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24/7: The Fiqh of Dua and Dhikr------------------------------------------Sh. Waleed Basyouni


What are some things you are expected to learn in this seminar? What the word Doaa/ Dhikr means: linguistically and technically. The benefits of Doaa and Dhikr in the Quran or Sunnah. The importance of Doaa in the life of a Muslim. What will help you to be committed to Athkar, and what are things that can distract you from doing Dhikr. Etiquettes of Doaa and Dhikr. And much more! Allah talks to us through His words- the Quran, but when we want to talk to Allah, all we have to do is raise our hands in Doaa. In other words, doaa is the other side of the coin of the Qurn. Allah (Swt) said in a Hadith Qudsi: I am as My slave thinks of Me, and I am with him when he mentions Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it (in front of the angels). [Sunan Ibn Majah 3822]

" : . The Prophet salla Allahu 3leyhi wa sallam said: "What you mention of glory of Allah, of Tasbih (Subhan-Allah), Tahlil (Allahu-Akbar) and Tahmid (Al-Hamdu lillah), revolves around the Throne, buzzing like bees, reminding of the one who said it. Wouldn't any one of you like to have, or continue to have, something that reminds of Him (in the presence of Allah)?'" [Sunan Ibn Majah 3809]

" - - " . This is what keeps us connected to Allah! The echo of these words is like the buzzing of bees next to the throne of Allah that is even heard by the angels.

How far is it between us and Allah? Its a Doaa that you make and Allah listens. When it comes to Allah (SWT), there is no distance! :) Story: A businessman from Emirates went in for an interview, and was told, You have so much experience and you started from nothing, so you must have something that you can share with us that you will never forget. He said, One day I left my palace and wasnt feeling good. I walked by a Masjid that was almost empty for it was in between prayers. A man inside caught my eye. He was making so much Doaa. He was so into it, that it looked different that the one i make or see others making. I kept quiet in the back and watched carefully as his words mixed with tears - Begging Allah! When he was finished, I approached him and said Salam. I said to him, Can i help you with anything? You look like a traveler. He said yes. My wife is in the hospital and Im short 5 thousand riyals {About $2,000 canadian}. I spent everything that I have but Im still short. I put my hand in my pocket and gave him the amount he needed. He immediately prostrated to Allah, then got up and thanked me. I gave him my business card, but he smiled and gave it back, saying he didnt need it. No, I told him, you might need it. He said to me, No, for I know who to call: Allah, the one that sent you to me." I then said to myself: I am a rich man, but in front of him I felt very poor.

Activity: How close is your heart to Allah?1. Do you know what is considered the BEST dhikr ever?!2. Do you know the dua of entering and leaving the masjid?3. Do you know the virtues of reciting ayat al Kursi after each Salah?4. Do you constantly make Qunoot in Witr, specifically the Qunoot taught to us by the Prophet (pbuh)?5. Do you know the Sunnah of what to say to those who provided food for you?6. Do you know at least 3 manifestations of transgressions in making dua?7. Do you know the dua for wearing new clothes?8. Do you know the dua for wearing washed clothes?9. Do you know at least 7 times, that are considered the best times to make dua?10. Do you know the doaa Syed al Istighfar (Master of Repentance)?11. Do you have dua al Istikhara memorized?12. Do you have at least three of the morning and night doaa memorized?13. Do you say morning and evening doaa everyday?14. Is your dua often accepted?

The Concept of Dhikr and Dua in Islam

What is the definition of Dhikr ()?

Linguistically: 1. Dhikr comes from the root word tha-ka-ra , which means in Arabic: { } which is something that is always on your mind that you can't forget about.2. --> If something has occupied your mind then youll be talking about it more often.3. Is Dhikr an action of the tongue or an action of the heart? thakara () means he mentions, while thikr () is what you talk about because it has occupied your mind. Dhikr is a combination of what is in the heart and what is on the mind. Usually the Arabs would only call something of importance and value Dhikr, therefore, is anything which is of no value can not be called Dhikr. One of the scholars would say: Astagfirullah from the word Astagfirullah. from a word I said which I have not implemented the meaning of. .. If what your tongue says does not match what is in your heart, then your Dhikr is not correct! ~Shaykh Waleed.4. What is the most valuable thing that you can say? The most valuable thing you can say are the words of Allah: the Quran. Allah (SWT) said about it: Saad. And the Quran is Dhikr. Why did Allah say the Quran is Dhikr? Because it is of value.

Technically:1. The word Dhikr is mentioned in the Quran with 18 different meanings (good deeds, Al-lawhu alMahfouth, the Prophet (SAW) or his Sunnah, Salah, the Quran, etc), however, the scholars said that they can be summed up into three major meanings:1. Mentioning Allah (SWT) through his names and attributes. This could be done in 2 ways:i. By Praising Allah. i.e. Saying Subhana Allah.ii. By studying the meanings of the names of Allah, and sharing it with others is even a different level! :)2. Remembering Allah by his rulings (shariah) and orders. This could be done in two ways:i. Learning/Teaching the rulings of Allah.ii. Implementing the rulings of Allah in what He loves and what He hates. i.e. Hearing the Athan and going to Salah on time is Dhikr! Abstaining from a sin that Allah hates is Dhikr.3. Remembering Allah and mentioning him in times of calamity, or when seeing His unique creation. i.e. Saying la hawla wala quwata illa billah ( ); Hasbiya Allahu wa ni3ma alwakeel( ), inna lillah wa inna ilayhi rajoun ( ), etc. It is Dhikr of Allah when you turn to Allah in a time of calamity. Don't limit the concept of Dhikr to the Subhana Allah you say normally. Important point: If the Athan comes and you are playing games or socializing then you are gafil() from the Dhikr of Allah. Don't ever let Allah find you in a place where he does not want you to be, and don't ever not let Allah see you in a place where loves you to be.

What is the definition of Doaa ()?

Linguistically: A Doaa is to invoke Allah and to supplicate to him by calling upon Him or worshipping Him.

Technically: Doaa has two technical meanings:1. Duaa almasalah ( ): The Duaa of asking Allah: When one asks for the fulfillment of a need.2. Duaal-ibadah ( ): The Duaa of worship: Represents a very broad concept. Misconception: Doaa only means to ask for something. The Prophet (SAW) said:The best dua is the dua of Arafah (la ilaha illa Allah wahdahu la sharika lah)- and here you are not asking Allah for anything.

: Dua is not only asking, but it is a form of worship ex. Tasbeeh, salat, sadaqa, is dua. In Islam, every single act of worship is considered Doaa.

What is the difference between Duaa, Dhikr, and Wird?

Dhikr: refers to a specific supplication that the prophet (SAW) has taught us to say during special times. They are specific supplications used at specific times. Ex. Dhikr for waking up from sleep. Duaa: asking Allah for something; more general. Wird: a specific Dhikr that you do on a regular basis. Its something that you take directly from the Quran and Sunnah. This word originated from when Arabs used to bring their cattle to the water to drink on a regular basis. This is the same word used for dhikr because it is something that you should be doing on a regular basis; you need it to survive just like the cattles need water to survive.

The Ruling on Dhikr and Duaa:

1. First Opinion: Wajib; Obligation: Many of the shafiia hold this opinion, saying that Duaa is one of the greatest obligations upon us. Evidence 1: Surah Ghafir, verse 60 shows its an obligation because Allah gives an order to pray to Him.i. How can this verse not show an obligation? Because it could be referring to dual-ibadah. Evidence 2: Surah Al Baqarah, verse 186.i. What does it mean, they should answer my call? The call of Allah is to pray to Him. So Hes asking us to pray to Him. They must answer my call therefore they must pray, call me, and make duaa Evidence 3: The Prophet (SAW) said: The weakest among you are those who are too weak to make Duaa. : 2. Second Opinion: Recommended; mustahab: Evidence 1: A woman came to the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam and said to Him, that she has seizures and to heal her. The Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam said it may be better for you to be patient and get reward in the hereafter or I can make dua for you. So the woman said shell be patient, but requested that her awrah is not exposed when she is having a seizure.

