Final Research Essay: Special Relativity

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Research Essay: Special Relativity



    Bryan Bailey

    Mr. Kimmel

    AP Composition

    20 May 2013

    Physics Innovations of the Past Century and Future Possibilities

    E=MC2is a ubiquitously known equation, even without knowledge of its origin or

    importance. The implications of the equation extend far beyond its direct connection of

    universal force interactions. E=MC2, also known as the mass-energy equivalence

    formula, explains forces that cannot be recreated in our day and age, and yet they are the

    fabric of our universe. General relativity explains the interrelation of these forces with the

    aid of the aforementioned formula. The explanation of this interrelation is known in

    Theoretical Physics as the Unified Field Theory, which will coalesce all four of the

    known universal forces, to be explained later, into one equation that describes their

    interaction. General relativity is not only an integral hinge in the opening of that door, but

    it can also explain the origin of mass itself through the detection of the Higgs Boson, an

    elusive quantum particle that could clarify our universes origin. Energy-mass

    equivalence and general relativity have ushered contemporary theoretical physics into a

    confluence with applied physics, where past origins of the universe are merged with

    future potentials of quantum mechanics.

    Comment [NB1]: Page Numbers, gpage numbers on a paper this long

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    Discovery and Explanation of the Formula

    The discoverer of E=MC2, Albert Einstein, was one of the most renowned

    physicists of his time, and his seminal work continue to inspire new avenues of discovery

    in science. The energy-mass equivalence equation itself was published in 1915, and

    before that time, matter and energy were believed to be two separate entities. Einsteins

    publication is controversial, because an Austrian Physicist by the name of Friedrich

    Hasenhrl discovered that electrical current has a momentum, and thus a mass. Hasenhrl

    expounded upon the nature of the electrical currents mass, but made fundamental

    mathematical errors when deriving the equation. Einstein fixed Hasenhrls arithmetical

    mistakes, and his publication because the basis for his general and special theories of

    relativity. It is unimportant who discovered this mass and energy relationship, however,

    because its effects are momentous to everyone.

    The equation itself extrapolates on the possible transformation of mass to energy.

    It expresses how much energy will be created from mass, by the energy equals mass

    times the speed of light, squared. To put the amount of energy in perspective, if a 3-gram

    marble was completely transformed into energy, it would yield 2.7 times 1014

    joules of

    energy, or 64.4 kilotons of TNT (Shipway). This transformation of energy is rare,

    however, because for mass to be transformed, it must come in contact with its antimatter

    counterpart. Antimatter is composed of antiparticles that have opposite charge and

    quantum spin of their corresponding matter counterparts (Hjdukovic). It is a very rare

    substance in the universe, and thus far not enough anti-matter has been generated on earth

    to transform any substantial amount of energy.

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    In an article titledBeyond E=MC2, the authors state that if Einsteins view of

    mass-energy equivalence is correct, There is no such thing as massonly electrical

    charge and energy, which together create the illusion of mass (Haish, Rueda, &

    Puthoff). This means that the mass in the universe is made up of raw energy that

    combines with the omnipresent electromagnetic field to create the appearance of mass;

    however, there is fundamentally only, massless electrical charges, that bond with the

    electromagnetic force and strong nuclear force to generate the artifice of mass.

    To illustrate this concept of mass to energy transformation, what is known as a

    black box in physics must be used. A black box is one thats internal workings are

    unknown, but that responds to the natural laws of physics. If a black box is motionless in

    space, then Isaac Newtons second law, force equals mass times acceleration, dictates

    that the boxs center of mass is invariable. If a photon of light is emitted from one side of

    the box to the other, the photon will have momentum, as Hasenhrl discovered. The box

    will move in the opposite direction of the photons velocity, and the box will move an

    infinitesimal amount, x, when the photon hits the opposite side of the box. Newtons

    first law, which states that an object at rest remains at rest unless acted upon by an

    outside force, conditions that the boxs center of mass cannot have changed unless acted

    upon by an outside force, or a mass. To compensate for the x, or the outside force that

    caused the box to move, the light beam must have mass, and that energy must be also

    mass (Lasky).

    A practical example of the equation is seen in the core of the sun, where the

    nuclei of hydrogen atoms collide at extremely high speed to convert helium atoms, and

    the latter atoms are then burned to produce heat and light. This process is called nuclear

    Comment [MK2]: It actually wouldit to change the formatting here to a lsteps in a process, and then explain itEx.

    1)Black box motionless in psace

    2) Isaac Newtons second law

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    fusion and it is a direct model where mass (atoms) are transformed into energy (heat and

    light). This transformation of atoms also implies that the sun is losing mass as it is being

    converted to energy. Since one helium atom has only .7% less massthan four hydrogen

    atoms combined, only .7% of the suns total mass is lost during the conversion of mass to

    energy. This equates to a figure of 4.2 billion kilograms per second compared with 2

    times 1030

    kilograms of total mass (Rothstein).

    Introduction to The Unified Field Theory & General Relativity

    The force in action mentioned above is what is known as the strong nuclear force,

    which holds atoms together to create mass, and thus energy because of E=MC2. Strong

    nuclear force is one of the four fundamental universal forces, along with the

    electromagnetic force, electrically charged particles travelling through magnetic fields;

    weak nuclear force, responsible for the beta decay of atoms and particles; and the

    gravitational force, which injunctions the interaction of mass and movement (Ma &

    Wang 2). A theory originated by the works of the late Einstein, named the Unified Field

    Theory, attempts to reconcile strong and weak nuclear force and electromagnetic force

    with the gravitational force to create an equation explaining the interactional dynamics of

    the four forces.

