Finley Public School · 2020. 5. 26. · Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email:...

Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: [email protected] Page 1 School Calendar Key Dates – Week 5, Term 2 2020 Wed 27 th May National Simultaneous Storytime K-2 Monday 8 th June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Friday 3 rd July Last Day of Term 2 SAVE THE DATE Principal’s Report Welcome back to school everyone! It has been wonderful to welcome all our students back to school this week. Teachers and students are busy working in their classrooms and this makes us all very happy here at Finley Public School. Thank you to our entire school community for your kind words and support during the last few months. This just shows what an amazing school and community we have. Birthday Cupcakes In the past, families have brought in birthday cupcakes or a treat to celebrate their child’s birthday. It isn’t possible for us to share home made treats at the moment, but we are able to share a pre-packaged and wrapped treat or perhaps even some balloons instead. While we don’t want to disappoint anyone on their special day, we do need to keep everyone safe. AHPPC Guidelines All school activities and operations will be in line with Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and NSW Health guidelines as applicable. School students do not need to follow physical distancing guidelines (as outlines in the AHPPC guidelines). This means our classrooms will returned to regular student numbers as of Monday. The provision of home/remote learning packs and lessons have ceased. Over the coming weeks, classroom learning and activities will return to more standard in–school programs. As is currently the case, students will be taught by their regular classroom teacher for the majority of the day/week. All students are required to return to school unless - they have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition or they are currently unwell – as per regular attendance procedures. Students who live with a family member in one of the categories identified as being at increased risk by the AHPPC, should attend school unless a medical practitioner advises otherwise in writing. ( School activities are still severely limited in terms of large gatherings, excursions, etc. Our school will continue to receive additional cleaning in line with the AHPPC guidelines and advice from NSW Health. Targeted areas include high-touch areas and other hard surfaces, door handles, light switches and handrails in stairways and movement areas. There will also be additional cleaning of toilets and topping up of supplies like soap. We have received supplies of soap, hand sanitiser, toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, surface spray and personal protective equipment. We now have sufficient supplies and are able to order more as needed. Heightened sanitation and hygiene practices across the school and with students in particular will remain a part of regular school life. Hand washing with soap and water will continue before and after all break times. Finley Public School Be Responsible Be Respectful Be a Learner 21-39 Coree Street FINLEY NSW 2713 Phone: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: [email protected]

Transcript of Finley Public School · 2020. 5. 26. · Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email:...

Page 1: Finley Public School · 2020. 5. 26. · Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: Page 1 School Calendar Key Dates – Week 5, Term 2 2020 Wed

Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: [email protected] Page 1

School Calendar

Key Dates – Week 5, Term 2 2020

Wed 27th May National


Storytime K-2

Monday 8th June Queen’s Birthday

Public Holiday

Friday 3rd July Last Day of Term 2


Saturday 17th Oct 125thCelebration


Principal’s Report

Welcome back to school everyone! It has been wonderful to welcome all our students back to school this week. Teachers and students are busy working in their classrooms and this makes us all very happy here at Finley Public School. Thank you to our entire school community for your kind words and support during the last few months. This just shows what an amazing school and community we have.

Birthday Cupcakes

In the past, families have brought in birthday cupcakes or a treat to celebrate their child’s birthday. It isn’t possible for us to share home made treats at the moment, but we are able to share a

pre-packaged and wrapped treat or perhaps even some balloons instead. While we don’t want to disappoint anyone on their special day, we do need to keep everyone safe.

AHPPC Guidelines All school activities and operations will be in line with Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and NSW Health guidelines as applicable.

School students do not need to follow physical distancing guidelines (as outlines in the AHPPC guidelines). This means our classrooms will returned to regular student numbers as of Monday.

The provision of home/remote learning packs and lessons have ceased. Over the coming weeks, classroom learning and activities will return to more standard in–school programs.

As is currently the case, students will be taught by their regular classroom teacher for the majority of the day/week.

All students are required to return to school unless - they have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition or they are currently unwell – as per regular attendance procedures.

Students who live with a family member in one of the categories identified as being at increased risk by the AHPPC, should attend school unless a medical practitioner advises otherwise in writing. (

School activities are still severely limited in terms of large gatherings, excursions, etc.

Our school will continue to receive additional cleaning in line with the AHPPC guidelines and advice from NSW Health. Targeted areas include high-touch areas and other hard surfaces, door handles, light switches and handrails in stairways and movement areas. There will also be additional cleaning of toilets and topping up of supplies like soap.

We have received supplies of soap, hand sanitiser, toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, surface spray and personal protective equipment. We now have sufficient supplies and are able to order more as needed.