: : . : , : : .3. Third Opinion: default ruling is that it is recommended, but it could be an obligation, or recommended, or disliked, or forbidden, or permissible depending on the situation. Shaykh alIslam Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn AlQayim said: There is no scholar that ever said there is a particular Dua that is Wajib upon you, but if you look at it as a general rule, then Duaa is Wajib. Therefore we say: Duaa can sometimes be: i. Wajib. ex: When reciting Surat AlFatiha in Salah: Oh Allah guide us to the straight path. ii. Recommended/mustahab. ex: Duaa alIstikhara.iii. Disliked/Makrouh. ex: To pray against yourself; to die.iv. Forbidden/Haram. ex: To make Duaa such as Oh Allah, make my son never talk to me again; give me the power to steal/kill/fornicate, etc.

The Categories of Dhikr and Duaa:

The Categories of Dhikr:

1. Reported Dhikr from the Quran or Sunnah: This kind of Dhikr is very specific. ex. The Prophet (SAW) said: Whosoever recites ayat alkursee after every Salat, nothing will prevent him from entering Jannah except death. : , . If a person recites ayat alKursee before sleeping, Allah will send an angel that will stay next to you the entire night protecting you, and praying to Allah that to protect you from Shaytan. ., : . , :" ".

This Dhikr is divided into two categories:1. Restricted: Meaning this Dhikr is restricted by a specific time, place, number, or situation. Ex: The tashahoud we say in Salat; saying Alhamdulillah after sneezing; Athan is only said at the time of Salat; Saying Subhana rabiya alAla in sujoud 3 times, etc. You can't change the time, situation, etc where these Athkar are said. Ex. You can't make your own tashahud in rukoo3, you cant make your own Athan (thikr). Therefore, you say exactly what was reported in the Quran and the Sunnah.2. General: Unrestricted. You can say it anywhere and as much as you wish. Ex. La hawla wala quwata illah billah is a treasure of the treasures of Jannah. --> Can be said anytime, as much as you want; Reciting the Quran is Dhikr; Praising Allah, etc.

Guidelines that must be followed with regards to the narrated (prophetic) Athkar:

2. The reported Dhikr must be established by clear evidence from the Quran or Sunnah. Ex: Surat AlAla: verse 1: Praise Allah the most High. It is very clear from the ayat that Allah is telling us to say Subhana Allah. Some people make Dhikr just by repeating the word Allah over and over. We call this ADhikr almufrad ( ). We mention Allah by praising him, but where is the praise here? It has to be at least a full sentence! Some of them would justify this using the ayat: Say o Muhammad, Allah. The problem here is they didn't look at the entire ayat. It says: Who is the greatest witness? Say oMuhamad: Allah. (Alanam: 19). Can a weak narration {Hadith} be taken as Dhikr? Many people mix between narrating a weak Hadith and practicing it. Narrating a weak Hadith in general is permissible, but most of the scholars did not allow the practice of it. However, some Scholars did allow it with conditions. A weak narration does not give any specification or make a new dhikr. Nor a new legislation can be established upon it because a new legislation must be based on an authentic source. Ex. The weak Hadith about the virtue of saying subhnAllah. We have plenty of authentic Ahadith that agree with this and can back it up. If there is a weak narration that says, say subhna Allah 300 times between maghrib and isha, we dont practice it because it is weak.

3. The Dhikr must be established the way it was reported in regards to the time, situation, number, or location without any changes. Ex. The Prophet (SAW) was in Madina for 13 years and not once did he change the order of the Athan. On the other hand, it was narrated in several ahadith, that the Prophet (SAW) said Subhana Alllah wa Alhamdulillah wa la illaha illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar in different order in each Hadith. Therefore, we don't have to say these in a specific order --> Its a general praise of Allah.4. What a person initiates of their own form of Dhikr? Ex: Saying Subhana Allah everyday in the car on your way to work a certain number of times. You dont believe its an established dhikr, but you want to set it up for yourself. There are 2 extremes here: One say that any form of initiating your own Dhikr is bid3ah. The other make up their own Dhikr without any guidelines and forget about the Prophets Dhikr. Allah SWT is the best educator, and the prophets hady(guidance and Sunnah) is the best sunnah. Allah is the most merciful and knowledgeable and whatever he gives us is the best for us. Who know Allah better than himself? No one. Who knows the Prophet better? No one. Whoever initiates from himself, let him know that you need to use what Allah sent to us, because you dont know better. Keep that in mind. No matter how beautiful it is, it is always less in virtue than what Allah (SWT) and the Prophet have taught us. Ex: dua alqunoot in witr: people like to make their own dua, which is fine, however, they abandon what the Prophet(SAW) taught us.

Guidelines that must be followed in regards to the non-narrated Athkar (i.e. athkar that are initiated by muslim worshippers):1. Sincerity: The Athkar we do/say should only be done for the sake of Allah alone.2. Should be unrestricted by time, number, or situation. It was never reported that Prophet made khitm ul Qura'n every single week. The reason you restrict Qura'n to time {Ii.e. commitment 2 hours of quran everyday} is because you want to organize your own time/schedule.

Its not allowed if you treat it like shariah and you believe it will not be valid without it. ex. If you say a dhikr every time you enter your house, you cannot start believing that entering house will not be valid unless u say this thikr. This is bid3a. Thikr must be correct It is ok to describe Allah and not mention His names. Ex. You say Oh the one who guides people but you cant say Oh Father (as in Allah bless me), or even using terms that is not Allah's name. Dont make up a name for Allah ex. Saying, who" as Allah's name. Cannot use weird languages. Ex. Mistakes in this dhikr: We ask Allah to grant us Allah not for anything and not because of anything, we ask you to bless us a competence that there is no competence above it, and to give us knowledge that there is no knowledge beyond it. I ask you by my ustath and by the prophet, I ask u by the 8. This hizb, cannot be read. Grant me knowledge that theres no knowledge above- there is no knowledge better than the knowledge of Allah. Also you can not ask to be perfect because Allah is the one who is perfect and you can not ask by humans (not even by prophet). Nobody has rights over Allah but Allah has rights over everybody. Swearing by unknown things like by the number 8 is bid3a .

The Categories of Dua:

1. In Regards to its Meaning Dual-ibadah- worship Dual-masalah- request or need 2. In Regards to the person making the dua For yourself Prophet (SA) made duaa for himself by saying, Oh Allah I ask you for me, guidance, to be conscious of Allah, and be modest, and satisfaction. When Prophet (SA) made dua for himself, he used the word" for me" not for us. Ex. Oh Allah wash my sins with water, snow, and cold. Oh Allah keep my sins away from me as far away as between the east and the west. There is a hadith that contradicts: The Prophet said in an authentic hadith, Anyone who leads in a group prayer and makes a dua only for himself, he betrays his congregation. This contradicts when prophet makes dua only for himself. He didnt say Oh Allah forgive us, he says Oh Allah forgive me. Why are these two hadiths not contradicting?- The hadith about betraying, it is in the dua that is everybody is involved in like in the dua alqunood used during al witr. Otherwise, Prophet (SA) only makes dua and speaks for himself. The more you show humility and need to Allah, the more your dua will be accepted by Allah. Thats why you should only talk about yourself in the dua. For others Hadith (Buhkari, Muslim): Oh Allah, give him abundance of wealth, a lot of children, and bless him with everything that you grant him. Because among children and wealth are fitna (a test for you). In another hadith, Prophet(SA) made duaa only for Mu3awith and did not include himself: Oh Allah make him a well guided person and guide him and guide through him others. For yourself then others When including yourself in duaa for others, the etiquette is to start with yourself and then with others Ex. Surah Ibrahim, 41 (in the book p.8) It is common practice to say, Oh Allah forgive the believers among the dead and alive, Allah will forgive from your sins as many as there are believers, from the dead and alive!

Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, surely we are of the lost! (7:23)This is quote from the quran which is why you can use it for yourself, you dont rephrase it for yourself. Allahuma don't make the hellfire our destiny and dont ever let an enemy take over us, control our destiny/ life/future who has no mercy. We should not leave this duya without making this dua above.

3. In Regards to the users of it Narrated is something from the quran and sunnah, where it is quoted. The most important thing to remember about initiating your dua,there is no better dua than of Allah and the Prophet(SA). You will lose the reward about imitating the Prophet, because when you practice the saying of the prophet, you get double the reward, of saying the dua and copying the sunnah. 4. In Regards to what you are asking for Can be categorized into 4 categories listed on p. 8 Best duaa in the Quran. Ex. Surah al Imran in p.8

The Importance and Benefits of Dhikr and Dua

Dhikr Allah is a very easy act of worship since you mention it with your tongue and the tongue is the only muscle that doesn't get tired. No time should pass where you have not done dhikr. You will regret it on the Day of Judgement because of how much sins could have been forgiven. Al Mufaridoon: the male and female, those who mention Allah a lot. Why are the ones who make a lot of thikr called al mufaridoon? Linguistically means they will be ahead of everybody in the Judgement Day. Their judgement will be so easy that they will finish before everybody else. They are the first to cross the bridge above the hellfire. They are among the first people who enter paradise and will be ahead of everybody even in jannah. Allah is the source of life and dhikr is what connects you to Allah. So when you are not making dhikr, you are not connected to the source of life. If your heart is not connected with Allah, you are dead because Allah doesn't give you light. Prophet (SA) said to the companions, Do you want me to tell you what are the most pure deeds and the most accepted and honoured, the ones that will raise your status, its even better than meeting tomorrow your enemy and killing them for the sake of Allah (jihad)? they said yes. He replied By saying dhikr Allah. Thus, studying knowledge is better than jihad because you study the rules of shariah. Quran shows us how important thikr is, in 10 different ways: Allah has mentioned that they have a specific reward for those who mention Allah. Allah has made dhikr at the end of every act of worship as it is also the beginning of every act of worship. Allah did not ever legislate an act of worship unless in it there is act of dhikr (ex. even for giving zakat, you ask Allah to bless it). If you do an act of worship and it doesn't have Dhikr in it, it will be like a body without a soul. It strengthens our iman. Brings tranquility, contentment, serenity in your heart It is a protection from shaytaan. There is nothing that can protect you from the shaytaan (the evil, the jinn) unless it is dhikr Allah. Thats why you should always say a3uthu billahi mennal shaytaan elrajeem The Prophet (SA) said, "There is nothing more dear to Allah than a servant making du'a to him." (Tirmidhi) There are some people that Allah guides them, grants them success. Allah knows the future. There is no way to get this through dua. Prophet said" Oh Allah dont make me rely on myself. Allah does not care about you if you dont make dua. Allah said about so many of his righteous people, in surah Al Anbiyaa They used to rush the Prophet and Messengers to perform the good deeds. They pray to us with fear and hope and they all showed humility to Allah. When Allah described the believers, this is what he told the Prophet (important verse) stick with whom the Prophet should be with. If the Prophet needs to have a good companion, what about us. Allah chose to prophet those people who pray to Allah in the morning and in the night (and if you do it in the morning and in the night, it means you do it in between as well) thats the quality of people you should be with. The ones that Allah loves; that when you see them you remember Allah. Why? Because they remind you of Allah. Look at Surah al Sajdah verse 16 and 17, Yunus verse 10 which talks about the people who enter jannah, where rivers run beneath them and they still say dua because they cant live without it. Allah says that they will be greeted with salam and they will keep making their dua until they end it by saying alhamdullillahi rabbi al 3alamin. Omar used to say: Wallahi what I'm worried about is not whether my dua will be accepted but whether I would make the dua correct and would I honour it the way it deserves. The people of Yunus were disbelievers, and Allah couldve destroyed the whole nation just like He did before them (surah yunus, verse 98) but he didn't because among them there were a few who made dua. There is no losing for ones who make dua Those who dont pray to Allah, Allah gets angry with them Importance of dua is it plays a great role in our destiny Question, if you are hungry or thirsty, you would remove this by eating and drinking so it can go away. Thus, Allah could have made a condition that he will only make this something happen only if you make dua, or it could be unconditioned. Allah could make a condition that He will only let you pass the exam if you make dua Dua is an act of worship so you will still get rewards for it in return even if you don't get what you made dua for. Any act of worship is in the hands of Allah, if Allah does not open your heart, Allah will make it hard for you to do an act of worship like waking up for fajr. In the beginning, the act of worship has a burden but in the end it will have a sweetness to it. There is only one way to get whatever Allah has in his hands that is through dua. p.11- discussion questions What are some of the benefits of constantly making dhikr and dua that can you think of? Protection from the shaytaan (mentioned a hadith about Prophet Yehya, dhikr Allah is like a castle- every muslim should study and memorize this hadith). Constant accumulation of good deeds. it's better than spending the gold and silver; giving sadqah The poor people came to the prophet and said The wealthy have everything, they get all the ajr, they have money to give sadqah, they have money to do jihad, they have money to let them go for hajj and umrah and free slaves. Then prophet (pbuh) said Do you want to know something if you do it, you will do better than all of these things? They said Yes. He said, Say subhanallah, alhamdullillah, allahu akbar 33 times after every salah. Whoever says subhanallah wa bihamdih 100 times in a day, it will raise your sin even if it it as much as the foam of a sea. Strengthens your iman. Makes you happy and live in serenity. Protection from sins and helps you to quit bad habits (abstain from haram). Gives you ability to make right decisions. It gives you light in dunya and akhira. Anytime you mention Allah, Allah will mention you Protection from hypocrisy. Healing to one of the diseases of the heart. Protects you from Allah's anger. It is the most righteous deeds to Allah. The ones who gather to make dhikr, they gather in junnah and Allah tells his angels and says look at them who have gathered only to mention Allah. Opens the door for you to understand the religion. It makes you so close to Allah (when my servants say la illaha illa allah, Allah says: sadaqa 3abdi). Allah will be with them in time of hardship. Those who mention Allah in the time of ease, Allah will remember them in the time of hardship. It gives you physical strength ( when you go to your bed, say subhanallah 33 times, alhamdulillah 33 times and allahu akbar 34 times). Anytime you make dhikr, which ever of Allah's creations hear you, they will be a witness for you on the day of judgement. Protects you from the evil of diseases and animals. Read surah al Samad and al Nas, verse 18. Has a physical healing. What are the top 5 reasons people miss/neglect their adhkar: They don't know the power and benefits of dua. They don't have enough faith in Allah. They don't make it a priority to ask Allah for help rather than. Not knowing the ajr of it (ex. reading qul huwa allahu ahad 10 times a day, allah will build a house for you in jannah). They dont know arabic (if you don't know arabic, you say the adhkar in english normally b/c the adhkar is a form of dua and by the consensus of the scholars, you are allowed to make dua outside of salah, so dont make arabic your biggest obstacle. The shariah wants you to understand what the dhikr means and until you do so, what you need to do is to read the translation, however, reading just the translation of the athan or the quran is not right because this is a restricted dhikr. The people that you hang around with. Lazy ( it takes roughly about 3 mins to say subhanallah wabihamdih and look at all the ajr you will get from it). Distractions of the dunya. Ignorance because so many muslims they don't know the adhkar. Not patient. Overcommit (some want to do all the aDhkar for the morning). Were raised in an environment full of ignorance. Shy to say the aDhkar. Lack of time management. When we sin a lot, Allah will make it hard to feel the blessings of the dhikr. Bad role models (ex. if the leader or teacher or imam, the activists, if they are not themselves good role models, the younger generation will not be better). Dont review adhkar often. Bored by repeating the same dhikr ( there are so many different dhikr to change it up and you will not get bored.) What are the top 5 tips that would help us constant in our adhkar? ( Prophet (SA) said don't ever miss to say after salat allahuma a3inni 3ala thikrika wa shukrika wa 7usni 3abadatika.) Make it a habit. Having good company. Always remember the virtue/the ajr you will get.

