Finance And Audit Committee - 29 April 2019 Attachments

1 of 51 Finance And Audit Committee - 29 April 2019 Attachments 7.1 Financial statements for the month ending 31 March 2019...................2 7.1.1 Financial Statements for the month ending March 2019................................................2 7.2 Schedule of Accounts for March 2019..........................................................37 7.2.1 Payment Summary - March 2019...........................................................................................37 7.3 FIN3 - Debt Collection Policy............................................................................45 7.3.1 FIN 3 Debt Collection Policy (proposed).............................................................................45 7.3.2 FIN 3 Debt Collection Policy (current)..................................................................................50

Transcript of Finance And Audit Committee - 29 April 2019 Attachments

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Finance And Audit Committee - 29 April 2019 Attachments

7.1 Financial statements for the month ending 31 March 2019...................2

7.1.1 Financial Statements for the month ending March 2019................................................2

7.2 Schedule of Accounts for March 2019..........................................................37

7.2.1 Payment Summary - March 2019...........................................................................................37

7.3 FIN3 - Debt Collection Policy............................................................................45

7.3.1 FIN 3 Debt Collection Policy (proposed).............................................................................45

7.3.2 FIN 3 Debt Collection Policy (current)..................................................................................50

Financial Activity Statement Report

For the month ended 31 March 2019

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Contents Statement of Financial Activity Variances Proposed Budget Amendments Accounting Notes Service Unit Definitions Statement of Financial Activity Net Current Funding Position Cash and Cash Investments Receivables (Rates and Sundry Debtors) Grants and Contributions Reserve Funds Capital Items

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Statement of Financial Activity Variances Material Variances Defined For the purposes of reporting the material variances in the Statement of Financial Activity (by Service Unit) (as contained in this document), the following indicators, as resolved, have been applied –

Revenues (Operating and Non-Operating) Service Unit material variances will be identified where, for the period being reviewed, the actual varies to budget by an amount of (+) or (-) $25,000 and, in these instances, an explanatory comment will be provided. Expenses (Operating, Capital and Non-Operating) Service Unit material variances will be identified where, for the period being reviewed, the actual varies to budget by an amount of (+) or (-) $25,000 and, in these instances, an explanatory comment will be provided.

Before commenting on each of the specific material variances identified it is important to note that, whilst many accounts will influence the overall variance, only those accounts within the affected Service Unit that significantly contribute to the variance will be highlighted. For the purposes of explaining each variance, a multi-part approach has been taken. The parts are – 1. Period Variation – Relates specifically to the value of the variance between the Budget

and Actual figures for the period being reviewed. 2. Primary Reason – Explains the primary reasons for the period variance. As the review

is aimed at a higher level analysis, only major contributing factors are reported. 3. Budget Impact – Forecasts the likely $ impact on the year end surplus or deficit

position. It is important to note that values in this part are indicative only at the time of reporting, for circumstances may subsequently change.

Material Variances Explained The Financial statements are presented based on the new organisational structure As shown in the in the Statement of Financial Activity (contained within this document), the following variances have been identified - Revenue Chief Executive Officer No material variance to report Community Planning No material variance to report

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- The period variation is favourable to period budget by $64,382 - The variation predominantly relates to higher than anticipated patronage within the

Recreational Swimming area. There has also been higher than anticipated revenue due to increased membership sales within the Health and Fitness area.

- The estimated impact on the year end position is an increase in revenue of $50,000

Corporate Funds

- The period variation is favourable to period budget by $39,031 - The variation predominantly relates to higher than anticipated revenue received from

Interim rates and long service leave payments from other local governments. - The estimated impact on the year end position is an increase in revenue of $30,000. Operations No material variance to report Operating Expense Chief Executive Office No material variance to report Community Planning No material variance to report Finance


- The period variation is unfavourable to period budget by $47,116 - The variation predominantly relates to higher than estimated depreciation costs

relating to planned capital works within buildings, roads and pathways. - The estimated impact on the year end position is an increase in depreciation

expenditure which is a non-monetary transaction. Operations

Street Operations

- The period variation is unfavourable to period budget by $60,707 - The variation predominantly relates to overspend within street lighting maintenance,

emergency works at Burswood Road and equipment maintenance. - The estimated impact on year end position is an increase in expenditure of $30,000 Capital Expense Chief Executive Office No material variance to report.

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Community Planning No material variance to report. Finance No material variance to report. Operations

Asset Planning

- The period variation is unfavourable to period budget by $33,699 - The variation predominantly relates to a budget timing for payment of an invoice. - The estimated impact on year end position is nil Non-Operating Revenue Finance No material variance to report. Operations

Fleet Services

- The period variation is unfavourable to period budget by $122,265. - The variation predominantly relates to delays in the sale of a road sweeper and other

fleet vehicles. - The estimated year end position is nil as this is caused by delays and the revenue is

expected to be received within this financial year as planned. Non-Operating Expenses Finance No material variance to report. Proposed Budget Amendments No proposed budget amendments. Accounting Notes Significant Accounting Policies The significant accounting policies that have been adopted in the preparation of this document are: (a) Basis of Preparation The document has been prepared in accordance with applicable Australian Accounting Standards (as they apply to local government and not-for-profit entities), Australian Accounting Interpretations, other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, the Local Government Act 1995 and accompanying regulations.

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The document has also been prepared on the accrual basis and is based on historical costs, modified, where applicable, by the measurement at fair value of selected non-current assets, financial assets and liabilities. (b) The Local Government Reporting Entity All Funds through which the Council controls resources to carry on its functions have been included in this document. In the process of reporting on the local government as a single unit, all transactions and balances between those Funds (for example, loans and transfers between Funds) have been eliminated. (c) 2018 - 2019 Actual Balances Balances shown in this document as 2018 - 2019 Actual are subject to final adjustments. (d) Rounding Off Figures All figures shown in this document, other than a rate in the dollar, are rounded to the nearest dollar. (e) Rates, Grants, Donations and Other Contributions Rates, grants, donations and other contributions are recognised as revenues when the local government obtains control over the assets comprising the contributions. Control over assets acquired from rates is obtained at the commencement of the rating period or, where earlier, upon receipt of the rates. (f) Superannuation The Council contributes to a number of Superannuation Funds on behalf of employees. All funds to which the Council contributes are defined contribution plans. (g) Goods and Services Tax Revenues, expenses and assets capitalised are stated net of any GST recoverable. Receivables and payables in the statement of financial position are stated inclusive of applicable GST. The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included with receivables on payables in the statement of financial position. Cash flows are presented on a Gross basis. The GST components of cash flows arising from investing or financing activities which are recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO are presented as operating cash flows. (h) Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, cash at bank, deposits held at call with banks, other short term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value and bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts are shown as short term borrowings in current liabilities.

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(i) Trade and Other Receivables Collectability of trade and other receivables is reviewed on an ongoing basis. Debts that are known to be uncollectible are written off when identified. An allowance for doubtful debts is raised when there is objective evidence that they will not be collectible. (j) Inventories General Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale. Land Held for Resale Land purchased for development and/or resale is valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes the cost of acquisition, development, borrowing costs and holding costs until completion of development. Finance costs and holding charges incurred after development is completed are expensed. Revenue arising from the sale of property is recognised as at the time of signing an unconditional contract of sale. Land held for resale is classified as current except where it is held as non-current based on Council’s intentions to release for sale. (k) Fixed Assets Each class of fixed asset is carried at cost or fair value as indicated less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Initial Recognition All assets are initially recognised at cost. Cost is determined as the fair value of the assets given as consideration plus costs incidental to the acquisition. For assets acquired at no cost, or for nominal consideration, cost is determined as fair value at the date of acquisition. The cost of non-current assets constructed by the Council includes the cost of all materials used in construction, direct labour on the project and an appropriate proportion of variable and fixed overheads. Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Council and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other repairs and maintenance are recognised as expenses in the period in which they are incurred. Revaluation Certain asset classes may be re-valued on a regular basis such that the carrying values are not materially different from fair value. For infrastructure and other asset classes, where no active market exists, fair value is determined to be the current replacement cost of an asset less, where applicable, accumulated depreciation calculated on the basis of such cost to reflect the already consumed or expired future economic benefits of the asset. Increases in the carrying amount arising on revaluation of assets are credited to a revaluation surplus in

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equity. Decreases that offset previous increases of the same asset are recognised against revaluation surplus directly in equity; all other decreases are recognised in profit or loss. Any accumulated depreciation at the date of revaluation is eliminated against the gross carrying amount of the asset and the net amount is restated to the re-valued amount of the asset. Those assets carried at a re-valued amount, being their fair value at the date of revaluation less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, are to be re-valued with sufficient regularity to ensure the carrying amount does not differ materially from that determined using fair value at reporting date. Land Under Roads In Western Australia, all land under roads is Crown land, the responsibility for managing which, is vested in the local government. Council has elected not to recognise any value for land under roads acquired on or before 31 December 2008. This accords with the treatment available in Australian Accounting Standard AASB 1051 Land Under Roads and the fact Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 16 (a) (i) prohibits local governments from recognising such land as an asset. In respect of land under roads acquired on or after 1 August 2008, as detailed above, Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 16 (a) (i) prohibits local governments from recognising such land as an asset. Whilst such treatment is inconsistent with the requirements of AASB 1051, Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 4 (2) provides, in the event of such an inconsistency, the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations prevail. Consequently, any land under roads acquired on or after 1 September 2008 is not included as an asset of the Council. Depreciation of Non-Current Assets All non-current assets having a limited useful life (excluding freehold land) are systematically depreciated over their useful lives in a manner that reflects the consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in those assets. Assets are depreciated from the date of acquisition or, in respect of internally constructed assets, from the time the asset is completed and held ready for use. Depreciation is recognised on a straight-line basis, using rates that are reviewed each reporting period. Major depreciation periods are: Buildings 40 years Furniture and Equipment 5 – 10 years Plant and Machinery 2 – 10 years Sealed Roads - Clearing and Earthworks Not depreciated

- Construction and Road Base 5 – 80 years - Original Surface / Major Resurface 5 – 80 years

Drainage 5 – 80 years Pathways 5 – 80 years Parks and Reserves 5 – 80 years Asset residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at the end of each reporting period. An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount. Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with the

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carrying amount. When revalued assets are sold, amounts included in the revaluation surplus relating to that asset are transferred to retained earnings. Capitalisation Threshold Expenditure on capital items under $5,000 is not individually capitalised. Rather, it is recorded on an Asset Low Value Pool listing. (l) Financial Instruments Initial Recognition and Measurement Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised when the Council becomes a party to the contractual provisions to the instrument. For financial assets, this is equivalent to the date that the Council commits itself to either the purchase or sale of the asset (i.e. trade date accounting is adopted). Financial instruments are initially measured at fair value plus transaction costs, except where the instrument is classified ‘at fair value through profit of loss’, in which case transaction costs are expensed to profit or loss immediately. Classification and Subsequent Measurement Financial instruments are subsequently measured at fair value, amortised cost using the effective interest rate method or cost. Fair value represents the amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties. Where available, quoted prices in an active market are used to determine fair value. In other circumstances, valuation techniques are adopted. Amortised cost is calculated as:

a. the amount in which the financial asset or financial liability is measured at initial recognition;

b. less principal repayments; c. plus or minus the cumulative amortisation of the difference, if any, between the

amount initially recognised and the maturity amount calculated using the effective interest rate method; and

d. less any reduction for impairment.

