FIRO B tool - introduction

FIRO –B Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation- Behavior Introduction

Transcript of FIRO B tool - introduction

FIRO –BFundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation- Behavior


FIRO B- Founder Will Schutz FIRO B- Founder Will Schutz


Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation – Behavior. FIRO-B can be defined as the way in which an individual characteristically relates to other people.

Objectives Of FIRO-BObjectives Of FIRO-B

To construct a measure of how an individual acts in interpersonal situations and

To construct a measure that will lead to the prediction of interaction between people.

FIRO-B is designed to measureFIRO-B is designed to measure

The individual’s behaviour towards othersThe behaviour he wants from othersIn the three areas of interpersonal

interaction i.e -Inclusion (I) -Control (C) -Affection (A)

Inclusion (I)Inclusion (I)

Behaviour directed towards the satisfaction of the interpersonal need of inclusion, the need to maintain and establish a satisfactory relation with people with regards to association.

Inclusion connotes interaction with people, attention, acknowledgement being known, prominence, recognition, prestige, individuality, understanding, interest, commitment and participation.


Unlike affection it does not cannotes strong emotional attachment to people.

Unlike control the preoccupation is with prominence not dominance.

Control (C)Control (C)

Behaviour directed to satisfy the interpersonal need for control, the need to maintain a satisfactory relation with people with respect to power and authority (control).

It relates to making decisions, discipline, goal settings, dominance, guidance, giving directions, influencing, ruling, leading, antonyms to control would be rebellion, resistance, following, anarchy and submission.

Affection (A)Affection (A)

Behaviour directed toward the satisfaction of interpersonal need for affection and love. It centers around feelings of warmth, love and emotional acceptance, friendship.

Lack of affection would mean cool emotionally distant, dislike and hate.

Affection involves sharing one’s inner anxieties, wishes and feelings.

Inclusion is concerned with – IN or OUT

Control is concerned with – TOP or BOTTOM

Affection is concerned with – CLOSE or FAR

Interpersonal NeedInterpersonal Need

A requirement for a person to establish a satisfactory relation between himself and other people.

‘Relations’ refers to the amount of interchange between himself and others and the degree to which he originates, receives behaviour.

Expressed Behaviour (E) (Actions taken by a person towards


Wanted Behaviour (W) (Behaviours from other people that a

person feels will satisfy an interpersonal need.

Dimension Expressed Wanted Dimension Expressed Wanted Behavior Behavior Behavior Behavior

Inclusion - I initiate interaction I want to be included

Control - I control People I want to be controlled

Affection - I act close and I want people to be

personal close and personal to me

Summary of parent child Summary of parent child RelationsRelations

Too Much - Inclusion is called enmeshing and leads

to person Over social - Control is called Dominate and leads to

person autocratic - Affection is called smother and leads to

person Over personal

Too littleToo little

Inclusion is called abandon and leads the person under social

Control is called undirect and leads the person abdicating

Affection is called unlove and leads the person underpersonal


Inclusion is called acceptance and leads the person social

Control is called respect and leads the person democratic

affection is called love and leads the person intimate

Inclusion (I) Social behaviourInclusion (I) Social behaviour

It is the behavior directed to satisfy the interpersonal need for the interaction or association or belonging.

It ConnotesInteraction with peopleCommunicationBelongingAppreciationRecognition



Affection (A) Emotional OpennessAffection (A) Emotional Openness

It connotes the behavior directed to satisfy the interpersonal need for affection and love

Affection connotesEmotional warmth and acceptanceFriendshipIntimacySharing deepest feelings, aspirations,

worries etc.

Control © Leadership Behaviour Control © Leadership Behaviour

It is the behaviour directed to satisfy the interpersonal need for control.

Control ConnotesTaking Initiatives & making decisionsMaking DecisionsTaking ResponsibilityGiving DirectionEnforcing disciplineGoal setting and accountability

Abdicator Too little Control Abdicator Too little Control IndicatorIndicator

Avoids responsibilityToo people centeredAmbiguousEscapes/ComplainingIdealistAvoid decisions

Autocrat IndicatorAutocrat Indicator

Monopolize decision makingSuppresses InitiativesCentralize powerDepower peopleNo delegation or delegation without authorityExaggerate others’ weaknessesCreate fear psychosisKills creativity and innovations

Democrat indicatorDemocrat indicator

Takes initiativesDecisiveDelegatesProblem solver and result orientedTeam builderTrustsFirmEmpower people insightfullyInduce commitment

Subconscious Childhood Decisions Subconscious Childhood Decisions leading to Dysfunctional Behavior in leading to Dysfunctional Behavior in AdulthoodAdulthood

Inclusions (Social behaviour)

Dysfunction FunctionalI am not wanted I am wantedI am not O.K I am O.KI don’t belong I do belong

I am not Important I am Important

Control (Leader ship behavior)Control (Leader ship behavior)

Dysfunction FunctionalI can never do it right I get things rightI cannot decide I can decideI cannot think I can think

I am not competent I am competent

Psychological Script inducing Psychological Script inducing messagesmessages

Dysfunction FunctionalNo matter what I I impact life’s challengesDo, it changes with confidence andNothing; life get energyWorse

What I Feel think do, What I feel, think andDoes not matter, what do, is important and can I do alone Valuable

Affection (Emotional Openness)Affection (Emotional Openness)

Dysfunction Functional

I am not likable I am likableLife is a disaster life is fun

I am not lovable I am lovable

Existential dilemmaExistential dilemma

Am I In or OutAm I Top or bottomAm I close or Distant

Existential AnxietiesExistential Anxieties

I may not be important !

I may not be competent !

I may not be likable !

The Solution (Elevation)The Solution (Elevation)

Auto suggestionsI am importantI am competentI am likableAuto suggestions help release out

subconscious energies leading to success.

Some good feelingsSome good feelings

Be realistic in your expectation of others and your self

Give adult (objective, rational, relevant) facts or ask questions

Be aware of the way you structure your time and energy

Determine if organization structure provides you with the support you need to accomplish the necessary task of your job.


Speak to clarity and to create a successul working environment.

Be a problem solver, realistic limit setter and authentic helper.

Be aware of the way you give or receive positive and negative feedback.


Assigning role and responsibility.Agreeing on time frame.Agreeing on resourcesAgreeing on personnel.Stating / agreeing on standard of



Assign responsibility with enough authority to handle task.

Provide a frame work so that is understood and so that task becomes meaningful.

Assign credit for completion of task.Be accountable for failure.

FIRO – B Illustration FIRO – B Illustration

FIRO B Chart FIRO B Chart

FIRO B tool is used for Leadership Development and Coaching program for Senior Management .

For evaluation and understanding of this interpersonal behavior tool .

Please call us on 08745043908