The Etiquettes of Dhikr and Dua

Sincerity it must be done according to the sunnah of the Prophet(SA) it is recommended for the person to be in a state of wudhu You do not need to have wudu when you make dua ex. when you leave the bathroom, you say ghufranak. Why did we say it is recommended to do wudu, because of the following hadith: A man passed by Prophet(SA) and urinated and said Assalamu Alaikum (its a form of dhikr). Prophet didn't answer him. Then he made wudu and said, I hated to use Allah's name while i did not have wudhu. It is good to purify the tongue with siwak or any other method that can make the mouth smell good the best way to purify your mouth is using siwak. it cannot replace a toothbrush. If you have access to siwak, Prophet(SA) said it has 2 things: 1) purifies your mouth (makes it smell good) 2) It pleases Allah (because that particular tree pleases Allah and it is blessed). Recommended to face the qiblah Aysha said Prophet(SA) would be laying his head in my lap and reciting adhkar. Aysha said I used to recite my hizb when i lay down on my bed. Prophet(SA) when he was riding his camel, he directed the camel towards the qiblah to make dua during hajj In sahih muslim, in the battle of badr, when the Prophet (SA) the amount of the army of the enemy were so many the prophet turned his back to the battlefield and faced the qiblah and prayed to Allah. Choosing the times, the location, and the situation where the duaa and dhikr will most likely be answered It is better to make the adhkar in the masjid especially the ones for morning and the night. Its not much, you can do it anywhere, everywhere, at all times. Allah said in Surah al Jum3ah verse 10 (when the salah finishes go spread outside the masjid, and make a lot of dhikr while you are looking for your ajr). best time to make dhikr: maghrib and fajr time, in the night make sujood and make a lot of dhikr and tasbeeh during these times. there is no doubt the best time of the day to make dhikr is from fajr to the sunrise. Have khushu while making dhikr You should make adhkar alone 7 people will be in the shade of Allah: 1 of them is the one who made adhkar alone Dont raise your voice (al Araf, verse 205) (Do it as if youre speaking to yourself. You pronounce the words so you can hear it and others. Silence and no movement of the tongue at all is not considered dhikr)

Etiquettes related to Dua Only

Before you do a dua its a good idea to do a good deed (alam Nashra7 verse 8) More than 100 times, it was recorded that the Prophet(SA) raised his hands when he made dua Sunnah when making dua for the rain is to flip your jacket inside out (meaning everything we already have we already lost) and he prayed for rain with the back of his hand raised straight up all the way above his head towards the sky, meaning that his hands are dry and they need to be moistened from the rain, but when to stop the rain, he put his the other way he turned them so the palm side was facing the sky All of the scholars said you don't separate the hands from each other, they're always together. Thats how the prophet used to make dua, never was his hands apart unless he was making dua for Authentic hadith: if one of you wants to pray, you start by praising Allah then you should make salat and salam on the Prophet and then you ask for what you want. (Surah Yunus verse 10) Umar ibn al Khattab said, your dua will not reach Allah and will not be returned to you, it will be stuck if you dont say sallah allahu 3alihi wa salam. Prophet(SA) said you should repeat your dua 3 times (of course you can do more). Very important to be certain when you make dua, don't hesitate. Don't even say any words that show any hesitation. You should be firm about it. Like Oh Allah give me, forgive me, because you never say inshaAllah in your dua like Oh Allah forgive me inshaAllah. You should say ameen, not inshaAllah, because Prophet(SA) said don't say inshaAllah. He said pray to Allah while you should be certain about the answer. Suffyan said: Whenever you make hajj, no matter how much of a sinful person you think you are make lots of dua because Allah accepted the dua the worst of the worst, Iblis. Be certain of your dua. He said, Oh believer what a lucky man/women you are, all of the angels from Ibrahim time up to Prophet(SA) make dua for you. Mix your words with tears Change the tone of your voice as if you're crying. Show your humility in your dua. The prophet(SA) was making dua one night for his ummah and he was crying. Then he was crying so much in his prayer that Allah told jibreel go down to see what is he crying for? Jibreel said ya rasul Allah, Allah sent me down to find out why you're crying. Prophet(SA) said"ummati ummati". The Prophet is thinking about his ummah. Pray for yourself and others. ex, jannazah. This is the dua you say: Oh Allah forgive the living one and the dead one, those witnessing the funeral prayer and those who are absent, those older than us and the ones younger, male and female. End your dua with Allah's name that matches your request. ex. If you want Allah to give you 3ilm, u ask allah by al fattah, al 3alim. To give victory to the people of Syria, anta al qadeer, al 3azeez. if you pray for the weak in borma, ask him by his mercy, his loving care. against the wicked ones you ask by the almighty the great. Al Quran is filled with this. Say ameen. Prophet (SA) said: When the imam in the salah says : ghayri al maghdubi 3alayhim, you have to say ameen in the salah. when you say ameen and it matches the same time the angels say ameen, your sins will be forgiven. Ameen has 2 meanings:I. Oh Allah accept II. As if you're repeating the same dua again Authentic hadeeth: Prophet(SA) said Jibreel came to me and said ya Muhammad, may Allah keep this person away from paradise if you have an old parent and didn't take care of him, a person who witnessed ramadan and did not take advantage of it, and someone who will hear your name and did not send his salam on you. Prophet said ameen after all of these every time jibreel said it. Anytime you make dua for your brother or sister in their absence, the angels say ameen We say ameen after al fatiha even outside of fatiha When the imam makes dua on friday, you're allowed to say ameen

Transgression in the Dua

Abu Dawwud would never narrate anything in his sunnah unless he was certain about them and they awere good ahhadith. Prophet(SA) said: there will be a time when people will transgress in dua and in water. ex. Water is running before you make wudhu. Don't turn on the water until you need it. Transgression in the dua fall into categories: time, gesture/situation, the way you perform the dua Transgression means: to put things where it doesn't belong; injustice Starting with the transgression in words: The most severe form of transgression in dua is to pray to other than Allah. Dua belongs to Allah not someone else. This is transgression because when u pray to them they cannot hear you ex. Jesus, prophet. If they hear you, they will not be able to respond to your call and on the day of judgement, they will tell you this is kufr. Back in the days, people used to pray to others during times of ease and prayed only to Allah in times of calamity whereas nowadays, people pray to others during times of calamity and during ease we pray to Allah. To pray to Allah with something that Allah did not praise something with it ex. Saying ya rab yaseen, ya rab al Quran. Allah is not the lord of the Quran, the Quran is Allah's words/speech. To ask for everyone: Oh Allah guide everybody. When sin is going to be committed: Oh Allah make him end his life with evilness. There are so many narrations of early scholars that said one of the transgression of the dua is to use non arabic sentences. Why did the scholars say that? Because they were worried about someone who was saying dua when they did not understand its meaning as you could be disrespecting Allah. Allah said to Nuh: Don't ask me what you don't know. so these scholars are talking about someone who does not understand the meaning and what they're saying and what they're asking for,but if this is your language, of course you can use it to make dua. Saying inshaAllah. If you ask forgiveness for the believers ,your sins will be forgiven to the number of believers there are. If u get mad at your children, say May Allah forgive you why did you do that? You should say: rabanna atina fildunya hasant wa fil akhirati hasana wa qina 3athab il nar Avoid too many words for no reason ex. Oh Allah let my hand be in jannah, let my teeth be in jannah, let my feet to enter jannah. khalas, just say let me enter jannah. if you enter jannah, you will enjoy everything in it. no need for detail and too much emphasis. However, certain emphasis or detail that adds value in the meaning is possible. ex. Allahuma ghfirli the first and the last of it because there is meaning in it. The scholars said: one of the transgression in dua is rhyming, because they are focusing more on the rhyming rather than the meaning. So they will even twist the words just so it can rhyme and even if it doesn't make sense. However, al Quran is full of duas that is rhyming so to say rhyming is a transgression, is not right. transgression of rhyming is only when when twisting the words to change the meaning just for the sake of rhyming. Do not limit your duas.

