FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the...

November 15, 2020 9:15 a.m. Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost ABOUT THE DAY: Our readings during November speak of the end times. Zephaniah proclaims that the coming day of the LORD will be filled with wrath and distress. Paul says it will come like a thief in the night and urges us to be awake and sober. Jesus tells the parable of the talents, calling us to use our gifts, while we still have time, for the greater and common good. In a world filled with violence and despair, we gather around signs of hope—word, water, bread, and wine—eager to welcome the good news of Christ’s coming among us. GATHERING MUSIC ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE: Humbly I Adore Thee -13 th Century Benedictine Plainsong arr. Lloyd Pfautsch -Jan Kistler, Soprano All who are able are invited to stand CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS Blessed be the holy Trinity, one God, who creates, redeems, and sustains us and all of creation. Amen. Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another. Silence is kept for reflection. Faithful God, have mercy on us. We confess that we are captive to sin and cannot free ourselves. We turn from your loving embrace and go our own ways. We pass judgment on one another before examining ourselves. We place our own needs before those of our neighbors. We keep your gift of salvation to ourselves. Make us humble, cast away our transgressions, and turn us again to life in you through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. God hears the cries of all who call out in need, and through his death and resurrection, Christ has made us his own. Hear the truth

Transcript of FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the...

Page 1: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

November 15, 2020 9:15 a.m. Twenty-fourth Sunday after PentecostABOUT THE DAY: Our readings during November speak of the end times. Zephaniah proclaims that the coming day of the LORD will be filled with wrath and distress. Paul says it will come like a thief in the night and urges us to be awake and sober. Jesus tells the parable of the talents, calling us to use our gifts, while we still have time, for the greater and common good. In a world filled with violence and despair, we gather around signs of hope—word, water, bread, and wine—eager to welcome the good news of Christ’s coming among us.



PRELUDE: Humbly I Adore Thee -13th Century Benedictine Plainsong arr. Lloyd Pfautsch-Jan Kistler, Soprano

All who are able are invited to stand

CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESSBlessed be the holy Trinity, ☩ one God, who creates, redeems, and sustains us and all of creation.Amen.

Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another.

Silence is kept for reflection.

Faithful God,have mercy on us. We confess that we are captive to sin and cannot free ourselves. We turn from your loving embrace and go our own ways. We pass judgment on one another before examining ourselves. We place our own needs before those of our neighbors. We keep your gift of salvation to ourselves. Make us humble, cast away our transgressions, and turn us again to life in youthrough Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

God hears the cries of all who call out in need, and through his death and resurrection, Christ has made us his own. Hear the truth that God proclaims: Your sins are forgiven in the name of ☩ Jesus Christ. Led by the Holy Spirit, live in freedom and newness to do God’s work in the world.Amen.

PEACESisters and brothers, rejoice. Mend your ways, encourage one another, agree with one another, live in peace. The peace of Christ be with you always.And also with you.

GATHERING HYMN: Oh Happy Day When We Shall Stand p. 13

Page 2: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

GREETING The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.And also with you.

PRAYER OF THE DAYRighteous God, our merciful master, you own the earth and all its peoples, and you give us all that we have. Inspire us to serve you with justice and wisdom, and prepare us for the joy of the day of your coming, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.Amen.

WORDGod speaks to us in scripture reading, preaching, and song.

All may be seated

FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18Zephaniah (like the prophet Amos in last week’s first reading) presents the day of the LORD as one of judgment and wrath. Descriptions of the last day in the New Testament include details taken from Old Testament accounts of the day of the LORD.