    In a paper published by Tilman Sauer for California Institute of Technology in

    2007, Sauer saw Einsteins view of the Unified Field Theory as an understanding, to see

    the whole of physics as an organic entity, where no part can be separated from any other

    without severe loss of meaning.Einstein had a philosophical objective in his detection

    of a Unified Field Equation, and his ambition of a holistic view of the universe was

    beyond that of theoretical physics but to an understanding of our world through intrinsic

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Research Essay: Special Relativity



    the standard model with the Unified Field Theory, Einsteins Theory of General

    Relativity must be applied to particle physics to find and explain the phenomena of the

    Bosons, specifically the elusive Higgs Boson. Einstein himself compared space to a

    container with,an infinite number of spaces, which are in motion with respect to each

    other.The concept of space as something existing objectively and independent of things

    belongs to pre-scientific thought, but not so the idea of the existence of an infinite

    number of spaces in motion relatively to each other (Einstein). This quote epitomizes his

    observation of the theory of relativity as a concept instead of an applicable universal

    corollary. His homogenous view of the universe expands to also include the interactions

    of the forces as inexorably linked, which led to the development of the standard model of

    physics in the mid to late 20th


    The Standard Model of Physics and the Higgs Boson

    This model consists of two types of particles: matter particles and force carrier

    particles. Of the matter particles, there are two subgroups comprised of quarks and

    leptons; quarks are composed of positively charged protons and neutrally charged

    neutrons, while leptons are formed by negatively charged electrons and their neutrally

    charged counterpart, electron neutrinos (Cern). There are twelve matter particles in total,

    six quarks and six leptons. The force carrier particles, or bosons, on the other hand, are,

    Particles of matter [that] transfer discrete amounts of energy by exchanging bosons with

    each other. Each fundamental force has its own corresponding boson (Cern).Theelectromagnetic force is carried by the photon, the weak force by the W and Z bosons,

    and the strong force by the gluon. As of a few months ago, however, the detection and

    properties of the graviton, or Higgs Boson, have been intangible. In tThe articleIn Search

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    of the Origin of Mass, the authors explain that, Particle physics explores the structure of

    matter by studying the behavior of its fundamental constituents (Shears, Heinemann and

    Waters 3389). The constituents are all-pervading, but contemporary physics

    developments have been hampered with the inability to circumvent the necessity of the

    understanding of the Higgs Boson.

    The particle is named after Peter Higgs, the British theoretical physicist who

    added the Higgs Boson to the Standard model of particles in 1964. Cern, Switzerland, is

    the epicenter of modern physics discoveries, and the building of a massive particle-

    accelerator, named the Large Hadron Collider, began in 1998. It took 10 years to

    complete, and only in 2009was the Large Hadron Collider ready for use.

    The collider is 17 miles in diameter and runs beneath the earth in the outskirts of

    Cern. It shoots beams of particles close to the speed of light at each other, and when they

    collide, they release enough energy to recreate conditions seen seconds after the big bang

    (Shears, Heinemann and Waters 3389). The Hadron Collider uses data from milliseconds

    after trillions of proton collisions to find idiosyncrasies in the figures that indicate the

    occurrence of a particle hypothesized by Peter Higgs in the 1960s.The Higgs Boson was

    unofficially stated to have found in March of 2013, after review of the trillions of

    collisions by supercomputers and the worlds top scientists and engineers. The detection

    of the Higgs Boson validates the accuracy and applicability of the standard model while

    also furthering possibilities of the Unified String Theory.

    The denizens of the realms of theoretical and particle physics are continually

    contending with their applied physics associates to explain the origins, foundation, and

    properties of our universe. Einstein broke through the barriers of this contention with his

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    formulation of E=MC2, the energy-mass equivalence theorem that has applied to all

    major physics advances of the past century. This formula became a metaphorical domino

    that was an antecedent for the theorization of General Relativity, the standard model of

    physics, and the discovery of the Higgs Boson. These discoveries are all interconnected,

    just as the Unified FieldTheory hopes to do with the elements of the universe in the

    coming century. Einstein incorporated centuries of work in Newtonian and astrophysics

    to deduce his theories, which have literally distended the bounds of the universe and

    humans understanding of it, providing a pathway to future comprehensionand

    inconceivable possibilities.

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    Works Cited

    Ball, Phillip. "Did Einstein Discover E = mc2?" Institute of Physics,23 Aug. 2011.

    Bertschinger, Edmund. "Introduction to Tensor Calculus for General Relativity." Diss.

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    Einstein, Albert. "Einstein: "Relativity and the Problem of Space"" Diss. 1952.Relativity

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    Haisch, Bernhard, Alfonso Rueda, and H. E. Puthoff. The Sciences: Beyond E=MC2.

    New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994. Print.

    Lasky, Ronald C. "What Is the Significance of E = Mc 2 ? And What Does It Mean?.Scientific American, 23 Apr. 2007. Web.


    Ma, Tina, and Shouhang Wang. "Unified Field Theory and Principle of Representaion

    Invariance." Diss. Indiana University, n.d. Web.

    Rothsetin, Dave. "Sun Mass Conversion." Curious About Astronomy?Cornell University,

    Aug. 2003. Web. .

    Sauer, Tilman.Einstein's Unified Field Theory Program. Diss. California Institute of

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