Finnish School Sist de Inv Th Instruirii

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Transcript of Finnish School Sist de Inv Th Instruirii

  • 8/13/2019 Finnish School Sist de Inv Th Instruirii


    Finnish school children spend fewer hours in the classroom and more time at recess than their U.S. counterparts.

    (Photo: Sergey Ivanov/Creative Commons

    Stanford !eport" #anuary $%" $%&$

    How the Finnish school system outshines U.S. education

    Educational philosophy in Finland is strikingly different than in the United States, but the

    students there outperform U.S. learners.


    The Finnish school system might sound like a restless American schoolchild's daydream school

    hours cut in hal!" little home#ork" no standardi$ed tests" %&minute recess and !ree lunch( But the

    Finns' uncon)entional a**roach to education has )aulted Finland to the u**er echelon o!countries in o)erall academic *er!ormance" according to the +rganisation !or Economic ,o

    o*eration and -e)elo*ment(

    Finnish students ha)e ranked at or near the to* o! the Program !or .nternational Student

    Assessment e)er since testing started in /&&&( .n the most recent assessment in /&&0" they ranked
  • 8/13/2019 Finnish School Sist de Inv Th Instruirii


    si1th in math" second in science and third in reading( By com*arison" U(S( students ranked 2&th"

    /2rd and 34th" res*ecti)ely" o! the 5% tested countries6economies(

    But Finland's system hasn't al#ays 7een success!ul(

    8Finland had 7een traditionally thought o! as the lo#est achie)ing country in Scandina)ia" and

    one o! the lo#er achie)ing ones in Euro*e !or a )ery long time( .t #as not a highly de)elo*ed

    education system"8 said 9inda -arlingHammond" the codirector o! the Stan!ord ,enter !or

    +**ortunity Policy in Education" in a lecture deli)ered Tuesday a!ternoon a7out the Finnish

    educational success story( She introduced the main s*eaker" Pasi Sahl7erg" a Finnish education

    e1*ert and the director o! the ,enter !or .nternational :o7ility and ,oo*eration in Finland's

    :inistry o! Education and ,ulture(

    From worst to first

    8;e came !rom 7ehind !rom e)ery7ody else"8 Sahl7erg said( 8At some *oint in the last

  • 8/13/2019 Finnish School Sist de Inv Th Instruirii


    .n his lecture" Sahl7erg discussed three key areas euality in education" time management and

    *erce*tion o! teachers as *ro!essionals" to*ics also co)ered in his recent 7ook"Finnish 'essons:

    What #an the World 'earn from Educational #hange in Finland(

    Lower cost, better results

    8;e are s*ending less money than a)erage !or de)elo*ed countries" much less than the United

    States( ;e s*end less time" 7ut the learning achie)ements are high"8 Sahl7erg said( 8You *ut

    more money and more time there" 7ut the outcome" the achie)ements are less(

    8;hen #e com*are teachers to other *ro!essions in society" #e com*are them to la#yers or

    doctors or architects"8 he said( 8Not as here >in the United States?" #here they are com*ared to

    nurses or thera*ists" or something like that" that reuire lo#er academic training(8

    Teachers in Finland are reuired to o7tain a threeyear master's degree" state!unded" 7e!ore

    teaching( These education *ositions are highly co)eted" Sahl7erg said( For e1am*le" only one in

    3& *rimaryschool teacher a**licants are acce*ted(

    8.t's harder to get into *rimary school education than a medical *rogram"8 he said(

    But Sahl7erg identi!ied the 7iggest o7stacle in the U(S( system as the same *olicy intended to

    re)olutioni$e education( 8.! . could change one thing in *olicy" . #ould seriously rethink the role

    o! standardi$ed testing"8 he said in an inter)ie# #ith the Stan!ord Ne#s Ser)ice( 8No high

    *er!orming nation in the #orld has 7een success!ul using the *olicies that the United States is


    Sahl7erg said that he doesn't think standardi$ed testing is inherently 7ad" 7ut 8the #ay it's done

    here is sim*ly leading to so many negati)e conseuences" in the !orm o! narro#ing curricula and

    resha*ing the #ay teachers and schools are #orking(8

    Sahl7erg is uick to *oint out that solutions #on't 7e as easy as trans*lanting Finland's *olicies

    across the Atlantic(

    8.'m not trying to con)ince *eo*le that i! they !ollo# #hat Finland is doing" things #ill 7e good(