Transgression in Meaning 1. Those people who only ask for worldly things. whenever you ask for worldly things, you should also ask for something in the akhira2. Not allowed to make dua with something that you do not know the meaning of.4. Using words that has no meanings5. To ask or to say something that is grammatically wrong since it would have the incorrect meaning ex. Allah hafith 3aleik (may Allah protecting you) instead of saying Allah yehfathak (may Allah protect you) because in arabic, this verb "protecting" means effort. Allah does not need to put in any effort in protecting someone. Transgression in the Way You Make Your Dua ex. raising your voice. when you do not show humility to Allah. When you start saying it improperly. When doing it in a way that you are not fit ex. while you are sleepy, wearing improper clothes, eating too much that you cant breathe. Transgression in Place Bathrooms, dumpsters To make dua next to graveyards Places that are bid3a ex. going to certain caves to make dua in it claiming this is the mountain where some of the prophets livedTransgression in Time ex. think that the night of eid has a special reward in it so u make special dua in it or sha3ban

Chapter 2

The best dhikr is al Quran (surah al Furqan verse 33). There is none of us who have similar attributes to Allah, the virtues of Allah. Hadeeth says: the example of the believer who read the Quran is like the grapefruit, it smells good and it tastes good. And the believer who doesn't read Quran is like the date that has no smell. And the example of the hypocrites who read the Quran is like mint, it smells good but its taste bitter. The hypocrites who don't read the Quran is like the al-hambatha, a fruit that tastes bad and has no smell. How does this hadith establish how is Allah's speech better than any other speech? Because Allah's words, even if it is mentioned by hypocrites and disbelievers, it still smells good, it maintains that high status and its value is kept. Prophet(SA) said: al Quran afthalul dhikr. The best words after al Quran are Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, La Illaha Illa Allah, Allahu Akbar. Generally speaking, Quran is better than any dhikr (only in general) but there are circumstances where other words that are better than quran. ex. Prophet(SA) said don't read quran during rukoo3 or sujood- it is forbidden to read Quran there. After fajr, they used to make adhkar but not read quran so you should read quran during fajr prayer and then after salat ul fajr, you say adhkar. Surat al Ikhlas- Prophet(SA) said reading it is equal to one third of the Quran. Why do we say some Surahs are better than others even though the source is from Allah? Because it has to do with the meaning of the words. ex. verses of Qul huwa allahu ahad is higher than the meaning of Tabbat yada abi lahab. because the subject is higher in status. The verses in the Quran that speak about Allah are higher in status. Allah's names are higher in attributes and levels. The best surah in the Quran is al Fatiha. Surahs were never revealed like it to this level and equal to any surah in the Quran, the Torah, or al Zabur. Prophet(SA) said I swear by the one who has my soul in his hand. This is surah al Fatiha (Tirmidhi hadeeth). Prophet(SA) said: the best verse in the Quran is Ayatul Kursi (Sahih Muslim) it is verse 255 in Baqarah. There is not a single verse in the Quran that has included as much as this ayah has included. Some say there is no greatest name because one of the best names that Allah has: Ya Hayeu Ya Qyoom and this could be the greatest of Allah's names. Prophet said: There is one name that if they ask allah by this name, it will be accepted. it is found in surah al Imran, surah Taha. most scholars agree that it is Allah. The other opinion is that Allah's greatest name is hidden so that you do not disregard the rest of his other names. just like Laylatul qadr. Why should we not read quran during rukoo3 and sujood? Because the position of rukko3 and sujood is a position of humility and Quran is Allah's words, it has to be honoure and it should not be in a position of humility.

The Best Dhikr After Quran

Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, La illaha illah allah, Allahu akbar are the most beloved words to Allah and it doesn't matter in which order u say it. They are from the Quran. Prophet(SA) said it is more beloved to me to say these 4 words than to gain whatever the sun will reach. Subhanallah 100 times will be equal to freeing a slave from the children of Ismail (its always Ismail because they are the most expensive to free). Saying Alhamdulillah 100 times equal to 100 horses Allahu akbar 100 times equal to 100 camels that you donate for the sake of Allah, which are accepted and is the best fit. La ilah illa allah 100 times- rewards of it will occupy what is between the heaven and the earth ( if you imagine a thing as big as between the heaven and the earth, it will be so huge and heavy, thats how much it will weigh in your scale on the day of judgement. the other meaning could be the record that will be in it, it will be as tall as what's in between the earth and the heaven. Prophet(SA) said there is none on the face of this earth unless it will erase his/her sins as much as the foam of the sea. Every time u say Subhanallah alhamdulillah la illaha illa allah allahu akbar it will take away from your sins exactly the same way u take away the leaves from the tree (like from the wind). There is none more beloved to Allah than a believer who will live a long life and will occupy his life with Subhanallah, Alhamdullah, La illaha illa allah Allahu akbar. It makes your ranking in death higher than a shaheed. Allah chosen the four words to be the most special words (Muslim). Prophet(SA) said once to his companions : Take your protection from the hellfire. You can do this by saying these 4 words. On the day of judgement, these words will come and protect you, will put you ahead of everyone else and they are the words that are mentioned in the quran (in surah al kahf). These are the things that will remain with you.

La ilaha illAllah

Means there is none (no deity) worthy ( we say worthy because there are other gods that people pray for but they are not worthy of prostrating to, bringing humility of yourself to) of worship but allah (does not mean allah is the only creator. this is not what was intended and the main meaning of this word b/c when the prophet told the pagans of maaakkah, when he gathered them to say la illlaha illa allah, they said what a loser, u want to strip us from all of these gods and u think that one god is better than all of these gods that we pray for since more gods are better than one (beginning of surah saad- they did not accept la illaha illa allah). another verse in the quran (naba2, so many verses- if u ask them who is the sustainer, the creator, bring life and death, they will say to muhammad allah. So if la illaha illah means this, they did not believe that the act of worship should only be directed to allah la illaha illa allah is the greatest word u can say situations where it is ordained: in tashahud, when u enter islam, when u die, in athan, iqama, before you go to sleep, morning and night athkar, after salah (u say subhanallah, alhamdulillah, la illaha illa allah, allahu akbar after u say these 33 times after salah, u end with la ilaha illa allah), eid prayer, jummah, in a time of calamity (when there is so much stress on you and was so sick. when prophet was so sick, prophet said la illaha illa allah and said death is so hard) virtues: la illaha illa allah wa7hadu la sharika lah, lahu ul mulk wa lahul hamd wa huwa 3ala kuli shay2en qadeer: if u say it 100 times, u free 10 slaves (prophet said that freeing 1 slave protects you from the hellfire so u are protecting from the hellfire 10 times). if u say it 10 times, as if u free 4 slaves from children of esmail try to say this as much as u can nuh told his son before he died,"i order u to say la illaha illa allah, wallahi, if the 7 heavens and the 7 earths were put to one side and this sentence was put on the other side, it will be heavier than them prophet said the gates of the heaven will be wide open for it and there will be nothing in its way. allah forbade the fire (he will never stay in hellfire forever) from anyone who says this word as it is the highest