 7Be silent before the Lord GOD!  For the day of the LORD is at hand; the LORD has prepared a sacrifice,  he has consecrated his guests. 12At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps,  and I will punish the people who rest complacently on their dregs,  those who say in their hearts, “The LORD will not do good,  nor will he do harm.” 13Their wealth shall be plundered,  and their houses laid waste. Though they build houses,  they shall not inhabit them; though they plant vineyards,  they shall not drink wine from them. 14The great day of the LORD is near,  near and hastening fast; the sound of the day of the LORD is bitter,  the warrior cries aloud there. 15That day will be a day of wrath,  a day of distress and anguish,

Page 3: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

 a day of ruin and devastation,  a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness,  16a day of trumpet blast and battle cry against the fortified cities  and against the lofty battlements. 17I will bring such distress upon people  that they shall walk like the blind;  because they have sinned against the LORD, their blood shall be poured out like dust,  and their flesh like dung. 18Neither their silver nor their gold  will be able to save them  on the day of the LORD’s wrath; in the fire of his passion  the whole earth shall be consumed; for a full, a terrible end  he will make of all the inhabitants of the earth.The word of the Lord.Thanks be to God.

PSALM: 90:1-12 (read responsively – congregation reads bold)So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. (Ps. 90:12)

 1Lord, you have | been our refuge  from one generation | to another. 2Before the mountains were brought forth, or the land and the | earth were born,  from age to age | you are God. 3You turn us back to the | dust and say,  “Turn back, O child- | ren of earth.” 4For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when | it is past  and like a watch | in the night;  5you sweep them away | like a dream,  they fade away suddenly | like the grass: 6in the morning it is | green and flourishes;  in the evening it is dried | up and withered. 7For we are consumed | by your anger;  we are afraid because | of your wrath. 8Our iniquities you have | set before you,  and our secret sins in the light | of your countenance.  9When you are angry, all our | days are gone;  we bring our years to an end | like a sigh.

Page 4: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

 10The span of our life is seventy years, perhaps in strength | even eighty;  yet the sum of them is but labor and sorrow, for they pass away quickly and | we are gone. 11Who regards the power | of your wrath?  Who rightly fears your | indignation?  12So teach us to num- | ber our days  that we may apply our | hearts to wisdom.

SECOND READING: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11Though we do not know and cannot calculate the day of Christ’s return, we live faithfully in the here and now as we anticipate the day when we will be given eternal salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers and sisters, you do not need to have anything written to you. 2For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3When they say, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them, as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and there will be no escape! 4But you, beloved, are not in darkness, for that day to surprise you like a thief; 5for you are all children of light and children of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness. 6So then let us not fall asleep as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober; 7for those who sleep sleep at night, and those who are drunk get drunk at night. 8But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, and put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation. 9For God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep we may live with him. 11Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing. The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

All who are able are invited to stand

The Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew, the 25th Chapter.Glory to you, O Lord.

THE HOLY GOSPEL: Matthew 25:14-30Jesus tells a parable about his second coming, indicating that it is not sufficient merely to maintain things as they are. Those who await his return should make good use of the gifts that God has provided them.

[Jesus said to the disciples:] 14“For it is as if a man, going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them; 15to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16The one who had received the five talents went off at once and traded with them, and made five more talents. 17In the same way, the one who had the two talents made two more talents. 18But the one who had received the one talent went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. 19After a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. 20Then the one who had received the five talents came

Page 5: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

forward, bringing five more talents, saying, ‘Master, you handed over to me five talents; see, I have made five more talents.’ 21His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’ 22And the one with the two talents also came forward, saying, ‘Master, you handed over to me two talents; see, I have made two more talents.’ 23His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’ 24Then the one who had received the one talent also came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew that you were a harsh man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed; 25so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.’ 26But his master replied, ‘You wicked and lazy slave! You knew, did you, that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter? 27Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have received what was my own with interest. 28So take the talent from him, and give it to the one with the ten talents. 29For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. 30As for this worthless slave, throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ ” The Gospel of the Lord.Praise to you, O Christ.

All may be seated


SERMON All who are able are invited to stand

HYMN: When Peace Like a River p. 14

All who are able are invited to stand

APOSTLES’ CREEDIn the words of the Apostles’ Creed, let us confess our faith:I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,born of the Virgin Mary,suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, died, and was buried;he descended to the dead.On the third day he rose again;he ascended into heaven,he is seated at the right hand of the Father,and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

Page 6: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

the holy catholic Church,the communion of saints,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body,and the life everlasting. Amen.

