Finding Information for Latin American Studies 210 by Denis Lacroix French/Spanish Librarian .

Finding Information for Latin American Studies 210 by Denis Lacroix French/Spanish Librarian http://www.library. ualberta .ca/instruction/ hss /index. cfm
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Transcript of Finding Information for Latin American Studies 210 by Denis Lacroix French/Spanish Librarian .

Session Outline

Finding Basic Research Information and Subject Guides

Finding Books by author, subject, title, numbers

Boolean, Truncation, and Advanced Searching

Finding Articles in Periodicals using Databases

The Research Question




¿Globalization in South America?

Finding Basic Research ToolsSubject Guides Click on the Subjects tab on the

Library home page. Click on Humanities and Social Sciences. Under Area Studies,Click on Latin American Studies.

In the yellow strip on the right-hand side, click on Information Sources on Latin America.

Finding Basic Research Tools Subject Headings : search in the Catalogue

South America– Dictionaries

Latin America – Encyclopedias

Uruguay -- Encyclopedias

Argentina – Biography – Dictionaries

Peru – History

Online : Literature Resource Center

Books vs. Periodical Articles

Books are a good place to start foran author or subject that is well-known and not too recent

Check book bibliographies for references to other books and articles Use the NEOS Libraries Catalogue to find books

Finding Books By author:

[Browse] or [Keyword] García Marquez, Gabriel By title

One Hundred Years of Solitude Request or place a hold on a book By numbers

[Call numbers] HC 125 L34744 About a person as subject

[Browse] García Marquez, Gabriel

Advanced Searching Finding books about a topic:

Think of variant or similar terms. Use Boolean operators, e.g. and, or.

[Words Anywhere] South America and (globalization or neoliberalism)

[Subject] Latin America and (globalization or neoliberalism)

Use truncation symbols: $ ? [Words Anywhere] (global$ or neoliberal$) and “South

America$” [Words Anywhere] globali?ation

Search for LAST210

Books vs. Periodical Articles

Periodical articles are a good place to start if an author’s reputation is recent or local you are looking for a detailed analysis

(e.g. globalization in Argentina)

To find articles search: periodical databases

Finding Articles in Periodicals The library catalogue cannot be used to find

articles on your research topic. Instead, you need to search databases.

Databases are all different: some contain full-text articles, some list only citations and abstracts, some are interdisciplinary others are subject specific

Use database Help feature for searching assistance

Database Citation

Databases:Academic Search Premier

Searching examples: [Subject] South America* and

[Default Fields] globali* or neoliberal*To view full-text, click on HTML or PDF. To save, mail, or print citations

Click on Add folder, Click on Folder has items, Click on print, e-mail or save options.

Databases:Hispanic American Periodicals Index

(HAPI) Click on Search: (one term/field, truncation)

[Subject] South America and [Keyword] neoliberal

Save citations to bibliography and send by e-mail or print.

Search for periodical in Library catalogue. Search for Latin American Politics and Society . In Library Catalogue Choose Browse and Periodical

Title in “Other Search Options.” Periodical is available online!

Finding Periodicals in the Library

Search the NEOS Libraries Catalogue Use the Other Search Options search feature Search for the periodical title Click on Browse Click on the Search button

Current Issues Kept in Rutherford South 2nd floor

Shelved around the perimeter

Organized alphabetically by title

Older Issues Located in Rutherford North or South

Interfiled with books by call number

Databases:Handbook of Latin American Studies


Go to Expert Search.[Subject] global*[Subject] south america global*Click on “Include word variants” and Search.

Click on citation number. Click on related article subjects for more


To refine your search, click on subjects.

This is a book. Search book title in Library catalogue.

Databases:PAIS International

Click on Advanced SearchEnter search terms: one concept / boxCheck the PAIS Index for your subject terms,

i.e. globalization.U of A Library holdings are indicated in PAISCheck U of A Library catalogue to find the

exact location of the itemUse the Interlibrary loan (ILL) form to order

documents not at the U of A

More Databases Click on the Subjects tab on the Library home

page. Click on Humanities and Social Sciences. Under Area Studies Click on Latin American Studies.

Scroll down through the databases and find more information on each by clicking on More Info.

Other Databases to consider seriously:Humanities Abstracts; Clase/Periódica MLA

Reference Services

Consult the librarians in-person or by telephone at the Reference desk through e-mail through chat reference