Final Review-7th grade history

THE FOLLOWING REVIEW IS MADE FOR 7C GS. DO NOT RELY ON IT IF YOU HAVE SOME DIFFERENT INFO ON YOUR FINAL. GOOD LUCK! Final Review Part I- Events leading to Civil War-Lincoln Assassination 1. Missouri Compromise- popular sovereignty decides whether territory applying for statehood below 36 30 line will allow slavery. 2. Wilmot Proviso- Wilmot proposes that no slavery should be allowed in all western lands (Mexican Cession). WP passes in House of Representatives, but does not pass in Sen ate. WP does not become law. 3. Compromise of 1850 a. Issue: California wants to be a free state. John Calhoun of Sou th Carolina threatens to secede from Union. b. Solution: i. California will be a free state. ii. The rest of the land from the Mexican Cession will be divided into territories where issue of slavery will be decided by popular sovereignty. iii.  Slave trading is forbidden in D.C. Slavery is allowed there, though. iv. Texas gives a strip of land to New Mexico for $10 million. v. Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 1. Helping a runaway slave is federal crime 2. Anyone helping runaway slave- fined 3. People returning slave- rewarded 4. Suspected runaway slaves cant testify/couldnt get a jury. a. Reaction of North: i. Personal liberty laws to make enforcement of Fugitive Slave Law difficult. 1. State officials do not have to cooperate in the capture of fugitives 2. State officials dont have to allow the use of local jails.

Transcript of Final Review-7th grade history

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Final Review

Part I- Events leading to Civil War-Lincoln Assassination

1.  Missouri Compromise- popular sovereignty decides whether territory applying for

statehood below 36 30 line will allow slavery.

2.  Wilmot Proviso- Wilmot proposes that no slavery should be allowed in all western lands

(Mexican Cession). WP passes in House of Representatives, but does not pass in Senate.

WP does not become law.

3.  Compromise of 1850a.  Issue: California wants to be a free state. John Calhoun of South Carolina

threatens to secede from Union.

b.  Solution:

i.  California will be a free state.

ii.  The rest of the land from the Mexican Cession will be divided into

territories where issue of slavery will be decided by popular sovereignty.

iii.  Slave trading is forbidden in D.C. Slavery is allowed there, though.

iv.  Texas gives a strip of land to New Mexico for $10 million.

v.  Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

1.  Helping a runaway slave is federal crime

2.  Anyone helping runaway slave- fined

3.  People returning slave- rewarded

4.  Suspected runaway slaves cant testify/couldnt get a jury.

a.  Reaction of North:

i.  Personal liberty laws to make enforcement of 

Fugitive Slave Law difficult.

1.  State officials do not have to cooperate in

the capture of fugitives

2.  State officials dont have to allow the use of 

local jails.

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Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad 

  Harriet Tubman- conductor of the railroad from 1850-1860


  Escaped from a plantation inMaryland in 1849

  Personally took 19 trips and saved 300 slaves

  She was known as the Moses of her People  Tubman was a spy for the federal forces in SC during the civil war

  Underground Railroad was a network of houses where slaves could stay on their journey


  Railroad saved 100,000 slaves

Uncle Toms Cabin- a novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe

  Stowe- African American, was born in 1811 in Connecticut

  Published in 1852

  Book is about a slave who wants to run away because her owner wants to get rid of her


  Book describes poor treatment of slaves in South

  Book had strong effect on Northerners- some became abolitionists

Nathaniel Nat Turner and his Rebellion

  Nat Turner was an A.A. (African American) slave 

  Lived in Virginia 

  August 1831- gathered supporters and started rebellion against slavery based on a

dream where God told him to do so.  

  The rebels killed slave-owners, including Turners   Blacks and Whites were killed in and as a result of the rebellion 

  Turner then hid, was caught, and hung 

  More laws came prohibiting certain types of prayer and education of A.A.s as a result. 

  Considered first moderately successful rebellion against slavery. 

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Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

  Written by Senator Stephen Douglas to ease the sectional tensions

  Douglas wanted a railroad from Illinois to west coast, through Kansas and Nebraska.

  What: Douglas proposed Missouri Compromise repealed, Kansas and Nebraska settled,

and eventually, Kansas Nebraska Act was passed.

