First film train outline

Unit 9 Editing Task 1A

Transcript of First film train outline

Page 1: First film train outline

Unit 9 Editing Task 1A

Page 2: First film train outline

L'Arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat

Page 3: First film train outline


This is a 40 second silent movie. It was shot in The film shows the entry of a train coming into a train station on the coastal town of france La ciotat. This is a movie showing an overview of everyday life, There is no camera movement of editing. The films consist of one shot real time shot.

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Real life/ actual events

This short film is a shot of a approaching train, the train station is a french station on the coast of the town La Ciotat. this is an actual event shot a train station.

There are people trying to get on the train and people getting off the train. They are all in a hurry.

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Narrative and story line

There is no narrative, or sound. There is also isn’t any storyline to the movie.

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Shot type

In the short film, the camera doesn't change position or a single time. Also there wasn't any editing techniques because they didn't know what editing was at that point of time in the movie industry.