The effective interest method is used to allocate interest income or interest expense over the relevant period and is equivalent to the rate that discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts (including fees, transaction costs and other premiums or discounts) through the expected life (or when this cannot be reliably predicted, the contractual term) of the financial instrument to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability. Revisions to expected future net cash flows will necessitate an adjustment to the carrying value with a consequential recognition of an income or expense in profit or loss. Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are financial assets held for trading. A financial asset is classified in this category if acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the short term. Derivatives are classified as held for trading unless they are designated as hedges. Assets in this category are classified as current assets.

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Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market and are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Loans and receivables are included in current assets where they are expected to mature within 12 months after the end of the reporting period. Held-to-maturity investments Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed maturities and fixed or determinable payments that the Council’s management has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. They are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Held-to-maturity investments are included in current assets where they are expected to mature within 12 months after the end of the reporting period. All other investments are classified as non-current. They are subsequently measured at fair value with changes in such fair value (i.e. gains or losses) recognised in other comprehensive income (except for impairment losses). When the financial asset is derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss pertaining to that asset previously recognised in other comprehensive income is reclassified into profit or loss. Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivative financial assets that are either not suitable to be classified into other categories of financial assets due to their nature, or they are designated as such by management. They comprise investments in the equity of other entities where there is neither a fixed maturity nor fixed or determinable payments. They are subsequently measured at fair value with changes in such fair value (i.e. gains or losses) recognised in other comprehensive income (except for impairment losses). When the financial asset is derecognised, the cumulative gain, or loss, pertaining to that asset previously recognised in other comprehensive income is reclassified into profit or loss. Available-for-sale financial assets are included in current assets, where they are expected to be sold within 12 months after the end of the reporting period. All other financial assets are classified as non-current. Financial liabilities Non-derivative financial liabilities (excluding financial guarantees) are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Impairment At the end of each reporting period, the Council assesses whether there is objective evidence that a financial instrument has been impaired. In the case of available-for-sale financial instruments, a prolonged decline in the value of the instrument is considered to determine whether impairment has arisen. Impairment losses are recognised in profit or loss. Any cumulative decline in fair value is reclassified to profit or loss at this point.

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Derecognition Financial assets are derecognised where the contractual rights for receipt of cash flows expire or the asset is transferred to another party, whereby the Council no longer has any significant continual involvement in the risks and benefits associated with the asset. Financial liabilities are derecognised where the related obligations are discharged, cancelled or expired. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability extinguished or transferred to another party and the fair value of the consideration paid, including the transfer of non-cash assets or liabilities assumed, is recognised in profit or loss. (m) Impairment In accordance with Australian Accounting Standards the Council’s assets, other than inventories, are assessed at each reporting date to determine whether there is any indication they may be impaired. Where such an indication exists, an impairment test is carried out on the asset by comparing the recoverable amount of the asset, being the higher of the asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use, to the asset’s carrying amount. Any excess of the asset’s carrying amount over its recoverable amount is recognised immediately in profit or loss, unless the asset is carried at a revalued amount in accordance with another standard (e.g. AASB 116). For non-cash generating assets such as roads, drains, public buildings and the like, value in use is represented by the depreciated replacement cost of the asset. At the time of adopting the Annual Budget, it was not possible to estimate the amount of impairment losses (if any) as at 31 March 2019. In any event, an impairment loss is a non-cash transaction and consequently, has no impact on the Annual Budget. (n) Trade and Other Payables Trade and other payables represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Council prior to the end of the financial year that are unpaid and arise when the Council becomes obliged to make future payments in respect of the purchase of these goods and services. The amounts are unsecured and are usually paid within 30 days of recognition. (o) Employee Benefits Provision is made for the Council’s liability for employee benefits arising from services rendered by employees to the end of the reporting period. Employee benefits that are expected to be settled within one year have been measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liability is settled. Employee benefits payable later than one year have been measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made for those benefits. In determining the liability, consideration is given to employee wage increases and the probability that the employee may not satisfy vesting requirements. Those cash flows are discounted using market yields on national government bonds with terms to maturity that match the expected timing of cash flows.

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(p) Borrowing Costs Borrowing costs are recognised as an expense when incurred except where they are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset. Where this is the case, they are capitalised as part of the cost of the particular asset. (q) Provisions Provisions are recognised when:

a. The Council has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events;

b. for which it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will result; and c. that outflow can be reliably measured.

Provisions are measured using the best estimate of the amounts required to settle the obligation at the end of the reporting period. (r) Current and Non-Current Classification In the determination of whether an asset or liability is current or non-current, consideration is given to the time when each asset or liability is expected to be settled. The asset or liability is classified as current if it expected to be settled within the next 12 months, being the Council’s operational cycle. In the case of liabilities where the Council does not have the unconditional right to defer settlement beyond 12 months, such as vested long service leave, the liability is classified as current even if not expected to be settled within the next 12 months. Inventories held for trading are classified as current even if not expected to be realised in the next 12 months except for land held for resale where it is held as non-current based on the Council’s intentions to release for sale. (s) Comparative Figures Where required, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform to changes in presentation for the current reporting period. (t) Budget Comparative Figures Unless otherwise stated, the Budget comparative figures shown in this Budget document relate to the original Budget estimate for the relevant item of disclosure. Service Unit Definitions The Town operations, as disclosed in this report, encompass the following service-oriented Service Units –

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Chief Executive Office Chief Executive Office

The Chief Executive Office leads and supports the transformation of the organisation into a customer-focused, culturally constructive, legislatively compliant, sector-leading entity, with a primary focus on the Service Areas within the Chief Executive Office functional area.

Communications and Engagement

Communications and Engagement manages the brand and reputation of the Town. This is achieved through developing clear and accessible messaging, consulting with the community, delivering key messages through various channels and working to reach the appropriate audiences through strategically executed marketing, engagement and communication planning..

Customer Relations

Customer Relations manages the Customer Service Contact Centre, which is the first point of contact for the organisation, and monitors performance against the Town's Customer Service Charter.

Leadership and Governance

The Leadership and Governance Service Area is committed to responsibly managing the Town on behalf of the residents and ratepayers of the District through collaboration, knowledge-sharing and good governance.

Human Resources

Human Resources is responsible for the development and implementation of occupational health and safety compliance, staff development, employee relations, recruitment and payroll services of the Town.

Community Planning Building Services

Building Services provide services to ensure buildings are safe, liveable, accessible and sustainable, and meet statutory requirements.

Community Development

The Community Development team's vision is an empowered Victoria Park, which will be achieved through the mission of community capacity building.

Community Planning Office

The Community Planning Office leads and supports the transformation of the organisation into a customer-focused, culturally constructive, legislatively compliant,

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sector-leading entity, with a primary focus on the Service Areas within the Community Planning functional area.

Digital Hub

The Digital Hub provides free digital literacy and online training for the local community, not-for-profit organisations and local business operators.

Economic Development

Economic Development seeks to increase the economic growth of the district through fostering business attraction and retention, tourism, marketing, community initiatives and creating robust relationships.

Environmental Health Environmental Health seeks to promote good standards of public health via the many hospitality outlets in the area and the community in general.

General Compliance

The General Compliance Area liaise with and direct property owners and developers to ensure built-form building and planning requirements are adhered to at all times.

Healthy Community The Healthy Community team connect people to services, resources, information, facilities, and experiences that enhance their physical and social health and wellbeing.

Library Services Library Services plays a pivotal role in providing our community with access to resources, knowledge and technology in a safe, nurturing environment.

Place Management

The Place Management Service Area implements programs, hat are suitable for the particular targeted section of the community, to improve places within the District or, where the community is satisfied with the standard of operation, to maintain the already attained standard.

Strategic Town Planning

Strategic Town Planning develops strategies for the future growth of the Town, with the aims of creating a vibrant community and improving the quality of life for residents.

Urban Planning Urban Planning assesses applications for development approval and subdivision, provides advice to the community and ensures land is appropriately used and developed.

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Finance Aqualife

The Aqualife Centre aims to improve community health and wellbeing; and to provide a safe and welcoming environment for the community to meet and socialise, primarily through aquatic recreation.


The Budgeting Area includes the administration of non-cash expenditure and revenue associated with local government accounting requirements, including profit and loss and depreciation.

Corporate Funds The Corporate Funds are includes the management of loans, reserve fund transfers, restricted and trust funds, rate revenue and corporate grants funding.

Finance Office The Finance Office leads and supports the transformation of the organisation into a customer-focused, culturally constructive, legislatively compliant, sector-leading entity, with a primary focus on the Service Areas within the Finance functional area.

Financial Services The key role of Financial Services is to manage and control the Town's finances in a sound and prudent manner.

Information Systems

Information Systems assists the Town in operating efficiently with the smooth running of essential business computer programs and systems.


The Leisurelife Centre aims to improve community health and wellbeing, and to provide a safe and welcoming environment for the community to meet and socialise, primarily through active recreation.


