose – earn – put ) the fight

against the other soldiers . our soldiers are brave . 34) He lives ( in – on – at – up ) his father 's money . 35) A ( partner – party – doctor – patron ) support or gives money to

an artist or a musical performer . 36) An ( engineer – actor – owner – oracle ) performs in plays or

films . 37) King is a ( poem- novel – play – theatre ) written by Shakespeare 38) He ( did – put – acted – made ) this decision . 39) We feel ( glad – sadly – guilty – friendly ) when we commit a

mistake . 40) Who solved this problem ? – I have no ( word – way – say – idea) 41) ( persons – financial – far – fast ) problems are connected with

money . 42) The doctor ( put – referred – performed – mended ) an operation 43) She was ( able – capable – ability – enable )to solve the problem . 44) He ( definite – defined – definitely –Definition ) went to Alex . 45) A poet writes ( plays – poems – novels articles ) 46) He is a ( success – succeed – succeeding – successful )

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47) Some soldiers were killed and others were ( shown – made – captured- coiled )

48) How ( often – many – much – long ) do you love your country ? 49) The ( real – true – truthful – truth ) is that he is honest . 50) She had a terrible accident but (luckily – unluckily – lucky – luck )

he wasn’t injured . 51) Cordelia went to france ( when – which – where – that ) she

married the king . 52) He arrived ( on – in – at – for ) London early . 53) This was a ( turned – turn – turning – turns) point in my life . 54) The price of the room ( consists – includes – contains – puts)

breakfast . 55) Actors perform( in – on- of- at ) playas or films . 56) Many of Shakespeare 's plays were performed ( at – on – up -

in)the globe theatre . 57) This word refer ( at – to – by – on ) the previous sentence . 58) She was ( able – ability – capable – enable) of carrying out this

task . 59) Our team easily ( earned - won – gained – beaten ) in the first

round of the competition . 60) He went ( in – at – of – on ) holiday .

4 Rewrite these sentences :

1) I didn’t attend the party because he didn’t invite me ( if) 2) My car broke down so I took the train (unless ) 3) He was rich so he was able to buy a car (unless) 4) If he had studied hard , he would have succeeded ( because ) 5) He wouldn’t have missed the train if he hadn’t got up late ( so ) 6) Without your help , I wouldn’t have succeed ( if ) 7) I didn’t work hard so I didn’t pass the exam . ( had) 8) The car was expensive so I didn’t buy it . ( hadn’t --) 9) If you hadn’t advised me , I would have got lost ( without ) 10) He went to Cairo at the age of 17 ( when) 11) If you had done your best , you would have succeeded (you didn’t) 12) He decided to buy a car . (decision) 13) He went to Hurghada . he wanted to spend a nice time with his

friends . (so that )

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14) He owns a factory ( owner ) 15) English soldiers captured Cordelia and her father . ( were )

¯ Correct the underlined mistakes: Shakespeare wanted to became an actor . if he stayed in Straford , he wouldn’t have met many theatre men . if his rich patron , he wouldn’t have become a successful writer . Shakespeare buys a big house in Straford . 5 Read and write one word in each space : . William Shakespeare was the greatest playwright in the history of the english literature . he was …………..…… in 11564 . his father was a …………….… maker . he went to school at the age of 14 because his family had ………………… problems . he ……………….. Anne when he was 18 and had three ………………. in 1592 , he left his family and went to London to become an ……………….. he died on April 23rd 1616 . Reading is a useful hobby , it helps us ………..…….. a nice time . it also helps us gain much …………………. . every week , our teacher takes us to the school ……………..…. Where we find different books . we can ……..………. Some books to read at home . my favourite ……….…… is Naguib Mahfouz . his ………….…….. attract me most . . is the king of Britain . when he became old , he ……..………. To give his money and ………..……to his three daughters , Goneril , Regan , and Cordelia . before doing that , he asked them to tell him how ………………. They loved him much more they really did , but Cordelia didn’t know how to ………….…… her love for her father . was ……..………. With Cordelia . so Cordelia was ………………. Away to France . 6 Answer the following questions :

1) How did Goneril and Regan deceive their father . 2) Why do you think was an unwise king ? 3) Were Goneril and Regan faithful to their father ?why ? 4) What sort of women is Cordelia ? 5) Cordelia was loyal and faithful to her father . Give examples . 6) Did Cordelia deserve what her father did with her ? 7) Do you think made the right thing when he gave his kingdom to his

daughters ? why ? 8) Goneril and Regan said something , but did something else . explain

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9) When and where did Cordelia tell her father hoe much she loved him ?

10) What was the turning point for king lear ? 11) How do you think king lear misunderstood his daughter

Cordelia? 12) What do you think king lear learnt from his mistake? 13) What's your opinion of Goneril and Regan ? 14) What reasons do you think Cordelia had for leaving England and

coming back to it again ?

