Final SGP Slides

Childhood Obesity Jorge A rellano Mrs. Oren Pd. 3

Transcript of Final SGP Slides

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Childhood Obesity

Jorge Arellano

Mrs. Oren

Pd. 3

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Overview of Presentation


Explanation of Application Component

Class Activity

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Obesity in the United States has drastically increased and needs to be stopped now by creating healthy lifestyles for the youth of our nation in order to prevent health risks for future generations.

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Personal Relevance

I think that childhood obesity has gone out of hand and should be settled by explaining to children what a health lifestyle in depth is and how it can be used.

There should also be shown various activities they could use to keep them in healthy shape.

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Relevance of Topic

People should care about the future of others and with out our help we will have none if obesity isn’t stopped and shown that it can greatly impact one’s health.

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What is Obesity?

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How it Happened?

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Obesity Epidemic

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School Lunches are Bad?

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Salsa… A Vegetable?

The USDA is ok with making a condiment a vegetable.

This is wrong because it does not have the sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients real vegetables have.

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What’s Gym?

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Effects of Obesity

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Obesity Causes What?•High Cholesterol

•High Blood Pressure

•Type 2 Diabetes

•Metabolic Syndrome

•Sleep Apnea

•Heart Disease

•Colorectal Cancer

•Lymph edema

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WARNING: May cause death.

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Obesity Risks

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Is it our Fault?

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Or is it Theirs?

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Delicious Evil

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Alternative Lies

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Stop SnackingObesity can come from many reasons especially from over snacking.

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What an Increase!

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What is “Normal”

The government issued growth charts to doctors showing what a “normal” kid for their age should weigh and how tall they are.

These numbers are based on averages of children’s weight and height around the country.

If you are over the weight the chart say you are at risk of being overweight.

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Where They Should Be. (Boys)This is they way a normal boy should naturally gain weight as they grow up.

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Where They Should Be. (Girls)This is they way a normal girl should naturally gain weight as they grow up.

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What Needs to Happen.

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Healthy Lifestyles

There are many different ways you can create a healthy

lifestyle for children that they could follow.

Good nutrition can help lower obesity and promote a healthy


Exercise and fitness can be incorporated into a child’s health making the risk of

obesity low.

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Be a Role Model.•Stop when you’re full.

•"This is delicious, but I'm full, so I'm going to stop eating.”

•Showing them you’re full might prevent overeating.

•Eat heart healthy meals together.

•Get rid of most or all junk food.


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Plan Your Meals.

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Healthy DietsThere are many ways children can avoid obesity by just eating right.

The can avoid junk food such as fast-food, fried food, pastries, and


Family meals are better for children because they are more

open in trying new foods.

Eating more leafy greens and fruits are a good replacement


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Activities that Reduce ObesityThere are different ways to reduce obesity.


Join a sport.


Stay Active.

Go out and play.

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Obese children have 70 percent chances of remaining obese even in their adulthood.

The rate of childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years.

The prevalence of obesity among children belonging to the age group of 6-11 years has raised from 6.5 percent in 1980 to 19.6 percent, in the year 2008.

In adolescents belonging to the age group 12-19 years, the prevalence has raised from 5.0 percent to 18.1 percent.

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Statistics Continued

70 percent obese youth belonging to the age group of 5-17 years has at least one risk factor of heart disease.

Heart diseases, Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, Breast Cancer, Sleep apnea, Bone and Joint Problems, Mental disorder like Depression and poor self esteem are couple of the risk factors associated with childhood obesity.

The United States government declared Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes as national epidemic last year.

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Virtual Magazine


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I have learned many new things about how obesity has greatly impacted our nation. It has also enriched me with facts I have never known about obesity. Obesity is a growing epidemic and if it is not stopped now there will be no future for us. Please help us put an end to it and encourage others to eat healthy and stay active.

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Belmonte, Joelle, prod. “Nutrition for Children and Teens.” HELP GUIDE. Joelle Belmonte, Spring-Summer 2009. Web. 17 Nov. 2009. < life/ healthy_eating_children_teens.htm>.

KidsHealth. “Healthy Eating.” Editorial. The Nemours Foundation, 1 Jan. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2009. < parent/ nutrition_fit/ nutrition/ habits.html>.

Lin, Biing-Hwan; Guthrie, Joanne. "Nutritional Quality of American Children's Diet. (Includes Related Article on Teenage Girls on Diets and on Snacks)(Moving Toward Healthier Diets)." Food Review. 13 Jan 1996. 16(8). 28 Nov 2009

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Citations Cont.

Mally, Kristi. "Planning for Learning: A Simplified Method for Student-based Instruction." Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 4 2009. 39. 01 Nov 2009.

"Obesity; Group Treatment May Help Children Achieve Healthier Weights." Life Science Weekly. 06 Jan 2009. 147. 01 Dec 2009.

Rukavina, Paul B; Jeansonne, Jennifer J. "Integrating Motor-Learning Concepts Into Physical Education." Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 9 2009. 23. 02 Nov 2009.

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Citations Cont.

Urrutia-Rojas, Ximena; Menchaca, John. "Prevalence of Risk for Type 2 Diabetes in School Children." Journal of School Health. 5 2006. 189. 28 Nov 2009.