First United Methodist Church of...

LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES, GREETING and NOTICES PRELUDE *INTROIT Glorify the Lord with Me The Chancel Choir *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively) Something inside, so strong, pulls us, beckons us: Some presence in the still of night; A sense of peace on a frantic day; A fragment of a dream that bears much promise. Something inside, so strong, steadies us, calms us; A quiet confidence that we will make it through; A growing faith that we are not alone; A sense of wonder that opens new vistas. Something inside, so strong, calls us to this place. Something inside, so strong, causes us to sing. *HYMN There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy UMH 121 OPENING PRAYER (In Unison) Invisible God, give us hearts to see the things our eyes overlook. Open our hearts to feel the things our hands can’t touch. Open our hearts to hear the still, small voice which sounds like only silence to our listening ears. Teach us to know you for what you really are – love, softly spoken, flowing like a fountain, bathing the soul and the skin. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. GOSPEL LESSON John 13:31-35 (NRSV) 31 When Judas had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in him. 32 If God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and will glorify him at once. First United Methodist Church of Hampton May 7, 2017 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. 4 th Sunday of Easter In the name of Christ WELCOME! Although you may be a stranger to us, you are no stranger to God, who knows you and loves you, and whose heart is glad at your presence here. We sincerely hope this time of worship will bless your life. As you are able, please stand for acts of worship indicated by an asterisk (*). UMH indicates United Methodist Hymnal (red hymnal) TFWS indicates The Faith We Sing (small, black hymnal) Help us sustain God’s creation by placing unwanted worship bulletins in the basket on the credenza in the back of the sanctuary for recycling. Our Mission: To Know and Share Jesus Christ 110 East Queen Street Hampton, Virginia 23669 (757) 723-6577 Email: [email protected] Website:

Transcript of First United Methodist Church of...



*INTROIT Glorify the Lord with Me The Chancel Choir

*CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively)

Something inside, so strong, pulls us, beckons us:

Some presence in the still of night;

A sense of peace on a frantic day;

A fragment of a dream that bears much promise.

Something inside, so strong, steadies us, calms us;

A quiet confidence that we will make it through;

A growing faith that we are not alone;

A sense of wonder that opens new vistas.

Something inside, so strong, calls us to this place.

Something inside, so strong, causes us to sing.

*HYMN There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy UMH 121


Invisible God, give us hearts to see the things our eyes

overlook. Open our hearts to feel the things our hands

can’t touch. Open our hearts to hear the still, small

voice which sounds like only silence to our listening

ears. Teach us to know you for what you really are –

love, softly spoken, flowing like a fountain, bathing the

soul and the skin. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

GOSPEL LESSON John 13:31-35 (NRSV)

31 When Judas had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of

Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in

him. 32 If God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify

him in himself and will glorify him at once.

First United Methodist Church of Hampton

May 7, 2017 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

4th Sunday of Easter

In the name of Christ


Although you may be a

stranger to us, you are no

stranger to God, who knows

you and loves you, and

whose heart is glad at your

presence here. We sincerely

hope this time of worship

will bless your life.

As you are able,

please stand for acts of

worship indicated by

an asterisk (*).

UMH indicates

United Methodist Hymnal

(red hymnal)

TFWS indicates

The Faith We Sing

(small, black hymnal)

Help us sustain God’s creation

by placing unwanted worship

bulletins in the basket on the

credenza in the back of the

sanctuary for recycling.

Our Mission:

To Know and

Share Jesus Christ

110 East Queen Street

Hampton, Virginia 23669

(757) 723-6577


[email protected]


33 Little children, I am with you only a little longer. You will look for me; and

as I said to the Jews so now I say to you, ‘Where I am going, you cannot

come.’ 34 I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I

have loved you, you also should love one another. 35 By this everyone will know

that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.



We praise you, O God, for your abundant grace, and we return to you a

portion of what you have already given us. Give us thankfulness and a

willing spirit to love you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Amen.


*PRESENTATION OF GIFTS Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH 94

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise God, the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

*HYMN His Eye Is on the Sparrow TFWS 2146




Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, forever. Amen.