8 Translate into Arabic :

. Shakespeare was the greatest playwright in the history of English literature . . You mustn’t eat food that smells bad . . Sports are useful for character development . . Some people don’t stop complaining and criticizing their present life . . We all alike in making mistakes but the wise n from theirs . ¶ Translate into English :

. .

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Museum Foreign Architecture A shamed Criticize Londoner Subjects Boring So much Harbour Symbol Population Positive Negative Public transport The underground Sign of Tall building Percent The home of Stand in Main Limited Builder Fill with Safety Advantage disadvantage Overcrowded Entertainment Pay sky high

Structure Freedom Come on Historic Parks Sightseeing Palace Skyscraper Emperor Empire Capital Metal structure Popular with represent Space Temples Historical sites centre for useful for benefit mosque church pay a visit to don’t miss a visit to the whole of London an ancient Egyptians 4-years-old busy port The statue of liberty Railway


Unit 9

Hello ! 6 It's a small world

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The traffic a way of advertising Apologize Range of shops tourist destinations an article tourist agency monuments the Arab world identify upwards attraction exciting poster

get to get there queen Greece Swimming pool Immediately At the entrance of Go up the tower Employment Facilities Modest Try At the same time Politely

Get over crowded go sight seeing Are there any disadvantages to Means of public transport Popular with tourists I enjoy playing football most The largest population Try his best Drive into the city centre Drive through the middle of London Express your own Opinion The world pollution in the world Stand in a beautiful park Don’t miss a visit to

In the middle of Afraid of

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On the underground A kind of Proud of Popular with Get to By the river Interesting for The advantage of The disadvantage of The entrance of Bad for Apologize for Ashamed of A sign of A visit to Go up a tower

1 a shamed of + /v-ing To + That + He was ashamed of his bad behavior . He was ashamed of making this mistake He was ashamed to go there I was ashamed that I forget her book

*Shy This boy tends to be shy 2 agree with

To + To +

I never agree with him I agree to his plan I agree to go with you

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3 Hope + to + That + +will + Hoped + + would + I hope to pass the exam I hope that I will pass the exam I hoped that I would pass the exam 4 * Fill in

* Fill with Please , fill in this form . He filled the glass with water . 5 Stay in /at With For Up He will stay in /at this hotel He will stay with his friend He will stay for a week he stays up late 6 * Historic (event, victory, date, site)

* historical (film, play , book , novel, research, point of view ) I read a historical novel 6 The (advantage/disadvantage) of+ + is that + it ()

They ( The TV makes us aware of the current events ( the advantage ) The advantage of the TV is that it makes us aware of the current events . Cars cause pollution ( the disadvantage ) The disadvantage of the car is that they cause pollution

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7 * Entrance * Entry

I wait for you at the entrance of the cinema . The sign says "No entry " 8 * Busy New York has a busy port He is always busy .

* Occupied This seat is occupied We should liberate the occupied lands . 9 * Harbour The ship didn’t leave the harbour because the weather was rough

*Port Alex is a major port

1) Where is the statue of liberty ? - At the entrance of the harbour in the USA .

2) What is statue of liberty a symbol of ? - It's a symbol of freedom .

3) What do many people think of Paris ? - They think it is the most beautiful city in the world .

4) How many tourists visit Paris every year ?why ? - Two million tourists to see the Eiffel tower .

5) Why is Tokyo overcrowded ? - Because seven percent of the population of japan live in Tokyo .

6) Why is Tokyo important ? - Because it is the capital of japan and its main business centre .

7) Where does the emperor live in japan ? - In a palace in a lovely park in Tokyo

8) What makes a beautiful city ? - It is historic places , parks , museums and landscapes

9) What kind of places do tourists like to visit ? - The famous sights

10) How can we help tourists enjoy their visits in Egypt ?

Questions with model answers

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- We should welcome them and be friendly and helpful to them . 11) In what way are Tokyo and new York alike ?

- Both of them have tall sky scrapers and fast , wide roads 12) Why do people like to visit Paris ?

- They think it is the most beautiful city - To enjoy visiting the Eiffel tower .

13) What is the symbol for cairo and other cities in Egypt ? - The pyramids for cairo , library for Alex and high dam for Aswan .

1 Finish the following dialogue : Emad : Hello – Ahmed I haven’t seen you for ages (1) ……………………………… Ahmed :In luxor Emad : what did you enjoy most there ? Ahmed : (2) ------------------------------------------------------ Emad : (3) --------------------------------------------------------? Ahmed : very hot especially by day. Emad : (4) --------------------------------------------------------? Ahmed : for 3 weeks 2 What would you say in each of the following situations: 1) your friend is making noise in the library 2) you tell your friend the advantages of living in the city 3) Remind Your friend to bring your book tomorrow 4) you are asked about your plans after finishing the secondary school 5) your friend suggests going to the club but you refuse 6) your brother has turned on the radio while you are studying 7) your friend invites you to dinner and you agree 8) your friend invites you to have lunch with him but you refuse

politely 9) some students are criticizing a friends 10) homework you think it is good 11) you have told your friend something that is untrue now you feel

ashamed 3 Choose the correct answer : 1) a (house – skyscraper - flat – villa )is a very tall building 2) He will travel ( in – at – on – by ) the underground