The Parking Management section guides future parking initiatives within the Town, ensuring equitable access for everyone, whilst also monitoring existing parking areas and ensuring a safer community.


Ranger Services offer a 24 hours-a-day / 7 days-a-week service to help ensure community safety in the areas of Dog and Cat management and Local Law enforcement.

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Operations Asset Planning

Asset Planning provides services to manage and maintain Council facilities and their related assets.


The Environment Area is committed to preserving and enhancing natural areas and recognises not only the ecological benefits of protecting natural assets, but also the social and recreational benefits as well.

Fleet Services Fleet Services oversees the various items of light fleet, heavy fleet and plant and equipment.

Operations Office

The Operations Office leads and supports the transformation of the organisation into a customer-focused, culturally constructive, legislatively compliant, sector-leading entity, with a primary focus on the Service Areas within the Operations functional area.

Parks and Reserves

The Parks and Reserves Section delivers high quality horticultural works to parks, reserves and streetscapes.

Project Management

Project Management assists in improving the standards of project management and project delivery, and delivers nominated projects on behalf of the Town.

Street Improvement

Street Improvement provides engineering advice, design, planning, and road safety initiatives.

Street Operations

Street Operations ensure the maintenance and renewal of roads, pathways, drainage and associated assets.

Waste Waste Management implements waste collection, minimisation and disposal in a sustainable manner.

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Payment SummaryCreditors, Non Creditors, EFTs and Payroll


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All Payments Made From 1-Mar-19 To 31-Mar-19

Payment Date Payee AmountDescription

Municipal Fund Bank Account


Creditors Cheques00608541 6-Mar-19 Telstra Corporation Ltd 53.94 Telephone Usage Charges

00608546 13-Mar-19 Telstra Corporation Ltd 1,566.53 Telephone Usage Charges

00608549 19-Mar-19 Telstra Corporation Ltd 107.89 Telephone Usage Charges

00608543 6-Mar-19 Telstra Network & Services 14,017.16 Telephone Usage Charges

00608542 6-Mar-19 Water Corporation 2,607.68 Water Usage Charges

00608548 13-Mar-19 Water Corporation 7,241.31 Water Usage Charges

25,594.51 Total Creditors Cheques

Creditors EFT Payments1346.5123-01 13-Mar-19 360 Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd 2,189.00 Environmental Services

1346.2419-01 13-Mar-19 AAPT Limited 4,941.56 Communication Services

1346.1121-01 13-Mar-19 ABC Blinds & Awnings 2,874.00 Furniture Supply and Repair

1344.1328-01 6-Mar-19 Abco Products Pty Ltd 1,086.62 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1348.1328-01 20-Mar-19 Abco Products Pty Ltd 607.21 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1353.3400-01 27-Mar-19 Academy Services (WA) Pty Ltd 7,003.84 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1348.5524-01 20-Mar-19 Access Institute 4,000.00 Training Services

1346.1119-01 13-Mar-19 Access Office Industries 6,022.91 Furniture Supply and Repair

1353.1119-01 27-Mar-19 Access Office Industries 1,297.56 Furniture Supply and Repair

1342.5639-01 6-Mar-19 Action Demolition (WA) Pty Ltd 159.35 Refund - Application Fee

1353.1513-01 27-Mar-19 AD Engineering International Pty Lt 528.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.2555-01 13-Mar-19 AGS Metal Work 379.50 Steel Supplies

1353.3103-01 27-Mar-19 Aha Consulting 9,988.00 Community Engagement Services

1346.1738-01 13-Mar-19 All Earth Waste Collection Services 39,050.00 Waste Management Services

1353.1738-01 27-Mar-19 All Earth Waste Collection Services 26,917.00 Waste Management Services

1346.18-01 13-Mar-19 All Signs 308.00 Sign Installation and Supply

1346.17-01 13-Mar-19 Allpest WA 690.06 Pest Control Services

1348.4391-01 20-Mar-19 Allstate Kerbing & Concrete 5,187.60 Footpath Materials and Construction

1344.2774-01 6-Mar-19 Ampac Debt Recovery (WA) Pty Ltd 265.95 Financial Services

1344.441-01 6-Mar-19 Analytical Reference Laboratory (WA 247.50 Environmental Services

1344.4093-01 6-Mar-19 Aquatic Services WA Pty Ltd 2,118.60 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.4093-01 13-Mar-19 Aquatic Services WA Pty Ltd 5,352.18 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.4093-01 27-Mar-19 Aquatic Services WA Pty Ltd 5,233.80 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.4243-01 13-Mar-19 Arts Margaret River Inc 150.00 Conference and Workshop Enrolment

1344.5281-01 6-Mar-19 Asahi Beverages Pty Ltd trading 506.79 Resale Inventory

1346.5281-01 13-Mar-19 Asahi Beverages Pty Ltd trading 431.05 Resale Inventory

1348.5281-01 20-Mar-19 Asahi Beverages Pty Ltd trading 1,252.07 Resale Inventory

1353.5281-01 27-Mar-19 Asahi Beverages Pty Ltd trading 669.80 Resale Inventory

1353.662-01 27-Mar-19 Asphaltech Pty Ltd 489.72 Road Construction Materials and Services

1348.3781-01 20-Mar-19 Atmos Foods 311.46 Resale Inventory

1353.3781-01 27-Mar-19 Atmos Foods 270.98 Resale Inventory

1346.1435-01 13-Mar-19 Atom Supply 116.63 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.4714-01 27-Mar-19 AusFleet Software 13,482.70 Software and IT Solutions

1353.271-01 27-Mar-19 Australasian Performing Right 370.59 Licencing and Subscriptions

1346.273-01 13-Mar-19 Australia Post 4,877.26 Postage Services

1344.1158-01 6-Mar-19 Australian Hvac Services 2,215.85 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.1158-01 13-Mar-19 Australian Hvac Services 720.50 Equipment Supply and Repair

1348.588-01 20-Mar-19 Australian Library & Information As 70.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1343.98000-01 6-Mar-19 Australian Taxation Office 170,699.00 Taxation

1352.98000-01 22-Mar-19 Australian Taxation Office 174,322.00 Taxation

1344.724-01 6-Mar-19 Baileys Fertilisers 4,718.88 Landscaping Materials and Services

1348.724-01 20-Mar-19 Baileys Fertilisers 2,083.40 Landscaping Materials and Services

1346.5636-01 13-Mar-19 Ballpoint Penguins 450.00 Event Performance and Activity

1346.1639-01 13-Mar-19 Bank of I.D.E.A.S 3,025.00 Training Services

1348.1639-01 20-Mar-19 Bank of I.D.E.A.S 275.00 Training Services

1346.1947-01 13-Mar-19 BCA Consultants Pty Ltd 3,960.00 Engineering & Surveying Services

1348.1947-01 20-Mar-19 BCA Consultants Pty Ltd 594.00 Engineering & Surveying Services

1344.280-01 6-Mar-19 Beaver Tree Services 15,274.36 Landscaping Materials and Services

1346.280-01 13-Mar-19 Beaver Tree Services 41,842.01 Landscaping Materials and Services

1348.280-01 20-Mar-19 Beaver Tree Services 19,713.96 Landscaping Materials and Services

1353.280-01 27-Mar-19 Beaver Tree Services 49,704.29 Landscaping Materials and Services

1344.281-01 6-Mar-19 Benara Nurseries 2,369.79 Landscaping Materials and Services

1346.409-01 13-Mar-19 Bidfood WA Pty Ltd 168.29 Resale Inventory

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Payment SummaryCreditors, Non Creditors, EFTs and Payroll


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All Payments Made From 1-Mar-19 To 31-Mar-19

Payment Date Payee AmountDescription1348.409-01 20-Mar-19 Bidfood WA Pty Ltd 159.71 Resale Inventory

1353.3520-01 27-Mar-19 BikeDr Cycle Services Pty Ltd 715.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.5155-01 13-Mar-19 Bin Bath Corporation Pty Ltd 408.43 Waste Management Services

1353.5155-01 27-Mar-19 Bin Bath Corporation Pty Ltd 69.52 Waste Management Services

1346.283-01 13-Mar-19 Blackwell & Associates Pty Ltd 858.00 Planning and Building Services

1344.4992-01 6-Mar-19 Bloomin Box Company 204.00 Flowers

1346.1447-01 13-Mar-19 Blue Force Pty Ltd 178.53 Fire Alarm and Security Services

1348.286-01 20-Mar-19 Bob Jane T-Mart Victoria Park 1,635.00 Tyres

1353.286-01 27-Mar-19 Bob Jane T-Mart Victoria Park 680.00 Tyres

1346.287-01 13-Mar-19 BOC Limited 1,596.06 Equipment Supply and Repair

1348.287-01 20-Mar-19 BOC Limited 429.04 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.287-01 27-Mar-19 BOC Limited 2,293.82 Equipment Supply and Repair

1348.384-01 20-Mar-19 Bonissimo 273.95 Resale Inventory

1353.384-01 27-Mar-19 Bonissimo 214.50 Resale Inventory

1344.333-01 6-Mar-19 Boral Construction Materials Group 132.62 Road Construction Materials and Services

1346.333-01 13-Mar-19 Boral Construction Materials Group 198.39 Road Construction Materials and Services

1348.333-01 20-Mar-19 Boral Construction Materials Group 182.35 Road Construction Materials and Services

1353.333-01 27-Mar-19 Boral Construction Materials Group 861.47 Road Construction Materials and Services

1351.2093-01 22-Mar-19 BP Australia Pty Ltd 6,163.01 Fuel and Oils

1344.1211-01 6-Mar-19 Brownes Foods Operations 23.20 Amenities

1348.1211-01 20-Mar-19 Brownes Foods Operations 66.67 Amenities

1344.290-01 6-Mar-19 Bunnings Building Supplies Pty Ltd 87.73 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.290-01 13-Mar-19 Bunnings Building Supplies Pty Ltd 325.01 Equipment Supply and Repair

1348.290-01 20-Mar-19 Bunnings Building Supplies Pty Ltd 675.69 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.290-01 27-Mar-19 Bunnings Building Supplies Pty Ltd 266.39 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.1781-01 27-Mar-19 Burgess Rawson Pty Ltd 385.00 Professional Services