comes from the word saba7a- means moving. because when u swim u go far. saba7a in arabic language means far from. thus, allah is absolutely far from anything that is not proper,indecent, evil- this is where the word subhan originally comes from. thats y one of allah's name al quddoos (the most pure)- thats y u only say subhanAllah for something evil, not for something good, to stay away from evil . tasbih means to say subhanAllah ordained to say it: after salat, after witr, during rukoo3 and sujood (subhanak allahu wa bi7amdik, allahuma ighfirli- this is what prophet said in his salat during sujood and rukoo3), dua in time of calamity, when u end your gathering, dua in opening the salat, when the imam make a mistake ( this is what u say to correct the imam in his reading), when u see thunder (wa yusabihu al ra3du wa bihamdi), when u go downhill (u say subhanAllah) dua when travelling (not when riding a car all the time)- subhan allathi sakhara lana hatha wa ma kunna lahu muqrineen wa inaa ila rabina lamunqaliboon surah ahzab verse 42. jummah verse 1, hashr verse 1. surah israa verse 180. surah saf beginning of it. so many verses in quran about tasbih the word tasbih came in quran in 30 different ways. 9 times for prophet. 3 times animals and creations making tasbih, 6 times referring to old creations making tasbih subhanAllahi wa bi7amdeh sub7anAllah Al3athim- prophet said (p.17)


alhamd means to praise allah we say it in time of ease and in time of calamity (careful, it doesn't mean thankful. because you praise him because you recognize the qadr. from allah's perspective, there's a good perspective. when u have a disease in your abdomen, its as if u died as a shahid. it is for the best for u; allah always chooses the best for u. almu2min always praises allah. allah is perfect. humans grow up to improve ourselves, through our actions to become perfect if thats a word to be used but allah is inherently perfect, doesn't need to do anything to become perfect) ordained: after u eat, u say if u see something good: al7amdulillah alathi yutimu al sali7at. when u see something bad u say al7amdulillah 3ala kuli 7al, after salah, before u go to sleep, when u wake up, in fatiha, and in beginning of khutba (prophet starts khutba by saying alhamdulillah) surah al qasa verse 70, al qasa verse 1 prophet said: that he will be giving something on the day of judgement will be holding a banner alhamd and every single prophet and believer will be behind it. muhammad means the one who praises allah. ahmad (the one who praises allah the most) prophet said the first people to be called to jannah are claled alhammadoon prophet said theres a house in jannah called the paalce of alhamd, for those who praise allah alot. so u deserve this palace in jannah if u prasie allah the most whats the best way to say alhamdulillah?- some scholars say to say it " alhamdullahi rabl 3alamin" since thats how it was said in the quran. others say the best way to say it" alhamdulillah 7amdan katheeran mubarakn fih kama yu7ibu rabbana wa yardah"

Allahu Akbar

p. 18 takbir means Allahu akbar. Akbar means the greatest and it has 5 meanings: Greatest in his names and attributes it means he is the greatest one to be worshipped. this is why it is a great act of worship as it matches his greatness. his names and attributes are the greatest ever, knowledge, wisdom, effortless, anger, punishment, reward Lordship Best creator and sustainer Allah is a7sanul khaliqeen. people create things but nothing like the creation of allah subhanahu wa ta3ala don't ever doubt that hes the best creator, sustainer The one who deserves to be worshipped he deserves to worship more than anything else The best legislator allahu akbar in his legislation as it is the greatest there is when u think allahu akbar, that he is the best legislature, he knows us, he created us, he knows what we need. His qadr is the greatest allahu akbar fi qadarih- allah is the greatest planner- what allah plans for u is much better than your thoughts he is the best planner and his qadr is the best for us start ur dua by praising allah, subhanallah, alhamdulillah, laillaha illa allah, allahu akbar, he is the one capable of hearing and answer. p. 19- ordained: after salat (33 times and 34 when u go to sleep), when u slaughter, athan and iqama, when u go uphill you say allahu akbar. when u ride to travel in plane/car, when u go over safa (3 times) and marwa (3 times), in salat, in time of happiness (al sahaba with prophet said takbir after the battle of uhud, when they were against the kuffar)(u only give takbir to something of value. not silly things. ex. when u give a good khutba), in morning and evening athkar, (calling the athan and iqama in the ear of a newborn is an extremely weak hadith), (its not sunnah to start khutba al eid with allahu akbar. its sunna to start by saying alhamdulillah), when you make tawaf (u point to the, first 10 days after thul hijja, from arafah to the prophet said (authentic hadith)- new muslim came to him and said can't read al fatiha, prophet said u replace it with subhanAllah alhamdulillah allahu akbar. - the virtues of these 4 words is that they replace the greatest surah of the quran- until they learn the fatiha surah al baqarah 155, surah all mudatther 1-3. why subhanAllah wa alhamdulillah are combined together ? subhanAllah frees allah from anything bad (but it is not a praise b.c it means that he has no bad qualities) and alhamdulillah is a praise (because it means he has all good qualities) b/c just to say that he has no bad qualities is not enough to praise allah why is la ilaha illa allah wa allahu akbar are combine together (always said together)? b/c he's the absolute greatest and that is why he should be worthy of worship

La hawla wa la quwwatta illa billah

la 7awla wa la quwa- I cannot plan and do not have the ability to do anything without the will from allah. You are still weak no matter how powerful you are and great you are because Allah did not give you the strength. when athan says: 7aya 3ala el salt. u respond by saying la 7awla wa laquwata ill billah. (because I cannot respond to your call without you helping me to do so. youre saying without allah's help, ure admitting and saying it is the qadr of allah that will give you the strength to make it happen) ordained to say: time of calamity ( means ya rab, i cannot tolerate, i do not have the ability to be satisfied with your qadr unless you help me to do so. ya Allah i cannot adjust to the new situation without your help), when u leave the house. hadith man came to prophet and said i can't learn anyhthing from qurand adn prophet says: subhanAllah alhamdu lillah la illaha illah allah allahu akbar , la 7awla wa la quwata illa billa allah said half of surat al fatiha is for allah and the other half is for us (humans) allahuma ghfirli war7amni, wa3afini warzuqni waihdini (oh allah forgive me, shower me with ur mercy, protect me from anything evil, provide for me, and guide me) treasure of paradise: means u have a treasure waiting for u in paradise because u said la 7awla wa la quwata illa billah

Al-salah wal-salam ala Rasulullah

p. 21- salah upon messenger the most common definition that al salat from allah is allah's mercy and from the angels it means requesting for acceptance it means send his mercy upon muhammad it doesn't make sense to say salah from allah means allah's mercy because allah sends prayer only to prophet, but allah's mercy goes to everyone if it is mercy so that means its something different mercy the linguistic meaning of salat means praise. when allah sends prayers to muhammad, means allah praises muhammad in front of the angels and the creation. so when u ask allah to pray on muhammad, it means to praise muhammad 2) when we say peace be upon ya rasullulah. what does al salam on the prophet means? we ask allah to make prophet free of anything that is bad or evil (in the time of prophet alive). what about after death of prophet? it means oh allah protect his body from the day of judgement and from the grave. oh allah protect his sunnah/ protect the religion that he came with, protect the great knowledge he left behind its a form of dua to the prophet what are situations when ordained: whenever his name is mentioned (prophet said the most stingy person is the one who my name is mentioned and does not say sallahu 2alihi wa sallam), on fridays (the night (night of thursday) and morning of friday), before supplication, in gatherings (prophet said any gathering that his salat in). 10 times in morning and at night (prophet said whoever says it 10 times, i will make a seat for him on the day of judgement). your jummah khutba will be invalid if u dont say salam to muhammad, when u pray in funeral prayer the second takbir u send salam to prophet, when u enter the masjid u say allahuma salli 3ala muhammad wa azwaji sayedina muhammad. virtues: there are 40 different virtues of sending salam to prophet. (Allah will send prayers (praise u) on u 10 times if u send salam 1 time on the prophet the most closest to me on the day of judgement is the one who sends salam on the prophet those who forget to send salam on the prophet will miss their way on jannah if all ur dua : allah will take care all of your affairs, will remove all worries from ur life, will remove all calamities from your life. this is because u have favoured the prophet over yourself. You preferred to pray for him and not for yourself and it shows you love muhammad more than yourself. because allah love muhammad so much saw so he loves those who love the prophet so much so allah loves them so much salat 3ala muhammad is only obligated when u make dua (since your dua will be stuck between heavens and earth if u dont say salam from the evidence from the hadith) p. 21: what is the ruling about writing abbreviations: not right to replace salat wal salam with saying s.a.s it ok to right abbreviation but u read it fully early generations, no evidence to add wa 3ala alihi wa as7abihi ajma3een. u should add this when there are people who are against prophet and his sa7aba al in the salam to muhammad means his family