Exercises on unit 2

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3) Do you speak any ( strange – foreigner – slow ) language ? 4) she was ( bred – boring – happy – fond )with her work 5) it was a ( history – historic – historian – historical ) my plan 6) they ( cared – let – criticized – allowed ) my plan . 7) you should be ( proud – fond – full – ashamed ) of your bad

behaviour 8) prices are ( star – sun – sky – cloud ) high nowadays 9) the underground is ( quiet – quite – quietly – great ) safe 10) He is planning ( visit – visiting – to visit –visited ) Alex 11) port said is a busy ( harbour – port – canal – sea ) 12) New York IS one of the worlds most vmbortant business ( sides

– shores – centres – signals ) 13) He waited for me at the ( entry –enter – entering – entrance ) of

the cinema 14) Kings usually live in ( houses – palaces – castles – flats ) 15) Washington is the ( city – town – capital – country ) of the USA 16) Seven percent of the ( populated – pollution – poem – port ) of

japan live in Tokyo . 17) I usually go to downtown (by – in – on – with ) a bus . 18) Some people prefer to drive than to use ( special – private –

general – public ) transport . 19) I can't get on the bus , it's (free – overcrowded – empty – nice) 20) The Eiffel tower in Paris is very (popular – historic – public – low)

with tourists . 21) You have to pay to drive ( on- by – through – for ) the middle of

London 22) I 'm afraid ( for – by – to – of ) the lion 23) Ali is ( on – at – from – in ) Egypt 24) London is the most expensive city ( at – in – on – over ) the world 25) Ali enjoys visiting buildings which are ( heroic – historian –

historic – historically ) 26) You shouldn’t (criticize – proud – award – ashamed ) people if

they are trying their best . 27) I'm ( afraid – ashamed – proud – pleased ) of myself for doing so

badly in the school test 28) Cairo is filled ( at – for – with – in ) too many people . 29) She ( stays – spends – acts – allows ) too much money on clothes

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30) This shirt ( pays – buys – costs – sells ) 40 pounds 31) He will arise ( at – on – of – in ) five minutes 32) The palace stands ( on – in – at – of ) a beautiful park 33) Eiffel tower is made of ( glass – sand – wood – metal 0 34) Finally , he (reached – got – arrived – arrived at ) 35) I prefer reading ( on- to – at – by ) watching TV 36) Every year , more than two (millions – million's – millions ' –

million ) tourists visit paris . 37) He was angry ( on – with – about – of )her bad behavior 38) This dress must be very expensive . how much does it ( pay – buy

– cost – sell)? 39) They are (happily – proud – ashamed – sad )to see their son

being successful and famous . 40) There is a lot of (cars – traffic – bus – jam ) on the roads of

cairo 41) The streets are (overcrowded – busy - empty – full ) people are

still sleeping 42) I often travel ( in – on – by – at )underground . 43) The middle of the city is usually called the city ( sign – signal –

circle – country ) 44) Wide is the opposite of ( short – small – large – narrow ) 45) The statue of liberty is a (sight – sign – symbol – side ) of

freedom . 46) You should stand when the teacher comes in . this is a ( word –

sign- say – show ) of respect . 47) A city symbol ( puts – presents – acts –represents ) it . 48) Would you mind ( to give – giving – give – gave ) me a hand ? 49) I dislike sitting ( at – on – in – for ) traffic 50) The computer enables you ( do – to do – does – doing ) a lot of

tasks . 4 Rewrite these sentences : 1) I have already done my work ( finished ) 2) Please get me some water (mind)_ 3) He succeeded in finding a solution (managed ) 4) Why don’t we visit Luxor ? (suggest ) 5) I prefer playing tennis to running ( than) 6) He said he wouldn’t go (refused )

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7) He no longer smokes ( stopped ) 8) He says he is happy to give me his camera . (mind ) 9) It is not a good idea to drive fast (it is better to avoid ) 10) He said he didn’t break the camera (denied ) 11) He said to me , " can I help you " (offered ) 12) You needn't hurry . we have plenty of time ( it's no use ) 13) He said he would go there (decided ) 14) Are you sorry you made this mistake ? ( regret ) 15) He said that he stole the money (admitted )