1348.3354-01 20-Mar-19 Burswood Isuzu Ute 1,676.58 Plant Supply and Servicing

1348.293-01 20-Mar-19 Burswood Trophies 26.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1348.785-01 20-Mar-19 CA Technology Pty Ltd (CAMMS Group) 7,700.00 Software and IT Solutions

1353.527-01 27-Mar-19 Cabcharge Australia Ltd 77.60 Transport Services

1353.3001-01 27-Mar-19 Cadgroup Australia Pty Ltd 12,133.00 Software and IT Solutions

1346.279-01 13-Mar-19 Caltex Aust Limited 10,157.81 Fuel and Oils

1344.857-01 6-Mar-19 Capital Recycling 305.97 Waste Management Services

1353.345-01 27-Mar-19 Captivate Global 934.43 Software and IT Solutions

1353.300-01 27-Mar-19 Carlisle Events Hire Pty Ltd 583.00 Equipment Hire

1348.2310-01 20-Mar-19 Carlisle Soil Yard 980.00 Landscaping Materials and Services

1344.1503-01 6-Mar-19 CCM Furniture Pty Ltd t/as CCM Clea 20,432.06 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1346.1503-01 13-Mar-19 CCM Furniture Pty Ltd t/as CCM Clea 1,045.02 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1353.1503-01 27-Mar-19 CCM Furniture Pty Ltd t/as CCM Clea 1,413.50 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1346.1919-01 13-Mar-19 Centurion Temporary Fencing 123.75 Fencing

1346.3439-01 13-Mar-19 Champion Music 753.50 Event Performance and Activity

1353.3439-01 27-Mar-19 Champion Music 484.00 Event Performance and Activity

1346.1044-01 13-Mar-19 City of Armadale 354.99 Printing Services

1348.1044-01 20-Mar-19 City of Armadale 43.22 Printing Services

1353.1044-01 27-Mar-19 City of Armadale 408.66 Printing Services

1344.369-01 6-Mar-19 City of Perth 30,431.11 Local Government Services

1348.511-01 20-Mar-19 City Subaru 949.00 Plant Supply and Servicing

1344.466-01 6-Mar-19 Civica Pty Ltd 412.50 Software and IT Solutions

1346.483-01 13-Mar-19 Cleanaway 2,874.60 Waste Management Services

1353.483-01 27-Mar-19 Cleanaway 12,188.37 Waste Management Services

1346.2965-01 13-Mar-19 Cobble Stone Concrete 2,430.45 Road Construction Materials and Services

1348.2965-01 20-Mar-19 Cobble Stone Concrete 21,587.50 Road Construction Materials and Services

1344.2588-01 6-Mar-19 Coles Supermarket Australia Pty Ltd 435.41 Resale Inventory

1348.2588-01 20-Mar-19 Coles Supermarket Australia Pty Ltd 514.35 Resale Inventory

1353.2588-01 27-Mar-19 Coles Supermarket Australia Pty Ltd 109.97 Resale Inventory

1346.3458-01 13-Mar-19 Conservation Volunteers 1,650.00 Human Resource Services

1346.413-01 13-Mar-19 Construction Training Fund 27,519.81 Levy Payments

1346.689-01 13-Mar-19 Copley Contracting 18,217.98 Road Construction Materials and Services

1348.689-01 20-Mar-19 Copley Contracting 4,306.50 Road Construction Materials and Services

1346.2232-01 13-Mar-19 Core Business Australia Pty Ltd 4,950.00 Conference and Workshop Enrolment

1353.5335-01 27-Mar-19 Coterra Environment 4,070.00 Environmental Services

1348.356-01 20-Mar-19 Council On The Ageing (WA) Inc 250.00 Membership and Subscription

1346.4656-01 13-Mar-19 Creative ADM 17,808.34 Community Engagement Services

1353.4656-01 27-Mar-19 Creative ADM 4,599.65 Community Engagement Services

1348.1807-01 20-Mar-19 Crow Books 965.15 Library Equipment and Stock

1353.2363-01 27-Mar-19 CTI Security Services Pty Ltd 280.28 Facility Maintenance Services

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All Payments Made From 1-Mar-19 To 31-Mar-19

Payment Date Payee AmountDescription1344.723-01 6-Mar-19 Data#3 Limited 21,010.00 Software and IT Solutions

1353.4769-01 27-Mar-19 Datacom Systems (AU) Pty Ltd 1,473.45 Software and IT Solutions

1344.426-01 6-Mar-19 Daytone Printing Pty Ltd 99.00 Printing Services

1348.426-01 20-Mar-19 Daytone Printing Pty Ltd 358.60 Printing Services

1353.426-01 27-Mar-19 Daytone Printing Pty Ltd 188.10 Printing Services

1349.5676-01 20-Mar-19 De Freitas & Ryan Perth 749.48 Refund - Rates

1353.4899-01 27-Mar-19 Decanter Pty Ltd 3,700.00 Catering and Refreshments

1346.4369-01 13-Mar-19 Delissimo 286.50 Catering and Refreshments

1346.5637-01 13-Mar-19 Delos Delta Pty Ltd 499.00 Training Services

1346.263-01 13-Mar-19 Department of Fire and Emergency 2,160,266.88 Levy Payments

1346.5435-01 13-Mar-19 Department of Mines, Industry 20,351.34 Levy Payments

1344.4466-01 6-Mar-19 Directions Workforce Solutions 821.04 Traineeship Management

1348.4466-01 20-Mar-19 Directions Workforce Solutions 821.04 Traineeship Management

1353.497-01 27-Mar-19 Discus Digital Print 145.75 Printing Services

1344.614-01 6-Mar-19 Domus Nursery 544.17 Landscaping Materials and Services

1346.4697-01 13-Mar-19 Downer EDI Engineering Power Pty Lt 374.00 Fire Alarm and Security Services

1348.4128-01 20-Mar-19 Downer EDI Engineering Power Pty Lt 312.95 Engineering & Surveying Services

1344.1624-01 6-Mar-19 Dowsing Concrete 4,172.30 Road Construction Materials and Services

1353.1624-01 27-Mar-19 Dowsing Concrete 2,103.75 Road Construction Materials and Services

1354.5691-01 27-Mar-19 Dr V Kariyakarawana 149.02 Refund - Fees and Charges

1353.5226-01 27-Mar-19 Drainflow Services Pty Ltd 594.00 Engineering & Surveying Services

1353.849-01 27-Mar-19 DS Agencies Pty Ltd 3,938.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.859-01 27-Mar-19 Dulux Australia 376.10 Equipment Supply and Repair

1348.411-01 20-Mar-19 Dunbar Services (WA) Pty Ltd 21.45 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1344.2375-01 6-Mar-19 Dynasty Embroidery (Australia) Pty 1,806.20 Uniforms and Protective Equipment

1344.355-01 6-Mar-19 E Fire & Safety 6,769.40 Fire Alarm and Security Services

1348.355-01 20-Mar-19 E Fire & Safety 55.00 Fire Alarm and Security Services

1346.1182-01 13-Mar-19 East Victoria Park Education Suppor 440.00 Donation-Community

1348.3794-01 20-Mar-19 Eco Faeries Pty Ltd 625.00 Event Performance and Activity

1353.925-01 27-Mar-19 Educational Art Supplies 119.30 Library Equipment and Stock

1348.1107-01 20-Mar-19 Element Advisory Pty Ltd 5,979.60 Town Planning Services

1346.4041-01 13-Mar-19 Elite Compliance Pty Ltd 1,650.00 Design and Drafting Services

1348.2372-01 20-Mar-19 Empire Estate Agent 255.74 Rental Payments

1344.2064-01 6-Mar-19 Espresso Coffee Pty Ltd 428.14 Resale Inventory

1353.2064-01 27-Mar-19 Espresso Coffee Pty Ltd 372.39 Resale Inventory

1346.4461-01 13-Mar-19 Everbloom Flowers Pty Ltd 627.33 Flowers

1344.4458-01 6-Mar-19 Evolveplus Pty Ltd 1,760.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1343.3243-01 6-Mar-19 Express Salary Packaging Pty Ltd 15,448.18 Superannuation & Employee Deductions

1352.3243-01 22-Mar-19 Express Salary Packaging Pty Ltd 16,936.98 Superannuation & Employee Deductions

1344.2886-01 6-Mar-19 FCT Surface Cleaning 308.00 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1345.672-01 7-Mar-19 Fines Enforcement Registry 20,828.00 Financial Services

1351.672-01 22-Mar-19 Fines Enforcement Registry 254.00 Financial Services

1348.2430-01 20-Mar-19 Fix Auto Welshpool-Swan Smash Repai 500.00 Plant Supply and Servicing

1344.1196-01 6-Mar-19 Fleet Commercial Gymnasiums 172,216.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1344.621-01 6-Mar-19 Fleet Fitness 220.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.621-01 13-Mar-19 Fleet Fitness 750.75 Equipment Supply and Repair

1344.3191-01 6-Mar-19 Flick Anticimex Pty Ltd 690.20 Waste Management Services

1353.2472-01 27-Mar-19 Flyt Pty Ltd 1,980.00 Transport Services

1344.3828-01 6-Mar-19 Foost Pty Ltd 59.50 Equipment Supply and Repair

1344.907-01 6-Mar-19 Forpark Australia 3,986.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.371-01 27-Mar-19 Frazzcon Enterprises 4,967.90 Sign Installation and Supply

1346.2701-01 13-Mar-19 Full Steam Ahead Ironing Service 99.00 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1348.2701-01 20-Mar-19 Full Steam Ahead Ironing Service 176.61 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1346.422-01 13-Mar-19 GHD Pty Ltd 1,430.00 Engineering Design

1353.5120-01 27-Mar-19 Gizmo Cats 420.00 Event Performance and Activity

1344.4196-01 6-Mar-19 Godfreys Cannington 49.95 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.682-01 27-Mar-19 Green Skills 6,921.73 Agency and Contract Staff

