First steps soccer

How to Be the Perfect Soccer Parent Football Skills Academies that specialise in coaching kids between the ages of 2 to 9, have usually seen thousands of Mums and Dads interacting with their children through sport. Coaches will have seen parenting behaviours that work, and those that are not quite so successful.

Transcript of First steps soccer

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How to Be the Perfect Soccer Parent

Football Skills Academies that specialise in coaching kids between the ages of 2 to 9, have usually seen thousands of Mums and Dads

interacting with their children through sport. Coaches will have seen parenting behaviours that work, and those that are not quite so


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Learning new things in an unfamiliar environment can be frightening. Discuss expectations and fears with your child beforehand, listen to their worries, but exude

positivity. Smile, keep things in perspective, show support and say "great effort! I love the

way you keep trying!" Set boundaries, and don't be scared to enforce them ,Explain your expectations of

behavior to your child, and the reasons behind them

Tips for enjoying the pleasure of seeing your kid becoming a skilled footballer

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Is your child enjoying learning to play football? Don't force them to continue something that they are not genuinely engaged with.

Don't criticize, Measure your words carefully, and as a general rule look for a positive to negative ratio of 5 to 1 with young children

Focussed practice at home creates the foundations of a child's game

Repeated practice through drills, free play, or game play, hones and perfects the skills that a child requires

Tips for enjoying the pleasure of seeing your kid becoming a skilled footballer

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Attending a professional, well run football Academy is thoroughly recommended. A good Academy will offer free trial sessions to see if your child enjoys the classes, and can offer the

resources and support you require to guide your child on their journey to becoming a technically sound footballer, with a real love for the game.

First Steps Soccer