Heightened sanitation and hygiene practices across the school and with students in particular will remain a part of regular school life. Hand washing with soap and water will continue before and after all break times.

Finley Public School BBee RReessppoonnssiibbllee •• BBee RReessppeeccttffuull •• BBee aa LLeeaarrnneerr

21-39 Coree Street


Phone: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Finley Public School · 2020. 5. 26. · Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: Page 1 School Calendar Key Dates – Week 5, Term 2 2020 Wed

Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: [email protected] Page 2

Access to the school site and all buildings in particular will remain very limited for parents, carers, volunteers and visitors to our school.

Please contact the school via phone (03) 5883 1135 or email: [email protected]

Too Sick for School Parents and carers need to keep child/ren at home if they are feeling unwell, particularly if they have a cold, fever, cough, sore throat, any respiratory illness or flu-like symptoms. We are excited to have your child/ren back at school, but we also have a priority to ensure our staff and students are kept healthy and safe. This is not the time for soldiering on and if your child is sick on any given day please notify the front office or submit an absence notification via our Skoolbag App, this absence can then be correctly recorded in our attendance system. Also, if your child/ren arrive at school unwell or fall ill during the day, the office staff will call you to pick the child/ren up as soon as possible. The procedures are in place to protect the wellbeing of all members of the school community and remain of critical importance. Thank you

We would like to say a very big ‘Thank You’ to the Finley Lions Club who have made a very generous donation to our school. The Lions Club are a wonderful organisation who have always been strong supporters of Finley Public School. The funds that have been donated will be used to subside our MusicaViva performance, set for Term 3. This will enable all students to participate in this quality incursion. Thank you again, we really appreciate your assistance! Staff Professional Learning Teachers from Finley Public School have been working with Teachers from Finley High to learn more about differentiation. Differentiation is about adjusting learning tasks to suit different students. We will be participating in more professional learning with Finley High School over the remainder of the year. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to build links between the two schools to help our students. Anti-Bullying Plan The Finley Public School 2020 Anti-Bullying Plan has been published on our website (

plan.PDF) and details ways in which Finley Public School addresses bullying and bullying behaviours. The NSW anti-bullying website ( provides evidence based resources and information for schools, parents, carers and students. National Sorry Day & National Reconcilliation Week Today is National Sorry Day and tomorrow marks the beginning of National Reconcilliation Week. The dates for National Reconcilliation Week remain the same each year; 27th May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey – the successful 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision respectively. During the next week, we will be learning about National Reconcilliation Week and National Sorry Day in our classrooms.

Have a great week Jocelyn Robinson Principal.

Piper P 26th May

Addysen 26th May

Phoenix 26th May

Kaitlyn 26th May

Emma T 27th May

Elijah A 28th May

Page 3: Finley Public School · 2020. 5. 26. · Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: Page 1 School Calendar Key Dates – Week 5, Term 2 2020 Wed

Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: [email protected] Page 3

Thank you to Finley Lions Club for your generous donation!

Community Notices

Page 4: Finley Public School · 2020. 5. 26. · Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: Page 1 School Calendar Key Dates – Week 5, Term 2 2020 Wed

Tel: (03) 5883 1135 Fax: (03) 5883 2397 Email: [email protected] Page 4

Message from Dyson Group

To our valued customers, Thank you for your ongoing commitment to Dysons and the provision of public transport in the community during this challenging time. At Dysons we have implemented several measures to assist in limiting the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), as follows: Our People:

All our people are continuing to work provided they are feeling well and not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms. We have not experienced a notable increase in absenteeism, and we believe we can continue to provide a reliable service to all our customers.

All employees who are reporting absent from work are individually reviewed to determine they are fit to return to work before they resume duties.

Drivers are being provided with additional personal protective equipment, such as gloves and hand sanitiser.

We have introduced social distancing measures on our vehicles to reduce passenger contact with our Drivers wherever possible.

Our Vehicles:

While we always maintain a high level of vehicle cleanliness and presentation, our vehicles are now subject to an enhanced daily cleaning and sanitising regime.

High frequency contact areas within the bus are being cleaned through the day with sanitising cleaning products, in addition to our nightly cleaning program.

Posters have been placed in our vehicles to remind passengers of appropriate hygiene practises to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

We also remain in frequent, regular contact with the Department of Transport and are working closely with other public transport operators in a coordinated manner to ensure that we can maintain the safest transport service across the state. We encourage you to contact us to discuss any needs or conditions that are required to be met by your community to further add to the protocols already outlined above. Should you require any further information please Contact: Evan Maidment or Gail Gray on 5881 1333 at our deniliquin office.