Final slide presentation

Improving the Process of Approval of Large Improving the Process of Approval of Large Transaction Deals in the Offshore Department Transaction Deals in the Offshore Department of XYZ Mutual Funds Investment Company of XYZ Mutual Funds Investment Company Prepared for XYZ Mutual Prepared for XYZ Mutual Funds Investment Company Funds Investment Company July 8, 2014 July 8, 2014 Prepared by: Alfredo Garcia

Transcript of Final slide presentation

Improving the Process of Approval of Large Transaction Deals Improving the Process of Approval of Large Transaction Deals in the Offshore Department of XYZ Mutual Funds Investment in the Offshore Department of XYZ Mutual Funds Investment


Prepared for XYZ Mutual Funds Prepared for XYZ Mutual Funds Investment CompanyInvestment Company

July 8, 2014July 8, 2014

Prepared by: Alfredo Garcia

Executive SummaryExecutive Summary

Offshore Procedures to process Large deal transactions Offshore Procedures to process Large deal transactions updateupdate

Issues with current workflowIssues with current workflow

Takes 50% longer than the Domestic DepartmentTakes 50% longer than the Domestic Department Good Order Review is handled fully by department directorGood Order Review is handled fully by department director Customer satisfaction with process is 3.5 points out of 5Customer satisfaction with process is 3.5 points out of 5

Benefits and Risks of New Benefits and Risks of New ProcedureProcedure


• Reduces the time by 50%Reduces the time by 50%• Reduces AML riskReduces AML risk• Reduces Trade Control riskReduces Trade Control risk• Increase customer Increase customer



• Mid-level management pressure

• Risk oversight issues to meet

time expectancy

• Less managers in the Offshore

Department for review


Update the Offshore Procedure to mirror the procedures in Update the Offshore Procedure to mirror the procedures in place in the Domestic Departmentplace in the Domestic Department

Process of adaptation of new proceduresProcess of adaptation of new procedures Perform Blind test scenariosPerform Blind test scenarios Procedure goes live fro 3 months and then survey (internal Procedure goes live fro 3 months and then survey (internal

and external)and external) Training for managers and directors (Trainers are members Training for managers and directors (Trainers are members

of the Domestic Department management staff.)of the Domestic Department management staff.)


This report will show the following:This report will show the following:

Process of the Domestic DepartmentProcess of the Domestic Department

Survey results for the process from both departmentsSurvey results for the process from both departments

Benefits of adapting the Domestic ProcedureBenefits of adapting the Domestic Procedure

Adaptation process and scheduleAdaptation process and schedule

Domestic Side ProcessDomestic Side Process

Use of two managers doing the good order reviewUse of two managers doing the good order review

Steps: 1) Sell order receivedSteps: 1) Sell order received

2) Manager A reviews AML, Manager B reviews 2) Manager A reviews AML, Manager B reviews Trade Control Trade Control

3) If approved by managers, sent to Director for 3) If approved by managers, sent to Director for final approval final approval

4) Transaction Submitted 4) Transaction Submitted

Offshore ProcessOffshore Process


1) Sell order received1) Sell order received

2) Director performs good order review (AML and 2) Director performs good order review (AML and Trade Control)Trade Control)

3) Director makes final decision3) Director makes final decision

4) Sent to trade desk4) Sent to trade desk

Customer Satisfaction Results SurveyCustomer Satisfaction Results Survey

Benefits and Risks of New ProcedureBenefits and Risks of New Procedure


Lessens the amount of time for processLessens the amount of time for process

Domestic Department (longest time)Domestic Department (longest time)

Offshore Department (Fastest time)

Benefits and Risks of New ProcedureBenefits and Risks of New Procedure


Minimize Risk of AML and Trade Control violationsMinimize Risk of AML and Trade Control violations

Two extra managers verify the tradeTwo extra managers verify the trade

Increase approval rating from customersIncrease approval rating from customers

Domestic satisfaction rate is 45% higher for the same Domestic satisfaction rate is 45% higher for the same Transaction type due mainly from procedureTransaction type due mainly from procedure

Benefits and Risks of New ProcedureBenefits and Risks of New Procedure


Managers pressure from decision makingManagers pressure from decision making

Risk oversight trying to meet lower time expectancyRisk oversight trying to meet lower time expectancy

Fewer managers in Offshore DepartmentFewer managers in Offshore Department


To adapt the process used in the Domestic DepartmentTo adapt the process used in the Domestic Department

Steps to follow for successful adaption include:Steps to follow for successful adaption include:

1) Training1) Training

2) Testing2) Testing

3) Support Team3) Support Team

4) Review of Process4) Review of Process

Steps for AdaptationSteps for Adaptation

Training ScheduleTraining Schedule

Steps for adaptationSteps for adaptation

Testing Mock-Blind Scenarios. Total 200 transactionsTesting Mock-Blind Scenarios. Total 200 transactions

Data collected: Correct, Incorrect, Reasons for Not In Good Data collected: Correct, Incorrect, Reasons for Not In Good OrderOrder

Support Team available: Help line and email pointSupport Team available: Help line and email point

Review of Process: After 180 days conduct a survey of Review of Process: After 180 days conduct a survey of satisfaction anonymously internally and external client satisfaction anonymously internally and external client surveysurvey

Internal Survey Internal Survey

  Rate chart: From 1 to 5 (1 being the worst)Rate chart: From 1 to 5 (1 being the worst)

How comfortable do you feel with the new procedure? How comfortable do you feel with the new procedure?

Rate your level of confidence with AML?Rate your level of confidence with AML?

Rate your level of confidence with Trade Control?Rate your level of confidence with Trade Control?

Rate your level of comfort with the Support Team?Rate your level of comfort with the Support Team?

Additional Comments:Additional Comments:

Client SurveyClient Survey

  Rate chart: From 1 to 5 (1 being the worst)Rate chart: From 1 to 5 (1 being the worst)

Rate your experience of your latest transaction.Rate your experience of your latest transaction.

Rate your experience of your prior transactionRate your experience of your prior transaction

If you rate Question 1 higher than Question 2, please add If you rate Question 1 higher than Question 2, please add comments below on reason/scomments below on reason/s

Mission of ChangeMission of Change

Client SatisfactionClient Satisfaction

Knowledge Knowledge

Good order reviewGood order review



Inman, P. (2012) Inman, P. (2012) The GuardianThe Guardian Brazil's economy overtakes UK to become Brazil's economy overtakes UK to become world's sixth largest. Retrieved on July 1, 2014 from world's sixth largest. Retrieved on July 1, 2014 from

  Morningstar (2014) U.S. Mutual Fund Investment Stewardship Survey Morningstar (2014) U.S. Mutual Fund Investment Stewardship Survey Retrieved on June 30, 2014 Retrieved on June 30, 2014


Name: Jane DoeName: Jane Doe

Business: XYZ Mutual Fund Investment CompanyBusiness: XYZ Mutual Fund Investment Company

Location: Short Hill, New JerseyLocation: Short Hill, New Jersey

URL: URL: [email protected]

Email: Email: [email protected]


Name: John SmithName: John Smith

Business: XYZ Mutual Fund Investments CompanyBusiness: XYZ Mutual Fund Investments Company

Location: San Francisco, CaliforniaLocation: San Francisco, California

URL: URL: [email protected]

Email: Email: [email protected]