ANTHEM Lord, From Your Hand The Chancel Choir

SERMON A Wintry Blast in Springtime Rev. Candee Martin

HYMN Let Us Break Bread Together UMH 618 (V 1)


Welcome to this sacred place we call sanctuary and to the table of Jesus Christ.

In the United Methodist tradition, we believe in an open communion where all

are welcome. We place our trust in the unconditional love of God and the

unlimited welcome of Jesus Christ. I invite you to join with me as we lift our

voices together in this humble confession to God.


Our lives are sometimes very lacking in love, God. We only barely love

ourselves; some days it is a struggle to love our families; and there’s little

energy left for loving our neighbor. We love you when we can, God, and try

to trust in your inexhaustible love for us, but the words sound hollow.

When you say “I love you,” we are always waiting for the “if…” Forgive

us our lack of faith and limited ability to love.

[A Time of Silent Reflection]

This is the good news in Jesus Christ: God loves us more than we love

ourselves. God forgives us, encourages us, and frees us to love others.

Thanks be to God. Amen.





Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have

given yourself to us. Grant that we may go into the world in the strength of

your Spirit, to give ourselves to others, in the name of Jesus Christ our

Lord. Amen.

*CLOSING HYMN I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry TFWS 2051



Imagination Space

From our own congregation:

Lil’ Bit & Brownie Brown

Carl & Jane Roberts Nell Writtenberry

Robert Kilgore Bob Stickle

Richard Mundie Cecelia Short

Marty Baker Eleanor Woodward

Aggie Hogge Ed Kilgore

Jean Andleton Vernon Wilson

Rusty Evans Becky Montgomery

David Beasley Barbara Farrand


Carolyn Crozier (former member)

Baby Lyle (Wilson’s preemie grandson)

Z’amir (Pastor Candee’s grandnephew)

Eloise (friend of Jane Miller)

William Lucke (Jane Miller’s cousin) in Kabul

Sylvia Milholen

Courtney (friend of Amanda Hooten)

Jerry Berkseed

Cottrell family

Alyson Rodriguez (Waldon’s daughter)

Beverly Geer (Kristen’s mom)

David Roberts (Carl & Jane’s son)

Emily Evans (Rusty & Ann Gordon’s

pregnant daughter-in-law)

Kaylee Rodriguez (Waldon’s granddaughter)

Ernesto Bridges' mom

Lenny (Carol Gardner's friend)

Cynthia Morrill (Vince Mundie’s sister)

Phil Suazo (Rich Foley’s friend)

Steve Stanley (friend of Judy Rushton)

Kevin Kittrell (friend of Michele Benson)

Is there someone for whom you would like

us to pray? Please contact the church office

or call Kristen Milholen at 757-642-5228

(cell) or 757-238-3656 (home).

You can always pray at home. However,

Prayer group will begin meeting again on

Thursdays, April 27 at 7:00 pm in the

church parlor.

Please remember in prayer:

the hungry,

the unemployed,

those suffering with loneliness and depression,

healing for all cancer patients,

members of our armed forces & veterans,

first responders, state and national leaders,

the homebound and the homeless,

our UM Bishop and District Superintendent,

our Pastor, church leaders & staff,

discernment, wisdom, clarity & unity for our


our children’s Sunday school program,

Families and children in Syria and Egypt

affected by bombings;

Church in Egypt attacked on Palm Sunday;

Peruvians recovering from mud slides in Lima;

Other areas of conflict;

those suffering and many others….

Other requests:








Dear Loving Church Family, I want you all to know how much I greatly appreciate the outpour of love, kind words, cards, gifts, and food for the passing of Bill. All of you are my strength, with the help of the Lord, each and every day ~ Lynn Chandler

Reminders, Announcements and Other News

Sunday, May 7

8:30 am Worship (S)

9:30 am Refreshments & Fellowship (FH)

9:30 am Kingdom Kids (upstairs)

9:45 am Sunday school/Bible study

11:00 am Worship (S)

Monday, May 8

10:00 am UMW Circle 8 (FH) Midge Eason hosting

6:00 pm UMW Circle 2 (FH)