  Created Kansas AND Nebraska territories  RepealedMissouri Compromise

  Created popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska. Before this, slavery would not be

allowed there.

  Result: caused more harm than good:

o  North was aggravated

o  People moved out to new territory and fought for their causes (mostly in Kansas)

Bleeding Kansas

  People moved to Kansas: slave-owners and abolitionists- established two separate


  Abolitionists wanted to arrest slave-owners on charges of treason.



o  John Brown, abolitionist, came to Kansas.

o  He wanted to fight fire with fire

o  Brown and men killed 5 pro-slavery leaders.

o  Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner criticized pro-slavery leaders, and a

relative of his, Preston Brooks, almost killed him (only injured him).

o  Southerners supported Brookso  Northerners called him Bully Brooks

  Border Ruffians- troublemakers hired by slave-owners to attack abolitionists on free soil


  Abolitionists form Free Soil Party.

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Dred Scott Decision

  Dred Scott- slave

  He moved with his master North of 36 30 line, claimed that slavery is illegal there, so he

was free

  Army ordered master to go to move first to Missouri, then to Louisiana, so he brought

him there.  Master died

  Scott was helped by abolitionist lawyers to sue for his freedom from masters widow

  Went to Supreme Court in 1857

  Supreme Court says:

o  Blacks arent citizens

o  Blacks cant sue in federal court

o  Slaves are property and Congress cant deprive a person of their right to take

their property anywhere.

o  Therefore,Missouri Compromise is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Lecompton Constitution

  Written by pro-slavery supporters in Lecompton-designated capitol of Kansas at the


  Written in an attempt for Kansas to join U.S. as a slave state.

  Was 2nd

out of 4 constitutions written for Kansas to join U.S.

  Allowed slavery and disallowed free blacks in Kansas.

  It was boycotted by Free-Soilers

  Vote to make it the constitution was declared invalid

  Congress rejected it, as did Kansas voters

  Eventually, Kansas became a free state.

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Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  7 debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas for the open Illinois Senate


  Lincoln gave the House Divided speech. He talked about how the U.S. could not

survive being divided into two over whatever issue. 

  A house divided against itself cannot stand.   Stephen Douglas- it is the right of the people in each state and territory to decide for

themselves their domestic institution- popular sovereignty. 

  Debates would open with an hour long speech. Then the other speaks for an hour and a

half. Rebuttal. 

  Douglas spoke first 4/7 times. 

  Main topic of debates- slavery and how it was being extended and spread throughout

western territories. 

  First Debate- August 1858 

  Last Debate- October 1858 

  Second Debate- Freeport, Illinois 

o  Freeport Doctrine

  Douglas view on slavery: 

y  Dred Scott makes slavery legal in all new territories, but the

people in their territories can pass their own laws outlawing

slavery (popular sovereignty). 

  Douglas was reelected to Senate. 

  Lincoln became popular and gained a large following. 

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Election 1860

  By this election, the country was divided on issues of states rights and slavery.

  Republicans were dominant in the North. They were, for the most part, an anti-slavery

party. They DID NOT want TRUE equality.

  Democrats united behind POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY.

  In May 1960, the Republicans gathered in Chicago for their 2nd national convention as aparty. They nominated Abraham Lincoln, a former U.S. Representative from Illinois, for

President, and Hannibal Hamlin for VP.

  At the Democratic National Convention, a conflict arose and some delegates marched


  There would be 2 DNCs.

  The Northern Democrats nominated Stephen Douglas for Prez and Herschel Johnson for


  The Southern Democrats nominated John Breckinridge for Prez and Joseph Lane for VP.

  The Constitutional Union Party, nominated John Bell for Prez and Edward Everett for VP.

  The campaign really was like there were 2 separate elections going on; in the North,

Lincoln and Douglas vied for victory, while in the South, the contest was between

Breckinridge and Bell. Breckinridge didn't get very much support in the North and

Lincoln did not even appear on ballots in most Southern states.

  Lincoln stated that blacks had the rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

He said that he was against Negro suffrage. He did not say they had a right to complete

equality with white American citizens.

  Breckinridge ran on a pro-slavery platform.

  Douglas probably denounced slavery in private, but in political life he generally

defended the institution.