The accepted duaa difference between answering and accepting the dua: answering dua means Allah gives you what you asked for he gives u what u asked for according to his wisdom but sometimes he may delay it for a reason accepting dua means u get one of 3: 1) he gives you exactly what u asked for 2) he keeps this dua in the form of reward that u will gain on the day of judgement 3) he might protect from something evil in the future equal to what you have asked for so if ur dua is accepted, it will never be wasted. sometimes allah will never give u what u want because he has the wisdom that he knows you're going to need the reward from this dua to save you on the day of judgement. sometimes allah knows in future, bad things will happen to u and will not be able to tolerate it so allah saves this dua to give you strength during that time. when allah doesnt give u what asked for, he would've already given you something in return not all dua will be accepted and answered. even some of the dua of prophet and messengers were not answered ex. ibrahim prayed for his father to be a muslim and allah did not accept his dua. prophet said, i asked for 3 things and he gave me 2 of them and the last one allah said no the first opinion is the strongest opinion is if all the conditions are fulfilled, dua is accepted into one of the 3 ways above the second opinion, they said that even if the dua fulfils all the condition, it is up to allah's wish (surah israa, verse 18)

Accepted duas are based on 3 conditions: time, situation, people time: day of arafah, laylatul qadr (night of power), month of ramadan (because prophet said the gates of paradise is widely open), person who is fasting, the day of jum3ah and the night of jum3ah in it is a time where the dua is accepted the 3ulama debate. one says all the day of juma3ah b/c prophet did not specify its just during the day from maghrib to fajr. second opinion (strongest opinion) is when imam sit in the member from when the athan is called until he finishes prayer 3) it is the last hour at the end of the day right before maghrib which roughly it could be 10-15 before sunset or 15. situation: with sincerity (baqarah verse 186), if you make dua while athan is called or between athan and iqama or while iqama is called (prophet said when iqama is called, the gates of heaven are open when iqama is called), after salat (say the tasbih), after finishing the quran, when people gather and make gathering to learn about allah, when witnessing funeral of a believer, while you are drinking water of zamzam, in time of war, in time of rain, while fasting, while situations of hardship, when the person is muzloom (injustice is happening), repeat dua people: ones who injustice is happening to them, traveller, parents, righteous son/daughter, when u pray for ur bros and sis in their absence places most likely dua will be accepted: makkah, masjjid, areas of hajj (especially masjid al haram, al aqsa, and annabawi)

The Reasons that our dua are rejected and not answered signs that show dua is accepted: some of the fuqaha, especially hanafi scholars: one of the signs is that the person will feel while he/she is making dua that they are so calm and their heart is filled with tranquility, hope, and trust. it feels like u were carrying something so heavy before you start dua and all of it goes away after u finish dua. aysha says i know my dua is accepted when the words are coming naturally without thinking and when the dua combines with tears and when feel goosebumps there is no proof from the quran or sunnah is if it is accepted sometimes its because ur dua itself is so weak, the wording the meaning is very weak or because you yourself is very weak (ex. if u start asking by shirk i ask u by this person) or the wordings are messed up; theres transgression in it. or weak as in there is no full trust in allah. third reason is nothing that can prevent your dua like your sins- somebody going for umrah/hajj but if his income and food is coming from haram, how come allah will accept from someone like this? your sins prevent so many of your dua. but no matter what, don't ever give up on dua even if allah delays ur answer as long as you see and think this is something that will please allah, don't ever give up on asking for it

Chapter 3- the ruling of dhikr & duaa in our daily lives Morning prayer and evening prayer: timing. These opinions came from 2 sides: 1st opinion- Many of linguistic Arabic scholars have taken this opinion- you have from midnight all the way to Dhuhr (This is not very famous among scholars of hadith.) 2nd opinion: Look at the arabic meaning. Some look at the Quranic verses. Quran made that period from fajr to sunrise. When the prophet and companions used to recite morning prayer after fajr and night prayer after asr. 3rd opinion that shiekh agrees with: from fajr to maghrib and from maghrib to fajr. This combines the linguistic and the shar3i meaning. Thats why you say it early in the day, so you can be protected for the rest of your day...the earlier you do it, the better. These adhkaar are conditioned to time, not salat. When you combine salawaat together (like when youre travelling), you say the tasbih only 1 time after salaat, not doubling to 66 times. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) said: If anyone overslept and missed their hizb (the amount of quran they recite or the amount of dhikr they do) then they recited that amount between fajr and dhuhr, he will get the same ajr as if he did it in the night. Its better to do all of the morning and evening dhikr as much as you can because each one has its own virtue. you should try to do all of them as much as you can. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam)did the morning and night dhikr in the masjid. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam), after fajr salaat, would not leave his spot and would occupy this time making dhikr until the sunlight. Whoever prays salatul fajr and stays up making dhikr until sunrise and prays 2 rakaats afterwards, the reward is equal to a perfect hajj and umrah (weak hadith). This applies to sisters in their homes as well...They do not have to go to a masjid.

The ruling of dua and dhikr during salah It has been reported that the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) made a very long rukuh and sujood. Either he combined various duaas or repeated the same one. Both are possible, so its okay to combine duaas in your salaah and repeat them a lot of times. Can you make dua during rukuh? Some said its not recommended, some say only in voluntary prayer, and the strongest opinion is that they are allowed because when the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) made rukuh, he said Subhana rabiyya al athim rabbighfirli. Can we make duaa by other than what was narrated in the Quran and the Sunnah? Can I make duaa about worldly things in my salah? 1st opinion: Some say its not allowed and that it is not allowed to pray for anything other than what is in the Quran and Sunnah (like only ask for forgiveness, paradise). 2nd opinion: Some say youre allowed to pray for anything related to this worldly life because the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) said you should choose any duaa that you wish which includes worldly and non-worldly things (strongest opinion). Also, the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) said to ask as much and pray as much as you can in your sujood, and he never restricted it to anything. 3rd opinion: It is permissible to do it but it is highly recommended not to do it, and only to pray for religious things. Can you ask Allah with other than Arabic language in salaat? 1st opinion: No, your salaat is invalid. (because Allah said to not make duaa in any language you dont understand, but this assumes that Muslims only know Arabic, which was true at the time). 2nd opinion: It is disliked to supplicate in a language other than Arabic if you are capable of doing so in Arabic. 3rd opinion: It is permissible for ones who are incapable and not permissible for those who are capable. 4th opinion: You can make duaa in any language without considering the issue of ability. Can you make duaa for a specific person during salat? Yes, it's allowed because the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) used to pray for and against certain individuals in his salaat. Qunoot in Arabic language means long concentration in salaat and duaa. Allah said to stand up in your prayer and focus (wa qumu ila rabikum qaniteen). Qunoot in salaat is prayed for 2 reasons: 1) for calamity 2) non calamity Non calamity- 2 branches:I. During Fajr prayer (The Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) used to do Qunoot until he died but majority of the Hanafi, Shafii and others said not to do so, because it comes from a weak narration, so this hadith is not strong enough to make a ruling. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) did Qunoot during Fajr in a clear authentic narration (which narrates that the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) did Qunoot for a whole month. II. During Witr prayer Calamity- who calls for Qunoot: If the imam of the masjid says that there is need, they can make Qunoot. Vast majority said you can make Qunoot in the obligatory prayer because for a whole month, the sahaba made Qunoot in every single prayer. Most of the Qunoot are done in Fajr because Fajr is the most important prayer, and strongest opinion said that it can be done in any prayer but Fajr is the best. It is considered bidaa to make qunoot for calamity during volunteer prayer or in jumuah prayer, which is agreed upon by almost all the madhahib, and in Eid prayer. Most of the hadiths said you make dua of Qunoot after rukuh for calamity. There is no specific form of Qunoot for calamity. You only make qunoot for calamity specifically for that calamity. (Ex. You cant say Protect our children and fathers from the calamity because you can only focus on the calamity). Do you raise your hand? Yes, the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) was raising his hands during Qunoot for calamity. It is disliked to raise your eyes during dua. Qunoot during Witr prayer 1st opinion: strongest opinion says that it is a highly recommended sunnah because the companions said that the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) did not always make Qunoot in Witr, but sometimes he made it in his obligatory prayer. It is recommended do it whenever you want. Some say to do it in the last 15 days of Ramadan, but you can do it whenever you want. Most authentic narrations say that Qunoot was done before rukuh. Some say you have the option between both. Most say that if its for a calamity, its after rukuh, and if its for witr, its before rukuh. Another opinion: Qunoot during Witr is bidaah. If you are by yourself, you can do Qunoot in English, just as if you pray in congregation and no one understands Arabic. The majority of the fuqaha said it is allowed to say Qunoot out loud. It is Sunnah so if you leave it, it is not a problem. Difference between Qunoot for Witr and Qunoot for Nazilah (calamity). Qunoot for Nazilah is after rukuh and for Witr its before rukuh. For calamity, the dua is only related to the calamity whereas witr can be for anything. Timing: For Nazilah, only in time of calamity, whereas for Witr is anytime. Calamity has to be established by authorities but not for witr, which can be all the time. There are specific prayers for Witr but nothing specific in relation to calamity. For calamity, Qunoot is only offered in obligatory prayers while for Witr, it is only offered in voluntary prayers.