Tuesday, May 9

10:00 am Nifty Crafters (CFR)

10:00 am Walk & Talk Group (FH)

Wednesday, May 10

10:00 am UMW Circle 1 (Sarah Kilgore’s home)

11:30 am UMW Circle 4 (Vancosta’s)

Thursday, May 11

6:15 pm Handbell rehearsal (CR)

7:00 pm Prayer Group (P)

7:15 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (CR)

Friday, May 12 No scheduled activities

Saturday, May 13

8:00 am UMM Breakfast & Study (FH)

8:00 am UMW Circle 9 (Shirley Boyce’s home) 6:00-9:00 pm Downtown Hampton Block Party

Sunday, May 14 – Mother’s Day

8:30 am Worship (S)

9:30 am Refreshments & Fellowship (FH)

9:30 am Kingdom Kids (upstairs)

9:45 am Sunday school/Bible study

11:00 am Worship (S)

Celebrating Birthdays



Matt Ware



Cynthia Stacy



Earl Baker

Marty Baker


Penny Blalock

The Pastor and staff

wish everyone a happy birthday and

pray God’s blessings upon you.

If your birthday is not listed or listed

incorrectly, please accept our apologies

and let us know in the office

so we can correct our records.

Thank you.

FH-Fellowship Hall HP-Happy People’s Class

CR –Choir Room S-Sanctuary CFR-Craft Room

Kit-Kitchen C-Crouse Room P-Parlor

Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)

Monday May 15

5:00 pm social at Marker 20

6:00 pm meeting in church parlor



LITURGISTS: Tami Langford (8:30)

Richard Slye (11:00)

FINANCE: Wayne Barfoot

BUS DRIVERS: Judy Rushton


Ann Gordon Evans



LITURGISTS: Mike Langford (8:30)

Mitchell Woods (11:00)

FINANCE: Bill Diggs

BUS DRIVERS: Gary Bergtholdt


Ralph white

Stewardship Corner – April 30


Worship: Total: 82

8:30 – 20 11:00 - 62

Sunday School: 52

Offering Received last week:

General Fund 6,185.00

Designated Funds 586.00

If you would like to participate in our

envelope mailing program, please call

the church office.

The flowers on the altar are given to the Glory of God by

Alan Crawford in loving memory of his wife, Liz.

Next week’s flowers:

Vincent Mundie

The United Methodist Men

will meet on

Saturday, May 13

At 8:00 a.m.

in the fellowship hall

for fellowship, food and study.

A light Continental breakfast will be served.

Please bring a friend.

ALL are welcome to join us.

Robot Night

Saturday, May 20

4:30 - 8:30 p.m. The Education Committee is hosting

a Robot building contest!

The robots will be used as decorations for VBS. You may bring a robot that you have built

in advance, one partially built, or build one with us at church. We will supply boxes,

scissors, tape, and some decorative items, but you may also want to bring what you will

need to construct your robot, such as tools, hot glue gun, paint.... All robots must be at

least 4 feet tall.

Robot building will begin at 4:30 p.m.

There will be a prize for the most creative robot.

At 6:00 p.m., we will have dinner

either pizza or a sub sandwich. ($6.00 per person)

At 6:30 p.m., we will watch the animated movie, Robots.

You do not have to stay for the entire event!

Stop by and join us for any part of the evening!

Needed items for VBS:

Lids (such as soda bottle tops, peanut butter lids...

the more variety of size and color the better!)

Empty and cleaned cans with labels removed

Small boxes (shoe boxes, Amazon boxes...)

Contact Nancy Eason if you would like to help decorate for VBS.

She will be at the church most Saturdays from 9:00-12 until VBS begins.

A Time Apart – Come…. Taste and See

May 20, 2017 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Grace United Methodist Church 1209 Country Club Road Newport News, VA 23606

All women of the church are invited and

encouraged to bring a friend.

Come, taste something new to help nurture your spirits. Come, taste foods to help nourish your bodies.

Indoor and outdoor activities, and time for meditation and creativity

will be provided in a relaxed setting. Dress casually and wear your tennis shoes.