    All the education issues and re!orms are done s*eci!ically to the culture and should 7e done

  • 8/13/2019 Finnish School Sist de Inv Th Instruirii


    locally"8 he said( 8.'m )ery much a#are that America is )ery di!!erent culturally( .'m trying to tell

    #hat #e')e 7een doing and use Finland as real#orld e)idence(8

    .ronically" ins*iration !or many o! Finland's changes came !rom research in the United States"

    #hich contri7utes & *ercent o! the #orld's education research" 7y Sahl7erg's estimation( 8;e')e

    7uilt this e1cellent" high*er!orming" euita7le system that e)eryone is *raising today" 7ased on

    American inno)ations"8 he said(

    Stephen Tung is a science)riting intern for the Stanford *es Ser+ice.

  • 8/13/2019 Finnish School Sist de Inv Th Instruirii


    ,um sistemul colar !inlande$ uime te SUA educa ie( Filo$o!ia educa ionalC Dn Finlanda este

    !oarte de di!eritC de educaia din Statele Unite(

    Sistemul colar !inlande$ ar *utea suna ca un )is agitat cu ochii deschi i al unui ele) american

    orele de coalC taie Dn @umCtate" teme *uine" !CrC teste standardi$ate" la %& de minute *au$C i masa de *rn$ gratuit( -ar a7ordarea !inlande$ilor 8necon)entionalC la educa ie" a sarit

    Finlanda la esalonul su*erior al Crilor Dn *er!orman ele academice glo7ale" *otri)it +rgani$a iei

    *entru ,oo*erare EconomicC i -e$)oltare(

    -ar sistemul Finlanda nu a !ost Dntotdeauna de succes(

    8Finlanda a !ost Dn mod tradi ional ganditC ca cea mai micC arC dinreali$area Dn Scandina)ia" i

    una dintre cele mai mici din Euro*a( Nu a !ost un sistem de Dn)C Cmnt !oarte de$)oltat8" a

    declarat 9inda -arlingHammond

    8Am )enit la s*ate de la oricine altcine)a8" a s*us Sahl7erg( 89a un moment dat" Dn ultimii Dn Statele Unite?" Dn ca$ul Dn care acestea sunt

    com*arate cu asistente medicale sau tera*eu i" sau ce)a de genul asta" care necesitC o *regCtire

    academicC mai micC(8

  • 8/13/2019 Finnish School Sist de Inv Th Instruirii


    Pro!esorii din Finlanda sunt necesare *entru a o7 ine o di*lomC de master de trei ani a lui"

    !inan ate de stat" Dnainte de *redare( Aceste *o$i ii de Dn)C Cmnt sunt la mare cautare" a s*us

    Sahl7erg( -e e1em*lu" numai unul din 3& *rimar colare reclamantele cadrelor didactice sunt


    8E mai greu *entru a intra Dn Dn)C Cmntul *rimar dect un *rogram medical8" a s*us el(

    -ar Sahl7erg a identi!icat cel mai mare o7stacol Dn sistemul SUA ca aceea i *oliticC destinat sC

    re)olu ione$e educa ie( 8-acC a *utea schim7a un singur lucru" Dn *oliticC" miar regndi Dn

    serios rolul de testare standardi$ate"8 a s*us el Dntrun inter)iu cu Ne#s Ser)ice Stan!ord( 8Nici o

    na iune nu de DnaltC *er!orman C Dn lume a a)ut succes cu a@utorul *oliticilor care Statele Unite

    se !olosesc(8

    Sahl7erg a s*us cC el nu crede cC de testare standardi$atC este Dn mod inerent rCu" dar 8modul se

    !ace aici este *ur i sim*lu duce la consecin e negati)e" att de multe" su7 !ormC de Dn)C Cmnt

    Dngustarea i remodelarea modul *ro!esorii i colile sunt de lucru(

    n mod ironic" sursC de ins*ira ie *entru multe dintre modi!icCri Finlanda a )enit de la cercetare

    din Statele Unite" ceea ce contri7uie & I din Educa ia Ji ,ercetarea din lume" *rin estimarea

    Sahl7erg lui(