¯ Correct the underlined mistakes: Ali was very sad . he hoped going with his elder brother to the cinema. but his brother refused taking him . if Ali had known to go to the cinema alone , he does that . his father promised got him a nice present instead for going to the cinema . 5 Read and write one word in each space : . Cairo is the …………. Of Egypt . the pyramids are the …………… for cairo . egypt is ……………. For its pyramids but it also has lots of …………… sites and buildings from the time of the ………… egeptians . tourists …………. All over the world come to visit Egypt . Tokyo is a very overcrowded city . about seven percent of the ………….. in japan live there . it has fast …………. Roads .these roads are filled with ………….. so Tokyo has some of the Worst ……….. in the world . if you sit in a traffic ………. ……… your lungs will fill with exhaust …………… from cars and lorries . air pollution is harmful t man and the ……….. ….. . Egypt is a wonderful country . ……….. they like to ….. … its fine weather and ………….. its wonderful places they spend a lot of money during ……………stay . so tourism …………… a means of increasing our …….………. Income 6 Answer the following questions : 1) What are benefits of living in a large and modern city? 2) What are the disadvantages of living in a city ? 3) What similarities are there between New York and Tokyo ? 4) What are the disadvantages of public transport ? 5) What do visitors to New York notice about its architecture ? 6) Why do you think there are so many sky scrapers in New York ?

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7) What is the symbol for New York and the USA in general ? 8) What is the Eiffel tower made of ? 9) What can we do t conserve / save energy ? 10) What makes Cairo a good place to visit ? 11) Why is pollution so bad in Mexico city ? 12) What did the government do to solve the problem of pollution I

Mexico city ? 8 Translate into Arabic : . Trees provides us with oxygen and shade in hot weather . Also they purify the air . . The computer is used in all educational , social , economic and agricultural fields . . There is no doubt that pollution has its bad effects on the environment whether man , animal or plant . ¶ Translate into English :




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Actor Theatre Musician Patron Definitely Entertain part-owner Retire Financial problem Obvious put into prison Soldiers Realize truth playwright support artist in public owner well -known wander wonder find out successful make money from maker marry underline decision on the stage perform glove maker

poem play quiz theatre group injured risk foolish guilty capture the globe theatre live on poet poetry guide fight describe diary

turning point address include revision several Luckily Turning point Feelings Send away Road accidents The river Thames End Ending Beginning


Unit 8

Hello ! 6 William Shakespeare

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Past mistakes Ashamed of King Learn from Probably Safety

Sport Prepare Save Opposite Risky

At the beginning of in answer to try to move back to at the age of all over the world take power from risks his life for learn from a mistake lose to someone v. to be + appeared to make money take back have a child work in a theatre that's why = therefore make a mistake have no idea easy to understand do well in the test arrive an hour late tell a lie give his money and land to tell the truth was born have a problem go on holiday didn’t do enough revision

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retire to +

Take something back from someone Love for Send away Tell…about perform for perform in write for famous /well-known for wander around win a fight against lose a fight against learn from angry with clever at good at take to prison refer to leave for obvious to give his country to put someone into prison think of fall down hear from

1 Reach He reached Alex late .

Arrive in At

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He arrived in Cairo very late He arrived at the station at 11 o'clock . * Arrive He arrived very late 2 Wander

Wonder I wonder if she come . I wander in the streets for a long time . 3 So that + + can /may + Could/might +

To So as to + In order to

I took a taxi to arrive early ( so that ) I took a taxi so that I could /might arrive early . He works hard because he wants to succeed ( so that / so as to ) He works hard so that he can may succeed . He works hard so as to succeed . 4

1- By By car , by bus , by train , by plane , by ship , by sea , by air 2- In In a taxi , in his car 3- On On the train , on a big ship , on the bus .

on On his bike On a motorbike On horse back On the horse

On foot 5 ( Know / show ) how + to +

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I don’t know to deal with him . He showed me how to solve this problem . 6 * So + very She is so intelligent He is so lazy

* Such + a /an + + She is such an intelligent girl . It is such an exciting story

Such a/an It such difficult work l They are such lazy students . 7 Angry with

Angry about He is angry with his friend . He is angry about the result . 8 Capture He was captured during the war . The town was captured in 1970

* Captivate I was captivated by the beauty of the scene .

*Arrest He was arrested for robbing the bank . 9

do make


a job The homework a quiz a sport a duty Good Harm Wrong a favor The housework

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do Exercise His best The shopping One's hair



money a noise a decision a mistake a suggestion The beds Trouble a discovery a promise a profit a loss Progress a speech

1) What did king decide to do when he was old ? - He decided to give his country to his daughters .

2) What did king ask his daughters ? - He asked them how much they loved him .

3) Which of his daughters did he give his money and land to ? why? - Goneril and Regan because they said they loved him much more they

really did . 4) Why was king angry with Cordelia ?

- Because she couldn’t say how much she loved him . he thought she didn’t love him .

5) How did king punish Cordelia ? - He didn’t give her any of his money and land and sent her away to

france . 6) What happened to Cordelia when she was in france ?

Questions with model answers

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- She married the king of france . 7) What was the terrible mistake that king made ?

- He gave his money and land to his two daughters who didn’t love him . 8) What did Cordelia do when she knew what happened to her father ?

- She came to England with French soldiers to save her father and take his country back from her two sisters .

9) How do you think king felt when he discovered how much Cordelia loved him ? - He felt ashamed , sorry and foolish .

