First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of...


Transcript of First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of...

Page 1: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.
Page 2: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

• First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant.

• Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously in the direction that increases the entropy of the universe.

• Third Law of Thermodynamics- A perfect crystal has zero entropy at a temperature of absolute zero.

The Laws of Thermodynamics

Page 3: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

First Law of Thermodynamics

The total amount of energy in the

universe is constant.

∆Euniverse = ∆Esystem + ∆Esurroundings = 0 ∆Esystem = -∆Esurroundings

Page 4: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

The internal energy ( ∆E ) of a system is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of all its particles.

A spontaneous change occurs when a chemical reaction proceeds towards equilibrium. Non-spontaneous processes require a continuous input of energy. This does not mean a spontaneous change is instantaneous.

Page 5: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

E2 = E1 + q + w

∆E = E2 - E1 = q + w

q = heat transfer (+) heat energy transferred from

surroundings to the system (-) heat energy transferred from system to the surroundings w = work (+) work done on system by surroundings (-) work done on surroundings by system

Page 6: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

Work in chemistry is pressure-volume changes

w = - ∆(PV) usually constant pressure It is negative if energy is required to increase

the volume of the system

w = - P∆V = - P(V2 – V1)

∆E = q + ∆(PV) ∆E = qp + P∆V At constant pressure

Page 7: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

• Standard Heats of Formation

Tables ∆Hfo @ 25o C Kj/mole

Hess’s Law of heat summation = The enthalpy change for the overall reaction equals the sum of the

enthalpy changes for the individual steps.

Endothermic + ∆H Exothermic - ∆H usually spontaneous

but not always

Enthalpy ∆H Ξ qp = ∆E - P∆V

Page 8: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

H2O(l) H2O(s) ∆H = - 6.02 Kj/mole T<oC

Spontaneous & exothermic

H2O(s) H2O(l) ∆H = + 6.02 Kj/mole T>oC

Spontaneous & endothermic

H2O(l) H2O(g) ∆H = 44.0 Kj/mole

Spontaneous & endothermic

Enthalpy is not an absolute predictor of spontaneity

Page 9: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

In thermodynamic terms, a change in the freedom of motion of particles in a system and in the dispersal of the energy of motion is a key factor determining the direction of a spontaneous process

Why more freedom of particle motion – energy of motion becomes dispersed (or spread over more quantized energy levels)

Localized has less freedom of motion

Dispersed has more freedom of motion

Page 10: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

Microstates• Systems with fewer microstates have

lower entropy• Systems with more microstates have

higher entropy

Phase changes S L G

Dissolution Crystalline solid + liquid water aqueous ions

Chemical Change Crystalline solid gases + aqueous ions

Page 11: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

Smore microstates > Sfewer microstates

∆S system = S final - S initial

Entropy is a thermodynamic quantity related to the number of ways the energy of a system can be dispersed through the motion of the particles


Page 12: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

• Standard Entropy values

Tables So @ 25o C joules/(mole X K)

Hess’s Law of summation = The entropy change for the overall reaction equals the

sum of the entropy changes for the individual steps.

Page 13: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

Second Law of Thermodynamics

All real processes occur spontaneously in the direction that increases the entropy of the universe.

∆Suniverse = ∆Ssystem + ∆Ssurroundings > 0

Page 14: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

Third Law of Thermodynamics-

A perfect crystal has zero entropy at a temperature of absolute zero.

Ssystem = 0 @ 0 K

Page 15: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

Predicting Relative S values

• Temperature Changes

273 K 295 K 298 K

S = 31.0 = 32.9 = 33.2

So increases for a substance as it is heated.

Page 16: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

• Phase Changes

Na H2O C (graphite)

Sinitial 51.4 (S) 69.9 (l) 5.7(s)

S final 153.6 (l) 188.7(g) 158 (g)

So increases for a substance as it changes from

solid to liquid to gas

Page 17: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

• Dissolving a Solid or Liquid

NaCl AlCl3 CH3OH

So 72.1 (s) 167(s) 127(l)

So(aq) 115.1 -148 132

Ionic solids dissolve in water. Crystals break down increasing freedom of motion dispersed over more microstates.

Hydrated ions, like the Al(aq)+3 ion, make a more

organized unit resulting in a negative entropy change.

Positive ∆S values are very small for a liquid dissolved in another liquid.

Page 18: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

• Dissolving a Gas in Water

O2 So(g)

= 205.0

So(aq) = 110.9

When a gas is dissolved in a liquid ∆S is negative.

less freedom

When a gas is dissolved in a gas ∆S is positive.

more freedom

Page 19: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

• Atomic Size or Molecular Complexity

(same phase)

Atomic Atomic So Size (nm) Mass j/(mole x K)

Li .205 6.9 29.1

Na .223 23.0 51.4

K .277 39.1 64.7

R .298 85.5 69.5

Cs .334 132.9 85.2

Page 20: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

Atomic So Mass j/(mole x K)

HF 20.0 173.7

HCl 36.5 186.8

HBr 80.9 198.6

HI 127.9 206.3

Page 21: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.


• S is greater for the allotrope form that allows the atoms more freedom of motion

• So (graphite) = 5.96 3 dimensional lattice

• So (diamond) = 2.44 3 dimensional lattice

• So (O2 gas) = 205• So (O3 gas) = 238.8 ozone

Page 22: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

Chemical Complexity

Entropy increases with chemical complexity and with the

number of atoms in the molecule.

NaCl AlCl3 P4O10 NO NO2 N2O4

S 72.1 167 229 211(g) 240(g) 304(g)


CH4(g) C2H6(g) C3H8(g) C4H10(g) C5H10(g) C5H10(g) C2H5OH(l)

S 186 230 270 310 348 293 161

Page 23: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

• Number of moles

If the number of moles of gas increases then ∆S

is usually positive. If the number of moles

decreases then ∆S is usually negative.

H2(g) + I2(s) 2HI(g) ΔSoRx = So

P - SoR > 0

1 mole gas to 2 moles gas

N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3 (g) ΔSoRx = So

P - SoR < 0

4 mole gas to 2 moles gas

Page 24: First Law of Thermodynamics-The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. Second Law of Thermodynamics- All real processes occur spontaneously.

Remember you cannot predict the sign of entropy unless the reaction involves a change

in the number of moles of gas

N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

ΔSoRx = ΣnSo

Products - ΣnSoReactants

= (2 moles NH3)(193 J/mole x K)

- (1 mole N2)(191.5 J/mole x K)

- (3 moles H2)(130.6 j/mole x K)

= - 197 J/K