Registration Form

Name _____________________________ Contact Phone _________________

Cost of $10 enclosed. Registration fee includes breakfast snacks and lunch.

Registration deadline is May 15.

For more info, contact Sylvia Rumsey, 951-3858.

Graduate Recognition Dinner

Sunday, May 21

6:00 pm.

Fellowship Hall The Education Committee will provide

chicken, drinks and a cake.

Bring a side dish to share.

If you have questions,

please contact Adrian at [email protected]

Have you done your Spring cleaning?

Spring is a time for new beginnings and the perfect time to

declutter. Sometimes "stuff" in our homes, yards and even our

hearts can keep us from doing things we want to do, or even what

God wants us to do.

Keep in mind that the "Red Room" is OPEN FOR

BUSINESS and accepting donations. We will accept just

about anything EXCEPT, electronics (TVs, computers, etc.) and

anything that uses gasoline (lawn mowers, edgers etc.)

Please contact Brad Allsbrook (757) 722-1816 with questions

or to arrange a time to drop off items.

FUMC Pew Cushion Project

Have you noticed something new in the sanctuary lately? With the approval of

the Church Council, in late 2016 the Worship Committee embarked on a project

to replace our sanctuary pew cushions. After over 36 years of steady service,

the former cushions had been showing wear and tear. The church first looked

into replacing them in 2007 and again in 2010 and 2013. We have now finally

completed the project. If you would like to help underwrite this effort with a

donation, please fill in the form below and submit it to the church office with

your payment. Just as a frame of reference, the total cost of the project was

$15,180, approximately $292 per cushion. However, no donation is too large

or too small! We hope you will prayerfully consider being a part of this unique

opportunity to provide beauty and comfort to those who worship at First United

Methodist Church in Hampton for many years to come.

FUMC Worship Committee ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“Faith in the Future”

2017 FUMC Pew Cushion Project

NAME: ________________________________________________________________________

AMOUNT: _____________________________________________________________________

IN HONOR OF: _________________________________________________________________

IN MEMORY OF: _______________________________________________________________

Please clip this portion and return with donation. Dedication is optional.

Please make checks out to “First UMC” with pew cushions on the note line.

Sewing Camp

Tuesdays, June 27-August 29

10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Nifty Crafters Room

For ages 12 and older

Cost is $10.00

to cover the cost of fabric & supplies

Scholarships are available.

All experience levels are welcome.

Class size limited to 8.

If you know of a young person (family, friend, neighbor) who might be

interested please call Peggy Langford (757) 825-6371 or (757) 869-6108

and sign up.

Community nurtures relationships with God, other people

In a world that seems increasingly divided, United Methodist leaders point to community as a

way to find real connection and spiritual growth. Sallie Anna Barton, director of youth and young

adult ministries at Dilworth UMC in Charlotte, N.C., said her role involves helping people find

community that is “warm and comfortable” and feels like “home away from home.” “I have been

so nurtured and supported by Christian community that I want everybody to have that,” she said.

“I think that’s one of the greatest blessings the Lord gives.”

Barton said her church provides a unique opportunity for relationship each year by inviting those

in the larger Charlotte community to join in producing a musical. Spending time together on a

shared interest is a great way to build community and invite others into the church, she said. It

may also be the first step toward being part of a community where spiritual growth is the goal. “I

have relationships with people because I spent time with them and got to know them,” she said

of some of the cast members. “It’s a really neat community-driven ministry.”

According to Johnny Sears, director of The Upper Room’s Academy for Spiritual Formation and

Emerging Ministries, creating a sense of safety is a vital aspect of community. “We talk about the

Academy creating safe space for people to be in communion with God, themselves, others and

creation. When we say ‘safe,’ we’re not meaning everything is going to be to your preferred

liking,” he said. “It’s really more about stability. It gives you the ability to be vulnerable, which

then allows you to move past the illusions that we wrap around our lives. We can go deeper and

get to know more of our whole self and God’s creation.”