10) What is the sad of king and Cordelia ? - They were captured and taken to prison

11) Why do you think king wander around the country ? - Because he didn’t want to live with his dishonest daughters .

12) What do you Cordelia felt when she heard what happened to her father ?why ? - She felt sorry and sad because she loved him .

13) What is the moral of king ? - You should be careful when you make an important decision .

1 Finish the following dialogue :

Hany : what are you reading Ahmed ? Ahmed : ………………………………………………..? Hany : Shakespeare ! that must be a good play ……………………… Ahmed : it's called king . Hany : ……………………………….? Ahmed : its moral is that everyone should n from their mistakes . Hany :……………………………………………………? Ahmed : of course , when I have finished reading it .

2 What would you say in each of the following situations:

1) You advise your brother not to neglect his work . 2) Your sister spends her money unwisely . you advise her . 3) You have made a mistake . 4) You are asked about your birthplace .

Exercises on unit 2

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5) You visit your friend who is ill . 6) Suggest to your friend another activity which is more useful than

watching TV. 7) One of your friends is getting too fat . he is asking your advice . 8) You are asked "what is the weather like in Egypt ? 9) You are asked about the most famous sights or monuments in Egypt 10) Your friend advises you to organize your time . you accept .

3 Choose the correct answer :

1) King sent Cordelia ( up – down – away – over ) 2) He ( wondered – wandered – worry – warned) aimlessly around the

streets easy . 3) Don’t worry . all the questions are easy . the answers are very (

clean – sad – obvious – salty) 4) Cordelia tried to ( put – do – make – take ) her country back from

her sisters 5) King decided to ( do – act – give – allow ) his country to his

daughters . 6) Shakespeare is the son of a glove ( runner – doer – maker – actor ) 7) Do you remember the date ( in – at – of – on ) which she was born . 8) Do you ( do – make – let – go ) any kind of sport ? 9) He was born ( in – at – on – for ) march 17 , 1970 10) You shouldn’t ( make -- do – put – allow ) a noise . 11) He will ( give – do – make – put ) this quiz . 12) H felt ( worried – sorry – ashamed – sad ) of himself because he

made terrible mistake . 13) I feel ( happy – glad – kind – guilty ) because I accused this

innocent man . 14) Actors perform a play on ( club – cinema – theatre – stage ) 15) At last , king ( let – realized – achieved – did ) his grave mistake 16) He is angry ( of – to- with – by ) me . 17) He gave his book ( for – to – on- by) me 18) Government employees ( work – blame – enjoy – retire ) at the

age of 60 . 19) I ( wonder – wander - tell – told ) why she arrived late . 20) Cordelia and king were ( stolen – managed – allowed - captured )

and taken to prison .

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21) She spent the afternoon ( wondering – putting – wandered – wandering )around the city .

22) We played tennis together and I managed to ( win – beat – earn – gain ) him .

23) He lost ( for – by – to – on ) me while we were playing chess . 24) I'd like to ( make – do – give – let ) this job . 25) He ( does – puts – makes – acts) a lot of money . 26) TV is the only thing that ( enjoys – likes – entertains – loves ) a

lot of people . 27) We should ( make – do – put – n ) from our mistakes . 28) He couldn’t know ( to solve – solve – how to solve - solving ) this

problem . 29) Pollution ( makes – gives – lets – does ) a lot of environment . 30) He ( part – parts – part owns – owners ) a company with 3

persons . 31) He ( did – made – take – gave ) this suggestion . 32) He has ( done – made – acted – allowed )the homework . 33) I'm sure our soldiers will ( win – lose – earn – put ) the fight

against the other soldiers . our soldiers are brave . 34) He lives ( in – on – at – up ) his father 's money . 35) A ( partner – party – doctor – patron ) support or gives money to

an artist or a musical performer . 36) An ( engineer – actor – owner – oracle ) performs in plays or

films . 37) King is a ( poem- novel – play – theatre ) written by Shakespeare 38) He ( did – put – acted – made ) this decision . 39) We feel ( glad – sadly – guilty – friendly ) when we commit a

mistake . 40) Who solved this problem ? – I have no ( word – way – say – idea) 41) ( persons – financial – far – fast ) problems are connected with

money . 42) The doctor ( put – referred – performed – mended ) an operation 43) She was ( able – capable – ability – enable )to solve the problem . 44) He ( definite – defined – definitely –Definition ) went to Alex . 45) A poet writes ( plays – poems – novels articles ) 46) He is a ( success – succeed – succeeding – successful )

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47) Some soldiers were killed and others were ( shown – made – captured- coiled )

48) How ( often – many – much – long ) do you love your country ? 49) The ( real – true – truthful – truth ) is that he is honest . 50) She had a terrible accident but (luckily – unluckily – lucky – luck )

he wasn’t injured . 51) Cordelia went to france ( when – which – where – that ) she

married the king . 52) He arrived ( on – in – at – for ) London early . 53) This was a ( turned – turn – turning – turns) point in my life . 54) The price of the room ( consists – includes – contains – puts)

breakfast . 55) Actors perform( in – on- of- at ) playas or films . 56) Many of Shakespeare 's plays were performed ( at – on – up -

in)the globe theatre . 57) This word refer ( at – to – by – on ) the previous sentence . 58) She was ( able – ability – capable – enable) of carrying out this

task . 59) Our team easily ( earned - won – gained – beaten ) in the first

round of the competition . 60) He went ( in – at – of – on ) holiday .