1344.5446-01 6-Mar-19 Greendrop Solutions 2,904.00 Waste Management Services

1346.5446-01 13-Mar-19 Greendrop Solutions 1,452.00 Waste Management Services

1344.453-01 6-Mar-19 Gronbek Security 72.06 Fire Alarm and Security Services

1353.453-01 27-Mar-19 Gronbek Security 401.46 Fire Alarm and Security Services

1348.313-01 20-Mar-19 Hames Sharley (WA) Pty Ltd 1,650.00 Town Planning Services

1353.5537-01 27-Mar-19 Harbour Software Pty Ltd 12,813.87 Software and IT Solutions

1342.5647-01 6-Mar-19 Harcourts Focus 431.85 Refund - Rates

1344.1301-01 6-Mar-19 Harold Hawthorne Senior Citizens Ce 550.00 Donation-Community

1344.616-01 6-Mar-19 Hart Sport 533.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

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All Payments Made From 1-Mar-19 To 31-Mar-19

Payment Date Payee AmountDescription1344.364-01 6-Mar-19 Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd 462.44 Road Construction Materials and Services

1348.364-01 20-Mar-19 Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd 680.24 Road Construction Materials and Services

1346.5631-01 13-Mar-19 Horizon West Landscape Construction 685.36 Landscaping Materials and Services

1353.5006-01 27-Mar-19 Hoskins Investments Pty ltd 76,164.72 Construction Services

1348.3079-01 20-Mar-19 Human Synergistics Australia Pty Lt 398.70 Human Resource Services

1348.3590-01 20-Mar-19 Icon Septech WA (Cascada) 1,350.80 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.3796-01 13-Mar-19 Iconic Property Services 15,124.19 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1353.3796-01 27-Mar-19 Iconic Property Services 897.22 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1353.4685-01 27-Mar-19 ILX Group Pty Ltd 3,346.20 Training Services

1344.3447-01 6-Mar-19 Imex Solutions WA Pty Ltd 3,630.00 Software and IT Solutions

1344.210-01 6-Mar-19 Indoor Gardens Pty Ltd 917.40 Landscaping Materials and Services

1344.4129-01 6-Mar-19 Information Enterprises Australia 2,557.28 Agency and Contract Staff

1353.217-01 27-Mar-19 Interconnect It Solutions 6,495.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.4837-01 13-Mar-19 Iron Mountain Australia Group Pty L 567.58 Record Management Services

1353.2294-01 27-Mar-19 Isentia Pty Ltd 1,094.50 Communication Services

1344.284-01 6-Mar-19 J Blackwoods & Sons Pty Ltd 69.81 Uniforms and Protective Equipment

1348.284-01 20-Mar-19 J Blackwoods & Sons Pty Ltd 72.23 Uniforms and Protective Equipment

1348.330-01 20-Mar-19 Jason Signmakers 1,545.41 Sign Installation and Supply

1344.1846-01 6-Mar-19 JB HI FI 101.92 Library Equipment and Stock

1353.1846-01 27-Mar-19 JB HI FI 44.74 Library Equipment and Stock

1346.4130-01 13-Mar-19 JDSI Consulting Engeineers 4,950.00 Engineering Design

1346.5085-01 13-Mar-19 Jeremy Scott 65.00 Event Performance and Activity

1348.5393-01 20-Mar-19 Jims Garage Doors 3,000.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1344.2432-01 6-Mar-19 Jim's Mowing (Cloverdale) 50.00 Landscaping Materials and Services

1353.2432-01 27-Mar-19 Jim's Mowing (Cloverdale) 150.00 Landscaping Materials and Services

1344.230-01 6-Mar-19 Johns Building Supplies Pty Ltd 676.10 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.2743-01 13-Mar-19 kadeklerk photography 757.75 Photography and Imaging Services

1344.485-01 6-Mar-19 Kelyn Training Services 50.00 Training Services

1346.485-01 13-Mar-19 Kelyn Training Services 2,720.00 Training Services

1350.5268-01 20-Mar-19 Kleenheat Gas 3,704.05 Gas Usage Charges

1348.2337-01 20-Mar-19 Kmart 29.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.2337-01 27-Mar-19 Kmart 127.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1348.241-01 20-Mar-19 Kool-Line Electrical & Refrigeratio 154,737.00 Electrical Services and Maintenance

1353.241-01 27-Mar-19 Kool-Line Electrical & Refrigeratio 4,430.00 Electrical Services and Maintenance

1353.2145-01 27-Mar-19 Kott Gunning 742.50 Legal Services

1350.2814-01 20-Mar-19 Landfill Gas & Power Pty Ltd 48,095.06 Electricity Usage Charges

1346.501-01 13-Mar-19 Landgate 1,033.49 Local Government Services

1348.501-01 20-Mar-19 Landgate 302.45 Local Government Services

1346.3543-01 13-Mar-19 Last Drop Reticulation & Landscapin 4,851.00 Landscaping Materials and Services

1346.3670-01 13-Mar-19 LD Total 981.75 Landscaping Materials and Services

1344.2283-01 6-Mar-19 Leda Security Products Pty Ltd 3,549.06 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.252-01 13-Mar-19 Les Mills Asia Pacific 1,848.92 Licencing and Subscriptions

1348.5077-01 20-Mar-19 LG Professionals Australia 6,160.00 Training Services

1346.5366-01 13-Mar-19 Lifeskills Australia 880.00 Human Resource Services

1348.5366-01 20-Mar-19 Lifeskills Australia 616.00 Human Resource Services

1353.5366-01 27-Mar-19 Lifeskills Australia 1,232.00 Human Resource Services

1344.5456-01 6-Mar-19 Lighthouse Studio Productions Pty L 225.00 Photography and Imaging Services

1348.5506-01 20-Mar-19 Limbo Images 660.00 Photography and Imaging Services

1348.4984-01 20-Mar-19 Links Modular Solutions Pty Ltd 3,960.00 Software and IT Solutions

1354.4741-01 27-Mar-19 Little Gem Property Management Pty 1,415.96 Refund - Rates

1344.5179-01 6-Mar-19 LKS Constructions (WA) Pty Ltd 74,880.96 Construction Services

1348.5179-01 20-Mar-19 LKS Constructions (WA) Pty Ltd 1,597.20 Construction Services

1344.547-01 6-Mar-19 LO GO Appointments 1,991.55 Agency and Contract Staff

1346.547-01 13-Mar-19 LO GO Appointments 1,569.81 Agency and Contract Staff

1348.547-01 20-Mar-19 LO GO Appointments 1,593.24 Agency and Contract Staff

1353.547-01 27-Mar-19 LO GO Appointments 1,569.81 Agency and Contract Staff

1344.3967-01 6-Mar-19 Local Government Professionals 286.00 Membership and Subscription

1348.3967-01 20-Mar-19 Local Government Professionals 60.00 Membership and Subscription

1344.457-01 6-Mar-19 Lochness Pty Ltd 19,986.89 Landscaping Materials and Services

1346.457-01 13-Mar-19 Lochness Pty Ltd 1,485.00 Landscaping Materials and Services

1348.3583-01 20-Mar-19 Lombard the Paper People 93.92 Event Performance and Activity

1344.687-01 6-Mar-19 Love Grid Badminton Academy Inc 525.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.5315-01 13-Mar-19 LSV Borrello Lawyers 1,229.25 Legal Services

1353.5315-01 27-Mar-19 LSV Borrello Lawyers 4,372.50 Legal Services

1344.2515-01 6-Mar-19 Maia Financial Pty Ltd 42,500.18 Equipment Hire

1353.930-01 27-Mar-19 Malcolm & Caril Barker 3,795.00 Landscaping Materials and Services

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All Payments Made From 1-Mar-19 To 31-Mar-19

Payment Date Payee AmountDescription1346.3209-01 13-Mar-19 Manheim Auctions Australia Pty Ltd 55.00 Plant Supply and Servicing

1346.1693-01 13-Mar-19 Marketforce Pty Ltd 314.36 Advertising Services

1348.1693-01 20-Mar-19 Marketforce Pty Ltd 824.32 Advertising Services

1353.1693-01 27-Mar-19 Marketforce Pty Ltd 2,669.48 Advertising Services

1344.317-01 6-Mar-19 Marlbroh Bingo Enterprises 105.00 Bingo Costs

1348.317-01 20-Mar-19 Marlbroh Bingo Enterprises 2,379.70 Bingo Costs

1344.319-01 6-Mar-19 McLeods 2,642.20 Legal Services

1346.319-01 13-Mar-19 McLeods 3,833.28 Legal Services

1348.319-01 20-Mar-19 McLeods 2,506.35 Legal Services

1353.319-01 27-Mar-19 McLeods 1,276.55 Legal Services

1346.3084-01 13-Mar-19 MCW Corporation T/A Perth Security 2,186.03 Fire Alarm and Security Services

1346.600-01 13-Mar-19 Message4U Pty Ltd 410.19 Communication Services

1348.865-01 20-Mar-19 MetroCount 510.95 Engineering & Surveying Services

1344.3408-01 6-Mar-19 Michael Page International 15,686.19 Agency and Contract Staff

1346.3408-01 13-Mar-19 Michael Page International 2,722.89 Agency and Contract Staff

1353.3408-01 27-Mar-19 Michael Page International 2,424.81 Agency and Contract Staff

1346.189-01 13-Mar-19 Mindarie Regional Council 49,244.69 Waste Management Services

1353.189-01 27-Mar-19 Mindarie Regional Council 149,851.61 Waste Management Services

1348.5454-01 20-Mar-19 Minter Ellison Services Pty Ltd 2,857.25 Legal Services

1353.5454-01 27-Mar-19 Minter Ellison Services Pty Ltd 4,319.70 Legal Services

1353.5644-01 27-Mar-19 Miss S Hardcastle 200.00 Donation-Individual

1346.3210-01 13-Mar-19 Moncrieff Technology Solutions Pty 2,035.65 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.3280-01 27-Mar-19 Moore Stephens Perth Pty Ltd 935.00 Financial Services

1348.3445-01 20-Mar-19 MPS Unit Trust 118,745.00 Air Conditioning Service & Maintenance