While times of solitude are an integral part of the spiritual journey, Sears said, faith always leads

to interaction with others. “Authentic spirituality will always lead back to community, to deeper

engagement with the world. It’s never something you do in isolation,” he said. “If you’re really

engaging the work of the Spirit, it’s going to compel you to be engaged with others.” Participating

in community is “a step of faith,” Barton said, challenging people not to let others’ failures be a

hindrance to finding community with them. “Don’t let those things keep you from something

wonderful,” she said. “It’s investing in yourself as a disciple. Try whatever your church or another

church has to offer until you find the right one. Give yourself a chance to really invest in a group

and see how it works out for you. It’ll change for you if you find the right niche.”

Read more of this article at — Interpreter magazine

Summer opportunity for youth discerning a call

This summer, Randolph-Macon College is putting on a Youth Theology Institute for 10 days. The

institutes will capture different facets of the Christian faith for the common goal of equipping

young leaders, exploring faith, learning from seminary faculty and seeking to nurture a call in

their life. For more information, check out (R-MC). Deadline to apply is

May 19.

May Advocate shares about local church communications

“Communication is key” is an oft-used phrase that quickly gets pushed aside. But if we, in our

ministries, hope to join others in mission and ministry, we should make sure we are

communicating well and are being understood correctly. Learn from communications experts

from around our conference to assess your local church’s communications and some tricks of the

trade in the May Advocate. To subscribe to the Advocate—print, digital or both—call (804) 521-

1110 or 1-800-768-6040, ext. 110; email [email protected]; or go to

Mission Encounter to be held July 28-29

Mission Encounter is a cooperative event sponsored by the Virginia Conference Missional

Ministries Board (formerly the Board of Global Ministry) and the Virginia Conference United

Methodist Women. This event offers a wonderful opportunity for your whole congregation to

come alive to mission, by participating in an exciting weekend mission education experience.

There are classes for adults where men, women, clergy and laity alike come to learn and be

involved in mission groups by choosing one class out of three choices— a spiritual growth study,

geographical study or social issue. This year from July 28-29, the classes offered will be climate

justice, living as a covenant community and the missionary conference of The UMC in the United

States (Red Bird, Oklahoma and Alaska). Contact Gail Sutcliffe with questions at 703-490-3381.

Event will be held Bon Air UMC in Chesterfield.

Job opportunities available on conference website

Check out the job opportunities page on the conference website for open positions with our local

churches to positions throughout the conference and The United Methodist connection. Visit, click on the “Resources” tab and then look for “Job Opportunities.”

Published weekly, the electronic Sunday Advocate summarizes news events affecting Virginia United Methodists and serves

as a link to the in-depth reporting of the Virginia United Methodist Advocate, the official magazine of the Virginia

Conference. To subscribe to the monthly Virginia Advocate magazine, call (804) 521-1110 or 1-800-768-6040, ext. 110; or

e-mail Advocate@ Unless indicated, all news compiled courtesy of the Virginia Advocate, the weekly e-

Advocate or United Methodist News Service.

Visitor Center How to Reach Us


NURSERY: Enter through the canopied

entrance on the side of the building. Rest rooms

are down the hall to the left. The Nursery is up

the steps and down the hall to the right. Greeters

and ushers are available to guide you.

REGISTRATION PADS are located in each

pew near the center aisle. Please use these to

record your presence, and to pass along

information for the pastor or the church office.

PRAYER REQUEST CARDS are available in

the pews and in the foyer atop the Prayer Box.

Deposit them in the box, or drop them in the

offering plates.

WE PRACTICE “OPEN” COMMUNION. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first

Sunday of each month, and at other special times.

All are welcome at the table of the Lord,

regardless of church membership, age, or feelings

of worthiness. If you wish to come into

relationship with Christ, deepen or renew that

relationship, there is a place for you here.


A MEMBER OF FIRST UMC, please indicate

so on the registration pad, or contact the pastor.






There is a place for you and your family on

Sunday mornings here at First UMC Hampton!


[email protected]



Rev. Candee Martin

[email protected]


Office Manager/Finance

Laura Harris

[email protected]

[email protected]

Director of Music Ministries

Dean Shinn

[email protected]

Director of Children’s & Youth Music

Christine Woods

[email protected]

Nursery Director

Jenny Hamm

[email protected]