4 Rewrite these sentences :

1) I didn’t attend the party because he didn’t invite me ( if) 2) My car broke down so I took the train (unless ) 3) He was rich so he was able to buy a car (unless) 4) If he had studied hard , he would have succeeded ( because ) 5) He wouldn’t have missed the train if he hadn’t got up late ( so ) 6) Without your help , I wouldn’t have succeed ( if ) 7) I didn’t work hard so I didn’t pass the exam . ( had) 8) The car was expensive so I didn’t buy it . ( hadn’t --) 9) If you hadn’t advised me , I would have got lost ( without ) 10) He went to Cairo at the age of 17 ( when) 11) If you had done your best , you would have succeeded (you didn’t) 12) He decided to buy a car . (decision) 13) He went to Hurghada . he wanted to spend a nice time with his

friends . (so that )

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14) He owns a factory ( owner ) 15) English soldiers captured Cordelia and her father . ( were )

¯ Correct the underlined mistakes: Shakespeare wanted to became an actor . if he stayed in Straford , he wouldn’t have met many theatre men . if his rich patron , he wouldn’t have become a successful writer . Shakespeare buys a big house in Straford . 5 Read and write one word in each space : . William Shakespeare was the greatest playwright in the history of the english literature . he was …………..…… in 11564 . his father was a …………….… maker . he went to school at the age of 14 because his family had ………………… problems . he ……………….. Anne when he was 18 and had three ………………. in 1592 , he left his family and went to London to become an ……………….. he died on April 23rd 1616 . Reading is a useful hobby , it helps us ………..…….. a nice time . it also helps us gain much …………………. . every week , our teacher takes us to the school ……………..…. Where we find different books . we can ……..………. Some books to read at home . my favourite ……….…… is Naguib Mahfouz . his ………….…….. attract me most . . is the king of Britain . when he became old , he ……..………. To give his money and ………..……to his three daughters , Goneril , Regan , and Cordelia . before doing that , he asked them to tell him how ………………. They loved him much more they really did , but Cordelia didn’t know how to ………….…… her love for her father . was ……..………. With Cordelia . so Cordelia was ………………. Away to France . 6 Answer the following questions :

1) How did Goneril and Regan deceive their father . 2) Why do you think was an unwise king ? 3) Were Goneril and Regan faithful to their father ?why ? 4) What sort of women is Cordelia ? 5) Cordelia was loyal and faithful to her father . Give examples . 6) Did Cordelia deserve what her father did with her ? 7) Do you think made the right thing when he gave his kingdom to his

daughters ? why ? 8) Goneril and Regan said something , but did something else . explain

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9) When and where did Cordelia tell her father hoe much she loved him ?

10) What was the turning point for king lear ? 11) How do you think king lear misunderstood his daughter

Cordelia? 12) What do you think king lear learnt from his mistake? 13) What's your opinion of Goneril and Regan ? 14) What reasons do you think Cordelia had for leaving England and

coming back to it again ?

8 Translate into Arabic :

. Shakespeare was the greatest playwright in the history of English literature . . You mustn’t eat food that smells bad . . Sports are useful for character development . . Some people don’t stop complaining and criticizing their present life . . We all alike in making mistakes but the wise n from theirs . ¶ Translate into English :

. .

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Museum Foreign Architecture A shamed Criticize Londoner Subjects Boring So much Harbour Symbol Population Positive Negative Public transport The underground Sign of Tall building Percent The home of Stand in Main Limited Builder Fill with Safety Advantage disadvantage Overcrowded Entertainment Pay sky high

Structure Freedom Come on Historic Parks Sightseeing Palace Skyscraper Emperor Empire Capital Metal structure Popular with represent Space Temples Historical sites centre for useful for benefit mosque church pay a visit to don’t miss a visit to the whole of London an ancient Egyptians 4-years-old busy port The statue of liberty Railway


Unit 9

Hello ! 6 It's a small world

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The traffic a way of advertising Apologize Range of shops tourist destinations an article tourist agency monuments the Arab world identify upwards attraction exciting poster

get to get there queen Greece Swimming pool Immediately At the entrance of Go up the tower Employment Facilities Modest Try At the same time Politely

Get over crowded go sight seeing Are there any disadvantages to Means of public transport Popular with tourists I enjoy playing football most The largest population Try his best Drive into the city centre Drive through the middle of London Express your own Opinion The world pollution in the world Stand in a beautiful park Don’t miss a visit to