Making dua for the completion of quran 1st opinion: Disliked to do such things in the salah and it is bidah. 2nd opinion: Its allowed to make dua for completion of the Quran in salah (Makkah is an international city and since people of Makkah used to practice this and it was not disapproved). Also because its a form of dua and so many companions used to bring people together while they finished the Quran to make dua upon completion of the Quran. You join Witr Qunoot and the dua of the Quran together. Sujood: What kind of dua to say: Subhana rabbiyal ala. Khutbah and Jumuah Authentic hadith that you are supposed to make dua at the end of khutbah. You are supposed to make dua for Muslims. Eid There is no specific dua during Eid prayer, only takbir is mentioned specifically. After prayer How the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) did tasbeeh after prayer: with an open hand, start with closing the pinky and then the rest until you make a closed fist. Thats 5, then you open your hand and repeat. Can you use beads?I. 1st opinion: not allowed. Bidah and innovation because of the following: This concept came from Buddhist monks, then transferred to Christian monks, then to Muslim monks (who are known as Sufi groups). There is not a single hadith that asked us to repeat a dhikr more than 100 times...our deen is easy.II. 2nd opinion: allowed Based on a fabricated hadith that says the best way to make dhikr is using beads. Another one is based on authentic hadith- the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) came home and saw Aisha counting her dhikr with stones and the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) asked her, Do u want me to tell you what is better for you? to which she said What?. Then he said Counting dhikr on your hands because your hands will be witnesses for you on the Day of Judgement.

Chapter 4- Rulings Related to thikr and Dua Raising ones voice while making dhikr 1st opinion: You make adhkaar silently. 2nd opinion: You should say it out loud based on an authentic hadith; Sunnah to raise your voice when saying dhikr out loud after salaat. Istikhara Make it only for issues that are permissible. It is Sunnah to stick to it, not add your own words. If on menstrual period, wait until it finishes. You make 2 rakaa before dua. You dont wait for any signs after making istikhara. Even if youve made a decision, you can still make istikhara. You can say it in any language. Dhikr in congregation (for example, Eid prayer) The takbir in congregation on Eid is not bidaa because there is overwhelming evidence that the companions used to do that. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) and his companions never came together just to make dhikr (subhanAllah, alhamdulillah). However, it is okay to come together to mention Allah and study his names (like having a halaqa and then a dua at the end). Based on a hadith, its bidaa to come together and do dhikr. For whom should you make a duaa other than yourself? Praying for leaders: We are allowed to pray for our leaders, asking Allah to have mercy on them but not mentioning them by name. Fasiq: Absolutely allowed to pray for guidance for them. Can you pray against a zhalim? You can pray against the sinners. If you ask Allah to curse/damn someone, its as if you killed him, regardless of whether he is Muslim or non-Muslim. Cursing the kuffar is not right. It is permissible only if someone is making a bidaa that will take them out of Islam. Even if a Muslim person is drunk with alcohol, don't curse him and make him available to shaytan. You can pray against transgressors like dictators (ex. May Allah strip him from his power), not necessarily by names but by categories (ex. Those who abuse power and afflict oppression.) Making dua for non-Muslims: You can make dua for them but for things like guidance or bringing good through them. What is not allowed is duaa for a kafir to enter jannah. Can you pray for general benefits? Ex. For a very long time, Florida did not have any rain and there was a need to do istisqaa (prayer seeking rain). This is allowed because the rain is a general mercy that goes to both the Muslims and kufaar. Can you ask for someone to pray for you? 1st opinion: Do not ask anyone. 2nd opinion: It is allowed to ask for someone to pray for you if that person is righteous. 3rd opinion: It is permissible to ask for people to pray for you only if your intention is that you and him will benefit together (if your intention is to benefit alone, its disliked, but if your intention is for both to benefit, its okay)- this is a weak hadith. 4th opinion (vast majority of fuqaha agree): its recommended to ask those who you think are righteous to pray for you, even if your intention is only benefitting yourself. (Ex. when someone righteous is leaving for Hajj/Umrah)

Chapter 5- Al-Salamu Alaykum Salaam can be used as a form of greeting or can be used as a duaa, thus it has 2 meanings If you enter your house saying alsalamu alaikum and you start fighting with your wife, then there is no point of that salaam. Barakato comes from the word barakah, which comes from the word birka which means an oasis of water- al barakah is a place where so much good coming to it and so much good coming out of it. So barakah means something that will produce much good...Means that the person who receives barakah will produce many blessings and get many blessings. Alsalamu alaikum started after the creation of Adam. Thats why Ibrahim, Nuh, Musa, and every prophet said al salamu alaikum but the only ummah that had a complete greeting was Islam: al salamu alaikom wa rahmatuallah wa barakato - This is a blessed greeting from Allah. Etiquettes: the young should say it to the old (out of respect), the one passing by to the one who's sitting (for the one passing to feel humility that he is not better than those sitting.) When you exchange salaam with someone, have eye contact with that person. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam) would even change his position to face the person and he would not leave his hand until the other person did so. Exchange salaams with people you know and also those you don't know. You should say salam when entering the house when your family is inside (theres no point if the house is empty.) If someone is saying salaam to you while you pray, you can wave your hand while you pray according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (salallahu alaihi was-salam). You start with salaam and continue talking after that. It is considered bidaa to do the hand gesture with the peace sign while saying salaam. As long as there is no fitnah, you can say salaam to the other gender. The worst people in the world are the ones who use the religion for the dunya (like using the religion to get to a girl). Saying salaam is Sunnah and replying is waajib. In a gathering, when you say salaam, it is sufficient for one person to answer you. If you say wa alaikum as-salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, its worth 30 rewards. You only boycott those people who you think will change for the better from being cut off from communication. Youre not allowed to boycott someone for more than three days, but it is allowed if something will change. Salaam to Christians and Jews: Don't initiate salaam with Christians and Jews but if they say it first, you should only reply with wa alaikum and nothing else. If they say alsalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, majority says you reply fully. If theres Muslims and non-Muslims, you can say alsalamu alaikom to all of them collectively. Always make duaa to Allah mentioning good deeds that you have done before.