  Although Bell was a large slave-owner, he opposed efforts to expand slavery and voted

against the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854).  In the end, Lincoln won the election by carrying 17 free states, while Breckinridge won

in 11 slave states. Neither captured a single state in the opposite section. Bell and

Douglas trailed far behind.

  Lincoln would be a minority President, gaining only about 40% of the popular vote.

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North and South

ECONOMY Manufacturing/factories Agriculture/farming

WORK FORCE Cheap labor:


  Children  Immigrants who came to U.S.

because of 

o  Poverty

o  Religious persecution

o  Famine/disease

o  War

o  dictatorship


HIGHEST SOCIAL CLASS Upper class: bankers Planters who

Own 50-200 slaves on

plantationsONE STEP DOWN Middle Class: Factory owners,

merchants, professionals


Own 10-40 slaves on


Largest social class in South.

ONE STEP DOWN Working Class: factory workers, store


Poor whites who

Rent farms

Have no slaves

ONE STEP DOWN Lower Class: immigrants, poor blacks Free A.A.s


Free A.A.s Could not:

1.  vote

2.  serve on a jury

3.  be elected to public office

4.  sit with whites in public


Could not

1.  vote

2.  serve on a jury

3.  be elected to public


4.  sit with whites in

public transportation

Have to:

1.  wear special tags

2.  pay extra taxes

3.  live in separate areas

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South Secedes

  South fears that Lincoln will try to abolish slavery

  December 1860- SC secedes

  February 1861- Six other states secede, six most southern states:

o  Alabama

o  Floridao  Georgia

o  Louisiana

o  Mississippi

o  Texas

  They meet in Alabama and form the Confederate States of America.

  Jefferson Davis- Prez of Confederacy

  They write a Constitution modeled after U.S. one, but allow slavery

  James Buchanan, U.S. Prez, does nothing.

Fort Sumter

  Federal Fort located in harbor off Charleston, SC

  Lincoln sends unarmed supply ships to Fort Sumter

  Confederacy attacks

  Civil War begins

  4 states secede:

o  North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia

  No more states ever secede

Border States  States below 36 30 line who havent yet seceded. 

West Virginia

  Secedes from Virginia because they want to stay with Union, while Virginia secedes from



 Border state

  VERY important to Union that Maryland DOES Not SECEDE, because Washington, D.C. is

on border of Maryland and Virginia.

  If Maryland secedes, D.C. will be completely out of reach of Union.

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Battle of Gettysburg and Gettysburg Address

  General Robert E. Lee leads Confederate Army

  turning point in war= last time the Confederate troops cross over into North

  Union wins Battle of Gettysburg

  MANY casualties on both sides

  Gettysburg cemetery opened to bury dead  Lincoln gives famous speech at dedication of cemetery

  four score and seven years ago- refers to Revolutionary War

  government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this


Northern Advantages in Civil War

  23 states- larger population

  Industry to manufacture weaponry, clothing, and supplies.

  Transport troops and supplies via extensive railroad system

  Money to finance war

  Superior navy

  Fighting to maintain the Union

Southern Advantages in Civil War

  Better army

  Better military leaders-

o  Stonewall Jackson

o  Robert E. Lee

  Fighting defensive war  Home turf 

  Better at outdoor activities, including riding and hunting

  Fighting to maintain way of life, which included slavery

Emancipation Proclamation

  Lincolns decision to end slavery

  Gives South a chance to rejoin Union and KEEP their slaves

  As of January 1st, 1863, slaves in seceded states are declared free

Confederate Surrender

  Lee surrenders to Ulysses S Grant

  At Appomattox Courthouse- outside Richmond

  Lincoln killed 5 days later in D.C.

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   Abolishes slavery 

Part II- Material from earlier in the year

Electoral College

o  538 electors (today), 100 senators, 3 electors from D.C., 435 Reps in House of 

Reps. Electors vote in elections based on votes from their states.