In the middle of Afraid of

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On the underground A kind of Proud of Popular with Get to By the river Interesting for The advantage of The disadvantage of The entrance of Bad for Apologize for Ashamed of A sign of A visit to Go up a tower

1 a shamed of + /v-ing To + That + He was ashamed of his bad behavior . He was ashamed of making this mistake He was ashamed to go there I was ashamed that I forget her book

*Shy This boy tends to be shy 2 agree with

To + To +

I never agree with him I agree to his plan I agree to go with you

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3 Hope + to + That + +will + Hoped + + would + I hope to pass the exam I hope that I will pass the exam I hoped that I would pass the exam 4 * Fill in

* Fill with Please , fill in this form . He filled the glass with water . 5 Stay in /at With For Up He will stay in /at this hotel He will stay with his friend He will stay for a week he stays up late 6 * Historic (event, victory, date, site)

* historical (film, play , book , novel, research, point of view ) I read a historical novel 6 The (advantage/disadvantage) of+ + is that + it ()

They ( The TV makes us aware of the current events ( the advantage ) The advantage of the TV is that it makes us aware of the current events . Cars cause pollution ( the disadvantage ) The disadvantage of the car is that they cause pollution

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7 * Entrance * Entry

I wait for you at the entrance of the cinema . The sign says "No entry " 8 * Busy New York has a busy port He is always busy .

* Occupied This seat is occupied We should liberate the occupied lands . 9 * Harbour The ship didn’t leave the harbour because the weather was rough

*Port Alex is a major port

1) Where is the statue of liberty ? - At the entrance of the harbour in the USA .

2) What is statue of liberty a symbol of ? - It's a symbol of freedom .

3) What do many people think of Paris ? - They think it is the most beautiful city in the world .

4) How many tourists visit Paris every year ?why ? - Two million tourists to see the Eiffel tower .

5) Why is Tokyo overcrowded ? - Because seven percent of the population of japan live in Tokyo .

6) Why is Tokyo important ? - Because it is the capital of japan and its main business centre .

7) Where does the emperor live in japan ? - In a palace in a lovely park in Tokyo

8) What makes a beautiful city ? - It is historic places , parks , museums and landscapes

9) What kind of places do tourists like to visit ? - The famous sights

10) How can we help tourists enjoy their visits in Egypt ?

Questions with model answers

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- We should welcome them and be friendly and helpful to them . 11) In what way are Tokyo and new York alike ?

- Both of them have tall sky scrapers and fast , wide roads 12) Why do people like to visit Paris ?

- They think it is the most beautiful city - To enjoy visiting the Eiffel tower .

13) What is the symbol for cairo and other cities in Egypt ? - The pyramids for cairo , library for Alex and high dam for Aswan .

1 Finish the following dialogue : Emad : Hello – Ahmed I haven’t seen you for ages (1) ……………………………… Ahmed :In luxor Emad : what did you enjoy most there ? Ahmed : (2) ------------------------------------------------------ Emad : (3) --------------------------------------------------------? Ahmed : very hot especially by day. Emad : (4) --------------------------------------------------------? Ahmed : for 3 weeks 2 What would you say in each of the following situations: 1) your friend is making noise in the library 2) you tell your friend the advantages of living in the city 3) Remind Your friend to bring your book tomorrow 4) you are asked about your plans after finishing the secondary school 5) your friend suggests going to the club but you refuse 6) your brother has turned on the radio while you are studying 7) your friend invites you to dinner and you agree 8) your friend invites you to have lunch with him but you refuse

politely 9) some students are criticizing a friends 10) homework you think it is good 11) you have told your friend something that is untrue now you feel

ashamed 3 Choose the correct answer : 1) a (house – skyscraper - flat – villa )is a very tall building 2) He will travel ( in – at – on – by ) the underground

Exercises on unit 2

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3) Do you speak any ( strange – foreigner – slow ) language ? 4) she was ( bred – boring – happy – fond )with her work 5) it was a ( history – historic – historian – historical ) my plan 6) they ( cared – let – criticized – allowed ) my plan . 7) you should be ( proud – fond – full – ashamed ) of your bad

behaviour 8) prices are ( star – sun – sky – cloud ) high nowadays 9) the underground is ( quiet – quite – quietly – great ) safe 10) He is planning ( visit – visiting – to visit –visited ) Alex 11) port said is a busy ( harbour – port – canal – sea ) 12) New York IS one of the worlds most vmbortant business ( sides

– shores – centres – signals ) 13) He waited for me at the ( entry –enter – entering – entrance ) of

the cinema 14) Kings usually live in ( houses – palaces – castles – flats ) 15) Washington is the ( city – town – capital – country ) of the USA 16) Seven percent of the ( populated – pollution – poem – port ) of

japan live in Tokyo . 17) I usually go to downtown (by – in – on – with ) a bus . 18) Some people prefer to drive than to use ( special – private –

general – public ) transport . 19) I can't get on the bus , it's (free – overcrowded – empty – nice) 20) The Eiffel tower in Paris is very (popular – historic – public – low)

with tourists . 21) You have to pay to drive ( on- by – through – for ) the middle of