1348.5642-01 20-Mar-19 Mr B J Marsh 300.00 Donation-Individual

1346.3177-01 13-Mar-19 Mr D G Ross 200.00 Security Incentive Scheme

1354.5696-01 27-Mar-19 Mr D R Nicholas 75.00 Refund - Fees and Charges

1347.5658-01 13-Mar-19 Mr D S Hazelton 70.00 Security Incentive Scheme

1347.5655-01 13-Mar-19 Mr J D Papalia 400.00 Crossover Contribution

1354.5690-01 27-Mar-19 Mr J Mendis 159.35 Refund - Fees and Charges

1347.5664-01 13-Mar-19 Mr K K Singh 113.20 Refund - Fees and Charges

1347.5656-01 13-Mar-19 Mr M G Curnyn 29.60 Refund - Fees and Charges

1349.5674-01 20-Mar-19 Mr M K Lee 2,483.82 Refund - Rates

1347.5654-01 13-Mar-19 Mr N Steinsvaag 29.60 Refund - Fees and Charges

1353.5352-01 27-Mar-19 Mr P A Berrick 225.00 Design and Drafting Services

1349.5662-01 20-Mar-19 Mr P Dawson 45.00 Refund - Fees and Charges

1354.5692-01 27-Mar-19 Mrs B A McLoughlin 30.00 Refund - Registration

1348.1899-01 20-Mar-19 Mrs D B Singh 80.00 Staff Payments and Reimbursement

1354.5694-01 27-Mar-19 Mrs J L Chapman 140.00 Security Incentive Scheme

1354.5693-01 27-Mar-19 Mrs J M Healy 55.00 Security Incentive Scheme

1347.5660-01 13-Mar-19 Mrs J Templeman 383.00 Refund - Rates

1354.5695-01 27-Mar-19 Mrs N De Blank 150.00 Refund - Registration

1344.4994-01 6-Mar-19 Mrs N E Martin Goode 98.00 Staff Payments and Reimbursement

1346.4994-01 13-Mar-19 Mrs N E Martin Goode 207.82 Staff Payments and Reimbursement

1348.4994-01 20-Mar-19 Mrs N E Martin Goode 24.17 Staff Payments and Reimbursement

1353.4994-01 27-Mar-19 Mrs N E Martin Goode 98.00 Staff Payments and Reimbursement

1347.5663-01 13-Mar-19 Mrs R Coleman 62.55 Refund - Fees and Charges

1344.5599-01 6-Mar-19 Mrs R P Foss 480.00 Library Services

1347.5668-01 13-Mar-19 Ms A Baljeu 392.93 Refund - Rates

1347.5667-01 13-Mar-19 Ms A T Tang 2,285.76 Refund - Rates

1347.5665-01 13-Mar-19 Ms B Galvin 175.00 Security Incentive Scheme

1347.4779-01 13-Mar-19 Ms D Petty 371.10 Refund - Fees and Charges

1348.5535-01 20-Mar-19 Ms J Bennett-Hullin 300.00 Donation-Individual

1353.4015-01 27-Mar-19 Ms J D Criddle 170.00 Event Performance and Activity

1347.5666-01 13-Mar-19 Ms J McBratney 1,285.11 Refund - Rates

1353.4924-01 27-Mar-19 Ms J Robbins 213.00 Staff Payments and Reimbursement

1348.5420-01 20-Mar-19 Ms J Wiscombe 1,087.50 Event Performance and Activity

1354.5688-01 27-Mar-19 Ms K E Peirce 491.43 Refund - Rates

1347.5653-01 13-Mar-19 Ms L Kim 59.20 Refund - Fees and Charges

1349.5675-01 20-Mar-19 Ms L M Miller 750.00 Refund - Rates

1346.5132-01 13-Mar-19 Ms M Johnston 200.00 Event Performance and Activity

1347.5657-01 13-Mar-19 Ms M Murrhy 98.40 Refund - Fees and Charges

1346.4555-01 13-Mar-19 Ms N J Gregson 400.00 Event Performance and Activity

1347.5661-01 13-Mar-19 Ms P J Evans 110.00 Security Incentive Scheme

1344.5407-01 6-Mar-19 Ms R Burnage 500.00 Town Planning Services

1342.5646-01 6-Mar-19 Ms S Thomas 80.65 Refund - Rates

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All Payments Made From 1-Mar-19 To 31-Mar-19

Payment Date Payee AmountDescription1344.4715-01 6-Mar-19 Nature Calls Portable Toilets 498.00 Equipment Hire

1344.553-01 6-Mar-19 New Town Toyota 502.80 Plant Supply and Servicing

1346.202-01 13-Mar-19 Officeworks Superstores Pty Ltd 329.72 Office Supplies

1353.5659-01 27-Mar-19 On Topic Media Pty Ltd 157.50 Photography and Imaging Services

1346.5312-01 13-Mar-19 OpenForms Pty Ltd 141.90 Software and IT Solutions

1350.2188-01 20-Mar-19 Optus Billing Services Pty Ltd 5,506.93 Telephone Usage Charges

1346.207-01 13-Mar-19 Oven Sparkle Pty Ltd 1,936.00 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1344.4584-01 6-Mar-19 Owen's Painting Services Pty Ltd 2,970.00 Painting Services

1353.4584-01 27-Mar-19 Owen's Painting Services Pty Ltd 3,366.00 Painting Services

1344.2554-01 6-Mar-19 Paperbark Technologies Pty Ltd 6,440.90 Environmental Services

1346.2554-01 13-Mar-19 Paperbark Technologies Pty Ltd 2,125.00 Environmental Services

1353.2554-01 27-Mar-19 Paperbark Technologies Pty Ltd 330.00 Environmental Services

1344.5495-01 6-Mar-19 Perkins Builders 41,028.68 Construction Services

1353.720-01 27-Mar-19 Perth Audiovisual 198.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.906-01 27-Mar-19 Perth Individual College 385.00 Donation-Community

1344.1946-01 6-Mar-19 Perth Safety Products 137.50 Uniforms and Protective Equipment

1344.5607-01 6-Mar-19 Phase3 Landscape Construction Pty L 55,149.82 Landscaping Materials and Services

1348.3970-01 20-Mar-19 Pinpoint Communications Pty Ltd 302.50 Fleet Management Services

1353.2481-01 27-Mar-19 Plantrite 393.25 Landscaping Materials and Services

1353.2603-01 27-Mar-19 Poster Passion 1,038.18 Printing Services

1346.677-01 13-Mar-19 Premier Glass & Mirrors 3,136.04 Facility Maintenance Services

1346.4978-01 13-Mar-19 Quality Press 9,075.00 Printing Services

1344.746-01 6-Mar-19 Quick Corporate Australia 949.59 Office Supplies

1346.746-01 13-Mar-19 Quick Corporate Australia 1,240.59 Office Supplies

1348.746-01 20-Mar-19 Quick Corporate Australia 181.38 Office Supplies

1346.630-01 13-Mar-19 Raeco 2,720.85 Office Supplies

1342.5645-01 6-Mar-19 Realestate 88 686.75 Refund - Rates

1348.2631-01 20-Mar-19 Recycle WA Pty Ltd 935.00 Waste Management Services

1353.2349-01 27-Mar-19 Redman Solutions 13,516.80 Software and IT Solutions

1346.5018-01 13-Mar-19 Ref Warehouse 254.00 Uniforms and Protective Equipment

1348.987-01 20-Mar-19 Reface Industries Pty Ltd 335.85 Equipment Supply and Repair

1344.2457-01 6-Mar-19 Reino International Pty Ltd 9,794.40 Parking Equipment and Supplies

1342.5648-01 6-Mar-19 Rentwest Solutions 723.53 Refund - Rates

1348.5421-01 20-Mar-19 Reverberate Consulting 4,675.00 Health Services

1348.2940-01 20-Mar-19 ROL-WA Pty Ltd trading as Allpest W 132.00 Pest Control Services

1344.1041-01 6-Mar-19 Rome Energy & Environment Pty Ltd 1,237.50 Planning and Building Services

1344.3146-01 6-Mar-19 Rosevale Electrical Pty Ltd 8,057.50 Electrical Services and Maintenance

1346.3146-01 13-Mar-19 Rosevale Electrical Pty Ltd 2,399.60 Electrical Services and Maintenance

1353.3146-01 27-Mar-19 Rosevale Electrical Pty Ltd 7,749.00 Electrical Services and Maintenance

1348.2738-01 20-Mar-19 Safer Sands 2,014.32 Landscaping Materials and Services

1344.5638-01 6-Mar-19 Savills (WA) Pty Ltd 50,000.00 Professional Services

1344.3880-01 6-Mar-19 Schlager Group Pty Ltd 1,539.79 Facility Maintenance Services

1348.3880-01 20-Mar-19 Schlager Group Pty Ltd 1,257.32 Facility Maintenance Services

1353.3880-01 27-Mar-19 Schlager Group Pty Ltd 605.61 Facility Maintenance Services

1348.5630-01 20-Mar-19 Sebastien Eric Drothiere 172.11 Health Instructors

1344.1816-01 6-Mar-19 Secure Cash trading as Cash in Tran 616.00 Financial Services

1346.1816-01 13-Mar-19 Secure Cash trading as Cash in Tran 739.20 Financial Services

1353.1820-01 27-Mar-19 Secure Cash trading as Cash in Tran 115.50 Financial Services

1348.3124-01 20-Mar-19 Sercul 200.00 Training Services

1344.354-01 6-Mar-19 Sigma Chemicals 126.50 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.354-01 13-Mar-19 Sigma Chemicals 1,727.55 Equipment Supply and Repair

1348.354-01 20-Mar-19 Sigma Chemicals 428.17 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.354-01 27-Mar-19 Sigma Chemicals 1,073.32 Equipment Supply and Repair

1348.124-01 20-Mar-19 SJR Civil Consulting Pty Ltd 968.00 Engineering Design

1353.124-01 27-Mar-19 SJR Civil Consulting Pty Ltd 6,534.00 Engineering Design

1344.2493-01 6-Mar-19 Sonic HealthPlus Pty Ltd - Osborne 443.30 Medical Equipment and Services

1346.2493-01 13-Mar-19 Sonic HealthPlus Pty Ltd - Osborne 364.10 Medical Equipment and Services

1353.2493-01 27-Mar-19 Sonic HealthPlus Pty Ltd - Osborne 1,092.30 Medical Equipment and Services