Bill of Rights

o  First 10 Constitutional Amendments 

o  Federalists promise Anti-Federalists if Constitution is ratified, they will amend it

to include a Bill of Rights 

1.  First Amendment

Freedom of 

a.  Religion

i.  Establishment clause- congress cannot make a national religion

ii.  Free exercise clause- Congress cannot interfere with a persons right to

practice their religion

b.  Speech

i.  citizens can express their ideas and views without fear of punishment

ii.  Limitations:

1.  Slander- a lie meant to damage someones reputation

2.  libel- published slander

3.  create a dangerous situation

4.  time and place of speech

5.  obscene language

c.  Press

i.  citizens can publish things in the press without fear of punishment

d.  Assembly

i.  Citizens may gather together to conduct business or discuss issues

without government interference. Gathering must be peaceful.

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e.  Petition

i.  Any American can present a petition to a government official. They can

show dissatisfaction with laws or propose new laws.

Second Amendment

a.  Bear arms

b.  Militia

c.  Government can impose rules on bear arms

Third Amendment

a.  No forced quartering of soldiers (response to Quartering Act)

Fourth Amendment

a.  No unreasonable search and seizure

a.  Search warrant- judicially sanctioned license giving permission based on

probable cause- a reason it is probable that the search will lead to evidence

i.  Search warrants will be specific for place to be searched and things to

be searched for

b.  Any evidence found during a search without a warrant CANNOT be used in court

c.  Expectation of privacy

d.  Eminent Domain- property may be seized for public benefit

Fifth Amendment

a. Double Jeopardy- cant be tried for same crime twice, if youre found not guilty, its


b.  Right to Remain Silent- cant be forced to testify against yourself and bring up self-

incriminating evidence


Grand Jury- in the case of a serious crime, the government presents their evidence tothe grand jury, who decides if there is good reason to accuse this person. If there is,

they INDICT. They are NOT deciding guilty/ not guilty.

d.  Due process- be fair, follow rules in Bill of Rights

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Sixth Amendment

a.  Speedy Trial

b.  Public Trial

c.  Lawyer

d.  Confrontation Clause- Question/interrogate witnesses/bring your own

e.  Right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him

f.  Impartial Jury

Seventh Amendment

a.  Right to a jury in civil cases(non-criminal cases)

b.  Guarantees a jury trial in federal civil court cases. This type of case is normally no longer

heard in federal court. 

Eighth Amendment

a. Bail

i.  Must be a reasonable amount for charged crime

b. No cruel and unusual punishment

i. Punishment should fit the crime


death penalty is allowed, it is not cruel and unusual in and of itself, butdeath sentence must be executed in a way that is not cruel and unusual

Ninth Amendment

a.  The Ninth Amendment is simply a statement that other rights aside from those listed

may exist, and just because they are not listed doesn't mean they can be violated. 

Tenth Amendment

a. Federalism = division of power between federal government and the states.

i.  If a power is not delegated to federal government, and not reserved for

state government, it belongs to THE STATES.

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To pass a law:

  Majority of EACH house of Congress must vote in favor of it.

  President can veto it, or sign it. 

  If signed, it becomes law. 

  If vetoed, you need 2/3 of Congress to override the veto. 

To amend the Constitution:

y  2/3 of Congress must vote in favor of amendment

y  3/4 of states must ratify amendment

Branches of Government

1.  Executive a.  INCLUDES:

i.  President- 4 year terms 

ii.  Vice President- 4 year terms 

iii.  Cabinet- comes with President 

b.  Presidential Powers: 

i.  Commander in Chief of armed forces 

ii.  Make treaties- must be approved by Senate 

iii.  Appoint Supreme Court justices as needed, all federal judges,

ambassadors- must be approved by Senate 

iv.  Veto laws 

v.  Grant reprieves- pardon people who are in prison for federal crimes 

2.  Judicial 


i.  District Courts 

ii.  Court of Appeals 

iii.  Supreme Court 

1.  9 Justices, one of which is the 

2.  Chief Justice

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3.  Legislative 


i.  Congress 

1.  House of Representatives (435 Reps)- 2 year terms 

2.  Senate (100 senators)- 6 year terms

b.  Powers: 

i.  Provide and maintain navy 

ii.  Borrow money on U.S. credit 

iii.  Coin money 

iv.  Tax 

v.  Declare war 

vi.  Postal system 

vii.  Regulate commerce with other countries and between states 

viii.  Raise army 

ix.  Spend money for general welfare 

x.  Establish courts below Supreme Court 

xi.  Make laws 

Declaration of Independence

y  Main author- Thomas Jefferson

y  Parts:

o  Preamble


o  Statement of belief 

  all men are created equal

  Unalienable rights

y  life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

  Governments exist to protect rights

  If government doesnt do its job, abolish/change government

o  List of grievances

o  Declaration of Independence

y  Signatures:

o  FIRST: John Hancock

  He is the president of 2nd Continental Congress

o  NEXT: rest of representatives at Congress

  North to South

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Articles of Confederation

y  First National Constitution

y  Written by Committee of 13, appointed by 2nd Continental Congress

y  Committee of 13 wants state power and distrusts a strong central government

y  Creates one branch of government- CONGRESS

o  Each state gets one vote

y  The federal government is too weak to respond to Shays Rebellion, which shows need

for change in Articles of Confederation.

y  People find that the government created under the Articles of Confederation is too

weak. Articles of Confederation are rewritten into a full Constitution at the

Constitutional Convention.

Oregon Territory

y  Location:o  RockyMountains to Pacific Ocean

o  42 degree line of latitude (border between Oregon and California today) and 54

40 degree line of latitude.

o  Land includes Oregon Washington Idaho and pieces of other states in the area

y  Both Britain and U.S. claim ownership

o  Both had sent explorers there

o  Both had fur trading companies there

y  Election 1844- James K. Polk- 54 40 or fight!- campaign slogan

o  Polk wins presidencyy  Polk backs off campaign slogan, and makes

y  Treaty of 1846

o  Between U.S. and Britain

o  Decision: above 49 degree line of latitude- BRITAIN

Below 49 degree line latitude- U.S.

(Below 42 degree line latitude- SPAIN)

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Annexation of Texas

y  Mexico becomes independent from Spain (they declare themselves independent

in 1810, not recognized by Spain until 1821)

y  Mexico offers cheap land to white settlers who

o  BecomeMexican citizens

o  ObeyMexican law

o  Convert to Catholicism

y  Mexican officials wanted settlers to move to Texas because they wanted to

populate the land. At that point, Texas was mostly inhabited by natives and the

Mexican government wanted people to move there so that they would become

citizen. As a result, these new Texans would pay taxes toMexico, increase the

population, and better the economy.

y  Many Americans move to Texas but bring slaves which is against Mexican law

y  Texans become dissatisfied with Mexican rule and rebel

y  Battle of Alamo (1836)- Texans are defeated by Mexicans

y  Battle of San Jacinto (1836) - using slogan Remember the Alamo as

encouragement, Texans, lead by Sam Houston, defeat Mexicans. General Santa

Anna (Mexican president/dictator) led Mexicans.

y  Texans declare independence (1836) = Republic of Texas or Lone Star Republic

y  The Republic of Texas offered land grants to settlers to come there for the same

reasonMexico offered land to American settlers in Texas: to increase

population. With an increased population, Texas would be able to collect high

taxes, and even build up an army, in caseMexico or natives decided to attack

them. In addition, having an increased population would give them a chance of 

possibly being annexed by the U.S.

y  Texans apply for statehood in U.S.

y  Texas becomes state (1845)

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Obtaining Mexican Cession

y  California and New Mexico Territories- not just states, but whole territory.

y  Mexican-American War 

o  Causes of war: 

  Mexico angry with U.S. for annexing Texas- they had intended to

recapture it 

  U.S. angry that Mexico refused offer to buy Mexican Cession for $30


  Border dispute:

y  U.S.- Rio Grande is Texas/Mexico border 

y  Mexico- Nueces River is Texas/Mexico border 

y  Clash between U.S. and Mexico in disputed territory- 11 U.S.

soldiers killed 

 Polk declares war 

  Mexico is defeated 

y  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) 

o  Ends the war 

o  Rio Grande is declared border between Texas and Mexico 

o  Mexico gives up California and New Mexico TERRITORIES (Mexican Cession) 

o  U.S. pays Mexico $15 million (1/2 the original price offer) 

y  Gadsden Purchase 

o  Narrow strip of land in southern Arizona and New Mexico 

o Reason: southern businessmen want to build cross-country railroad fromCharleston to Sand Diego 

o  Bought from: Mexico 

o  Price: $10 million