PRAYERS OF INTERCESSIONLonging for Christ’s reign to come among us, we pray for the outpouring of God’s power on the church, the world, and all in need.

A brief silence.

Lord of the church, ignite your people with the passion of your love. By the fire of your Holy Spirit, unify us across ministries, congregations, and denominations, and refine us to participate in your activity throughout the world. Hear us, O God.Your mercy is great.

Lord of creation, we stand in awe at the works of your hands and praise you for the beauty of nature. Bless the earth for your glory and restore its integrity where exploitation has caused ruin. Hear us, O God.Your mercy is great.

Lord of the nations, sound forth your justice in the ears of all leaders. Increase concern for those who are most vulnerable, especially as international leaders forge trade agreements and cooperate to end human rights abuses. Hear us, O God.Your mercy is great.

Lord of the stranger, stir up holy restlessness in us to extend love to those at the margins. Release our desire for control and open us to learn from the perspectives of others. Hear us, O God.Your mercy is great.

Lord of the living and the dead, we give you thanks for all the saints at rest from their labors. Rouse us to live by their example, that saints yet to come may also know your love. Hear us, O God.Your mercy is great.

Lord of all in need, search out all who cry to you in distress. Scatter the heavy clouds of depression, unemployment, loneliness and illness with your radiant light, we pray especially for George, Doug, Lillian, Arlene, Linda, Mike, Dorothy, Paula, Jim, Michael, Shirley, Mike, Clark, Dan, Nancy, Candy, Scott, Roger, Richard, Kaela, Dave, Irene. Send us as encouragement and signs of your healing. Hear us, O God.Your mercy is great.

Page 7: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

For those celebrating birthdays this week. May they continue to grow in faith as they grow in years, especially Ella, Howard, Brenda, Jeffrey, Jameson, Callie, Patricia, Kylie, Melissa, Fred, Kendall, Joyce. Hear us, O God.Your mercy is great.

For those celebrating anniversaries this week. May they be bound together by your love, now and forever especially Gene & Althea, Carolyn & Greg. Hear us, O God.Your mercy is great.

Gracious Lord, as our shepherd, guide the ministries of all our siblings in Christ in congregations who continue to do your work. Through your Holy Spirit provide courage, perseverance and resources to those who speak your word of truth and love. We give thanks this day for our sisters and brothers united through you. We pray especially for St. John’s, Bath and their pastor, Terrence Walsh. May they be filled with your Holy Spirit. Hear us, O God.Your mercy is great.

Here other intercessions may be offered.

Listen as we call on you, O God, and enfold in your loving arms all for whom we pray, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen.

THE LORD’S PRAYER 1Let us pray as our Lord taught us:

Our Father, who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

THE LORD’S SUPPER In the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying:

Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.

Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying:

Page 8: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin.Do this for the remembrance of me.

There is a place for you at the banquet. Come and feast at Jesus’ table.

COMMUNION HYMN: (during distribution) Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ p. 15

BLESSINGFather, ☩ Son, and Holy Spirit, bless you and lead you into the way of truth and life. Amen.

SENDING HYMN: Build Us Up, Lord p. 16


DISMISSALGo in peace. Remember the poor. Thanks be to God.

POSTLUDE: Let Streams of Living Justice -Gustav Holst, arr. Marianne Kim

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-701079. All rights reserved.

Oh, Happy Day When We Shall Stand (Lobt Gott ihr Christen) ELW 441(Oh, Happy Day When We Shall Stand (Lobt Gott ihr Christen). Text: Wilhelm A. Wexels, tr. composite. Text st. 1 © 1958 Service Book and Hymnal, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Text sts. 2-4 © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Reprinted under #A-701079)

When Peace Like a River (Ville du Havre) ELW 785 (Public Domain)Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ (Linstead) ELW 674

(Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ (Linstead). Text: Fred Kaan. Music: Jamaican folk tune, adapt. Doreen Potter. Text and music © 1975 Hope Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A-701079)

Build Us Up, Lord (Build Us Up) ELW 670 (Build Us Up, Lord (Build Us Up). Text and music: Mark Glaeser and Donna Hanna, © 2003 Augsburg Fortress. Reprinted under #A-7010790

Page 9: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

Altar flowers are given in celebration of Callie’s 9th birthday by the Boscia family. (T)Bulletins are given in loving memory of my parents‘ anniversary (11-19-1941) by Kathleen Marley Bacak.