1353.134-01 27-Mar-19 Speedo Australia Pty Ltd 1,924.56 Resale Inventory

1346.1251-01 13-Mar-19 Spices WA Pty Ltd - Burswood On Swa 1,584.00 Event Performance and Activity

1348.1953-01 20-Mar-19 Spider Waste Collection Services Pt 4,033.70 Waste Management Services

1353.1953-01 27-Mar-19 Spider Waste Collection Services Pt 4,449.50 Waste Management Services

1346.3996-01 13-Mar-19 StrataGreen 561.88 Landscaping Materials and Services

1353.5681-01 27-Mar-19 Strength in Numbers - Perth 100.00 Health Instructors

1348.141-01 20-Mar-19 Sunny Sign Company Pty Ltd 31.35 Sign Installation and Supply

1344.4550-01 6-Mar-19 Sushi Time (Australia) Pty Ltd 125.00 Catering and Refreshments

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Payment SummaryCreditors, Non Creditors, EFTs and Payroll


2:52:25 pm

All Payments Made From 1-Mar-19 To 31-Mar-19

Payment Date Payee AmountDescription1353.4550-01 27-Mar-19 Sushi Time (Australia) Pty Ltd 69.00 Catering and Refreshments

1346.3780-01 13-Mar-19 Swansea Street Markets 308.45 Catering and Refreshments

1353.3780-01 27-Mar-19 Swansea Street Markets 149.15 Catering and Refreshments

1344.5510-01 6-Mar-19 Swing Dance Academy 500.00 Event Performance and Activity

1341.144-01 6-Mar-19 Synergy 61,464.00 Electricity Usage Charges

1350.144-01 20-Mar-19 Synergy 67,108.80 Electricity Usage Charges

1346.714-01 13-Mar-19 T & C Transport Service 9.57 Courier Services

1353.145-01 27-Mar-19 Taborda Contracting Pty Ltd 123.20 Traffic Control Services

1348.2156-01 20-Mar-19 Tamala Park Regional Council 6,293.05 Environmental Services

1344.1939-01 6-Mar-19 369.60 Advertising Services

1346.4480-01 13-Mar-19 Termico Pest Management Pty Ltd 220.00 Pest Control Services

1346.408-01 13-Mar-19 The Distributors Perth 485.10 Resale Inventory

1348.158-01 20-Mar-19 The Lucky Charm Newsagency 216.80 Library Equipment and Stock

1346.156-01 13-Mar-19 The Pressure King 577.50 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1344.312-01 6-Mar-19 The Royal Life Saving Society WA In 560.00 Medical Equipment and Services

1346.734-01 13-Mar-19 The Royal Life Saving Society WA In 330.20 Training Services

1348.734-01 20-Mar-19 The Royal Life Saving Society WA In 16.32 Training Services

1344.5274-01 6-Mar-19 The Trustee for Datin Trust T/A Nee 577.42 Equipment Supply and Repair

1344.4404-01 6-Mar-19 The Trustee for Spoon Media Trust 82.50 Communication Services

1353.3863-01 27-Mar-19 Tiger Batteries 176.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.3682-01 13-Mar-19 Tocojepa Pty Ltd T/as T-Quip 1,200.00 Plant Supply and Servicing

1353.3682-01 27-Mar-19 Tocojepa Pty Ltd T/as T-Quip 173.70 Plant Supply and Servicing

1348.2053-01 20-Mar-19 Tony Aveling & Associates Pty Ltd 400.00 Training Services

1348.725-01 20-Mar-19 Toolmart Australia Pty Ltd 30.95 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.725-01 27-Mar-19 Toolmart Australia Pty Ltd 621.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1344.931-01 6-Mar-19 Total Eden Pty Ltd 1,115.80 Irrigation Supply and Repair

1346.163-01 13-Mar-19 Total Packaging (WA) Pty Ltd 3,432.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1353.164-01 27-Mar-19 Totally Workwear Victoria Park 307.82 Uniforms and Protective Equipment

1348.173-01 20-Mar-19 Tudor House 57.50 Printing Services

1353.870-01 27-Mar-19 Ultimo Catering and Events 306.00 Catering and Refreshments

1344.529-01 6-Mar-19 UN Plumbing 3,245.00 Facility Maintenance Services

1346.529-01 13-Mar-19 UN Plumbing 797.50 Facility Maintenance Services

1348.529-01 20-Mar-19 UN Plumbing 1,309.00 Facility Maintenance Services

1353.529-01 27-Mar-19 UN Plumbing 1,182.50 Facility Maintenance Services

1346.528-01 13-Mar-19 Value Tissue 332.33 Cleaning Services and Equipment

1344.4382-01 6-Mar-19 Veev Group Pty Ltd 1,633.50 Project Management Services

1344.1071-01 6-Mar-19 Veraison Enterprises Pty Ltd 1,326.00 Organisational Development Services

1346.2009-01 13-Mar-19 Vorgee Pty Ltd 2,393.60 Resale Inventory

1344.29-01 6-Mar-19 WA Local Government Association (WA 153.00 Local Government Services

1346.29-01 13-Mar-19 WA Local Government Association (WA 1,650.00 Local Government Services

1353.5459-01 27-Mar-19 Wanjoo Pty Ltd 990.00 Event Performance and Activity

1353.31-01 27-Mar-19 Warnes Assemblies 1,320.00 Equipment Supply and Repair

1346.37-01 13-Mar-19 Water 2 Water Pty Ltd 259.00 Amenities

1348.969-01 20-Mar-19 Wavesound Pty Ltd 2,360.60 Library Equipment and Stock

1344.39-01 6-Mar-19 Website Weed & Pest (WA) Pty Ltd 363.00 Pest Control Services

1344.5606-01 6-Mar-19 Welstand Services Pty Ltd t/a LGC 6,673.15 Traffic Control Services

1348.2074-01 20-Mar-19 West Australian Newspapers Ltd 164.15 Membership and Subscription

1348.1153-01 20-Mar-19 West Coast Shade 473.00 Shade Sails Supply and Installation

1346.5651-01 13-Mar-19 West End Business and Community 5,000.00 Community Grant

1344.46-01 6-Mar-19 Westbooks 313.77 Library Equipment and Stock

1346.46-01 13-Mar-19 Westbooks 625.32 Library Equipment and Stock

1348.46-01 20-Mar-19 Westbooks 262.72 Library Equipment and Stock

1353.46-01 27-Mar-19 Westbooks 82.10 Library Equipment and Stock

1353.655-01 27-Mar-19 Westcare Industries 152.90 Office Supplies

1353.719-01 27-Mar-19 Western Australia Police 1,283.70 Human Resource Services

1353.828-01 27-Mar-19 Western Australian Treasury Corpora 62,296.30 Loan Repayments

1346.41-01 13-Mar-19 Weston Road Systems 2,222.00 Engineering & Surveying Services

1353.41-01 27-Mar-19 Weston Road Systems 2,134.00 Engineering & Surveying Services

1346.568-01 13-Mar-19 Westrac Pty Ltd 273.52 Plant Supply and Servicing

1348.1259-01 20-Mar-19 WH Location Services Pty Ltd 1,677.50 Road Construction Materials and Services

1344.376-01 6-Mar-19 WINC Australia Pty Limited 119.88 Office Supplies

1346.376-01 13-Mar-19 WINC Australia Pty Limited 55.37 Office Supplies

1348.376-01 20-Mar-19 WINC Australia Pty Limited 69.16 Office Supplies

1353.376-01 27-Mar-19 WINC Australia Pty Limited 40.81 Office Supplies

1344.3345-01 6-Mar-19 Woodcourt Pty Ltd 552.76 Facility Maintenance Services

1346.3345-01 13-Mar-19 Woodcourt Pty Ltd 845.56 Facility Maintenance Services

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Payment SummaryCreditors, Non Creditors, EFTs and Payroll


2:52:25 pm

All Payments Made From 1-Mar-19 To 31-Mar-19

Payment Date Payee AmountDescription1348.3345-01 20-Mar-19 Woodcourt Pty Ltd 156.94 Facility Maintenance Services

1353.3345-01 27-Mar-19 Woodcourt Pty Ltd 8,157.91 Facility Maintenance Services

1346.2521-01 13-Mar-19 Woolworths Group Ltd 262.00 Catering and Refreshments

1344.2383-01 6-Mar-19 Wright Express Australia Pty Ld 590.37 Resale Inventory

1346.2383-01 13-Mar-19 Wright Express Australia Pty Ld 435.86 Resale Inventory

1348.2383-01 20-Mar-19 Wright Express Australia Pty Ld 1,024.95 Resale Inventory

1353.2383-01 27-Mar-19 Wright Express Australia Pty Ld 186.79 Resale Inventory

1344.104-01 6-Mar-19 Youngs Holden 632.07 Plant Supply and Servicing

1348.104-01 20-Mar-19 Youngs Holden 2,073.13 Plant Supply and Servicing

1353.104-01 27-Mar-19 Youngs Holden 1,344.00 Plant Supply and Servicing

1346.4357-01 13-Mar-19 ZircoData Pty Ltd 850.22 Record Management Services

4,840,725.87 Total Creditors EFT Payments

Non Creditors Cheques00608545 8-Mar-19 EE Gray 100.00

00608551 20-Mar-19 Great Aussie Patios 147.00

00608544 8-Mar-19 Laurie Kelly Real Estate Laurie Ke 114.25

00608550 20-Mar-19 Mr P H Cowley 100.00

461.25 Total Non Creditors Cheques

PayrollPY01-18 3-Mar-19 Municipal Fund Bank Account 525,880.55

PY01-19 17-Mar-19 Municipal Fund Bank Account 553,287.56

PY01-20 31-Mar-19 Municipal Fund Bank Account 618,854.93

PY99-18 3-Mar-19 Municipal Fund Bank Account 836.21

1,698,859.25 Total Payroll

6,565,640.88 Total Payments From Municipal Fund Bank Account

Trust Fund Bank Account


Non Creditors Cheques00003652 8-Mar-19 Alvina Chong 250.00

00003654 13-Mar-19 Events Perth 1,000.00

00003655 13-Mar-19 Mr A Hing 1,000.00

00003658 20-Mar-19 Mr D Ryan 600.00

00003657 20-Mar-19 Ms M A Van Nierop 4,940.00

00003656 13-Mar-19 Peel Districts Mountain Bike Associ 600.00

00003659 20-Mar-19 Santa Clara School 500.00

00003653 13-Mar-19 Veteran Car Club of WA 600.00

9,490.00 Total Non Creditors Cheques

9,490.00 Total Payments From Trust Fund Bank Account


Cheques Cancelled between 1-Mar-19 and 31-Mar-19 that were raised in a prior period

Cheque Payee ValueRaised Cancelled

Municipal Fund Bank Account00608490 E E Gray (100.00)14-Dec-18 8-Mar-19


Trust Fund Bank Account00003617 Ms A Chia (250.00)6-Nov-18 8-Mar-19



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FIN03 Debt Collection Policy



To provide for the recovery of overdue monies owed to the Town.