London 22) I 'm afraid ( for – by – to – of ) the lion 23) Ali is ( on – at – from – in ) Egypt 24) London is the most expensive city ( at – in – on – over ) the world 25) Ali enjoys visiting buildings which are ( heroic – historian –

historic – historically ) 26) You shouldn’t (criticize – proud – award – ashamed ) people if

they are trying their best . 27) I'm ( afraid – ashamed – proud – pleased ) of myself for doing so

badly in the school test 28) Cairo is filled ( at – for – with – in ) too many people . 29) She ( stays – spends – acts – allows ) too much money on clothes

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30) This shirt ( pays – buys – costs – sells ) 40 pounds 31) He will arise ( at – on – of – in ) five minutes 32) The palace stands ( on – in – at – of ) a beautiful park 33) Eiffel tower is made of ( glass – sand – wood – metal 0 34) Finally , he (reached – got – arrived – arrived at ) 35) I prefer reading ( on- to – at – by ) watching TV 36) Every year , more than two (millions – million's – millions ' –

million ) tourists visit paris . 37) He was angry ( on – with – about – of )her bad behavior 38) This dress must be very expensive . how much does it ( pay – buy

– cost – sell)? 39) They are (happily – proud – ashamed – sad )to see their son

being successful and famous . 40) There is a lot of (cars – traffic – bus – jam ) on the roads of

cairo 41) The streets are (overcrowded – busy - empty – full ) people are

still sleeping 42) I often travel ( in – on – by – at )underground . 43) The middle of the city is usually called the city ( sign – signal –

circle – country ) 44) Wide is the opposite of ( short – small – large – narrow ) 45) The statue of liberty is a (sight – sign – symbol – side ) of

freedom . 46) You should stand when the teacher comes in . this is a ( word –

sign- say – show ) of respect . 47) A city symbol ( puts – presents – acts –represents ) it . 48) Would you mind ( to give – giving – give – gave ) me a hand ? 49) I dislike sitting ( at – on – in – for ) traffic 50) The computer enables you ( do – to do – does – doing ) a lot of

tasks . 4 Rewrite these sentences : 1) I have already done my work ( finished ) 2) Please get me some water (mind)_ 3) He succeeded in finding a solution (managed ) 4) Why don’t we visit Luxor ? (suggest ) 5) I prefer playing tennis to running ( than) 6) He said he wouldn’t go (refused )

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7) He no longer smokes ( stopped ) 8) He says he is happy to give me his camera . (mind ) 9) It is not a good idea to drive fast (it is better to avoid ) 10) He said he didn’t break the camera (denied ) 11) He said to me , " can I help you " (offered ) 12) You needn't hurry . we have plenty of time ( it's no use ) 13) He said he would go there (decided ) 14) Are you sorry you made this mistake ? ( regret ) 15) He said that he stole the money (admitted )

¯ Correct the underlined mistakes: Ali was very sad . he hoped going with his elder brother to the cinema. but his brother refused taking him . if Ali had known to go to the cinema alone , he does that . his father promised got him a nice present instead for going to the cinema . 5 Read and write one word in each space : . Cairo is the …………. Of Egypt . the pyramids are the …………… for cairo . egypt is ……………. For its pyramids but it also has lots of …………… sites and buildings from the time of the ………… egeptians . tourists …………. All over the world come to visit Egypt . Tokyo is a very overcrowded city . about seven percent of the ………….. in japan live there . it has fast …………. Roads .these roads are filled with ………….. so Tokyo has some of the Worst ……….. in the world . if you sit in a traffic ………. ……… your lungs will fill with exhaust …………… from cars and lorries . air pollution is harmful t man and the ……….. ….. . Egypt is a wonderful country . ……….. they like to ….. … its fine weather and ………….. its wonderful places they spend a lot of money during ……………stay . so tourism …………… a means of increasing our …….………. Income 6 Answer the following questions : 1) What are benefits of living in a large and modern city? 2) What are the disadvantages of living in a city ? 3) What similarities are there between New York and Tokyo ? 4) What are the disadvantages of public transport ? 5) What do visitors to New York notice about its architecture ? 6) Why do you think there are so many sky scrapers in New York ?

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7) What is the symbol for New York and the USA in general ? 8) What is the Eiffel tower made of ? 9) What can we do t conserve / save energy ? 10) What makes Cairo a good place to visit ? 11) Why is pollution so bad in Mexico city ? 12) What did the government do to solve the problem of pollution I

Mexico city ? 8 Translate into Arabic : . Trees provides us with oxygen and shade in hot weather . Also they purify the air . . The computer is used in all educational , social , economic and agricultural fields . . There is no doubt that pollution has its bad effects on the environment whether man , animal or plant . ¶ Translate into English :