Lector: Karen Boardman Cantor: Jan Kistler

Lectors are needed 11/22 & 29 – contact the church office to be scheduled.

T H I S W E E K (Nov. 15-21)TODAY (15 th ) -9:15am, Worship Service w/communion-10:15-11:00am, Drive-thru communion-10:15-11:00am, VIRTUAL Sunday School-6:30pm, New Beginnings, M3/5/7

MON (16 th ) -6:00pm, Stewardship (virtual)-6:30pm, Jordaniers Bowlers-7:00pm, Boy Scouts, Social Hall

TUES (17 th ) -6:30, Music & Worship (virtual)

WED (18 th ) -5:30pm, Jr. Gyros rehearsal-6:15pm, Friendship Ringers rehearsal

THU (19 th ) -2:30pm, Christian Ed. (virtual)

FRI (20 th ) -9:00am, Collate Bulletins

NEXT WEEK (NOV. 22-28)SUN (22 nd ) -9:15am, Worship Service-10:15-11:00am, IN PERSON Sunday School

Today is the LAST DAY to order your Advent Wreath Kit – info on p. 15.

2020-2021 SPONSORSHIPSAltar Flowers: Dec. 6, 13; Jan 10, 17, 24, 31; Feb 7, 14, 21, 28; Mar 7, 14, 21, 28; Apr 4, 11, 18May 16, 23, 30

To sponsor the bulletin or EPP ad, please contact Donna for available datesHOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPONSORSHIPS: Contact Donna Hahn at 610-395-0613 or [email protected] with your choice of dates(s) and sponsorships(s). Please indicate when reserving your date whether you wish to pick up the flowers after the 9:15 service or want them taken to shut-ins. If no preference is given, flowers will be taken to shut-ins.

Altar flowers are $40. Bulletins are $20. Checks may be made payable to JELC and either mailed or dropped in the offering plate. SPONSORSHIP POLICY: Flowers and other sponsorships may be reserved no earlier than one year from the chosen date. If you wish to reserve the same weekend for the following year, you may do so the day after the current year’s sponsorship. No dates will be held; the first request for a date (within the one year limit) will be taken regardless of the previous year’s sponsor.

Say a PrayerSend a Card Pay a Visit

Fellowship Mnr: Florence RothWhitehall Mnr: LaRue Wuchter Lehigh Commons: Barbara Diehl Mosser: Arlene Miller The Palmerton: Ferne Rock Manor Care: MaryAnn Rau Home: Margaret Smith, Olive Wood, Warren Gressley

Please keep these people in your prayers: George Hein, Doug Fay, Lillian Young, Arelne Miller, Linda Grantz, Mike Freitag, Dorothy Diehl, Paula Huston, Jim Miller, Michael Rau, Shirley Hamm, Mike Herb, Clark Snyder, Lois Heisler, Dan Stark, Candy Cores, Scott Fairchild, Roger Miller, Richard Seltzer, Kaylie Radocha, Dave Ludwig, Irene Johnson

Birthdays this week: Jordan Kerschner, Sharon Naugle, Donna Stark, Darlene Wenhold, Suzanne Horn, Cynthia Gingras, Michael Albright, Judith Young

Anniversaries this week: Richard & Shirley Seltzer (27), Lyndsey & Brenden McGrevy (11)

Page 10: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

ATTENDANCE – 11/8/20 – 49-in person // 29-stream

We are now celebrating communion at our in-person worship services on the first and third Sundays of each month. For those watching the live stream at home, you may receive communion by coming to the Family Center parking lot after the service. Outdoor stations will be set up and members of the Re-Launch Team and SAT members will be there to greet you as you remain safely in your car and drive thru the stations in order to receive Holy Communion in a safe, non-touch manner. Pastor and the team members will be there until around 11:00 a.m. Please check the December communion schedule as it has changed due to the holidays.