This policy applies to all employees of the Town and agents authorised to to perform

debt recovery services on behalf of the Town.

The different classes of debt owed to the Town are: Rates and Service Charges debtors Rates and service charges debtors are amounts raised against ratepayers and are

secure in the sense that they attach to land which cannot effectively be sold unless

the debt is cleared.

All other Sundry Debtors Sundry debtors include (but not limited to) monies owed to the Town through

Technical Services, Town Facilities, Community Engagement and Financial

Services. There is no security over these debts and it is important that they are

rigorously monitored and collected.

Fines, Prosecutions and Infringements Any sums of money owed to the Town as the result of breaches of statutory

requirements imposed by the Town or a court of law and includes any costs awarded

by the courts.

Policy Statement

The Town is committed to the collection of overdue debt in a fair, equitable and timely

manner. The Town will show due diligence in the application of administrative

processes relating to payment arrangements and the selection of various actions for

the effective recovery of overdue debts.

The following principles provide high-level direction for the ethical and effective

management of the Town’s debt:

1. Management is to establish and maintain appropriate controls in order to

ensure the risk of financial loss is properly managed.

2. Debts are to be pursued within the relevant statutory limitation periods to

maximise recoverability.

3. Debt collection process to ensure the Town is reasonable, fair and utilises

best practices in its approach to debt recovery.

4. Debt collection activities against individual debtors should be in accord with

the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian

Securities and Investments Commission (ACCC-ASIC) Debt Collection

Guideline for Collectors and Creditors.

45 of 51

5. Debt is monitored regularly and necessary provisions made annually to

recognise unrecoverable debt.

6. Action for the writing off of bad debts (other than rates and services charges)

should only take place where all avenues for recovery have been exhausted

or it becomes unviable to keep pursuing the debt.

The Town will implement all reasonable measures to ensure the objectives of this

Policy are delivered with procedural fairness to those subject to debt collection


Policy Principal Application

The Town will apply the following fundamental guidelines in facilitating the

appropriate establishment and management of its debt collection practices, including

the conduct of officers and contracted agents in giving effect to this Policy.

a) Provision of information and payment terms

The Town will promptly provide targeted and consistent information, payment terms

and advice for the type of service being charged.

b) Payment options

Where practicable, the Town will provide consistent payment options across its full

range of services

c) Information readily available

All information relating to the debt to be accurate and readily available.

d) Financial hardship

The Town will recognise and assist those experiencing financial hardship, and

provide appropriate assistance in a fair and equitable manner.

e) Debt dispute resolution

A clear and transparent dispute resolution process will be made available to those

disputing any debt or charge owed theTown.

f) Formal debt collection and legal action

The Town will be firm but fair in applying best practice methods for the recovery of

debt, including exhausting all reasonable avenues to prevent matters from

proceeding to Court or other formal action.

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1. Recovery of Outstanding Rates and Service Charges

Should a debtor fail to pay within the initial 35 day period (or failure to choose to

pay by instalments or enter into a negotiated payment arrangement) the following

debt collection process is followed (for non-pensioner rates and service charges);

1.1. Final notice - is forwarded via post and email (if appropriate) outlining

payment within 7 days or debt collection/legal action may occur as well as

additional costs.

1.2. Attempts to contact the debtor are made through any other communication

channels available (phone and email).

1.3. Intention to Summons - Failure to contact the debtor then results in a letter

of demand being issued (Intention to Summons) outlining that failure to make

payment within 7 days will result in recovery action with additional costs and


1.4. General Procedure Claim (GPC) - failure to make any appropriate

arrangements for payment will result in the processing of a GPC. This is a

court document to initiate legal action for collection of the unpaid debt. If the

property is rented, the option to collect landlord rent for rates as per the Local

Government Act 1995, section 6.60 and 6.61 may be actioned.

1.5. Procession, Seizure and Sales Order (PSSO) or Means Enquiry Summons

(MES) - If the GPC has been served and no arrangement to pay or payment

in full has been received, the rates department will explore options for

collection through;

1.5.1. PSSO - This court document allows the Town to seize goods and/or

property/land for the collection of the outstanding debt

1.5.2. MES – This court document allows the Town to nominate a debtor to

attend court and provide all financial records in order for the court to

make a decision on their ability to pay. Arrangements are then made

for collection based on the outcome.

1.6. Property and Land sale - after three years, if all available collection options

have been exhausted and rates/service charges remain in arrears the Town

may in accordance with subdivisions under section 6.64 of the Local

Government Act 1995 take possession of the land and hold the land as

against a person having an estate or interest in the land and

a) from time to time lease the land; or

b) sell the land; or

c) cause the land to be transferred to the Crown; or

d) cause the land to be transferred to itself.

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2. Recovery of Outstanding Debt – All other Sundry Debtors

Should a debtor fail to pay within the initial 14 day period the following debt

collection process is followed;

2.1. Debt outstanding - 30 days: A statement is forwarded to the debtor with a reminder and alerting them to their unpaid invoice.

2.2. Debt outstanding - 60 days: A friendly reminder by way of email and phone calls.

2.3. Debt outstanding - 90 days: An urgent action letter is sent (and emailed if appropriate) requesting immediate payment as well as a phone call. Assistance is also requested from the relevant service area to communicate with the debtor.

2.4. Debt outstanding - 90 + Days: A final notice is forwarded outlining payment within 7 days or debt collection action will occur.

2.5. Non-payment within 7 days – case is forwarded to the Town’s debt collection agency.

2.5.1. Ongoing communication occurs between the Town and the debt collection agency relating to the collection.

2.5.2. Continued failure to pay or respond to debt collection results in legal action (dependant on circumstances and cost benefit to the Town).

3. Recovery of Outstanding Debt – Fines, Prosecutions and Infringements

Should a debtor fail to pay within the initial 28 day period the following debt

collection process is followed;

3.1 The debtor’s information is collected through Department of Transport and a reminder notice is issued allowing a further 28 days to pay.

3.2 A final demand is issue along with an additional late fee. The Town allows a further 28 days to pay.

3.3 Failure to pay results in the infringement being forward to Fines Enforcement

Registry (FER) for collection along with an additional collection fee.

Supplementary Documents

The Debtor management practice must be read in conjunction with this policy.

48 of 51


Debt management practice


DELEGATION: Delegated to CEO – Delegation Number 14.3

Sub-delegation – Yes

AUTHORITY To be determined once adopted.

REVIEW: To be determined once adopted.

49 of 51



Any payments due to the Town that have not been received by the due date shall be recovered in accordance with the following Procedure.


1. Amounts outstanding after the due date for payment will be followed up within 30 days of the due date with a Final Notice (Ratepayers) or a letter requesting immediate payment (sundry debtors).

2. A report will be presented to Council to obtain approval to refer ratepayers or sundry debtors (except Library debtors) who do not respond to the Town’s request for the payment of overdue amounts to the Town’s debt collection agency and, if necessary the Town’s lawyers, for further action.

3. The sequence of actions taken against defaulting ratepayers who have been referred to the Town’s debt collection agency will be as follows:a) Letter of demand (7 day letter),b) Issuing of Claim,c) Issuing of Court proceedings in accordance with s.6.56. of the Local

Government Act 1995. Processes to enforce judgment are as follows:i) Default Judgment;ii) Property and Seizure Sale Order; andiii) Appropriation of Earnings.

d) Section 6.60. Notice – diverting rental payments due to the lessor to the Town.

e) Lodging a Caveat on the property, orf) Take possession of the land under s.6.64. of the Local Government Act

1995. In this instance the Town may rent or dispose of the property if rates remain unpaid for at least three (3) years. A resolution of Council is required before proceeding with this course of action.

4. The following list of actions may be taken against defaulting sundry debtors who do not respond to normal requests for payment:a) Letter of demand(7 day letter);b) Issuing of Claim,c) Issuing of Court proceedings. Processes to enforce judgment are as

follows:i) Default Judgment;ii) Property and Seizure Sale Order; andiii) Appropriation of Earnings.

d) Rescind the Seasonal Licence;e) Request up-front bonds for future dealings which may be used to offset

against the outstanding debt;f) Offset Town contributions owing to the entity against any outstanding


50 of 51

g) Cancellation of the Lease Agreement, in accordance with the terms of the Lease, or

h) Refusing further hire of facilities.For community/sporting organisations, the proposed method of recovering debt will be a letter of demand followed by any of options a) – h) above. Legal action will only be taken in extreme situations.5. The Town may, at the request of a ratepayer, approve payment arrangements

other than the options offered on the rate notice subject to the following:a) The alternative arrangement shall not exceed three(3) consecutive years;b) Where a ratepayer has received a maximum three year alternative

payment arrangement, and providing the ratepayer has met all the conditions of that arrangement, the ratepayer be advised prior to the third year’s rates that it is the last year of the alternative arrangement after which any entitlement to any further alternative arrangement ceases.

6. Library debtors who do not respond to the Town’s request for payment of overdue amounts shall be referred to the debt collection agency and, if necessary, to the Town’s lawyers, for further action. A listing of the number and value of library debts shall be reported to Council at intervals not exceeding six (6) months.


DELEGATION:YES Delegation No. 14.3, refer also delegation Nos. 1.35 and 4.4

Sub-delegation –Yes

AUTHORITY Council Meeting 28 September 1999


August 2006

July 2013

August 2015

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