We are now seeing updates on the Truist website for the next phase of the PPP SBA process where we apply for the loan forgiveness but we are in a holding pattern as Truist is finishing their online application process. So, we are still tracking our employee payroll expenses and utilities (electric & oil), which are being paid for through PPP SBA loan funds. We are required to track all these expenses separately for the necessary documentation in our forgiveness application with Truist Bank to show that we have met qualifications for possible forgiveness and conversion to a grant.

In this month’s Treasurer’s Report, the dollar amounts show the full expenses associated with Payroll and the Property-Utilities, grounds, etc. in the expenses section of the report. These expenses are still being tracked separately from our normal income and expense records using features of our PowerChurch software. This month's Treasurer’s Report shows a deficit for the YTD (year to date) a little less than ($ 7,300.). Treasurer’s Reports will NOT be reporting any surplus amounts due to the $ 47,400 SBA Loan, since this amount was deposited into our Operating Income as a balance adjustment until we are potentially granted forgiveness.

Page 11: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.

CONTRIBUTIONS STATEMENTS: In our continuing effort to contain costs such as postage, we are NOT printing or sending out any periodic Contributions Statements unless congregation members specifically request their statement. If you would like to see your progress toward giving goals before the end of the year, then please call or talk to any member of the Finance Committee or call the church office, 610-395-5912, and request your statement now. We can accommodate your request by having you pick up your statement in the church office, by mailing it to your home, or e-mailing it to your e-mail address on record with the church (please confirm your most current e-mail address at the time of your request). This is a good time of the year to plan your charitable giving for tax returns before it's too late to make a difference by the end of 2020.

… to return your Holiday Hope Chest to church or to Tracy Heberling by 11/29.  Thanks to all who participated!

Would you help a neighbor in need? Consider volunteering for SpiriTrust Lutheran Home Care & Hospice. Make friendly visits or supportive phone calls to our hospice clients. Still serving our clients for over 20 years in Berks, Lehigh, Northampton and Schuylkill Counties. For more information please call Cathy Sweeney, Volunteer Coordinator at 570-599-5390.

Thanks to those who have returned to help us collate bulletins in the office on Fridays. It’s a slightly lighter load than previously but we’re so glad to be prepping for in-person worship again! We currently have just two people who can print the bulletins and newsletter using the Risograph. We are extremely grateful for the many years they have been such reliable

volunteers! If you would be interested in committing to an hour or so on a Thursday for the bulletin, or once a month for the newsletter, we would be thrilled to have your help. On-the-job training provided! Contact the office if you can help & I’ll answer any questions.

SOS: Shout Out for Shut-Ins is in need of first-class postage stamps, and thinking of you greeting cards. It’s more important than ever for us to stay in touch these days!

Church Office Hours: The office is still open! Hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon, to take your phone calls, drop off your offering envelopes, etc. Every effort will be made to do so contact-free.

We send our gratitude to those who continue to faithfully make their offerings! Jordan is pleased to offer electronic giving options to our members. Members can make a one-time donation, or establish a recurring giving profile through the convenience of their computer or mobile phone. We highly recommend that at this time you prayerfully consider using online giving. Here is how you sign up: WEBSITE – go to click on the SUPPORT tab, then Electronic Giving and you will be offered two options to set up your electronic giving GIVE+ PLUS (a free, secure phone app) download this free app to your mobile phone, search by zip code 18069 and when you see Jordan, follow the instructions to make your donation.Clothing Drive: Our recent clothing drive pick up date was postponed by A & E Clothing until mid-January due to their overwhelmed warehouses. Due to this development, we are temporarily UNABLE TO ACCEPT CLOTHING DONATIONS due to our own lack of space. You may resume dropping your items off on or after January 17, 2021.

Page 12: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.
Page 13: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.
Page 14: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.
Page 15: FIRST READING: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 · Web view7Be silent before the Lord God! For the day of the Lord is at hand; the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has consecrated his guests.